Cerevisia: Hubert Verachtert, Guy Derdelinckx

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Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / c e r e v i s i a and w w w . c e r e v i s i a . e u

BELGIAN ACIDIC BEERS Daily Reminiscences of the Past

Hubert Verachtert, Guy Derdelinckx
KuLeuven Louvain Belgium

Historical considerations micro-organisms present on air-dried grains could have started the
formation of acids during the long mashing-in times at low temper-
Whenever, especially since the appearance of cereals, suspen- atures rendering fresh beers slightly acid. Probably at weddings and
sions of sugar containing vegetal material in water are left exposed dancings the beers that were served in stoneware pots were very
to the air, humans discovered probably by accident that the tur- similar to our typical Belgian lambics. Recent investigations into the
bid liquids acquired interesting properties and became enjoyable history of lambic beers indicate that around 1500 the acidic beers
beverages. It is not surprising that such phenomenon was discov- corresponded more to the white beers type than to the lambic type.
ered independently throughout the world among various cultures. The divergence towards lambic types must have occured much
Archeological ndings in China, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Armenia etc. later. (www.lambik1801.be) whatsoever at the times of Bruegel
indicate that beer was already produced around 7,000 BC. Beer most beers were either slightly acid (young beer) or very sour (old
production was often associated with bread production and active beers).Around 1560 the following characteristics of acidic beers can
crumbles could be used to start the transformation process (now be mentioned.
called fermentation). Many raw materials were used: wheat, barley,
oat, rye, millet, buckwheat. The beers were often thick and milky
))) Fermentations were spontaneous or activated by adding
and reed straws were conveniently used for sipping-drinking the
batches of previous fermented wort
beverage from a common family bowl, as shown on a 6,000-year
))) Low attenuations and low alcohol content were reached
old Sumerian tablet. (gure 1) Later,drinking utensils evolved to
))) The beers were opaque
wooden cups, earthenware pots and nally to glasses.
))) Bacterial infections produced lactic acid during wort cooling
All fermentations must have been initiated with a mixture of
and mashing in and additionally acetic acid during storage
air-born and raw material derived yeasts and bacteria. When the
))) Infections came from the air, water, raw materials, equipment
beverage is not rapidly consumed acidication takes over. A rapid
and from inocula
consumption was needed. This means that the alcohol content
))) Raw materials were barley and wheat. Rye favoured vinegar
was low and it is not surprising that a daily consumption of liter
avours. Oat was often used.
amounts of the beverages in ancient Egyptian times is reported.
The beverage was already being recognized as safer and especially
more enjoyable than the available water. The re-utilization of un- In the 18th century the production of two well known Louvain
cleaned containers from previous brews was known to speed-up beers, the Peeterman and the Bire de Louvain increased to more
the fermentation process and around the 14th century a better than 33,000 tons, using non-kilned grains, long wort cooling times
fermentation was obtained by mixing a wort with foam from a and 12 hours of mashing-in at 25 C.During the rst 5 days of fer-
previous brew. In the 16th century mixtures of wheat and bar- mentation the casks were placed vertically, the attenuation was
ley seemed to give the best beers. Rye favored the formation of low and the alcohol content was of around 3% (ww/ww).The casks
beer vinegar. All things considered the souring of beer must have were then stored horizontally and ready for delivery and consump-
been very common for thousands of years and. . . the dead pharaos tion. Such fresh beers contained around 600 ppm acidity expressed
were promised bread that doesnt crumble and beer which doesnt turn as lactic acid. In older beers more than 4000 ppm was recorded
sour. Much later as shown on a painting by Bruegel in the 16th and also acetic acid appeared. (data from the Bulletin des Anciens
century the inn-keepers reassured their consumers that their beer Elves, 1895-1905,a publication of the alumni of the brewing school
was fresh, meaning not acid, by hanging a green wreath at the pubs of Louvain).Several guidelines (sometimes contradictory) were also
entrance. (gure 2) published on how to improve beer quality.
In the Belgian city of Halle in 1559 recordings prove that
beers produced with hops needed no green wreath, although ))) High attenuation leads to high alcohol levels killing the yeast
and favoring bacteria
))) High attenuated wort contains residual substrates wich can
E-mail address: els.verachtert@ees.kuleuven.be (H. Verachtert). only be used by non-yeasts infections

1373-7163/ 2014 The Associations of the Former Students of the Belgian Brewing Schools. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
122 H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx / Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128

Figure 3. When beer tasters showed a sad face reminding the mouth of griet sh
the panel judged that the beer was too acid.
Figure 1. Around 6000 years ago,drinking thick (acidifying) beers with straws.

