Catalogo MAHR Rugosidad

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Mar s u r f Mar s u r f XR 1 - MARWI N



Ma r S u r f. Su r fa ce M e tro l o gy


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The mobile surface measuring units from Mahr already brought Bluetooth technology into the world of metrology. Mahr
continually developed this technology further. The result is the new MarSurf XR 1.
The MarSurf XR 1 unites mobile surface metrology with the benefits of a MarWin evaluation software. That means, for a roughness
or waviness measurement, a simple all-in-one computer and the suitable drive unit suffice - but laptops and industrial PCs can
also be used. The Bluetooth technology offers an extra degree of freedom: In addition to the cable connection between the feed
unit and evaluation unit, the connection also works wirelessly. The measurement can be triggered easily via the touch screen or
the appropriate feeder. Flexible solutions, easy software connections and the most diverse possibilities - all offered by the surface
metrology from Mahr.

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y

MarSurf XR 1

Ma rSu rf. P C- based m obile surface measuring units 4

Ma rSu rf X R 1 . G eneral description 5
Ma rSu rf X R 1 M easuring st ation with R D 18 6
Ma rSu rf X R 1 M easuring st ation with S D 26 7
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Set - up , software and options 8
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Application exam ples software 11
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Application exam ples 12
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Data transfer to PC 14
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Accessory sets 16
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Probe arm overview for SD 26 17
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Probe arm overview for R D 18 22
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Measuring station accessories 24
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Technical data 25
Ma rSu rf X R 1 . Advantages 26


4 Ma r S u r f. su r fa ce M e tro l o gy

MarSurf. PC-based mobile surface measuring stations


The surface measuring unit Marsurf Xr 1 is the inexpensive and convenient entry into comfortable and future-oriented sur-
face metrology. according to the measurement task, the measuring station can be configured with skidded or skidless tracing.
Mahr offers the instrument in combination with the drive units Marsurf rD18 and Marsurf sD26, providing for two measuring
station variants for simple roughness measurements - with simultaneous software connection with the most diverse possibilities.
Equipment and software together fulfill all the requirements of a modern PC-operated measurement and evaluation. International
standards, diverse evaluation methods, extensive documentation, large storage capacity, data export and import as well as net-
working with other systems are today's essential demands on a PC-based system.

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 5

MarSurf XR 1

Easy measurement of roughness and waviness

Description Features

With MarSurf XR 1 you can to enter into the top class of surface The roughness measurement software has the following features:
metrology from Mahr. Whether in the measuring room or in pro- Over 80 parameters for R, P, W profile according to current stan
duction, the PC-based unit provides all common parameters and dards, ISO/JIS or MOTIF (ISO 12085) selectable
profiles of international standards. Band pass filter Ls accoridng to current standards, Ls can also be
switched off or freely varied
Several drive units can be connected to the evaluation unit via
Extensive measuring records
Bluetooth or cable.
Quick and Easy measuring programs can be quickly created in a
Clear, well-arranged symbols and convenient user aids simplify the user-guided function
handling of this powerful product. Decades of experience in surface Automatic function for the selection of cutoff and measuring path
metrology and modern, cutting-edge technology are united in the according to standards (patented)
MarSurf XR 1. Different calibration methods are supported (static and dynamic)
with specification of parameters Ra or Rz
Maintenance and calibration intervals are selectable
MarSurf XR 1 at Mahr means future-oriented roughness soft-
ware. Many measuring station configurations are possible for each indi-
vidual application case
System flexibility due to different options
Different user levels protect from erroneous use of the unit and
ensure that unauthorized users cannot operate the unit

The evaluation software described here can be expanded as

desired. The options available are described on the following pages.

