1 Box Mat
1 Box Mat
1 Box Mat
But, I
really wasnt ready to assert its impossibility without first digging into it a bit, so thats what I did.
Clicking around the DesignModeler menus (Ever wonder how we ANSYS support professionals figure
things out? Now you know.) I found something that had flown under my radar previously. Under the
File menu are a couple of selections indicating the ability to write and read sketch scripts. Pay dirt.
So, what is it that these wonderful scripts can do for us? Lets take a look. Say, for example, you have
two separate sketches in two separate DesignModeler sessions. I have labeled these sessions Face
and Head. See if you can figure out which is which.
(Side note: It may be hard to believe, but this is not the original geometry the customer was working with)
Now, keeping in mind that these are two completely different DesignModeler databases, how can I
copy the Face sketch, including dimensions, and paste it on top of the Head sketch? The answer is
simple. First highlight the DesignModeler plane containing the Face sketch.
Next, click File > Write Script: Sketch(es) of Active Plane. You will be prompted for a file name and
location of the resulting jScript file. Specify those and click [Save].
Note that all of the sketches on the selected plane will be written to the jScript file. If there are any
sketches you dont want to keep, you can always delete them later.
Next, move over to the Head model. Highlight the plane you would like to copy the Face sketch to. In
this case, it is the XYPlane again, but you can pick whatever plane you want; it doesnt have to be the
same plane between sessions. The sketch will maintain its position relative to the origin of whichever
plane you select.
Next click File > Run Script and select the jScript file that was written previously. Click [Open].
More than likely, you will get a warning about modifying the feature number to avoid duplicates. This
is normal. It simply means that its renumbering the imported sketch to avoid having, for example, two
Sketch1 objects. Click [OK].
You will now see the Face sketch, dimensions and all, overlaid on the Head sketch. The Sketch object
has been renumbered and placed onto the XYPlane.
The Section Plane feature creates cuts or slices on your model so that you can view internal geometry,
mesh, and/or result displays. The graphical display and operation of the feature varies depending upon
whether you are displaying your model as geometry or if you are displaying the mesh. You can create
as many as six Section Planes for a model. Once this maximum is met, the feature becomes disabled
until less than six planes exist. Unchecking all the planes effectively turns the Section Plane feature
See the next section, Section Plane Display Differences, for information about the differences between
how section planes
Select the New Section Plane button on the Standard toolbar to open the Section Planes window
illustrated below. The window displays a list of existing section planes and also provides the tools used
to add, modify, or delete you section planes.
The Section Planes window provides the following tools. You toggle these tools on and off by
selecting the button.
Important: Note that for incidences, such as very large models, where the accessible
memory is exhausted, the New Section Plane tool reverts to a Hardware Slice Mode
that prohibits the visualization of the mesh on the cut-plane.
Highlight one of the Section Planes available in the window listing and then select this option
to edit the highlighted section plane.
1. In the Section Planes window, select the plane you want to edit.
2. Click the Edit Section Plane button. The section plane's anchor appears.
3. Drag the Section Plane or Capping Plane anchor to change the position of the plane.
You can click on the line on either side of the anchor to view the exterior on that side of
the plane. The anchor displays a solid line on the side where the exterior is being
displayed. Clicking on the same side a second time toggles between solid line and
dotted line, i.e. exterior display back to section display.
This animation shows the result of dragging the anchor (not visible for PDF versions of the
When you have the Mesh object selected or you have the Show Mesh feature activated, this
selection causes any partially sliced elements to display entirely.
When you are viewing a Mesh display, you can use the Show Whole Elements button to
display the adjacent elements to the section plane which may be desirable in some cases.
When only one Section Plane is contained in the window, by default, the slice is not capped
and you can see the interior of the geometry. Selecting this option caps the geometry.
Show Capping Faces by Body Color
This selection works in tandem with the Show Capping Faces option. Selecting this option
changes the color of the capped geometry surface to match the body color of the geometry.
Caution: When using the Section Planes feature: make sure that the Thick Shells and Beams view
option is deactivated. It is active by default, so you would need to deselect it (View>Thick Shells and
Beams) to turn it off. Turning this view feature off changes the graphical display. The coloring for the
top and bottom surfaces can degrade seriously for this feature. So much so that the application could
display both sides of a section plane simultaneously and as a result, the application could display
inaccurate results.
Results Display
For result displays, if the Section Plane feature is active, selecting the following option from the Edges
drop-down menu on the Result Context Toolbar:
Show Undeformed WireFrame: displays the wireframe with the deformations added to the
nodes. This is intended to help you interpret the image when you drag the anchor across
smaller portions of the model.
Show Undeformed Model: displays the portion of model behind the plane as a deformed gray
scale image. In order to not clutter the graphics display in this situation, the application does
not currently display undeformed bodies.
Composite Sketching, ANSYS Style: Copying a Sketch from One
DesignModeler Session to Another
by Jeff Strain
September 7, 2012
11:49 am
Leave a comment on Composite Sketching, ANSYS Style: Copying a Sketch from One
DesignModeler Session to Another
The Focus
Recently a customer approached me and told me that he had a sketch in one DesignModeler database
that needed to be copied over to another DesignModeler database and asked me if it would be possible
to do so. My initial
The Body Transformation features allow you to reposition or transform bodies. Any type of body can
be used with body operations, regardless of whether it is active or frozen. However, point feature
points (PF points), attached to the faces or edges of the selected bodies, are not affected by the body
By Plane
By Vertices
By Direction
Use to keep the original body by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. If the original body is not
required, set the Preserve Bodies option to No.
Select bodies and two planes: a source plane and a destination plane. Upon clicking Generate, ANSYS
DesignModeler will transform the selected bodies from the source plane to the destination plane. This
is especially useful for aligning imported or attached bodies. Typically, these planes will be planes
created from the faces of the bodies at hand.
Select bodies and pairs of vertices for Move, Align and Orient. Upon clicking Generate, ANSYS
DesignModeler will transform selected bodies with Move vertices defining translation and Align,
Orient defining rotation respectively. Typically, these vertices belong to source and destination bodies.
You can choose not to specify Orient and Align. However, input for Align property is necessary if
Orient is specified.
Select bodies, pair vertices for Source and Destination Move and directions for Source and Destination
Align and Source and Destination Orient. Upon clicking Generate, ANSYS DesignModeler will
transform selected bodies with Move vertices defining translation and Align, Orient defining rotation
respectively. Typically, these vertices belong to source and destination bodies. You can choose not to
specify Orient and Align. However, Align is necessary if Orient is specified.
Use to select bodies to translate in a specified direction. You can specify the direction in one of two
ways as listed in the Direction Definition property.
Selection: You can specify the translation vector using a Direction Reference and specify the distance
along the vector to translate the body.
Coordinates: You can specify the X, Y, Z offsets that you want the body to be translated by.
You can choose to keep the original body by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. If the original
body is not required, set the Preserve Bodies option to No.
Use to select bodies to rotate about a specified axis and by a specified angle. You can specify the axis
in one of two ways as listed in the Axis Definition property.
Selection: You can specify the axis or rotation using a Direction Reference.
Components: Component definition for the directional vector used as the rotation axis and origin
You can choose to keep the original body by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. If the original
body is not required, set the Preserve Bodies option to No.
Use to select bodies and a mirror plane. Upon clicking Generate, ANSYS DesignModeler will create
copies of the selected bodies that are reflections of the original bodies in the mirror plane. You can
choose to keep the original body by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. If the original body is
not required, set the Preserve Bodies option to No. Active bodies that are reflected will be merged with
the active model, whereas frozen bodies that are reflected will not. By default, the mirror plane is
initially the active plane.
Use to select bodies to scale, then select a scaling origin through the Scaling Origin property. This
property is a combination box with three options:
World Origin: The origin of the world coordinate system is used as the scaling origin.
Body Centroids: Each selected body is scaled about its own centroid.
Point: You can select a specific point, either a 2D sketch point, 3D vertex, or PF point, to use
as the scaling type:
o Uniform :Global scaling factor.
o Non-uniform: Independent scaling factor for each axis:
X-axis scaling factor
Y-axis scaling factor
Z-axis scaling factor
Non-uniform scaling can be enabled by switching the Scale Type option to Non-Uniform, and entering
an independent scale factor option for each axis. If uniform scaling is required, set the Scale Type
option to Uniform and a single global scaling factor option will be presented. Each scaling factor
(global or non-uniform) must be a value between .001 and 1000. You can choose to keep the original
body by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. If the original body is not required, set the Preserve
Bodies option to No.
The selected bodies will undergo a scaling operation about their centroids:
The bodies after scaling them about their centroids by a scale factor of 2x:
Direction Reference
Normal direction, X-Axis line, and Reference edge for Rotation can be defined by selecting a face*, a
2D line, a 3D edge, two points, or three points. The direction reference for the Plane feature and other
the DesignModeler application features accepts the following "directional" input:
* Direction reference from face will be the central axis of the surface if the underlying surface is
cylindrical, conical, toroidal, swept or spun and will the normal to the face at its mid u-v point if the
underlying surface is of any other kind. The direction reference selected from a face can be switched
between surface-axis and face-normal through context menu items Switch to Axis and Switch to
Face-normal if a face is capable of providing both type of direction.
For features created in ANSYS release 14.0 and earlier using face as direction reference, the default
direction from face provided will be the face-normal irrespective of the underlying surface type.
The Mid-Surface feature allows the creation of Surface bodies that are midway between existing Solid
body faces. The resulting surface body/bodies have a Thickness property which defines the
"thickness" that surface body represents. The faces can be manually selected, or an automatic mode
allows you to set a thickness range and then automatically detect matching face pairs. Along with the
basic name property, there are six properties for defining a Mid-Surface via manual selection, and four
additional properties for automatic detection. Starting in release 12.1, the output bodies are grouped
into parts based on the original bodies they came from.
Mid-Surface topics:
Basic Properties
Automatic Detection Properties
Mid-Surface Context Menu Options
Basic Properties
Mid-Surface: This property allows you to assign your own name to the Mid-Surface feature.
Face Pairs: An Apply/Cancel property that facilitates the selection of the matching faces. The
selected faces must be of the same type and be defined such that one is essentially offset from
the other by a fixed distance. The order of the selected faces is important, especially the first
pair of a given thickness. The mid-surface will be generated attempting to have the normal such
that it points from the second (lavender / hot pink) face towards the first (purple) face. You
must select a face and its matching face in the order you prefer. If you try to select two or more
faces on one side before selecting the other side, the feature will assume you are selecting a
face and immediately its matching face, thus leading to errors. Also, if you select a pair of faces
that are not exact offsets of one another, and the extent to which they are not perfect offsets is
greater than the Selection Tolerance, a warning message will be displayed and the pair will not
be used.
If possible, the warning message will include a suggested Selection Tolerance that would
allow the face pair to be used. Since the suggested value is determined via a quick binary
search, you typically can use a value slightly smaller than what is suggested. In general, the
normals from the two faces should point away from each other. For planar faces this is
explicitly tested for and if they do not point away from each other, a warning will be displayed
and they will not be used. For other face types, if they are offsets, but the normals point toward
each other, or in the same direction, they will be used but the results may not be correct. If they
are valid, the first face will be colored purple, and the second lavender (hot pink), with the
eventual normal pointing outward from the purple face.
Selection Method: Here you can decide whether to manually select faces, or set up additional
properties so that matching faces can be automatically detected. If you have face pairs already
selected when you select Automatic mode and you have not yet set min/max threshold values,
then they will be automatically computed from your current selections.
It is suggested, especially if you use a non-zero Selection Tolerance, that you manually select
several face pairs before first going to Automatic mode, or that if expected pairs are not getting
selected that you manually select one of these pairs and then use the right mouse button context
menu option to Adjust Min/Max Thresholds. This helps to insure that you automatic selection
range includes what is needed.
Selection Tolerance: Here, you can set the allowable deviation from a perfect offset that is
allowed during face pair selection. Because allowing face pairs to be slightly off by this
tolerance amount, could result in some face pairs being off in one direction and others being off
in the opposite direction, the final Mid-Surface itself allows for a tolerance of twice this
amount for the overall surface. Like the Sewing Tolerance below, a tolerance can be very
helpful, but too loose of a tolerance can also lead to problems. For example you could get face
pairs being selected by Automatic selection that are not really wanted. A good approach is to
try to use a small selection tolerance and if some face pairs cannot be selected automatically,
then try manual selection. If the Selection Tolerance is too tight, it will try to suggest a looser
value. This value cannot be larger than the Thickness Tolerance. If you set it to a larger value,
then the Thickness Tolerance will automatically be updated to the larger value.
When using Automatic Selection and you set the Selection Tolerance to other than zero, it can
take significantly longer to do the Automatic Selection. This is because internally when there
is a Selection Tolerance, many offsets/orientations are attempted in testing to see if a face pair
is usable. Also, if the Selection Tolerance is set larger than half of the Minimum Threshold, a
warning will be displayed that this can affect both speed and reliability of the result.
