DXN Product Brochure
DXN Product Brochure
DXN Product Brochure
(Coffea arabica)
More legends are connected to ries saved the life of a disciple of Sheik
the discovery of coffee. One of them Omar, founder of the Shadhiliyya Sufi
is the myth of Kaldi and his dancing Order (Abu al-Hasan al-Shadili Sheik),
goats. The stimulating effect of coffee who was lost in the desert. Sheik
has been discovered by Kaldi, the goat Omar was famous for healing with the
herder in Abyssinia according to the power of prayer. Following the won-
story. The herd was grazing and nib- drous escape from the desert he re-
bling on a strange bush with red ber- turned to Mocha, where later on he
ries and leaves, and consequently they became respected as saint.
stayed vivid throughout the evening, There are no existent documentary
whereas other times they had been about when coffee started to be used
calm and peaceful. Next day Kaldi as primary ingredient to stimulant
tasted the strange red berries him- beverages, also when and how the dif-
self, and discovered the stimulant ef- ferent ways of roasting, grinding and
fect of coffee beans. For he was fear- brewing were discovered. What we
ful of the origin of this freshness he know for sure is that Coffea arabica
experienced, and feared it was from has been grown in Arabia ever since
the Devil, he visited a holy person in the VI. century. Also there is a docu-
his home village and asked his opinion ment, connected to Jabir Geber (Abu
on the berries. The holy person threw Musa Jaszbir ibn Hayyn), Arab natur-
the berries in the fire, from which en- alist, who refers to this plant as a herb.
ticing aroma billowed to their utmost Also a Persian author, Rhazes (Muham-
surprise. C coffee beans are roasted mad ibn Zakariy Rz) describes the
ever since. positive effects of coffee (quawa plant)
An other myth says, the ill Mohamed in his works during the IX. century.
prophet was given the coffee as a gift In a work of Avicenna (Ab Al al-
from archangel Gabriel. Drinking cof- usayn ibn Abd Allh ibn Sn) from
fee, he became so vital and strong, so the XI. century, called The Canon of
he had the energy to unhorse forty Medicine he describes coffee as cura-
men and please forty women. A dif- tive even.
ferent legend claims the coffee ber-
The Coffee
(Coffea arabica)
Lingzhi Black Coffee
Lingzhi Coffee 3in1
DXN Cream Coffee
Zhi Cafe Classic
Nutrition facts
100 g 20 g
Calories 397 kcal 79,4 kcal
Carbohydrate 87,3 g 17,5 g
Protein 6,6 g 1,3 g
Fat 2,4 g 0,5 g
(Theobroma cacao)
Cocoa tree is native to Middle and peia [Theobrominium Ph. Hg. VIII. 2389.
South America, and also grown in sev- 4422, 7522].
eral tropic countries, such as West Afri-
ca and Brazil. In nature these trees may The main usage of cocoa is as sea-
reach a height of even 810 m, but cul- soning. Wellness industry uses it for
tivated they reach only 3 m high. Middle chocolate massage, because chocolate
American Native tribes (Mayan, Aztec, with a high consistency of cocoa but-
Olmec etc.) considered cocoa a holy ter is a quality skin care product with
plant, and the beverage prepared from skin cleansing, softening and detoxifying
the fruit the brew of gods. A Mayan properties. Cocoa butter supports fat
legend says, that Quetzalcoatl (the burning externally. Also the flavonoids
Feathered Serpent God) gave Cocoa as block growth of free radicals that cause
a gift to the people, after they were cre- aging of the skin.
ated from corns by the Mother God-
dess. Did you know?
Used parts of the plant:
Seeds (Cacao semen), powdered 100 g Cocoa powder contains 313
seeds (Cacao pulvis), the oil produced kcal, 18,5 g protein, 21,7 g fat, 10,5 g
from the seeds, cocoabutter (Theo- carbohydrate, 36,8 g not water soluble
bromae/ Cacao butyrum) fiber and 2,7 g water soluble fiber?
There have been crockery originat-
Main components in cocoa seeds ing in the 1900900s B.C. turned up
and powdered seeds: by excavations in Middle America, that
Fermented seeds contain 12 % were used for making cocoa ?
Theobromine, 0,20,3 % Caffeine, Cocoa and chocolate made from
traces of Theophylline, cca. 5 % Cat- cocoa beans is rich in certain flavon-
echin tanning compound, Polymer Pro- oids? One of them, catechin is a very
cyanidins, 5060 % fatty oil. The main well absorbing compound, and also
agent in cocoa is Theobromine, which is used in tumor therapy as supplement-
listed in the VIII. Hungarian Pharmaco- ary treatment?