6 Ma r S u r f. su r fa ce M e tro l o gy

MarSurf XR 1 with Drive Unit MarSurf RD 18 and ST-G

Measuring station for roughness measuring with the drive unit MarSurf XR 1 and skidded probe PHT6-350

Description Measuring stand ST-G Order no. 6710807

Granite plate 500 mm x 300 mm (L x W)
Measuring station for roughness measurements with drive unit with centered 10 mm T-groove
MarSurf RD 18 and skidded probe PHT6-350. This measuring sta- Measuring column with manual height adjustment range of
tion is characterized by easy and uncomplicated handling. all para- 300 mm for the drive unit
meters based on roughness depth are available. The characteristics
of the evalution software MarSurf XR 1 in the basic version are
described on pages 8 and 12.
Drive unit MarSurf RD 18
Measuring station components
Tracing direction lengthwise
settable tracing length Marsurf Xr 1
MarSurf XR 1 Set Order no. 6268390 as per DIN/ISO: 1.75 mm, 5.6 mm, 17.5 mm
- software and license as per EN ISO 12085: 1 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm, 8 mm, 12 mm,
- adapter for drive units 16 mm
- usB cable Tracing speed: 0.5 mm/s
Dimensions 24 mm, L = 112 mm

MarSurf RD 18 Set Order no. 6910416

- Drive unit Marsurf rD 18 Skidded probe PHT 6-350
- Probe PHT6-350
system single-skid probe
Skid radius in tracing direction 25 mm,
transverse 2.9 mm
All-In-One PC Order no. 9054848
Floating point 0.8 mm in front of the probe tip
May optionally be provided by customer according to Mahr speci-
Measuirng range 350 m
specification for flat surfaces, bores
from 6 mm to17 mm depth, grooves
Support MarSurf RD 18 on ST-G Order no. 6910201
from 3 mm width
min. workpiece length = tracing length
Cross table CT 120 Order no. 6710529
+ 1 mm

Ma rSu rf. sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 7

MarSurf XR 1 with Drive Unit SD 26 and ST-G

roughness and waviness measurements on small and medium-sized workpieces

Description Mount MarSurf SD 26 to ST-G Order no. 6910436

Measuring station for the measurement of roughness depths, P
profile and waviness with the drive unit Marsurf sD 26 and the Cross table CT 120 Order no. 6710529
skidless tracing system BFW 250.
special features of this measuring station include: Measuring stand ST-G Order no. 6710807
- automatic zero positioning Granite plate 500 mm x 300 mm (L x W)
- fast probe arm change without tools with centered 10 mm T-groove
Measuring column with manual height adjustment range of 300
The characteristics of the evalution software MarSurf XR 1 in the mm for the drive unit
basic version are describe on pages 8 and 12.

Measuring station components Drive unit MarSurf SD 26 incl. probe system

MarSurf XR 1 Set Order no. 6268390 The drive unit MarSurf SD 26 with built-in reference level for pre-
- software and license cise measurement up to 25.4 mm (1 inch)
- adapter for drive units Rz residual values < 30 nm when tracing speed 0.1 mm/s
- usB cable Can be used horizontally, vertically and upside down
Motorized height adjustment of the drive unit with automatic zero
MarSurf SD 26 Set Order no. 6910415 Measuring path 26 mm
- Drive unit Marsurf sD 26 Measuring speed 0.2 mm/s; 1 mm/s
- Probe BFW-250 Positioning speed iin X 5 mm/s
Height adjustment Z 7.5 mm, motorized
Positioning speed in Z 2 mm/s
Skidless probe system BFW Set
All-In-One PC Order no.. 9054848 Measuring range 250 m (with double probe arm length 500 m)
May optionally be provided by customer according to Mahr speci- Low probe force of approx. 0.7 mN
fication High probe linearity < 1 %
fast probe arm change due to magnetic probe arm holder

8 Ma r S u r f. Su r fa ce M e tro l o gy

MarSurf XR 1. Software and Options

Software option
"Advanced Evaluation"

Option Advanced Evaluation

Order no. 6292272

Automatic export of profile data

Result files and records in PDF format
Interactive zoom to specify a profile range that is to be
evaluated and the re-calulation of the selected parameters
Basic version MarSurf XR 1 Virtual rule for interactive specification of distances in X
and Z direction in the profile field and depiction in the
Basic version
Software MarSurf XR 1
Order no. 6268390
Software option "Multi Measure"
Measuring station view
Option Multi Measure Order no. 6292273
Automatic user registration
R-profile and parameters Expansion of the measuring assistant with the function of
Levels 2 and 3
Rk-profile and parameters
P-profile and parameters User administration to register and manager users with
different rights
W-profile and parameters
Motif profile and parameters
D-profile and parameters
Export ASCII
Software option "Protocol"
Profile assistant for USB devices
Measuring assistent Level I
Option Advanced Protocol Order no. 6292274
(simple setting of measuring conditions)
PageDesigner to create user-specific protocol templates
MT Surf for RD 18 and SD 26
Tolerance monitoring and records with tolerance display

