Vishal V. Patil2
Students Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute for Financial & Management Studies
Abstract: Marketing strategy in a nutshell maps an idea which forms the base of sustaining business
in mind the long-term benefits and competition in market. Marketing strategy is an idea which grows
from the
seed of value proposition enabling the company a step further over its competitors in terms of brand
development and profit making. Its effects over the companies worldwide have been astonishing,
especially over
public-centric domains like automobiles, beverages etc. A soft drink giant, Coca Cola, is one such
which market aggressors since has been 1886. Coke as a brand in itself tries to substitute the entire soft
markets. The main idea behind their marketing is they read people’s mind across geographical
They started tying up with various food chains that have widespread not only in India but a world as a
The report puts light on the financial growth of the company due to these strategies. How the company
is able to
maintain the edge over its peers. The unique feature of their strategy is they tend to change their tag
lines; this
ensures that the target audience is interested in the product and they feel that the company is doing
innovation. The report also tries to forecast some of the future strategies that may be adopted by them
I. Introduction
Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach to planning with the fundamental goal
of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.Every business irrespective of its size needs to have
goals in order to expand the business. These planned out goals will help the business sustain itself in the
evergrowing competitive market and also to increase its sales. Marketing strategy is nothing but the
pavement to
define your goals so that you can direct your efforts in the right direction. A well-defined strategy should
only help you to achieve your goals but also, help you to reach the customer‟s goals and expectations
from you.
A marketing strategy usually consists of some default points for its establishment. The most important
of those being the organisational short-term and long-term goals. This is followed by analysis of the
market the
organisation plans to establish its business into. For a service-based industry, targeting the relevant
and expanding the client domain is of utmost importance. Also, making a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats) analysis of provided services or sold products will help the organisation to
itself.A successful marketing strategy will create a win-win situation for both, customer and the
Needless to say, customer satisfaction will in turn increase the organisation‟s brand value and create an
over the competitor. It helps in creating a realistic plan of approach which states the methods to achieve
stated goals. Once the strategy and plans are ready, the company can search for ways to implement the
Most of the successful business establishments make optimum use of marketing strategy for increased
profits. Beverage industry forms a major part of total sales, both domestic and international, worldwide.
the continuous and dynamic demand of different beverages, having accurate marketing strategy is quite
important for beverage industries. An example for such successful implementation of marketing strategy
is Coca
Cola. Coca Cola is one of the most leading company in soft drink beverage industry. It contributes to the
Coca Cola was established in 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, when he tried to
create a distinctive syrup which can be sold at soda fountains. Initially, the syrup was mixed with
water and then consumed. Frank M. Robinson, Dr. Pemberton‟s partner and book keeper, termed the
„Coca Cola‟ thinking that the two „Cs‟ would sound well when advertised. He also designed the
script in which the trademark is created, which is still used today. Prior to Dr. Pemberton‟s death in
1888, Coca
Cola was sold to various parties with the majority of interest sold to Atlanta businessman, Asa G.
Chandler. Mr.
Chandler is credited with founding the layout of the Coca Cola‟s empire. Under his leadership, Coca Cola
sold in soda fountains outside Atlanta. In 1894, Joseph Biedenharn installed bottling machinery and
became the
Since then, the journey of Coca Cola has always been on success in expansion and profit making. To
create a unique place among the consumers and to prevent piracy, it host5