Learning Task Giving Advice

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Theme: giving advice


1. Make conversation between a nurse and clients related with topic for each SGD.

SGD TOPIC client Setting

1 advice to take enough water for A 20 year old Sport center

client with dehidration male Clinic

2 Advice of encouraging regular parents of School clinic

excercise for kids school-age

3 Advice to exercise regularly A 45 year old Clinic (out

prediabetic patient)

4 Advice to read nutrition facts A 30 year old Clinic (out

label before choosing food overweight patient)
products female

5 Advice to consume adequate A breastfeeding Obstetric clinic

nutrition on diet mother

6 Advice to curb sugar intake A 50 year old Clinic (out

male with patient)

Mr. Byrinth (20 years old), comes to the sport clinic because he feels dizzy after
exercising for three hours straight in the sport center. He feels afraid because his urine
was very little and darker than usual when he urinated a few minutes ago.
Mr. Byrinth : Good Afternoon.
Nurse : Good Afternoon. Welcome to our clinic. Have a seat please!
Mr. Byrinth : Thank you.
Nurse : Hello my name is Hanna and yours?
Mr. Byrinth : My name is Bobby Byrinth. You can call me Byrinth.
Nurse : What I can do for you Mr. Byrinth?
Mr. Byrinth : I feel dizzy after exercising for three hours straight in the sport center.
When I urinated few minutes ago, my urine was very little and darker
than usual. I am worried about my condition.
Nurse : I see. Do you have any other complaint?
Mr. Byrinth : No. I dont have any.
Nurse :Okay. Now let me check your blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate,
and temperature first.
Mr. Byrinth : Yes, please.
The nurse check Mr. Byrinths vital sign (blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and
Nurse : Well, Mr. Byrinth your blood pressure is low enough, its about 100/70
mmHg. Your pulse is 60 bpm, respiratory rate 20x/minutes, and
temperature 37,50 C. I think you may be dehydrated now. I will report to
dr. Wright about condition. I will be back with dr. Wright in few
Mr. Byrinth : Okay. Thank you.
2 minutes later, the nurse and dr. Wright to give dehydration treatment. Dr. Wright gives
some amount of oral electrolyte containing fluid to Mr. Byrinth. Dr Wright also tells Mr.
Byrinth to get some rest in the clinic after treatment.
Nurse : Are you feel better now Mr. Byrinth?
Mr. Byrinth : Yes, I feel better now.
Nurse : You just got a moderate dehydration. It happened because your body
did not have water as it needed. I think you lost to much water from
your body or you probably didnt drink and eat enough today.
Mr. Byrinth : I see. I didnt eat well today, I didnt drink water today. I just drank a
can of energy drink after exercising. I think Its why my body did not
have water as it needed.
Nurse : Yes. You are right. You were exercising for three hours straight. You
lose too much water from your body because of that. You replace the
water with a can of energy drink. Actually, energy drink cant provide
the water you need well, its why you had better not choose energy
drink to replace water in your body. Energy drink usually contain large
amount of caffeine and other stimulant that your body doesnt need.
Mr. Byrinth : Thank you. Its very useful advice. I used to think that energy drink can
provide water that my body need. I dont know that energy drink
contain caffeine and stimulant. So what kind of drink can I consume to
stay well hydrated?
Nurse : Water is the best option for staying hydrated. There are different
recommendation for water intake each day. Most people have been told
they should be drinking 6 to 8 ounce glasses of water each day, which is
a reasonable goal. However, different people need different amounts of
water to stay hydrated. Most healthy people can stay well hydrated by
drinking water and other fluid whenever they feel thirsty. For some
people, fewer than 8 glasses may be enough. Other people may need
more than 8 glasses each day. How about you Mr. Byrinth, how many
glass of water you drink each day?
Mr. Byrinth : I think its about 4 glasses of water each day. I just drink water
whenever I feel thirsty. I think thats enough for my body.
Nurse : Its good Mr. Byrinth, but I recommend you to increase the amount of
water you are drinking if you are going to be exercising. You lose water
faster when you exercise. If you dont replace the water properly, you
can become dehydrated. If I were you, I would increase the amount of
water I am drinking by drink water before, during, and after exercising.
Mr. Byrinth : Okay. Thats very good suggestion. I will try that. But nurse, how do I
know if I am well hydrated?
Nurse : You can check your urine. If your urine is consistently colorless or light
yellow, you most literally staying well hydrated.
Mr. Byrinth : Okay. I will do that nurse. Actually, plain water doesnt interest me. Do
you have any other drink suggestion? I mean, beside water, what else
can I consume to stay well hydrated?
Nurse : Well, You should try adding a slice of lemon or lime in to your water, If
plain water doesnt interest you. It can make your water more enjoyable.
Mr. Byrinth : Wow. Why I didnt think of that. Thank you for the tips nurse.
Nurse : You are welcome. Beside water, actually there are other drink and foods
that can help provide water that you need, but some may add extra
calories from sugar to your diet. Drink like fruits and vegetables juice,
milk, and herbal teas can contributes to the amount of water you should
get each day. Water also can found in fruits and vegetables like water
melon, tomatoes, and lettuce and soup broths. I have drink
recommendation for you. I would recommend choosing sport drink if
you are planning on exercising at a high intensity for longer than an
hours. A sport drink may be helpful because it contains carbohydrates
that can prevent low blood sugar. But you should check the serving size
one bottle of sport drink may contains high calories, sodium, and
caffeine. You had better choose a sport drink that contains low calories,
low sodium, and caffeine.
Mr. Byrinth : Okay. Thank you for your information. I have a question, Hmm, I love
to drink coffee 4 times a day. Can coffee count towards my water
Nurse : Yes. Coffee count toward your daily water intake. But you should limit
coffee since coffee contain caffeine. Caffeine may cause some people
urinated frequently, feel anxious or jittery. A moderate amount of
caffeine, 200 to 300 miligrams (about 2 to 4 ounce cups of coffee) is
Mr. Byrinth : Okay. I understand nurse. Thank you very much for your advices.
Nurse : You are welcome. Do you have any other question?
Mr. Byrinth : No. I think all information you gave to me is clear and complete
Nurse : Thank you. Now, you should get some rest. Ill leave you now, if you
have any questions of help, just feel free to call me.
Mr. Byrinth : Thank you.
Nurse : You are welcome.

