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Published by dXN europe Kft.

(Coffea arabica)

More legends are connected to ries saved the life of a disciple of Sheik
the discovery of coffee. One of them Omar, founder of the Shadhiliyya Sufi
is the myth of Kaldi and his dancing Order (Abu al-Hasan al-Shadili Sheik),
goats. The stimulating effect of coffee who was lost in the desert. Sheik
has been discovered by Kaldi, the goat Omar was famous for healing with the
herder in Abyssinia according to the power of prayer. Following the won-
story. The herd was grazing and nib- drous escape from the desert he re-
bling on a strange bush with red ber- turned to Mocha, where later on he
ries and leaves, and consequently they became respected as saint.
stayed vivid throughout the evening, There are no existent documentary
whereas other times they had been about when coffee started to be used
calm and peaceful. Next day Kaldi as primary ingredient to stimulant
tasted the strange red berries him- beverages, also when and how the dif-
self, and discovered the stimulant ef- ferent ways of roasting, grinding and
fect of coffee beans. For he was fear- brewing were discovered. What we
ful of the origin of this freshness he know for sure is that Coffea arabica
experienced, and feared it was from has been grown in Arabia ever since
the Devil, he visited a holy person in the VI. century. Also there is a docu-
his home village and asked his opinion ment, connected to Jabir Geber (Abu
on the berries. The holy person threw Musa Jaszbir ibn Hayyn), Arab natur-
the berries in the fire, from which en- alist, who refers to this plant as a herb.
ticing aroma billowed to their utmost Also a Persian author, Rhazes (Muham-
surprise. C coffee beans are roasted mad ibn Zakariy Rz) describes the
ever since. positive effects of coffee (quawa plant)
An other myth says, the ill Mohamed in his works during the IX. century.
prophet was given the coffee as a gift In a work of Avicenna (Ab Al al-
from archangel Gabriel. Drinking cof- usayn ibn Abd Allh ibn Sn) from
fee, he became so vital and strong, so the XI. century, called The Canon of
he had the energy to unhorse forty Medicine he describes coffee as cura-
men and please forty women. A dif- tive even.
ferent legend claims the coffee ber-

The Coffee
(Coffea arabica)

Main components of coffee: Did you know?

Caffeine (0,32,5 %), Phenol carb-
oxylic acids (35 %, Chlorogenic acid, Pope Clement VIII said: This devils
Caffeic acid), Aromatic substance, drink is so delicious...we should cheat
Polyphenols with antioxidant proper- the devil by baptizing it. - from that time
ties, and Fatty Oil on Coffee has been a point of common
agreement between the Christian and
There are more than one hundred Muslim world?
components that are responsible for J. S. Bach composed his famous Coffee
the aroma of the coffee, that is created Cantata as a taunt to a contemporary
by the process of roasting. movement that claimed coffee causes fe-
Coffee (for the caffeine content) - male infertility?
by a modest consumption - stimulates According to contemporary narratives
the central nervous system and the Balzac drank cca. 50.000 cup of coffee
heart, also acts as vasodilator, raises in his life, working during even nighttime
blood pressure, enhances the effect on his works. And Voltaire is also said to
of analgesic medicines, boosts gastric have had 5070 cups of his favorite drink
juice secretion and stimulates the res- every day?
piration centre. One cup of coffee contains 23 times
The chlorogenic acid found in coffee more antioxidant substance than the
is diuretic and antibilious in effect. same amount of green tea?
Recently performed experiments DXN Coffee products are offered by
prove that drinking coffee is not as Individually designed DXN coffee ma-
harmful as many believed so. Accord- chines as well?
ing to the results of a certain examina- A new marketing tool is available by the
tion in the field suggest that the active title Thoughts on Coffee, a book pub-
substance in coffee reduces the risks lished by DXN Europe Ltd.?
of gall bladder sickness, also for its
polyphenol content, that is antioxidant
in effect, coffee merits as high con-
sideration as tea or garlic!

Lingzhi Black Coffee

DXN Lingzhi Black Coffee is a for- Did you know?

mula of a unique recipe that contains
the finest quality of instant coffee and Only one bag of Lingzhi Black Coffee
Ganoderma extract. DXN Black Cof- contains more than 4 g instant coffee of
fee has no sugar added to and it is suit- premium quality?
able for those who would like to limit
their sugar intake.
Net weight: 20 bags x 4,5 g
Instant Coffee Powder, Ganoderma Free from preservatives, artificial
Extract food coloring, flavors, additives, grains
and any components of animal origin.
Nutrition facts Its a fine choice of black coffee!
100 g 4,5 g
Calories 340 kcal 15 kcal Product code: FB054
Carbohydrate 54,6 g 2,5 g
Protein 22,9 g 1,0 g
Fat 3,3 g 0,1 g

Lingzhi Coffee 3in1

DXN Lingzhi Coffee 3 in 1 is spe- Did you know?

cially blended with the finest quality
instant coffee, pure Ganoderma Ex- Only one bag of Lingzhi Coffee 3 in
tract and Non Dairy Creamer by a 1 contains 4,2 g instant coffee of pre-
particular process. mium quality?
More and more people suffer from
Ingredients Lactose intolerance? DXN engineers
Sugar, Non Dairy Creamer, Instant use dairy products in the most inevit-
Coffee Powder and Ganoderma able cases.
Extract Non Dairy Creamer used in DXN
drink powders (Instant Coffee pow-
Nutrition facts
ders, Nutrizhi) is a product from
100 g 21 g sugarcane origin. Contains Glucose
Syrup from sugarcane origin, Palm Oil,
Calories 452,0 kcal 95,0 kcal Kazeic Acid, Phosphates (E340, E451),
Carbohydrate 76,4 g 16,0 g Emulsifiers (E 471, E472e) and natural
coloring, Riboflavin (E 101).
Protein 5,4 g 1,1 g
Fat 13,9 g 2,9 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 21 g

Free from artificial coloring and

preservatives. Contains sugar.

Product code: FB002

DXN Cream Coffee

It was created to fulfill the de- Nutrition facts

mands of the european market. It is
the mixture of excellent quality in- 100 g 14 g
stant coffee, Ganoderma extract and
Calories 465 kcal 65,0 kcal
non-dairy creamer. If you are looking
for a creamy coffee, but would like to Carbohydrate 59,3 g 8,3 g
reduce the daily sugar intake, DXN
Cream Coffe is the perfect choice! Protein 10,9 g 1,5 g
Fat 20,5 g 2,9 g
non-dairy creamer , instant coffee, It is free from artificial colourings,
Ganoderma preservartives and sugar, but contains
creamer, which provides a smooth and
Net weight: 20 bags x 14 g mild taste for the coffee. It is ideal for
people, who have to be careful with
the sugar intake.

Product code: FB068

Zhi Cafe Classic

Coffee had an important role in sev- Did you know?

eral societies worldwide.A cup of coffee
can make miracles in the morning. How- The discovery of coffee roast started
ever if you are a coffee drinker for a long the world-conquering path of coffee
time and you like special taste, you can
change to a full roast coffee.
DXN has brought you Zhi Cafe Clas- Ingredients
sic, which is made from the mixture of coffee, sugar, Ganoderma extract
full roast coffee bean and Ganoderma
extract. It gives a light smooth taste, with Net weight: 20 bags x 20 g
a nice aroma, which is suitable for the
first coffee in the morning. You will be
amazed of its freshly roasted taste and Product code: FB063

Zhi Cafe Classic is the perfect choice

if you like the smooth coffee taste.

Nutrition facts
100 g 20 g
Calories 397 kcal 79,4 kcal
Carbohydrate 87,3 g 17,5 g
Protein 6,6 g 1,3 g
Fat 2,4 g 0,5 g

(Theobroma cacao)

Cocoa tree is native to Middle and peia [Theobrominium Ph. Hg. VIII. 2389.
South America, and also grown in sev- 4422, 7522].
eral tropic countries, such as West Afri-
ca and Brazil. In nature these trees may The main usage of cocoa is as sea-
reach a height of even 810 m, but cul- soning. Wellness industry uses it for
tivated they reach only 3 m high. Middle chocolate massage, because chocolate
American Native tribes (Mayan, Aztec, with a high consistency of cocoa but-
Olmec etc.) considered cocoa a holy ter is a quality skin care product with
plant, and the beverage prepared from skin cleansing, softening and detoxifying
the fruit the brew of gods. A Mayan properties. Cocoa butter supports fat
legend says, that Quetzalcoatl (the burning externally. Also the flavonoids
Feathered Serpent God) gave Cocoa as block growth of free radicals that cause
a gift to the people, after they were cre- aging of the skin.
ated from corns by the Mother God-
dess. Did you know?
Used parts of the plant:
Seeds (Cacao semen), powdered 100 g Cocoa powder contains 313
seeds (Cacao pulvis), the oil produced kcal, 18,5 g protein, 21,7 g fat, 10,5 g
from the seeds, cocoabutter (Theo- carbohydrate, 36,8 g not water soluble
bromae/ Cacao butyrum) fiber and 2,7 g water soluble fiber?
There have been crockery originat-
Main components in cocoa seeds ing in the 1900900s B.C. turned up
and powdered seeds: by excavations in Middle America, that
Fermented seeds contain 12 % were used for making cocoa ?
Theobromine, 0,20,3 % Caffeine, Cocoa and chocolate made from
traces of Theophylline, cca. 5 % Cat- cocoa beans is rich in certain flavon-
echin tanning compound, Polymer Pro- oids? One of them, catechin is a very
cyanidins, 5060 % fatty oil. The main well absorbing compound, and also
agent in cocoa is Theobromine, which is used in tumor therapy as supplement-
listed in the VIII. Hungarian Pharmaco- ary treatment?