Zhi Mocha
Nutrition facts
100 g 21 g
Calories 442,0 kcal 92,82 kcal
Carbohydrate 76,2 g 16,00 g
Protein 5,5 g 1,16 g
Fat 12,7 g 2,67 g
(Lepidium meyenii)
Maca Eucaf
Maca Vita Caf
(Panax ginseng)
Soya Omega-3 and
(Glycine max)
Omega-6 fatty acids
Soya has one of the oldest cultiva- The structure of fatty acids gener-
tion culture on Earth.The predecessor ally is straightly formed chain of 6-30,
or the today known Soya is Glycine usually by even, rarely by odd number
soya, which is native in South-East Asia of carbon atoms, some saturated and
and Manchuria. some unsaturated acids.
DXN Nutrizhi Soya Drink
(Triticum aestivum)
Malt extract:
It is produced by germination of any
type of grain seed (wheat, barley, oat,
etc.). During the sprouting process a
certain enzyme is created (diastase)
which transforms cellulose found in
DXN Spirulina Cereal
Spirulina are well-known as a bal- Did you know?
anced nutritious food while the high-
fiber cereals are usually recommended One bag of Spirulina Cereal contains
by the nutritionists. DXN Spirulina nearly 20 g of grains and more than 1 g
Cereal is made from high quality Spiru- Spirulina powder.
lina and Cereals, thus makes a new One bag of Spirulina Cereal contains
quality source available in the market. an average of 8,3 g fibers, 659,6 mg
Sodium, 137,3 mg Potassium, 316,4 mg
Ingredients Calcium and 2,7 mg Iron and free from
Wheat, Non Dairy Creamer, Malt Ex- Chlolesterol?
tract, Spirulina Powder and Vanillin It may be prepared mixed with milk,
yoghurt, fermented milk, juice, or hot
water (70 C) even?
Nutrition facts
100 g 30 g Contains Gluten from Wheat and
Malt! Sugar contained. Free from arti-
Calories 119,85 kcal ficial coloring and preservatives.
Carbohydrate 80,60 g 24,18 g
Protein 9,69 g 2,91 g
Fat 4,26 g 1,28 g
(Camellia sinensis)
Main components in tea: Did you know?
Tea Polyphenols (EGCG, ECG, etc.),
derivatives of Purin and Methyl xan- Green tea reduces the level of harmful
thine (Caffeine and Theophylline), Fla- LDL cholesterol whereas raises the levels
vonoid compounds (Theaflavin, Thea- of HDL cholesterol?
flavin-3-gallate, Theaflavin-3-gallates, China and Japan have both led
etc.) examinations to prove the anticancerous
properties of green tea?
Main effects:
stimulates the central nervous sys-
tem, diuretic, prevents mutations in
the body, antimicrobatic, anticancer-
ous, prevents growth of oral plaques
and dental caries
Reishi Gano Tea
DXN Reishi Gano Tea does not only Did you know?
include benefits of tea but also blend-
ed with high quality Reishi Gano pow- Green tea used to be listed as official
der to improve your health by regular medicine by more than one European
consumption. DXN Reishi Gano Tea countries pharmacopoeia (Ph. Por.IV.,
without added preservatives, color- Ph. France. VIII-X., BP Edition 1968., Ph
ings and flavorings refreshes your Helv.V)?
mind and body! A very characteristic Tea is the second most widely spread
taste with natural ingredients only. beverage after the first, water?
All of distribution of tea worldwide
Nutrition facts 7678 % includes black tea (2,1 M tons),
20 % includes green tea (0,9 M tons)
100 g 2g
and 2 % is oolong tea? [2010 statistics
Calories 355 kcal 7,1 kcal of FAO discluded white tea distribution]
Diagnosed tumors of certain organs
Carbohydrate 62,4 g 1,25 g (e.g. stomach, esophagus) show much
Protein 24,2 g 0,48 g lower consistency in areas, where
drinking tea is common, such as China
Fat 0,9 g 0,02 g and Japan, in comparsion with such
where drinking tea is not common?
Ingredients common?
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), Gano-
derma Extract.