Thickness Tolerance: This property provides a tolerance so that face pairs that are the same
distance apart, along with those that are within the thickness tolerance of that distance, can be
grouped together. The feature will attempt to combine resulting surface bodies which touch one
another and have the same thickness into a single Surface body. The thickness of resulting
surface bodies is also rounded to the nearest multiple of the Thickness Tolerance. If the actual
thickness of a resulting surface body is less than half of the Thickness Tolerance, be aware that
this means its thickness will be set to zero. This value cannot be smaller than the Selection
Tolerance. If you set it to a smaller value, then the Selection Tolerance will automatically be
updated to the smaller value.
Sewing Tolerance: During the creation of the Mid-Surface, internally surfaces are created
from each face pair selected. These are then trimmed to other surfaces and then sewn together
with other surfaces of the same thickness to attempt to form as few surface bodies as possible.
However, there are sometimes small gaps between these individual surfaces. This tolerance
specifies the maximum gap that can be closed by the sewing process. Normally it is not
necessary to change this tolerance. However, if you find there are small gaps in the resulting
body, this may be increased to a point where the gap gets closed. Note that using too large of a
sewing tolerance can lead to slots or openings getting filled when they should not. Very large
tolerances can result in strange results and should be avoided.
Extra Trimming: As with the Sewing Tolerance above, there are situations that the internal
trimming algorithms cannot completely handle. In these cases, it is useful to be able to trim
surface bodies that have trimming errors to the original body, or at times to trim all surface
bodies to the original body for cases where no error was detected even though the trimming
was not correct. If trimming to the original body would result in a non-manifold surface body,
then the surface body will remain untrimmed. You also have options to delete surface bodies
with trimming errors, or to keep them with no additional trimming. Note that if you use the
"Delete Untrimmed" option and there are trimming problems, you will not be able to use
"Show Problematic Geometry" as the problem geometry will have been deleted.
Preserve Bodies: Here you can decide whether the bodies whose faces you are selecting are
kept or not after the Mid-Surface feature is generated. Along with the Yes and No options there
is also an option to Preserve body if error. With this option, if one or more of the selected
face pairs in a body cannot be properly processed, then that body will be preserved. If some
face pairs for that body are successful, then the surface bodies created by those pairs will be
inside the preserved Solid body. If there are no problems then this option is the same as the No
option. The default value is No.
Bodies to Search: Here you choose which bodies to search. The default is Visible Bodies. The
other choices are All Bodies, and Selected Bodies. If you choose Selected Bodies an
additional Bodies property is displayed that allows you to select the bodies to process.
Minimum Threshold: This sets the minimum distance allowed between face pairs during
automatic detection. If it is set larger than the Maximum Threshold, then that value is set equal
to the Minimum Threshold. Also, only values greater than zero are allowed.
Maximum Threshold: This sets the maximum distance allowed between face pairs during
automatic detection. If it is set less than the Minimum Threshold, then that value is set equal
to the Maximum Threshold. Also, only values greater than zero are allowed.
Find Face Pairs Now: This property will always display a No as its value. When you set it to
Yes, detection is done at that time, using the settings you have provided for the Threshold and
Bodies, as well as the Thickness Tolerance. When it is finished processing, this value is
automatically set back to No. If you have previously selected face pairs, the options shown for
this are
o No
o Yes, Add to Face Pairs
o Yes, Replace Face Pairs
Note that this option will not be available if these are zero.
Note that in Edit Selections mode the mouse cursor is enclosed by a pair of concentric circles whose
diameters are equal to the Minimum and Maximum Threshold provided. This enables you to visualize
the threshold provided in the model workspace (Graphics Window). The image shows the cursor
change when Minimum and Maximum Threshold provided are 1 and 2 millimeters respectively.
If you select the right mouse button while the cursor is in the graphics area, several Mid-Surface
specific options are presented:
Add Face Pairs: This is the default mode for selecting face pairs. When the Face Pairs
property is active, this allows you to add additional face pairs.
Remove Face Pairs: When the Face Pairs property is active, this allows you to select a single
face and all face pairs that contain that face are removed.
Reverse Face Pairs: When the Face Pairs property is active, this allows you to select a single
face and all face pairs that contain that face are reversed. Additionally, all face pairs that are
dependent on the selected face via adjacent face connections that have matching orientation are
also reversed.
Clear Existing Face Pair Selections: This clears all current face pairs.
Adjust Min/Max Thresholds: This uses the distance between all currently selected face pairs
to set the Minimum and Maximum Threshold properties.
There are several important concepts to understand to ensure successful use of the Mid-Surface
The following example should help to demonstrate some of the functionality described above. Browse
to one of the following:
The Demo_Bracket part is imported and is actually two separate solids. The front brace, even though it
touches the main bracket is a separate body, as you might have in an assembly part.
In the first figure, load the part, chose the Mid-Surface feature, and select two face pairs (using the
stacked rectangles in the lower left to choose hidden faces). These pairs represent the two thicknesses
of this model.
Now, after selecting Apply, go to the Automatic Selection mode. Since some face pairs are already
selected, and the minimum and maximum thresholds have not yet been set, it automatically calculates
a range based on the current selections. This can also be done via the right mouse button context menu
at any time, or the thresholds can be set manually. Next, for Find Face Pairs Now, select Yes, Add to
Face Pairs.
Now you are ready to Apply, and then Generate.
Here is the result of the Generate. Now, instead of two Solid bodies, there are four surface bodies.
They cannot be combined into a single body because the "T" intersections would cause it to be non-
manifold. Also, in the final figure below, you will see that the resulting surface bodies for the back
brace are automatically extended/trimmed to meet the main part of the bracket, as these were all part of
one Solid body originally. However, the front brace was a separate body, so it is not automatically
Note that the Surface Extension feature can be used to extend the front brace so it does meet the main
Named Selection
Face Split
Surface Extension
Surface Patch
Surface Flip
Body Operation
Face Delete
Edge Delete
The Merge feature may be used to merge a set of edges or faces. Generally, merge may be useful for
reducing the complexity of a model (defeaturing) in preparation for meshing.
Merge topics:
Merging Edges
Merging Faces
Merge Properties
Merging Faces
Choose Merge Type as Faces from the Details View of Merge feature to merge a set of faces.
Multiple faces are merged by replacing the underlying geometry of the faces by a single geometry. Out
of the selected faces, the sets of faces which can be merged are determined by certain criteria.
If you select many faces, which form multiple subsets of faces that can be merged (clusters), ANSYS
DesignModeler will identify the clusters right after the selection and display them in the Details View.
Upon Generate, each of these clusters will be merged into separate faces. Note that clusters are subsets
of selected faces that satisfy the following criteria:
Merging Edges
Choose Merge Type as Edges from the Details View of the Merge feature to merge edges.
Edge merge may be used to merge several edges that satisfy specific criteria, with the result being a
single edge. The criteria are that:
Edges must be connected into a chain of edges (that is, share common vertices),
All shared vertices must connect to only two edges,
The angle between edges at shared vertices must be greater than or equal to a minimum angle
that is specified as a property of the feature.
The feature accepts edges through an Apply/Cancel button property. It is possible to specify a set of
edges consisting of multiple clusters of edges (that is, subsets that satisfy the above mentioned
criteria). When this is the case, the program will identify and display the clusters that can be merged in
the Details View.
The Merge feature supports an Automatic Selection method. If the Merge Type is Edges, the
Automatic Selection method searches for clusters in the regions specified by Targets To Search, based
on the criteria given in Merging Edges.
The Automatic Selection method is not guaranteed to produce the exact same set of clusters if the
bodies are in the DesignModeler representation or the Workbench representation.
If the Merge Type is Faces, the Automatic Selection method searches for clusters in the regions
specified by Targets To Search based on several criteria including the angle criteria used in the Manual
Selection method. The Automatic Selection method also uses the curvature of the faces, the shape and
area of the merged faces to decide how the selected set is divided into clusters. The advantage of using
the Automatic Selection method is that for a large selection set, you will get a set of clusters with each
cluster containing a small set of faces. Note that you might get a significantly different result if you
alter the selection set even slightly. Also, if you choose a symmetric set of entities to search, the
Automatic Selection method need not produce a symmetric set of clusters. The face clusters identified
by the search are displayed in the graphics view in multiple colors to enable you to see the cluster set
Note that the edges or faces that are ignored by the automated search are not shown in the Edges Not
Merged or Faces Not Merged detail.
Merge Properties
Selection Method
Minimum Angle
Preserve Named Selection Boundary
Merge Boundary Edges
Targets to Search
Find Clusters Now
Selection Method
By using the default Manual setting here, you will be able to manually add clusters by selecting
edges or faces from the graphics view. The selected edges or faces will be divided into clusters
depending on the connectivity and the Minimum Angle specified. The Automatic Selection method
may be used to let ANSYS DesignModeler search for clusters that can be merged in the model. If you
opt for Automatic Selection method, additional properties show up in the Details View that help you
control the automatic search. With the Manual Selection method, if any of the selected edges or faces
are not part of any valid clusters, they are shown in a separate section in the Details View titled Edges
Not Merged or Faces Not Merged. In both Automatic and Manual modes, the valid clusters are
shown under the Merge Clusters section in the Details View.
Minimum Angle
The value specified for this property is used to determine sets of edges or faces that can be merged. If
the minimum angle between the edges or faces of a cluster is less than the Minimum Angle specified,
that cluster will not be merged. For edge merge, Minimum Angle should be positive and less than or
equal to 180 degrees. For face merge, Minimum Angle should be greater than or equal to 90 degrees
and less than or equal to 180 degrees. Two connected edges will be merged, only if the angle between
them at the common vertex is greater than or equal to the Minimum Angle. Similarly two connected
faces will be merged only if the minimum angle between them at the common edges is greater than or
equal to the Minimum Angle.
When the property is set to yes, it ensures that named selection boundaries are not altered. For
example, mergeable faces that belong to the same named selection will merge together, but mergeable
faces belonging to different named selections will not merge.
By setting this to Yes, you can merge the boundary edges of the merged face clusters. The boundary
edges are clustered as described in the Merging Edges section. The Minimum Angle specified by
you is considered here also to determine the edge clusters.
Targets to Search
You can choose which targets to search for the Automatic Selection method using this property. The
default value is Visible Bodies. The other choices available are All Bodies, Selected Bodies and
Selected Faces. If you choose Selected Bodies an additional Bodies property is displayed that allows
you to select the Bodies to Search. If you choose Selected Faces, a new property, Faces, shows up so
that faces can be selected to search for clusters.
This property will always display No as its value. When you set it to Yes, search for clusters starts at
that time. When the search is completed, this value is automatically set back to No, and the clusters
found will be displayed in the Details View. If there are clusters already present in selection, the
options shown for this property are No, Yes Replace Existing Clusters, and Yes Preserve
Existing Clusters.
The clusters identified for merging are displayed at the end of the Details View. In the case of face
merge, the face clusters identified by the search are highlighted with different colors in the graphics
The Named Selection feature allows you to create named selections that can be transferred to the
ANSYS Mechanical application, or used in the creation of some features. You can select any
combination of 3D entities, including point feature points (PF points). Selections are performed
through an Apply/Cancel property called Geometry in the Details View of ANSYS DesignModeler.
If the geometry file set in the Geometry cell is of type agdb then the Named Selection option will not
be available in the Properties section of the Geometry cell in the ANSYS Workbench environment
Project Schematic.
Propagate Selection Property allows tracking of entities even after applying modeling operations.
The Geometry property shows an updated entity count after the modeling operations. This property is
set to Yes by default. See Propagate Selection for more information.
Export Selection Property allows control of the transfer of Named Selections to downstream
applications such as the ANSYS Mechanical application. Only Named Selections which have the
Export Selection property set to Yes will be transferred to any downstream applications. This
property is set to Yes by default.
Include In Legend Property allows control of whether the Named Selection will appear in the
graphical legend when the Face Coloring > by Name Selection graphics option is enabled. This
property is set to Yes by default. See Face Coloring for more information.
The Export Selection and Include In Legend can be modified as a group if multiple Named
Selection features in the Tree Outline.
To ensure your selections remain persistent in the ANSYS Mechanical application, it is recommended
that you create your Named Selection features last or Generate Named Selection features with
Propagate Selection property set to Yes.
CAD Specifics
The Autodesk Inventor plug-in does support Named Selections beginning with numeric characters or
containing spaces.
The SolidWorks reader and associative geometry interface do not import named selections defined in
sub-assemblies. For details, see Transfer from CAD.
The ANSYS Mechanical application does not support multiple selection types for its named selections.
If you choose more than one entity type for a Named Selection feature in ANSYS DesignModeler, it
will be split into two or more named selections in the ANSYS Mechanical application, one for each
entity type. However, as the model changes in DesignModeler, if could affect how these are split when
going to Mechanical. If you are taking Named Selection to Mechanical, it is highly recommended that
you restrict them to a single type to avoid any persistence issues that may be caused by this. Also,
while DesignModeler allows you to place multiple selection types into a Named Selection feature,
you should avoid this practice. If you try to use a Named Selection feature as a base object for a
feature within DesignModeler, you will get an error if it contains more than one entity type.
It is recommended that you do not delete or rename a Named Selection feature after the model has
been transferred to the ANSYS Mechanical application. To avoid confusion, note that the ANSYS
Mechanical application will retain the previous Named Selection features.
When the Propagation property is set to Yes, the selected entities of a Named Selection are tracked
through all modeling operations and the Named Selection feature is updated to reflect the modeling
changes. For instance, when the selected entity is split, the Named selection feature will be updated to
contain the new split entities. Some examples shown below explain the propagation behavior for
different modeling operations.