Zhi Mocha

DXN Zhi Mocha is a variety of Did you know?

Lingzhi coffee specially concocted for
coffee lovers who love the taste of A bag of Zhi Mocha contains less than
chocolate as well.The mellow flavored 1,5 instant coffee powder?
DXN Zhi Mocha is mixture of se- A bag of Zhi Mocha contains more than
lected coffee beans with Ganoderma 0,5 g Cocoa powder of premium quality?
Extract and Cocoa powder.

Ingredients Contains sugar and low-fat pow-

Non Dairy Creamer, Sugar, Skim Milk dered milk. Free from artificial color-
Powder, Malt Extract, Instant Coffee ing and preservatives.
Powder, Cocoa Powder, Ganoderma

Nutrition facts
100 g 21 g
Calories 442,0 kcal 92,82 kcal
Carbohydrate 76,2 g 16,00 g
Protein 5,5 g 1,16 g
Fat 12,7 g 2,67 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 21 g

Product code: FB034


DXN Cocozhi is formulated from Did you know?

the finest cocoa with Ganoderma ex-
tract. Given the filtered bags, you can Only one bag of Cocozhi contains 3 g
enjoy the chocolate taste anywhere Cocoa of premium quality?
you like. Just pour the contents in a One bag of Cocozhi contains an average
hot cup of water and stir to enjoy a of 198,4 mg Potassium, 156,8 mg Calcium,
refreshing drink! Contains sugar and 105,6 mg Phosphorus, 48,0 mg Sodium,
skim milk powder. Just have yourself a 1,9 mg Vitamin C, 5,5 mg B3?
fine cup of chocolate! Cocozhi may be prepared with water or
milk as well?
Creamer, Sugar, Skim Milk Powder,
Malt Extract, Cocoa, Ganoderma Ex- Contains sugar and low-fat pow-
tract,Vanilin dered milk. Free from artificial color-
ing and preservatives.
Nutrition facts
100 g 32 g
Calories 403,5 kcal 129,1 kcal
Carbohydrate 71,9 g 23,0 g
Protein 7,3 g 2,3 g
Fat 8,8 g 2,8 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 32 g

Product code: FB025

(Lepidium meyenii)

Maca is only grown in the Andes is P-Metoxibensil Isotiocianate which

above 45000 m above sea levels. is an effective aphrodisiac.
Some sources describe it as annual,
some other as biennial. Its various col- Main effects:
ored roots (red, golden, purple, blue, In the first place it is proper food,
black and green) are highly valuated aphrodisiac and reduces uncomfort-
source of food in the region. able symptoms of menopause, and
certain experiments prove that it
raises sperm cells and sperm viability.
Also some sources describe Maca as

It is important to note that Maca

is mainly a nutriment for 2000 years.
According to ancient customs, war-
riors ate Maca every time before go-
Main components: ing to war, to enhance their stamina.
Carbohydrates (60 %), protein (10 Besides, their wives ate it to keep their
%), dietary fibres (8,5 %), fat (2,2 %), fertility.
uridine, malic acid, and its benzoyl de- One of the qualities has justified
rivative, glucosilonate so far for certain, that Maca can raise
Rich in minerals (Selenium, Calcium, sperm cell number and viability.
Magnesium, Iron) and fatty acids (Lino- Maca has no regulated dosage and
leic acid, Palmitic acid, Oleic acid), and not any known side effects.
beside it also contains amino acids and
various Polysaccharides.
One of two special substance in
Maca is (IR, 3S)-I-Methiltetrahydro-
Carbolin-3-Carboxillic acid effects the
central nervous system, and the other

Maca Eucaf

The popular Eucafe returned. This Did you know?

is a delicious coffee mixture designed
according to the demands of the Euro- Maca root is generally used amongst
pean market and contains Non Dairy the Natives of Middle-America for 2000
Creamer, sugar, instant coffee and years?
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) powder. A land of one hectare produces nearly 5
tons of Maca root?
Ingredients The different colored roots are attrib-
Non Dairy Creamer, Sugar, Instant uted different effects? In Peru the most
Coffee Powder, Maca (Lepidium popular and current kind is the golden
meyenii) Powder. for its sweet and soft flavor, and also for
Nutrition facts its size.The red root according to experi-
ments performed on rats, the root is ef-
100 g 21 g fective to reduce a grown prostate. The
Calories 449,0 kcal 94,3 kcal black and blue roots are said to be the
most energizing types.
Carbohydrate 78,0 g 16,4 g One bag of Maca EuCafe contains 3 g
premium quality coffee powder?
Protein 4,1 g 0,9 g
Fat 13,4 g 2,8 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 21 g

Product code: FB073

Contains sugar. Free from artificial col-

oring and preservatives.

Maca Vita Caf

The popular Vita Cafe returned! Did you know?

Following some minor alterations for
the European market, the final blend Although Maca Vita Cafe contains less
contains instant coffee powder, gin- than 3 g instant coffee, with ginseng
seng powder, Maca powder (Lepidium powder and Maca powder this mixture
meyenii) and Ganoderma extract. It is the most stimulant coffee of the DXN
offers even more delicious taste with products?
sugar and Non Dairy Creamer includ- The European staff has collaborated in
ed in it. developing of the Maca Eucafe and Maca
Vita Cafe?
Sugar, Non Dairy Creamer, Instant Contains sugar. Free from artificial
Coffee Powder, Ginseng Powder, Maca coloring and preservatives.
(Lepidium meyenii) Powder, Gano-
derma Extract.
Nutrition facts
100 g 21 g
Calories 442,0 kcal 92,82 kcal
Carbohydrate 80,9 g 16,9 g
Protein 3,0 g 0,6 g
Fat 11,8 g 2,5 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 21 g

Product code: FB072

(Panax ginseng)

Ginseng is the most honored herb toning and enhancing physical

of the Asian Continent. Perennial, stamina
herbaceous plant it is, native in the stimulates the central nervous sys-
mountains of North-East China, and tem
also in Northern areas of the Korean helps reduce exhaustion occurring
Peninsula. Traditional Medicine uses from physical and mental distress, and
the roots, both red and white de- helps recover memory
pending on producing procedure. enhances non specific resistance in
the body
Main components: enhances RNA - protein synthesis,
23 % Triterpensaponine gin- and anabolic processes
senosids, 0,05 % essential oils (with influences sexual body functions,
Limonene, citral etc. content), Poly- enhances sperm production, and libi-
saccharides (e.g. Cellulose, Panaxan, do, supports erection, without raising
Ginsenan), Poliacetylens (Falcarinol, frequency of intercourse
Panaxinol, Panaxadol, Panacatriol),
Peptidoglycans Daily recommended dosage:
in short term use 1,52,0 g daily
Ginseng root is found in VIII. Hun- in long term use 0,40,8 g daily rec-
garian Pharmacopoeia, and also the ommended
6th European Pharmacopoeia, as of-
ficially listed herbal drug, with legally Important!
proven healing effects as follows: Effects listed above refer to Ginseng as
adaptogen (non toxic, enhancing the herbal drug, and not to the DXN
the bodys resistance ability against a Coffee product itself!
number of stressors, let them be bio- Ginseng is a well tolerated substance,
logical, physical, and chemical) side effects rarely occur.
regulator (normalizing body func-
tions - reducing overreactions and en-
hancing underactive functions

Soya Omega-3 and
(Glycine max)
Omega-6 fatty acids
Soya has one of the oldest cultiva- The structure of fatty acids gener-
tion culture on Earth.The predecessor ally is straightly formed chain of 6-30,
or the today known Soya is Glycine usually by even, rarely by odd number
soya, which is native in South-East Asia of carbon atoms, some saturated and
and Manchuria. some unsaturated acids.

Main components in soya: Omega 3 (alpha - Linolenic

Carbohydrates (2025 %), Proteins acid, docosahexaenoic acid, EPA)
(3540 %), Lipids (1518 % Fatty acids, Oils rich in alpha - Linolenic acid are
mainly Linolic acid and Oil acid ester, hemp seed oil, linseed oil, and black-
23 % Lecithin), and various Isoflavons currant seed oil. EPA is most com-
monly found in fish oil.
Soybean lecithin reduces choles-
terol levels and combined with other Omega 6 (Linoleic acid, gamma
phospholipids protects the liver. Also - Linolenic acid, arachidonic acid)
soybean isoflavons are effective anti- Oils rich in linoleic acid are linseed
oxidant, anticancerous and fitoestro- oil, peanut oil, grape seed oil, wheat
gen compounds. Fatty acids have skin germ oil, hemp seed oil, sunflower
care properties, they reduce dryness seed oil, and sesame seed oil, which
of skin and inflammation of skin. Soy might contain up to 40 % of Linoleic
milk is a valuable substance to increase acid or more Gamma-linolenic acid is
the skins moisture holding capacity, to be found in evening primrose oil,
and enhances its flexibility. Also it is borage oil, hemp seed oil and black-
adaquate substitute for milk for those currant seed oil.
suffering lactose intolerance.
The optimal ratio of Omega-3 and
In Asia soya is common nutriment, Omega-6 is 1:35, but generally our
used in many ways, for example in nutrition contains much more Omega
form of tofu, soy milk, and also as 6. It is recommended to take Omega-3
fermented food. Soya protein isolate, dietary supplement (e.g. fish oil) to
which is popular amongst sportsmen, avoid the risks of heart and vascular
is a pure protein product. diseases.

