P Block Master Ncert

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p -Block Elements
A Quick Recapitulation of the Chapter
1. Elements belongs to the group 13 to 18 of the periodic 8. Oxoacids of phosphorus
table are called p-block elements. Their valence shell (i) Hypophosphorous acid (H3PO2 ) is monobasic
electronic configuration is ns 2np1− 6 except He (1s 2 ). and reducing agent.
2. Group-15 elements Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), (ii) Orthophosphorous acid (H3PO3 ) is dibasic and
arsenic (As), antimony (Sb) and bismuth (Bi) belong to reducing agent.
VA group or 15th group of the periodic table.
(iii) Orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4 ) is weak tribasic
3. Valence shell electronic configuration of these acid.
elements is ns 2np 3 . These elements are extra stable
due to completely filled s-subshell and half-filled (iv) Metaphosphoric acid (HPO3 ) is monobasic and
p -subshell. These elements exhibit + 3 and + 5 exists as trimer.
oxidation states. (v) Pyrophosphoric acid (H4P2O7 ) is tetrabasic acid.
4. Dinitrogen preparation Dinitrogen is prepared by the (vi) Hypophosphoric acid (H4P2O6) is tetrabasic acid.
liquefaction and fractional distillation of air. (vii) Pyrophosphorous acid (H4P2O5 ) is dibasic acid.
5. Element of VA group from hydrides of the type MH3 ,
9. Group-16 elements Oxygen (O), sulphur (S),
(where, M = N, P, As, Sb and Bi). Reducing nature of
selenium (Se), tellurium (Te) and polonium (Po) are
these hydrides increase on moving down the group.
The bond angles and basic strength of the hydrides the elements of VI-A group.
decrease on moving down the group. Valence shell electronic configuration of these
6. Oxides of nitrogen All oxides of nitrogen (except NO elements is ns 2np 4 .
and N2O) and phosphorus are acidic in nature. Unlike 10. Te is a metalloid and Po is a radioactive metal, while
other oxides of nitrogen, nitrous oxide (N2O) is not O, S and Se are non-metals.
poisonous. 11. O2 forms p π -p π bond, while other form d π -p π
7. NO and NO2 are paramagnetic due to the presence bonds. Oxygen (O2 ) and ozone (O3 ) are two
of unpaired electrons in their molecules. NO2 is allotropes of oxygen.
called mixed anhydride because it gives a mixture of 12. The tendency to form multiple bonds to C, N and O
HNO2 and HNO3 upon dissolution in water. decreases as we going down the group from
(i) Nitrous oxide (N2O) is also known as laughing gas. Se to Te.
It is prepared by heating ammonium nitrate. Thus, S == C == S is moderately stable, Se== C == Se
(ii) Dinitrogen pentaoxide (N2O5 ) is obtained by decomposes readily, whereas
dehydrating HNO3 with P2O5 . Te==C == Te does not exist.

13. Reactivity with hydrogen Elements of 16th group 20. Reactivity with hydrogen Hydrides of halogens are
form hydrides such as H2O, H2 S, H2 Se, H2 Te and covalent in the gaseous state and behave as acids in
H2Po. the aqueous solution.
(i) H2O > H2 S > H2 Se > H2 Te ; melting and boiling (i) HI > HBr > HCl > HF, acidic strength
point in decreasing order. (ii) HI > HBr > HCl > HF, reducing character
(ii) H2O > H2 S > H2 Se > H2 Te; bond angle, dipole (iii) HF > HI > HBr > HCl, boiling points
moment and thermal stability in decreasing
order. 21. Oxoacids of halogens are monobasic. As the number
of O-atoms increases, thermal stability and acidic
(iii) H2 Te > H2 Se > H2 S > H2O ; acidic, covalent and strength increases, while oxidising power decreases.
reducing character in decreasing order.
22. Halogen reacts with NH3 and form different products.
14. The acidic nature of dioxides and trioxides
decreases in the order: 8NH3 + 3Cl2 → N2 + 6NH4Cl
SO2 > SeO2 > TeO2 NH3 + 3Cl2 → NCl3 + 3HCl
and SO3 > SeO3 > TeO3 (Excess)

The acidic nature of a particular element increases 23. Interhalogen compounds are compounds of two or more
with increase in oxidation number of the central different halogens, e.g. ICl.
element, e.g. SO < SO2 < SO3 24. Pseudo halogens CN−, SCN− and OCN− possess
15. Reactivity with halogens EX 2, EX 4 and EX1, all the properties similar to halide ions and contain atleast one
elements of group-16 form hexafluoride. Their N-atom. The corresponding dimeric molecules such as
stability decrease in the following order: (CN) 2, (OCN) 2 and (SCN) 2 are called
SF6 > SeF6 > TeF6 but ease of hydrolysis increases
in the reverse order. 25. Group-18 elements The group-18 includes helium
(He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe)
16. Sulphur has many allotropic forms such as rhombic
and radon (Rn). Rn is radioactive. These are known as
or orthorhombic sulphur, monoclinic sulphur, cyclo-
rare gas or inert gases. Noble gases are monoatomic.
S6 form etc.
Valence shell-electronic configuration of these
17. Sulphuric acid Preparation by contact process, elements is ns 2np 6 (except He whose electronic
1 / 8 S8 + O2 → SO2 configuration is 1s 2 ).
VO 26. The atomic radius of noble gases generally
2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) →
2 5
2SO3 (g)
2 bar, 720 K correspond to the van der Waals’ radii. Ionisation
SO3 (g) + H2 SO4 → H2 S2O7 (oleum) enthalpy of noble gases is very high. Neon lamps are
used in botanical garden and radon is used in radio
H2 S2O7 + H2O → 2H2 SO4 (96.98%) therapy for the treatment of cancer. Xenon forms
It is dibasic and strong oxidising agent. several compounds with F and O due to its low
ionisation energy.
18. Group-17 elements F, Cl, Br, I and At are the
members of group-17 (halogen family). 27. Xenon-fluorine compouds
673 K
General valence shell electronic configuration of Xe + F2 → XeF2 (s )
these elements is ns 2np5 . 1 bar
873 K
19. Order of oxidising power of halogens is: Xe + 2F2 → XeF4 (s )
1 bar
F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
57 3 K
Xe + 3F2 → XeF6 (s )
electron affinity is the highest for chlorine. 60-70 bar
Objective Questions Based on NCERT Text

Topic 1
Elements of Group-15
1. Which of the following has significant effect on the 9. Covalent and ionic radii of group-15 elements
properties of p-block elements in their absence and (a) increase down the group upto P and then decrease
presence respectively? (b) increase down the group
(a) d-orbitals in second period and d or d and f-orbitals in (c) decrease upto P and then increase down the group
heavier elements (d) decrease down the group
(b) d and/or f-orbitals in heavier elements and d-orbitals in
10. The common oxidation states of group-15 elements
second period
(c) d-orbitals in second period and f-orbitals in heavier
elements (a) + 3 and + 5 (b) − 3 and − 5
(d) f-orbitals in heavier elements and d-orbitals in second (c) − 5 and + 5 (d) − 3, + 3 and + 5
period 11. Group-15 elements can form compounds in +5
2. Which of the following statements is/are true for oxidation state. However, Bi forms only one well
group-15 elements? characterised compound in +5 oxidation state. This
(a) Group-15 includes nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, compound is
antimony and bismuth (a) BiCl 5 (b) Bi 2 S 5
(b) As we go down the group, there is shift from (c) BiF5 (d) Bi 2 O5
non-metallic to metallic through metallic character 12. Nitrogen differs from other members of the family in
(c) Nitrogen and phosphorus are non-metals, arsenic and several properties due to its
antimony are metalloids and bismuth is a typical metal
(a) small size
(d) All of the above
(b) high ionisation enthalpy
3. What is the percentage of molecular nitrogen by (c) non-availability of d-orbitals
volume of the atmosphere? (d) All of the above
(a) 64% (b) 68% (c) 78% (d) 84%
13. The only element which does not show allotropy is
4. Chile saltpetre is the common name of (a) nitrogen (b) phosphorus
(a) AgNO3 (b) NaNO3 (c) NaSO4 (d) AgCl (c) arsenic (d) bismuth
5. NaNO 3 is found in plants and animals in the form of 14. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(a) proteins (b) vitamins (a) Due to its small size and high electronegativity nitrogen
(c) nucleic acids (d) None of these can form pπ - pπ multiple bond with itself and with
other elements
6. An element M belongs to group-15 and it occurs as
the founder of the apatite family. It is an essential (b) Elements of group -15 form hydrides of EH3 type
constituent of animal and plant matter. It is also (c) The stability of hydrides increases from NH3 to BiH3
present in bones as well as in living cells. Identify M. (d) Oxides formed by the elements of nitrogen family have
general formulae E2 O3 and E2 O5 ; where E, N family
(a) Calcium (b) Magnesium
(c) Nitrogen (d) Phosphorus
7. The correct melting point order for group-15 15. N does not form pentahalide due to
elements is (a) availability of d-orbitals in its valence shell
(a) N < P < As > Sb > Bi (b) N < P < As < Sb < Bi (b) availability of p-orbitals in its valence shell
(c) N > P > As > Sb > Bi (d) N > P > As < Sb < Bi (c) non-availability of p-orbitals in its valence shell
(d) non-availability of d-orbitals in its valence shell
8. Ionic radii (Å) of Sb 3+ , Bi 3+ and As 3+ follow the
order 16. The molecule having one σ-bond and two π-bonds is
(a) Sb 3 + > Bi 3+ > As 3 + (b) Bi 3 + > As 3+ > Sb 3 + (a) P4 (b) As 4
(c) Bi 3 + > Sb 3+ > As 3 + (d) As 3 + > Sb 3+ > Bi 3 + (c) Sb 4 (d) N2

17. Nitrogen forms N 2 but phosphorus is converted into 24. The correct melting point order of hydrides of
P4 from P2 . The reason is group-15 elements is
(a) weak pπ - pπ bonding (a) NH3 > PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3
(b) multiple bond is formed easily (b) NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3
(c) strong pπ - pπ bonding (c) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3
(d) triple bond is present in phosphorous atoms (d) NH3 < PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3
18. Nitrogen lacks d-orbital in its valence shell and 25. NH 4Cl( aq ) + A → B + 2H 2O ( l) + NaCl( aq )
hence, it cannot In the above reaction A and B respectively are
(a) exhibit orbital hybridisation
(a) NaNO3 ( aq ), N2 ( g )
(b) exhibit the oxidation state of + 5
(b) NaNO2 ( aq ), H2 ( g )
(c) forms oxides with oxidation state greater than +3
(d) have covalency greater than three (c) NaNO2 ( aq ), N2 ( g )
(d) None of the above
19. Following are the properties of nitrogen?
I. Triple bond 26. On heating, ammonium dichromate and barium azide
II. Allotropy
separately, we get
III. Catenation (a) N2 with ammonium dichromate and NO with barium
IV. Low boiling point
(b) N2 O with ammonium dichromate and NO2 with barium
Choose the correct option. azide
(a) I, II and III (b) I, III and IV (c) N2 O with ammonium dichromate and NO with barium
(c) II, III and IV (d) I, II and IV azide
20. Arrange the following hydrides in the decreasing (d) N2 in both cases
order of their basicities: 27. Extra pure N 2 can be obtained by heating
NH 3 , AsH 3 , SbH 3 , BiH 3 and PH 3 (IIT JEE 2011)
(a) NH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > BiH3 > PH3 (a) NH3 with CuO
(b) NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 ≥ BiH3 (b) NH4 NO3
(c) BiH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3 ≥ NH3
(c) (NH4 ) 2 Cr2 O7
(d) PH3 > BiH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > NH3
(d) Ba(N3 )2
21. Which of the following hydrides has the lowest
28. Dinitrogen
boiling point?
(a) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless and non-toxic gas
(a) PH3 (b) AsH3
(b) has a very low solubility in water
(c) SbH3 (d) NH3
(c) is rather inert at room temperature
22. Which of the following hydrides has largest bond (d) All of the above
29. Give the products of the following reactions,
(a) PH3 (b) NH3 (c) SbH3 (d) AsH3 ∆
I. Li + N2  →
23. Bond dissociation enthalpy of E  H (E = nitrogen ∆
II. Mg + N2  →
family element) bonds is given below. Which of the
following compounds will act as strongest reducing III. N2 ( g ) + H2 ( g ) 773
 K

agent? Here, I, II and III refer to
Compound NH 3 PH 3 AsH 3 SbH 3 I II III
∆ diss (E  H) / kJ mol −1
389 322 297 255
(a) Li 2 N Mg 3 N2 NH3
(b) Li 2 N Mg 3 N NH3
(a) PH3 (b) NH3 (c) Li 3 N Mg 3 N 2NH3
(c) AsH3 (d) SbH3 (d) 2Li 3 N Mg 3 N2 2NH3 ( g )
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 179

Topic 2
Compounds and Allotropes of Elements of Group-15
30. Ammonia is formed by the decay of nitrogenous 38. Choose the correct statement.
organic matter named as Cool 1
(a) urea (b) ammonium chloride (a) 3NO2 1 N2 O4 + NO + O2
Heat 2
(c) ammonium carbonate (d) None of these (b) NO is called laughing gas
31. The optimum conditions for the production of (c) When lead nitrate heated gives NO2 gas
ammonia are (d) N2 O4 is a mixed anhydride of nitrogen
I. A pressure of 200 × 105 Pa 39. On heating HNO 3 with P2O 5 , the oxide of nitrogen
II. A temperature of ~ 700K produced is
III. Iron oxide with small amounts of K 2 O and Al 2 O3 as a (a) NO2 (b) N2 O5 (c) N2 O4 (d) N2 O3
40. The species in which the N-atom is in a state of
The correct option is sp-hybridisation ? (JEE Main 2016)
(a) Both I and II (b) Both I and III
(a) NO−2 (b) NO−3
(c) I, II and III (d) Both II and III
(c) NO2 (d) NO+2
32. The shape of ammonia molecule is
(a) trigonal pyramidal with the nitrogen atom at the apex 41. Following compounds have planar structure except
(b) square planar with the nitrogen atom at the apex one. Find that odd one among N2 O3 , NO2 , N2 O4 and
(c) tetrahedral with the nitrogen atom at the apex N2 O5 .
(d) None of the above (a) N2 O3 (b) N2 O4
33. I. ZnSO 4 ( aq ) + 2NH 4OH( aq ) → Zn(OH) 2 ( s) (c) N2 O5 (d) NO2
A 42. The correct order for the decreasing acidic strength of
+ (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ( aq ) oxides of nitrogen is
II. FeCl 3 ( aq ) + 3NH 4OH( aq ) → Fe 2O 3 ⋅xH 2O( s) (a) N2 O5 > N2 O3 > N2 O4 > NO > N2 O
B (b) NO > N2 O > N2 O3 > N2 O4 > N2 O5
+ NH 4Cl( aq ) (c) N2 O > NO > N2 O3 > N2 O4 > N2 O5
The colours of compounds A and B respectively are (d) N2 O5 > N2 O4 > N2 O3 > NO > N2 O
(a) brown and white (b) brown and brown
43. The dimerisation of NO 2 as the temperature is
(c) white and brown (d) white and white
lowered is accompanied by
34. Which of the following statements is not true? (a) a decrease in pressure
(a) In air and soil, ammonia is present in very small (b) the formation of a colloid
amounts (c) an increase in pressure
(b) N2 + 3H2 1 2NH3 ; ∆ f H = − 46.1kJ mol −1 process is (d) a decrease in paramagnetism
called Haber’s process 44. In the laboratory, HNO 3 is prepared as
(c) Lone pair of nitrogen is responsible for making
(a) NaNO3 + H2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HNO3
ammonia a Bronsted base
(d) None of the above (b) 3NaNO3 + 2H2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HNO3
(c) NaNO3 + H2 SO4 → 2NaHSO4 + 3HNO3
35. The colour of [Cu(NH 3 ) 4 ]2+ complex is
(d) None of the above
(a) light blue (b) deep blue (c) light green (d) deep green
45. In the reaction,
36. Liquid ammonia is used in refrigeration due to its
4NH 3 ( g ) + 5O 2 ( g ) → 4NO( g ) + 6H 2O( g )
(a) high dipole moment (b) basicity
(from air)
(c) stability (d) heat of vaporisation
The reaction conditions for the above reaction are
37. Ammonia water is a good cleansing agent because it (a) Pt gauge catalyst, 200 K, 4 bar
(a) is weakly basic (b) Pt/Rh gauge catalyst, 500 K, 9 bar
(b) leaves no residue when wiped out (c) Pt/Rh gauge catalyst, 500 K, 4 bar
(c) emulsifies grease (d) Rh gauge catalyst, 200 K, 9 bar
(d) All of the above

