Gaia Has A Temperature!

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Climate, El Nino, Drought and

The El Nino - Southern Oscillation is more frequent and more intensive inducing fire
in Indonesia and adjacent areas.

J. R. E. Harger, Director, Highspan International Environmental Consultants, 36 Vanessa Crescent, Glendowie, Auckland, New Zealand


The "El Nino-Southern Oscillation" (ENSO) consists of a movement of the waters along the
equatorial region of the Pacific, associated with a so-called "Kelvin Wave" and coupled with
atmospheric changes. This combination causes significant areas of the globe to experience
extended droughts or alternatively, periods of heavy rainfall. Over the last 20-30 years or so, the
frequency and intensity of this massive movement of water along the equator in the Pacific has
increased. The development of dry conditions in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, has
been emphasized since the 1982-1983 ENSO Warm Event. At that time, fires took hold of
second-growth vegetation and some of these eventually penetrated into underlying coal seams in
Kalimantan in 70-80 separate locations. These underground "hot-spots" continue to burn to date
(late 1999) and are one source (along with land clearing, lightning-strikes etc.) of wild-fires that
have characterized the ENSO Warm Events. Since 1982 ENSO warm events have promoted
conditions permitting fires to break out in Kalimantan and Sumatra in 1982,1983, 1987, 1991,
1993, 1994, 1997, 1998. The worst fires occurred in 1982-1983, 1987, 1991, 1994 and 1997. The
system appears to be moving in a more agitated manner as the Earth redistributes incoming heat
throughout the depths of the oceans. In effect the response can be likened to that of a simple
"heat pump". The following account is based on analysis of long-term temperature records from
Indonesia (1866-1994).


The major features in development of the "El Nino - Southern Oscillation" (ENSO) involve
oscillation of the Pacific Ocean and the related atmosphere in an unpredictable (chaotic) fashion.
The system moves between extremes of so called "warm events", lasting one or two years, and
"cold events". In the course of the "warm events", warm sea water moves from the western
Pacific along the equator to impact on the west coast of the American continent. Cold-events are
associated with easterly trade winds and induced flows of colder water from the eastern Pacific
towards the west. Historical data indicate that ENSO years as experienced by the Island of Java
(Indonesia) are either much warmer than non-ENSO years or are only slightly, if at all, warmer
than normal (non-ENSO) years. Along the equator in Southeast Asia, cooler wet years almost
always follow hot-dry years and vice-versa, within the ENSO warm event cycle. This alternating
pattern also extends to include the year immediately following the terminal year of an ENSO
warm event set. The initial year of an ENSO warm event set may be either hot with a long dry
season or relatively cool (nearer to the temperature of a non-ENSO year) and having a short dry
season. For Indonesia, in the years between 1950 and 1999, there have been 10 separate ENSO
warm events. The initial year for 7 (1951, 1957, 1963, 1972, 1982, 1991, 1997) has been hot and
dry or neutral and three years have been cool and wet (1968, 1976, 1986).

Air temperature and El Nino activity

Air-temperature records from Jakarta (Pusat) 06 degrees 11 minutes south, 106 degrees 50
minutes east, population 8.8 million in 1991, exist since 1866 with missing years confined to
1943, 1946, 1947 and 1958. These have been combined ("pooled") with records from Semarang
07 degrees 00 minutes south, 110 degrees 25 minutes east, a smaller city (population 1.1 million
in 1989) 450 km to the east, from the years 1982-1991 inclusive. The data include the Jakarta
temperatures from 1866-1996. Figure 1 shows the secular trend of the mean annual temperature
(degrees Centigrade) together with regression lines representing the mean temperatures for the
warmest and coldest months for ENSO and non-ENSO years respectively. The slopes of the
regression lines representing the temperature progression of the coldest and the warmest months
with time, differ significantly from each other (Figure 2). When the Jakarta-Semarang
temperature records for ENSO warm event years (Kiladis and Diaz 1989, Brookfield H. and
Allen B.1991, Wang 1991) are separated from "non-ENSO years" (all other years), the former
are significantly warmer than the latter on average by 0.16 C degrees throughout the time
covered by the data. However, the trend towards increasing temperature is consistent for both
groups so that each appears to increase in temperature at the same rate. The relationship between
temperature of warmest months for ENSO and non-ENSO years is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

The cities of Jakarta and Semerang on the north coast of Java have warmed progressively over
the last 130 or so at a comparatively constant rate. The temperatures of the warmest and coldest
months of El Nino years are now markedly different from "normal years". The El Nino years
now swing through a broader range than was the case at the turn of the century.
Figure 2
Overall, the mean temperature for the warmest and coldest month from 1866 to 1996 appear as
below. It is pertinent to note that the divergent pattern shown by the temperature increase for the
warmest and coldest months does not exist for Manila, a city removed from the equator and the
immediate effects of the Indonesian through-flow of warm seawater associated with the warm-

Figure 3

El Nino years are typically (but not always) associated with elevated sea-surface temperatures
on a global scale.
Figure 4

Smoke from biomass-burning rising from Kalimantan and Sumatra in Indonesia, September
1997 during the El Nino - induced drought. (Image courtesy of the Indonesian Department of the
Figure 5