Software option "Integration of Script


Option "Integration of Script Programs"

Order no. 6292277

This option enables the following functions:

Starting MarScript program from F-keys
The measuring assistant enables the execution of
MarScript programs
QE RUN function

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 9

MarSurf XR 1. Additional Software Options

Option "Digital I/O" Option "Profile Processing"

Option "Digital I/O" Order no. 6268392 Option "Profile Processing" Order no. 6292269

For all MarWin software The option is divided into 3 areas of operation:
Digital I/O box with 8 inputs / 8 outputs
License "Digital I/O" and short manual a) Edge filter
Remote control e.g. by a PLC for the integration of the MarWin With this roughness measurement function, areas can be hidden
measuring station into a manufacturing process that should not be included in the analysis.
Execution of measurements
b) Profile editing
With this function, profiles can be edited, such as grooves or tips
cut out, ball simulations, mirroring of profiles, turning profiles,
inserting additional areas etc.

Option "QS-STAT" c) Placing profiles together

With this function, profiles from two or more profiles can be put
Option "QS-STAT" Order no. 6292268 together to form one new profile.

Simple export of features acc. to Q-DAS

Support of 31 AutoKeys

Option "QS-STAT Plus" Option "User-Defined Parameters"

Option "QS-Stat Plus" Order no. 6292271 Option "User-Defined Parameters" Order no. 6292270

Simple export of features acc. to Q-DAS With this option, a new parameter group can be created in the
Manual products MarSurf XR 1, MarSurf XR 20 or MarSurf XCR 20.
Possibility to change e.g. type, length, description
Possibility to integrate customer requirements and measuring pro- The corresponding parameters can be programmed and inte-
grams grated by the customer with the support of the Mahr Application

Option "Dominant Waviness" Option "ISO 13535-3 Parameters"

Option "Dominant Waviness" Order no. 6292203 Option "ISO 13535-3 Parameters" Order no. 6292263

Acc. to VDA 2007: 2007-02 With this option, the special parameters Rpq, Rmq and Rvq can be
Calculable WD parameters: evaluated as per ISO 13565-3.
WDSm, WDC and WDt

10 Ma r S u r f. s u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Further Options

Option RD 18 C

Option Set "MarSurf RD 18 C" Order no. 6910417

Cylindrical drive unit Marsurf rD 18 C
Skidded probe PHT 6-350 / 2 m
Hand-held vee
support to mount Marsurf rD 18 C to a holding devices (clam-
ping shaft 8 mm)
Height adjustment
Probe protection
Probe protection with prismatic base
Connecting cable RD 18 C (for drive interface - RD 18 C)

Option RD 18 C2

Option Set "MarSurf RD 18 C2" Order no. 6910418

Cylindrical drive unit Marsurf rD 18 C2

for measurements in traverse direction
Skidded probe PHT 6-350 / 2 m
Hand-held vee
support to mount Marsurf rD 18 C to a holding devices (clam-
ping shaft 8 mm)
Height adjustment
Probe protection
Probe protection with prismatic base
Connecting cable RD 18 C (for drive interface - RD 18 C)

Option Drive Interface RD 18 C

Option Set "Drive Interface RD 18 C" Order no. 6268391

Drive interface rD 18 C to connect drive unit Marsurf rD 18 C /
rD 18 C2 to a computer with the software Marsurf Xr 1 or to a
MarSurf M 300
Connecting cable drive interface rD 18 C Computer
operating instructions

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 11

cMarSurf XR 1. Application Examples

Application: Knee joint

Measurement of a knee joint

with drive unit MarSurf RD 18 and skided
probe system PHTR-100

Application: Stepped shaft

Measurement of a stepped shaft

with drive units MarSurf SD 26
and MarSurf RD 18
Connection of several drive units possible

Application: Ship propeller

Measurement of a ship propeller

with the drive unit MarSurf RD 18
and the probe system PHT 6-350,
without cable

12 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1 Software

The software platform MarWin enables the user to use a service

that is characterized by easy operability for varied measuring and
evaluation criteria.