46. Select the incorrect statement. 54. P4 + NaOH + H 2O → PH 3 + A

(a) HNO2 and H2 N2 O2 are the oxoacids of nitrogen Here, A refers to
(b) Contact process is used for the production of nitrous (a) NaH2 PO2 (b) 2NaH2 PO2
(c) 3NaH2 PO2 (d) None of these
(c) NO and NO2 are the intermediates involved in the
manufacture of nitric acid 55. White phosphorus contains four molecules and is
(d) 98% HNO3 solution is obtained by treating 68% usually preserved in
solution of HNO3 with conc.H2 SO4 (a) chloroform (b) benzene
47. Which of the following statements is correct? (c) water (d) kerosene
(a) In gaseous state, HNO3 is an angular molecule 56. Red phosphorus is less reactive, less volatile and less
(b) NO2 gas is produced by the reaction of copper metal soluble in non-polar solvent than white/yellow
with dilute nitric acid phosphorus because
(c) With dil. HNO3 , Zn gives NO gas (a) it has high molecular energy
(d) Nitric acid does not oxidise gold and platinum (b) it has low molecular energy
48. Reaction of HNO 3 with C, P, S and I gives (c) it forms condensation products
respectively (d) it possesses highly polymerised structures
(a) CO, H3 PO4 , H2 SO4 and HIO2 57. Select the statement that is not true.
(b) CO2 , P2 O5 , SO2 and I2 O5 (a) Black phosphorus exists in two forms α and β
(c) CO2 , H3 PO3 , H2 SO3 and HIO3 (b) Red phosphorus is used in the manufactures of safety
(d) CO2 , H3 PO4 , H2 SO4 and HIO3
(c) α-form of black phosphorus sublimes in air
49. In the ring test for NO −3 ion, a brown ring is formed (d) β-black phosphorus burn in air at 473 K
due to the formation of
(a) FeSO4 ⋅ NO2 (b) FeSO4 ⋅ HNO3 58. Phosphorus is produced by heating in a furnace
(c) [Fe(H2 O)5 (NO)]2+ (d) [Fe(H2 O)4 (NO)2 ]2+ (a) bone ash, silica and coke
(b) bone ash, silica and lime
50. The correct order of increasing acidic strength of (c) bone ash, coke and limestone
oxoacids of group-15 elements is (d) bone ash, coke and sodium chloride
(a) H3 SbO4 , H3 PO4 , H3 AsO4 and HNO3
59. The reaction of white phosphorus with aq. NaOH
(b) H3 SbO4 , H3 AsO4 , H3 PO4 and HNO3 gives phosphine along with another phosphorus
(c) HNO3 , H3 SbO4 , H3 AsO4 and H3 PO4 containing compound. The reaction type, the
(d) H3 PO4 , H3 AsO4 , H3 SbO4 and HNO3 oxidation states of phosphorus in phosphine and the
51. Use(s) of HNO 3 is/are other product respectively are (IIT JEE 2012)
(a) redox reaction, − 3 and − 5
(a) in the manufacture of NH4 NO3
(b) redox reaction, + 3 and + 5
(b) in the preparation of TNT and nitroglycerine
(c) disproportionation reaction, − 3 and + 5
(c) in the pickling of stainless steel, etching of metals and as
(d) disproportionation reaction, − 3 and + 3
an oxidiser in rocket fuels
(d) All of the above 60. Phosphine is
52. Gas X is obtained by the reaction of copper with I. colourless gas
dilute nitric acid. The obtained gas is oxidised to II. rotten fish smell
brown gas Y, when reacts with oxygen. The gas Y is III. highly poisonous
soluble in water and its aqueous solution is Z. X Y and The correct option is
Z respectively are (a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III
(a) NO, NO2 and HNO3 (b) NO2 , NO and HNO3 (c) Both I and III (d) I, II and III
(c) N2 O, NO and HNO2 (d) NO, N2 O and HNO3
61. The products of following reactions respectively are
53. Select the correct statement. I. CuSO 4 + PH 3 → A + H 2SO 4
(a) White phosphorus is soluble in water but insoluble II. HgCl 2 + PH 3 → B + HCl
in CS2
(b) Red phosphorus have iron grey lustre
(a) CuP3 HgP (b) Cu 3 P2 Hg 3 P2
(c) Red phosphorus is odourless but poisonous
(c) CuP3 Hg 3 P2 (d) CuP HgP
(d) Red phosphorus glows in dark
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 181

62. PH 3 is basic in nature because 71. PCl 3 fumes in moisture because

(a) it forms PH4 I with HI (a) it gets hydrolysed in the presence of moisture giving
(b) it has a lone pair on phosphorus atom fumes of HCl
(c) it has high tendency to give one proton (b) it gets hydrolysed in the presence of moisture giving
(d) Both (a) and (b) fumes of Cl 2 gas
63. Phosphine is used in (c) it gets reduced
(a) Holme’s signals (d) None of the above
(b) smoke screens
(c) containers containing calcium carbide and
72. The structure(s) shown below are of
calcium phosphide are pierced and thrown in sea, O OH O
when the gases burn and serve as a signal
(d) All of the above P P P
64. PH 3 produces smokey rings when it comes in contact
with air because
(a) PH3 reacts with water vapours A
(b) PH3 reacts with N2
(c) PH3 burns in air
(d) PH3 contains impurities of P2 H4 which undergo
spontaneous combustion O
65. The compound that is obtained by the action of dry P
chlorine (not in excess) over heated white phosphorus OH
is, refers to
(a) PCl 3 (b) PCl 5
(c) POCl 3 (d) None of these In the above structures A and B respectively are
(a) polymetaphosphoric acid and pyrophosphoric acid
66. Product of which of the following reaction is not
(b) polymetaphosphoric acid and cyclotrimetaphosphoric
H 3 PO 3 ?
(a) PCl 3 + 3H2 O →
(c) orthophosphoric acid and pyrophosphoric acid
(b) P4 + SO2 Cl 2 →
(d) pyrophosphoric acid and orthophosphoric acid
(c) PCl 5 + CH3 COOH →
(d) PCl 3 + C2 H5 OH → 73. Which of the following compound has a P P bond?
(JEE Main 2015)
67. Complete the following reaction, (a) H4 P2 O5 (b) ( HPO3 )3
Heat (c) H4 P2 O6 (d) H4 P2 O7
PCl 5 → Product(s)
The product(s) is/are 74. Phosphorous acid is syrupy because of
(a) PCl 3 (b) Cl 2 (a) van der Waals’ forces
(c) POCl 3 (d) Both (a) and (b) (b) strong covalent bond
(c) hydrogen bonding
68. PCl 5 is prepared by the action of Cl 2 on
(d) None of the above
(a) P2 O5 (b) PCl 3
(c) H3 PO3 (d) P2 O3
75. In cyclo trimetaphosphate ion, the number of
O-atoms, P—O—P bonds and unit negative charges
69. In gaseous and liquid phases, the structure of PCl 5 is respectively are
(a) trigonal pyramidal (a) 3, 6, 3 (b) 9, 6, 3 (c) 6, 6, 3 (d) 9, 3, 3
(b) tetrahedral
76. There is a slight difference in acidic strength of the
(c) trigonal bipyramidal
H 3 PO 4 , H 3 PO 3 and H 3 PO 2 because
(d) trigonal
(a) number of unprotonated O-atoms responsible for increase
70. Among the following, the number of compounds that of acidity due to inductive effect, remains the same
can react with PCl 5 to give POCl 3 is O 2 , CO 2 , SO 2 , (b) phosphorus oxides are less basic
H 2O, H 2SO 4 , P4O10 . (IIT JEE 2011) (c) phosphorus in these acids exists in different oxidation
(a) 1 (b) 2 states
(c) 3 (d) 4 (d) phosphorus is not a highy electronegative element
Topic 3
Elements of Group-16
77. Arrange the following elements in the correct order of 86. Tetrafluorides of elements of group-16 have
increasing ionic radii: hybridisation and structure respectively are
Se, Te, Po, O, S (a) sp 3 and trigonal pyramidal
(a) O < S < Se < Te < Po (b) sp 3 d and tetrahedral
(b) Po < Te < Se < S < O (c) sp 3 d and trigonal bipyramidal
(c) S < O < Se < Te < Po
(d) sp 3 d and tetrahedral
(d) S < O < Po < Se < Te
87. The characteristic feature of ‘sea-saw’ geometry is
78. A (oxygen and sulphur) B (selenium and tellurium) and
(a) one of the equatorial position is occupied by lone
C (polonium) respectively are
pair of electrons
A B C (b) one of the axial position is occupied by lone pair of
(a) metals non-metals metalloid electrons
(b) non-metals metalloids metal (c) no fixed position is assigned to the lone pair of
(c) metalloids metals non-metal electrons
(d) metals metalloid non-metal (d) None of the above
79. Oxygen and sulphur exist as; 88. The elements of group-16, which show negative
(a) polyatomic and monoatomic molecule respectively oxidation state are
(b) diatomic and polyatomic molecule respectively I. Oxygen
(c) monoatomic and diatomic molecule respectively
II. Polonium
(d) polyatomic and diatomic molecule respectively
III. Tellurium
80. Oxygen shows only negative oxidation state as –2 IV. Selenium
except in the case of Choose the correct option.
(a) OH2 (b) OF2 (c) OCl 2 (d) CO2
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
81. One element of group-16 shows anomalous behaviour. (c) I, III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV
Identify this element.
89. A chalcogen combines directly with hydrogen to
(a) Selenium (b) Polonium
form a hydride but with a great difficulty. On
(c) Oxygen (d) None of these
burning in air, this chalcogen forms a solid
82. Sulphur exhibits valencies of 2, 4 and 6, whereas polymeric dioxide and it also has the highest
oxygen has a valency of 2 due to electrical resistance amongst the metals. This
(a) being less electronegative than S chalcogen is
(b) presence of d-orbitals in S (a) sulphur (b) selenium
(c) S is bigger atom (c) polonium (d) tellurium
(d) S has higher ionisation potential
90. Which of the following statements regarding
83. All the hydrides (of group-16 elements) except one sulphur is incorrect? (AIEEE 2011)
possess reducing property and this character increases (a) SO2 molecule is paramagnetic
from H 2S to H 2Te. Identity the hydrides (b) The vapour at 200°C consists mostly of S8 rings
(a) H2 Se (b) H2 O (c) H2 S (d) H2 Te (c) At 600°C the gas mainly consists of S2 molecules
84. SO 2 and TeO 2 act as respectively are (d) The oxidation state of sulphur is never less than + 4 in
(a) reducing and reducing (b) reducing and oxidising its compounds
(c) oxidising and oxidising (d) oxidising and reducing 91. Water is much less volatile than H 2S because
85. The stability of the halides of group-16 elements (a) H2 O has a bond angle of nearly 150°
decreases in the order. (b) hydrogen is loosely bonded with the sulphur
(a) Br − > I− > Cl − > F− (b) F− > I− > Cl − > Br − (c) S-atom is less electronegative than O-atom
(c) F− > Cl − > Br − > I− (d) I− > Cl − > Br − > F− (d) S-atom is more electronegative than O-atom
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 183

I 93. Oxygen is used in

92. 2SO 2 + O 2 → 2SO 3
II (a) oxyacetylene welding
4HCl + O 2 → 2Cl 2 + 2H 2O
(b) the manufacture of steel
Here, I and II are
(c) oxygen cylinders in hospitals, high altitude flying and
(a) CuCl 2 V2 O5 (b) V2 O5 CuCl 2 mountain
(c) V2 O5 MnO2 (d) MnO2 CuCl 2 (d) All of the above

Topic 4
Compounds of Elements of Group-16
94. Which of the following oxides is amphoteric in 101. Colour of rhombic sulphur is
nature? (a) yellow (b) white
(a) Cl 2 O7 (b) Na 2 O (c) N2 O (d) Al 2 O3 (c) black (d) yellowish white
95. Which of the following oxides is most basic and 102. Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur have
most acidic respectively? molecules. Choose the suitable option to complete the
I. N2 O5 II. H2 O sentence.
III. K 2 O IV. CaO (a) S4 (b) S6
V. SO3 (c) S10 (d) S8
Choose the correct option. 103. Structure of sulphur molecule is
(a) II and III (b) I and V (c) III and V (d) IV and I (a) spherical (b) W-shaped ring
96. The trioxides which can exist as monomeric (c) tetrahedral (d) cubical
molecule is 104. The molecule of SO2 is
(a) SO3 in gaseous state (b) TeO3 (a) planar (b) pyramidal
(c) SO3 in solid state (d) SeO3
(c) angular (d) None of these
97. Ozone (O3 ) is
105. 2NaOH + SO 2 → A + H 2O
(a) an allotropic form of oxygen
(b) too reactive to remain for long in the atmosphere at B + H 2O + SO 2 → 2NaHSO 3
sea level What are A and B in the above reactions?
(c) formed from atmospheric oxygen in the presence of A B A B
sunlight at a height of about 20 km
(a) Na 2 SO3 Na 2 SO4 (b) NaHSO3 Na 2 SO3
(d) All the above statements are correct
(c) Na 2 SO4 Na 2 O (d) NaHSO3 Na 2 SO4
98. Pure ozone has pale blue, dark blue and
violet-black. These phases are 106. The behaviour of sulphur while reacting with water and
(a) solid, liquid and gas (b) gas, liquid and liquid
alkalies is similar to that of
(c) gas, solid and liquid (d) gas, liquid and solid (a) CO (b) O2 (c) O3 (d) CO2

99. Starch paper moistened with solution of KI turns 107. SO 2 is a resonance hybrid of the two canonical forms.
blue in ozone because S S
(a) alkali is formed O O O O
(b) iodine is liberated
(c) ozone reacts with litmus paper (b) S S
(d) oxygen is liberated
100. Angular shape of ozone molecule consists of (c) S S
(a) 1 σ-bond and 1 π-bond O O O O
(b) 2 σ-bond and 2 π-bonds
(c) 1 σ-bond and 2 π-bonds (d) S S
(d) 2 σ-bond and 1 π-bond

Catalyst 117. Consider the following equation,

108. 2SO 2 ( g ) + O 2 ( g ) → 2SO 3 ( g )
V2 O5
Identify the catalyst from the options given below. 2SO 2 ( g ) + O 2 ( g ) → 2SO 3 ( g )
(a) V2 O5 (b) CuCl 2 Which of the following statements is incorrect about
(c) MnO2 (d) Either (a) or (b) the above equation?
(a) This reaction is exothermic and reversible
109. On passing SO 2 gas through an acidified solution of
(b) ∆H ° value for this reaction is −196.6 kJ mol −1
K 2Cr 2O 7
(c) Low temperature and high pressure are favourable for
(a) the solution gets decolourised the maximum yield
(b) the solution becomes blue (d) None of the above
(c) SO2 is reduced
118. The characteristics of H 2SO 4 responsible for the
(d) green Cr2 (SO4 )3 is obtained
chemical reactions of H 2SO 4 are
110. On passing SO 2 gas through cupric chloride solution (a) low volatility
(a) only a colourless solution is obtained (b) strong acidic character as well as affinity for water
(b) the solution becomes colourless and a white precipitate (c) ability to act as an oxidising agent
of Cu 2 Cl 2 is obtained (d) All of the above
(c) no visible change takes place 119. A substance on treatment with dil. H 2SO 4 librates a
(d) a white precipitate is obtained colourless gas which
111. Oleum is chemically known as I. turns acidified dichromate solution green.
(a) pyrosulphuric acid (b) sulphuric acid II. produces turbidity with baryta water.
(c) peroxodisulphuric acid (d) sulphurous acid
These reactions indicate the presence of
112. Peroxoacids of sulphur are (a) S2− (b) NO−2
(a) H2 S2 O8 and H2 SO5 (c) SO2− (d) CO2−
3 3
(b) H2 S2 O8 and H2 S2 O7
(c) H2 S2 O7 and H2 S2 O6 120. A student accidentally splashes few drops of
(d) H2 SO5 and H2 S2 O7 conc. H 2SO 4 on his cotton shirt. After a while, the
splashed parts get blackened and the holes appear.
113. Hydrolysis of one mole of peroxodisulphuric acid will This happens because sulphuric acid
yield (a) heats up the cotton
(a) two moles of peroxomonosulphuric acid (b) removes the elements of water from cotton
(b) two moles of sulphuric acid (c) causes the cotton to react with water
(c) one mole each of sulphuric acid, peroxomonosulphuric (d) dehydrates the cotton with burning
acid and hydrogen peroxide
(d) one mole of sulphuric acid and one mole of 121. When conc. H 2SO 4 comes in contact with sugar, it
peroxomonosulphuric acid becomes black due to
114. The oxyacids of S having —S—S— bonds are (a) hydration
(b) decolourisation
I. H2 S 2 O4 II. H2 S 2 O7 III. H2 S 2 O6 IV. H2 S 2 O3
(c) dehydration
Choose the correct option. (d) hydrolysis
(a) I and III (b) II and IV
(c) I and II (d) II and III 122. On adding of conc. H 2SO 4 to a chloride salt,
colourless fumes are evolved but in case of iodide
115. Sulphuric acid is manufactured by the
salt, violet fumes come out. This is because
(a) contact process
(a) HI is of violet colour
(b) Ostwald’s process
(c) Haber’s process (b) HI gets oxidised to I2
(d) None of the above (c) HI changes to HIO3
(d) H2 SO4 reduces HI to I2
116. The key step in the manufacture of H 2SO 4 is
(a) burning of sulphur or sulphide ores in air to generate 123. Hot conc. H 2SO 4 acts as moderately strong oxidising
SO2 agent. It oxidises both metals and non-metals.
(b) catalytic oxidation of SO2 with O2 to give SO3 in the Element which gets oxidised by conc. H 2SO 4 into
presence of V2 O5 two gaseous products is
(c) absorption of SO3 in H2 SO4 to give oleum (a) copper (b) zinc
(d) Either (b) or (c) (c) sulphur (d) carbon
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 185

124. Oleum of fuming H 2SO 4 is 126. It is advised to add H 2SO 4 , while preparing a
(a) a mixture of H2 SO4 and HNO3 standard solution of Mohr's salt to avoid
(b) a mixture of conc. H2 SO4 and oil (a) hydration
(c) H2 SO4 which gives fumes of SO2 (b) oxidation
(d) H2 SO4 saturated with sulphur trioxide, i.e. H2 S2 O7 (c) reduction
(d) hydrolysis
125. On treating PCl 5 with H 2SO 4 , sulphuryl chloride
(SO 2Cl 2 ) is formed as the final product. This shows 127. H 2SO 4 is used in
that H 2SO 4 (a) petroleum refining
(a) is a derivative of SO2 (b) manufacture of paints, pigments and dyestuff
(b) is a dibasic acid intermediates
(c) has great affinity for water (c) detergent industry
(d) has two hydroxyl groups in its structure (d) All of the above are the uses of H2 SO4