DXN Nutrizhi Soya Drink

A mixed soy and malt beverage Did you know?

specially formulated using premium
quality of Soybeans, Malt, sugar, Gano-
Soya is commonly grown in the area of
derma mycelium powder, with Omega the currant China since B.C. III millennium?
3, Omega 6 and Lecithin. Mixed in hot
One bag of Nutrizhi contains 14 g instant
water provides a rich protein bever-
soy powder and nearly 1 g Ganoderma
age. lucidum (mycelium)?
Lecithins and soy powder contained in
Ingredients the product originates from genetically
Instant Soya Bean Powder, Malt not modified seeds?
Extract, Non Dairy Creamer, Sugar, Nutrizhi is free from additives of animal
Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium), origin so provides an adequate vegetarian
Omega-3, Omega-6, Lecithin meal?

Contains sugar. No artificial coloring

Nutrition facts
and preservatives included.
100 g 30 g
IMPORTANT: Intake in high dos-
Calories 432,0 kcal 129,6 kcal age Isoflavones active as phytoestrogens
Carbohydrate 69,7 g 20,91 g contained in soya may be a risk, espe-
cially for kids and teenagers, also with
Protein 11,5 g 3,45 g estrogen-dependant tumor cases.
Fat 12,0 g 3,60 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 30 g

Product code: FB044

(Triticum aestivum)

Plain wheat is the most important grain Did you know?

(for bread) in our culture. It grew out of
a combination of various ancient plants 100 g of wheat seed contains 347
originating from Caucasus, Asia Minor kcal, 14,4 g protein, 1,8 g fat, and 66,2 g
and Middle Asia. Wheat is perennial or carbohydrate?
wintering herbaceous plant. Grown 100 g wheat flakes contain 339 kcal,
worldwide, especially in countries with 12,0 g protein, 2,0 g fat, and 66,0 g
moderate climate. There are different carbohydrate?
types of wheat known to provide flour,
such as spelt (Triticum spelta), and du- grain seeds into maltose and dextrins.
rum wheat (Triticum durum). The mostly used grain for this process
is barley (Hordeum vulgare).
Main components in wheat:
Seeds contain 10 % fatty oil. The Trigly-
cerides contained in the seed have 50
% of Linoleic acid as main component,
the rest are as follows: Palmitic, Stearic,
Oleic and Linoleic acid. An other valu-
able content is the Tocopherols (vitamin
E 0,30,5 %), Tocotrienols and Sterols
(such as -sitosterol, Campesterol) and
also the ester derivatives of the latter
mentioned sterols.

Malt extract:
It is produced by germination of any
type of grain seed (wheat, barley, oat,
etc.). During the sprouting process a
certain enzyme is created (diastase)
which transforms cellulose found in

DXN Spirulina Cereal
Spirulina are well-known as a bal- Did you know?
anced nutritious food while the high-
fiber cereals are usually recommended One bag of Spirulina Cereal contains
by the nutritionists. DXN Spirulina nearly 20 g of grains and more than 1 g
Cereal is made from high quality Spiru- Spirulina powder.
lina and Cereals, thus makes a new One bag of Spirulina Cereal contains
quality source available in the market. an average of 8,3 g fibers, 659,6 mg
Sodium, 137,3 mg Potassium, 316,4 mg
Ingredients Calcium and 2,7 mg Iron and free from
Wheat, Non Dairy Creamer, Malt Ex- Chlolesterol?
tract, Spirulina Powder and Vanillin It may be prepared mixed with milk,
yoghurt, fermented milk, juice, or hot
water (70 C) even?

Nutrition facts
100 g 30 g Contains Gluten from Wheat and
Malt! Sugar contained. Free from arti-
Calories 119,85 kcal ficial coloring and preservatives.
Carbohydrate 80,60 g 24,18 g
Protein 9,69 g 2,91 g
Fat 4,26 g 1,28 g

Net weight: 30 bags x 30 g

Product code: HF032

(Camellia sinensis)

The tea tree is commonly known Black Tea (Red Tea)

for the past 5000 years so far, and Harvested leaves are withered, rolled
known to be native in several areas or finely cut, and they are fermented in
worldwide, such as China, North-East humid air.Then they dry the fermented,
India (Assam), Burma and mountains dark colored leaves in hot air.
of Thailand. Trees growing in the wild,
might grow as tall as 10 m, while in cul- Oolong tea
tivation they are 6 m high, evergreen Oolong tea is when the leaves are
bushes. fermented within a range from 10 to
Just like any other species that grow 50 %. Tea, which is less fermented is
in various climates, these trees have called pouchong tea. In Chinese herbal
developed into different types accord- tea mixes available in Hungary Oo-
ing to their habitat.This bush have two long tea is the most frequently used as
types actually, one is the frost toler- component.
ant Chinese type (with slightly nar-
rower and slender leaves) and the White Tea
other Indian type which is sensitive to The main region this tea originates
frost (with rounder and slightly bigger from is Fu Chien and Yunnan province.
leaves). These two types in practice It is prepared from the bud and the
provide us with more than 3000 bev- first leaf under the bud. This type of
erage recipes! Tea is consumed at dif- tea has the highest antioxidant prop-
ferent levels of fermentation. erties of all forms of tea.

Green Tea Different levels of fermentation pro-

Harvested leaves are not fermented, duces teas with different active sub-
but spread on a tray and treated by stance content!
hot air, or steam.After this process the
leaves are rolled and slightly roasted.

Main components in tea: Did you know?
Tea Polyphenols (EGCG, ECG, etc.),
derivatives of Purin and Methyl xan- Green tea reduces the level of harmful
thine (Caffeine and Theophylline), Fla- LDL cholesterol whereas raises the levels
vonoid compounds (Theaflavin, Thea- of HDL cholesterol?
flavin-3-gallate, Theaflavin-3-gallates, China and Japan have both led
etc.) examinations to prove the anticancerous
properties of green tea?
Main effects:
stimulates the central nervous sys-
tem, diuretic, prevents mutations in
the body, antimicrobatic, anticancer-
ous, prevents growth of oral plaques
and dental caries

Reishi Gano Tea
DXN Reishi Gano Tea does not only Did you know?
include benefits of tea but also blend-
ed with high quality Reishi Gano pow- Green tea used to be listed as official
der to improve your health by regular medicine by more than one European
consumption. DXN Reishi Gano Tea countries pharmacopoeia (Ph. Por.IV.,
without added preservatives, color- Ph. France. VIII-X., BP Edition 1968., Ph
ings and flavorings refreshes your Helv.V)?
mind and body! A very characteristic Tea is the second most widely spread
taste with natural ingredients only. beverage after the first, water?
All of distribution of tea worldwide
Nutrition facts 7678 % includes black tea (2,1 M tons),
20 % includes green tea (0,9 M tons)
100 g 2g
and 2 % is oolong tea? [2010 statistics
Calories 355 kcal 7,1 kcal of FAO discluded white tea distribution]
Diagnosed tumors of certain organs
Carbohydrate 62,4 g 1,25 g (e.g. stomach, esophagus) show much
Protein 24,2 g 0,48 g lower consistency in areas, where
drinking tea is common, such as China
Fat 0,9 g 0,02 g and Japan, in comparsion with such
where drinking tea is not common?
Ingredients common?
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), Gano-
derma Extract.

Net weight: 20 bags x 2 g

Free from preservatives, artificial col-

oring, flavorings, additives, substances
from animal origin, and grains.

Product code: FB048

Self-heal Mandarin
(Prunella vulgaris) (Citrus reticulata)

Prunella is an abundant twiner, climb- Different citrus species have been

ing on the grounds of in grasslands, grown for very long period of time
pastures and croplands, well-known for their fruit. Hungarian language
by the Traditional Chinese Medicine, uses the same name, mandarin for
however excluded by the European more than one type of citrus fruit
phytotherapy. It is even mentioned in (e.g. Citrus reticulata, Citrus tanger-
Li Shizhens famous Bencao Gangmu - ine, Citrus clementina), but as the
Compendium of Materia Medica, from European Pharmacopeia describes
1578. (Ph. Eur. 5.6), mandarin essential oil is
prepared from Citrus reticulata fruit
Main components: by a specific mechanical procedure.
Triterpene-saponins, Stereols (e.g Mandarin is grown in huge planta-
ectison), Flavonoids, Tanning substance tions around Southern European
and Oligosaccharides countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, etc.),
the American continent, and certain
Main effects: countries of North America, how-
Most important is preventing in- ever mandarin originates from South
fections China, and the Philippines, where it is
prevents oral infections, and in- natively growing wild.
flammations (e.g. gum inflammation)
used as supplementary treatment Main agents:
of tumor therapy (for its immune Citrus fruits are good nutriment,
modulant property) especially valuable for the fiber and
used to treat inflammated skin also Vitamin content (primarily the anti-
inflammations around the eyes (as a li- oxidant, anticancerous, and stress-
quid cleanser) protecting vitamin C), Fruit acids,
Flavonoids and Minerals. The peel
Recommended daily dosage contains 0,20,5 % Essential oil
615 g

