C60N 3
C60H 4
C120N 9
C120H 13
NC100L 17
NC100LH 19
cascading 30
dimensions 31
Merlin Gerin 1
circuit protection
2 Merlin Gerin
circuit protection
Merlin Gerin 3
circuit protection
4 Merlin Gerin
circuit breakers
C60 N UL 489
CSA 22.2 No 5.1
UL Listed for branch circuit protection
Main functions of C60N UL 489 Compliance with standards
c UL 489 circuit breakers File #E215117
circuit breaker: c CSA C22.2 No. 5.1 circuit breakers File #179014
- protection of circuits against: c IEC 60947-2, VDE 0660
c CE Marked
- short circuit currents
- overload currents Standard features
- control c Power circuit:
v voltage rating: 120 up to 240 Vac (delta)
- isolation v ampere interrupting ratings:
Various applications: rating (A) number of voltage interrupting rating
- semi-conductors 77F/25C poles 0.71 in. (kA rms)
(18 mm) UL 489 / CSA IEC 60947.2
- electronic machinery 0.5-35 1P 120 Vac 10 -
- control panel 240 Vac 5 10
2P/3P 240 Vac 10 20
- metal working 415 Vac - 10
- telecommunication 440 Vac - 6
- food, beverage 1P 65 Vdc - 10
2P 125 Vdc - 10
- packaging v fast closing: allows increased withstand of the high inrush currents of some loads
- crane v current limiting
v trip-free mechanism: contacts cannot be held in the ON position when the circuit breaker is
- conveyors tripped automatically
- pumps and compressors v isolation with position break indication - Green strip on the circuit breaker operating handle
- HACR (Heating, Air indicates that all poles open
v number of operating cycles (0-C):
conditioning, Refrigeration) - electrical: 10,000
- engine generators - mechanical: 20,000
c Environment:
v tropicalization: treatment 2 (relative humidity: 95% at 131F/55C)
v degree of protection:
- case: IP40 as per IEC 60529
- terminals: IP20
v temperature:
-operation: -22 to 158F (-30 to 70C)
- storage: -40 to 176F (-40 to 80C)
c Weight (oz./g):
type 1P 2P 3P
C60N 3.88/110 7.75/220 11.64/330
The C60N UL 489 is available in box lug/box lug connection
Merlin Gerin 5
circuit breakers
C60 N UL 489
CSA 22.2 No 5.1
UL Listed for branch circuit protection
Connection caracteristics
c Box lug UL 486A File #216919:
v 0.5-25 A: (#18-#4 AWG) 1-25mm2 cables, torque 22
v 30-35 A: (#18-#2 AWG) 1-35mm2 cables, torque 31
box lug
Time-current curves
C curve - Overcurrent protection for all application types:
c Ratings: 0.5-35 A set at 77F (25C)
c Tripping curve: The magnetic releases operates between 7 and 10 times ampere rating
D curve - Overcurrent protection for loads with high inrush currents
(motors, transformers etc.):
c Ratings: 0.5-35 A set at 77F (25C)
c Tripping curve: The magnetic releases operates between 10 and 14 times ampere rating
6 Merlin Gerin
circuit breakers
C60 N UL 489
CSA 22.2 No 5.1
UL Listed for branch circuit protection
Box lug / box lug connection (upstream / downstream)
3 60104 60121
4 60105 60122
5 60106 60123
6 60107 60124
7 60108 60125
8 60109 60126
2 10 60110 60127
13 60111 60128
15 60112 60129
20 60113 60130
25 60114 60131
30 60115 60132