Topic 5
Elements and Compounds of Group-17
128. Electronic configuration of group-17 elements is 134. Which of the following statements given below is
(a) ns np 5 2
(b) ns np 6 incorrect? (NEET 2015)
(c) ns np 4 2
(d) ns np 3 (a) Cl 2 O7 is an anhydride of perchloric acid
(b) O3 molecule is bent
129. The decreasing oxidising ability of the halogens in
(c) ONF is isoelectronic with NO2
aqueous solution down the group is evident from
(d) OF2 is an oxide of fluorine
(a) standard electrode potential (b) oxidation state
(c) Either (a) or (b) (d) None of the above 135. The compound is used in the estimation of
carbon monoxide. Here, A refers to
130. The anomalous behaviour of fluorine is due to
(a) I2 O5 (b) I2 O7
(a) its small size
(c) BrO2 (d) BrO3
(b) its highest electronegativity
(c) low F—F bond dissociation enthalpy and 136. The ionic character of the metal halides, MCl,
non-availability of d-orbitals in valence shell MI, MBr, MF decreases in the order:
(d) All of the above (a) MF > MBr > MI > MCl (b) MI > MBr > MF > MCl
131. Halogens are placed in the VII (A) group or group-17 (c) MF > MCl > MBr > MI (d) MBr > MF > MI > MCl
of the periodic table because 137. Among the C—X bond (where, X = Cl, Br, I) the
(a) these are very reactive correct decreasing order of bond energy is
(b) these are non-metals (a) C — I > C — Cl > C — Br
(c) these are electronegative
(b) C — I > C — Br > C — Cl
(d) these have 7 electrons in outermost shell
(c) C — Cl > C — Br > C — I
132. With increase in molecular weight the boiling point of (d) C — Br > C — Cl > C — I
halogens increase, it happens because
(a) van der Waals’ forces increase with increase in number 138. By heating a mixture of two compounds, bromine is
of electrons per mole prepared in the laboratory. This mixture is
(b) bond strength increases due to increase in electronegativity (a) MgBr2 + Cl 2 (b) MgBr + H2 SO4
(c) with the increase in size, molecules undergo association (c) KBr + HCl (d) KBr + MnO2 + H2 SO4
leading to higher stability
139. Bond length is maximum in
(d) None of the above
(a) HF (b) HCl (c) HI (d) HBr
133. Arrange the following acids in the correct increasing
CuCl 2
order of their acidic strength: 140. 4HCl + O 2 → 2Cl 2 + 2H 2O
HCl, HBr, HI and HF The above reaction of chlorine preparation is of
(a) HI < HBr < HCl < HF (b) HF < HCl < HBr < HI (a) Deacon’s process (b) contact process
(c) HCl < HBr < HI < HF (d) HBr < HI < HF < HCl (c) electrolytic process (d) None of these

141. Chlorine is obtained by the electrolysis of …A… and 147. Composition of bleaching powder is
is liberated at …B… . Here A and B refer to (a) Ca(OCl)2 ⋅ CaCl 2 ⋅ Ca(OH)2 ⋅ 2H2 O
(a) NaCl and anode (b) brine and anode (b) CaCl 2 ⋅ CaOCl 2 ⋅ Ca(OH)2 ⋅ 2H2 O
(c) brine and cathode (d) NaCl and cathode (c) Ca(OCl 2 ) ⋅ CaCl 2 ⋅ Ca(OH)2 ⋅ 4H2 O
142. Which of the following facts is/are true about chlorine? (d) None of the above
(a) It is a greenish yellow gas 148. HCl gas can be dried by passing through
(b) It has pungent and suffocating odour (a) conc. H2 SO4 (b) dil. H2 SO4
(c) It is about 2-5 times heavier than odour (c) conc. HNO3 (d) dil. HNO3
(d) All of the above
149. When HCl reacts with finely powdered iron, it forms
143. Complete the following reactions. ferrous chloride and not ferric chloride because
I. 8NH3 + 3Cl 2 → I (a) its reaction with iron produces H2
(b) liberation of hydrogen prevents the formation of ferric
II. NH3 + 3Cl 2 → II chloride
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(a) 6NH4 Cl + N2 NCl 3 + 3HCl (d) None of the above
(b) NCl 3 + 3HCl 6NH4 Cl + N2 150. Use(s) of HCl is/are
(c) NCl 3 + N2 6NH4 Cl + 3HCl (a) in the manufacturing of chlorine and glucose
(d) 6NH4 Cl + 3HCl NCl 3 + N2 (b) for extracting glue from bones and purifying bone black
144. I. 2NaOH + Cl 2 → A + B + H2 O (c) in medicine and as a laboratory agent
(Cold and (d) All of the above
151. The non-metal that does not exhibit positive oxidation
II. 6NaOH + 3Cl 2 → C + D + 3H2 O state is (JEE Main 2016)
(Hot and
conc.) (a) fluorine (b) oxygen (c) chlorine (d) iodine
Here, A, B, C and D refer to
152. The correct order of the decreasing acidic strengths of
HClO, HClO 2 , HClO 3 and HClO 4 is
(a) NaCl NaClO3 NaOCl 5NaCl
(a) HClO > HClO2 > HClO3 > HClO4
(b) 5NaCl NaClO3 NaOCl NaCl
(b) HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO
(c) NaCl NaOCl 5NaCl NaClO3
(d) 5NaCl NaOCl NaCl (c) HClO4 > HClO2 > HClO > HClO3
(d) HClO3 > HClO > HClO4 > HClO2
145. Chlorine is a powerful bleaching agent. Its bleaching
action is due to 153. The hybrid state of halogen atom is sp 3 in
(a) oxidation (b) reduction (a) ClO−4 (b) ClO− (c) ClO−3 (d) All of these
(c) acidic nature (d) None of these 154. Among the following which one is a wrong statement?
146. Chlorine is used in (NEET 2016)
(a) the extraction of gold and platinum (a) PH5 and BiCl 5 do not exist
(b) bleaching wood pulp (b) pπ-dπ bonds are present in SO2
(c) sterilising drinking water (c) SeF4 and CH4 have same shape
(d) All of the above (d) I+3 has bent geometry

Topic 6
Elements and Compounds of Group-18
155. Which among the following has lowest boiling point? 157. What is the correct atomic radius order for noble
(a) Argon (b) Helium (c) Neon (d) Krypton gases?
(a) He < Ne < Ar < Kr < Xe
156. All noble gases occurs in the atmosphere except one. (b) He > Ne > Ar > Kr > Xe
The name of this noble gas element is (c) He < Ne < Ar > Kr > Xe
(a) Helium (b) Radon (c) Krypton (d) Xenon (d) He < Ne > Ar > Kr < Xe
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 187

158. The noble gases exhibit very high ionisation enthalpy 162. A gas X is used in filling balloons for meteorological
which down the group observations. It is also used in gas-cooled nuclear
(a) increases reactors. Identify X .
(b) decreases (a) Helium (b) Neon
(c) first increases then decreases (c) Argon (d) Krypton
(d) first decreases then increases 163. Compounds formed when noble gases get entrapped in
159. Which of the following statements is incorrect? the cavities of crystal lattices of certain inorganic and
(a) All the noble gases are monoatomic organic compounds are known as
(b) Noble gases are colourless, odourless and tasteless (a) clathrates
(c) Noble gases are less soluble in water (b) hydrates
(d) Noble gases have very low melting and boiling points (c) picrates
160. In 1962, Neil Bartlett prepared a red compound which (d) interstitial compounds
is formulated as 164. Which one of the following reaction of xenon
(a) O+2 PtF −6 (b) Pt F −6 (c) O2 Pt F −5 (d) Pt F −5 compounds is not feasible?
(a) XeO3 + 6HF → XeF6 + 3H2 O
161. Among XeO 3 , XeO 4 and XeF6 , the molecules having
same number of lone pairs on Xe are (b) 3XeF4 + 6H2 O → 2Xe + XeO3 + 12HF + 1.5 O2
(a) XeO3 and XeO4 (b) XeO3 and XeF6 (c) 2XeF2 + 2H2 O → 2Xe + 4HF + O2
(c) XeO4 and XeF6 (d) XeO3 , XeO4 and XeF6 (d) XeF6 + RbF → Rb[XeF7 ]

Special Format Questions

I. More Than One Correct Option 169. Which of the following are the applications of
165. Select the correct statements. dinitrogen gas?
(a) Group-13 to 18 elements are called p-block element (a) Preservation of biological materials and food items
(b) Valence shell electronic configuration of p-block (b) Production of inert atmosphere in iron and steel industry
elements is ns2 np1 − 6 (c) In the preparation of explosives
(c) Properties like atomic size, ionisation enthalpy have no (d) Etching of metals
influence on p-block elements 170. Ammonia cannot be dried by
(d) The electronic configuration of helium is 2s2 (a) H2 SO4 (b) P2 O5 (c) Anhyd. CaO (d) CuSO4
166. Which of the following are true for nitrogen? 171. Which statements are false about the following
(a) It is highly electronegative reaction?
(b) d-orbitals are availables for bonding PI 3 + 3H 2O → H 3 PO 3 + 3HI
(c) It is a non-metal (a) It is a disproportionation reaction
(d) It has a small size (b) It is salt hydrolysis reaction
167. Dinitrogen (I) dioxide is produced by the (c) It is double decomposition reaction
(a) thermal decomposition of NH4 NO3 (d) It is a intramolecular redox reaction
(b) disproportionation of N2 O4 172. White phosphorus have
(c) thermal decomposition of NH4 NO2 (a) six PP single bonds
(d) interaction of hydroxyl amine and HNO2 (b) four PP single bonds
168. Select the correct statements. (c) four lone pair of electrons
(a) Boiling point of liquid N2 is 90 K (d) PPP angle 60° electrons
(b) Boiling point of liquid N2 is 77.2 °C 173. Which of the following are correct for SO 2 ?
(c) Air on liquefaction and fractional distillation (a) It is basic oxide
gives N2 (b) It is used as bleaching agent
(d) Dinitrogen is less reactive due to high bond (c) It is used as disinfectant
dissociation energy of N ≡≡ N (d) It acts as reducing agent

174. Which of the following statements are correct? 181. Statement I Single N—N bond is weaker than the
(a) H2 S is a dibasic acid single P—P bond due to high interelectronic repulsion
(b) H2 S acts only as a reductant of the non-bonding electrons, owing to the small
(c) bond angle in H2 S is 109° 28′ bond length.
(d) H2 S has smell of rotten egg Statement II The catenation tendency is stronger in
175. Which of the following have + 6 oxidation state of nitrogen as compared to phosphorus.
sulphur? 182. Statement I In group-15 elements, their pentahalides
(a) Sulphuric acid are more covalent than trihalides.
(b) Sulphurous acid
Statement II All the group-15 elements react with
(c) Thiosulphuric acid
metals to form their binary compounds exhibiting
(d) Peroxomonosulphuric acid
−3 oxidation states.
176. In the periodic table, on moving down the group-17 183. Statement I Dinitrogen is inert due to high bond
(a) ionic radius increases
enthalpy of N ≡≡ N bond.
(b) electronegativity increases
(c) ionisation energy decreases Statement II With rapid increase in temperature the
(d) reactivity increases reactivity decreases.
177. Chlorine is produced by 184. Statement I Ammonia is a colourless gas with a
(a) electrolysis of aq. NaCl pungent order.
(b) action of HCl on MnO2 Statement II Its freezing and boiling points are 198.4
(c) action of conc. H2 SO4 on NaCl in the presence of MnO2
and 239.7 K respectively.
(d) evaporation of sea water
185. Statement I PH 3 acts as a Lewis base in the reaction,
II. Statement Based Questions Type I PH 3 + HI → PH 4I
■ Directions (Q. Nos. 178-191) In the following Statement II It happens due to the presence of a
questions, Statement I is followed by a corresponding lone pair on phosphorus atom.
Statement II. Of the following Statements, choose the
correct one. 186. Statement I Acidic character increases from H 2O to
(a) Statement I and Statement II are correct and Statement H 2Te .
II is the correct explanation of Statement I. Statement II The reason is a decrease in bond enthalpy
(b) Statement I and Statement II are correct but Statement for the dissociation of H—E bond down the group.
II is not the correct explanation of Statement I.
187. Statement I Decomposition of ozone into oxygen
(c) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
results in the liberation of heat and an increase in
(d) Statement II is correct but Statement I is incorrect. entropy.
178. Statement I As, Sb and Bi are found mainly as Statement II Ozone is thermodynamically unstable.
sulphide minerals.
188. Statement I Melting and boiling points of group-17
Statement II Phosphoproteins are present in milk
elements steadily increase with atomic number.
and eggs.
Statement II All halogens are coloured.
179. Statement I The electronegativity value, in
general, decreases down the group with increasing 189. Statement I All the halogens exhibit –1 oxidation
atomic size. state.
Statement II Amongst the heavier elements, Statement II The oxidation states of +4 and +6 occur
the difference in electronegativity values is in the oxides and oxoacids of chlorine and bromine.
prominent. 190. Statement I Halogens combine amongst themselves
180. Statement I The stability of +5 oxidation state to form a number of compounds known as
decreases and that of +3 state increases down the interhalogens of the types XX ′ , XX 3 ′ , XX 5 ′ and
group-15. XX 7 ′.
Statement II Inert pair effect is more prone in case of Statement II X is a larger size halogen and X ′ is a
heavier members of p-block. smaller size halogen.
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 189

191. Statement I Most of the oxoacids of halogens cannot 196. The correct statements related to ammonia are
be isolated in pure state. I. NH3 gives black precipitate with calomel.
Statement II Oxoacids of halogens are stable only in II. NH3 gives white fumes with HCl.
aqueous solutions or in the form of their salts. III. NH3 is oxidised with oxygen at 700°C in the presence
of platinum.
III. Statement Based Questions Type II IV. NH3 can be dried by P2 O5 , H2 SO4 and CaCl 2 .
192. Ionisation enthalpy of group-15 elements Choose the correct option.
I. decreases down the group due to the gradual increase in (a) I, II and IV (b) II, III and IV
atomic size. (c) I, II and III (d) I, II, III and IV
II. it is higher than that of group-14 elements in the 197. NH 3 reacts with HCl. The correct reasons are
corresponding periods.
I. NH3 can donate a pair of electrons.
III. the order of successive ionisation enthalpies is :
II. The Cl − ion formed has a stable configuration.
∆ i H1 < ∆ i H 2 < ∆ i H 3 .
III. The N-atom of NH3 gains electrons.
Which of the above statements are true? Choose the IV. A proton in HCl can accept an electron pair from
correct option. NH3 .
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
The correct option is
(c) I and III (a) I, II and III (b) I, II and IV
(d) All of the above (c) II, III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV
193. Consider the following statements. 198. The uses of ammonia are
I. All the elements of group-15 are polyatomic. I. to produce various nitrogenous fertilisers
II. Dinitrogen is a diatomic gas, while all others are solids. II. in the manufacture of nitric acid.
III. Metallic character decreases down the group. III. as a refrigerant
Which of the above statements are true? Choose the The correct option is
correct option. (a) I and II (b) II and III
(a) I and II (b) I and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and III
(c) II and III (d) All of these
199. Which of the following statements are correct for
194. I. Covalency of N is restricted to four. N2 O?
II. N cannot form dπ- pπ bond as the heavier element. I. Its chemical name is nitrogen [I] oxide.
III. P and As cannot form dπ-dπ bond with transition II. Oxidation state of nitrogen is +1.
elements when their compounds like P(C2 H5 ) 3 and III. Common method of preparation is
As(C6 H5 ) 3 act as ligands.
Which of the above statements are true? Choose the NH 4 NO 3 → N 2O + 2H 2O
correct option. IV. It is a colourless gas.
(a) I and II (b) II and III Which of the above properties truely belongs to?
(c) I and III (d) All of these (a) I, II and III
195. Which of the following statements are correct about (b) II, III and IV
the hydrides of group-15 elements? (c) I, III and IV
I. The hydrides of group-15 elements are ionic and have (d) All of the above
planar triangular shape. 200. The correct statements among the following for N 2O
II. The reducing nature of the hydrides increases down the are:
group. I. N2 O is a linear molecule.
III. The thermal stability of the hydrides decreases down the II. Its resonating structure is
group. •• •• ••
• •
Choose the correct option. N == N == O ←→ • N ≡≡ N— O •
•• •• ••
(a) II and III III. Bond length of N—N and N—O is 113 pm and
(b) I and II 119 pm respectively in N2 O.
(c) I and III (a) Only I (b) Only II
(b) All of the above (c) Only III (d) All of these

201. Following statements/properties are about nitric acid Choose the correct option.
I. Its freezing and boiling points are 355.6 K and 231.4 K (a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
respectively. (c) I, II and IV (d) I, III and IV
II. Laboratory grade nitric acid contains ~68% of HNO3 207. Consider the following statements,
by mass. I. Oxygen is the most abundant of all the elements on
III. It has a specific gravity of 1.504. earth.
The correct set of properties of HNO 3 is II. Abundance of sulphur in the earth’s crust is only
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and IIII 0.03-0.1%
III. Traces of sulphur occur as hydrogen sulphide in
202. Brown ring test for nitrates depends on
I. the ability of Fe 2+ to reduce nitrates to nitric oxide. IV. Organic materials such as eggs, proteins, garlic, onion,
II. it reacts with Fe 2+ to form a brown coloured complex. mustard, hair and wool contain sulphur.
Which of the above statements regarding brown ring Which of the above mentioned statements are correct?
test for nitrates is/are true? Choose the correct option. Choose the most appropriate option.
(a) Only I (b) Only II (a) I, II, IV (b) I, II, III
(c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II (c) II, III, IV (d) I, II, III and IV
203. The correct statements about HNO 3 are 208. I. Atomic and ionic radii of group-16 elements decrease
I. HNO3 acts as a dehydrating agent. from top to bottom.
II. the proteins are converted into xanthoproteins. II. Ionisation enthalpy decreases down the group-16.
III. HNO3 acts as an oxidising agent. III. Oxygen has less negative electron gain enthalpy than
IV. It exists in two canonical forms. sulphur.
The correct statement(s) is/are
The correct option is
(a) Only I (b) Only II
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
(c) Both II and III (d) All of these
(c) I, III and IV (d) I, II and IV
204. Consider the following statements regarding 209. The physical properties of group-16 elements are
phosphorus, I. polonium is a metal and is radioactive.
I. Phosphorus exists in different allotropic forms. II. all these elements exhibit allotropy.
II. Yellow phosphorus exists as tetrahedral molecular III. with increase in atomic number, the melting and
solid. boiling points increase down the group.
III. Yellow phosphorus is less reactive than red The option with correct set of properties is
phosphorus. (a) Both I and II
IV. Black phosphorus has layered type structure. (b) Both II and III
(c) Both I and III
The correct statements are
(d) I, II and III
(a) I, II and IV (b) I, II and III
(c) II, III and IV (d) I, III and IV 210. Hexahalides of group-16 elements
205. Phosphine is obtained when I. are gaseous in nature.
I. red P is heated with NaOH II. have octahedral geometry.
II. white P is heated with NaOH III. SF6 is exceptionally stable for steric reasons.
III. Ca 3 P2 reacts with water Which of the above mentioned statements is/are
IV. phosphorus trioxide is boiled with water. correct?
The above mentioned correct statements are (a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV (c) Only III (d) I, II and III
(c) I, III and IV (d) I, II and IV
211. I. Group-16 elements form oxides of two types.
206. With respect to protonic acids, which of the following II. These oxides of both the types are acidic in nature.
statements are not correct? III. Reducing property of dioxide decreases from SO2 to
I. PH3 is equally basic as NH3 . TeO2 .
II. PH3 is less basic than NH3 . The correct statement(s) is/are
III. PH3 is more basic than NH3 . (a) Only I (b) Only II
IV. PH3 is amphoteric, while NH3 is basic. (c) Both I and II (d) All of these
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 191