Consider two frozen bodies as shown below for Cases 1, 2 and 3. Named Selection A is created for the
upper box face and Named Selection B for the cylindrical face.
Case 1
After Boolean Unite between box and the cylinder, Named Selection A contains the face which are
created by splitting of parent face. Named Selection B retains remaining portion of the cylindrical face
after Boolean unite operation. The results are shown below.
Case 2
After Boolean subtract with box as the target body, Named Selection A contains the face entities
which are created by splitting of parent face. Named Selection B tracks the newly created cylindrical
face after Boolean subtract operation which is derived from original cylindrical tool body.
Case 3
After slicing both box and cylinder with the upper face surface of the box, Named selection A will
have three faces getting tracked, which are created by splitting the parent face. Named Selection B will
have two cylindrical faces tracked as shown in the figure below.
Named Selection A is created for upper box face (left side). If box is copied using Pattern or Body
Operation feature, Named Selection propagates to copied bodies.
Scenario 3: Named Selection Propagation after Merge operation
Named Selection A is created for the middle upper face of the box (left). When the upper middle face
of the box is merged with the two adjacent faces, Named Selection A will have the entire top face of
the box.
Usage with features Named Selection Propagation is not be available for the following ANSYS
DesignModeler features:
Simplify (DesignModeler Electronics-related)
Slice (when Slice Off Edges option is selected)
Named Selection Propagation is not supported for Line Bodies in ANSYS DesignModeler.
When you group bodies together into a multibody part, you work with them in ANSYS
DesignModeler as if they are independent bodies. When the model is transferred from DesignModeler
to another application, they combine to form the multibody part.
When the shared topology is merged, Named Selections will be retained. A simple example is
demonstrated below.
Two boxes are present in a single part as frozen bodies as shown below. Named Selection A is created
for a single face of the larger box. After Share Topology, Named Selection A tracks the small shared
face as well as the larger face, which are derived or created from the larger selected parent face.
An example of Named Selection propagation for bodies after share topology is given below. Two
Frozen bodies are present in a single part. When a Named Selection A created for the selected body
and Share Topology feature is generated, the part will have three bodies. Named Selection A will
contain two bodies which includes the newly created body due to Share Topology feature.
Note: Named Selection will automatically set Propagate Selection property to No while generating
older databases. Though solid and sheet bodies can be tracked through Named Selection propagation,
wire bodies cannot be tracked by Named Selection feature.
A named selection may become lost if you select a region in which topology is shared. When you
group bodies together into a multibody part, you still work with them in ANSYS DesignModeler as if
they are independent bodies. When the model is transferred from DesignModeler to another
application, they combine to form the multibody part. When the shared topology is merged, usually
one of the original entities survives and the others are discarded.
To properly preserve named selections placed on entities that are subject to modification in the share
topology step during transfer to another application; you should add the Share Topology feature in the
model before creating named selections. Not doing so could result in touching entities merging or
splitting which may break named selection features created in previous steps. Models render the same
in DesignModeler as in other applications after selecting the Share Topology feature, which helps in
preserving named selections.
Suppose you want to create a named selection for the top face of a cube. If you create the named
selection without first adding the Share Topology feature in DesignModeler, the named selection may
transfer to the circular face in the ANSYS Mechanical application as shown in the right-hand
illustration. Note that selecting all the entities in the shared topology may not help to preserve the
named selection appropriately in the ANSYS Mechanical application.
If named selection is added after selecting the Share Topology feature in DesignModeler, the names
selection will be transferred appropriately to other applet as shown in the right-hand illustration.
Face Split
You can use the Face Split feature to split a face into any number of faces. The face selected for the
operation can come from either active or frozen bodies. It projects the selected edges or point pairs or
split locations in a direction that is closest to target face.
Face Split Types: This property is used to define the type of face split. Four options are available in
this property: By Point and Edges, By Location, By Plane, and By Surface. The default option
is By Point and Edges.
Target Face: This property facilitates the selection of the faces to be split. If the face split type is By
Point and Edges or By Location, then only one face can be selected; otherwise, more than one face
can be selected. The faces used in a Face Split Group as the target face cannot be in another Face Split
Tool Geometry: When the face split type is By Point and Edges you can select sketch point pairs,
spot pairs, vertex pairs, sketch edges, 3D edges or different combinations of point pairs and edges.
When the face split type is By Location you can create split locations on the target face and/or
boundary edges of the target face by clicking on the graphics view. You can also select split locations
which do not belong to the current Face Split Group but lie on the boundary edges of the target face of
the current group.
When the face split type is By Plane, a plane can be selected as tool geometry. If the face split type
is By Surface, a face (which is not selected in any other Face Split Group as the target face) can be
Connect Locations: This property is applicable only when the face split type is By Location. It has
three options, By Straight Line, By Parametric Spline, and By 3D Spline. The default option is
By Straight Line. Vertices, 2D sketch points, and Spots can be selected by hit location, provided
these points lie on the face being split. The By 3D Spline option uses a 3D curve from the selected
points and splits the face straight across instead of following the parameterization of the faces as in the
case of the By Parametric Spline option.
Merge Edges: This property is available only when the connect locations type is By Straight Line.
When the merge edges option is Yes it merges an allowable set of edges on the target face. The default
option is Yes.
Select A Group: Clicking on the group header will highlight the corresponding target face.
Type: This property is visible only when face split type is By Location and the number of tool
geometries is more than one. This property defines two types of parameterization, By Fraction and
By Coordinates. The default option is By Fraction.
Fraction/Parameter: When the property Type selected is By Fraction, this property can be edited.
This property defines the location of the split location.
Clicking a property of the split location in the Details View, the corresponding split location will be
highlighted in the graphics view.
Initial view
In the Details View, select the Depth property to enter a number greater than zero.
4. Click Generate.
5. Create sketch/construction points, if needed, on the desired face to be split.
6. From the Tools Menu, select the Face Split feature.
The Target Face property is highlighted in the Details View.
The Target Face field in the Details View displays the number of faces.
13. Single click the yellow field in the Tool Geometry field of the Details View.
14. Press Apply in the Details View.
The Tool Geometry field in the Details View will display the number of line segments.
15. Right-click in the Details View to Add New Face Split Group (Face Split Group 2).
16. Single click Face Split Type (of the new group) to activate the drop-down menu.
17. Select the down arrow to choose By Location.
18. Repeat selection of the Target Face property to pick another face to be split.
19. Select Tool Geometry property in the Details View.
20. Click the selected face of the current group and/or edges of the face.
a. Select any vertex or sketch point. It will add a new segment for Face Split Group 1.
b. Right click on Graphics view. Select the option Remove Last Segment. It will remove the
last segment created in Face Split Group 1. Now select the option Clear All Segments. It will
remove all the remaining segments in Face Split Group 1.
a. Select any split location, and drag it over the face corresponding to Face Split Group 2 to a
new desired location. Note that you can drag the Split Location when you are in Tool
Geometry property. Make sure the point selection filter is on.
b. You can remove all split location from Details View context menu or from Graphics context
c. Select a split location and then right click. Select the option Delete Location. It will delete
the selected split location.
d. Select another split location and then right click. Select the option Insert Location>Before.
It will create a new split location before the selected split location. You can choose the option
Insert Location>After if you want to insert a new split location after the selected Split
Note: The Split Location can be Inserted and deleted from the Details View context menu.
If the face to be split is highly curved as shown below, you may not get expected results if you select
very few points. Including interior locations will produce the desired result in such cases.
Result with few points selected Result with inclusion of interior points
The Fill feature is located in the Tools Menu, and is available when the model consists of active and/or
frozen bodies. The Fill feature is used to extract inverse volume or volumes enclosed within a body or
a set of bodies. The feature will create frozen bodies that fill the void regions. The created frozen
bodies will have a Fluid/Solid Property (as seen in the Details View when this body is selected) set to
Fluid. See Fluid/Solid Property for more information about editing the property. You can select one of
two extraction types:
By Cavity: Create the void region by picking faces that enclose the cavity.
By Caps: Create the void region by picking bodies that enclose the void region or regions. You
can pick solid as well as Surface bodies.
Surface Flip
The Surface Flip feature reverses the orientation of Surface bodies. This is useful when the surface
normals of neighboring surface bodies must be compatible for a modeling operation to succeed. For
example, a Boolean feature may fail due to opposing surface normals if a Unite operation is attempted
between two surface bodies. The feature accepts surface bodies through an Apply/Cancel button
property. Line body and Solid body selections are not permitted.
Surface normals are distinguished in ANSYS DesignModeler by the green highlight shown when a
face or body is selected. The side highlighted in green indicates the surfaces positive normal direction.
Note that the normals of all faces in a surface or Solid body must be consistent.
The faces of this surface body are selected. A plane feature based on a face has been created.
A Surface Flip feature is inserted before the Plane feature. Now the surface normals point in the
opposite direction and the Plane feature has flipped to the opposite side of the face.
The Freeze feature is an advanced modeling tool available from the Tools Menu. Freeze has two
applications: it allows for an alternative method for assembly modeling with multiple body parts, and it
allows you to slice a given part into several sub-volumes (for example, sweepable volumes for hex
1. Create the bodies of the 3D feature (for example, the body or bodies of an Extrude feature).
2. Merge the feature bodies with the existing model via Boolean Operations:
Add Material
Cut Material
Imprint Faces
The Freeze feature allows you to control the second step. It acts as a separator in the construction
history as displayed in the Tree Outline. Any bodies created for features before a Freeze will become
frozen. Frozen bodies are denoted by the ice cube icon next to a body under the Bodies branch of the
Tree Outline. All frozen bodies will be ignored when it comes to the Add, Cut, or Imprint Material
operation of any features following the Freeze.
Slice Material
Active bodies in the Slice operation will be frozen automatically in the case of Slice Material, the
Freeze separator does not hide bodies from the Boolean operation.
The Unfreeze feature activates a selected body, or a group of frozen bodies, and merges them with the
active bodies in the model if applicable.
ANSYS DesignModeler is not an assembly modeler; rather it is an "extended" part modeler that can
deal with multiple bodies. However, with the Freeze and the Unfreeze tools, certain modeling
capabilities for (imported) assemblies do exist. On the one hand, this may seem a limitation, but on the
other hand, this is a different approach to assembly modeling and allows actually more (or other)
functionality (for example, slicing).
By default, if you import an assembly from a CAD package, the modeling capabilities of
DesignModeler are limited, because applying any form of a 3D modeling operation would simply
merge any touching bodies into one. However, this can be circumvented with the Freeze and Unfreeze
If you immediately Freeze the model after importing an assembly or import an assembly using the Add
Frozen operation, your bodies will be shielded from the merge. You can, at that point, add new bodies;
however, you cannot modify any of the existing frozen bodies. For this, you can use Unfreeze to select
bodies to become "active." (Active bodies are depicted as shaded blue blocks in the Tree Outline.
DesignModeler can now operate on the newly unfrozen bodies as it would on any other active bodies.
Freeze Others
If set to Yes, all unselected bodies will become frozen, while selected bodies will become active. You
do not have to first Freeze immediately followed by an Unfreeze.
Material Types
Add Material
Cut Material
Slice Material
Imprint Faces
Add Frozen
Add Material Creates material and merges it with the active bodies in the model. This option is
always available.
Cut Material Removes material from the active bodies in the model. It is available whenever active
bodies are present.
Slice Material Slices bodies into multiple pieces. Active bodies in the Slice operation will be
automatically frozen. This option is available when at least one body is present in the model.
Imprint Faces Similar to Slice, Imprint Faces imprints curves onto the faces of active bodies in the
model. The bodies themselves are not split into multiple pieces. It is available whenever active bodies
are present.
Add Frozen Creates material, but adds it to the model as frozen bodies, without merging them with
other bodies in the model. This allows you, for example, to import a model as a set of frozen bodies
without the need to manually apply the Freeze feature afterwards. This option is always available.
Body States
There are two states for bodies in the ANSYS DesignModeler application:
Active: The body can be modified by normal modeling operations. Active bodies can be
sliced and the resulting bodies are frozen automatically. To move all active bodies to the
Frozen state, use the Freeze feature. Active bodies are displayed in blue in the Tree Outline.
The body's icon in the Tree Outline is dependent on its type: Solid, Surface, or line.
Frozen: The body is immune to all modeling operations except slicing (Hidden and
suppressed bodies are not immune unless frozen). To move a body from the Frozen state to the
Active state, select the body and use the Unfreeze feature. Frozen bodies are displayed in white
in the Tree Outline. The body's icon in the Tree Outline is dependent on its type - Solid,
Surface, or line.
The Joint feature is a tool used to create joints between different geometries of different bodies
together so that their contact regions will be treated as shared topology when meshed in the ANSYS
Mechanical application. The feature takes two or more geometries (at least one should belong to a
Surface body) as input. Selected geometry will be imprinted on each other as per requirement. There is
no restriction on the states of the bodies you select; both active and frozen body selections are
permitted. The Share Topology property allows you to control the behavior of the feature:
Share Topology: To treat the imprinted edges as shared topology in the Mechanical
application, set the Shared Topology option to Yes. Imprinted edges will display an edge joint
where the coincident edges are to signify that their edges will be shared. That is, two coincident
edges will still exist in ANSYS DesignModeler as separate edges, but when the model is
attached to the Mechanical application, the edges are merged into one. If Share Topology is
set to No, then edges will be imprinted on both surface bodies, but no shared topology
information is kept. The default setting is Yes. See the Shared Topology section for more
Edge joints generated: This tells you the number of edge joints that the Joint feature created.
