The Contractor

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On Time. On Target. Within Budget.

24 / 7/ 365 Customer Service

Hulcher Services Inc. has
been the name to trust for
industrial and railroad
contractor support since 1963.
We provide a broad range of
services, including derail-
ment response and railroad
services, engineering, traction
motor / wheel changes, and
transfers/load adjustments.

We maintain fully staffed and

equipped divisions around
the United States, Canada and
Mexico, ready to respond to
your needs. Our crews are on-
call 24/7/365 through our Derailment Response Mechanical / Railroad Services
centralized customer service With the most experienced Hulcher railroad expertise can
center, and can be deployed derailment crews in North assist you with a broad selec-
within 60 minutes of your call America, Hulcher is the leader tion of mechanical support
in emergency response for rail- services:
- any time, day or night. roads and general industry:
Wheel, idler and traction
Railcar / locomotive rerail- motor changes
ing at the rail yard or on the
When you need a right-of-way Tie-down of commodities
like pipe, steel, paper and
contractor with Track clearing and disposal wood as well as equipment
expertise you can of debris and wreckage and vehicles

depend on, Grade preparation and track Power washing of railcars,

panel installation locomotives, grain bins/silos
call Hulcher. and industrial facilities
Product reclamation
Hi-rail vacuum truck ser-
Disaster response vices
Engineering Support Engineering Track Services Transfer Services

When your infrastructure Hulcher helps to keep your Railroads and industry rely
project needs an experienced trains running smoothly with: on Hulcher for transfers, load
contractor, Hulcher offers a adjusts and clean-up:
variety of services to include: Off-track undercutting
Post-derailment transfers
Installation of switches, Backhoe / dump truck
diamonds, retarders and combo services Cargo recovery
Air excavation with the Air Vacuum truck services
Positive Train Control (PTC) Spade and hi-rail vacuum
signals demolition and in- truck Intermodal transfers
stallation support
Grade stabilization and vi- Silo, tank and pit cleaning
Excavation / drainage / ditch bratory hammer pile driving
/ erosion control Load adjusts / reductions
Switch winterizing
Driftwood removal Tie-down services
Maintenance-of-way ser-
Asphalt / road work vices
Hulcher On The Job

Corporate Headquarters
611 Kimberly Drive
P.O. Box 271
Denton TX 76202-0271

24/7/365 Customer Service


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