212. Oxygen shows anomalous behaviour from other 218. I. Melting point of rhombic sulphur is higher than that of
members of its family because monoclinic sulphur.
I. oxygen shows maximum valency of two. II. Specific gravity of rhombic sulphur is lower than that
II. among chalcogens, oxygen is of the smallest size. of rhombic sulphur.
III. oxygen exhibits allotropy. III. Sulphurous acid (H2 SO3 ) has two one pairs on S-atom.
IV. oxygen has no vacant d-orbital. The incorrect statement(s) is/are
The correct option explaining the reasons is (a) Only I (b) Both II and III
(a) I, II and III (b) I, II and IV (c) Both I and II (d) All are incorrect
(c) I, III and IV (d) All of these 219. Which of the following statements are correct for SO 2
213. I. Neutral and amphoteric oxides are same in gas?
nature. I. It acts as bleaching agent in moist conditions.
II. NO, CO and N2 O are neutral oxides. II. Its molecule has linear geometry.
Which of the above mentioned statements is/are true? III. Its dilute solution is used as disinfectant.
(a) Only I (b) Only II IV. It can be prepared by the reaction of dil. H2 SO4 with
(c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II metal sulphide.
214. The true statements for ozone are The option with correct set of statements is
(a) Both I and III (b) Both II and IV
I. It is formed through an endothermic reaction.
(c) Bot h I and IV (d) Both II and III
II. It is obtained by silent electric discharge of oxygen.
III. It can be obtained by the action of UV-rays on oxygen. 220. Consider the following statements.
I. S—S bond is not present in H2 S 2 O7 .
Choose the correct option.
(a) I, II and III II. In peroxodisulphuric acid (H2 S 2 O8 ) sulphur is in +6
oxidation state.
(b) I, III and IV
(c) I, II and IV III. Monoclinic sulphur is stable above 369 K
(d) All of the above The correct set of statement(s) is
(a) Only I (b) Only II
215. Consider the following statements about ozone. (c) Both I and III (d) Neither I nor II
I. O3 is formed by the interaction of fluorine.
221. Which of the following statements are correct for
II. It turns tetramethyl base paper as violet.
properties of sulphuric acid?
III. It turns benzidine paper as brown.
I. A coloured, dense, oily liquid with a specific gravity of
The correct set of true statements is 1.84 at 298 K.
(a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III II. Freezing point is 283 K.
(c) I, II and III (d) Both I and III
III. Boiling point is 611 K.
216. Uses of ozone (O 3 ) include IV. It dissolves in water with the evolution of a large
I. as an oxidising agent in the manufacture of KMnO4 . quantity of heat.
II. as a germicide, disinfectant and for sterilisation. The correct set of properties is
III. for bleaching oils, flour, starch etc. (a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
The correct set of uses of ozone is (c) I, III and IV (d) I, II and IV
(a) I and II (b) II and III 222. Following are the statements related to group-17
(c) I and III (d) All of these elements.
217. I. Sulphur forms only two types of allotropes. I. Sea water contains chlorides, bromides and iodides of
II. Rhombic and monoclinic sulphur are the types of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium but is
allotropic sulphur. mainly sodium chloride solution.
III. The stable form of sulphur at room temperature is II. The deposits of dried up seas contain carnallite,
monclinic sulphur. KCl ⋅ MgCl 2 ⋅ 6H2 O.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are true? Choose III. Certain forms of marine life contain iodine in their
the correct option. system.
(a) Only I (b) Only II Which of the above statements are correct?
(c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II (a) I and II (b) II and III
(c) I and III (d) I, II and III

223. Consider the following statements. 229. I. IF is detected spectroscopically and very unstable.
I. Due to maximum effective nuclear charge, the halogens II. BrCl is pure solid at room temperature.
have the smallest atomic radii in their respective periods. III. ICl 3 dimerises as Cl bridged dimer (I 2 Cl 6 ).
II. These have low ionisation enthalpy. The correct set of statements is
III. Halogens have maximum negative electron gain (a) Both I and II (b) I, II and III
enthalpy. (c) Both II and III (d) Both I and III
IV. Fluorine is the most electronegative element in the
periodic table. 230. Which of the following statements are correct?
The correct statements are I. Among halogens, radius ratio between iodine and
(a) I, II, III, IV (b) I, II, III (c) I, III, IV (d) II, III, IV fluorine is maximum.
II. Except F—F bond, all halogens have weaker
224. I. Among halide ions, iodine is the most powerful reducing X—X bond than X—X ′ bond in interhalogens.
III. Among interhalogen compounds maximum number
II. HOCl is stronger acid than HOBr. of atoms are present in iodine fluoride.
III. HF is stronger acid than HCl. IV. Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than
IV. Fluorine is the only halogen that does not show variable halogen compounds.
oxidation states. The correct option is
The correct set of statements is (a) I, II and III (b) I, III and IV
(a) I, II and III (b) Only II and IV (c) II, III and IV (d) Both I and II
(c) I, II and IV (d) I, II, III and IV
231. The reactions in which conc. H 2SO 4 is used as an
225. On reaction with water, oxidising agent are
I. fluorine oxidises water to oxygen. I. 2HI + H2 SO4 → I 2 + SO2 + 2H2 O
II. chlorine and bromine react with water to form II. NaCl + 2H2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HCl
corresponding hydrohalic and hypohalous acids. III. CaF2 + H2 SO4 → CaSO4 + 2HF
III. reaction of iodine with water is spontaneous. IV. Cu + 2H2 SO4 → CuSO4 + SO2 +2H2 O
Which of the above mentioned statements is/are correct? Choose the correct option.
(a) Only III (b) Only I (c) I and II (d) I, II and III (a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I and IV
226. I. Fluorine forms two oxides OF2 and O2 F2 . 232. Due to stable electronic configurations of noble gases
II. OF2 is thermodynamically stable at 298 K. I. these gases exhibit very high ionisation enthalpy.
III. O2 F2 oxidises plutonium to PuF6 . II. these have no tendency to accept the electron.
The correct set of statements is III. these have large positive values of electron gain
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and III
The incorrect set of statements is
227. Consider the following statements regarding preparation (a) I, II and III (b) II and III
of interhalogen compounds. (c) I and II (d) None of these
I. These can be prepared by the direct combination.
233. I. XeOF4 has square pyramidal structure.
II. These can be prepared by the action of halogen on lower
interhalogen compounds. II. XeF2 has linear structure.
III. The product formed depends upon some specific Which of the above mentioned statements is/are true?
Choose the correct option.
The correct set of statements is (a) Only I (b) Only II
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and III (c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II
228. Consider the following statements for interhalogen 234. Which of the following statements are correct?
compounds. I. Xenon fluorides are non-reactive.
I. These compounds can be used as non-aqueous solvents. II. Hydrolysis of XeF6 is a redox reaction.
II. These compounds are very useful fluorinating agents. III. Only type of interactions between particles of noble
III. ClF3 and BrF3 are used for the production of UF6 in the gases are due to weak dispersion forces.
enrichment of 235 U. IV. Ionisation enthalpy of molecular oxygen is very close
Choose the option regarding with correct statement(s). to that of xenon.
(a) Only I (b) Both II and III Choose the correct option.
(c) Only III (d) All are correct (a) I and II (b) II and IV (c) III and IV (d) I and III
C H A P T E R 7 : p-Block Elements 193

235. Which of the following statements is/are correct for 243. Assertion (A) HNO 3 makes iron passive.
uses of noble gases? Reason (R) HNO 3 forms a protective layer of
I. Helium is used in filling balloons for meteorological ferric nitrate on the surface of iron.
244. Assertion (A) White phosphorus is less stable and
II. Neon is used in discharge tubes and fluorescent bulbs
hence, more reactive than other solid phases under
for advertisement display purposes.
normal conditions.
III. Argon is used mainly to provide an inert atmosphere in
high temperature metallurgical processes. Reason (R) There is an angular strain in the P4
(a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III molecule.
(c) Only III (d) All of these 245. Assertion (A) PCl 5 is covalent in gaseous and liquid
state but ionic in solid state.
IV. Assertion-Reason Type Questions Reason (R) PCl 5 in solid state consists of tetrahedral
■ Directions (Q. No 236-275) In the following
[PCl 4 ]+ cation and octahedral [PCl 6 ]− anion.
questions a statement of Assertion (A) followed by a 246. Assertion (A) H 3 PO 2 is a dibasic acid.
statement of Reason (R) is given. Choose the correct
Reason (R) Two H-atoms are directly attached to P.
answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation 247. Assertion (A) Oxygen has less negative electron
of A. gain enthalpy than sulphur.
(b) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct Reason (R) Oxygen has a compact nature.
explanation of A.
(c) A is correct; R is incorrect. 248. Assertion (A) Oxygen has a covalency of four.
(d) R is correct; A is incorrect. Reason (R) d-orbitals are absent in oxygen
236. Assertion (A) Electronic configuration of group-15 249. Assertion (A) Oxygen has highest electron affinity
elements is extra stable. among group-16 elements.
Reason (R) The s-orbitals are fully filled and Reason (R) Atomic radius of oxygen is smallest
p-orbitals are half-filled. among group-16 elements.
237. Assertion (A) As to Bi, there is only a small increase 250. Assertion (A) Elements of group-16 usually show
in covalent radius. lower value of first ionisation enthalpy as compared
Reason (R) d and/or f -orbitals are completely filled to the corresponding elements of group-15.
in heavier elements.
Reason (R) Group-15 elements have extra stable
238. Assertion (A) Nitrogen is restricted to a maximum half-filled p-orbitals electronic configuration.
covalency of 4.
Reason (R) Only four (one s and three p) orbitals are 251. Assertion (A) To initiate the reaction between O 2
available for bonding in nitrogen. and a metal, some external heating is required.
239. Assertion (A) Heavier elements of group-15 do not Reason (R) Bond dissociation enthalpy of
form pπ - pπ bonds. O == O bond is high (493.4 kJ mol −1 ).
Reason (R) Atomic orbitals of heavier elements of 252. Assertion (A) Di-negative anion of S 2− is less
group-15 cannot have effective overlapping due to
common, whereas di-negative anion of O 2− is quite
their large size.
240. Assertion (A) PH 3 forms bubbles, when passed Reason (R) Covalency of oxygen is two.
slowly in water but NH 3 dissolves.
253. Assertion (A) It is necessary to use a silent electrical
Reason (R) NH 3 is water soluble. discharge in preparation of ozone to prevent its
241. Assertion (A) conc. HNO 3 attacks at all metals decomposition.
including noble metals like gold and platinum. Reason (R) Formation of ozone from oxygen is an
Reason (R) conc. HNO 3 is a strong oxidising agent. exothermic process.
254. Assertion (A) Sulphur shows paramagnetism.
242. Assertion (A) Some metals (like Cr, Al) do not
dissolve in concentrated nitric acid. Reason (R) In vapour state sulphur partly exists as
Reason (R) A passive film of oxide is formed at the S 2 molecule which has two unpaired electrons in the
surface of these metals. antibonding π* -orbitals.

255. Assertion (A) Both rhombic and monoclinic 265. Assertion (A) Dissociation constant ( K a ) value of HCl
sulphur exist as S 8 but oxygen exists only is high, i.e. K a =10 7 .
as O 2 .
Reason (R) It acts as an strong acid in water.
Reason (R) Oxygen forms pπ - pπ multiple bonds
due to small size and small bond length but 266. Assertion (A) X — X ′ bond in interhalogens is weaker
pπ - pπ bonding is not feasible in sulphur. than X — X bond in halogens.
256. Assertion (A) SF6 is known but SCl 6 is not. Reason (R) Interhalogen compounds are more reactive
than halogens (except fluorine).
Reason (R) The size of fluorine is less than that of
chlorine 267. Assertion (A) ClF3 exists but FCl 3 does not exist.
257. Assertion (A) In the preparation of H 2SO 4 by Reason (R) F is more electronegative than Cl.
contact process, SO 3 is not absorbed directly in 268. Assertion (A) Iodine (VII) fluoride should have
water to form H 2SO 4 . maximum number of atoms.
Reason (R) Acid fog is formed, which is difficult Reason (R) The ratio of radii between I and F should
to condense. be maximum.
258. Assertion (A) H 2SO 4 is a stronger acid and has 269. Assertion (A) Noble gases are least reactive.
high dissociation constant ( K a1 > 10). Reason (R) All of them have completely filled
Reason (R) Greater the value of dissociation ns 2 p 6 electronic configuration in their valence shell.
constant ( K a ), the stronger is the acid. 270. Assertion (A) N 2 is less reactive than P4 .
259. Assertion (A) On heating NaCl(s) with Reason (R) Nitrogen has more electron gain enthalpy
conc. H 2SO 4 , HCl is produced. than phosphorus.

Reason (R) Conc. H 2SO 4 oxidises HCl produced 271. Assertion (A) HNO 3 makes iron passive.
to Cl 2 . Reason (R) HNO 3 forms a protective layer of ferric
260. Assertion (A) Conc. H 2SO 4 cannot be used to
nitrate on the surface of iron.
prepare HI from KI. 272. Assertion (A) Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur
exist as S 8 but oxygen exists as O 2 .
Reason (R) Conc. H 2SO 4 acts as a strong
oxidising agent. Reason (R) Oxygen forms pπ - pπ multiple bond due
to small size and small bond length but pπ - pπ bonding
261. Assertion (A) Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is is not possible in sulphur.
less negative as compared to the chlorine.
273. Assertion (A) SF6 cannot be hydrolysed but SF4 can be.
Reason (R) F—F bond has low dissociation
Reason (R) Six F-atoms in SF6 prevent the attack of
enthalpy and F has high hydration enthalpy.
H 2O on sulphur atom of SF6 .
262. Assertion (A) Most of the reactions of fluorine are
exothermic. 274. Assertion (A) NaCl reacts with conc. H 2SO 4 to give
Reason (R) Fluorine forms small and strong bond colourless fumes with pungent smell. But on adding
with it and other elements. MnO 2 the fumes become greenish yellow.

263. Assertion (A) HF is a liquid (boiling point = 293 K).

Reason (R) MnO 2 oxidises HCl to chlorine gas which is
greenish yellow.
Reason (R) It is due to strong hydrogen bonding.
275. Assertion (A) HI cannot be prepared by the reaction of
264. Assertion (A) Fluorine cannot exhibit any positive
KI with conc. H 2SO 4 .
oxidation state.
Reason (R) Fluorine exhibits only –1 oxidation Reason (R) HI has lowest HX bond strength among
state. halogen acids.
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 195

V. Matching Type Questions 279. Match the Column I with Column II and choose the
correct option from the codes given below.
276. Match the terms of Column I with the terms of
Column II and choose the correct option from the Column I Column II
codes given below. (Structure of acid) (Name of acid)

Column I Column II O
(Element) (Electronic configuration)
10 2 3 A. 1.
A. N 1. [Ar] 3 d 4s 4 p acid
14 10 2 3
B. As 2. [Xe] 4 f 5 d 6s 6 p H
C. Bi 3. [He] 2s2 2 p3

Codes Hypophosphorous
B. P 2.
A B C H acid
(a) 3 1 2
(b) 1 2 3
(c) 2 1 3
(d) 3 2 1
277. Match the items of Column I with terms of Column II P P
C. 3.
and choose the correct option from the codes given HO O OH
below. OH OH

Column I Column II O
(Molecular formula) (Oxidation state of N)
A. NO 1. +2 P Pyrophosphoric
D. 4.
HO acid
B. N2O4 2. +3 OH
C. N2O5 3. +4 OH

D. N2O3 4. +5
Codes A B C D A B C D
A B C D (a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 4 2 3 1
(a) 1 3 4 2 (c) 3 4 1 2 (d) 1 3 2 4
(b) 2 4 3 1 280. Match the items of Column I with those of Column II
(c) 3 1 2 4
and III and choose the correct option from the codes
(d) 4 2 1 3
given below.
278. Match the terms of Column I with the terms of Column II
Column II and choose the correct option from the Column I (Characteristic Column III
codes given below. (Formula) bonds and their (Preparation)
Column I Column II A. Pyrophosphorus 1. Four P—OH I. P4O10 + H2O
(Molecular formula) (Oxidation state of P)
Two P == O
A. H3PO2 1. +1 One P—P
B. H3PO3 2. +3 B. Hypophosphoric 2. Three P—OH II. PCl 3 + H3PO3
C. H4P2O6 3. +4 One P ==O
D. H3PO4 4. +5 C. Orthophosphoric 3. Two P—OH III. Red P4 + alkali
Two P—H
Codes Two P ==O
(a) 1 2 3 4 Codes
(b) 2 3 4 1 A B C A B C
(c) 3 4 1 2 (a) 2(III) 1(II) 3(I) (b) 3(II) 2(I) 1(III)
(d) 4 1 2 3 (c) 1(I) 2(II) 3(III) (d) 3(II) 1(III) 2(I)

281. Match the Column I with Column II and choose the Codes
correct option from the codes given below. A B C D
(a) 1 2 3 4
Column I Column II (b) 3 2 4 1
(Structure) (Oxoacid of sulphur) (c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 2 1 4 3
A S 283. Match the following columns and choose the correct
. HO O 1. Peroxodisulphuric
option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II
O O (Reactants) (Products)
437 K
B. S S 2. Sulphuric acid
A. Cl 2 + F2 → 1. 2BrF3
O (Equal volume)
B. I2 + 3Cl 2 → 2. 2ICl
O O 573 K
C. Cl 2 + 3F2 → 3. 2BrF5
C. S S 3. Sulphurous acid
O O O D. Br2 + 3F2 → 4. 2ClF
OH HO (Diluted with water)