The value of this property will always be zero if Share Topology is set to No.
Expired edge joints: This will inform you of any edge joints that have expired due to model
changes. If any edges in an edge joint are modified in any way, then the edge joint will become
expired and no longer appear when viewing the edge joints. For this reason, it is recommended
that you apply Joint features after you are done building your model. This property is not
displayed if there are no expired edge joints for a Joint feature.
For example, suppose you wish to join the following two Surface bodies. ANSYS DesignModeler
would normally not allow these two bodies to be merged, since they created non-manifold geometry.
Using the Joint feature, you can imprint the bodies and form shared topology between them.
After generating the Joint feature, edges are imprinted onto all three bodies, and topology sharing
information is created. Notice that the shared edges are shown as thick blue lines. Additionally, the
three bodies are grouped under the same part, and the share topology method for the part and bodies
are set to Edge Joints.
The Joint feature limits selection to the required geometries from the bodies rather than the selection
of a sheet or line body as a whole. Illustrated below is an example of such selection and the resulting
Edge Joint.
For more information on viewing edge joints, see Show Edge Joints.
Joint Limitations
Usage with line bodies The Joint feature cannot be used to create an edge joint between two line
bodies or imprint lines on one another.
Overlapping line bodies The Joint feature cannot be used to create a joint when the line bodies
overlap or touch one another on a Surface body.
The Joint feature will not create joints between geometries of the same body. The selection in the
following figure for a Joint feature is invalid as both the faces are from the same sheet body.
Even if the joint feature is partially successful, it may split the edges in selected geometries.
In the following figure (I), one face of the sheet body and one edge of a line body were given as the
input of the Joint Feature. In this case the Joint Feature will be partially successful and results in
splitting of the edge of the face at the intersection.
Figure 1: I
In the following case, two edges of different wire bodies were given as the input for the Joint Feature.
In this case, the Joint Feature will be partially successful and will imprint both the edges on each other
and thereby splitting the edges at the point of intersection as shown in the figure (II).
Figure 2: II
The Connect feature may be used to align and possibly join a set of vertices, edges or faces. The
alignment takes the form of a stretching and aligning of existing geometry.
Entities may be connected that are coincident to within a tolerance that is specified as a property of the
feature. Vertices, edges or faces may be selected through the Apply/Cancel button property. It is
possible to select entities for which subsets are determined to be coincident to within the user-specified
tolerance. When this is the case, the program will identify and connect the entities in each of the
Starting from Release 15.0, the Connect feature can be used after the Share Topology feature to
selectively share faces between bodies. See Selective Shared Topology: Using Connect after Share
Topology for more details.
Note that in Edit Selections mode the mouse cursor is enclosed by a circle of diameter equal to the
tolerance provided. This enables you to visualize the tolerance in the model workspace (Graphics
Window). The image shows the cursor change when tolerance provided is 2 millimeter.
Connect topics:
Connect Properties
Release-specific Notations
Connect Limitations
Connect Properties
The following properties allow you to control the behavior of the feature:
Location Property
T-Junction Property
Merge Bodies Property
Number of Connected Sets Property
Location Property
A Location property is available for vertices, edges and faces that can be selected from the drop down
list. Two options are provided. When set to Interpolated (default), all entities in a subset will be
modified so that their new geometric location is computed as an average location. When set to
Preserve First, the first entity in each subset will remain unchanged and all other entities in the subset
will have their geometry modified so as to be coincident with the first entity. The order of coincident
entities in a particular subset will correspond to the order of entity selection by the Apply/Cancel
button property.
When using the Connect feature after Share Topology, the Location property is not available and is
defaulted to preserve first.
T-Junction Property
For edge connect, T-Junction property may be applicable when edge end-vertices, collected from the
selected edges, are within the user-specified tolerance of the interior of one or more of the selected
edges. T-junctions will not be detected when this property has a value of Off. If this property has a
value of Interpolated, then an average location will be taken from the set of coincident vertices that are
within tolerance of an edge interior and from the projection of this average location onto the edge
interior. The final average location will become the new geometric location of the splitting vertices and
the new vertex resulting from the edge split. If this property has a value of Preserve Split-Edge, then an
average location will be taken from the set of coincident vertices that are within tolerance of an edge
interior and this location will be projected onto the edge to split the edge (as with the Interpolated
property value), but the final location of the splitting vertices and the new vertex resulting from the
edge split will be the edge split location.
For face connect, the T-Junction property has a default value of Off meaning that only fully
overlapping faces can be connected. For connecting partial overlapping faces, switch the property
value to On.
Whether or not multiple line or Surface bodies are merged by a vertex or edge connect is controlled by
a Merge Bodies property that may take values No, Yes, or If Compatible Attributes. A value of No
indicates that multiple bodies will not be merged. A value of Yes indicates that multiple bodies may be
merged if any associated subset of selected entities can be fused. A value of If Compatible Attributes
indicates that line body or surface body attributes must be compatible in order for merging to take
place. While line bodies may be non-manifold, surface (and Solid) bodies must remain manifold. For
example, it is possible to fuse any number of vertices or edges from any number of line bodies.
However, it is only possible for two laminar edges from one or two surface bodies to be fused. In this
latter case, additional coincident edges will not be fused.
When using the Connect feature after Share Topology, the Merge Bodies property is not available.
Number of Connected Sets Property
The Number of Connected Sets property is available only for faces. This property will be visible only
when the feature is in a generated state. This property will display the number of successfully
connected face sets.
When using the Connect feature after Share Topology, then Number of Connected Sets property is not
a selectable option. Instead, resulting face connects are listed in detail. See Selective Shared Topology:
Using Connect after Share Topology for more information.
During a vertex or edge connect, vertices or edges that belong to line bodies may be fused so
that a single line body results.
During a vertex or edge connect, if two vertices that are within the user-specified tolerance
have a common edge with length less than or equal to this tolerance, then the vertices will be
fused into one and the edge will be deleted.
During a vertex or edge connect, if faces lie between a set of vertices or edges that are within
tolerance, then the faces may be deleted and the vertices or edges joined.
During an edge connect, if two edges are within the user-specified tolerance and both edges are
laminar (that is, boundary) edges for Surface bodies (possibly the same surface body), then the
two edges will be fused into one.
During an edge connect, edges may also be split when t-junctions (see above) are detected.
Following this splitting of edges, a new check will be made for edges and vertices that are
coincident to within the user-specified tolerance.
During face connect, if any vertex of a selected face is not in tolerance with any vertex on a
paired face then the vertex will be projected on the second face.
During face connect, faces may split when T-Junction property kept On. Edges may also be
split when t-junctions are detected. Following this splitting of edges, a new check will be made
for edges and vertices that are coincident to within the user-specified tolerance. If any edge of a
selected face is not in tolerance with any edge on a paired face then the edge will be projected
on the second face.
Release-specific Notations
Beginning with ANSYS release 12.1, the earliest entity created is used to determine what survives
when body merging or entity fusing takes place. Connect features existing in pre-12.1 databases will
continue to generate as they had before, while connect features created in a 12.1 or later version will
use the earliest entity created to determine the resulting entity.
Using the Connect feature and combining bodies into a multibody part will result in connected (that is,
shared) topology when the Share Topology feature is used or when the model is brought into the
Mechanical application. The Connect feature might also be used in combination with the Sew Body
Operation feature when working with Surface bodies (excluding face connect).
Example 45: Connecting two vertices with the Location property set to Interpolated
Example 46: Connecting two vertices with the Location property set to Preserve First
Example 47: Selected edges within a user-specified tolerance
Example 49: Interpolated edge connect with t-junction preservation of split edges
Example 50: Two selected edges within a user specified
Example 58: Selected set of faces within tolerance for Face Connect
Example 59: Face connect with the Location property set to Interpolated and T-Junction Off
The Connect feature can be used after the Share Topology feature to selectively share faces between
two bodies of a multibody part. You will need to specify a tolerance and ANSYS DesignModeler will
connect two faces into one face if the faces lie within the specified tolerance. The Face Connect
feature requires that the two faces being connected belong to two different bodies of the same part. The
T-Junction option is also available when using the Connect feature after Share Topology. By turning
on this option, ANSYS DesignModeler will first split faces and edges where faces are coincident
within tolerance and then perform the connect operation.
An Automatic search option is also available to search for face sets coincident within a specified
tolerance. You can specify the faces or bodies to search from and face sets that are coincident within
the specified tolerance and belonging to the same part will be found.
Faces within tolerances are grouped into Clusters of face sets. You can review each Cluster and delete
a cluster if their respective face sets do not need to be connected. You can do this by selecting the
cluster in the Details View in Modeling Mode, right-clicking, and choosing Delete in the context menu.
After feature generation, the number of connected faces for each Cluster will be shown. Selecting a
particular cluster will highlight the resulting faces.
The Connect feature can be used after Share Topology to address the following scenarios.
Fix Face Sharing Failures: When you create a multibody part with the Share Topology method set
to Automatic and execute the Share Topology feature, sometimes the Share Topology feature may
fail to share faces. This might happen when the faces required to be shared look identical but are
not. Sometimes there may be a small gap between them, or can have imperfections due to
translations. In such cases, you can choose the sets of faces you want shared and specify a
tolerance and the connect feature will ensure that faces within the tolerance are shared between
Selectively Sharing of Faces: Sometimes you want face sharing between two bodies in a multibody
part in one location, but not in another. In such situations, you can set the Body Share Topology
types to None and use the Connect feature to ensure face sharing only in desired locations.
Note: If your model contains thin Solid bodies, then you should give a tolerance value smaller than
the thickness of the body. You should also use the manual option to specify face pairs in such cases.
If you use the Share Topology type as None or Imprints, take care to resolve large intersections
between the bodies of the Part. The Connect feature will not be able to resolve large intersections
between bodies of a part.
Known Limitations of the Connect feature when used after Share Topology
It is not possible to connect two faces that belong to the same body.
You cannot use the Connect feature to share faces from a solid body to faces of a surface body.
Short edges and Sliver faces adjacent to the faces where the connect is attempted can cause the
Connect feature to fail. It is recommended that you perform geometry cleanup to remove Sliver faces
before attempting a Connect (when used after Share Topology). If Short edges or Slivers are created
by the Connect feature or the Share Topology feature, then, adjust the tolerance or use Connect before
Share Topology to align the geometry.
It is recommended that you perform Slice operations before performing Connect operations. If the
Connect operations are used to connect only some coincident face sets and not all, then a Slice
operation on such bodies will fail.
Connect Limitations
Usage with face edges Face connect within the same body cannot be done. The function is inoperable
on face edges that are periodic. You must first split the edges before trying to connect the face. The
tolerance provided must be a least one order of magnitude less than the smallest edge length.
Body Operation
The Body Operation feature allows you to manipulate bodies. Any type of body can be used with
body operations, regardless of whether it is active or frozen. However, point feature points (PF points),
attached to the faces or edges of the selected bodies, are not affected by the body operation.
The Body Operation feature is available via the Create Menu. It has up to six options, although not all
of them will be available at all times. For selections, bodies are selected via the Apply/Cancel button
property in the Details View. Planes are also selected via the Apply/Cancel button property. The
options are:
Cut Material
Imprint Faces
Slice Material
Clean Bodies
The three Body Operation types, Cut Material, Imprint Faces, and Slice Material, are designed to use
bodies in Boolean Operations, similar to the material types used in other features. You may choose
whether you wish to keep or destroy the bodies you have chosen for the Boolean operation through the
Preserve Bodies property. The default value for is No.
Use to select bodies to simplify, and then select the Simplify Geometry property and/or the Simplify
Topology property. The Simplify Geometry option will simplify the surfaces and curves of the model
into analytical geometry where possible. The default for this property is Yes. The Simplify Topology
will remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from the model where possible. The default for this
property is Yes. Performing a Simplify operation may increase the robustness of further modeling
operations, including Share Topology.
The body has three Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) surfaces and can be simplified:
After the simplification, the surfaces were reduced to planes and cones. The cone faces were merged
Select bodies to use in a sewing operation. Upon clicking Generate, ANSYS DesignModeler will
attempt to sew the selected Surface bodies together where they have edges common to within a given
tolerance. This property has four options:
Create Solids: If Yes, then DesignModeler will convert closed surface bodies to solids after
sewing. The default is No.
Tolerance: Choose from Normal, Loose, or User Tolerance stitching tolerance. Default is
User Tolerance: Enter user-defined tolerance (only if the Tolerance property has a value of
User Tolerance).
Merge Bodies: If Yes, then stitching will be attempted with all selected Surface bodies. If
Compatible Attributes means that stitching will be attempted for subsets of selected surface
bodies that have attributes that are compatible.