(65,075,0 % Limonen and 06,022,0 first one is for supporting liver func-
% Gamma-terpinen), Bitter sub- tions, the latter one is to support the
stance, Flavonoids, Coumarins (these spleen, and to ease flatulance. Spica
compounds are not present in oils tea contains the mature peel. Beside
prepared by steam distillation, but these effects, it supports digestion, it
cold-pressed oils only). is anti-inflammatory and expectan-
Main effects (crust):
Traditional Chinese Medicine uses Daily dosage:
the peel instead of essential oils and 3-5 g peel daily
the fruit itself. Green, immature peel
is called qing-pi, while the mature
orange peel is called chen-pi. The

(Mentha arvensis)

Mint is a wild-growing plant not only in Folk medicine defines usage of Wild
Hungary, but also in China and Japan, as Mint greatly similar to Peppermint con-
well as a different type growing in Can- sidering that in many cases these two
ada. In moderate climate belt it is widely plants were not identified as two of a
grown mainly for producing essential kind. Todays medical therapy uses this
oil and menthol. It grows an average of herb in form of Galenus medicines (tab-
2040 (rarely 80) cm tall, and resembles lets and drops) and industrial produce as
to other types of mint. Its flowers are well, in cases of digestive disorders, ir-
purple and they are commonly found in ratible bowel syndrome, bile path com-
wet soils. plaints. For external use to ease respira-
One of the first mention of this herb is tion in form of cream, to ease headaches
in a Chinese compendium, in Lei Xiaos in massage ointment and packs, to ease
Leigong baozhilun or Treatise on the pains of musculoskeletal diseases and in
Preparation Remedies, from the V. cen- treatment of oral, or dental symptoms.
tury. Also it is usable as respiratory infection
treatment in form of inhalation as sug-
Main components: gested.
13 % Essential oil (cca. 80 % Menthol,
also Menthon, Menthin acetate as main
constituents), Tanning compound and

Main effects:
antimicrobiotic, antispasmodic, against
flatulence, anti inflammatory, local anaes-

25 25
Chinese liquorice
(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)

Chinese liquorice is the Asian rela- Recommended daily dosage:

tive of liquorice known to Hungary. 515 g of rhizomes and culms
It even grows wild in China and Japan, or 200800 mg glycyrrhizin or extract
and cultivated in vast amount in Inner equal in active substance
Mongolia. Traditional Chinese Medi-
cine uses rhizomes and the 2022 cm Attention!
long, 11,5 cm thick culms, growing Suffering from cirrhosis, high blood
from the rhizomes. It shows how high- pressure, severe case of renal fail-
ly this plant is considered by Chinese ure, and during pregnancy daily use
and Japanese medicine, that it is listed is unrecommended! Extracts without
in 2000 s Chinese Pharmacopeia, and glycyrrhizin has no reported side ef-
the XIV. Japanese Pharmacopeia. fects. Daily usage of drugs and other
products equal to drugs, in dosage
Main components: suggested by the WHO monograph
Triterpenoid structured Saponins is recommended no longer than 4-6
(most important are the sweet Gly- weeks period of time.
cyrrhisin, and Liquiricic acid, Glabrolid,
Glycyrrhetin acid deriviates, Uralsap-
onin A, B, Flavonoids and Polysacchar-
ides (amongst them there are effective
immune modulants as well)

Main effects:
anti inflammatory
prevents growth of festers and sup-
ports healing of a grown fester
immune stimulating
antiviral (effective against Herpes
simplex and Herpes zooster)

Spica Tea

DXN Spica tea is a mixture of five Did you know?

different herbs, prepared according
to ancient Chinese recipe. The herbs In Asia Spica Tea is not scalded but
are Prunellae vulgaris plant, exotic commonly boiled for a couple of minutes?
mandarin peel, refreshing mint leaves, According to Chinese doctors this
liquorice and Ganoderma lucidum. It is healing soup, called yao-tang has more
a refreshing drink wither hot or cold, active substance than a simple infusion.
with mild and exotic taste. According to Chinese doctors tea is
best served without any flavoring? It is
Ingredients recommended to taste Spica Tea in itself,
Spica Prunellae, Pericarpium Citri re- without adding any sugar or other flavors
ticulatae, Herba Menthae, Radix Gly- to it.
cyrrhizae, Ganoderma lucidum Spica Tea has traditionally been used
according to Chinese sources to reduce
Nutrition facts body heat?

100 g 5g Preservatives, artificial coloring,

Calories 337,0 kcal 16,85 kcal added flavors, grains, additives and
substances from animal origin NOT
Carbohydrate 72,46 g 3,62 g contained.
Protein 1,24 g 0,06 g
Fat 9,10 g 0,46 g

Net weight: 20 bags x 5 g

Product code: FB001

The Noni
(Morinda citrifolia)

Noni is a widely known and re- Main effects:

spected fruit, for nutrition, healthcare antibacterial
and curative reasons in the South-East antiviral
Asian countries around the Pacific. against parasite and worm infection
In ancient Hawaii, Noni bark and analgesic
roots were used to make yellow and immunomodulatory
red paint, as coloring. When poverty anti inflammatory
struck, they used to eat the crude anticancerous
green noni fruits. Mixed with salt, ver- reduces cholesterol levels
dant noni fruits are usable remedy for reduces blood pressure
deep wounds and broken bones. Be-
sides they used mellow noni to make
bandages for bruises, wounds and
abscesses. Even the juice is usable as Did you know?
pesticide and to get rid of hair lice. Be-
sides Hawaii, noni fruit was commonly There is quality literature available
used in Malaysia, India and the histor- about Noni in Hungarian?
ical Indochina. The first time distribution of Noni
was legally permitted in form of juice it
Main components: was by the European Union 2003/426/
Proxeronine and Xeronine (alka- EC decision?
loids), Scopoletin, Damnacanthal, As- 3800 tons of Noni was grown only in
peruloside, and different types of An- the Samoan Islands in 2005?
Dr. Ralph Heinicke discovered
Xeronin. He worked in the Pineapple
Research Institute Hawaii from the
1950s, studying enzyme extraction
from pineapples and their potential
industrial uses.

DXN Morinzhi Juice

DXN Morinzhi is a juice of the widely Did you know?

known Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia)
and Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). It is a Only one serving of Noni juice contains
closely controlled process to preserve an average of 6 mg vitamin C?
all active substance in these two valu- A tropical non-alcohol cocktail might
able fruits. Have yourself a very tasty, get an even more exotic taste with a few
exotic beverage with its valuable and cents of Morinzhi added to it?
healthy effect! Rosella also found in Morinzhi is a
substance used for its roborating and
Ingredients detoxifying affects in teas and also during
Morinda citrifolia Juice, Natural Fruit respiratory diseases occur to supply
Juice (Roselle) an adequate water intake for the body
(also to keep the balance of vitamin and
Free from preservatives, artificial col- mineral intake).
oring, flavouring, additives, substances
from animal origin, and grains.
Net cubic content:
Nutrition facts 285 ml / 700 ml

100 ml 30 ml Product code:

Calories 36,6 kcal 11,0 kcal FB007 / FB065

Carbohydrate 8,6 g 2,6 g

Protein 0,4 g 0,1 g
Fat 0,1 g 0,0 g

DXN Zhi Mint Plus

Throat irritation? Bad breath? DXN Did you know?

brings you the innovative Zhi mint, a
formula of Ganoderma Extract and the Maltite is a natural sweetener
widely spread and valued peppermint oil. substance, nearly effective as sugar, but
With one in your mouth, icy cool and a 40 % less in calories, and also it is a
soothing relief in your throat in any suf- slow absorbant substence. GLI equals
focating moment! to 20-30. Also absorbation does not
require insulin in the body, therefore
Ingredients it is digestible even with diabetes
Maltitol, Ganoderma Extract, Peppermint condition as well.
Oil, Magnesium Silicate

Free from preservatives, artificial color-

ing, substance from animal origin and

Nutrition facts
100 g 1g
Calories 398,3 kcal 3,98 kcal
Carbohydrate 97,8 g 0,98 g
Protein 0,2 g 0,0 g
Fat 0,7 g 0,0 g

Net weight: 12 bags x 25 g

Product code: FB055

Zhi Ca Plus

DXN Zhi Ca Plus is a rich and aromat- Did you know?

ic coffee flavored candy specially made
for consumers who wish to limit their Zhi Ca Plus is refreshing for its Coffee
sugar intake. It is made from a selec- Extract? When you are running short on
tion of coffee beans with the added time for a pleasant coffee, it is a substantial
benefits of Ganoderma Extract. and effective choice.
Zhi Ca Plus is a unique recipe blending
Ingredients the affect of Coffee and Ganoderma
Sugar, Non Dairy Creamer, Coffee Ex- Extract in one tasteful and exotic candy
tract, Skim Milk Powder, Ganoderma
Extract, Magnesium Silicate
This product contains sugar, low-fat
Nutrition facts powdered milk, and Coffee Extract!
Consumption for children, ones
100 g 1g
suffering diabetes or lactose intoler-
Calories 431,0 kcal 4,31 kcal ance is not recommended. Free from
preservatives, artificial coloring and
Carbohydrate 82,0 g 0,82 g grain.
Protein 2,9 g 0,03 g
Fat 10,2 g 0,1 g

