Rational and Irrational Numbers

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Assignment #________ Rational and Irrational Numbers Name _________________________

Standard: NS 1.4 Classify real numbers Pre-Algebra, Period ________

Date __________________________

Rational Numbers: Numbers that END or have a repeating PATTERN. They make sense!

Examples: , 128.35, 0.1212, 0.333333

Irrational Numbers: Any number that represents a NON-REPEATING, NON-TERMINATING decimal. Crazy numbers that
make no sense! Non-perfect squares.

Examples: 0.120102001211, 3.14151692345, 0.34989238

Identify each number as rational or irrational.

1. 432.8 _________________________ 2. 0.34343434 _________________________

3. 4.101010001 _________________________ 4. 0.33333 _________________________

5. 0.313111331 _________________________ 6. 7.2345 _________________________

7. 7 _________________________ 8. 16 _________________________

9. 52 _________________________ 10. 3 _________________________

11. 49 _________________________ 12. 36 _________________________

______13. Which is an irrational number? ______14. The number 5.3456435 is:

A 5 B 9 A Rational B Irrational

C 1 D - C Both D Neither

______15. Which of the following is an ______16. Which is a rational number?

irrational number?

A 144 B 16 A B 8

C 4 D 3 C 3.14159265 D 38
68 is between two integers. Name the integers.

49 64 81 100 List the square roots around 68

64 and 81 Find the nearest perfect squares for 68
8 and 9 Find the square roots of 64 and 81
Each square root is between two integers. Name the integers.

17. 10 18. 83 19. 8

20. 33 21. 19 22. 95

23. 58 24. 77 25. 5

26. 150 27. 210 28. 300


3 49 = First find the square root of 49 (7)

3 (7) = 21 Simplify


29. 7 81 = 30. 5 225 = 31. 4 169 =

32. 3 529 = 33. 9 196 = 34. 12 625 =

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