The same model with Merge Bodies set to If Compatible Attributes, resulting in five surface bodies:
Note that in Edit Selections mode the mouse cursor is enclosed by a circle of diameter equal to the
Tolerance used for stitching. This enables you to visualize the tolerance in the model workspace
(Graphics Window). The image shows the cursor change when user tolerance value provided is 2
Cut Material
You select bodies to use in a cut operation that is performed on the active bodies in the model. Body
Operation's Cut Material option works the same way as Cut Material does for any of the basic features.
This option is available when active bodies exist in the model.
Note: Cut Material is designed to use bodies in Boolean Operations, similar to the material types used
in other features. Selected bodies will be destroyed by the operation by default, but they can be
protected by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. The default value for the Preserve Bodies
option is No.
Imprint Faces
The feature takes either all of the bodies (default) or selected bodies of the model as input, based on
the Target Bodies property. If the Target Bodies is set to Selected Bodies, then an additional
Bodies property becomes available. The Bodies property is an Apply/Cancel button that
facilitates the selection of target bodies that you wish to be imprinted.
An imprint operation is performed on the target bodies. Each target body will imprint and be imprinted
upon by adjacent bodies that are also part of the target bodies. Any body not included in the target
bodies will be unchanged. This option is available when active or frozen bodies exist in the model. All
bodies will survive the operation.
In ANSYS DesignModeler 14.5 and earlier, selected bodies would only imprint on selected, active
bodies in the model. Furthermore, the selected bodies would be destroyed by the operation by default,
but they can be protected by setting the option to Yes. Body Operation features saved in a previous
version and resumed in Release 15.0 will execute as they did in the previous version. In Release 15.0,
this behavior can be recreated by using the Boolean Imprint Faces operation.
In this example of an imprint operation, both bodies are selected. Faces from both bodies are used to
imprint upon each other.
Notice the block was imprinted upon, and also imprinted itself onto the other body.
Slice Material
You select bodies for a slice operation. Body Operation's Slice Material option works the same way as
Slice Material does for any of the basic features.
Note that Slice Material is designed to use bodies in Boolean Operations, similar to the material types
used in other features. Selected bodies will be destroyed by the operation by default, but they can be
protected by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. The default value for Preserve Bodies is No.
Clean Bodies
Select Clean Bodies to remove body faults via the Fault Detection option. The options are Normal and
High. High is more thorough but also more time-consuming. The number of faults removed depends
on the body.
The Clean Bodies feature cleans each body and then performs an analysis. Using the Normal option, if
any faults are found the feature is marked as being in a warning mode. To identify the remaining
faults, select the feature in the tree and click the right mouse button to select Show Problematic
Subsequently you can select the High level of cleaning on the body, or use other features such as the
Repair features to further improve the model.
Cleaning existing faults can significantly improve reliability of further modeling operations. The
Clean Bodies option functions similarly during the model import process. See Import and Attach
The Mid-Surface feature allows the creation of Surface bodies that are midway between existing Solid
body faces. The resulting surface body/bodies have a Thickness property which defines the
"thickness" that surface body represents. The faces can be manually selected, or an automatic mode
allows you to set a thickness range and then automatically detect matching face pairs. Along with the
basic name property, there are six properties for defining a Mid-Surface via manual selection, and four
additional properties for automatic detection. Starting in release 12.1, the output bodies are grouped
into parts based on the original bodies they came from.
Mid-Surface topics:
Basic Properties
Automatic Detection Properties
Mid-Surface Context Menu Options
Basic Properties
Mid-Surface: This property allows you to assign your own name to the Mid-Surface feature.
Face Pairs: An Apply/Cancel property that facilitates the selection of the matching faces. The
selected faces must be of the same type and be defined such that one is essentially offset from
the other by a fixed distance. The order of the selected faces is important, especially the first
pair of a given thickness. The mid-surface will be generated attempting to have the normal such
that it points from the second (lavender / hot pink) face towards the first (purple) face. You
must select a face and its matching face in the order you prefer. If you try to select two or more
faces on one side before selecting the other side, the feature will assume you are selecting a
face and immediately its matching face, thus leading to errors. Also, if you select a pair of faces
that are not exact offsets of one another, and the extent to which they are not perfect offsets is
greater than the Selection Tolerance, a warning message will be displayed and the pair will not
be used.
If possible, the warning message will include a suggested Selection Tolerance that would
allow the face pair to be used. Since the suggested value is determined via a quick binary
search, you typically can use a value slightly smaller than what is suggested. In general, the
normals from the two faces should point away from each other. For planar faces this is
explicitly tested for and if they do not point away from each other, a warning will be displayed
and they will not be used. For other face types, if they are offsets, but the normals point toward
each other, or in the same direction, they will be used but the results may not be correct. If they
are valid, the first face will be colored purple, and the second lavender (hot pink), with the
eventual normal pointing outward from the purple face.
Selection Method: Here you can decide whether to manually select faces, or set up additional
properties so that matching faces can be automatically detected. If you have face pairs already
selected when you select Automatic mode and you have not yet set min/max threshold values,
then they will be automatically computed from your current selections.
It is suggested, especially if you use a non-zero Selection Tolerance, that you manually select
several face pairs before first going to Automatic mode, or that if expected pairs are not getting
selected that you manually select one of these pairs and then use the right mouse button context
menu option to Adjust Min/Max Thresholds. This helps to insure that you automatic selection
range includes what is needed.
Selection Tolerance: Here, you can set the allowable deviation from a perfect offset that is
allowed during face pair selection. Because allowing face pairs to be slightly off by this
tolerance amount, could result in some face pairs being off in one direction and others being off
in the opposite direction, the final Mid-Surface itself allows for a tolerance of twice this
amount for the overall surface. Like the Sewing Tolerance below, a tolerance can be very
helpful, but too loose of a tolerance can also lead to problems. For example you could get face
pairs being selected by Automatic selection that are not really wanted. A good approach is to
try to use a small selection tolerance and if some face pairs cannot be selected automatically,
then try manual selection. If the Selection Tolerance is too tight, it will try to suggest a looser
value. This value cannot be larger than the Thickness Tolerance. If you set it to a larger value,
then the Thickness Tolerance will automatically be updated to the larger value.
When using Automatic Selection and you set the Selection Tolerance to other than zero, it can
take significantly longer to do the Automatic Selection. This is because internally when there
is a Selection Tolerance, many offsets/orientations are attempted in testing to see if a face pair
is usable. Also, if the Selection Tolerance is set larger than half of the Minimum Threshold, a
warning will be displayed that this can affect both speed and reliability of the result.
Thickness Tolerance: This property provides a tolerance so that face pairs that are the same
distance apart, along with those that are within the thickness tolerance of that distance, can be
grouped together. The feature will attempt to combine resulting surface bodies which touch one
another and have the same thickness into a single Surface body. The thickness of resulting
surface bodies is also rounded to the nearest multiple of the Thickness Tolerance. If the actual
thickness of a resulting surface body is less than half of the Thickness Tolerance, be aware that
this means its thickness will be set to zero. This value cannot be smaller than the Selection
Tolerance. If you set it to a smaller value, then the Selection Tolerance will automatically be
updated to the smaller value.
Sewing Tolerance: During the creation of the Mid-Surface, internally surfaces are created
from each face pair selected. These are then trimmed to other surfaces and then sewn together
with other surfaces of the same thickness to attempt to form as few surface bodies as possible.
However, there are sometimes small gaps between these individual surfaces. This tolerance
specifies the maximum gap that can be closed by the sewing process. Normally it is not
necessary to change this tolerance. However, if you find there are small gaps in the resulting
body, this may be increased to a point where the gap gets closed. Note that using too large of a
sewing tolerance can lead to slots or openings getting filled when they should not. Very large
tolerances can result in strange results and should be avoided.
Extra Trimming: As with the Sewing Tolerance above, there are situations that the internal
trimming algorithms cannot completely handle. In these cases, it is useful to be able to trim
surface bodies that have trimming errors to the original body, or at times to trim all surface
bodies to the original body for cases where no error was detected even though the trimming
was not correct. If trimming to the original body would result in a non-manifold surface body,
then the surface body will remain untrimmed. You also have options to delete surface bodies
with trimming errors, or to keep them with no additional trimming. Note that if you use the
"Delete Untrimmed" option and there are trimming problems, you will not be able to use
"Show Problematic Geometry" as the problem geometry will have been deleted.
Preserve Bodies: Here you can decide whether the bodies whose faces you are selecting are
kept or not after the Mid-Surface feature is generated. Along with the Yes and No options there
is also an option to Preserve body if error. With this option, if one or more of the selected
face pairs in a body cannot be properly processed, then that body will be preserved. If some
face pairs for that body are successful, then the surface bodies created by those pairs will be
inside the preserved Solid body. If there are no problems then this option is the same as the No
option. The default value is No.
If you choose the Automatic Selection method, the following four additional properties are shown:
Bodies to Search: Here you choose which bodies to search. The default is Visible Bodies. The
other choices are All Bodies, and Selected Bodies. If you choose Selected Bodies an
additional Bodies property is displayed that allows you to select the bodies to process.
Minimum Threshold: This sets the minimum distance allowed between face pairs during
automatic detection. If it is set larger than the Maximum Threshold, then that value is set equal
to the Minimum Threshold. Also, only values greater than zero are allowed.
Maximum Threshold: This sets the maximum distance allowed between face pairs during
automatic detection. If it is set less than the Minimum Threshold, then that value is set equal
to the Maximum Threshold. Also, only values greater than zero are allowed.
Find Face Pairs Now: This property will always display a No as its value. When you set it to
Yes, detection is done at that time, using the settings you have provided for the Threshold and
Bodies, as well as the Thickness Tolerance. When it is finished processing, this value is
automatically set back to No. If you have previously selected face pairs, the options shown for
this are
o No
o Yes, Add to Face Pairs
o Yes, Replace Face Pairs
Note that this option will not be available if these are zero.
Note that in Edit Selections mode the mouse cursor is enclosed by a pair of concentric circles whose
diameters are equal to the Minimum and Maximum Threshold provided. This enables you to visualize
the threshold provided in the model workspace (Graphics Window). The image shows the cursor
change when Minimum and Maximum Threshold provided are 1 and 2 millimeters respectively.
If you select the right mouse button while the cursor is in the graphics area, several Mid-Surface
specific options are presented:
Add Face Pairs: This is the default mode for selecting face pairs. When the Face Pairs
property is active, this allows you to add additional face pairs.
Remove Face Pairs: When the Face Pairs property is active, this allows you to select a single
face and all face pairs that contain that face are removed.
Reverse Face Pairs: When the Face Pairs property is active, this allows you to select a single
face and all face pairs that contain that face are reversed. Additionally, all face pairs that are
dependent on the selected face via adjacent face connections that have matching orientation are
also reversed.
Clear Existing Face Pair Selections: This clears all current face pairs.
Adjust Min/Max Thresholds: This uses the distance between all currently selected face pairs
to set the Minimum and Maximum Threshold properties.
There are several important concepts to understand to ensure successful use of the Mid-Surface
The following example should help to demonstrate some of the functionality described above. Browse
to one of the following:
The Demo_Bracket part is imported and is actually two separate solids. The front brace, even though it
touches the main bracket is a separate body, as you might have in an assembly part.
In the first figure, load the part, chose the Mid-Surface feature, and select two face pairs (using the
stacked rectangles in the lower left to choose hidden faces). These pairs represent the two thicknesses
of this model.
Now, after selecting Apply, go to the Automatic Selection mode. Since some face pairs are already
selected, and the minimum and maximum thresholds have not yet been set, it automatically calculates
a range based on the current selections. This can also be done via the right mouse button context menu
at any time, or the thresholds can be set manually. Next, for Find Face Pairs Now, select Yes, Add to
Face Pairs.
Note that the Surface Extension feature can be used to extend the front brace so it does meet the main
The Slice feature improves the usability of ANSYS DesignModeler as a tool to produce sweepable
bodies for hex meshing and to assign different cross sections in a line body. Active bodies in the Slice
operation will be frozen automatically. This feature is available before and after the Share Topology
The Slice feature is available via the Create Menu and has five options:
Slice by Plane: Select a plane, Solid/Surface body can be sliced by the selected plane.
Slice Off Faces: Select faces of Solid body, presumably forming some concavity; and the
DesignModeler application will "slice off" these faces.
Slice by Surface: Select a face, and Solid/Surface can be sliced by the underlying surface of that
selected face.
Slice Off Edges: Select edges of line body, and DesignModeler will separate or slice off these
edges to form new bodies.
Slice by Edge Loop: Select chains of closed loop of edges, and Solid/Surface body will be sliced by
the sheet bodies, which are created by using edge loops. This option is available only for the Slice
feature before Share Topology.
Slice topics:
For example, suppose you are using an .agdb file, as illustrated below. Select the faces you want to
"slice off," then bring down the Create Menu and select Slice.
Click Generate, and see how the model is sliced into different bodies. Note that, in these screen shots,
you show the frozen bodies in a "solid" manner. By default, ANSYS DesignModeler is showing frozen
bodies in a translucent manner (but you can change this behavior through an option in the View Menu.
For example, you might wish to slice a body by a plane, but do not want to slice all bodies by it. Slice
Targets is a combination box with two options:
All Bodies (default): The plane slices all bodies. Active bodies in the Slice operation will be frozen
automatically. This is the default option.