E. I2 + Cl 2 → 5. 2ClF3
O (Equimolar)

D S F. Br2 + 5F2 → 6. 2ICl 3

4. Pyrosulphuric acid (Excess)
. HO O
(a) 4 5 1 2 3 6
(b) 4 6 5 1 2 3
(a) 1 2 3 4
(c) 3 4 1 2 5 6
(b) 3 1 4 2
(d) 2 3 4 6 1 5
(c) 2 4 3 1
(d) 4 3 1 2 284. Match the following columns and choose the correct
282. Match the following columns and choose the correct option from the codes given below.
option from the codes given below.
Column I Column II Column III
Column I Column II (Formula) (Colour and physical state) (Structure)
(Structures) (Oxoacids of halogens)
A. ClF3 I. Colourless gas but 1. Bent T-shaped
O solid below 77 K
A. H Cl 1. Perchloric acid
B. IF5 II. Colourless gas 2. Square
O O pyramidal
B. H Cl 2. Chloric acid
C. IF7 III. Orange solid 3. Pentagonal
D. ICl 3 IV. Colourless gas 4. Bent T-shaped
C. 3. Chlorous acid
O Codes
H (a) I(4) II(3) III(2) IV(1)
(b) III(1) IV(2) II(4) I(3)
D. Cl 4. Hypochlorous acid
(c) II(1) I(2) IV(3) III(4)
O (d) IV(1) III(4) II(3) I(2)
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 197

285. Match the following columns and choose the correct 289. Match the items of Column I and Column II and mark
option from the codes given below. the correct option.
Column I Column II Column I Column II
(Uses) (Noble gase) A. Its partial hydrolysis does not change 1. He
oxidation state of central atom.
A. In discharge tubes and fluorescent 1. Argon
bulbs. B. It is used in modern diving apparatus. 2. XeF6
B. Provides an inert atmosphere in high 2. Helium C. It is used to provide inert atmosphere for 3. XeF4
temperature metallurgical process. filling electrical bulbs.
C. MRI systems 3. Neon D. Its central atom is in sp3d 2 4. Ar
A B C A B C Codes
(a) 1 2 3 (b) 3 2 1 A B C D
(c) 3 1 2 (d) 1 3 2 (a) 1 4 2 3
(b) 1 2 3 4
286. Match the formulae of oxides given in Column I with
(c) 2 1 4 3
the type of oxides given in Column II and mark the
(d) 1 3 2 4
correct option.
Column I Column II
290. Match the compounds given in Column I with the
hybridisation and shape given in Column II and mark
A. Pb3O4 1. Neutral oxide
the correct option.
B. N2O 2. Acidic oxide
C. Mn 2 O7 3. Basic oxide Column I Column II
D. Bi 2O3 4. Mixed oxide A. Xe F6 1. sp3d 3-distorted octahedral
Codes B. XeO3 2. sp3d 2-square planar
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 1 2 3 C. XeOF4 3. sp3-pyramidal
(c) 3 2 4 1 (d) 4 3 1 2 D. Xe F4 4. sp3d 2-square pyramidal

287. Match the items of Column I and Column II and mark

the correct option.
Column I Column II (a) 1 3 4 2
A. H2SO4 1. Highest electron gain enthalpy (b) 1 2 4 3
B. CCl 3NO2 2. Chalcogen (c) 4 3 1 2
C. Cl 2 3. Tear gas (d) 4 1 2 3
D. Sulphur 4. Storage batteries

VI. Matrix Matching Type Questions
A B C D A B C D 291. Match the oxidation state given in Column I with
(a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 3 4 1 2 oxides of sulphur given in Column II.
(c) 4 1 2 3 (d) 2 1 3 4
Column I Column II
288. Match the species given in Column I with the shape
A. +6 p. SO24−
given in Column II and mark the correct option.
B. +4 q. S2O 27−
Column I Column II
A. SF4 1. Tetrahedral C. +3 r. SO3
B. BrF3 2. Pyramidal s SO2
C. BrO−3 3. Sea-saw shaped t S2O3
D. NH4+ 4. Bent T-shaped
Codes (a) s t p,q,r
A B C D A B C D (b) p,q, r,s t
(a) 3 2 1 4 (b) 3 4 2 1 (c) p,q r,s t
(c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 1 4 3 2 (d) p r,s q,t

292. Match the following columns. ■ Directions (Q. Nos. 297-299) Study the following,
passage and answer the questions on the basis of the
Column I Column II
A. HF p. Monobasic The oxides of chlorine, bromine and iodine are well
B. HCl q. Strong reductant known. They have variable composition. The oxides of
C. HBr r. Strong acid chlorine are thermally unstable and dangerously
D. HI s React with glass explosive. They react with alkali. The bromine
oxides are thermally more stable as compound to
A B C D that of Cl.
(a) p,q r r,s s
(b) s,p q,r q p 297. Which oxide of Cl is colourless?
(c) r q p p,q,s (a) Cl 2 O (b) ClO2
(d) s p p p,q,r (c) Cl 2 O6 (d) Cl 2 O7
293. Match the following columns. 298. The Cl  O  Cl bond angle in Cl 2O 7 is
Column I Column II (a) 180°
A. XeF4 p. Linear
(b) 119°
(c) 109°28′
B. XeOF4 q. sp3d 2-hybridisation
(d) 108.7°
C. XeF2 r. sp3d- hybridisation
299. Which halogen oxide is not known?
D. XeO2F2 s Triangular bipyramid (a) Br3 O8 (b) I2 O5
(c) Cl 2 O5 (d) Cl 2 O7
(a) q q p,r r,s ■ Directions (Q. Nos. 300-302) Study the following
(b) p q r,s p,r passage and answer the questions on the basis of the
(c) p,r r,s q p passage.
(d) r,s p,r q q
Among noble gases Xe is quite reactive and form a
number of compounds with oxygen and fluoride. This
VII. Passage Based Questions is because of small size and large electronegativity of
■ Directions (Q. Nos. 294-296) Study the following these element. The geometry and bond angles of the
figure and answer the question on the basis of it, compound formed can be explained on the basis of
mentioned below. VSEPR theory.
A Conc. HNO3 B 300. The first noble gas compound obtained was
Yellow solid Brown gas (a) [XeF]+ [PtF]− (b) XeF4
Boiling with (c) XeF2 (d) XeOF4
301. Which of the following xenon fluorides is
C Acidification impossible?
Clear solutions D + E
Colourless White (a) XeF2
gas turbidity (b) XeF3
294. Brown gas B is (c) XeF4
(a) H2 S (b) NH3 (c) NO3 (d) All of these (d) XeF6

295. Solution C is 302. The xenon compounds isostructural with IBr 2 and
(a) SO2 Cl 2 (b) Na 3 S2 O3 BrO 3− respectively are
(c) H2 SO3 (d) None of these (a) linear XeF2 and pyramidal XeO3
(b) bent XeF2 and pyramidal XeO3
296. Colourless gas (D) and turbidity (E) respectively are
(c) bent XeF2 and planar XeO3
(a) S and SO2 (b) SO2 and S
(d) linear XeF2 and tetrahedral XeO3
(c) SO3 and BeSO4 (d) None of these
NCERT & NCERT Exemplar Questions
303. Which of the following elements can be involved in 310. On heating with conc. NaOH solution in an inert
pπ - dπ bonding? atmosphere of CO 2 , white phosphorus gives a gas.
(a) Carbon (b) Nitrogen Which of the following statements is incorrect about
(c) Phosphorus (d) Boron the gas?
(a) It is highly poisonous and has smell like rotten fish
304. Which of the following statements is wrong? (b) It solution in water decomposes in the presence of light
(a) Single N  N bond is stronger than the single P  P bond (c) It is more basic than NH3
(b) PH3 can act as a ligand in the formation of coordination (d) It is less basic than NH3
compound with transition elements
(c) NO2 is paramagnetic in nature 311. Which of the following acids forms three series of
(d) Covalency of nitrogen in N2 O5 is four salts?
(a) H3 PO2 (b) H3 BO3 (c) H3 PO4 (d) H3 PO3
305. On heating ammonium dichromate and barium azide
separately we get 312. Strong reducing behaviour of H 3 PO 2 is due to
(a) N2 in both cases (a) low oxidation state of phosphorus
(b) N2 with ammonium dichromate and NO with barium (b) presence of two  OH groups and one P  H bond
azide (c) presence of one  OH group and two P  H bonds
(c) N2 O with ammonium dichromate and N2 with barium (d) high electron gain enthalpy of phosphorus
(d) N2 O with ammonium dichromate and NO2 with
313. The oxidation state of central atom in the anion of
barium azide compound NaH 2 PO 2 will be
(a) + 3 (b) + 5 (c) + 1 (d) − 3
306. On heating lead nitrate forms oxides of nitrogen and
lead. The oxides formed are 314. In a cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid molecule, how many
(a) N2 O, PbO (b) NO2 , PbO single and double bonds are present?
(c) NO, PbO (d) NO, PbO2 (a) 3 double bonds and 9 single bonds
(b) 6 double bonds and 6 single bonds
307. A brown ring is formed in the ring test for NO −3 ion. It (c) 3 double bonds and 12 single bonds
is due to the formation of (d) Zero double bond and 12 single bonds
(a) [Fe(H2 O)5 (NO)]2 + 315. In solid state, PCl 5 is a
(b) FeSO4 ⋅ NO2 (a) covalent solid
(c) [Fe (H2 O)4 (NO)2 ]2 + (b) octahedral structure
(d) FeSO4 ⋅ HNO3 (c) ionic solid with [PCl 6 ]+ octahedral and [PCl 4 ]−
308. In the preparation of HNO 3 , we get NO gas by
(d) ionic solid with [ PCl 4 ]+ tetrahedral and [PCl 6 ] −
catalytic oxidation of ammonia. The moles of NO octahedral
produced by the oxidation of two moles of NH 3
will be 316. Which of the following are peroxoacids of sulphur?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6 (a) H2 SO5 and H2 S2 O8 (b) H2 SO5 and H2 S2 O7
309. In qualitative analysis, when H 2S is passed through an (c) H2 S2 O7 and H2 S2 O8 (d) H2 S2 O6 and H2 S2 O7

aqueous solution of salt acidified with dil. HCl, a 317. Which of the following statements are true?
black precipitate is obtained. On boiling the (a) Only type of interactions between particles of noble
precipitate with dil. HNO 3 , it forms a solution of blue gases are due to weak dispersion forces
colour. Addition of excess of aqueous solution of (b) Ionisation enthalpy of molecular oxygen is very close to
ammonia to this solution gives ......... . that of xenon
(a) deep blue precipitate of Cu (OH)2 (c) Hydrolysis of XeF6 is a redox reaction
(d) Xenon fluorides are not reactive
(b) deep blue solution of [Cu (NH3 )4 ]2 +
(c) deep blue solution of Cu (NO3 )2 318. Which of the following is not tetrahedral in shape?
(d) deep blue solution of Cu (OH)2 ⋅ Cu (NO3 )2 (a) NH+4 (b) SiCl 4 (c) SF4 (d) SO4

319. Affinity for hydrogen decreases in the group from 327. Which of the following are correct for P4 molecule of
fluorine to iodine. Which of the following halogen white phosphorus?
acids should have highest bond dissociation (a) It has 6 lone pairs of electrons
enthalpy? (b) It has six single bonds
(a) HF (b) HCl (c) HBr (d) HI (c) It has three P  P single bonds
(d) It has four lone pairs of electrons
320. On addition of conc. H 2SO 4 to a chloride salt,
colourless fumes are evolved but in case of iodide 328. Which of the following statements are correct for
salt, violet fumes come out. This is because SO 2 gas?
(a) H2 SO4 reduces HI to I2 (b) HI is of violet colour (a) It acts as bleaching agent in moist conditions
(c) HI gets oxidised to I2 (d) HI changes to HIO3 (b) Its molecule has linear geometry
(c) Its dilute solution is used as disinfectant
321. A black compound of manganese reacts with a (d) It can be prepared by the reaction of dil. H2 SO4 with metal
halogen acid to give greenish yellow gas. When sulphide
excess of this gas reacts with NH 3 an unstable
trihalide is formed. In this process the oxidation 329. Which of the following statements are correct?
state of nitrogen changes from ......... . (a) SS bond is present in H2 S2 O6
(a) − 3 to + 3 (b) − 3 to 0 (c) − 3 to + 5 (d) 0 to − 3 (b) In peroxosulphuric acid (H2 SO5 ) sulphur is in + 6
oxidation state
322. Reduction potentials of some ions are given below. (c) Iron powder alongwith Al 2 O3 and K 2 O is used as a catalyst
Arrange them in decreasing order of oxidising in the preparation of NH3 by Haber’s process
power. (d) Change in enthalpy is positive for the preparation of SO3
by catalytic oxidation of SO2
Ion ClO −4 IO −4 BrO −4
330. In which of the following reactions conc. H 2SO 4 is/are
Reduction potential, E ° = 1.19 V E° = 1.65 V E°= 1.74 V
E° (volt) used as an oxidising agent?
(a) CaF2 + H2 SO4 → CaSO4 + 2HF
(a) ClO−4 > IO−4 > BrO−4 (b) IO−4 > BrO−4 > ClO−4 (b) 2HI + H2 SO4 → I2 + SO2 + 2H2 O
(c) BrO−4 > IO−4 > ClO−4 (d) BrO−4 > ClO−4 > lO−4 (c) Cu + 2H2 SO4 → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2 O
(d) NaCl + H2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HCl
323. Which of the following is isoelectronic pair?
(a) ICl 2 , ClO2 (b) BrO−2 , BrF2+ 331. Which of the following orders are correct as per the
(c) ClO2 , BrF −
(d) CN , O3 properties mentioned against each?
(a) As 2 O3 < SiO2 < P2 O3 < SO2 : Acid strength
324. Which of the following pairs of ions are (b) AsH3 < PH3 < NH3 : Enthalpy of vaporisation
isoelectronic and isostructural? (c) S < O < Cl < F : More negative electron gain enthalpy
(a) CO23 − and NO3− (b) ClO−3 and CO23 − (d) H2 O > H2 S > H2 Se > H2 Te : Thermal stability
(c) SO23 − and NO3− (d) ClO−3 and SO23 − 332. Which of the following options are not in accordance
with the property mentioned against them?
325. In the preparation of compounds of Xe, Bartlett (a) F2 > Cl 2 > Br2 > I2 : Oxidising power
had taken O +2 Pt F6− as a base compound. This is (b) M I > MBr > MCl > M F : Ionic character of metal halide
because (c) F2 > Cl 2 > Br2 > I2 : Bond dissociation enthalpy
(a) both O2 and Xe have same size (d) HI < HBr < HCI < HF: Hydrogen-halogen bond strength
(b) both O2 and Xe have same electron gain enthalpy 333. If chlorine gas is passed through hot NaOH solution, two
(c) both O2 and Xe have almost same ionisation changes are observed in the oxidation number of
enthalpy chlorine during the reaction. These are
(d) both Xe and O2 are gases (a) 0 to +5 (b) 0 to +3 (c) 0 to −1 (d) 0 to +1
326. Which of the following statements are correct? 334. Which of the following statements are correct?
(a) All the three N  O bond lengths in HNO3 are equal (a) Among halogens, radius ratio between iodine and fluorine
is maximum
(b) All P  Cl bond lengths in PCl 5 molecule in
(b) Leaving F  F bond, all halogens have weaker
gaseous state are equal
X  X bond than X  X ′ bond in interhalogens
(c) P4 molecule in white phosphorus have angular strain
(c) Among interhalogen compounds maximum number of
therefore white phosphorus is very reactive
atoms are present in iodine fluoride
(d) PCl 5 is ionic in solid state in which cation is
(d) Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogen
tetrahedral and anion is octahedral
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (d)
16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (b) 21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (d) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (c) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (d) 41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (b)
46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (b) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (c) 56. (d) 57. (d) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (d)
61. (b) 62. (d) 63. (d) 64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (b) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (c) 70. (d) 71. (a) 72. (b) 73. (c) 74. (c) 75. (d)
76. (a) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (b) 80. (b) 81. (c) 82. (b) 83. (b) 84. (b) 85. (c) 86. (c) 87. (a) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (d)
91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (d) 94. (d) 95. (d) 96. (a) 97. (d) 98. (d) 99. (b) 100. (c) 101. (a) 102. (d) 103. (b) 104. (c) 105. (a)
106. (d) 107. (d) 108. (a) 109. (d) 110. (b) 111. (a) 112. (a) 113. (d) 114. (a) 115. (a) 116. (d) 117. (d) 118. (d) 119. (c) 120. (b)
121. (c) 122. (b) 123. (d) 124. (d) 125. (d) 126. (d) 127. (d) 128. (a) 129. (a) 130. (d) 131. (d) 132. (a) 133. (b) 134. (d) 135. (a)
136. (c) 137. (c) 138. (d) 139. (c) 140. (a) 141. (b) 142. (d) 143. (a) 144. (c) 145. (a) 146. (d) 147. (a) 148. (a) 149. (c) 150. (d)
151. (a) 152. (b) 153. (d) 154. (c) 155. (b) 156. (b) 157. (a) 158. (b) 159. (c) 160. (a) 161. (d) 162. (a) 163. (a) 164. (a) 165. (ab)
166. (acd) 167. (ad) 168. (cd) 169. (ab) 170. (acd) 171. (abd) 172. (acd) 173. (bcd) 174. (abd) 175. (ad) 176. (acd) 177. (abc) 178. (a) 179. (b) 180. (a)
181. (b) 182. (a) 183. (b) 184. (a) 185. (a) 186. (a) 187. (a) 188. (a) 189. (a) 190. (a) 191. (a) 192. (d) 193. (a) 194. (a) 195. (a)
196. (c) 197. (b) 198. (d) 199. (d) 200. (d) 201. (b) 202. (c) 203. (b) 204. (a) 205. (b) 206. (d) 207. (d) 208. (c) 209. (d) 210. (d)
211. (c) 212. (b) 213. (b) 214. (d) 215. (c) 216. (d) 217. (b) 218. (c) 219. (a) 220. (c) 221. (b) 222. (d) 223. (c) 224. (c) 225. (c)
226. (d) 227. (d) 228. (c) 229. (b) 230. (b) 231. (d) 232. (d) 233. (c) 234. (c) 235. (d) 236. (a) 237. (a) 238. (a) 239. (a) 240. (a)
241. (d) 242. (a) 243. (c) 244. (a) 245. (b) 246. (d) 247. (a) 248. (a) 249. (d) 250. (a) 251. (a) 252. (b) 253. (c) 254. (a) 255. (a)
256. (a) 257. (a) 258. (a) 259. (c) 260. (a) 261. (a) 262. (a) 263. (a) 264. (a) 265. (a) 266. (b) 267. (a) 268. (a) 269. (a) 270. (c)
271. (c) 272. (a) 273. (a) 274. (a) 275. (b) 276. (a) 277. (a) 278. (a) 279. (a) 280. (d) 281. (b) 282. (c) 283. (b) 284. (c) 285. (c)
286. (b) 287. (a) 288. (b) 289. (c) 290. (a) 291. (b) 292. (d) 293. (a) 294. (c) 295. (b) 296. (b) 297. (d) 298. (b) 299. (c) 300. (a)
301. (b) 302. (a) 303. (c) 304. (a) 305. (a) 306. (b) 307. (a) 308. (a) 309. (b) 310. (c) 311. (c) 312. (c) 313. (c) 314. (c) 315. (d)
316. (a) 317. (ab) 318. (c) 319. (a) 320. (c) 321. (a) 322. (c) 323. (b) 324. (a) 325. (c) 326. (cd) 327. (bd) 328. (ac) 329. (ab) 330. (bc)
331. (ad) 332. (bc) 333. (ac) 334. (acd)

Hints & Explanations

4. (b) Chile saltpetre is the common name of sodium nitrate 14. (c) The stability of hydrides decreases from NH3 to BiH3
(NaNO3 ). with increase in size of central element due to increase in
6. (d) Phosphorus belongs to group-15 and it also occur as the E H bond length.
founder of the apatite family which are the main components 16. (d) N2 molecule, N ≡≡ N, has one σ -bond and two
of phosphate rocks. π-bonds.
7. (a) Melting point of group-15 elements increases upto arsenic 17. (a) pπ - pπ bonding is weak in P than N so, it does not
and then decreases upto bismuth. form P2 like N2 .
8. (c) Ionic radii (A° ) of Sb 3+ , Bi 3+ and As 3+ follow the order : 19. (b) Nitrogen does not show allotropy. All others are the
Bi 3 + > Sb 3 + > As 3 + because ionic and atomic radii increases properties of nitrogen.
on moving down the group due to addition of extra shells.
20. (b) The decreasing order of the basicities is
9. (b) Covalent and ionic radii of group-15 elements increase
NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 ≥ BiH3
down the group due to the addition of more shells.
11. (c) The only compound formed by Bi in +5 oxidation state is This is because tendency to give lone pair decreases as
BiF5 . It is due to smaller size and high electronegativity of the size of element of group-15 increases.
B-atom. 21. (a) PH3 has the lowest boiling point because boiling
13. (a) The only element which does not show allotropy group-15 point increases with increase in size of central atom but
nitrogen. NH3 has highest boiling point due to hydrogen bonding.