35 60116 60133
2P 4 0.5 60134 60151
1 60135 60152
1.5 60136 60153
1 3 2 60137 60154
3 60138 60155
4 60139 60156
5 60140 60157
6 60141 60158
7 60142 60159
8 60143 60160
2 4 10 60144 60161
13 60145 60162
15 60146 60163
20 60147 60164
25 60148 60165
30 60149 60166
35 60150 60167
3P 6 1 60168 60184
1.5 60169 60185
2 60170 60186
1 3 5 3 60171 60187
4 60172 60188
5 60173 60189
6 60174 60190
7 60175 60191
8 60176 60192
10 60177 60193
2 4 6 13 60178 60194
15 60179 60195
20 60180 60196
25 60181 60197
30 60182 60198
35 60183 60199
Merlin Gerin 7
application guide
DC circuit-breakers
selecting The selection of type of circuit breaker most c the rated voltage, which determines the
suitable for protection of a DC installation number of poles to be involved in breaking
the circuit breaker depends mainly of the following criteria: c the maximum short-circuit current at the
c the rated current, which determines the point of installation. which determines the
rating of the equipment breaking capacity
c the type of system (1,2 or 3) (see below)
calculation of the When a short-circuit occurs at its terminals, a c internal resistance: 0.5 m per cell
battery discharges a current given by ohms law:
short-circuit current (ISC)
IC = Vb
at the terminals of a battery Ri
where Vb = the maximum discharge voltage
(battery 100% charged)
and Ri = the internal resistance equivalent to
the sum of the cell resistances (figure Ri = 110 x 0.5 x 10-3
generally given by the manufacturer in terms
of Ampere-hour capacity of the battery). ISC = 240 = 4.4kA
66 x 10-3
example As the above calculation shows, the short-
What is the short-circuit current at the circuit current relatively weak.
terminals of standing battery with the
following characteristics: Note: If the internal resistance is not known,
c capacity: 500 Ah the following aproximate formula can be used:
c maximum discharge voltage: ISC = kC, where C is capacity of the battery
240V (110 cells of 2.2 V) expressed in Ampere-hours, and k is a
c discharge current: 300 A coefficient close to 10 but in any case
c autonomy: 30 mm always lower than 20.
b C b C b C
arrangement all poles needed for breaking number of poles necessary number of poles necessary
of breaking are placed in series on the to break max. ISC at voltage U/2 for breaking should be split
poles positive polarity (1), (2) should be placed on each polarity between the two polarities
8 Merlin Gerin
circuit protection
Merlin Gerin 9
circuit protection
1P 63 18340 3
80 18341 3
1 100 18342 3
125 18343 3
2P 63 18344 6
80 18345 6
1 3 100 18346 6
125 18347 6
2 4
3P 63 18348 9
1 3 5 80 18349 9
100 18350 9
125 18351 9
2 4 6
4P 63 18352 12
1 3 5 7 80 18353 12
100 18354 12
125 18355 12
2 4 6 8
1P 63 18356 3
80 18357 3
1 100 18358 3
125 18359 3
2P 63 18360 6
80 18361 6
1 3 100 18362 6
125 18363 6
2 4
3P 63 18364 9
1 3 5 80 18365 9
100 18367 9
125 18369 9
2 4 6
4P 63 18371 12
1 3 5 7 80 18372 12
100 18374 12
125 18377 12
2 4 6 8
1P 63 18378 3
80 18379 3
1 100 18380 3