Table 1 Grietmuyl celebration, designed to judge the acidity of white

Optimal lactic acidity of acidic beers as advised around 1930 by H. Verlinden,a beers. Grietmuyl refers to the awful mouth of the brill sh (griet
brewmaster in Brasschaat, Belgium. (gure 3), a kind of turbot). A barrel of beer was stored underground
lactic acidity of beers
for one year,then dug out, opened and the beer was tasted. When
the tasters manifested a sour face like the griet sh mouth, this
White beers of Louvain 1800 ppm
was considered as an indication that such beers were on their way
Antwerp Brabant Limburg 2700 ppm
Flanders beers 4500 ppm
to turn to vinegar and had be drunk certainly before summer time.
Lambics 9000 ppm
Biochemical considerations

Consequently: Two main acids are responsible for the acidication of beer:
acetic and lactic acid. Their discovery and their synthesis merit
))) Keep the attenuation low attention.
))) Turn to barley kilning or re-kilning to reduce the diastatic power Already in the middle of the 19th century it was shown that such
and increase the fermentables content of the wort acids were of biological origin. Although the acidication of beers
))) Use the turbid mash method was not really wanted, the acetification of many other foodstuffs
))) Use more non-malted grains was appreciated as it increased food shelf live.Concerning aceti-
))) Increase wort aeration to produce more yeast and reduce cation,Boerhaave in 1732 was the rst to nd the process to be of
nitrogenous compounds biological origin and not much later in 1790,Adet reported that the
molecule CH3-COOH was involved. Kutzing in 1837 associated the
In Table 1 are shown acidity values suggested for acidic beers process with the presence of minute organisms and Pasteur in 1886
of the rst half of the 20th century. These values were proposed named them Mycoderma aceti because pellicles were formed at the
by a brew master and are certainly too high to satisfy the present surface of acetifying liquids.Finally Beijerinck in 1899 introduced
day consumers preferences. Moreover the presence of acetic acid the name Acetobacter. Acetic acid results from the oxidation of
may have been overlooked. Acetic acid has a much sharper vinegar- ethanol in the presence of oxygen which is reduced to water. This
like acid taste and even today it may lead to consumers lack of is an oxydo-reduction. Such reactions generate energy, which in
appreciation. For lambics we suggest to avoid more than 1000 ppm living organisms is mainly stored as ATP. To refresh the brewers
acetic acid and more than 5000 ppm lactic acid. biochemical knowledge: electrons and protons generated in a rst
Throughout the Hageland region (close to Louvain) many acidic step from the oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid are transferred
beers were brewed in the cities of Hoegaarden, Diest,Aarschot and to oxygen in a process generating a proton gradient over the cell
Tienen. All involved a type of spontaneous fermentation in wooden membrane The proton gradient is a proton-motive force delivering
casks. Around the city of Tienen as part of local festivities, there energy that can be used to couple ADP to phosphate P forming ATP.
was a yearly folkloric celebration around acid beers, named the An ATP synthase has a remarkable proteinic structure (gure 4).