Simple representation of the measuring station with the axes

belonging to the measuring set up to allow quick and safe

Results, profiles, standardized parameters and characteristics curves

can be activiated by a "click" and outpout into the test recrord.
The corresponding entries can be directly selected use the tabs:
Properties, analysis, protocol, protocol preview and offer the user a
quick and easy operator control.

Here in the "evaluation" view example, the result with the profile,
ADK curve and tolerance control is integrated into the software
option "Protocol".

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 13

MarSurf XR 1 Software

With the measuring assistant, all measuring conditions can be spe-

cifically set for the measuring task. In the option "Multi Measure",
operator prompters assist you in entering e.g. positioning prior to
as well as after the measurements.

In the view "Probe System" the drive units as well as the probe
arms are specified once. The probe arms can be individually named
for easy allocation.

The "Meas. Record" tab enables you to enter profile information

into the protocol head.

Excerpt from the option: "Advanced Evaluation". Virtual rule for the
interactive specification of distances in X and Z direction in the pro-
file field enable the defined measuring ranges to be observed.

14 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Data Transfer from Drive Unit to PC

Connection of any number of drive units using drive unit adapter

Drive units MarSurf RD 18 and MarSurf SD 26 can be connected to the PC
via the Bluetooth interface. Connectivity must only be established once.
The drive units stored in the measuring programs immediately begin when the measurement is activated!

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 15


16 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Accessories

MarSurf SD 26 Set

Set "MarSurf SD 26" Order no. 6910415

consisting of:

Drive unit MarSurf SD 26 with reference plane

Skidless probe system BFW-250 with probe arm
BFW A 10-45-2/90
Mains adapter
Connecting cable SD 26 for drive interface
Operating instructions

MarSurf RD 18 Set

Set "MarSurf RD 18" Order no. 6910416

consisting of:

Drive unitMarSurf RD 18
Skidded probe PHT 6-350 / 2 m
Integrated standard
Height adjustment
Probe protection
Probe protection with prismatic base
End face vee-block
Mains adapter
Connecting cable SD 26 for drive interface
Operating instructions


Drive unit adapter Order no. 7047701

For the connection of drive unit to MarSurf RD 18 and
MarSurf SD 26 to a computer

USB cable Order no. 8165044

Drive unit adapter to PC

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 17

MarSurf XR 1. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit MarSurf SD 26

Probe head BFW-250 integrated in MarSurf SD 26

Skidless probe system BFW-250

Probe head firmly integrated in drive unit SD 26
Measuring range 250 m (for 45 mm
probe arm length)
500 m (for 90 mm
probe arm length)
Low probe force of approx. 0.7 mN
High probe linearity < 1%

Magnetic probe arm support for easy exchange of probe arms also
provides additional probe arm protection.

BFW probe arm A 10-45-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 10-45-2/90

for bores from 11 mm on Order no. 6852403
(probe included in standard set)

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 8.0 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 36.5 mm

For use with

bores from 11 mm on approx. 30 mm

Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = 6852419

Same probe arm with 2 m 60 diamond = 6852418

BFW probe arm A 0.7-45-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 0.7-45-2/90

for bores from 0.9 mm on Order no. 6852408
Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond
Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length below the probe arm 0.1 mm

Length up to center of support 36.5 mm

For use with

Bores from 0.9 mm on approx. 10 mm
Bores from 2.5 mm on approx. 30 mm

Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = if required via Order

Construction Dept. (9xxx)

18 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit SD 26

BFW probe arm A 1.4-45-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 1.4-45-2/90

for bores from 1.5 mm on Order no. 6852407

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 0.2 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 36.5 mm

For use with

bores from 1.5 mm on approx. 30.0 mm

Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = via Order Construction

Dept. if required (9xxx)

BFW probe arm A 4-45-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 4-45-2/90

for bores from 4.5 mm on Order no. 6852404

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 2 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 36.5 mm