Net weight: 10 bags x 9,5 g

Product code: FB060

(Ganoderma lucidum)

Ganoderma gradually became more lack control testing, which is elemen-

and more known to the Western tary factor to be validated as proof.
countries, whereas it had been widely However, in the last decade there have
spread in Asia, but it is native even in been various sophisticated reports ap-
Hungary. pear about the therapeutic potential
Ganoderma has been known to the of Ganoderma.
Far East, especially Japan, Korea and
China for 4000 years. Used in Trad- Numerous clinical and preclinical
itional Chinese Medicine (TCM) espe- examinations certify positive phar-
cially, and has reached a closely similar macologic effects. According to pub-
importance as ginseng. It was men- lished reports the effects include anti
tioned even during the Han Dynasty inflammatory, analgesic, radioprotect-
(200 B.C. until 200 A.D.) by name of ive, chemo preventive, anticancerous,
Lingzhi. Emperor Wu of Han thought anti arteriosclerosis effects, but also
so highly of Ganoderma to consider it conclude cases which prove it to help
one of the tools for immortality, thus with sleeping, to reduce coagulation,
keeping it inside the castle walls. blood sugar and blood lipids, also to
protect liver, to prevent stomach ulcer,
Regular and scheduled use enhances antioxidant effect, to reduce free rad-
immune functions, helps recovery of icals and antibacterial, antiviral (includ-
the worsened health, especially im- ing HIV), and anti-aging effects.
portant in cancer treatment of stom-
ach, pancreas, colon, liver as supple-
mentary treatment, and also to reduce
side effects of chemotherapy.

There are series of publications

about Ganoderma used as adjuvant
therapy for hepatitis, carcinoma, dia-
betes, leukemia, although most cases

Main components in the fully grown Did you know?
fruit body
Terpenoids (more than 140 of them The first rateable reference from med-
have been identified so far, especially ical aspect about Ganoderma is from the
different types of Triterpenes), Carbo- writing of Shen Nong: Bencaojing dating
hydrates (especially immunomodulant back to II.-I. century B.C. .
Polysaccharides), Proteins, Nucleo- Ancient chinese sources stated that ling-
tides, other (e.g. Serols, Cerebrosides) zhi has 5 or 6 tints. Modern science later
proved, that not all of them were Gano-
Main components in mycelium derma, but everyone had healing effect.
Terpenoids, Lactones, Alkaloids, In Japan a medicine called Krestin, con-
Polysaccharides, Serins (Nitrogen free taining ganoderma-polysaccharide, was
Polysaccharides) put on market from 1977, which has been
officialy used as a part of complement-
For more information and bibli- ary treatment of tumorous patients since
ography: 1980.
A pecstviaszgomba (Ganoderma The powdered mushroom is suitable for
lucidum). Compiled by Dr. Szab, Ls- making soup. Chinese cuisine has dozens
zl Gy., Dr. Babulka, Pter; Fdi, Attila. of receipts, where Ganoderma mush-
Budapest : DXN Europe Ltd. 2011. 30 room is used also.
p. [in Hungarian]
Dr. Lelley, Jan: The healing power
of mushrooms: Mycology in service of
health. Translated by Dr. Lelley, Jnos.
Budapest : Mezgazda Kiad, 1999.
(Die Heilkraft der Pilze). 155 p. ISBN
963 9121 74 6 [in Hungarian]

DXN Reishi Gano (RG)

The Ganoderma lucidum used is har- Did you know?

vested from a 90-day old red mush-
room, in order to preserve all valuable The fully grown mushroom contains
substance, especially the spores. The valuable biological substance such as
mushrooms are dried with cool air, then Adenosine, Polysaccharides,Triterpenoids
gently, and thoroughly powdered. The and Protein?
resulting powder contains the spores of The edible mushrooms are considered
the mushroom as well! No other sub- as eligible foods by those on special diet
stance is included in the final powder, and the followers of almost all religions,
free from additives, active substance and except orthodox Hindus?
coloring. All edible mushrooms have high fiber
content, low glycemic index and are
Ingredients low in cholesterol, thus they provide
100 % Ganoderma lucidum (fruit body) ideal solutions for those suffering weight
problems, and high blood sugar?
1st week: 1 capsule daily
From 2nd week: 2-3 capsules daily Net weight: 30/90/360 x 450 mg

Casing substance: Product codes: HF002 (RG30),

Hypromellose HF001 (RG90), HF034 (GL360)

Active substance
per day

Ganoderma lucidum
1 capsule: 270 mg
2 capsules: 540 mg
3 capsules: 810 mg

DXN Ganocelium (GL)

The Ganoderma used are harvested Did you know?

from 18-days old mycelium of Gano-
derma lucidum. The mycelium is rich Mycelium contains less Triterpenoids
in Polysaccharides, organic Germa- than a fully grown mushroom, however
nium, vitamins and minerals. It is free its Polysaccharide content is multiple
from other additives, active substance times more?
or coloring. Mycelium contains multiple times more
of organic Germanium than the fully
Ingredients grown fruit body?
100 % Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium)

1st week: 1 capsule daily
From 2nd week: 2-3 capsules daily

Casing substance:

Active substance per day

Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium)

1 capsule: 450 mg
2 capsules: 900 mg
3 capsules: 1350 mg

Net weight: 30/90/360 x 450 mg

Product codes: HF004 (GL30),

HF003 (GL90), HF035 (GL360)

DXN Reishi Gano DXN Ganocelium
(RG) Powder (GL) Powder
The Ganoderma lucidum used are The Ganoderma lucidum used
harvested from a 90-day old red mush- are harvested from a 18-day old red
room.Actually it is a match to the Reishi mushroom. Actually it is a match to
Gano Capsule without the casing the Ganocelium Capsule without the
100 % Ganoderma lucidum (fruit body) Ingredients
100 % Ganoderma lucidum
Dosage: (mycelium)
1 spoonful daily
Net weight: 15 g 1 spoonful daily dissolved in 2 dl
Product code: HF007
Net weight: 30 g

Product code: HF008

Did you know?
The powder form provides you with
a more comfortable way of dosing? Did you know?
The powder form provides you with
a more comfortable way of dosing?

DXN Reishi Mushroom Powder

Reishi Mushroom Powder is a com- Did you know?

bination of the essence of RG and GL
Powder, therefore provides benefits of The powder form provides you with
both valuable products in one! a more comfortable way of dosing?

60 % Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium),
40 % Ganoderma lucidum (fruit body)

Nutrition facts 100 g

Calories 384,0 kcal
Carbohydrate 86,0 g
Protein 4,0 g
Fat 2,7 g

1 spoonful daily

Net weight: 22 g

Product code: HF008

(Cordyceps sinensis)

Cordyceps is medically considered effects were experienced.

one of the most important species of
the Cordyceps genus, which consists It is important to note, that the ef-
of more than 400 species. It grows fects listed are valid to Cordyceps
above 3000 m in the cold, marshy mushroom, not DXN Cordyceps cap-
and snowy areas of the mountains of sule.
China and Tibet. Chinese Medicine
gained the knowledge and usage of
Cordyceps from Traditional Tibetan

Main components:
Polysaccharides with low and high
molecular weight and other sugar de-
rivatives, Proteins, Peptides, Polyamins
and Essential Amino acids, Sterols
(e.g. Ergosterol, Delta-3-ergosterol,
Campesterol), saturated and unsatur-
ated Fatty acids (e.g. Palmitic acid,
Stearic acid, Linoleic acid, Oleic acid),
also Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocar-
bons, water soluble and fat soluble
Vitamins (K, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Se,
Al, Si, Ni, Sr, Ti, Cr, Ga,V, Zr)

For experiments the mycelium, alco-

hol or water solutions, and the fruit
body were mostly used. According to
the chemical composition of the dif-
ferent Cordyceps products, different

Did you know? reduces extremely high blood lipid
levels, especially cholesterol and trig-
helps the kidney functions, and licerid level
reduces protein and blood urination for other factors it is has positive
stimulates liver function and effect on the heart (e.g. blocks
detoxifyication deposition of cholesterol in arteries,
reduces pain sensations, and widens veins, prevents blood clotting,
enhances body oxygene utilization thus helps flow-through in veins)
raises worsened immune response, postiviely effects carbohydrate
and enhances immune activity metabolism and reduces blood sugar
(intensifies natural killer cells activity, helps to resolve bronchi and to expel
and phagocytosis, raises number of stucked sputum, thus eases respiration
macrophages, boosts reproduction of raises the antioxidant capacity of the
interleukins-2 and T-cell function) body
in rare cases slow down, or even blocks reproduction of certain
block tumor growth (e.g. breast viruses and fungus
and lung cancer) by contributing to resolves stress and anxiety
recovering an ill immune system,
therefore raising survival rate
in higher dosage cordyceps acts
as immunsuppresent and controls
immune reactions at an equivalent
level as Cyclosoprin (which might
be important with organ transplant

DXN Cordyceps capsule

DXN Cordyceps capsule consists of Did you know?