Figure 2. In the 16th century,a green wreath above the inns door indicated that its Figure 4. Synthesis of ATP through the energy from oxidation of ethanol to acetic
beer was fresh and not sour. acid in acetic acid bacteria.
H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx / Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128 123

The (appreciated) acidication of milk has been known prob-

ably as far back in time as the acidication of fermenting sugary
solutions.The acid was isolated from milk in 1780 by Scheele,
and Wisclenius in 1873 managed to unravel its structure as
CH3-CHOH-COOH. Three years later in 1876, Pasteur found that
acidications were associated with the presence of very small
rods and cocci. Almost simultaneously in 1878 the English sur-
geon Lister studying the causes of wound infections,isolated for
the rst time a milk acidifying rod similar to Pasteurs bacterium.
He named it Bacterium lactis. Later in studies on sugar fermenta-
tion Van Laer in Belgium in 1892 found a rod, causing technical
problems,which he named Saccharobacillus. Beijerinck in 1901 pul-
ished arguments for changing the name to Lactobacillus.The rst
cocci were observed already in 1842 by the Scottish pathologist
Goodsir examining stomach secretions. The cocci were associ-
ated in cubical packets of 8 cells and the bundles were called
Sarcina. Pasteur later also called his cocci Sarcina but Balke in 1884
showed that these cocci only occurred in packets of 4 in a plane.
Figure 5. The synthesis of cellular carbon compounds from acetic acid in acetic acid These were named Pediococcus (from the Greek pedium = plane).
bacteria through net synthesis of a C-4 from 2 C-2 units.
Only the tetrad-forming Pediococci are occurring in acidic beers
together with the rods Lactobacillus. Altogether it remains inter-
esting to mention that much data on lactic acid bacteria were
There is second problem for bacteria that must grow on
obtained from research in both the medical and the fermentation
compounds with only two carbon atoms, in contrast to growth
possibilities on 6 carbon atoms molecules such as sugars etc. In
fact the acetic acid bacteria use for growth part of the acetic acid
that they produce. This occurs by a so called glyoxylic acid cycle Technical considerations
which uses some enzymes involved in the well known Krebs cycle
(Figure 5) Acetate is activated to acetyl-CoA using ATP.One acetyl- LAMBICS
CoA is introduced to a modied citric acid cycle allowing the
synthesis of glyoxylic acid through the involvement of a special The most famous Belgian beers containing lactic and acetic acid
enzyme:isocitrate lyase.A second molecule of Acetyl-CoA is linked are the lambics and the gueuzes. These sour beers: at their best are
to glyoxylic acid using a special enzyme:malate synthase. meeting points between beer and wine and at their worst they are a
In fact starting with oxaloacetate and 2-C molecules, oxaloac- taste of history, resembling qua acidity probably the beverages that
etate is regenerated and a new C-4 molecule is formed. From there were served at weddings and celebrations in the fteenth century
all necessary growth substrates can be formed. and before. What is the origin of the word lambic? One explanation
The reactions indicate clearly that for the synthesis of acetic acid is as follows. At the end of the 18th century beers and spirits were
and of new cells there is a need for oxygen and to avoid as much sometimes produced in the same housings where consequently
as possible the formation of the very sour tasting acetic acid the alambics were needed. Possibly lambic became a designation for
complete lling of casks becomes an important rule the beers. A lambic brew master told me that he was aware of an
Acetic acid can also be produced in beers associated with Bret- old custom consisting in the strengthening of old lambic with spirits
tanomyces yeasts. These yeasts present the so called Custers effect. around Christmas and New Year. Maybe this idea originated much
This is dened as the inhibition of alcoholic fermentation when the earlier when beer and spirits were produced together.
yeast is transferred from oxygen-limited to anaerobic conditions. The origin of the name gueuze (geus,geuze) is again very con-
This yeast can produce ethanol from acetaldehyde but also acetic fusing. At the end of the 19th century some old lambic was sold in
acid. The production of ethanol requires NADH, but the produc- bottles and for unknown reasons was named geuze. Bottled lambic
tion of acetic produces NADH. For every molecule of acid produced became successful for the following reasons.
one molecule of NADH is made Moreover acetaldehyde becomes
unavailable for the reoxidition to NADH and reduced coenzyme ))) After some time foam and bubble formation in the bottles were
accumulates. Glycolysis becomes perturbated and the alcoholic fer- noted
mentation is slowing down.In the presence of oxygen however ))) The Champenoise method for wines was known and was inspir-
excess NADH is oxidized and fermentation is resuming. The Custers ing
effect is the stimulation of fermentation by oxygen. Simultaneously ))) Cheap strong used champagne bottles became available (begin
more acetic is formed. 19th century)
Saccharomyces: Glucose + 2NAD+ ---)2Ethanol + 2CO2 +2NAD+ ))) Sparkling lambics were welcome to compete with the sparkling
pilsner beers
))) Blending young with old lambic was found to improve the
Brettanomyces: Glucose + 2NAD+ ---)1Ethanol + 2CO2 +2NADH
In 1844 the rst good bottled lambic was sold as geuze-lambic
+1 Acetic acid by some brewers.
The main acid in sour beers is lactic acid, formed from sugars However gueuze is still not mentioned in the well known
by lactic acid bacteria in a well known homo-lactic fermentation standard work of G.Lacambre in 1851.
pathway. For the production of lambic the raw materials are barley with
around 30-40% of wheat (prescribed by law). Over-aged hops are
Glucose + 2 NAD+ 2 lactic acid + 2 NAD+ used to avoid undesirable bitterness in acidic beers. There are many
124 H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx / Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128