Self-heal Mandarin
(Prunella vulgaris) (Citrus reticulata)
(65,075,0 % Limonen and 06,022,0 first one is for supporting liver func-
% Gamma-terpinen), Bitter sub- tions, the latter one is to support the
stance, Flavonoids, Coumarins (these spleen, and to ease flatulance. Spica
compounds are not present in oils tea contains the mature peel. Beside
prepared by steam distillation, but these effects, it supports digestion, it
cold-pressed oils only). is anti-inflammatory and expectan-
Main effects (crust):
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses Daily dosage:
the peel instead of essential oils and 3-5 g peel daily
the fruit itself. Green, immature peel
is called qing-pi, while the mature
orange peel is called chen-pi. The
(Mentha arvensis)
Mint is a wild-growing plant not only in Folk medicine defines usage of Wild
Hungary, but also in China and Japan, as Mint greatly similar to Peppermint con-
well as a different type growing in Can- sidering that in many cases these two
ada. In moderate climate belt it is widely plants were not identified as two of a
grown mainly for producing essential kind. Todays medical therapy uses this
oil and menthol. It grows an average of herb in form of Galenus medicines (tab-
2040 (rarely 80) cm tall, and resembles lets and drops) and industrial produce as
to other types of mint. Its flowers are well, in cases of digestive disorders, ir-
purple and they are commonly found in ratible bowel syndrome, bile path com-
wet soils. plaints. For external use to ease respira-
One of the first mention of this herb is tion in form of cream, to ease headaches
in a Chinese compendium, in Lei Xiaos in massage ointment and packs, to ease
Leigong baozhilun or Treatise on the pains of musculoskeletal diseases and in
Preparation Remedies, from the V. cen- treatment of oral, or dental symptoms.
tury. Also it is usable as respiratory infection
treatment in form of inhalation as sug-
Main components: gested.
13 % Essential oil (cca. 80 % Menthol,
also Menthon, Menthin acetate as main
constituents), Tanning compound and
Main effects:
antimicrobiotic, antispasmodic, against
flatulence, anti inflammatory, local anaes-
25 25
Chinese liquorice
(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)
Main effects:
anti inflammatory
prevents growth of festers and sup-
ports healing of a grown fester
immune stimulating
antiviral (effective against Herpes
simplex and Herpes zooster)
Spica Tea
Net weight: 20 bags x 5 g
The Noni
(Morinda citrifolia)
DXN Morinzhi Juice
DXN Zhi Mint Plus
Nutrition facts
100 g 1g
Calories 398,3 kcal 3,98 kcal
Carbohydrate 97,8 g 0,98 g
Protein 0,2 g 0,0 g
Fat 0,7 g 0,0 g
Zhi Ca Plus
(Ganoderma lucidum)
Main components in the fully grown Did you know?
fruit body
Terpenoids (more than 140 of them The first rateable reference from med-
have been identified so far, especially ical aspect about Ganoderma is from the
different types of Triterpenes), Carbo- writing of Shen Nong: Bencaojing dating
hydrates (especially immunomodulant back to II.-I. century B.C. .
Polysaccharides), Proteins, Nucleo- Ancient chinese sources stated that ling-
tides, other (e.g. Serols, Cerebrosides) zhi has 5 or 6 tints. Modern science later
proved, that not all of them were Gano-
Main components in mycelium derma, but everyone had healing effect.
Terpenoids, Lactones, Alkaloids, In Japan a medicine called Krestin, con-
Polysaccharides, Serins (Nitrogen free taining ganoderma-polysaccharide, was
Polysaccharides) put on market from 1977, which has been
officialy used as a part of complement-
For more information and bibli- ary treatment of tumorous patients since
ography: 1980.
A pecstviaszgomba (Ganoderma The powdered mushroom is suitable for
lucidum). Compiled by Dr. Szab, Ls- making soup. Chinese cuisine has dozens
zl Gy., Dr. Babulka, Pter; Fdi, Attila. of receipts, where Ganoderma mush-
Budapest : DXN Europe Ltd. 2011. 30 room is used also.
p. [in Hungarian]
Dr. Lelley, Jan: The healing power
of mushrooms: Mycology in service of
health. Translated by Dr. Lelley, Jnos.
Budapest : Mezgazda Kiad, 1999.