For use with

bores from 4.5 mm on approx. 30 mm

Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = via Order Construction

Dept. if required (9xxx)

BFW probe arm A 22-45-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 22-45-2/90

for recesses up to approx. 20 mm Order no. 6852412

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 20 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 36.5 mm

For use with

bores from 23 mm on approx. 30 mm

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 19

MarSurf XR 1. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit MarSurf SD 26

BFW probe arm A 32-45-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 32-45-2/90

for recesses up to approx. 30 mm Order no. 6852413

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 30 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 36.5 mm

For use with

bores from 33 mm on approx. 30 mm

BFW probe arm A 42-67.5-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 42-67.5-2/90

for recesses up to approx. 40 mm Order no. 9049160

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 375 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 40 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 59 mm

For use with

bores from 43 mm on approx. 55 mm

Note: Crank may not be longer than the probe arm, therefore 50%
longer probe arm required for this crank.

BFW probe arm A 52-67.5-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 52-67.5-2/90

for recesses up to approx. 50 mm Order no. 9049161

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 375 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 50 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 59 mm

For use with

bores from 53 mm on approx. 55 mm

Note: Crank may not be longer than the probe arm, therefore 50%
longer probe arm required for this crank.

20 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit MarSurf SD 26

BFW probe arm A 2.8-45-2/90-q6.5

Probe arm BFW A 2.8-45-2/90-q6.5

angled laterally Order no. 6852409

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 60
Measuring range 250 m

Length below the probe arm 0.8 mm

Length up to center of support) 36.5 mm
Lateral crank 6.5 mm

Bores from 3.5 mm on approx. 6.0 mm

(lateral measurement)
Bores from 12 mm on approx. 30.0 mm
(axial measurement)

BFW probe arm A 2.8-45-2/60

Probe arm BFW A 2.8-45-2/60-s32

with slanted tip Order no. 6852410
Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond
Opening angle of probe tip 60
Measuring range 250 m

Length below the probe arm 0.8 mm

Length up to center of support) 36.5 mm

Diamond angle 32

Bores from 3.5 mm on approx. 30.0 mm

BFW probe arm A 42-90-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 12-90-2/90 for measuring range

500 m, for bores from 13 mm on Order no. 9048672

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond
Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 250 m

Length A (length below probe arm) 10 mm

Length B (length up to center of support) 81.5 mm

For use with

Bores from 13 mm on ca. 75.0 mm

Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = via Order

Construction Dept. if required (9xxx)

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 21

MarSurf. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit MarSurf SD 26

BFW probe arm A 10-135-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 10-135-2/90 for measuring range 750 m,

for bores from 11 mm on Order no. 6852411

Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond

Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 750 m
Length A (length below probe arm) 8 mm
Length B (length up to center of support) 126.5 mm
For use with
bores from 11 mm on approx. 123 mm
Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = via Order Construction
Dept. if required (9xxx)

BFW probe arm A 4-90-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 4-90-2/90 for measuring range 500m,
for bores from 4.5 mm on Order no. 6852406
Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond
Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 500 m
Length A (length below probe arm) 2.0 mm
Length B (length up to center of support) 81.5 mm
For use with
bores from 4.6 mm on approx. 75 mm
Same probe arm with 5 m 90 diamond = via Order Construction
Dept. if required (9xxx)

BFW probe arm A 42-90-2/90

Probe arm BFW A 42-90-2/90 for recesses up to approx. 40 mm

Order no. 9048671
Probe tip radius / material 2 m / diamond
Opening angle of probe tip 90
Measuring range 500 m
Length A (length below probe arm) 40 mm
Length B (length up to center of support) 81.5 mm
For use with bores from 43 mm on approx. 78 mm

Skid for BFW probe Order no. 6852402
Only for standard probe, item no. 6852403
Total length 46.4 mm

22 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit MarSurf SRD 18 / RD 18 C / RD 18 C2

Probe for a variety of measuring tasks using RD 18

The P probes are characterized by specific design features:

Probe tip geometry acc. to EN ISO 3274, standard 2 m/90 Sturdy, rigid housing
Standardized measuring for of approx. 0.7 mN (acc. to EN ISO 3274) Self-adjusting, spring loaded bearings
Reliable inductive converter Reliable plug connection