100 % Cordyceps sinensis. It contains
abundance of nutrients and bioactive Cordyceps mushroom have been
compound such as Cordycepic Acid, commonly used in Tibet and China for
Cordycepin, amino acids (e.g. Glu- the past 1000 years?
tamic Acid, L-Triptophane, L-Arginin, The first written document mentioning
Lyzine) etc. the substance in a medical context is
connected to China in XII. century?
Ingredients The mushroom is a parasite of the larva
100% Cordyceps sinensis of the Ghost Moth genus, whereas grown
in industrial surrounding the cultures are
Dosage: grown fully on vegetal media?
1-3 capsules daily

Casing substance:

Active substance per day:

1 capsule 450 mg
2 capsules 900 mg
3 capsules 1350 mg

Net weight: 60 x 450 mg

Product code: HF024

DXN Cordypine

DXN Cordypine is a blend of quality Did you know?

Cordyceps with naturally fermented
pineapple juice. DXN Cordypine is a 20 ml Cordypine contains hardly 8 g
potent formula as the pineapple en- of Sugar, 2,24 mg Potassium and 1,4 mg
zymes produced from fermentation Sodium?
are capable of working synergistically Cordypine is cholesterol free, low in
with Cordyceps giving better result fibers and has a very exotic taste?
and excellent performance.

Ingredients Dosage:
Pineapple juice (55 %), Sugar (30 %), 3 x 20 ml daily dissolved in 180 ml
Cordyceps sinensis (10 %), Lime (5 %) water

Nutrition facts Contains added sugar! Free from

preservatives, artificial coloring, addi-
100 ml 20 ml tives, substance from animal origin and
201,00 grain.
Calories 40,20 kcal
Carbohydrate 50,00 g 10,00 g
Protein 0,24 g 0,05 g
Fat 0,10 g 0,02 g

Net cubic content: 700 ml

Product code: FB028 (700 ml)

Lions Mane Mushroom
(Hericium erinaceus)

Lions mane counts as delicious antimicrobic

nutriment, and valuable herb for cen- anticancerous and blocks tumor
turies, and it is possible to cultivate growth (by stimulating natural kill cells,
even in Hungary. T-cells, -cells, macrophages depend-
In China, where this mushroom ant immune response)
counts as exquisite meal it is called immunmodulant (aspecific immun-
monkey head mushroom. In Japanese, stimulant)
the name - Yamabushitake refers to a antioxidant
hiding lifestyle, as in Japanese the Bud- reduces blood sugar and blood lip-
dhist hermits bear the name yama- ids
bushi. preventive against dementia
Especially for containing hericenon
Main components: C, H, and erinacine A and I, Traditional
Polysaccharides (different -glucans), Chinese Medicine uses it for bowel
Diterpens (e.g. Hericenenone A-H, syndrome and gastric disorder treat-
and Ericenins), Adenosin, Oleic acid, ment, also against neurasthenia and
Proteins and Amino acids (contains exhaustion.
Phenylalanin, Histidine, Leucine, Iso-
leucin, Lysine, Threonine, and Valine of
Essential amino acids), of Minerals and
Trace elements: Phosphorus, Iron, Po- Did you know?
tassium, Calcium,Vitamins B1 and B2
First to report on it in our culture was
Modern research proved positive ef- C.H. Persson in 1794?
fects of Lions mane that had been long Besides the official name, it is known by
accounted for by Traditional Chinese several other names, such as Hedgehog
Medicine. mushroom, Pom pom mushroom, Beard-
Chinese, Japanese, Korean and ed tooth etc.?
American researchers report the fol-
lowing curative effects:

DXN Lions Mane Tablet

Lions Mane Mushroom has been a Did you know?

very nutritious and valuable food in
China and Japan since hundreds of Lions Mane Tablet is available in
years ago. It contains almost all types Hungarian market since 2010?
of important Amino acids needed by The product is optimized according to
the body and it is also rich in nutrients, value-cost, considering that one tablet
minerals, polysaccharides, adenosine costs 50 Ft?
and protein.

60 % Hericium erinaceus (mycelium),
40 % Lactose

6 tablets daily

Active substance per day

6 tablets Hericium erinaceus (mycelium):
1080 mg

Net weight: 120 x 300 mg

Product code: HF029

Contains Lactose! If you suffer lac-

tose intolerance be aware!

A Spirulina
(Spirulina platensis)

Spirulina platensis algae grows in a ment in tumor therapy, treatment of

spiral pattern, typically of 5-7 twists. It conditions with inflammation, and re-
is one of the most known marine algae. duces inflammations. Also reduces side
It is spread in tropical, subtropical wat- effects of medicaments, also protects
ers, with high carbonate content and liver-, kidney- and heart, prevents infec-
relatively alkaline pH around Africa, Asia, tions, and reduces symptoms of respira-
Mezo- and South America. tory diseases. It is good to mention, that
It is important to mention that hu- in many cases Spirulina is combined with
manity have used great organisms of other types of algae, most often a very
marine red, brown and green algae for quickly reproductive and common type,
thousands of years as fertilizer, nutri- one of the Chlorophytes phylum, called
ment, medical use, furthermore today Chlorella vulgaris, green algae.
for cosmetics as well.

Main components:
C-phykocyanin (blue coloring, not Did you know?
containing Magnesium), Chlorophyll
(green coloring, containing Magnesium), Spirulina contains all essential amino
cca 50 % Protein (thus rich in Amino acids?
acids including Essential Amino acids),
Polysaccharides with high molecular
weight (such as Spirulane Calcium salt), Recommended literature:
Sulpholipids, -linolenic acid (nearly 1 Tihanyi Andrs, [Prof. Dr.] Tth Jzsef,
%), -carotine, and other Carotinoids, Weber-Suta gnes: Zld utat az
Vitamin B, D, E egszsgnek! : Mikroalgk szerepe a
modern tpllkozsban s a gygytsban.
Spirulina helps to cease the symptoms [Budapest] : [Berenik Szolg. s Tanc-
of malnutrition caused by illnesses, also sad Kft.], 2008. 119 p. ISBN 978 963 06
helps with recovery, and metabolism 5961 1
disorders (abnormally high blood lipids
or blood sugar), supplementary treat-

DXN Spirulina tablets

Spirulina, a type of blue green algae Did you know?

is rich in protein, vitamins E and B, also
contains Beta-carotene, Clorophyll, Spirulina is mainly not collected from
fibers, minerals and Nucleic acids. its natural habitat, but it is cultivated on
Regular consuming helps to balance farms. DXN Spirulina farm is a 87.000
the acid base equilibrium in the body. m2 area where cultivation takes place in
Ingredients Spirulina is one of the best solutions
Spirulina platensis (96,3 %),Talc (1,7 %), against the overacidification of the body.
Calcium Carbonate (1,2 %), Acacia (0,8 NASA and ESA (european space agency)
%) classified Spirulina as recommended food
for astronauts, and also classified it as
Dosage: one of the first plant, which should
6 tablets daily be cultivated if colonization would take
Active substance per day:
Spirulina platensis 1444,50 mg
Talc 25,50 mg
Calcium Carbonate 18,00 mg
Acacia 12,00 mg

Free from preservatives, artificial Product codes:

coloring, flavoring, additives, substance HF031 (120),
from animal origin and grain. HF038 (500)

Net weight: 120/500 x 250 mg

Celery Ginkgo biloba,
(Apium graveolens) Maidenhair Tree
(Ginkgo biloba)
Celery seeds (Apii fructus) is an ancient Ginkgo is the last representative of
natural diuretic.The winner ancient Greek the ancient gymnosperms. Native to
athletes used to drink celery wine. Trad- South East China, and normally reaches
itional Indian Medicine uses the crop as a height of even 30 m. In Hungary they
diuretic, to treat cold, flu, digestive disor-are generally grown as garden trees.
ders, inflammated joints, liver and spleen Its leaves have a 3-4 cm long stem and
diseases. 4-8 cm wide fan-like lobed leaves. Trad-
Main effects: itional Chinese Medicine uses it to treat
diuretic, smooth muscle relaxant, tranquil- asthma, high blood pressure, tinnitus,
izer, antibacterial, antifungal coronary arteriosclerosis.
Main curative effects of the Gink-
Plantago go leaves:
(Plantago psyllium) Ginkgo is used mainly in extracts. It
raises the brains tolerance for lack of oxy-
Crops (seeds) of Plantago species have gen.
been used for centuries by both Traditional Protects brain tissue against damage
Indian Medicine (yurveda) and Traditional caused by hypoxia and blocked blood flow
Chinese Medicine. Especially to treat diar- Prevents brain edema development
rhea, urination disorders, haemorrhoids, and helps retrogression of existing
and also high blood pressure that appeared edema
during the developing life conditions. Euro- Helps to recover memory and sup-
pean Folk Medicine started to use Plantago ports learning skills
psyllium in the XVI. century. Antioxidant
Main effects
In case of diarrhea, the seeds absorb ex- These effects are primarely caused by
tra liquid contained, thus normalising stool. flavonoids and diterpens. Ginkgo leaf ex-
In case of constipation, taken with tracts and other solutions are used by
plenty of water, seeds act as laxative. Legal Medicine as well. It is considered a
Relieves pain, bleeding and itch of medical drug, and listed in both VIII. Hun-
haemorrhoids. garian Pharmacopeia and the 6th Euro-
Reduces cholesterol. pean Pharmacopeia.