Selected Bodies: Only the selected bodies are sliced by the plane. If this option is chosen, an
Apply/Cancel button property will appear to facilitate body selection.
The behavior of the Slice Feature After Share Topology feature is affected by the Share Topology
Method property of the owner part of the bodies on which slice is performed. If the Share Topology
Method is "Auto", then the slice feature slices bodies in such a way that the topologies are shared at
the location of slice. For all other share topology types, the resulting sliced bodies will not share
The body shown in following snapshot is sliced with the highlighted surface after Share Topology
feature is generated in the ANSYS DesignModeler application.
If the Share Topology Method property of owner part of the body is non "Auto", then the slice results
in two separate manifold bodies which do not share any vertices, edges or faces in between. These
results are identical to the slice done before share topology.
However if the Share Topology Method property of owner part of body is "Auto", the slice feature
results in two bodies sharing vertices, edges and faces along the slice locations. The fuchsia colored
edges, the face bounded by the edges and vertices of the edges are shared between the two bodies.
Body Persistence
In some instances, slicing operations may disrupt body persistence. This can occur if a slicing
operation slices a body into many pieces in a single feature. When it occurs, you may see two or more
bodies swap places in the model.
Slice Limitations
Faces coinciding with Slice Occasionally, use the Slice by Plane or Slice by Surface options before
the Share Topology Method may merge the target body faces coinciding with the slicing sheet bodies
or plane.
Shared Faces You can not use a shared face for Slice Off Faces after Share Topology. Shared faces
cannot be used for Slice Off Faces after a shared topology operation.
Slice by Plane
After generating the Slice feature, only the selected body is sliced.
Internally the Slice Off Faces option is very similar to Face Delete. In Face Delete, the selected faces
are removed from the model and deleted. Afterwards, the engine will attempt to heal the remaining
bodies. In Slice Off Faces, the selected faces are also first removed from the existing model, only then
they are not deleted, but rather, ANSYS DesignModeler will attempt to create new bodies out of the
sliced-off faces. An important similarity between Slice Off Faces and Face Delete is that both
operations involve model healing, and the engine may not be able to determine a suitable extension to
cover the wound left by the removed faces. If so, then the feature will report an error stating that it
cannot heal the wound.
Slice by Surface
Similar to Slice by Plane, Slice by Surface can be used to slice Solid/Surface bodies.
The Slice by Surface option will use the underlying surface created from the selected Target Face to
slice the model. This option also allows you to specify Slice Targets if desired. An additional property
Bounded Surface is shown when using the Slice by Surface option. This allows you to specify
whether to use bounded or unbounded region of the underlying surface when performing the slice.
When Bounded Surface property is set to No the unbounded surface will be used to slice the model.
When Bounded Surface property is set to Yes, the surface region bounded by the exterior loops of the
selected target face will be used to slice the model. The figures below illustrate the Slice by Surface
The first figure shows the body prior to the Slice by Surface operation, along with the selected Target
Face. The Bounded Surface property is set to No.
The next figure demonstrates the results after generation. The model has been sliced into seven bodies
along a cylindrical surface generated from the target face.
In some cases, ANSYS DesignModeler may not be able to perform a slice when using the Slice by
Surface option if a Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) surface is selected as the target face.
Bounded Surface Property Usage
The figures below demonstrate the effect of the Slice by Surface operation with Bounded Surface
property set to Yes. The first figure shows a body prior to the operation, along with selected target
The next figures show the results after generation. Note that the body has been sliced into three bodies
when the Bounded Surface property is set to Yes.
The following figure show the results after generation of Slice by Surface when the Bounded Surface
property is set to No. Note that the body has been sliced into five bodies.
Other Slice feature options:
In the Slice Off Edges option, you select a set of line body edges that need to be separated from the
body to which they belong. If you select a set of edges that are disconnected, a separate line body must
be created for each connected set. If needed, the unselected edges will be separated into many line
bodies such that each line body has only connected edges. The figure below illustrates the Slice Off
Edges option.
The first figure shows the body prior to the Slice Off Edges operation. It shows a truss having upper
chords, lower chords, and cross chords all in a single body. Suppose that you desire to separate the
cross-chords into a separate body so it can be assigned a different cross-section than the upper and
lower chords. Select all cross chords as shown in the figure (selected edges are in green).
The next figure demonstrates the results after generation. The cross chords are sliced off to a new
body. Since the upper and lower chords which were unselected do not form a connected set, they will
be separated into two bodies, one body for the upper chords and one body for the lower chords. Finally
the model has three bodies.
Note: If all edges of a body are selected for the Slice Off Edges option, an error will be reported
which can be examined using the problematic geometry menu. This is because this operation will not
generate any new bodies.
The Slice by Edge Loop option creates sheet bodies using the closed loop of the edges selected, then
using these sheets, it slices the model. Once the slicing is done, the newly created sheets (from the
selected loop of edges) are deleted automatically. This option also enables you to specify Slice
Note: Slice by Edge Loop is available only for the Slice feature before Share Topology.
The figures below illustrate the Slice by Surface feature. The first figure shows the body prior to the
Slice by Edge Loop operation and the selected closed loop edges. The second figure shows the model
after slicing.
The following figures demonstrate the results after slicing, by specifying the target bodies. Even
though the selected loop of edges are able to slice two bodies, they will slice only the selected target
body (here the middle body is the target).
The selected edges need not be the line body edges. The following figures demonstrate the slicing
operation, using 3- line body edges and one sheet body edge.
The individual set of closed loops should contain only one closed loop. If there are multiple loops in a
set of connected edge set, then slicing will not work. This is demonstrated in the following two figures.
In the first case (first two figures), there is only one open loop, so slicing will work fine. Whereas in
the second case (third figure), there are two closed loops in the edge set. So, it will fail to generate
Case I
Case II
Note: If any one of the sheet generated from the edge loops is partially inside to a target body (that is
not slicing it completely), then the slice feature will fail.
Edge Delete
Use the Edge Delete feature to remove unwanted edges from bodies. Often it is useful for removing
blends, chamfers, and holes from surface bodies. It can also be applied to imprinted edges from both
Solid and Surface bodies, as well as line body edges. This feature can be executed on either active or
frozen bodies. If two or more selected edges are connected, then the entire connected set is deleted as a
single operation.
Healing Methods
Automatic (default) : The automatic method will attempt natural healing first. If unsuccessful,
it will attempt No Healing.
Natural Healing: Natural healing will attempt to naturally extend the adjacent edges to close
the wound left behind by the removed edge(s). Note that for boundary edges of surface bodies,
natural healing is the only applicable method. This method cannot be applied to imprinted
edges in features created prior to ANSYS release 14.0.
No Healing: Deletes edges without healing. This method can be applied to imprinted edges and
line body edges only. In the case of line body edges, it is possible to end up creating new
bodies when the original body is split into two or more pieces after removing edges.
A simple example showing natural healing. The vertex blend is removed, recreating the corner:
When all edges of a hole are selected, ANSYS DesignModeler will remove the hole entirely:
Use the Boolean feature to Unite, Subtract, Intersect, or Imprint Faces of existing bodies. The bodies
can be Solid, Surface, or (for Unite only) Line bodies.
This option allows all three body types, but do note that different body types cannot be combined
together. Also, if the bodies have different material properties, or have Surface bodies with different
thicknesses, it will cause a warning, but execution will continue. If two Solid bodies that overlap are
selected along with two surface bodies (that meet at a common edge), the result would be that a Unite
operation would be applied to the Solid bodies and separately to the surface bodies. Even if the surface
bodies overlap with the Solid bodies, they will not be combined. Multiple bodies can be selected that
form several separate connected regions. In this case, the resulting body name for each region will
normally be the name of the oldest existing body of the bodies being joined in that region. Likewise,
other attributes like material, thickness, and active/frozen status, when different, will match that of the
oldest body in the group.
When combining surface bodies, their normals must be in a consistent direction. If not, then an error
indicating opposite surface bodies will be reported. To correct this, select all of the surface bodies and
look at how they are highlighted to see which ones do not match. The Surface Flip feature can be used
to reverse the normals of surface bodies. An even better method of combining surface bodies when
they are connected edge to edge, or nearly so, is to use Body Operation: Sew. That function will
internally reverse the normals of surface bodies as needed to complete the operation.
An example of Unite:
For this option, select a list of target bodies and a list of tool bodies. The Active/Frozen status of
bodies and new pieces that result from that body will be preserved. For Subtract, an option to preserve
the tool bodies is available.
Like Unite, the Intersect option uses a single list of tool bodies. Here, an option is provided in the
Intersect Result property that determines how the intersection is to be computed:
Intersection of All Bodies: Computes only the regions shared by all tool bodies
Union of All Intersections: Computes the regions where any two or more tool bodies intersect
Additionally for the Intersect operation only, there is an additional Preserve Tool Bodies option. The
Yes, Sliced option will preserve the tool bodies, but subtract the intersection regions from them,
leaving a result similar to a slice operation. The intersection pieces generated by the operation will
always be added to the model as frozen bodies.
An example of Intersection of All Bodies, with Preserve Tool Bodies option as Sliced:
An example of Union of All Intersections:
An example of Union of All Intersections with Preserve Tool Bodies option as Sliced:
Imprint Faces
For this option, select a list of target bodies and a list of tool bodies which intersect the target bodies.
Note that either the target or tool bodies can be frozen, provided the tool and target are separate bodies
that intersect. The faces of the tool bodies will be imprinted on the faces of the target body where they
intersect. Preserve Tool Bodies has three options:
No (default): Will delete the tool body, leaving the tool imprinted on the target.
Yes: Will leave the tool body intact, imprinting only the target body.
Yes, Imprinted: Will leave imprints of the intersection on both the tool and target.
Takes a series of profiles from different planes to (Add, Cut, Slice, Imprint, or Add Frozen, depending
on the chosen "material type") a solid or surface fitting through them. The Details View can be used to
change the modeling operations (Add, Cut, Slice, Imprint, or Add Frozen). Solid, Surface, and thin-
walled features can be created by using this feature. For creating a surface body, the inner and outer
thickness values should be kept equal to zero. Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and
updates the model.
You must select two or more profiles for the Skin/Loft feature. A profile is a sketch with one closed or
open loop or a plane from a face or a Named Selection or geometric entities such as faces, edges,
vertices, etc. All profiles must have the same number of edges. Additionally, open and closed profiles
cannot be mixed. All profiles for the Skin/Loft feature must be of the same type. Sketches and planes
can be selected by clicking on their edges or points in the graphics area, or by clicking on the sketch or
plane branch in the Tree Outline. Upon selecting an adequate number of profiles, a preview will appear
which shows the selected profiles and the guide line only if they have the same number of edges and
they are not mixed profiles.
The Profile Selection Method property has two options, Select All Profiles and Select Individual
Profile. When you are in the Select All Profiles method you can select the profiles using Profiles
property. Each Sketch, Named Selection feature and each open, closed and acorn chain obtained from
geometric entities will go to an individual profile group. When you are in the Select Individual
Profile method, the Profiles property will not be visible. Instead, you can edit each individual
profile group. You can add/insert new profile groups and delete existing profile groups as illustrated
below. When you select a group in the Details View, the entities present in that group will be shown in
cyan and entities of other groups will be shown in magenta.
There is a right mouse button Context Menus to assist in creating the Skin/Loft feature. Clicking the
right mouse button context menu will present two options:
Fix Guide Line: The guide line is a gray polyline that defines how the vertices of the profiles
line up with each other throughout the Skin/Loft. Selecting this option will place you in an
alignment mode where you can click on vertices in the graphics area to change the guide lines
path through the profiles. Generally, select the vertices such that the guide line flows smoothly
from one profile to the next. When the guide line twists from one profile to the next, it will
result in a twisted Skin/Loft that may not generate. Below is an example of straight and twisted
guide lines and their corresponding result. For open profiles, the guide line must pass through
the profiles at their endpoints. For point profiles, there is no need to adjust the guide line
through them as they only contain a single point.
Outline planes (represented by gray lines) can be aligned by setting the Selection Filter
(accessible via the right mouse button) to 2D Edge. When you select 2D Edge on the outline
planes, the starting point of the selected edges will be used to show the guide line alignment.
Note: The Fix Guide Line option will not be available when you are editing entries
present in the profile group.
Guide line with consistent alignment through the profiles and the resulting smooth Skin/Loft.
Guide line with twisted alignment through the profiles and the resulting twisted Skin/Loft.
Continue Sketch Selection: Leaves the alignment state to continue profile selection for the
Skin/Loft feature.
Full circles or ellipses can present problems if they are defined on planes facing roughly in opposite
directions. The Skin/Loft feature can fail if the parameterization of the two curves causes the result to
become twisted. When a profile has no endpoints, the feature will internally imprint a vertex on the
edge. The vertex is placed at the start point of the edges underlying curve. If two profiles are facing
each other, the imprinted points can often end up on opposite sides of the profiles, which will cause the
Skin/Loft to fail due to a self intersection. A workaround for this is to introduce a vertex on the profiles
so they can be used to align the features guide line. This can be done in several ways:
Splitting the sketch edge: Use the Split sketching tool to split the profiles into two or more
segments, or split the profile at a single location, which will introduce a single vertex on the
resultant profile.