Probe PHT 6-350 Order no. 6111520 (standard probe)

System Single-skidded probe
Skid radius in tracing direction 25 mm, across 2.9 mm
Contact point 0.8 mm in front of the probe tip
Measuring range 350 m
Specification for smooth surfaces, bores from 6 mm up to 17 mm deep,
grooves from 3 mm width,
min. workpiece length = tracing length + 1 mm

Probe PHT 11-100 Order no. 6111524

System Single-skidded probe

Skid radius in tracing direction 25 mm, across 2.9 mm
Contact point 0.8 mm in front of the probe tip
Measuring range 100 m
Specification for smooth surfaces, bores from 11 mm up to 4 mm deep
grooves from 2.5 mm wide and up to
7.5 mm deep

Probe PT 150 Order no. 6111523

System Double-skidded probe

Skid radius in tracing direction 50 mm, across 3 mm
Contact point 4.5 mm in front of the probe tip
Measuring range 150 m
Specification for sheet metal and cylindrical surfaces
acc. to DIN EN 10049 (SEP)
with workpiece length = tracing length + 5 mm

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 23

MarSurf XR 1. Overview of Probe Arms for Drive Unit MarSurf RD 18 / RD 18 C / RD 18 C2

Probe PHT 3-350 Order no. 6111521

System Single-skidded probe
Skid radius in tracing direction 25 mm, across 1.45 mm
Contact point 0.9 mm in front of the probe tip
Measuring range 350 m
Specification for bores from 3 mm on, up tp 17 mm deep,
min. workpiece length = tracing length + 1 mm

Probe extension PHT (80 mm), Order no. 6850540 (for P-probes)

Probe PHTF 0.5-100 Order no. 6111522

can be calibrated with PGN 3
System Single-skidded probe
Skid radius in tracing direction 25 mm, across 1.45 mm
Contact point 0.6 mm next to the probe tip
Measuring range 100 m
Specification e.g. for tooth surfaces from module 0.8 on

Probe PHTR-100 Order no. 6111525

can be calibrated with PGN 3
System Single-skidded probe with lateral skid
Skid radius 0.3 mm in tracing direction
Probe tip 2 m, 90
Specification for measurements on concave and convex surfaces

24 Ma r S u r f. s u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Measuring Station Accessories

Vee-block PP Parallel vice PPS XY-Tisch CT 120

Order no. 6710401 Order no. 6710604 Order no 6710529

With four different prisms to support rota- To clamp measuring objects To mount and align measuring objects.
tional parts for test diameters of 1mm to
160 mm. Jaw width: 70 mm Can be moved 15 mm in each of two
Dimensions: 80 mm x 100 mm x 40 mm Jaw height: 25 mm coordinates.
Weight: 1.5 kg Clamping width: 40 mm
Incl. tensions springs for holding light- Total height: 58 mm Table surface: 120 mm x 120 mm,
weight measuring objects in prism. Weight: 2 kg with two quick clamping

Mount for MarSurf RD 18 Geometry standard PGN 3 Roughness standard PRN 10

Order no. 6910201 Order no. 6820601 Order no. 6820420

surface standard with sinusoidal groove pro- Including Mahr calibration certificate.
The drive unit can be arreted and swiveled
file. surface standard with turned profile, metal,
by pivoting the mount ( 15)
Profiile depth approx. 3 m, Ra value approx. profile depth approx. 10 m,
1 m, for testing of the roughness measuring
Mount for MarSurf SD 26
Profile distance approx. 0.12 mm. station.
Order no. 6910436
for dynamic testing of the roughness mea-
suring station.
Mahr calibration certificate for PGN 3
Order no. 9027715
DKD/DAkkS calibration certificate for
PGN 3 Order no. 6980102

Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 25

MarSurf XR 1. Technical Data

Measuring principle Tactile stylus method Drive unit speeds (Vt)