Figure 6. A turbid mash method for lambic wort.

Figure 7. An open tray for cooling a lambic wort and extracting a microora from
the brewery air.
brewing methods. Most traditional is the turbid mash method
(Figure 6) considered excellent to produce worts to sustain a long
fermentation time.
The lambic fermentation is (must be) spontaneous, which the denition of a spontaneous fermentation. To justify such pro-
means that the process is initiated by a complex micro-ora present cedure it is advocated that no pure cultures are used and that the
in the brewery environment consisting of many yeasts and bacteria. whole process has been started by a spontaneous fermentation.
This micro-ora is extracted from the air during the wort cooling However in this context many other acidic beers should be consid-
phase in large open trays. An open tray receiving hot wort is shown ered as spontaneously fermented beers, which of course they are
in Figure 7. not. There are indications that in the 19th century the spontaneous
There are many approaches to collect the air-born micro- fermentation was sometimes aided by mixing the cooled wort with
ora for starting a spontaneous fermentation. (1) All the wort is parts of non boiled (non sterile) wort. This still leads to a completely
infected in the cooling tray and then directed to fermentation spontaneously fermenting wort. (5) A spontaneous fermentation
casks. (2) The tray is lled with a wort that is rst cooled down without using a cooling tray is another (debated) procedure. In one
by heat exchangers to a temperature allowing the survival of the brewery large metal tanks are directly lled with cold wort and it is
air-borne microora. (3) Some cooling tray infected wort is used to assumed that mixing the wort with the environmental brewery air
inoculate larger parts of wort cooled by heat exchangers. (4) The in the tank is satisfactory to start a spontaneous fermentation. After
procedure of using the cooling tray only now and then and peri- one to two weeks the fermenting wort is pumped into casks for fur-
odically inoculating the wort with batches of actively fermenting ther aging. Lambic wort fermentation proceeds in wooden casks
lambic as new starters,may lead to considerations with respect to (from 300 to more than 5000 litres) or in metal tanks (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Lambic fermentation vessels (Boon brewery).

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The main fermentation of a lambic wort is a Saccharomyces fer-

mentation leading to ethanol. After a few weeks lactic acid is formed
by bacteria (Lactobacilli and mainly Pediococci) followed after a few
months by Brettanomyces which make ethyl lactate from ethanol
and lactic acid. A general prole of micro-organisms and fermen-
tation products is shown in gure 10.
Successively appear: Enterobacteria, Saccharomyces, Pediococci
and Brettanomyces. Acetic acid bacteria are always present. The
Figure 9. New versus old classication of Brettanomyces species. main metabolites found in lambic are ethanol, lactic acid, acetic
acid,ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate.
Depending on the fermentation time young low carbonated Some Pediococci produce a complex slime which leads to to ropi-
lambic may acquire special avor notes and can be an interest- ness in lambic. After some months the lambic may clarify. Some
ing refreshing beverage. Normally however young lambics (1 year brewers state that their best lambic is produced after a period
or less) are blended with old lambics (2 years or more) and bot- of ropiness. The fermentation prole in Figure 10 has been con-
tled to produce a sparkling beer by refermentation. Fermentable rmed many times. However lambic brewers do not always follow
substrates still present in young lambic (such as higher malto- the rules of what might be called the very traditional way. In
oligosacharides) are metabolized by yeasts which have become lambic breweries participating in a research project by G.Aerts
dominant in old lambics. These are Brettanomyces (Dekkera) yeasts (KuLeuven,campus KAHO) the following alternatives were found
thriving on malto-oligosaccharides. Bottled refermented lambis are and studied:
now called gueuzes. The whole process of producing gueuze is:
))) Fermentation in metal tanks versus wooden casks
Grain storagemashingboilinghoppingcontaminationstart ))) Infusion brewing versus turbid mash brewing
cask fermentationin cask ripeningblendingbottle ))) Fresh hops versus old hops / turbid mash brewing
refermentationgueuze ))) Fresh hops versus old hop /infusion brewing