22. (b) NH3 has largest bond angle. Cool

23. (d) SbH3 will act as the strongest reducing agent due to its
38. (c) 2NO2 1 Heat
N2 O4

lowest bond enthalpy. N2 O (nitrous oxide) is called laughing gas.

24. (a) 2Pb(NO3 )2 673
 K
→ 4NO2 + 2PbO + O2
Melting NH3 PH3 AsH3 SbH3 N2 O3 is a mixed oxide of NO and N2 O4 .
point/K 195.2 139.5 156.7 185 While N2 O5 is an anhydride of nitrogen.
25. (c) NH4 Cl( aq ) + NaNO2 ( aq ) → N2 ( g ) + 2H2 O( l ) 39. (b) On heating HNO3 with P2 O5 , the oxide of nitrogen
produced is N2 O5 .
+ NaCl( aq )

26. (d) (NH4 )2 Cr2 O7 → N2 + 4H2 O + Cr2 O3 40. (d) Species Hybridisation
Ammonium dichromate
Ba(N3 )2 → Ba + 3N2
Barium azide N
Heat O O
27. (d) Ba(N3 )2 → Ba( s ) + 3N2 ( g )
Azide salt of barium can be obtained in purest form as well as O
the decomposed product contain solid Ba as by-product
alongwith gaseous nitrogen, hence no additional step of N sp2
separation is required. Other reactions are O O
NH4 NO3 → N2 O + 2H2 O
Heat sp2
2NH3 + 3CuO → 3Cu + 3H2 O + N2 N
Heat O O
(NH4 )2 Cr2 O7 → Cr2 O3 + 4H2 O + N2 +
O N O sp2
29. (d) 6Li + N2 → 2Li 3 N
41. (d) NO2 does not have a planar structure. It is angular
3Mg + N2 → Mg 3 N2 in shape.
773 K 42. (d) Acidic strength of oxides generally decreases with
N2 ( g ) + 3H2 ( g ) 1 2NH3 ( g ) ; ∆ f H ° = − 46.1 kJ mol −1 decrease in oxygen content. Thus, the correct order for
decreasing acidic strength of oxides of nitrogen is
30. (a) NH2 CONH2 + 2H2 O → (NH4 )2 CO3
Urea N2 O5 > N2 O4 > N2 O3 > NO > N2 O
s 2NH3 + H2 O + CO2 43. (d) The dimerisation of NO2 as the temperature is
32. (a) The shape of ammonia molecule is trigonal pyramidal lowered is accompanied by a decrease in
with nitrogen atom at the apex. paramagnetism because NO2 contains an unpaired
electron but no unpaired electron is present in the
structure of N2 O4 .
N mN O
.7 p O
H H 101 H
H H 107.8° N N N
33. (c) (i) ZnSO4 ( aq ) + 2NH4 OH( aq ) → Zn(OH)2 ( s )
(white ppt.) 44. (a) Laboratory preparation of HNO3 is
+ (NH4 )2 SO4 ( aq ) NaNO3 + H2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HNO3
(ii) FeCl 3 ( aq ) + NH4 OH( aq ) → Fe2 O3 ⋅ xH2 O( s ) 46. (b) Contact process is used for the manufacture of
(Brown ppt. ) sulphuric acid.
+ NH4 Cl( aq ) 47. (d) In gaseous state, HNO3 is a planar molecule. With
34. (c) Because of the presence of lone pair of electrons, on dil. HNO3 . Zn produces N2 O, while Cu produces NO gas.
N-atom. NH3 behaves like a Lewis base not a Bronsted base. 3Cu + 8HNO3 (dil.) → 3Cu(NO3 )2 + 2NO + 4H2 O
35. (b) Cu 2 + + 4NH3 → [Cu(NH3 )4 ]2 + 4Zn + 10HNO3 (dil.) → 4Zn(NO3 )2 + 5H2 O + N2 O
The colour of [Cu(NH3 )4 ]2+ complex is deep blue. NO2 gas is produced by the action of concentrated
nitric acid on metal.
36. (d) Liquid NH3 has high heat of vaporisation and hence, it is
Cu + 4HNO3 (conc. ) → Cu(NO3 )2 + 2NO2 + 2H2 O
used in refrigeration.
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 203

48. (d) Reaction of HNO3 with C, P, S and I gives CO2 , H3 PO4 , 64. (d) PH3 produces smokey rings when it comes in contact
H2 SO4 and HIO3 respectively. with air because PH3 contains impurities of P2 H4 which
I2 + 10 HNO3 → 2HIO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2 O undergo spontaneous combustion.
C + 4 HNO3 → CO2 + 2H2 O + 4NO2 66. (b) PCl 3 + 3H2O → H3PO3 + 3HCl
S8 + 48 HNO3 → 8H2 SO4 + 48NO2 + 16H2 O 3CH3 COOH + PCl 3 → 3CH3 COCl + H3 PO3
P4 + 20 HNO3 → 4H3 PO4 + 20NO2 + 4H2 O 3C2 H5 OH + PCl 3 → 3C2 H5 Cl + H3 PO3
49. (c) In the ring test for NO−3 ion, a brown ring is formed due P4 + 8SO2 Cl 2 → 4PCl 3 + 4 SO2 + 2S2 Cl 2
to the formation of [Fe(H2 O)5 (NO)2 ]2+ complex. Heat
67. (d) PCl 5 → PCl 3 + Cl 2
52. (a) 3Cu + 8HNO3 (dil.) → 3Cu(NO3 )2 + 2NO + 4H2 O
'X ' 68. (b) PCl 3 + Cl 2 → PCl 5
2NO + O2 - 2NO2 69. (c) In gaseous and liquid phases, the structure of PCl 5 is
trigonal bipyramidal.
3NO2 + H2 O → 2HNO3 + NO
Y Z X 70. (d) PCl 5 produces POCl 3 with the following reagents.
53. (b) White and red phosphorus both are insoluble in water but PCl 5 + SO2 → POCl 3 + SOCl 2
soluble in CS2 . Red phosphorus is odourless and PCl 5 + H2 O → POCl 3 + 2HCl
non-poisonous but white phosphorus is poisonous. It is the
white phosphorus that glows in dark. PCl 5 + H2 SO4 → SO2 Cl 2 + 2POCl 3 + 2HCl
54. (c) P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2 O → PH3 + 3NaH2 PO2 6PCl 5 + P4 O 10 → 10POCl 3

56. (d) Red P is less reactive, less volatile and less soluble in 73. (c) H4 P2 O6 has P  P linkage,
non-polar solvent than white/yellow phosphorus because it O O
possesses highly polymerised structures.
57. (d) β -black phosphorus does not burn upto 673 K. HO OH
59. (c) The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous alkali is
Cl Cl

240 pm
Br F P

F Cl Cl

P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2 O → PH3 + NaH2 PO2 Cl

In the above reaction phosphorus is simultaneously oxidised. PCl5
[P4 (O) → NaH2 PO2 ] as well as reduced 75. (d)
O O–
[P4 (O) → PH3 ] P
Therefore, this is an example of disproportionation reaction. –
Oxidation number of phosphorus in PH3 is − 3 and in P P
O O–
NaH2 PO2 is + 1. O
However, + 1oxidation number is not given in any option, 77. (a) The correct order of increasing ionic radii is
one might think that NaH2 PO2 has gone to further O < S < Se < Te < Po
decomposition on heating.
∆ +5 80. (b) Since, electronegativity of oxygen is very high, it
2NaH2 PO2 → Na2 HPO4 + PH3 shows only negative oxidation state as –2 except in the
case of OF2 , where its oxidation state is + 2.
61. (b) 3CuSO4 + 2PH3 → Cu 3P2 + 3H2SO4
3HgCl 2 + 2PH3 → Hg 3 P2 + 6HCl 81. (c) Oxygen shows anomalous behaviour among
group-16 elements due to its small size and high
63. (d) The spontaneous combustion of phosphine is technically
used in Holme’s signals. Here, containers containing
calcium carbide and calcium phosphide are pierced and 82. (b) Sulphur exhibits valencies of 2, 4 and 6, whereas
thrown in the sea when the gases evolved burn and serve as a oxygen has a valency of 2 because presence of d-orbital in
signal. It is also used in smoke screens. sulphur.

86. (c) Tetrafluorides have sp 3 d -hybridisation and 104. (c) The molecule of SO2 is angular. It is a resonance hybrid of the
trigonal bipyramidal structure in which one of the two canonical forms.
equatorial positions is occupied by a lone pair of
electrons. This geometry is also regarded as S S
see-saw geometry. O O O O

88. (c) Except polonium, all the other three, i.e. O, 105. (a) 2NaOH + SO2 → Na 2 SO3 + H2 O
Te, Se, show negative oxidation state.
Na 2 SO4 + H2 O + SO2 → 2NaHSO3
90. (d) Oxidation states of sulphur are
V2 O5
–2 in H2S 108. (a) 2SO2 ( g ) + O2 ( g ) → 2SO3 ( g )
0 in S8 109. (d) O2 passing SO2 gas through an acidified solution of K 2 Cr2 O7 ,
+2 in S2O23 − green Cr2 (SO4 )3 is obtained.
+4 in SO2 K 2 Cr2 O7 + 3SO2 + H2 SO4 → K 2 SO4 + Cr2 (SO4 )3 + H2 O
+6 in SO3 (Green)

110. (b) On passing SO2 gas through cupric chloride solution, the solution
Thus, incorrect. (valency can be less than 4)
becomes colourless and a white precipitate of Cu 2 Cl 2 is obtained.
91. (c) Water is much less volatile than H2 S because O O
sulphur atom is less electronegative than O-atom  
and hence, does not form H-bonding like water. 113. (d) HO— S — O— O — S — OH + HOH →
V2 O5  
92. (b) 2SO2 + O2 → 2SO3 O O
Peroxodisulphuric acid
CuCl 2
4HCl + O2 → 2Cl 2 + 2H2 O O O
 
93. (d) Oxygen is used in normal respiration and HO — S — OH + HO — O — S — OH
combustion processes, in oxyacetylene welding,  
in the manufacture of many metals, particularly O O
steel. Oxygen cylinders are widely used in Sulphuric acid Peroxymonosulphuric acid
hospitals, high altitude flying and in
115. (a) Sulphuric acid is manufactured by the contact process which
involves three steps :
94. (d) Some metallic oxides exhibit a dual (i) Burning of sulphur or sulphide ores in air to generate SO2.
behaviour. They show characteristics of both
(ii) Conversion of SO2 to SO3 by the reaction with oxygen in the presence
acidic as well as basic oxides. Such oxides are of a catalyst (V2O5 ).
known as amphoteric oxides. Al 2 O3 is such an
example. There are some oxides which are neither (iii) Absorption of SO3 in H2SO4 to give oleum (H2S2O7 ).
acidic nor basic. 116. (d) The key step in the manufacture of H2 SO4 is
95. (d) CaO is the most basic oxide. V2 O5
2SO2 ( g ) + O2 ( g ) → 2SO3 ( g ); ∆ r H ° = −196.6 kJmol −1
N2 O5 is the most acidic oxide.
99. (b) Starch paper moistened with solution of KI This reaction is endothermic, reversible and the forward reaction
turns blue in ozone because iodine is liberated. leads to a decrease in volume. Thus, low temperature and high
pressure are the favourable conditions for maximum yield. But
100. (c) Angular shape of ozone molecule consists of the reaction should not be very low otherwise rate of reaction will
one sigma and two π-bonds. become slow.
102. (d) Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur have 119. (c) Baryta water is a solution of Ba(OH)2 in water. SO2 gives white
S8 molecules. These molecules are packed to give precipitate (or turbidity) with Ba(OH)2 solution. It is due to the
different crystal structures. The S 8 rings in both formation of insoluble BaSO3 .
the forms is puckered and has a crown shape.
SO2 + Ba(OH)2 → BaSO3 ↓ + H2 O
The molecular dimensions are
20 SO2 also turns acidified K 2 Cr2 O7 solution green due to the formation
S m S 205.7 pm of green coloured Cr2 (SO4 )3 .
S 107° S S S
S K 2 Cr2 O7 + 3SO2 + H2 SO4 → K 2 SO4 + Cr2 (SO4 )3 + H2 O
S S S S SO2 is obtained by the action of dil. H2 SO4 on a sulphite, SO2−
3 (or
S8 ring rhombic S S6 form S
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 205

120. (b) Sulphuric acid removes the elements of water from 138. (d) By heating a mixture of KBr + MnO2 + H2 SO4 , bromine
cotton. is prepared in the laboratory.
conc. H2 SO4
121. (c) C12 H22 O11 → 12C + 11H2 O 2KBr + 3H2 SO4 + MnO2 → 2KHSO4 + MnSO4
Sugar Black + 2H2 O + Br2
This process is known as dehydration. 139. (c) Bond length is maximum in HI because size of I is more
123. (d) Hot conc. H2 SO4 acts as a moderately strong than F − , Cl − , Br − .
oxidising agent. It oxidises both metals and non-metals.
Carbon gets oxidised by conc. H2 SO4 into two gaseous 141. (b) Chlorine is obtained by the electrolysis of brine
products, i.e. CO2 and SO2 . (conc. NaCl solution). Chlorine is liberated at anode. It is also
obtained as a by-product in many chemical industries.
124. (d) Oleum of fuming H2 SO4 is sulphuric acid saturated
143. (a) (I) 8NH3 + 3Cl 2 → 6NH4 Cl + N2
with sulphur trioxide, i.e. H2 S2 O7 . (Excess)
125. (d) When PCl 5 reacts with sulphuric acid, sulphuryl (II) NH3 + 3Cl 2 → NCl 3 + 3HCl
chloride (SO2 Cl 2 ) is formed as the final product. (Excess)
It shows that it has two hydroxyl groups in its 144. (c) (I) 2NaOH + Cl 2 → NaCl + NaOCl + H2 O
structure. (Cold and dil .) ( A) (B )

HO — SO2 — OH + PCl 5 → (II) 6NaOH + 3Cl 2 → 5NaCl + NaClO3 +3H2 O

Cl — SO2 — Cl + POCl 3 + 2HCl (Hot and conc.) (C ) (D )

128. (a) Electronic configuration of group-17 elements is 145. (a) Chlorine is a powerful bleaching agent, its bleaching
ns2 np 5 . All these elements have seven electrons in their action is due to oxidation.
outermost shell which is one electron short of the next Cl 2 + H2 O → 2HCl + O
noble gas.
Coloured substance + O → Colourless substance
132. (a) Because bond length increases with increase in size
146. (d) Chlorine is used in
of halogen atom.
(i) the extraction of gold and platinum.
133. (b) On moving down the group H—X bond length (ii) the bleaching wood pulp.
increases so correct increasing order of their acidic (iii) sterilising drinking water
strength is HF < HCl < HBr < HI. (iv) the preparation of poisonous gases such as phosgene gas
134. (d) (a) Cl 2 O7 is an anhydride of perchloric acid (COCl 2 ), tear gas (CCl 3 ⋅ NO2 ), mustard gas
∆ (ClCH2CH2SCH2Cl).
2HClO4 → Cl 2 O7
− H2 O 147. (a) Composition of bleaching powder is Ca(OCl)2 ⋅ CaCl 2 .
(b) Shape of O3 molecule is bent. Ca(OH)2 ⋅ 2H2 O. It is a mixed salt.
148. (a) In laboratory, HCl is prepared by heating sodium
chloride with conc. H2 SO4 .
420 K
O NaCl + H2 SO4 → NaHSO4 + HCl
O O 823 K
NaHSO4 + NaCl → Na 2 SO4 + HCl
(c) Number of electrons in ONF = 24 HCl gas can be dried by passing through concentrated
Number of electrons in NO2 = 24 sulphuric acid.
∴ ONF and NO2 both are isoelectronic. 149. (c) When HCl reacts with finely powdered iron, it forms
(d) OF2 is a fluoride of oxygen because electronegativity ferrous chloride and not ferric chloride because its reaction
of fluorine is more than that of oxygen. with iron produces H2 .
OF2 = Oxygen difluoride Fe + 2HCl → FeCl 2 + H2
135. (a) I2 O5 is used in the estimation of carbon monoxide as Liberation of hydrogen prevents the formation of ferric
it is a very good oxidising agent. chloride.
136. (c) The ionic character of the metal halides decreases in 151. (a) In periodic table, fluorine is the most electronegative
the order : MF > MCl > MBr > M I because size increases element. It shows only −1 oxidation state while other
from F to I. members of halogen family (Cl, I) show oxidation states
from −1 to +7.
137. (c) Among the C—X bond (where, X = Cl, Br and I), the
Oxygen is a bivalent element because it has two unpaired
correct decreasing order of bond energy is
electrons in its valence p-orbital. It does not have empty
C — Cl > C — Br > C — I d-orbitals, thus could not expand its octet.

