Glass Thickness Calc PDF
Glass Thickness Calc PDF
Glass Thickness Calc PDF
Research Paper
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Rakesh R. Makwana Prof. M.G. Vanza
Address for Correspondence
M.E. CASAD student, 2Associate Professor, Applied Mechanics, L.D.College of Engineering, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat, India
For centuries, the use of glass in building was essentially restricted to functions such as windows and glazing. Over the last
decades, continuous improvements in production and refining technologies have enabled glass elements to carry more
substantial superimposed loads and therefore achieve a more structural role. Glass giving beauty, aesthetics and transparency
has become preferred choice of all architects and engineers.
Normally glass panes carry out of plane loading therefore glass panes are designed for wind load and self weight. This
paper describes the method of determination of thickness of glass for different support conditions, wind pressure and aspect
ratio using Draft code ( Code of practice for use of Glass in buildings Part-3Fire and Loading, DocNo.CED13(7885)WC.
KEY WORDS: Glass thickness, design wind pressure, boundary conditions.
From the ancient times glass was used as a The glass sheets may have different thickness at
decorative item or in windows, doors or partition different locations. Table-1 shows acceptable
walls just as a non-structural element and it never thickness limits for different types of the glass.
contributed to any load carrying phenomenon of Table-1 (from AIS glass solutions)
the building components. But now this trend is Type of glass Nominal Thickness limits
slowly changing. The recent developments and Standard thickness Minimum Maximum
innovations in the field of architecture is Normal 3 2.8 3.2
demanding more contribution from glass mainly as Reflective & 4 3.8 4.2
a structural material. In other words, glass Tempered glass 5 4.8 5.2
6 5.8 6.2
components are also expected to contribute to the
8 7.7 8.3
overall load carrying capacity of the structure. This 10 9.7 10.3
resulted in the need for standardized design codes 12 11.7 12.3
which can be used to design glass components 15 14.5 15.5
ensuring safety and serviceability. But till now 19 18.0 20.0
there are no proper design codes available in India 25 23.5 26.5
which exclusively deals with design of glass Laminated 5.38 4.95 5.81
structural components. Recently a draft code has glass 6.38 5.95 6.81
been introduced by BIS, and according to which 8.38 7.95 8.81
10.38 9.95 10.81
the thickness of the glass to be used in window
12.38 11.95 12.81
panels is governed by the following factors: 16.38 15.75 17.01
Area to be covered by the window panel. 3. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
Support conditions (supported on two sides or This article deals with the design strength of the
four sides). glass and the empirical relation to evaluate the
Aspect ratio of panel (length / width). minimum thickness or the maximum allowable
Effective wind pressure area of the glass panel for a particular glass type for
Strength of glass given set of design wind pressure, support
Type of glass. condition and aspect ratio.
A simplified procedure is described in the 3.1 Design Flexural Tensile Strength of Glass
following sections for the determination of The required thickness of the glass depends upon
appropriate thickness of glass in a window panel. the design strength obtained after applying a factor
The salient features of the procedure are as follows: of safety of 2.5. The minimum design strength of
The maximum area of glass panel is restricted normal glass for thickness 6mm is 16.7 N/mm2
to 15 m2. and for thickness > 6mm is 15.2 N/mm2.
The maximum span of window is restricted to 3.2 Empirical Relationship
4 m. Assuming that the normal glass has design strength
Aspect ratio of the glass panel should be in accordance with article 3.1, following empirical
greater than 1.5. If it is less than 1.5, next relation between the wind pressure, area of the
higher available thickness should be selected. glass panel and the required glass thickness can be
The factor of safety used is 2.5 considering the used:
variability in strength of glass. P net * A = 200.0 * Tk (T 6 mm) (1)
Applicable to normal, reflective, laminated, P net * A = 200.0 * Tk + 1900
tempered and insulating glass. (T > 6 mm) (2)
Applicable to rectangular panels properly Where,
fixed. P net = Net design wind pressure (N/m2)
The numerical examples for computation of A = area of glass panel (m2)
glass thickness for various locations and glass T = SNT of the normal glass (mm),
specifications are given in the article 3.6. k = constant as shown in table-2.
5% - 20 % and h/w = 60/50 = 1.2 being between reduction in the height of building as well as
& 6, is 1.7 as per IS 875 (Part 3) 1987. reduction in size of the window panel. Also, the
Step3: Calculation of Net wind Pressure Pnet. boundary condition and wind pressure governs the
Delhi is in wind zone IV where the basic wind design of glass for a particular case. Draft code,
speed is 47 m/s. For this wind speed, I.S: 875 also gives guidelines on deflection calculation of
(Part3) gives the value of wind pressure at various glass against wind pressure which is not covered
h eights & terrain categories. For 60 m height, here, but for more accurate design of glass for
terrain category II, the value of wind pressure is structural use, the non-linear analysis should be
2127.25 N/m2 . carried out and stresses generated in glass should
Net Pressure Pnet = Pz x Cp be checked against permissible values specified in
= 2127.25 x 1.7 Draft code.
= 3616.33 N/m2 REFERENCES
For tempered glass, modified value, 1. Draft code (Code of practice for use of glass in buildings
part-3, Doc no. CED 13(7885)WC
Pnet = Pnet/Pf
2. Australian standard- glass in buildings-selection and
= 3616.33/2.5 installation AS1288-2006.
= 1446.532 N/m2 3. BS8118, Structural use of aluminium, British standard
Step 4: Calculation of minimum thickness Institute, part 1, 1991.
4. IS 3548-1988 Code of practice for glazing in buildings.
(supported on all sides) 5. Guidelines on use of glass in buildings by CCPS
Aspect ratio = 3.0 / 1.5 = 2.00 (Confederation of construction products & services, new
Area of panel = 3.0 x 1.5 = 4.5 m2 delhi )
Using equation(1) when, 6. IS 875-1987 part3
7. ASTM E1300, standard practice for determining load
T=5mm, K=1.753, net pressure Pnet = 746.64 N/m2
resistance for glass buildings, 2002
T=6mm, K=1.765, net pressure Pnet = 1050.15
Now, using equation(2) for 8mm thick glass,
T=8mm, K=1.570, net pressure Pnet = 1585.46
Hence, provide 8mm thick tempered glass.
Example: 2
Design of a glass panel supported on two opposite
sides with all other parameters same as on example
Under such support conditions, the thickness of a
tempered glass will be calculated using equation(5)
& (6).
When T = 5mm, using equation (5),
Span b = 0.429 m < 1.5 m
When T = 6mm,
Span b = 0.515 m < 1.5 m
When T = 15mm, using equation (6),
Span b = 1.1464 m < 1.5 m
When T = 19mm
Span b = 1.4521 m < 1.5 m
When T = 25 mm,
Span b = 1.91 m > 1.5 m.
Hence, 25 mm thick tempered glass is used.
Similarly, for the same data but at different height
from ground level, the net wind pressure and
accordingly the glass thickness (four side
supported) have been calculated which is shown in
Height of
Glass types
window above SNT
the ground level
Height 10 m Tempered 6 mm
Height 20 m Tempered 8 mm
Height 45 m Tempered 8 mm
Height 60 m Tempered 8 mm
Here, method of determination of glass thickness is
introduced as per recently published Indian draft
code. From the above exercise, it is proved that
once the glass type is selected, the required
thickness of the glass panel may reduce with the
IJAET/Vol. IV/ Issue II/April-June., 2013/31-33