DXN MycoVeggie EU powder

DXN MycoVeggie is a food supple- Did you know?

ment carefully prepared from the fin-
est all-natural ingredients including MycoVeggie EU powder contains
herbs, vegetables, fruits, various mush- Plantago psyllium 23,26 %, therefore with
rooms, Spirulina, and Chinese Green allergies towards Plantains, taking is not
Tea. DXN MycoVeggie is low in fat, advised!
sugar-free, cholesterol-free and rich in Consumption of Celery seed is not
water soluble and non-soluble fibers. advised for those suffering kidney
Ingredients The product consists 8,14 % Ginkgo
Plantago psyllium, Apium graveolens, biloba leaf. In rare cases, regular
Morus microphylla, Ginkgo biloba, Zin- consumption causes temporally upset
giber officinale, Cymbopogon citratus, stomach, headaches, or allergic reaction.
Lentinus edodes, Lyophyllum decastes, Consumers taking acetylsalicylic acid, or
Calocybe gambosa, Hericium erinaceus, blood-thinners should consider taking
Pleurotus pulmonarius, Zea mays, Citrus MycoVeggie EU carefully.
aurantifolia, Citrus sinensis, Spirulina plat-
ensis, Camellia sinensis, Pericarpium Citri
reticulatae, Cinnamonum zeylanicum, Illi-
cium verum, Eugenia caryophyllus

For satisfying effect drink one
spoonful in plentiful of water

Free from preservatives, added sugar,

coloring and other additives.

Net weight: 400 g

Product code: HF056

Black cumin
(Nigella sativa)

Black cumin (or fennel flower) is an Black cumin seed has had significant
annual, herbaceous plant of the Ranun- importance from the ancient times. It
culaceae family. It grows up to a 3050 was found even during the excavation
cm high. From the tapering main root of the tomb of Tutankhamon, from the
there are lateral roots attached rare- XIV. century B.C. in 1922. Also Book
ly. The delicate pale blue flowers are of Isaiah in the Holy Bible mentions
solely growing, on top of the stems or cumin [Isaiah 28:25-27], and as we
lateral stems. Its ancient origin is pos- see in one of the Hadiths, that holds
sibly South West Asia, whereas today speeches of the prophet Muhammad
it is abundantly spread along the Medi- quotes on cummin: This black seed is
terranean coastline. a healing for every illness except for
Main components:
30 % saturated and unsaturated Black cumin tea relieves flatulence, it
Fatty acids in the seeds (among them is appetizer, and digestive.
are Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, and their
Glycerids), Bitter substance, (e.g. Sap-
onin) 0,41,4 % Essential oil, Arginine,
Sterol Did you know?

Main effects Black Cumin seed is one of the most

antibacterial valuable spice in Turkish, Arab and In-
fungicide dian cuisine? A taste resembling onion,
anti inflammatory when grinded it tastes like black pepper
digestive and oregano. In the Middle East it is also
appetizing sprinkled on top of bread.
its oil is effective in treating derma-
tologic symptoms

DXN Black Cumin Plus capsule

New product in the European pal- Did you know?

ette! DXN proudly presents the Black
Cumin Plus! This product is one of the Black cumin is grown even in Hungary
most honored herb and seasoning of in certain areas?
the Mid-East also in a very easy-to use Black Cumin is one of the seasoning
form. The capsule contains black cumin, used in the five widely known and popular
black pepper, and clove. seasoning mix used in Bengal?

Nigella sativa, Piper nigrum, Eugenia Free from preservatives, artificial
caryophyllus coloring, flavouring, additives, sub-
stance from animal origin and grain.
1-3 tablets/ day after meal

Active substance per day

Nigella sativa
1 capsule: 346,50 mg
2 capsules: 693,00 mg
3 capsules: 1039,50 mg

Net weight: 30/90 x 350 mg

Product codes:
HF049 (Black Cumin Plus 30),
HF050 (Black Cumin Plus 90)

DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste

DXN Ganozhi Toothpaste does not Net weight: 150 g

contain Fluoride, Saccharin and color-
ing, only high quality Ganoderma Ex-
tract, Peppermint oil and Menthol. It Product code: PC006
can effectively cleanse your teeth, thus
leaving a pleasant taste in your mouth.

Dicalcium Phosphate, Aqua, Sucrose,
Glycerin, Sodium Alginate, Menthol,
Ganoderma lucidum, Peppermint oil,
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate

DXN Ganozhi soap

Ganozhi Soap is specially formulated Ingredients

and enriched with Ganoderma Extract Sodium Palmate, Ganoderma lucidum,
and Palm Oil. It gently cleanses the skin Glycerin, Fragrance
while preserving its natural oils with-
out damaging skin structure. Besides
the use of Palm Oil which is rich with Net weight: 2 x 80 g
vitamin E and anti-oxidant agents help
to revitalize your skin. Ganozhi Soap Product code: PC001
leaves your skin feeling smoother and

Ganozhi Shampoo Ganozhi Body foam

DXN Ganozhi Shampoo with pH Enriched with Ganoderma extracts,

balance is suitable for all hair types. DXN Ganozhi Body Foam gently
Enriched with Ganoderma Extract cleanses your skin without removing
and pro vitamin B5. DXN Ganozhi the natural oil of the skin, thus, leaving
Shampoo is mild and makes your hair your skin soft and smooth.
healthier, softer and shinier.
Ingredients (INCI):
Ingredients water, betaine, sodium lauryl ether
Aqua, Betaine, Sodium Lauryl Ether sulphate, DEA cocamide, lanolin, gly-
Sulphate, Cocamide DEA, Lanolin, Gly- cerin, Ganoderma Lucidum, hydoxy
cerin, Ganoderma lucidum, Hydroxy ethyl cellulose, tocopherol acetate,
Ethyl Cellulose, Panthenol, Fragrance fragrance

Net weight: 250 ml Net weight: 250 ml

Product code: PC004 Product code: PC005

Ganozhi Toiletries Travel Kit

If you are someone who travels fre- Product code: PC016

quently, weve got news for you! The
DXN Toiletries Travel Kit is prepared so Net weight:
that sets you up when travelling, bringing 1 db Ganozhi Shampoo 50 ml
the DXN quality convenience you are 1 db Ganozhi Body Foam 50 ml
used to. 1 db Ganozhi Toothpaste 40 g
The Kit is available in a very practical,
easy to open and resistant plastic bag.

Ganozhi Complete Skin Care series

DXN Ganozhi Liquid Cleanser

facial cleanser liquid

A specially formulated product with tract, Panthenol, Hydrogenated Castor

Ganoderma Extract that gently and ef- Oil, Polysorbate 20, Octoxynol-11
fectively removes dead skin cells, nour-
Best usage
ishes your skin and balances skin oil con-
Put a slight amount on your palm and
tent. Fully cleanses the skin and tightens
adding water, rub it to create foam.
the pores, results a soft and rejuvenated
skin. Suitable for every skin type. Massage into the skin, and rinse your
face with plenty of water. Use regularly
Ingredients daily in the morning and evening and
Aqua, Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate, next step use DXN Ganozhi Toner, and
Cocoamidopropyl Betaine, Glycerin, third step Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro
Fagus sylvatica Extract, Yeast Extract, Emulsion.
Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Chloride,
Fragrance, Citric Acid, Ganoderma Ex- Net weight: 150 ml

DXN Ganozhi Toner

toner liquid

Ganozhi Toner is an exclusive formula Allantoin, Ganoderma Extract, Hy-

of Ganoderma lucidum. Removes the drogenated Castor Oil, Polysorbate
remains of the Cleanser enhancing 20, Octoxynol-11, Glycerin, Propolis
the cleansing effect of the Ganozhi Cera, Potassium Sorbate
Cleanser. Toning and cleaning the skin Best usage
without drying it. Using regularly after Following washing the face with Gano-
every cleansing helps you revitalize the zhi Liquid Cleanser put some Ganozhi
healthy skin cells. Toner on a cotton pad and gently with
circular movements massage the skin.
Ingredients Avoid the area of the eyes!
Aqua, Fagus sylvatica Extract, Yeast
Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Fragrance, Net weight: 150 ml

DXN Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emulsion
moisturizing emulsion

Ganozhi Moisturizing Micro Emul- Fragrance, Ganoderma Extract, Toco-

sion is a unique product that helps to pheryl Acetate, Hydrogenated Castor
improve skin texture and leaves your Oil, Polysorbate 20, Octoxynol-11
skin well hydrated during the day. Each
use is leaving your skin smooth and Best usage
radiant all day long. Following washing the face with
Ganozhi Liquid Cleanser put some
Ingredients Ganozhi Toner on a cotton pad and
Aqua, PEG-8 Caprylic, Polyglyceryl-3 gently with circular movements mas-
Diisostearate, Isostearyle Isostear- sage the skin. Avoid the area of the
ate, Ethoxydiglycol, Cyclomethicone, eyes!
Ginseng Extract, Arnica Extract, Fagus
sylvatica Extract, Sodium Benzoate, Ganozhi Complete Skin Care
Series Product code:
FB 076

Gano Massage Oil
Massage Oil containing ganoderma extract

DXN has created Gano Massage oil, Direction for use:

which provides revolutionary new re- Shake before use!
freshing massage. Pour the required amount to the palm
and massage it smoothly.
Gano Massage Oil contains the fin- For deep and surface massage, mainly
est palm oil and Ganoderma extract for large bodysurfaces. For external
suitable for every massage need. use only!
Palm oil is rich in vitamin E, which
is a powerful antioxidant, capable of Net weight: 75 ml
reducing the amount of harmful free
radicals in the body. Suitable for all Product code: PC007
skin types and all ages. It is also use-
ful for mild injuries, burns, and cramps.
Since it is made from natural ingredi-
ents, it can be applied daily and on
sensitive skin as well.