Probes Skidless tracing BFW 250 SD 26: 0.1 mm/s und 0.5 mm/s
Skidded tracing - PHT series 1.0 mm/s
RD 18: 0.5 mm/s
Drive units Skidless tracing - SD 26
Skidded tracing - RD 18, RD 18 C, Parameters
RD 18 C2
Roughness parameters (RD 18/SD 26):
Measuring ranges SD 26 - see page 7 Ra, Rq, Rz (Ry acc. to JIS corresponds to Rz), Rmax, RPc, Rz(JIS), Rt,
RD 18 - see page 6 Rp, Rp (ASME), Rpm, Rv, R3z, RSm, RS (corresponds to S acc. to
JIS), Rsk, Rku, Rdq, Rlq, Rdc, R HSC, RMr*, RMr*, RMr*, Rz1max
Profile resolution / resolution for SD 26
vertical 25 m / 0.7 nm Core roughness parameters (RD 18/SD 26):
250 m / 7 nm Rk, Rpk, Rvk, Rpkx, Rvkx, Mr1, Mr2, A1, A2, Vo, RPm, Rtp, RHtp
2500 m /50 nm Parameters P profile (only SD 26):
approx. 100.000 increments per mea- Pa, Pq, Pt, Pp, Pv, PSm, Psk, Pku, Pdq, Plq, Pdc, P HSC, PPc, PMr*,
suring range PMr*, PMr*,Rz(JIS 1982), PTIR-1, PTIR-2
horizontal Point distance acc. to DIN EN ISO 3274
(11.200 points for 5.6 mm Parameters W profile (only SD 26):
measuring path; user defined Wa, Wq, Wt, Wp, Wv, WSm, Wsk, Wku, Wdq, Wdc, WMr*,
max. 52.000 points possible) WMr*, WMr*, WTIR-1, WTIR-2, Wst

Profile resolution / resolution for RD 18 Parameters motif (ISO 12085) (only SD 26):
8 nm R, AR, W, AW, Rx, Wx, Wte, Nr, Ncrx, Nw, Cpm, CR, CF, CL

Profile types SD 26: D-, P-, W-, R-, Rk-, WD-profile, ISO-5436 parameters (only SD 26):
(profile inversion possible) Pt5436, D
RD 18: R-profile, Rk-profile List of parameters:
Filter types Gaussian filter DIN EN ISO 11562 Rz-L, Rp-L, R3z-L, Rdc-L, RMr-L
Gaussian filter ISO 16610-21 Pdc-L, PMr-L, P-step-L
Robust Gaussian filter ISO 16610-31 * Material ratio calcluated with CREF reference or mean line
Spline filter ISO 16610-22
RC filter DIN 4768: 1974
Rk filter DIN EN ISO 13565-1
Robust spline filter ISO 16610-32
Re filter ISO 12085 Automatic function automatic selection of standardized
cutoff acc. to DIN EN ISO 3274
Form elimination SD 26: ARC filter
Languages German, English, French,
Cutoff length SD 26: 0.08 mm; 0.25 mm; 0.8 mm; further languages upon request
2.5 mm; 8 mm/free input
RD 18: 0.25 mm; 0.8 mm; 2.5 mm; Software released for WINDOWS 7
free input and WIN XP SP3
Tracing paths SD 26: automatic; 0.56 mm;
1.75 mm; 5.6 mm; 17.5 mm, 26 mm, Subject to technical changes.
measure to stop, variable
RD 18: automatic; 1.75 mm; 5.6 mm;
17.5 mm

Number of individual 1 to 50 (standard: 5)

measuring paths

Special tracing paths 0.1 mm up to traverse length,

adjustable (0.008 in to 12 in)

Low pass Ls 2.5 m / 8 m / 25 m

acc. to DIN EN ISO 3274 ,
can be switched off and freely varied

26 Ma r S u r f. S u rfa ce M e t rol og y

MarSurf XR 1. Your Advantages

Your advantages at a glance

Compact - Few components

- Touchscreen operation
- MarWin software in combination with mobile drive units
- High-performance basic software

Convenient - Self-installation by customer

- Plug and Play
- Software expandable with software packets
- Several drive units can be connected via cable or Bluetooth
- AQDEF certication for "Mobile Unit"
- Digital I/O for remote control operation

Cost-efent - Low entry price


Ma rSu rf. Sur fa c e Met ro l o g y 27

- + E N14 - +

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