125 18381 3
2P 63 18382 6
80 18383 6
1 3 100 18384 6
125 18385 6
2 4
3P 63 18386 9
1 3 5 80 18387 9
100 18388 9
125 18389 9
2 4 6
4P 63 18390 12
1 3 5 7 80 18391 12
100 18392 12
125 18393 12
2 4 6 8
Merlin Gerin 13
circuit protection
1P 10 18394 3
16 18395 3
1 20 18396 3
25 18397 3
32 18398 3
40 18399 3
50 18400 3
63 18401 3
80 18402 3
2 100 18403 3
125 18404 3
2P 10 18405 6
16 18406 6
1 3 20 18407 6
25 18408 6
32 18409 6
40 18410 6
50 18411 6
63 18412 6
80 18413 6
2 4 100 18414 6
125 18415 6
3P 10 18416 9
1 3 5 16 18417 9
20 18418 9
25 18419 9
32 18420 9
40 18421 9
50 18422 9
63 18423 9
80 18424 9
2 4 6
100 18425 9
125 18426 9
4P 10 18427 12
1 3 5 7 16 18428 12
20 18429 12
25 18430 12
32 18431 12
40 18432 12
50 18433 12
63 18434 12
80 18435 12
2 4 6 8
100 18436 12
125 18437 12
1P 10 18438 3
16 18439 3
1 20 18440 3
25 18441 3
32 18442 3
40 18443 3
50 18444 3
63 18445 3
80 18446 3
2 100 18447 3
125 18448 3
2P 10 18449 6
16 18450 6
1 3 20 18451 6
25 18452 6
32 18453 6
40 18454 6
50 18455 6
63 18456 6
80 18457 6
2 4 100 18458 6
125 18459 6
3P 10 18460 9
1 3 5 16 18461 9
20 18462 9
25 18463 9
32 18464 9
40 18465 9
50 18466 9
63 18467 9
80 18468 9
2 4 6
100 18469 9
125 18470 9
4P 10 18471 12
1 3 5 7 16 18472 12
20 18473 12
25 18474 12
32 18475 12
40 18476 12
50 18477 12
63 18478 12
80 18479 12
2 4 6 8
100 18480 12
125 18481 12
1P 10 18482 3
16 18483 3
1 20 18484 3
25 18485 3
32 18486 3
40 18487 3
50 18488 3
63 18489 3
80 18490 3
2 100 18491 3
125 18492 3
2P 10 18493 6
16 18494 6
1 3 20 18495 6
25 18496 6
32 18497 6
40 18498 6
50 18499 6
63 18500 6
80 18501 6
2 4 100 18502 6
125 18503 6
3P 10 18504 9
1 3 5 16 18505 9
20 18506 9
25 18507 9
32 18508 9
40 18509 9
50 18510 9
63 18511 9
80 18512 9
2 4 6
100 18513 9
125 18514 9
4P 10 18515 12
1 3 5 7 16 18516 12
20 18517 12
25 18518 12
32 18519 12
40 18520 12
50 18521 12
63 18522 12
80 18523 12
2 4 6 8
100 18524 12
125 18525 12
1P 10 27621 3
1 16 27622 3
20 27623 3
25 27624 3
32 27625 3
40 27626 3
50 27627 3
63 27628 3
2P 10 27632 6
1 3 16 27633 6
20 27634 6
25 27635 6
32 27636 6
40 27637 6
50 27638 6
63 27639 6
2 4
Merlin Gerin 17
circuit protection
3P 10 27643 9
1 3 5 16 27644 9
20 27645 9
25 27646 9
32 27647 9
40 27648 9
50 27649 9
63 27650 9
2 4 6
4P 10 27654 12
1 3 5 7 16 27655 12
20 27656 12
25 27657 12
32 27658 12
40 27659 12
50 27660 12
63 27661 12
2 4 6 8
18 Merlin Gerin
circuit protection
1P 10 27509 3
1 16 27510 3
20 27511 3
25 27512 3
32 27513 3
40 27514 3
50 27515 3
63 27516 3
2P 10 27520 6
1 3 16 27521 6
20 27522 6
25 27523 6
32 27524 6
40 27525 6
50 27526 6
63 27527 6
2 4
Merlin Gerin 19
circuit protection
3P 10 27531 9
1 3 5 16 27532 9
20 27533 9
25 27534 9
32 27535 9
40 27536 9
50 27537 9
63 27538 9
2 4 6
4P 10 27542 12
1 3 5 7 16 27543 12
20 27544 12
25 27545 12
32 27546 12
40 27547 12
50 27548 12
63 27549 12
2 4 6 8
20 Merlin Gerin
circuit protection
electrical auxiliaries
for C60, C120
C60 auxiliaries enable remote tripping or
remote indication of the ON/OFF positions of
an mcb.