Split Edges feature: If using Named Selections as profiles, you can split the edge into several
pieces using this feature before using it in the Skin/Loft operation.
Profiles are reordered through the Details View. The Skin/Loft feature's Details View will list the
selected profiles in order. If you select a profile and then click the right mouse button, a context menu
Context Menus appears which allows you to reorder that profile's position in the list, as illustrated
There are four reordering options plus Delete, which will remove the selected profile from the list
Point Profiles
The Skin/Loft feature can accept profiles consisting of a single point. A point profile is defined as a
sketch that contains exactly one construction point and nothing else or a Named Selection with a single
vertex or 3D Point (from Point feature). Point profiles are restricted to either the first and/or last profile
in the profile list. Point profiles may not be placed in the middle of the profile list. If both the start and
end profiles are point profiles, then at least three profiles are necessary for the Skin/Loft feature
instead of the usual two and the third profile must be a non-point profile kept in the middle of the
sequence. You can tell which profiles in the Details View are point profiles by the asterisk (*) that is
placed after them. In the following picture, Sketch3 is a point profile:
You do not need to be concerned about how the guide rail lines up with a point profile, since there is
only a single point for the Skin/Loft to which to converge. The other profiles in your profile list may
be either open or closed, but not both. Shown here are some examples:
Profiles for a boat's hull (closed profiles): After generating the Skin/Loft:
Note: When performing Skin/Loft operations with point profiles at the end and circular or elliptical
profiles throughout the middle, DesignModeler may not be able to generate a walled feature due to a
geometry singularity at the tip of the resultant body.
The Thin/Surface feature has two distinct applications:
The Thin/Surface feature allows you to convert solids into thin solids or surfaces. The feature can
operate on both active and frozen bodies. Typically, you will select the faces to remove, and then
specify a face offset that is greater than or equal to zero (>=0). You can make a model's thickness in
one of three directions of offset:
The simplified shelling application allows you to convert from thin solid models to surface models.
This applies for a thickness of zero (=0). The Thin/Surface feature supports thickness > 0 if the
selected faces are part of Surface bodies. This allows for the "thickening" of an imported surface.
When you create a surface, you can also specify a Face Offset. Face Offset only appears when the
thickness is zero.
The Direction property specifies the direction in which the surface is thickened (or the solid is
hollowed). The directions are Inward, Outward, and Midplane. Midplane allows for consistent
thickness to approximate the mid-surface. Midplane applies half of the given thickness to both sides.
This does not mean midplane extraction. It means that the bodies will be hollowed, such that the inner
and outer walls of the bodies are offset equal distances from the original faces.
For example, shown below left is a body before hollowing and to the right, the body after midplane
The Midplane direction can be applied to Surface bodies as well, so that surfaces are thickened equally
on both sides.
You can choose to keep the original body by setting the Preserve Bodies option to Yes. If the original
body is not required, set the Preserve Bodies option to No.
The Details View can be used to change the modeling operations (Add, Cut, Slice, Imprint, or Add
Frozen) and the alignment of the sweep. Solid, Surface, line bodies, and thin-walled features can be
created by using this feature. For creating a surface body, the inner and outer thickness values should
be kept equal to zero. While creating line bodies, Add Material, and Add Frozen are the only
operations available. Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and updates the model.
The Sweep profile may consist of a single or multiple chains, and they may be either open or closed.
Profile can also contain points. Open chains are swept only if there are no closed chains. Similarly
points are swept only if there are no open or closed chains in the profile. The sweep path may be either
an open or a closed chain, but there may only be one path. If the sweep path is an open chain, then the
endpoint of the path that lies closest to the profile(s) is chosen as the start vertex for the Sweep
For either the Sweep profile or the Sweep path, or both, you can select either a sketch, plane or a
combination of Named Selection features, and geometry entries such as faces, edges, surface bodies or
line bodies as input. For Sweep profile, you may use a point feature point, vertices and point feature.
Also note that if neither end of an open Sweep path or if no vertex of a closed Sweep path lies in the
plane of the Sweep profile, then the resulting Sweep may appear strange. This is especially true if Path
Tangent is being used for Alignment.
Path Tangent: Reorients the profile as it is swept along the path to keep the profile's orientation with
respect to the path consistent.
Use the Scale and Turns/Pitch properties of the Sweep feature to create helical sweeps, as illustrated.
Use Scale to taper or expand the profile along the path of the sweep. The value for Scale determines
the size of the end of the sweep relative to the original profile. The Twist Specification by default is
No Twist. To create helical sweeps, change the option to Turns or Pitch. Use the Turns field to
specify the number of rotations about the path. Use the Pitch field to specify twist, through pitch
length. A negative value for Turns or Pitch will make the profile rotate about the path in the opposite
These properties are designed for creating helical sweeps, although there are some restrictions:
Scale: The sweep path must be an open chain AND smooth. The scale value must not be zero.
Turns/Pitch: The sweep path must be smooth. Additionally, if the sweep path is a closed loop, then
Turns must be an integer. If the sweep path is a closed chain and if Pitch is used as the twist
specification, the Pitch entered must correspond to full integer turns. Turns and Pitch values must not
be zero.
The default values for Scale ,Turns and Pitch are 1.0, 1.0 and 10.0 units respectively.
When Twist Specification is changed from Turns to Pitch, the default Pitch value will be computed
from the Turns entered. Similarly if Twist Specification is changed from Pitch to Turns, the default
Turns value will be computed from the Pitch specified.
Use the Revolve button to create a revolved feature. The active sketch is the default but can be
changed using the Tree Outline. by selecting the desired sketch, a plane from face (boundary used) or
Named Selection features or Point Features in the Tree Outline. Geometric entities such as faces,
edges, vertices or point feature points can also be selected as input for the Revolve feature.
You can select either a sketch or a plane or combination of Named Selection features, point features
and/or geometry entities as input geometry. The Revolve feature can use faces (its edges are actually
used), edges, Surface bodies (treated like faces), line bodies (treated like edges) as input geometric
entities as well as entities from named selections. Point feature points and vertices can also be selected
as input geometry.
If the input geometry contains closed sets of edges and/or faces, only the closed sets of edges and/or
faces will be used for revolution. If there are no closed sets of edges and/or faces, then only open sets
of edges will be used for revolution. Vertices and point feature points will be used when nothing else is
If there is a disjoint line in the sketch, it is chosen as the default axis of revolution. The axis of
revolution can be a Direction Reference selected from a plane, 2D sketch edge, 3D model edge, face or
two points.
Further, the Details View can be used to change the angle of revolution, the feature direction, and
modeling operation: Add, Cut, Slice, Imprint, or Add Frozen. Solids, surfaces, and thin-walled features
can be created by using this feature. When point profiles are to be revolved only the Add Material and
Add Frozen options are available. For creating a Surface body, the inner and outer thickness values
should be kept equal to zero. Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and updates the model.
You can access two directions via a combination box with four options:
Both - Symmetric: Applies feature in both directions. One set of angles will apply to both directions.
Both - Asymmetric: Applies feature in both directions. Each direction has its own angle property.
Share Topology
Use the Share Topology button to add or remove the Share Topology feature from the model. When
the Share Topology button is on you will see the Share Topology feature in the Tree Outline. When
the Share Topology button is off you will not see the Share Topology feature and any features you
may have created after the Share Topology feature in the Tree Outline. Turning on the toggle button
will bring back the Share Topology feature and all other features created after it. For a better
understanding of the concept, see Shared Topology.
This feature performs the Share Topology operation in the ANSYS DesignModeler application that
is similar to the topology sharing operation done during the transfer to the ANSYS Mechanical
application. With this feature, you will see the same model in the DesignModeler application that you
will see after transferring the model to the ANSYS Mechanical application. This gives you a chance to
make modifications to the model in DesignModeler before transferring it to the ANSYS Mechanical
application. An exception to this is when the Parts Share Topology Method is set to Edge Joints. You
will not see the results of the Edge Joints method in DesignModeler. The Edge Joints operation is
applied only on transferring the model to the ANSYS Mechanical application.
When the Share Topology toggle is turned on, the Share Topology feature is added after any features
that exist in the current model. It is not possible to insert the Share Topology feature at any desired
location. You should also click on the Generate button to see the results of the Share Topology feature
and any features you may have created after it.
When the Share Topology is turned off the Share Topology feature and any features you may have
created after it are not shown in the Tree Outline and the model is restored to the state that reflects the
features shown in the Tree Outline.
The Details View of the Share Topology feature lists the parts and for each part, its name and the
Share Topology Method. The name of the part and the Share Topology Method can also be modified
from the Details View of the Share Topology feature.
In addition, for databases created before Release 15.0, another option appears in the Details View
called Optimizations which can be toggled On or Off (Default). By enabling this option, a
performance improvement may be seen during the execution of Share Topology; however, persistence
of loads and boundary conditions, or features after Share Topology, may require re-scoping
Share Topology is a global feature (works on all the Parts of the model) and there can be at most one
instance of the feature in the model. For detailed information on shared topology refer Shared
Topology section of Bodies and Parts documentation.
Once added, the Share Topology feature cannot be suppressed. You can delete the feature from the
model using the right mouse button Context Menus, if there is no other feature that depends on it.
Simplifying or cleaning the model, via the Body Operation feature, prior to Share Topology can
improve speed and robustness of the feature.
The following features can be added after the Share Topology feature in the Tree Outline.
Named Selection
The menu buttons for all other features are grayed out once Share Topology feature is present in
model because most features cannot be added after the Share Topology feature. However, depending
on state of model , you can insert other features before the Share Topology feature in Tree Outline
using the insert Context Menus.
Use the Extrude button to create an extruded feature. The active sketch is the default input but can be
changed by selecting the desired sketch, a plane from face (boundary used) or Named Selection
features of Point features in the Tree Outline. Geometric entities such as faces, edges, vertices or point
feature points can also be selected as input for the Extrusion feature.
You can select either a sketch or a plane or combination of number of named selection features, point
features and/or geometry entities as input geometry. If the input geometry is other than sketch or plane,
then a Direction Vector must be defined, and will be used for extruding all entities specified. Extrude
can use faces (its edges are actually used), edges, surface bodies (treated like faces), line bodies
(treated like edges) as input geometric entities as well as from named selections. Point feature points
and vertices can also be selected as input geometry.
If the input geometry contains closed sets of edges and/or faces, only the closed sets of edges and/or
faces will be used for extrusion. If there are no closed sets of edges and/or faces, then only open sets of
edges will be used for extrusion. Vertices and point feature points will be used when nothing else is
selected for extrusion.
The Details View is used to set the Extrude depth, direction vector, direction, direction type and
modeling operation (Add, Cut, Slice, Imprint, or Add Frozen). When point profiles are to be extruded
only the Add Material and Add Frozen options are available. Clicking Generate completes the feature
creation and updates the model.
The default Direction Vector is normal to the plane the sketch lies in. However, you can define a
custom Direction Vector by selecting a Direction Reference. The direction you choose must not be
parallel to the base object or the Extrude may fail to generate.
You can access two directions via a combination box with four options:
Both - Symmetric: Applies feature in both directions. One set of extents and depths will apply to
both directions.
Both - Asymmetric: Applies feature in both directions. Each direction has its own extent and depth
Extent Types
There are five Extent Types that you use to define the extrusion:
Fixed Type
To Next Type
To Faces Type
To Surface Type
Note: When the extent type is set to Through All, To Next, or To Faces, the extrusion of one set of
connected edges or each face in the face selection must result in one body, otherwise, the feature
would produce an error.
Fixed Type
Fixed extents will extrude the profiles the exact distance specified by the Depth property. The feature
preview shows an exact representation of how the feature will be created:
Through All will extend the profile through the entire model. When adding material with this option,
the extended profile must fully intersect the model. Although the preview will show the direction in
which the profile gets extruded, the actual extent will not be determined until the feature is generated.
If Target Bodies are selected, then the ANSYS DesignModeler application will only consider those
bodies when determining the Through All extent.
If the Target Bodies property is set to All Bodies, then, all active bodies in the model are considered
when determining the Through All extent if the operation type is Add Frozen, Add Material, Imprint
Faces, or Cut Material. If the Target Bodies property is set to All Bodies, then, all bodies in the model
are considered when determining the Through All extent if the operation type is Slice Material.
To Next Type
To Next will extend the profile up to the first surface it encounters when adding material. When
performing Cut and Slice operations, the extent will go up to and through the first surface or volume it
encounters. Although the preview will show the direction in which the profile gets extruded, the actual
extent will not be determined until the feature is generated.
If Target Bodies are selected, then the ANSYS DesignModeler application will only consider those
bodies when determining the To Next extent.
If the Target Bodies property is set to All Bodies, then, all active bodies in the model are considered
when determining the To Next extent if the operation type is Add Frozen, Add Material, Imprint
Faces, or Cut Material. If the Target Bodies property is set to All Bodies, then, all bodies in the model
are considered when determining the To Next extent if the operation type is Slice Material.
Note: When using the Imprint operation type, the To Next extent may in fact not be extruded if the
application determines that the profile is already coincident to a face. In this case, the application will
imprint that face only and skip extruding the profile up to the next surface.
When performing the Add Frozen operation, only active bodies that partially intersect with the
extrusion will be removed until it encounters the first active body surface or volume completely
bounding the extrusion.