Generally, oxygen exhibits −2 oxidation state, however it 171. (a,b,d) It is a not disproportionation reaction. Further,
also exhibits +2 oxidation state in OF2 , where fluorine atom PO3 , is not hydrolysed here.
is more electronegative than oxygen atom. 172. (a,c,d) Structure of white phosphorus is
152. (b) The correct order of the decreasing order of acidic
strengths of oxoacids of chlorine is P
HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HClO P 60° P
154. (c) PH5 does not exist due to very less electronegativity P
difference between P and H. Hydrogen is slightly more
electronegative than phosphorus, thus could not hold 173. (b,c,d) SO2 is an acidic oxide. It is a bleaching and
significantly the sharing electrons. reducing agent and used as disinfectant.
On the other hand, BiCl 5 does not exist due to inert pair effect. 174. (a,b,d) Bond angle in H2 S is 90°.
On moving down the group, +5 oxidation state becomes less
stable while +3 oxidation state becomes more stable. 176. (a,c,d) Electronegativity and reactivity both decrease on
In SO2 , pπ-dπ and pπ- pπ both types of bonds are present. moving down the group of halogen family.
179. (b) Amongst the heavier elements, the difference in
H electronegativity value is very small.
C 180. (a) The stability of + 5 oxidation state decreases and that
F Se F
F F of + 3 state increases down the group due to inert pair
F F H effect as inert pair effect is more effective in heavy
See-saw shape Tetrahedral shape members of p-block elements.
Thus, SeF4 and CH4 do not have same shape. 181. (b) N—N bond is weaker than the single P—P bond due
to high interelectronic repulsion of the non-bonding
electrons, owing to the small bond lengths. As a result,
the catenation tendency of N is weaker.
183. (b) Dinitrogen is inert due to high bond enthalpy of N ≡≡ N
I I bond. With rapid rise in temperature, the reactivity
Geometry bent increases.
184. (a) Ammonia is a colourless gas with a pungent order. Its
155. (b) Helium has the lowest boiling point (4.2 K) of any freezing and boiling points are 198.4 and 239.7K
known substance. It has unusual property of diffusing respectively. In the solid and liquid states, it is associated
through most commonly used laboratory materials such as through H-bonds.
rubber, glass or plastics.
As in the case of water H-bonds are account for its
159. (c) Noble gases sparingly soluble in water. higher melting and boiling points than expected on the
161. (d)Among XeO3 , XeO4 and XeF6 , the molecules having basis of its molecular mass.
same number of lone pairs on Xe are all, i.e. XeO3 , XeO4 and 185. (a) PH3 acts as a Lewis base in the reaction
XeF6 .
PH3 + HI → PH4 I
163. (a) Compounds formed when the noble gases get entrapped It happens due to the presence of lone pair on P-atom.
in the cavities of crystal lattices of certain inorganic and
organic compounds are known as clathrates. 186. (a) Elements of group-16 form hydrides of the type H2 E
(E = O,S, Se, Te and Po). Their acidic character increases
164. (a) XeF6 has much tendency to hydrolyse. The reverse from H2 O to H2 Te due to decrease in bond enthalpy for the
reaction is more spontaneous. dissociation of H—E bond down the group.
XeF6 + 3H2 O → XeO3 + 6HF It also results in the decrease in the thermal stability of
165. (a, b) Electronic configuration of helium is 1s 2 . Properties hydrides from H2 O to H2 Po. All the hydrides except water
like atomic size, ionisation enthalpy influences the p-block possess reducing property and this character increases
elements. from H2 S to H2 Te.
166. (a, c, d) In nitrogen d-orbitals are non-available for bonding. 187. (a) Ozone is thermodynamically unstable with respect to

167. (a,d) NH4 NO3 → N2 O + 2H2 O oxygen. This is because its decomposition into oxygen
results in the liberation of heat (∆H is negative) and an
NH2 OH + HNO2 → N2 O + H2 O
increase in entropy (∆S is positive).
168. (c, d) Boiling point of liq. N2 is 77.2 K.
188. (a) Melting and boiling points of group-17 elements
170. (a, c, d) H2 SO4 , anhyd. CaO and CuSO4 cannot be used for steadily increase with atomic number. All halogens are
drying ammonia because ammonia reacts with them. coloured.
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 207

This is due to the absorption of radiations in visible region 207. (d) Oxygen is the most abundant element among all the
which results in the excitation of outer electrons to higher elements on the earth. Oxygen forms about 46.6% by mass
energy level. By absorbing different quanta of radiation, of earth’s crust. Dry air contains 20.945% oxygen by
they display different colours. F2 has yellow, Cl 2 , greenish volume.
yellow, Br2 , red and I2 , violet colour. The abundance of sulphur in the earth’s crust is only
189. (a) All the halogens exhibit –1 oxidation state. However, 0.03-0.1%. Traces of sulphur occur as hydrogen sulphide
chlorine, bromine and iodine exhibit +1, +3, +5 and +7 in volcanoes. Organic materials such as eggs, proteins,
oxidation states. garlic, onion, mustard, hair and wool contain sulphur.
190. (a) Halogens combine amongst themselves to form a 208. (c) The elements of group-16 have six electrons in the
number of compounds known as interhalogens of the types outermost shell and have ns2 np 4 general electronic
XX ′ , XX 3 ′ , XX 5 ′ and XX 7 ′. Here, X is of large size configuration. Due to increase in the number of shells,
halogen and X ′ is a smaller size halogen. atomic and ionic radii increase from top to bottom in the
group. However, the size of O-atom is exceptionally small.I
192. (d) Ionisation enthalpy decreases down the group due to onisation enthalpy decreases down the group. It is due to
gradual increase in atomic size. Because of the extra stable increase in size. However, the elements of this group have
half-filled p-orbitals electronic configuration and smaller lower ionisation enthalpy values as compared to those of
size, the ionisation enthalpy of the group-15 elements is group-15 in the corresponding periods. This is due to the
much greater than that of group-14 elements in their fact that group-15 elements have extra stable half-filled
corresponding periods. The order of successive ionisation p-orbitals electronic configuration.
enthalpies is ∆ i H1 < ∆ i H 2 < ∆ i H 3 .
209. (d) Oxygen and sulphur are non-metals, selenium and
193. (a) Metallic character increases down the group. tellurium are metalloids, whereas polonium is a radioactive
194. (a) P and As form dπ - dπ bond with transition elements element. It is short lived (half-life 13.8 days).
when their compounds like P(C2 H5 )3 and As(C6 H5 )3 act as All these elements exhibit allotropy. The melting and
ligands. boiling points increase with an increase in atomic number
down the group.
195. (a) The hydrides of group-15 elements are covalent and
210. (d) The stability of the halides decreases in the order
pyramidal in shape (sp 3-hybridisation). F− > Cl − > Br − > I− . Amongst hexahalides, hexafluorides
196. (c) NH3 cannot be dried by P2 O5 , H2 SO4 and CaCl 2 . are of octahedral shape, SF6 is exceptionally stable for
steric reasons.
197. (b) NH3 can donate a pair of electron, while a proton from
211. (c) Group-16 elements form oxides of two types. Both of
HCl can accept an electron pair from NH3 . And also the these types are acidic in nature. Reducing property of
Cl − ion formed has a stable configuration. Hence, NH3 dioxide increases from SO2 to TeO2 .
reacts with HCl and forms ammonium chloride.
212. (b) Among chalcogens, oxygen is of the smallest size.
198. (d) Ammonia is used in producing various nitrogenous It shows maximum valency of two. It has no vacant
fertilisers like urea, in the manufacture of nitric acid. It also d-orbital.
acts as a refrigerant. 213. (b) Only Statement II is true. Amphoteric oxides are not
199. (d) Chemically, N2 O is known as nitrogen [I] oxide. And the neutral. They behave like acid as well as base.
oxidation state of nitrogen in N2 O is +1. It is a colourless gas. 214. (d) All the statements are correct.
Heat 215. (c) Ozone is formed by the interaction of fluorine. It turns
Preparation NH4 NO3 → N2 O + 2H2 O
tetramethyl base paper as violet and benzidine paper as
200. (d) N2 O is a linear molecule. Its resonating structures are brown.
•• •• •• 216. (d) Ozone is used as a germicide, disinfectant and for

N== N== O ←→ • N ≡≡ N — O •• sterilising water
•• •• ••
(i) It is also used for bleaching oils, ivory, flour, starch etc.
The bond length of N—N and N—O is 113 pm and 119 pm
respectively in N2 O. (ii) It acts as an oxidising agent in the manufacture of KMnO4.
217. (b) Sulphur forms numerous allotropes of which the
201. (b) The freezing point of HNO3 is 231.4 K
yellow rhombic (α-sulphur) and monoclinic (β-sulphur)
The boiling point of HNO3 is 355.6 K. forms are the most important. The stable form at
202. (c) Both the statements are correct. room temperature is rhombic sulphur, which transforms to
monoclinic sulphur, when heated above 369 K.
203. (b) HNO3 is not a dehydrating agent however conc. H2 SO4
behaves as a dehydrating agent. 218. (c) Melting point of rhombic sulphur is 385.8 K and
specific gravity 2.06 while melting point of monoclinic
204. (a) Yellow phosphorus is more reactive than red phosphorus.
sulphur is 393 K and specific gravity 1.98.
205. (b) Phosphine is obtained on heating white P with NaOH.
219. (a) SO2 acts as a bleaching agent in moist conditions. Its
206. (d) PH3 is less basic than NH3 . dilute solution is used as a disinfectant.

220. (c) In peroxodisulphuric acid, sulphur is in +7 oxidation electronegativity of fluorine than oxygen. Both are
state. Sulphurous acid has one lone pair on S-atom strong fluorinating agents. O2 F2 oxidises plutonium to
PuF6 and the reaction is used in removing plutonium as
O O PuF6 from spent nuclear fuel.
+7 +7
S S S 230. (b) Among halogens, radius ratio between iodine and
HO O O O O O fluorine is maximum. Among interhalogen compounds
OH OH maximum number of atoms are present in iodine fluoride.
Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogen
Sulphurous acid Peroxodisulphuric acid compounds.
(H2SO3) (H2S2O8)
231. (d) In the following reactions, conc. H2 SO4 is used as an
O O oxidising agent.
2HI + H2 SO4 → I2 + SO2 + 2H2 O
S S Cu + 2H2 SO4 → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2 O
OH OH 232. (d) Due to stable electronic configurations(ns2 np 6 ) ,
these gases exhibit very high ionisation enthalpy. These
Pyrosulphuric acid have no tendency to accept the electron. Therefore, these
(Oleum) (H2S2O7) have large positive values of electron gain enthalpy.
Monoclinic sulphur is stable above 369 K. 233. (c) XeF2 ( 2bp + 3lp ) has linear structure. XeOF4
221. (b) Sulphuric acid is a colourless, dense, oily liquid with a ( 5bp + lp ) has square pyramidal structure.
specific gravity of 1.84 at 298 K. It freezes at 283 K and 234. (c) Xenon fluorides are reactive. The products of
boils at 611 K. It dissolves in water with the evolution of hydrolysis are XeOF4 and XeO2 F2 where the oxidation
large quantity of heat. states of all the elements remain the same as it was in the
Hence, care must be taken while preparing H2 SO4 solution reacting state. Thus, hydrolysis of XeF6 is not a redox
from conc. H2 SO4 . The concentrated acid must be added reaction.
slowly into water with constant stirring.
235. (d) Helium is a non-inflammable and light gas. Hence, it is
222. (d) Sea water contains chlorides, bromides and iodides of used in filling balloons for meteorological observations.
sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium but is mainly
236. (a) Electronic configuration of group-15 elements is
sodium chloride solution. Fluorine is present mainly as
ns2 np 3, i.e. it is extra stable because the s-orbitals are
insoluble fluorides (fluorspar CaF2 , cryolite Na 3 AlF6 and
fully filled and p-orbitals are half-filled.
fluoroapatite [3Ca 3 (PO4 )2 ⋅ CaF2 ] and small quantities are
available in soil, river water, plants and bones and teeth of 237. (a) From As to Bi there is only a small increase in covalent
animals. radius due to the shielding effect of the completely filled
The deposits of dried up seas contain carnallite, d and/or f-orbitals present in the heavier members.
KCl ⋅ MgCl 2 ⋅ 6H2 O. Certain forms of marine life contain 239. (a) Heavier elements of group-15 do not form pπ- pπ
iodine in their systems; various seaweeds, e.g. contain upto bonds as their atomic orbitals are so large and diffused
0.5% of iodine and chile saltpetre contains upto 0.2% of that they cannot have effective overlapping.
sodium iodate. 240. (a) NH3 forms hydrogen bonds with water. Thus it is
223. (c) Due to maximum effective nuclear charge, the halogens soluble in it but PH3 cannot form hydrogen bond with
have the smallest atomic radii in their respective periods. water so it escapes as gas. Hence, PH3 forms bubbles
These have high ionisation enthalpies, due to their little when passed slowly in water but NH3 dissolves.
tendency to lose electron. Halogens have maximum electron 241. (d) Conc. HNO3 attacks all metals, except noble
gain enthalpy and fluorine is the most electronegative metals like gold and platinum, due to its strong oxidising
element in the periodic table. nature.
224. (c) Among halide ions, iodine is the most powerful reducing 243. (c) HNO3 makes iron passive by forming a thin oxide
agent, HOCl is a stronger acid than HOBr. HF is a weaker layer on the iron surface. Here, HNO3 acts as an
acid than HCl. Fluorine is the only halogen that does not oxidising agent.
show variable oxidation states.
244. (a) White phosphorus is less stable and therefore, more
225. (c) Fluorine oxidises water to oxygen, whereas chlorine and reactive than other solid phases under normal conditions
bromine react with water to form corresponding hydrohalic because of angular strain in the P4 molecule, where the
and hypohalous acids. The reaction of iodine with water is angles are only 60°.
245. (b) PCl 5 is trigonal bipyramidal molecule containing
226. (d) Fluorine forms two oxides OF2 and O2 F2 . OF2 is sp 3 d -hybridised P-atom in liquid and gaseous state.
thermodynamically stable at 298 K. These oxides are Whereas, in solid state it consists of tetrahedral [PCl 4 ]+
essentially oxygen fluorides because of the higher cation and octahedral [PCl 6 ]– anion.
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 209

246. (d) H3 PO2 is not a dibasic acid because of the presence of 263. (a) Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is a liquid (boiling point =
only one —OH group. 293 K) because of strong hydrogen bonding.
247. (a) Due to the compact nature of oxygen, it has less negative Other hydrogen halides are gases, as they do not from
electron gain enthalpy than sulphur. However, from sulphur H-bond.
onwards, the value of electron gain enthalpy again becomes 264. (a) Fluorine is the most electronegative element and
less negative upto polonium. cannot exhibit any positive oxidation state. Other
248. (a) The absence of d-orbitals in oxygen limits its covalency halogens have d-orbitals and therefore can expand
to four and it rarely exceeds two. their octets and show +1, +3, +5 and+7 oxidation
states too.
249. (d) On moving down the group, electron affinity decreases
265. (a) HCl is extremely soluble in water and ionises as
but electron affinity of oxygen is lesser as compared to
sulphur (S) due to its small size.
HCl( g ) + H2 O( l ) → H3 O+ ( aq ) + Cl − ( aq ); K a = 107
250. (a) Elements of group-15 usually show lower value of first
ionisation enthalpy as compared to the corresponding High value of dissociation constant ( K a ) indicates that it
elements of group-16 because group-15 elements have extra acts as an strong acid in water.
stable half-filled p-orbital electronic configuration. 266. (b) Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than
Hence, larger amount of energy is required to remove halogens (except fluorine). This is because X  X ′ bond
electrons from group-15 elements as compared to the in interhalogens is weaker than X  X bond.
group-16 elements. All these undergo hydrolysis giving halide ion derived
251. (a) Dioxygen directly reacts nearly with all metals and from the smaller halogen and a hypohalite (when XX ′ ),
non-metals except some metals (e.g. Au, Pt) and some noble halite (when XX 3 ′), halate (when XX 5 ′ ) and
gases. Its combination with other elements is often strongly perhalate (when XX 7 ′ ) anion derived from the larger
exothermic which helps in sustaining the reaction. However, halogen.
to initiate the reaction, some external heating is required as XX ′ + H2 O → H X ′ + HOX
bond dissociation enthalpy of O== O bond is high. 267. (a) ClF3 exists but FCl 3 does not exist because fluorine
252. (b) Due to high electronegativity of oxygen it is more ionic is more electronegative than chlorine.
than sulphur and so the di-negative anion of O2− is quite 268. (a) As the ratio between radii of X and X ′ increases, the
common but the di-negative anion of sulphur, ( S2 – ) is less number of atoms per molecule also increases. Thus,
common. The covalency of oxygen is two as it cannot iodine (VII) fluoride should have maximum number of
expand its valency beyond the octet. atoms as the ratio of radii between I and F should be
253. (c) It is essential to use a silent electrical discharge in the
maximum. That is why its formula is IF7 (having
preparation of ozone to prevent its decomposition because maximum number of atoms).
ozone formation from oxygen is an endothermic process. 269. (a) Noble gases are least reactive. Their inertness
254. (a) In vapour state sulphur exists as S2 molecule which has to chemical reactivity is attributed to the following
two unpaired electrons in the antibonding π * -orbitals like O reasons:
and hence, exhibits paramagnetism. (i) The noble gases except helium (1s2 ) have completely
256. (a) SF6 is known but SCl 6 is not. It is due to the small size of filled ns2np6 electronic configuration in their valence
fluorine. Six F− ions can be accommodated around sulphur shell.
while chloride ion is comparatively larger in size, thus, there (ii) These have high ionisation enthalpy and more positive
will be interatomic repulsion. electron gain enthalpy.
257. (a) In the preparation of H2 SO4 by contact process, SO3 is 270. (c) Assertion correct, but reason is incorrect.
not absorbed directly in water to form H2 SO4 because acid N2 is less reactive than P4 due to high value of bond
fog is formed, which is difficult to condense. dissociation energy which is due to presence of triple
bond between two N-atoms of N2 molecule.
258. (a) H2 SO4 is a stronger acid and has high dissociation
271. (c) Assertion is correct, but reason is incorrect.
constant ( K a 1 > 10 ) because greater the value of dissociation
HNO3 makes iron passive due to formation of passive
constant ( K a ), stronger is the acid.
layer of oxide on the surface of iron metal. Hence, Fe
259. (c) Conc. H2 SO4 does not oxidise HCl to produce Cl 2 . does not dissolve in conc. HNO3 solution.
260. (a) Conc. H2 SO4 cannot be used to prepare HI from KI 272. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is
because conc. H2 SO4 acts as a strong oxidising agent and the correct explanation of the Assertion.
oxidise the formed HI into I2 . Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur exist as S8 but
262. (a) Most of the reactions of fluorine are exothermic because oxygen exists as O2 , because oxygen forms
fluorine forms small and strong bond with it and other pπ- pπ multiple bond due to its small size and small bond
elements. length.