Ingredients (INCI):
Palm Oil, Ganoderma Extract

Did you know?

Easily absorbed by the skin and does

not clog the pores.
Clogged pores slow the skins ability to
eliminate toxins.
Massage increases blood flow and
relieves joint aches and pains..


Cleansing Gel
soap free face wash

Gently and effectively cleanses and clear zolinone

your skin and pores without stripping off
its natural moisture content. Best usage
Put right amount in your palms and add-
Ingredients ing water create foam, and apply to your
Aqua, Glycerin, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, skin. Massage your skin gently, rinse then
Sodium Cocoyl Alaninate, Propylene dry softly your face skin.
Glycol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate
Crosspolymer, Aminomethyl Propanol, Net weight: 100 ml
Phenoxyethanol, Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Product code: SC020
Vera) Extract, Fragrance, Methylisothia-

Hydrating Toner
hydrating tonique

A refreshing hydrating unique skin Hazel) Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Be-

care formula that contains extracts of taine, Sodium PCA, Sorbitol, Serine,
Aloe Vera, witch hazel, and amino acids Glycine, Methylisothiazolinone, Glu-
special. Removes traces of make up tamic Acid, Lysine, Alanine, Arginine,
and the cleanser, impurities and dead Threonine, Proline
cells resulting a perfect second cleans-
ing of the skin. Cleanses while tightens Best usage
skin pores. A non-drying formula while Following washing the face with
it refreshes and softens the skin, leav- Cleanser put some Toner on a cotton
ing the skin smooth and supple. pad and gently with circular move-
ments massage into the skin. Avoid the
Ingredients area of the eyes!
Aqua, Methyl Gluceth-20, 1,3-Butylene
Glycol, Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Net weight: 100 ml
Extract, Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Product code: SC021

Aqua Gel
hydrating gel skin care

This is an easily absorpable moistur- itol, Serine, Glycine, Sodium-Copper-

izing solution, containing Aloe Vera Chlorophyllin, Methylisothiazolinone,
Extract, skin care and other hydrating Glutamic Acid, Lysine, Alanine, Argin-
agents. Helps to sustain the skin struc- ine, Threonine, Proline
ture and youthful appearance. Leaves
skin clean, refreshed and soft. Best usage
Spread gently on the face and neck
Ingredients area in order to have the perfect re-
Aqua, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Methyl Glu- sults in moisturized skin! Use during
ceth-20, Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) day!
Extract, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acryl-
ate Crosspolymer, Epilobium angusti-
folium (Canadian Willowherb) Extract, Net weight: 50 ml
Aminomethyl Propanol, Phenoxy- Product code: SC022
ethanol, Betaine, PEG-40 Hydrogenat-
ed Castor Oil, Polysorbate 20, Sodium
PCA, Fragrance, Octoxynol-11, Sorb-


Nutricare Cream
night skin cream

Nutricare Cream contains Aloe Vera Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Cros-

and more affective herbal extract, and spolymer, Aminomethyl Propanol, Cetyl
creates a protective layer preventing Palmitate, Sorbitan Palmitate, Sorbitan
the skin losing moisture. Nurturing, Olivate, Fragrance, Methylisothiazoline,
calming the skin during your night Aesculus hipposcastanum bark (Horse
sleep, also helping to recover the skins Chestnut) Extract, Hypericum perfora-
natural defence system and hydration. tum (St.Johns Worth) Extract, Commi-
Ingredients phora myrrha (Myrrh) Extract
Aqua, Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Best usage
Extract, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Methyl Spread gently on the face and neck area
Gluceth-20, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorb- in order to have the perfect results in
itan Olivate, Yeast Extract, Epilobium moisturized skin! Use during day!
angustifolium (Canadian Willow-
herb) Extract, Olive Oil PEG-7 Esters, Net weight: 30 ml
Phenoxyethanol, Propylene glycol, Product code: FB078

Hand & Body Lotion

hand and body care

A non-greasy moisturizing lotion with spolymer, Aminomethyl Propanol, Aloe

Aloe Vera Extract that relieves dryness barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Extract, Fra-
and softens skin with a refreshing feeling. grance, Retinyl Palmitate, Methylisothia-
Forming a protective film on the skin to zolinone
help maintain its natural moisture, thus
resulting a soft and relaxed skin. Best usage
Gently massage lotion into the skin
Ingredients after bathing. Use plenty on sensitive,
Aqua, Macadamia ternifolia Seed Oil, dryer areas!
Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Oli-
vate, Sorbitan Olivate, Phenoxyethanol, Net weight: 250 ml
Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Cros- Product code: SC024


Deep Cleansing Cream

deep cleansing cream with fruit extract and vitamin E

Ingredients Best usage

Aqua, Glycerin, Cococyl Glycinate, Put some moisture on your hands,
Propylene Glycol, Cetyl/Stearyl Al- face and neck. Then put some cream
cohol, Ganoderma lucidum Extract, on your hands and rub to foam. Mas-
Glycol Distearate, Olive Oil PEG-7 sage the foam in your skin then rinse.
Esters, Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin
E), Vaccinium myrtillus (Bilberry) Ex- Net weight: 120 g
tract, Saccharum officinarum (Sugar Product codes:
Cane) Extract, Acer saccharum (Sug- SC026
ar maple) Extract, Citrus aurantium
dulcis (Orange) Fruit Extract, Citrus
medica limonum (Lemon) Extract, So-
dium PCA, Betaine, Sorbitol, Alanine,
Proline, Serine, Threonine, Arginine,
Lysine, Glutamic Acid, Phenoxyethanol,
Fragrance (RS9175), Methylisothiazol-

Hydrasoft Toner
moisturizing tonique with fruit extract and vitamin E

Ingredients tract, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Cetearyl

Aqua, Hamamelis virginiana (Witch Isononaoate, Ceteareth-20, Cetearyl
Hazel) Extract, Vaccinium myrtillus Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Glycerin
(Bilberry) Extract, Saccharum officin- Ceteareth-12, Cetyl Palmitate, Sodium
arum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Acer sac- PCA, Betaine, Sorbitol, Alanine, Pro-
charum (Sugar maple) Extract, Citrus line, Serine,Threonine,Arginine, Lysine,
aurantium dulcis (Orange) Fruit Ex- Glutamic Acid, Tocopherol Acetate
tract, Citrus medica limonum (Lem- (Vitamin E), Phenoxyethanol, PEG-40
on) Extract, Ganoderma lucidum Ex- Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Polysorb-


ate 20, Octoxynol-11, Xanthan Gum, Net weight: 120 g

Fragrance (RS9175), Methylisothiazol-
inone Product codes:
Best usage
After cleansing the face apply some to-
nique on a cotton pad and massage your
face.Tones and revitalizes your skin.

UV Defense Day Cream

daily cream with UV protection

Ingredients min E), Helianthus annuus Seed Oil,

Aqua, Caprylyl Methicone, Titanium Triticum vulgare Germ Extract, Heli-
Dioxide, Cyclopentasiloxane, C12- anthus annuus Seed Extract,
15 Alkyl Benzoate, Alumina, Polyhy- Equisetum arvense Extract,
droxystearic Acid, Methicone, PEG-9 Commiphora myrrh Ex-
Polydimethylsiloxyethyl Dimethicone, tract, Phenoxyethanol,
Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG- Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl
75 Stearate, Ceteth-20, Steareth-20, Acrylate Crosspolimer,
1,3-Butylene Glycol, Ethoxydiglycol, Aminomethyl Propanol,
Fagus sylvatica Extract, Ganoderma lu- Fragrance (RS9175), Di-
cidum Extract,Yeast Extract, Epilobium potassium Glycyrrhiz-
angustifolium (Canadian Willowherb) ate, Methylisothiazolin-
Extract, Sodium PCA, Betaine, Sorb- one
itol, Alanine, Proline, Serine,Threonine,
Arginine, Lysine, Glutamic Acid, Poly-
amide-5, Tocopherol Actetate (Vita-

Best usage Net weight: 50 g
Apply after cleansing and toning to the
face and the neck. When your face is Product codes: SC029
exposed to sunlight for longer period,
this cream provides adequate protec-
tion during the day! Apply as needed!

Nourishing Night Cream

night skin care

Ingredients ates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspoli-

Aqua, 1,3-Butylene Glycol, Fagus syl- mer,Aminomethyl Propanol, Fragrance
vatica Extract, Yeast Extract, C12-15 (RS9175), Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate,
Alkyl Benzoate, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Methylisothiazolinone
Stearate, PEG-75 Stearate, Ceteth-20,
Steareth-20, Ethoxydiglycol, Sodium Best usage:
PCA, Betaine, Sorbitol, Alanine, Pro- Use it after the cleansing and toning
line, Serine, Threonine, Arginine, Ly- on the face and the neck area applying
sine, Glutamic Acid, Cyclomethicone, the cream upwards on your skin!
Butyrospermum parkii (Shea) Butter,
Ganoderma lucidum Extract, Epilo-
bium angustifolium (Canadian Wil- Net weight: 50 g
lowherb) Extract, Tocopherol Acetate
(Vitamin E), Helianthus annuus Seed Product codes:
Oil, Triticum vulgare Germ Extract, SC029
Helianthus annuus Seed Extract, Equi-
setum arvense Extract, Commiphora
myrrh Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Acryl-

Copyright! DXN Europe Kft., 2013.

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