2. Please read the article and find unfamiliar vocabularies (at least 15 vocabs) wich
might affect your understanding about content of the article. Please make table
to describe each listed vocabs. The meaning should be in English also.

Hydration: Why Its So Important

Why is it so important to stay hydrated?

Your body depends on water for survival. Did you know that water makes up more than
half of your body weight? Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to
function correctly. For example, your body uses water to maintain its temperature,
remove waste and lubricate joints. Water is essential for good health.

How does my body lose water?

You lose water each day when you go to the bathroom, sweat, and even when you
breathe. You lose water even faster when the weather is really hot, when you exercise,
or if you have a fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to rapid fluid loss. If you
dont replace the water you lose, you can become dehydrated.

How do I know if Im dehydrated?

Symptoms of dehydration include:

Little or no urine, or urine that is darker than usual

Dry mouth

Sleepiness or fatigue

Extreme thirst



Feeling dizzy or lightheaded

No tears when crying

Dont wait until you notice symptoms of dehydration to act. It can be hard to recognize
when youre dehydrated, especially as you age. Actively prevent dehydration by
drinking plenty of water.

How much water should I drink each day?

There are different recommendations for water intake each day. Most people have been
told they should be drinking 6 to 8 8-ounce glasses of water each day, which is a
reasonable goal. However, different people need different amounts of water to stay
hydrated. Most healthy people can stay well hydrated by drinking water and other fluids
whenever they feel thirsty. For some people, fewer than 8 glasses may be enough. Other
people may need more than 8 glasses each day.

Some people are at higher risk of dehydration, including those who get a lot of exercise,
have certain medical conditions, are sick, or are not able to get enough fluids during the
course of the day. Older adults are also at higher risk. As you age, your brain may be
unable to sense dehydration and send the signals for thirst.

If you are concerned that you may not be drinking enough water, check your urine. If
your urine is consistently colorless or light yellow, you are most likely staying well

You may need to increase the amount of water you are drinking if you:

Have certain medical conditions, such as kidney stones or bladder infection

Are pregnant or breastfeeding

Are going to be outside during hot weather

Are going to be exercising

Have a fever, or have been vomiting or have diarrhea

Are trying to lose weight

Besides water, what else can I consume to stay well hydrated?