Example 22: Add Frozen
Consider two active bodies are present in the ANSYS DesignModeler application, as shown below.
The face from the surfaced body is selected as the extrusion profile with the Add Frozen operation.
The To Next extent for the selected profile creates an extruded body with cut out portions of partially
intersecting active bodies as shown below.
To Faces Type
The To Faces is an advanced option which allows you to extend the Extrude feature up to a boundary
formed by one or more faces. Select the face or faces to which you want to extend the Extrude feature.
This is easiest when you have only one profile in the base sketch. If you have multiple profiles in your
Base Object, you have to make sure that each profile has at least one face intersecting its extent.
Otherwise, an extent error will result.
The extent calculation is the same for all material types. Although the preview will show the direction
in which the profile gets extruded, the actual extent will not be calculated until the feature is generated.
To Faces option is quite different from To Next. You can say that To Next does not mean "to the next
face," but rather "through the next chunk of the body ( Solid or Surface)."
Another noteworthy aspect of the To Faces option is that it can also be used with respect to faces of
frozen bodies.
To Surface Type
The To Surface extent is an advanced option which allows you to define the extent through a surface.
In this case a single target face is selected and its underlying (and possibly unbounded) surface is used
as the extent. The underlying surface must fully intersect the extruded profile or an error will result.
Also, note that some Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) target faces cannot be extended. In
those cases, the Surface Extension feature may fail if the extension is not fully bounded by the selected
target face's surface.
The extent calculation is the same for all material types. The preview will show the direction of the
extrusion, but the actual extent calculation is not performed until the feature is generated.
Fixed Radius
Variable Radius
Vertex Blend
Fixed Radius
The Fixed-Radius feature allows you to create blends on model edges. This feature can be executed
on both frozen and active bodies beginning in version 11.0. Prior to version 11.0, this feature would
only operate on active bodies. You can preselect 3D edges and/or faces for blending, and select 3D
edges and/or faces while in the blend creation itself. If you select a face, all the edges from that face
are blended. Preselection allows additional options from a right mouse button context menu for face
edge loop selection and smooth 3D edge chain selection from the model. You can edit the blend radius
in the Details View. Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and updates the model.
Variable Radius
The Variable-Radius feature allows you to blend features on model edges. This feature can be
executed on both frozen and active bodies beginning in version 11.0. Prior to version 11.0, this feature
would only operate on active bodies. You can preselect 3D edges for blending and/or you can select
3D edges while in the blend creation itself. Preselection allows additional options from a right mouse
button context menu for face edge loop selection and smooth 3D edge chain selection from the model.
Use the Details View to change the start and end blend radius for each edge.
If the edges under the selection have common vertices, the value of the radius for both edges must be
same at a common vertex. Modifying the value radius of an edge will automatically change the radius
of the other edge at the common vertex.
Also, the Details View can set the transition between blends to smooth or linear.
Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and updates the model.
For Parameter Manager, the FD indexes are unique for each property in the Details View. The FD
indexes are repeated if the edges under the selection have common vertices. On promoting the radius
at a common vertex, all instances of radius at the common vertex are promoted when any one radius is
promoted or demoted, as illustrated below.
The Chamfer feature allows you to create planar transitions (or chamfer faces) across model edges.
This feature can be executed on both frozen and active bodies beginning in version 11.0. Prior to
version 11.0, this feature would only operate on active bodies.
You can preselect 3D edges and/or faces for chamfering, and/or you can select 3D edges and/or faces
while in the chamfer creation itself. If a face is selected, all the edges from that face are chamfered.
Preselection allows additional options from a right mouse button context menu for face edge loop
selection and smooth 3D edge chain selection from the model. Every edge on a face has a direction.
This direction defines a right and left side.
Chamfer is defined either by two distances from the edge for the planar transition (chamfer face), or
by a distance (left or right) and an angle. The type of chamfer is defined in the Details View along with
the distances and angle. Clicking Generate completes the feature creation and updates the model.
When specifying the left and right lengths, the left and right sides of the edge are determined based on
the edge orientation. The face on the right side of the edge is offset by the right length and the face on
the left side is offset by the left length. The intersection curve of these offset surfaces is projected on
the corresponding faces. Such a projection of the intersection curve onto the right and left faces
determines the extent to which the body will be chamfered.
The Point feature allows for controlled and fully dimensioned placement of points relative to selected
model faces and edges. These points are referred to as point feature points, or PF points.
Point topics:
Point Placement
Point Mate Search Procedure
Face Offset Property
Coordinates File
Point Load and Spot Weld from Coordinate File Notations
Special Notes for PF Points in Regions of Shared Topology
Manual Input
The feature can operate on both active and frozen bodies. You begin by selecting the set of base faces
and edges, or only line body guide edges. Next, select the type:
Spot Weld: Used for "welding" together otherwise disjointed bodies. Only those points that
successfully generate mates are passed as Spot Welds to the ANSYS Mechanical application.
Point Load: Used for "hard points" in the analysis. All points that successfully generate are
passed to the ANSYS Mechanical application as vertices. However, the ANSYS Mechanical
application will ignore points that do not lie on any body. Point loads on multibody parts are
Construction Point: No points of this type are passed to the ANSYS Mechanical application.
Then, choose from up to five possible Point Definition options, and for each of these certain placement
definitions may be specified:
The Point placement is defined by distances on the chain of guide edges and by distances along the
chain of guide edges as follows:
Sigma: The distance between the beginning of the chain of guide edges and the placement of the first
point. Measurement is taken on the chain of the first Guide Edge selected, in arc length.
Edge Offset: The approximate distance between the guide edges and the placement of the spots on
the set of base faces (not applicable to line body guide edges).
Delta: The distance, measured on the guide edges, in arc length between two consecutive points, for
the Sequence By Delta option.
N: The number of points to be placed, relative to the chain of guide edges, in case of the Sequence By
N option.
Omega: The distance between the end of the chain of guide edges and the placement of the last spot,
for the Sequence By N option. Measurement is taken on the chain of the Guide Edges in arc length.
Base Faces: Where points are to be added (only for non-line body guide edges). Base Faces are
not applicable to create points on line body edges.
Guiding Edges: Used as a reference to create the points.
Mating Faces: What DesignModeler detects as the faces on which mating points are to be
created when creating the "Spot Welds. This can be used to approximate Seam Welds."
o Non-line body guide edges: These faces may be on either side of the Base Faces within
the given range. If the edge offset is zero (that is, if the points lie on the Guide Edges,
and no Mating Faces are found on either side of the Base Face), then an attempt is made
to find Mating Faces in the tangent direction of the Base Face.
o Line body guide edges: The Mating face may be in any direction to the guide edge
within the given range.
Mating Targets: What body is to be used for finding contact points. Used for models with
multiple bodies, when contact is only desired between certain bodies.
The mating face is detected automatically, and the points are added depending on whether the mating
face is above the points on the base face, or below the points on the base face. Illustrated below is an
example when points will not have mating points on the Mating Face.
Point Placement
For edge offsets that are nonzero, the point is placed on a Base Face, relative to the Guiding Edge, as
illustrated below.
Points that fall outside their base faces will not be placed, as illustrated below.
Note: The Edge Offset is not applicable to line body edges. In this case, points always will be placed
on the selected line bodies.
If Sigma is zero, then the sequence of the points will begin from the beginning of the first edge of the
chain of guide edges. Similarly, if Omega is zero, the point at the other end will be at the end of the
last edge of the chain of guide edges.
For the Spot Weld analysis type, there is a "Range" property in the Details View. In this case, for each
point placed on the base faces/guide edges, the system will attempt to find a suitable "mate" on another
face (typically on another Surface body). If successful, it will then place a point at the "mate" position
as well (the original point and its mate will be interpreted as a "weld" by the ANSYS Mechanical
application). The Range specifies the maximum distance for each original point to probe for its mate.
Note that in Edit Selections mode the mouse cursor is enclosed by a circle of diameter equal to the
Range provided for the Spot Weld analysis type. This enables you to visualize the range in the
model workspace (Graphics Window). No circle will be drawn if Range provided is 0. The image
shows the cursor change when range value provided is 2 millimeter.
Point Mate Search Procedure
Points on Faces
Direction 1 and 2 are always searched. The closest mate found from these two directions is chosen. If
no mate is found, then direction 3 is searched.
Mate placement is defined by the ray originating from the original point in one of the three directions
described above. Note that each point's ray may be different, since the ray depends on the shape of the
base face, as illustrated below. The distance between the point and its mate must be less than or equal
to the Range parameter. For a Spot Weld from Coordinates File, only directions 1 and 2 are searched.
Also note that the placement of the mate may fail if the candidate face is tangential to the ray direction.
For points on line body, mates are found by searching around the point (360 degrees), in the normal
direction to the guide edge at that point as shown in the figure below.
The closest mate found from the point will be chosen to create the mate point. However, the distance
between the point and its mate must be less than or equal to the Range parameter.
Face Offset Property
This option allows you to place points offset from the surface of the base face. The Face Offset
property is available for Point Load and Construction Point types, but not for Spot Welds. The offset
direction is determined by the surface normal as shown here. The Face Offset Property is not
supported for points created on line bodies as they are not attached with any faces.
The face offset may be either positive or negative, and may even result in the point being placed inside
a body. An example is shown here, where the base face and guide edge are highlighted.
Current versions of the ANSYS Mechanical application (up to and including 9.0) do not support
isolated points, that is, points that are placed off a surface, be it inside or outside a solid. This means
that currently you should not use Face Offsets > 0 for any other purpose than for creating construction
points, internal to the ANSYS DesignModeler model.
Coordinates File
This option allows you to specify a text file from which to read coordinates. These coordinates are
used exactly as specified and are not projected onto any face or edge. The file itself must be a simple
text file formatted according to the following rules:
1. After a pound sign '#,' everything else on that line is considered a comment and is ignored.
2. Empty lines are ignored.
3. Data consists of 5 fields, all on one line, separated by spaces and/or tabs:
a. Group number (integer): must be >0
b. Id number (integer): must be >0
c. X coordinate
d. Y coordinate
e. Z coordinate
4. A data line with the same Group and Id numbers as a previous data line is an error.
5. Number of points is limited to the value set in the Options dialog box (see the Point Feature
Limit setting under the ANSYS DesignModeler application's Miscellaneous settings in the
Options dialog box).
Before generation, a unit for the coordinates and a base plane must be selected. The current session
unit and the last plane selected will be used by default.
The Refresh property for this option allows you to update your text file and have the system read it
again. Since the Group number and Id number fields uniquely identify each point generated for this
Point feature, this allows you to modify coordinates, or delete or add points. A sample coordinates file
is shown below.
# Group 1
1 1 20.1234 25.4321 30.5678
1 2 25.2468 30.1357 35.1928
1 3 15.5555 16.6666 17.7777
#Group 2
2 1 50.0101 100.2021 7.1515
2 2 -22.3456 .8765 -.9876
2 3 21.1234 22.4321 23.5678
For Point Load and Spot Weld, a base face or base edge in case the edge belongs to line body is
searched for at each point, and for Spot Weld, mate faces are also determined. Because the mate faces
are automatically detected, you should not put locations of mate points in the file. Doing so may result
in the creation of duplicate spot welds.
Normally, a very tight tolerance is used when checking that a point is actually on a face or edge when
the edge belongs to line body. For locations read from coordinate files, this tolerance is loosened to
make the points easier to specify. However, they will still need to be within 5.0e -7 meters of the face.
This tolerance is mapped to the unit setting you are using, so for example it is equivalent to 5.0e-4
millimeters, or about 2.0e-5 inches.
For points edges (not associated with line body), if a point lies on an edge or vertex, then any of the
adjacent faces could be used for Point Load. Spot Weld will try each of these possible faces until it
finds one for which it can also find a mate face. You have some control of this by selecting the Target
Bodies in the Point feature.
For Point Load and Spot Weld, points are created for each coordinate in the file (up to the limit, see
item five in Coordinates File). However, note that the ANSYS Mechanical application will ignore
Point Load points that are not on a face. Also, for Spot Welds, if no base face is found, the point is
internally marked as "expired" and does not display or transfer to the ANSYS Mechanical application.
Note: If a point is in contact with a suppressed body, the point will also be suppressed, and therefore
will not be transferred to the ANSYS Mechanical application. If you wish to transfer points to the
ANSYS Mechanical application, but not the underlying body, you must delete the underlying body
instead of suppressing it.
ANSYS DesignModeler allows the placement of PF Points on multibody parts, but you should be
careful when placing them in a region of Shared Topology. When neighboring bodies are combined in
a multibody part, sometimes edges and faces can disappear due to merging. If a PF Point is placed in a
region where topology between bodies will be shared, there is a good chance the point will not appear
in the ANSYS Mechanical application when the model is transferred. The reason for this is that PF
points reference specific face and edge geometry. If its face or edge gets merged away in the final part
due to shared topology, then the PF point will not transfer to the ANSYS Mechanical application. To
ensure the PF Point makes it into the ANSYS Mechanical application, it is advisable to place PF Points
on both sides of the shared region.
Manual Input
This option allows you to create any number of Construction Points from a single Point feature by
manually entering the coordinate values for each point. Each point group represents one point in
ANSYS DesignModeler. You can create as many point groups as you want in one Point feature.