The frequency of severe droughts (greater than 6 consecutive months with < 100 mm of rainfall
each) in the region of Jakarta, Indonesia has increase markedly since the 1940s. There is no
indication of a similar heightened frequency of El Nino events elsewhere in the instrumental
record between 1866 and 1940.
As previously mentioned, there is an increasing annual trend in air-temperature exhibited by the
mean monthly values over the period 1866-1993, for Java (Jakarta and Semarang data taken
together). This totals1.64 degrees C (0.0132 degrees C per year as the temperature has moved
from 25.771 degrees C to 27.409 degrees C). The major industrial development in infrastructure
for Jakarta has been significant only since 1980 or so and was not apparent before 1970 when the
city had the aspect of an extended village with few large buildings (greater than 3-4 stories) and
no extensive highways. The 1.65 degree difference between 1866-1991 can presumably be
partitioned into: 1) urban heat-island effect, 2) effect of deforestation, 3) effect of secular micro-
climate shift, 4) influence of general global warming with particular reference to the tropics.

When the blocks of non-ENSO years in themselves are examined, the deviations from the
secular trend for warmest month mean temperatures in successive years are correlated with those
of the next immediate year deviation. It thus appears that either continual warming or cooling
appears to take place from the termination of one ENSO to the initiation of the next. When the
deviations around the time-based trend shown by the warmest month average temperatures are
summed for the inter-ENSO intervals (the separate non-ENSO years) the resulting index is
positively correlated with the following (initial) ENSO warmest month deviation from the
overall ENSO warmest month secular trend. This provides an immediate predictive mechanism
for the likely strength of an ENSO, in terms of the dry season impact to the Island of Java,
should one occur in the next year to break a non-ENSO sequence. The length of the build-up and
the build-up achieved seems not to be related (Harger 1994a). The relationship does not in itself
however, predict the occurrence of the "next" ENSO.

The data show that a consistent structure underlies ENSO events for the last century and a
quarter. However, as a process monitored by mean monthly air-temperature measurements at
Jakarta-Semarang, the system is changing in character with time in association with an overall
atmospheric temperature increase in a way that involves increased intra-annual temperature
fluctuations (Figure 2). In general, ENSO years are associated with higher temperatures than
non-ENSO years, with a significant negative correlation between subsequent years which are
thereafter systematically cooler. This is presumably because the ENSO event actively mixes
excess heat energy into the ocean-sink to an extent that is in direct proportion to the outstanding
positive temperature deviation (Figure 3). A weak ENSO, preceded by a relatively modest
temperature build-up in the lead-up non-ENSO years, then results in limited mixing which leads
to a relatively warm subsequent year while a strong event leads to extensive mixing and so
generally results in a following very much cooler year. Atmospheric temperature build-up
possibly associated with the greenhouse effect may be coupled to an increasingly wider
temperature swing in west and central Java associated with the warm pool influence but
anchored by the ocean-sink.


The influence of the ENSO (warm events) is apparently far reaching. During such events in the
Pacific, seasonal rainfall is increased for Kiribati, Tuvalu and the northern Cooks but decreased
in southern Cooks, Fiji, and Tonga. The "great dry event" of 1877-1878 was associated with
global impact being the proximal cause of millions of deaths from famine in India and China.
Particular effects were noted in association with the 1982-1983 ENSO (warm) event. These are
now termed ENSO-climate teleconnections. The effects induced by such teleconnections are
termed "climate anomalies" (periods of drought or extensive rainfall) and these tend to occur
during most if not all ENSO events". In particular, the effects of ENSO Warm Events are not
spread evenly throughout Indonesia and both drought and flooding create substantial disruptions
and severe economic dislocation (Indonesian Ministry of the Environment, 1998).

A general scenario of suspected teleconnections associated with ENSO (warm events) may be
summarized as warm and dry in southeast Asia extending north and south of the equator with a
wet area around the equator in the central Pacific with another dry area in the northeast of south
America. Wet areas in the southeast and southwest of the U.S.A. as well as northeast of South
America, southeast of South America and also east Africa. Warm areas occur in south Asia, East
Asia, northwest of North America, southeast Africa, southeast Australia and east of South

Fire and Crop Loss in Indonesia

Indonesia lies on the western margin of the ENSO interaction and for the most part enjoys a
humid tropical climate except in the eastern most regions. Indonesia presently supports extensive
tracts of tropical rain forest, apparently amounting to some 117.9 million ha in 1990, which
accounts for some 6.4% of the global total estimated as 1,838 million ha in 1982. For Indonesia,
the ENSO-associated warm event drought of 1991 led to the failure of 190,000 ha in paddy with
an overall 843,000 ha affected. This event caused unprecedented losses in rice production to
Indonesia resulting in 600,000 tons being imported to the previously self-sufficient archipelago.
In 1982-1983 the ENSO-associated drought of that time, resulted in 420,000 ha of paddy being
affected and failure of 158,000 ha. The event was also accompanied by forest fires which burned
3.7 million ha of generally second-growth timber, mainly in Kalimantan (Borneo). An area of
88,000 ha burned in 1991 (Jakarta Post 30 November 1991) largely in Kalimantan in association
with the 1991-1992 ENSO event. An extensive pall of smoke developed over Kalimantan,
Singapore and Malaysia during September-October of 1991. Similar fires raged during the height
of the 1997 El Nino event (Figure 4) and these burned well into 1998 killing at least 40 people
directly and affecting 1.5 million ha. The smoke was responsible for inflicting respiratory
problems on 50 million people. Over 3000 flights were cancelled due to haze (Indonesian
Ministry of the Environment, 1998).

