The document provides a checklist of pragmatic skills with examples of both non-verbal and verbal demonstrations of each skill. There are over 30 pragmatic skills listed with 2-4 examples given for both non-verbal and verbal displays of the skill.
The document provides a checklist of pragmatic skills with examples of both non-verbal and verbal demonstrations of each skill. There are over 30 pragmatic skills listed with 2-4 examples given for both non-verbal and verbal displays of the skill.
The document provides a checklist of pragmatic skills with examples of both non-verbal and verbal demonstrations of each skill. There are over 30 pragmatic skills listed with 2-4 examples given for both non-verbal and verbal displays of the skill.
The document provides a checklist of pragmatic skills with examples of both non-verbal and verbal demonstrations of each skill. There are over 30 pragmatic skills listed with 2-4 examples given for both non-verbal and verbal displays of the skill.
Non-verbal examples of expressing each skill are listed first, while verbal is second.
Pragmatic Skill (with Non-Verbal and Verbal Examples) Non-Verbal Verbal
Maintains appropriate eye contact
e.g., initiates/maintains eye contact during interactions e.g., initiates/maintains eye contact during conversations Indicates agreement or disagreement e.g., shakes head or nods e.g., shakes head or nods while saying "yes" or "no" Uses appropriate facial expressions e.g., expression matches emotion conveyed e.g., expression matches emotion conveyed in words Uses appropriate social distancing e.g., distance from strangers e.g., uses more indirect requests for adults vs direct requests for children Uses appropriate physical posturing e.g., turns toward speaker e.g., faces conversational partner when speaking Shows awareness of time, place, environment e.g., stays close in public places e.g., whispers in church/library vs yells at party Shows awareness of social relationships e.g., different behavior for stranger vs. friend e.g., marks adult status by using formal address: "Mr." Shows awareness of other person's world knowledge e.g., clarifies with gestures if person can't see what child is referring to e.g., "See that dog? The one with the big bow? Uses appropriate greetings, pre-closings, closings e.g., smiles, waves bye-bye e.g., "hi, how are you? what's your name?" "gotta go..." "see you later" Uses natural gestures e.g., points to referent e.g., incorporates natural gestures into conversation Changes intensity and intonation of voice e.g., uses high pitch when playing with babies e.g., uses intensity/intonation to stress a word in a sentence Indicates existence e.g., points to lost object when he finds it e.g., "there it is" Pragmatic Skill (with Non-Verbal and Verbal Examples) Non-Verbal Verbal Indicates location e.g., points to object when asked for it e.g., "it's behind the couch" Indicates disappearance e.g., raises hands to side and looks around for lost object e.g., "no more" "all gone" "where is it?" Indicates cessation e.g., gestures/quiets body, indicating something stopped e.g., "it stopped" Gives object e.g., hands object to person e.g., "here it is" Gives information e.g., through gestures e.g., "Daddy's working" Indicates when another makes a mistake e.g., covers mouth/laughs, looks shocked e.g., "uh-oh!" "look what he did!" States rules e.g., shakes head/finger if someone spills something e.g., "first take a bath, then watch TV" Makes choices e.g., points to desired object e.g., "I want chocolate" Calls for attention e.g., taps, tugs e.g., "Mommy!" Answers/acknowledges e.g., turns when called e.g., "what?" "huh?" Takes turns e.g., in activities, games, interactions e.g., "my turn, then your turn" Initiates conversation e.g., points to a sore, indicates a bug, etc. e.g., "know what?" Establishes joint referent e.g., shows object and makes sure partner is looking at same object e.g., "see that ball over there? no--the red ball..." Pragmatic Skill (with Non-Verbal and Verbal Examples) Non-Verbal Verbal Requests object/action/information/permission e.g., shakes empty cereal box looks up with questioning expression e.g., "help me" "do that" "gimme me that" "who's that?" "where is it?" "can I?" Comments on object/action/information e.g., points to mushy banana and makes raspberry sound and "yuck" expression e.g., "pretty flower" "fast car" "I don't wanna go" Denies/protests/disagrees e.g., shakes head as peas are put on his plate e.g., not me "that's wrong" Makes predictions e.g., pantomimes falling when asked "what will happen if you run?" e.g., "maybe it's too small" "I think it will be cold" Expresses feelings/needs/problems e.g., taps diaper to indicate it needs to be changed e.g., "I'm hungry" "he hit me" Offers help e.g., offers a hand when another falls down e.g., "want my cup?" "take my bike" Consoles e.g., offers a hug to comfort crying child e.g., "what happened?" "that's ok" Pretends e.g., dresses up as daddy and 'goes to work' e.g., "I'm the Monster!" Deceives e.g., switches desserts with child next to him when child isn't looking e.g., "I didn't do it--he did" Shows sense of humor and imagination by joking e.g., puts milk in cupboard instead of fridge and laughs e.g., "knock-knock, who's there?" Requests clarification e.g., gives a puzzled, questioning look e.g., "what did you say?" Responds to request for clarification e.g., uses gestures or shows what he means to clarify e.g., "I said...." repeats or rephrases what he said Pragmatic Skill (with Non-Verbal and Verbal Examples) Non-Verbal Verbal Maintains conversation (3+ exchanges) e.g., passes toy back and forth to partner while playing e.g., "wanna be the mommy?" "then you get sick" "then we go to the doctor" Tells stories e.g., combines gestures, mime, and vocalizations to tell fishing story e.g., "Daddy went fishing--he caught a big fish"
Pragmatic Skill (with Verbal Example) Verbal
Imitates/repeats appropriately e.g., imitates language models in meaningful communication interactions Labels objects e.g., "ball" "airplane" Plays with language e.g., "daddy-waddy-maddy", and other sound play Talks about talking (metalinguistics) e.g., "you talk too fast" "you talk funny" Uses politeness markers e.g., "Thank you, Mr. Smith." "You're welcome" Uses language appropriate/relevant to situation/people present e.g., does not discuss personal matters with strangers Provides sufficient (not too much or too little) information e.g., does not give long explanations for a quick question Gives names to people and animals e.g., "that's my dolly, Jennifer" Asks conversational questions e.g., "are you the baby's mommy?" "what's the baby's name?" Gives explanations/directions e.g., "I couldn't do it cuz I'm too little" "Put my dolly in the basket" Changes topics appropriately e.g. "Remember Grandpa--Is he coming tomorrow?" Marks new/old information with "a" or "the" e.g., "I found a sticker yesterday, but it wasn't the sticker you wanted."
Copyright Mary McGinnis/John Tracy Clinic 1999-2013