But pπ - pπ bonding is not possible in sulphur due to its 281. (b) A → 3; B → 1; C → 4; D → 2

bigger size as compared to oxygen.
282. (c) A → 4; B → 3; C → 2; D →1
o pπ-pπ bond 283. (b) A → 4, B → 6, C → 5, D → 1, E → 2, F → 3
S 107 S
S O==O
S S Structure of O2 Cl 2 + F2 →
437 K
Structure of S8 (Equal volume)
I2 + 3Cl 2 → 2ICl 3
273. (a) Both Assertion and Reason both are correct and (Excess)
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. 573 K
SF4 can be hydrolysed but SF6 can not because six Cl 2 + 3F2 → 2ClF3
F-atoms in SF6 prevent the attack of H2 O on sulphur
atoms of SF6 . Br2 + 3F2 → 2BrF3
(Diluted with
274. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is water)
the correct explanation of the Assertion. I2 + Cl 2 → 2ICl
NaCl reacts with conc. H2 SO4 to give colourless fumes (Equimolar)
573 K
with pungent smell. Pungent smell is due to formation of Br2 + 5F2 → 2BrF5
HCl. (Excess)
NaCl + H2 SO4 → Na 2 SO4 + 2HCl
284. (c) Physical state
But on adding MnO2 the fumes become greenish yellow Type Formula
and colour
due to formation of chlorine gas.
XX 1′ ClF Colourless gas —
275. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is
BrF Pale brown gas —
not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
IF a Detected —
HI cannot be prepared by the reaction of KI with conc. spectroscopically
H2 SO4 because HI is converted into I2 on reaction with
gas —
H2 SO4 .
BrCl Ruby red solid —
276. (a) A → 3, B → 1, C → 2
ICl (α-form) brown
277. (a) Oxidation state of N in NO is +2 red solid (β-form)
[Q x − 2 = 0 ∴ x = +2]
IBr Black solid —
for N2 O4 , 2x + ( −2 )4 = 0
8 XX 3′ ClF3 Colourless gas Bent T-shaped
x= =4
2 BrF3 Yellow green Bent T-shaped
Oxidation state of N in N2 O4 is +4
Similarly, Oxidation state of N in N2 O5 is +5 IF3 Yellow powder Bent T-shaped
Oxidation state of N in N2 O3 is +3 ICl c3 Orange solid Bent T-shaped

278. (a) A → 1; B → 2; C → 3; D → 4 XX 5′ IF5 Colourless gas Square pyramidal

but solid below
279. (a) A → 2; B → 1; C → 4; D → 3 77 K
280. (d) Pyrophosphorous acid (H4 P2 O5 ) has 2P—OH, BrF5 Colourless liquid Square pyramidal
2P== O and 2P—H bond. ClF5 Colourless liquid Square pyramidal
Preparation XX 7′ IF7 Colourless gas Pentagonal
PCl 3 + H3 PO3 → H4 P2 O5 bipyramidal
Hypophosphoric acid (H4 P2 O6 ) has 4P—OH, 2P== O
and 1P—P bond. Very unstable : b The pure solid is known at room
temperature : c Dimerises as Cl bridged dimer (I2 Cl 6 ).
Red P4 + alkali → H4 P2 O6 285. (c) Neon is used in discharge tubes and fluorescent bulbs.
Orthophosphoric acid (H3 PO4 ) has 3P—OH and P== O Argon provides an inert atmosphere in high temperature
bonds. metallurgical processes. Helium is used to produce and
sustain spectrometers and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
P4 O10 + H2 O → H3 PO4 systems for clinical diagnosis.
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 211

286. (b) A. → 4; B. → 1; C. → 2; D. → 3. 292. (d) A − s; B − p; C − p; D − p,q,r

293. (a) A − q ; B − q ; C − p,r; D − r,s
Formulas of the compound Type of oxide
Explanation (294-296)
A. Pb3O4 (i.e. PbO ⋅ Pb2O3 ) Mixed oxide
S + 6HNO3 → 6NO2 + H2 SO4 + 2H2 O
B. N2O Neutral oxide A B
C. Mn 2O7 Acidic oxide S + Na 2 SO3 ( aq ) → Na 2 S2 O3
D. Bi 2O3 Basic oxide
Na 2 S2 O3 + 2HCl → SO2 + S↓ + 2NaCl + H2 O
Mn 2 O7 on dissolution in water produces acidic solution. White turbidity

Bi 2 O3 on dissolution in water produces basic solution. 297. (d) Cl 2O6 − Orange, ClO2 − Yellow
287. (a) A. → 4; B. → 3; C. → 1; D. → 2. Cl 2 O6 − Red , Cl 2 O7 − Colourless
288. (b) A. → 3; B. → 4; C. → 2; D. → 1. 298. (b) Oxygen of Cl  O  Cl bond is sp 3 -hybridised but due
to the presence of bulky O3 Cl group, the bond angle is
Species Shape Structure
larger than 109° 28 ′.
F S F 302. (a) XeF2 is linear and XeO3 is pyramidal.
A. SF4 4bp + 1lp Sea-saw shaped
F F 303. (c) Among given four elements, i.e. carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorus and boron. Only phosphorus has vacant
F d-orbitals.
Thus, only phosphorus has ability to form p π - dπ
B. BrF3 3bp + 2lp Bent T-shaped Br F
F 304. (a) True statement is that single N  N bond is weaker
than the single P  P bond. That is why phosphorus
shows allotropy but nitrogen does not.
C. BrO−3 3bp + 1lp Pyramidal Br
O (i) PH3 acts as a ligand in the formation of coordination
O O compound due to presence of lone pair of electrons
on P.
H (ii) NO2 is paramagnetic in nature due to presence of one
D. NH+4 4bp Tetrahedral N unpaired electron.
(iii) Covalency of nitrogen in N2 O5 is 4.
305. (a) On heating ammonium dichromate and barium azide
289. (c) A. → 2; B. → 1; C. → 4 D. → 3. separately. These produce N2 gas.

(NH4 )2 Cr2 O7 → N2 ↑ + 4H2 O + Cr2 O3
A. Partial hydrolysis of XeF6 does not change oxidation state

of central atom. Ba(N3 )2 → Ba + 3N2 ↑
+6 +6
XeF6 + 2H2O → XeO3 + 6HF 306. (b) On heating lead nitrate, it produces brown coloured
B. He is used in modern diving apparatus. nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and lead (II) oxide.

C. Ar is used to provide inert atmosphere for filling 2Pb(NO3 )2 → 4NO2 + 2PbO + O2
electrical bulbs
307. (a) When freshly prepared solution of FeSO4 is added in a
D. Central atom (Xe) of XeF4 is in sp3d 2 hybridisation.
solution containing NO−3 ion, it leads to formation of a
290. (a) A. → 1; B. → 3; C. → 4; D. → 2. brown coloured complex. This is known as brown ring test
291. (b) SO4
= x + 4( −2) = −2 of nitrate.
x=6 NO3− + 3Fe2 + + 4H+ → NO + 3Fe3 + + 2H2 O
7 = 2x + 7( −2) = −2
S2 O2– [Fe(H2 O)6 ]2 + + NO → [Fe (H2 O)5 (NO)]2 + + H2 O
x = +6 Brown ring
SO3 = +6 308. (a) Two moles of NH3 will produce 2 moles of NO
SO2 = +4 Oxidation number catalytic oxidation of ammonia in
S2 O3 = +3 preparation of nitric acid.

A → p,q, B → r,s, C → t 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO( g ) + 6H2 O( l )
Pt / Rh gauge catalyst

309. (b) In qualitative analysis when H2 S is passed through an 315. (d) In solid state, PCl 5 exists as an ionic solid with
aqueous solution of salt acidified with dil. HCl a black
[PCl 4 ]+ tetrahedral and [PCl 6 ] − octahedral.
precipitate of CuS is obtained.
– +
Cl Cl
CuSO4 + H2 S dil.
HCl 
→ CuS + H2 SO4
Cl Cl
Black ppt.
On boiling CuS with dil. HNO3 it forms a blue coloured Cl Cl Cl Cl
solution and the following reactions occur Cl Cl
3CuS + 8HNO3 → 3Cu(NO3 )2 + 2NO + 3S + 4H2 O [PCl6]– [PCl4]

S + 2HNO3 → H2 SO4 + NO Octahedral Tetrahedral

310. (c) White phosphorus on reaction with NaOH solution in the 316. (a) Peroxoacids of sulphur must contain one  O  O
presence of inert atmosphere of CO2 produces phosphine gas
 bond as shown below.
which is less basic than NH3 .
P4 + 3 NaOH + 3H2 O → PH3 + 3NaH2 PO2
(Sodium hypophosphite) S S S
311. (c) Structure of H3 PO4 is OH O O
P H2SO5 H2S2O8

HO OH 317. (a, b)
(a) Only one type of interactions between particles of noble
H3 PO4 has 3 − OH groups, i.e. has three ionisable H-atoms gases are due to weak dispersion forces.
and hence forms three series of salts. (b) Ionisation enthalpy of molecular oxygen is very close to
These three possible series of salts for H3 PO4 are as follows: that of xenon. This is the reason for the formation of
NaH2 PO4 , Na 2 HPO4 and Na 3 PO4 xenon oxides.
+6 –1 +1 –2 +6 –2 +1 –1
312. (c) Strong reducing behaviour of H3 PO2 is due to presence of (c) Hydrolysis of XeF6 (XeF6 +3H2 O → XeO3 + 3H F) is
two P—H bonds and one P  OH bond. not a redox reaction.
O (d) Xenon fluorides are highly reactive hydrolysis readily
even by traces of water.
P 318. (c) SF4 has sea-saw shaped as shown below.
Hypophosphorous acid

313. (c) Let oxidation state of P in NaH2 PO2 is x. F S F

1 + 2 × 1 + x + 2 × (− 2) = 0 F F
1+ 2 + x − 4 = 0
x − 1= 0 It has trigonal bipyramidal geometry having
x= +1 sp3 d hybridisation.
314. (c) Cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid contains 3 double bonds and 319. (a) HF On moving top to bottom
12 single bonds as shown below. HCl • Size of halogen atom increases
c HBr • H  X bond length increases
O a 1 O O
2 HI • Bond dissociation enthalpy decreases
3 320. (c) Hydrogen iodide (HI) is more stronger oxidising
10 9 8 12
H O 4 O H agent than H2 SO4 . So, it reduces H2 SO4 to SO2 and itself
O O oxidises to I2 . Colour of I2 is violet. Hence, on adding
7 P 5 conc. H2 SO4 to HI, it gets oxidised to I2 .
b 6
H2 SO4 + 2HI → SO2 ↑ + I2 + 2H2 O
O O H (Violet
Cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid (HPO3 )3
321. (a) Black coloured compound MnO2 reacts with HCl to
a, b, c are three π-bonds and numerics 1 to 12 areσ-bonds. produce greenish yellow coloured gas of Cl 2

MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl 2 + 2H2 O + Cl 2

(Black) (Greenish yellow
coloured gas)
CHAPTER 7 : p-Block Elements 213

Cl 2 on further treatment with NH3 produces NCl 3 . 326. (c, d)

−3 +3 (a) All the three N—O bond lengths in HNO3 are not equal.
N H3 + 3Cl 2 → N Cl 3 + 3HCl
(b) All P—Cl bond lengths in PCl 5 molecule in gaseous state
NH3 ( − 3) changes to NCl 3 ( +3) in the above reaction. are not equal. Axial bond is longer than that of equatorial
Hence, option (a) is the correct choice. bond.
322. (c) Greater the standard reduction potential (SRP) value of (c) P4 molecule in white phosphorus have angular strain,
species higher will be its oxidising power. therefore white phosphorus is very reactive.
(d) PCl 5 is ionic in solid state in which cation is tetrahedral
Species E° cell and anion is octahedral.
ClO−4 1.19 V SRP of species increases. Cation – [PCl 4 ]+ Anion – [PCl 6 ]−

IO4 1.65 V Oxidising power increases. 327. (b, d) Structure of P4 molecule can be represented as
BrO−4 1.74 V P

323. (b) Isoelectronic pair have same number of electrons 60°

BrO −2 BrF2+

Total number = 35 + (2 × 8) + 1 = 54 = 35 + (9 × 2) − 1 = 52
of electrons
It has total four lone pairs of electrons situated at each
Hence, (b) is the correct choice, while in another cases this P-atom. It has six P—P single bond.
value is not equal. 328. (a, c)
ICl 2 ClO 2 (a) In moist condition, SO2 gas acts as a bleaching agent.
e.g. it converts Fe (III) to Fe (II) ion and decolourises
53 + (2 × 17) = 87 17 + 16 = 33 acidified KMnO4 (VII).
2Fe3+ + SO2 + 2H2O → 2Fe2+ + SO24− + 4H+
ClO 2 BrF
(b) Is incorrect it has bent structure.
17 + 16 = 33 35 + 9 = 44

= 6 + 7 + 1 = 14 = 8 × 3 = 24
(c) Its dilute solution is used as a disinfectant.
(d) It can be prepared by the reaction of O2 with sulphide ore,
324. (a) Compounds having same value of total number of
electrons are known as isoelectronic. 4 FeS2 + 11O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2,
while metal on treatment with H2SO4 produces H2S.
For CO23 − For NO–3
329. (a, b)
Total number of electrons Total number of electrons
(a) Structure of H2S2O6 is as shown below.
= 6+ 8× 3+ 2 = 7 + (8 × 3) + 1
It contains one S—S bond.
= 6 + 24 + 2 = 7 + 24 + 1
(b) In peroxosulphuric acid (H2SO5 ) sulphur is in + 6
= 32 = 32 oxidation state. Structure of H2SO5 is

Hence, CO2−
3 and NO3 are isoelectronic. These two ions O
have similar structure, so they are isostructural. S
σ H—O — O
C == O N== O
σ σ Let oxidation state of S = x
2 × ( + 1) + x + 3 × (− 2) + 2 × (−1) = 0
Both have triangular planar structure as in both the species x−6=0
carbon and nitrogen are sp 2 -hybridised. x= +6
325. (c) Bartlett had taken Pt O+2 F −6
as a base compound because (c) During preparation of ammonia, iron oxide with small
O2 and Xe both have almost same ionisation enthalpy. The amount of K2O and Al 2O3 is used as a catalyst to increase
ionisation enthalpies of noble gases are the highest in the rate of attainment of equilibrium.
their respective periods due to their stable electronic (d) Change in enthalpy is negative for preparation of SO3 by
configurations. catalytic oxidation of SO2.

330. (b, c) In the above given reactions, (b) and (c) represent 333. (a, c) When chlorine gas is passed through hot
oxidising behaviour of H2 SO4 . As we know that oxidising agent NaOH solution it produces NaCl and NaClO3 .
reduces itself as oxidation state of central atom decreases.
–1 –6 0 –4 0 –1 –5
Here, 2 HI + H2 SO4 → I2 + S O2 + 2H2 O 6NaOH + 3Cl2 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O
0 +6 +2 +4
Cu + 2H2 S O4 → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2 O Oxidation state varies from 0 to − 1and 0 to + 5.
331. (a, d) 334. (a, c, d)
As O < SiO < P O < SO
(a)  23   
2 3  
→ (a) Among halogens, radius ratio between iodine and
Acidic strength increases fluorine is maximum because iodine has maximum
AsH > PH > NH radius and fluorine has minimum radius.
(b) Correct order is ←  
 3  
3 
Enthalpy of vaporisation (b) It can be correctly stated as in general interhalogen
(c) S < O < Cl < F : More negative electron gain enthalpy. compounds are more reactive than halogen compounds.
This is because X  X ′ bond in interhalogen is weaker
(d) H2 O > H2 S > H2 Se > H2 Te : Thermal stability decreases on than X  X bond in halogens except F—F bond.
moving top to bottom due to increase in its bond length.
(c) Among interhalogen compounds maximum number of
332. (b, c) F2 > Cl 2 > Br2 > I2 : As ability to gain electron increases atoms are present in iodine fluoride because radius
oxidising property increases. Here, F is the most electronegative ratio of iodine and fluorine has maximum value.
element having highest value of SRP hence, it has highest (d) Interhalogen compounds are more reactive than
oxidising power. halogen due to weaker X  X ′ bond as compared to
M I > MBr > MCl > MF X  X bond of halogen compounds.
This is the incorrect order of ionic character of metal halide. 335. (c) H2 SO4 is a moderately strong oxidising agent
Correct order can be written as which oxidises both metals and non-metals as shown
M I < MBr < MCl < MF below.
As electronegativity difference between metal and halogen Cu + 2H2 SO4 (conc.) → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2 O
increases ionic character increases. S + 2H2 SO4 (conc.) → 3SO2 + 2H2 O
F2 > Cl 2 > Br2 > I2 While carbon on oxidation with H2 SO4 produces two
This is incorrect order of bond dissociation energy. Correct types of oxides CO2 and SO2 .
order is Cl 2 > Br2 > F2 > I2 due to electronic repulsion among C + 2H2SO4 (conc.) → CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O
lone pairs in F2 molecule.

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