The main yeasts involved in lambic fermentation are Sac- The following representative parameters for a lambic fermen-
charomyces species and during the acicidication period mainly tation were followed in time for each brewery:
Brettanomyces yeasts were discovered around 1903 in old
English stock beers. Their name originated from miswriting Brit- Micro-organisms: Enterobacteriaceae, actidione resistant yeasts
tanomyces to Brettanomyces by Claussen (Carlsberg Laboratories). (Brettanomyces), non actidione resistant yeasts (Saccharomyces),
In 1921 these yeasts were found in lambic by Kufferath and Van lactic acid bacteria.
Laer and named Br.Bruxellensis.In the 20th century early seven- Metabolites: attenuation, ethanol, lactic acid, acetic acid, pH, ethyl
ties we detected in lambic almost every known Brettanomyces acetate, ethyl lactate.
species. Brettanmyces produces many avor compounds which
altogether result in the typical lambic-gueuze avor. Especially In all fermentation conditions the general prole given in
ethyl phenol and ethyl guaiacol, iso-valeric and acetic acid, ethyl Figure 10 was recognized. Figure 11 shows the fermentation prole
acetate and 1,4,5,6 tetrahydropyridine must be mentioned. In the for wooden casks versus metal tanks
presence of lactic acid a Brettanomyces esterase produces large Excellent classic fermentation proles were also found for
amounts of ethyl lactate but reduces the levels of iso-amyl acetate. infusion brewing versus turbid mash and for brewing with new
Using their glucosidases glycosides are converted to avor active hops versus old hops. Although the turbid mash method was
aglycones. Most important, Brettanomyces can ferment higher most common in the 19th century young hops were also used
malto-oligosaccharides not fermented by Saccharomyces,which (G.Lacambre.Trait complet de la Fabrication des Bires) Examin-
allows these yeasts to grow in old lambic and be active in bot- ing different real scale fermentations a conclusion can be (1) lambic
tle refermentation. The Brettanomyces now recognized species are can be produced in metal tanks. (2) fresh hops are not detrimen-
given in Figure 9. tal in lambic brewing. (3) infusion brewing can be used. However

Figure 10. A general scheme of the lambic traditional fermentation.

126 H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx / Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128

Figure 11. Proles of a lambic fermentation with old hops compared to fresh hops.