(Die Heilkraft der Pilze). 155 p. ISBN
963 9121 74 6 [in Hungarian]
DXN Reishi Gano (RG)
Active substance
per day
Ganoderma lucidum
1 capsule: 270 mg
2 capsules: 540 mg
3 capsules: 810 mg
DXN Ganocelium (GL)
1st week: 1 capsule daily
From 2nd week: 2-3 capsules daily
Casing substance:
DXN Reishi Gano DXN Ganocelium
(RG) Powder (GL) Powder
The Ganoderma lucidum used are The Ganoderma lucidum used
harvested from a 90-day old red mush- are harvested from a 18-day old red
room.Actually it is a match to the Reishi mushroom. Actually it is a match to
Gano Capsule without the casing the Ganocelium Capsule without the
100 % Ganoderma lucidum (fruit body) Ingredients
100 % Ganoderma lucidum
Dosage: (mycelium)
1 spoonful daily
Net weight: 15 g 1 spoonful daily dissolved in 2 dl
Product code: HF007
Net weight: 30 g
DXN Reishi Mushroom Powder
60 % Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium),
40 % Ganoderma lucidum (fruit body)
1 spoonful daily
Net weight: 22 g
(Cordyceps sinensis)
Main components:
Polysaccharides with low and high
molecular weight and other sugar de-
rivatives, Proteins, Peptides, Polyamins
and Essential Amino acids, Sterols
(e.g. Ergosterol, Delta-3-ergosterol,
Campesterol), saturated and unsatur-
ated Fatty acids (e.g. Palmitic acid,
Stearic acid, Linoleic acid, Oleic acid),
also Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocar-
bons, water soluble and fat soluble
Vitamins (K, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Se,
Al, Si, Ni, Sr, Ti, Cr, Ga,V, Zr)
Did you know? reduces extremely high blood lipid
levels, especially cholesterol and trig-
helps the kidney functions, and licerid level
reduces protein and blood urination for other factors it is has positive
stimulates liver function and effect on the heart (e.g. blocks
detoxifyication deposition of cholesterol in arteries,
reduces pain sensations, and widens veins, prevents blood clotting,
enhances body oxygene utilization thus helps flow-through in veins)
raises worsened immune response, postiviely effects carbohydrate
and enhances immune activity metabolism and reduces blood sugar
(intensifies natural killer cells activity, helps to resolve bronchi and to expel
and phagocytosis, raises number of stucked sputum, thus eases respiration
macrophages, boosts reproduction of raises the antioxidant capacity of the
interleukins-2 and T-cell function) body
in rare cases slow down, or even blocks reproduction of certain
block tumor growth (e.g. breast viruses and fungus
and lung cancer) by contributing to resolves stress and anxiety
recovering an ill immune system,
therefore raising survival rate
in higher dosage cordyceps acts
as immunsuppresent and controls
immune reactions at an equivalent
level as Cyclosoprin (which might
be important with organ transplant
DXN Cordyceps capsule
Casing substance:
DXN Cordypine
Ingredients Dosage:
Pineapple juice (55 %), Sugar (30 %), 3 x 20 ml daily dissolved in 180 ml
Cordyceps sinensis (10 %), Lime (5 %) water
Lions Mane Mushroom
(Hericium erinaceus)
DXN Lions Mane Tablet
60 % Hericium erinaceus (mycelium),
40 % Lactose
6 tablets daily
A Spirulina
(Spirulina platensis)
Main components:
C-phykocyanin (blue coloring, not Did you know?
containing Magnesium), Chlorophyll
(green coloring, containing Magnesium), Spirulina contains all essential amino
cca 50 % Protein (thus rich in Amino acids?
acids including Essential Amino acids),
Polysaccharides with high molecular
weight (such as Spirulane Calcium salt), Recommended literature:
Sulpholipids, -linolenic acid (nearly 1 Tihanyi Andrs, [Prof. Dr.] Tth Jzsef,
%), -carotine, and other Carotinoids, Weber-Suta gnes: Zld utat az
Vitamin B, D, E egszsgnek! : Mikroalgk szerepe a
modern tpllkozsban s a gygytsban.
Spirulina helps to cease the symptoms [Budapest] : [Berenik Szolg. s Tanc-
of malnutrition caused by illnesses, also sad Kft.], 2008. 119 p. ISBN 978 963 06
helps with recovery, and metabolism 5961 1
disorders (abnormally high blood lipids
or blood sugar), supplementary treat-
DXN Spirulina tablets
Celery Ginkgo biloba,
(Apium graveolens) Maidenhair Tree
(Ginkgo biloba)
Celery seeds (Apii fructus) is an ancient Ginkgo is the last representative of
natural diuretic.The winner ancient Greek the ancient gymnosperms. Native to
athletes used to drink celery wine. Trad- South East China, and normally reaches
itional Indian Medicine uses the crop as a height of even 30 m. In Hungary they
diuretic, to treat cold, flu, digestive disor-are generally grown as garden trees.
ders, inflammated joints, liver and spleen Its leaves have a 3-4 cm long stem and
diseases. 4-8 cm wide fan-like lobed leaves. Trad-
Main effects: itional Chinese Medicine uses it to treat
diuretic, smooth muscle relaxant, tranquil- asthma, high blood pressure, tinnitus,
izer, antibacterial, antifungal coronary arteriosclerosis.