They are mounted by clipping on the left
hand side of the mcb/rcd.
+ + + + In addition to the above Vigi module can
always be assembled on the right hand side
of an mcb.
Remote Tripping
OF SD alarm MX + OF MN mcb c MX + OF shunt trip release:
auxiliary switch shunt trip undervoltage v enables the mcb to be tripped from a
contact release remote location,
< max. 54 mm > v allows remote indication of the OFF or
ON position of the mcb by using the same
voltage as the one feeding the shunt rip
MX + OF shunt trip release (terminals 12 and 14),
v is equipped with a cut-off switch in series
type width in voltage cat. No. with the coil,
mod. v all shunt trip release devices are equipped
of 9 mm with a red flag trip indicator;
MX + OF 2
220-415 V AC 26946 c MN undervoltage release
110-130 V DC v enables miniature circuit breakers to be
48-130 V DC 26947 tripped either when the voltage drops or by
48V AC operation of the OFF push button of a
24 V AC and V DC 26948 remote device tripping between 70 and
35% Un, closing 85% Un,
26946 v prevents the mcb from being switched
MX + OF ON again if the undervoltage release
supply is not present,
MX + OF shunt trip release type width in voltage cat. No. c MN s undervoltage release, time
mod. delayed:
of 9 mm v allows micro breaks 200 ms without
instantaneous effects,
MN 2 24 V AC and V DC 26948 v all under voltage release are equipped
48 V AC 26961 with a red flag indicator.
48 V DC 26962
time delayed 0.5 s Comsumption of releases
MN 4 220-240 V AC 26963 type voltage
(V AC or V DC) (W or VA)
MX 415V AC pickup 120
200-240 V AC pickup 50
26946 110-130 V AC pickup 200
110-130 V DC pickup 10
48 V AC or V DC pickup 22
24 V AC or V DC pickup 120
MN MN 220-240 V AC hold 4.1
48 V AC hold 4.3
SD alarm switch 48 V DC hold 2.0
type width in cat. No.
MN s 220-240 V AC hold 4.1
of 9 mm
SD 1 26927
Remote indication
c SD alarm switch
An indicating device which monitors the
tripping of an mcb.
This device offers the following:
v a red flag trip indicator,
v ability to reset without closing the mcb,
v test function;
c OF auxiliary switch
26927 v a changeover switch which acts as an
SD indicating or control device to monitor the
ON or OFF positions of an mcb;
v ability to reset without closing the mcb,
OF auxiliary switch type width in cat. No. c breaking capacity of auxiliary contacts.
mod. voltage breaking capacity
of 9 mm (V AC or V DC) (A)
OF 1 26924 415 V AC 3
240 V AC 6
130 V DC 1
48 V DC 2
24 V DC 6
c connection: screw clamp terminal for 1
cable 2.5mm2 (or 2 x 1.5mm2)
14 12 11
26924 OF
Merlin Gerin 21
circuit protection
electrical auxiliaries
for NC100
+ + + or
SD fault OF Circuit-breaker MX + OF MN
indicating auxiliary shunt trip undervoltage
switch contact release release
technical data
c consumption of releases
type voltage
(V CA or V CC) (W or VA)
MX AC pick-up 240
DC pick-up 200
MN AC holding 4,1
DC holding 4,1
MN s AC holding 4,1
DC holding 4,1
22 Merlin Gerin
circuit protection
electrical auxiliaries
for NC100
220415 27136 2
110220 110125 27137 2
C2 C1 2448 2448 27138 2
12 14
MN undervoltage release
D1 D2
27140 D1 D2
OF auxiliary contact
27132 1
12 14
92 94
Merlin Gerin 23
residual current protection
functions The residual current circuit breakers and earth that is greater than or equal to
combine the following functions: 10,30,300 mA.
- control The residual current circuit breakers are
- automatic breaking of a circuit if an used in the residential, tertiary and industrial
insulation fault occurs between the phase sectors.