the skills of the brew master will always determine what is FRUIT FLAVORED LAMBICS AND GUEUZES
Another approach to broaden the lambic-gueuze market is the
introduction of fruit avours.The best known fruit beer is the
GUEUZES krieken-lambic traditionally made by pouring whole fresh fruits
(mainly selected cherries) into fermenting lambic casks selected
After about 1 year of cask fermentation sugars not fermentable by quality or age. Larger breweries may collect beer from several
by Saccharomyces remain present. Due to spontaneous fermen- casks into larger metal tanks where cherries are added and where a
tation several other microorganisms, lactic acid bacteria and refermentation starts with the cherry extracted sugars. The cherry
Brettanomyces yeasts,can ferment the remaining higher oligo- avoured lambic is used for the preparation of cherry avoured
saccharides, leading to high attenuated beers. Mixing young beer gueuze, a beer with a delicate balance between acidity, cherry
(with remaining substrates) with old beer (with new micro- avour and colour. Raspberries can also be added to casks but for
organisms) in an enclosed environment such as bottles, induces other tastes mainly many fruit beers are made by mixing lambic
the bottle refermentation and gives a sparkling beer: gueuze. with frozen fruit,fruit juices or syrups (and even aromas?) followed
New avours and more ethanol are formed although the gueuze by carbonatation and pasteurization. The use of syrups is in fact not
quality is mainly dependent on the qualities of the lambics. Some a surprising development as already in 1907 in the Le Petit Journal
small gueuze brewers (called gueuze-stekers) do not produce their du Brasseur mention is made that for a krieken-lambic around 20
own lambic wort. They buy infected wort from larger breweries and Kg of cherries per hectoliter are needed and also 1/3 litre of a good
then focus on their own cask fermentation of such wort and on the syrup. Several fruit beers are derived from non-lambic acidic beers
proper blending of their cask fermented lambics and on their own or even from any beer. Following the consumers trend towards
bottle refermentation conditions. Two situations can be considered more sweet drinks, most non-traditionally prepared fruits beers
(1) A gueuze steker X buys lambic wort from a brewery Y or Z, are considered too sweet by lager and ale consumerss but are inter-
(depending on availability) or (2) two gueuze-stekers X1 and X2 esting alternatives to classic lagers and ales. Their alcohol content
buy the same wort from either A or B. may generally be lower than in other Belgian (acidic) beers.
It was found that the cask micro-ora was more important for
the nal gueuze characteristics than the initial micro-ora of the
imported infected wort. FARO AND OTHER LAMBIC PRODUCTS.
Experiments have indicated that the bottle refermentation can
be accelerated by adding sugars and eventually even pure cul- Faro
ture yeasts such as Saccharomyces or Brettanomyces. In the latter Gueuze consumers appreciate acidic tastes but the degree of
approach the fermentation is not totally spontaneous. appreciation is a matter of individual tastes and it is not surprising
A step further is the omission of bottle refermentation. Good that the practice of sweetening sour tasting beverages came into
quality lambic mixed with an ale is then ltered and carbonatated use.
and pasteurized. Moreover some are sweetened. These so called Already in Bruegels period a sweetening of the acidifying beers
ltered gueuzes represent the major part of the gueuze market. seemed very common and until the 20th century inn-keepers added
H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx / Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128 127

Figure 12. Fermentation vessels for the production of Flandres red-brown ales.

sugars to lambics. By using small casks being rapidly consumed a interesting complex light sour tastes. Although for classic white
loss of added sweetness by a refermentation was avoided. Never- beers a brew master Verlinden in 1944 suggested that white beers
theless the formation of some CO2 bubbles may have added feelings should contain around 2000 ppm of acid (as lactic acid),Belgian
of freshness. In later times the sweetening was already achieved classic white beers have low sourness and lactic acid bacteria are no
before the beer was delivered to the inns by the so called pr- more present (excepted in Germany for the Berliner Weisse bier).To
parateurs functioning as intermediates between the brewery and increase their sourness consumers may add a slice of lemon to the
the inn-keeper. Such prepared beers,eventually blends of strong glass.
and less strong lambics were called faro,a word possibly derived
from from far, a latin name for a type of wheat. The prparateurs MIXED FERMENTATION BEERS: RED-BROWN ACIDIC ALES OF
besides sweetening also started to offer clarication and colouring. FLANDRES
For sweetening candy sugar is common but in the past a cheaper
concentrated lambic wort syrup may have been an excellent choice. In the past most beers must have presented acidic tastes. This
Beers named faro are now produced by some lambic brewers,by is now avoided due to extensive technological, microbiological and
mixing an ale with old lambic. biochemical knowledge. Especially in Belgium however,the pro-
An old practice for diminishing too acid tastes is the adding to
the glass of little pieces of sugar and providing by the inn-keeper
stirrers-crushers (stoempers)to help in its dissolution.