Main curative effects of the Gink-
Plantago go leaves:
(Plantago psyllium) Ginkgo is used mainly in extracts. It
raises the brains tolerance for lack of oxy-
Crops (seeds) of Plantago species have gen.
been used for centuries by both Traditional Protects brain tissue against damage
Indian Medicine (yurveda) and Traditional caused by hypoxia and blocked blood flow
Chinese Medicine. Especially to treat diar- Prevents brain edema development
rhea, urination disorders, haemorrhoids, and helps retrogression of existing
and also high blood pressure that appeared edema
during the developing life conditions. Euro- Helps to recover memory and sup-
pean Folk Medicine started to use Plantago ports learning skills
psyllium in the XVI. century. Antioxidant
Main effects
In case of diarrhea, the seeds absorb ex- These effects are primarely caused by
tra liquid contained, thus normalising stool. flavonoids and diterpens. Ginkgo leaf ex-
In case of constipation, taken with tracts and other solutions are used by
plenty of water, seeds act as laxative. Legal Medicine as well. It is considered a
Relieves pain, bleeding and itch of medical drug, and listed in both VIII. Hun-
haemorrhoids. garian Pharmacopeia and the 6th Euro-
Reduces cholesterol. pean Pharmacopeia.
DXN MycoVeggie EU powder
For satisfying effect drink one
spoonful in plentiful of water
Black cumin
(Nigella sativa)
Black cumin (or fennel flower) is an Black cumin seed has had significant
annual, herbaceous plant of the Ranun- importance from the ancient times. It
culaceae family. It grows up to a 3050 was found even during the excavation
cm high. From the tapering main root of the tomb of Tutankhamon, from the
there are lateral roots attached rare- XIV. century B.C. in 1922. Also Book
ly. The delicate pale blue flowers are of Isaiah in the Holy Bible mentions
solely growing, on top of the stems or cumin [Isaiah 28:25-27], and as we
lateral stems. Its ancient origin is pos- see in one of the Hadiths, that holds
sibly South West Asia, whereas today speeches of the prophet Muhammad
it is abundantly spread along the Medi- quotes on cummin: This black seed is
terranean coastline. a healing for every illness except for
Main components:
30 % saturated and unsaturated Black cumin tea relieves flatulence, it
Fatty acids in the seeds (among them is appetizer, and digestive.
are Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, and their
Glycerids), Bitter substance, (e.g. Sap-
onin) 0,41,4 % Essential oil, Arginine,
Sterol Did you know?
DXN Black Cumin Plus capsule
Nigella sativa, Piper nigrum, Eugenia Free from preservatives, artificial
caryophyllus coloring, flavouring, additives, sub-
stance from animal origin and grain.
1-3 tablets/ day after meal
Product codes:
HF049 (Black Cumin Plus 30),
HF050 (Black Cumin Plus 90)
DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste
Dicalcium Phosphate, Aqua, Sucrose,
Glycerin, Sodium Alginate, Menthol,
Ganoderma lucidum, Peppermint oil,
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
DXN Ganozhi soap
Ganozhi Shampoo Ganozhi Body foam
Ganozhi Toiletries Travel Kit
Ganozhi Complete Skin Care series
DXN Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emulsion
moisturizing emulsion
Gano Massage Oil
Massage Oil containing ganoderma extract
Ingredients (INCI):
Palm Oil, Ganoderma Extract
Cleansing Gel
soap free face wash
Hydrating Toner
hydrating tonique
Aqua Gel
hydrating gel skin care
Nutricare Cream
night skin cream
Hydrasoft Toner
moisturizing tonique with fruit extract and vitamin E
Best usage Net weight: 50 g
Apply after cleansing and toning to the
face and the neck. When your face is Product codes: SC029
exposed to sunlight for longer period,
this cream provides adequate protec-
tion during the day! Apply as needed!
Copyright! DXN Europe Kft., 2013.
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