2P 240 40 30 16204 4
100 16205 4
300 16206 4
N 1 63 30 16208 4
100 16209 4
300 16210 4
T 300s 16246 4
R 80 30 16212 4
100 16213 4
N 2 300 16214 4
100 30 16216 4
100 16217 4
16206 300 16218 4
300s 16248 4
24 Merlin Gerin
residual current protection
4P 415 40 30 16254 8
100 16255 8
300 16256 8
N 1 3 5 63 30 16258 8
100 16259 8
300 16260 8
T 300s 16265 8
R 80 30 16261 8
300 16263 8
N 2 4 6 300s 16266 8
Merlin Gerin 25
residual current protection
electrical auxiliaries
+ + +
26 Merlin Gerin
residual current protection
electrical auxiliaries
MN undervoltage release
26923 1
14 12 11
SD fault indicating switch
26927 1
92 94 91
OF auxiliary switch
26924 1
14 12 11
Merlin Gerin 27
additional information
28 Merlin Gerin
additional information
NS100N/H/L NS160N/H/L
downstream Trip unit TM-D trip unit TM-D
In (A) 16 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 80 100 125 160
rating Ir
C60a 10 0.19 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
curve C 16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
20 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
32 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
40 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
C60N 10 0.19 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
curve C 16 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
20 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
32 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
40 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
50 0.63 0.8 T T T T
63 0.8 T T T
C120N/H 63 2.5 2.5 2.5
curve C 80 2.5
100 2.5
NC100L 16 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
20 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
25 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
32 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
40 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
50 0.63 0.8 T T T T
63 0.8 T T T
NC100LH 16 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
curve C 20 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
25 0.5 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
32 0.5 0.63 0.8 T T T T
40 0.63 0.8 T T T T
50 0.63 0.8 T T T T
63 0.8 T T T
Merlin Gerin 29
additional information
230/240 V network
400/415 V network
30 Merlin Gerin
multi 9
C60 C120
circuit breakers circuit breakers
4P 4P
3P+N 3P+N
3P 3P
2P 2P
circuit breakers Auxiliaries
RCCB Auxiliaries
Merlin Gerin 31
MULTI 9 Consumer Unit
Mini Pragma Din-Kit Semi-equipped Consumer Unit
32 Merlin Gerin
Merlin Gerin
Mini Pragma
Din Kit
Take full advantage of Merlin Gerin's experience
and know-how.
Discover Mini Pragma Din Kit a new range
of semi equipped consumer units comprising, in
a single catalogue number, of:
one enclosure (12 / 18 / 24 / 36-way)
one incoming circuit-breaker or isolator
one earth leakage circuit breaker
Semi equipped You can expect:
consumer unit ease of selection
a robust design for all building requirements
resistant to impacts, scratches, humidity
as it is made of insulating, self-extinguishing
material (compliant to IEC 529:IP40 and IEC
695-2-1 casing: 650C / 30s)
surface mounted with a sealable front face
Shah Alam (HQ) Johor Bahru Branch Kota Kinabalu Branch As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please
No. 11, Jalan U1/19, Seksyen U1, Tel : (607) 351 3801 Tel : (6088) 237 012 ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.
Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, Fax : (607) 351 4113 Fax : (6088) 216 900
Shah Alam 40150, Selangor, Design, production, illustrations: Schneider Electric Industries (M) Sdn Bhd
Malaysia Ipoh Branch Kuching Branch Printed in Malaysia
Tel : (603) 7883 6333 Tel : (605) 527 1375 Tel : (6082) 368 428
Fax : (603) 7883 6188 Fax : (605) 527 1375 Fax : (6082) 361 855
Customer Care: 1-800-880-877
Email : Prai Branch Services Hotline
Website : Tel : (604) 398 3981 / 2 Tel : (603) 7883 6238 (24 Hrs)
Fax : (604) 398 3984
SEIMC60C04 12-2007