Ale-lambic blends
Faro and ltered gueuzes are now derived from ale with added
lambic but such practice is not really new. Its origin comes from the
observation that the shelf-lives of some beers was increased by low-
ering their pH through mixing with the acidic lambic. Such a beer
was the Jack-opa very popular student beer around 1920,pro-
duced nearby Louvain. Similar ale-lambic blends were produced
in Aarschot and Diest. Such beers containing lambic may even be
refermented. When a lambic is used for refermentation of lambic-
ale blends it must be kept in mind that several yeasts and bacteria
are introduced in the bottle, eventully leading to defects such as
ropiness or elevated pressures by fermentation of higher oligosac-

White lambic
Some lambic beers are now marketed as Lambic White beer
(Witte lambic).It is a spontaneous fermented quite young lambic
produced in metal tanks from lambic wort with added specic
spices. After the main fermentation and short lagering the beer is l-
tered, carbonatated and pasteurized. A spontaneous fermentation
is (now and then) initiated as usual but later batches of ferment-
ing casks or tanks serve as starters.The difference with other white
beers thus concerns the involvement of a mixed culture in contrast
to pure cultures. Consequently these white lambics may present Figure 13. The mixed culture Rodenbach fermentation steps.
128 H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx / Cerevisia 38 (2014) 121128

Figure 14. The formation of lactic acid in a Rodenbach red ale fermentation. Figure 15. Prole of the microbial population in a Rodenbach fermentation.

The best known red beer type is Rodenbach (West Flandres)and

duction of beers with acidic tastes persisted: lambics and gueuzes the best known brown beer is Liefmans (East Flandres). Rodenbach
mostly around Brussels and the so called red-brown ales in Flan- relies on a long aging period in large wooden casks with a com-
dres. With a 20th century general consumers trend towards more plex micro-ora reminding the micro-organisms found in lambics.
sweetness this was not easy but now these beers, especially the Figure 13 shows the 3 fermentation steps and Figures 14 and 15
lambics and gueuzes and also the so-called red-brown beers of Flan- the production of lactic acid and the prole of the microbial popu-
dres enjoy a strong revival. To make lambics the brewers continued lation. In this fermentation D and L lactic acid are formed. Actidione
the practice of wort cooling in open trays thereby inoculating the resistant yeasts (e.g.Brettanomyces) appear after the start of the
wort with a complex microbial population, which in association fermentation in the casks and at the end all yeasts are actidione
with the micro-organisms residing in wooden casks gives beers resistant.
with a complex taste and acidity. For the red-brown beers (their The Flandres brown acid beers such as Liefmans are fermented in
name being derived from their color)the same method must cen- metal tanks and their microbial population can be less complex as
turies ago have been used and then later it was realized that long only porosities in the metal tank coatings are available as contam-
wort cooling in open trays was not needed and that a long fermen- ination sites. Moreover less oxygen becomes available resulting in
tation time in wooden casks was sufcient to obtain the desired less total acidity. As with lambics maceration of e.g.cherries in the
acidication of their beers, which was needed to guarantee their beer at one or another step of the (aging) process allows the brewing
long keeping times,especially in Flandres in the 14th century where of outstanding fruit beers. Some other Flandres beers (gure 12)age
hop,known for its good effects on beer quality in other regions, was in wooden casks.
not allowed. There is situated the origin of the acidic brown-red We cannot conclude this overview of Belgian acidic beers with-
beers. Old acidic beers were used for blending with young beers for out reporting a brewers practice of introducing a marriage between
taste and preservation. The following step was the observation that the Flandres acid beers and the lambics:the brewer produces its
mixing of parts of fermenting wort into fresh wort became a reli- own mixed culture Flandres acidic cherry beer and in later stage
able new method to start-up new fermentations, even when also that beer is enriched with a true lambic and the blend is further
hops were nally introduced and the open trays were dismissed. submitted to bottle refermentation. In my opinion this marriage is
Seeding fresh wort with micro-organisms recovered from ferment- a most excellent illustration of the wide possibilities Belgian acidic
ing wort and consisting of yeasts and bacteria has become the best beers offer, to introduce new tastes and new formulations to attract
method to produce the Flandres acidic beers Some breweries are consumers looking for something special.
depicted in Figure 12.

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