Water is the best option for staying hydrated. There are other drinks and foods that can
help provide the water you need, but some may add extra calories from sugar to your

Drinks like fruit and vegetable juices, milk and herbal teas can contribute to the amount
of water you should get each day. Even caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea and soda,
count toward your daily water intake up to a point. But its best to limit these since
caffeine may cause some people to urinate more frequently, or feel anxious or jittery. A
moderate amount of caffeine, 200 to 300 milligrams (about the amount in 2 to 4 8-ounce
cups of coffee), is not harmful for most people.

Water can also be found in fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, tomatoes and
lettuce, and in soup broths.

What about sports drinks?

For most people, water is all that is needed to maintain good hydration. However, if you
are planning on exercising at a high intensity for longer than an hour, a sports drink may
be helpful because it contains carbohydrates that can prevent low blood sugar. A sports
drink can also help replace electrolytes if you have a fever, have been vomiting or have
had diarrhea.

Choose sports drinks wisely, as they are often high in calories from sugar and may
contain high levels of sodium. Also check the serving size. One bottle may contain
several servings. Some sports drinks contain caffeine. If you use a sports drink that
contains caffeine, be careful not to get too much caffeine in your diet.

Sports drinks are not the same as energy drinks. Energy drinks usually contain large
amounts of caffeine and other stimulants (for example, guarana or taurine) that your
body doesn't need. Most of these drinks are also high in sugar. Many experts
recommend that kids and teens should not have energy drinks.
Tips for staying hydrated
Keep a bottle of water with you during the day. Consider carrying a reusable
water bottle and filling it from the tap rather than purchasing bottled water,
which is expensive and creates plastic bottle waste.
If plain water doesnt interest you, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your

If youre going to be exercising, make sure you drink water before, during and
after your workout.

Start and end your day with a glass of water.

When youre feeling hungry, drink water. The sensation of thirst is often
confused with hunger. True hunger will not be satisfied by drinking water.
Drinking water may also contribute to a healthy weight loss plan, as some
research suggests drinking water will help you feel full.

Drink on a schedule if you have trouble remembering to drink water. For

example, drink water when you wake up; at breakfast, lunch and dinner; and
when you go to bed. Or drink a small glass of water at the top of each hour.

Drink water when you go to a restaurant. Not only does it keep you hydrated,
but its free!

Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff

No VOCABULARY Part of Meaning Sample sentence


1 Waste Noun An unnecessary The Indonesia

or wrong use of recycle more
money, substance, than half of their
time, energy, waste paper.
abilities, etc.
2. Rapid Adjective Fast or sudden. Technological
progress has been
so rapid over the
last few years.

3. Plenty Pronoun, Enough or more Theyve always

noun, adverb than enough, or a had plenty of
large amount. money.
4. Jittery Noun A felling of I always get
nervousness that jittery the
you experience morning before
before something an exam.

5. Consider Verb To spend time Id like some

thinking about a time to consider
possibility or before I make a
marking a decision.

6. Lightheaded Adjective having a Because of

sensation of feeling dizzy, she
whirling and a is absence today.
tendency to fall

7. Lubricate Verb to make slippery All joints in your

body are
lubricated by the
synovial fluid.

8. Confusion Adjective Prove wrong The confusion is

confutation too much for me

9. Wisely Adjective Having or She acted wisely

showing good when she invited
judgment her parents.

10. Harmful Adjective Something that Although many

cause damage or plastics are safe
is able to be to reuse, some
hurtful contain
components that
may be harmful
to humans and
the environment.

11. Prevent Verb To keep from I consume

happening enough fruit and
vegetable to

12. Dizzy Adjective having a Because of

sensation of feeling dizzy, she
whirling and a is absence today.
tendency to fall

13. Vomit Verb to eject the My child vomits

contents of the all medicine
stomach through which is given to
the mouth him.

14. Moderate Adjective Not extreme or The X-ray

excessive; within showed moderate
due or reasonable enlargement of
limits the heart

15. Symptom Noun phenomenon that Cramping,

arises from and abdominal pain,
(Countable) accompanies a bloating, nausea,
particular disease fever and
or disorder and vomiting are the
serves as an symptoms of
indication of it diarrhoea.



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