The development of dry conditions in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, has been
emphasized since the 1982-1983 ENSO Warm Event. At that time, fires took hold of second-
growth vegetation and some of these eventually penetrated into underlying coal seams in
Kalimantan (Borneo) in 70-80 separate locations. In many parts of Kalimantan coal seams
measuring several meters in thickness occur at shallow depths (a few meters to several meters).
Once ignited, the coal burned underground and the overburden subsequently slumped into open
pits of smoldering ash. Smoke and coal-distillates vented into the overlying vegetation. Surface
fire-pits developed in various places as the underlying coal was exploited by combustion. At a
later time, surface fires arose because the vegetation subsequently caught alight due to direct or
indirect contact with the burning coal. The combustible gasses released from the pits and vents
exacerbated the problem. The fires were often located in isolated regions and are extremely hard
to stop. The burning area must be completely ringed by wide trenches extending many meters
from the surface to the base of the coal seams. These underground "hot-spots" continue to burn
to date (late 1999) and are one source (along with land clearing, lightning-strikes etc.) of the
wild-fires that have characterized the ENSO Warm Events.

Most of the fires burn through secondary vegetation since primary forest in general tends to
resist penetration except under conditions of extreme drought. A recovery period of 8-10 years or
so is more than sufficient for the generation of re-growth vegetation capable of supporting
further combustion. Forest-use practices involving the establishment of logging roads, clear-
cutting and even controlled extraction of trees serve to open up the vegetation and to make it
more susceptible to penetration by fire during ENSO Warm Events than would otherwise be the

Since 1982 ENSO Warm Events have promoted serious fires in Kalimantan and Sumatra in
1982,1983, 1987, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1998. The worst fires occurred in 1982-1983, 1987, 1991,
1994 and 1997.
Severe droughts in the Island of Java can be defined as periods greater than 6 months in duration
where less than 100mm of rainfall are recorded in each month. The frequency of ENSO Warm
Events associated with such droughts has increased through the period 1950-1999 from a mean
length of 4.5 months to 5.0 months (p<. 00001), (Figure 5). The length of the dry season, as
defined above, has progressively increased in central Java (Jakarta, Tegal, Yogyakarta, Surabaya,
and Banguwangi) from 1909 to the present where all years are considered.

The impact of the 1997 El Nino in Indonesia was greater than any other ENSO event in this
century and hunger appeared in the eastern provinces and a large number of people died from
starvation particularly in Irian Jaya (Indonesian Ministry of the Environment, 1998). Others have
moved out of traditional areas in search of food. It is not clear that the event was more intense
than the "Great Dry" of 1877-1878 but it had a greater impact than the warm-event of 1982-
1983. In 1982-1983 a total of 340 deaths were reported due to starvation in Indonesia. The Great
Dry promoted famine around the world and prompted the Dutch to put-in the extensive
meteorological data network existing to this day in expanded form in Indonesia.

From the standpoint of a global atmospheric carbon balance, a continuing fire cycle in Indonesia
and Southeast Asia associated with ENSO Warm Events every 4-6 years or so makes little
difference once the primary forest is oxidized by burning or by other means. Replacement
growth generated within 4-10 years after a burn balances the liberation of carbon due to
combustion by reclaiming carbon di oxide from the atmosphere. It is the elimination of the
climax vegetation in the first instance that causes a net increase in carbon di oxide. However, if
productivity falls as the result of nutrient loss caused by such a fire-cycle, aridity and
deseartification would likely follow and this would further increase the atmospheric load of
carbon di oxide.


Rainfall and temperature in west Java are strongly associated with preceding ENSO year
variations in the temperatures of the warmest months as measured by deviations from an overall
secular trend. Although such ENSO year deviations are presumably related to the southern
oscillation as a whole, the present analysis throws no light on the manner in which they arise.
However, a significant positive relationship exists between the annual sunspot count from 1886-
1991 and the warmest month deviates from the overall secular trend. The ENSO year warmest
month residual deviation is significantly correlated with the sunspot activity of the same year (r =
0.31, n = 40, p = 0.045). The significant positive relationship also holds if the sunspot activities
in the current (0), the preceding (-1) as well as the year twice removed (-2) are added (r = 0.33, n
= 38, p = 0.037) but breaks down if further prior years are added. The residual deviations for
both ENSO and non-ENSO years taken together and the sunspot activities are not significantly
correlated. There is no relationship between sunspot activity and the secular deviation of non-
ENSO years.

A stepwise multiple regression procedure identified time as the only significant variable (38%)
in accounting for the maximum of the mean monthly temperatures for ENSO and non-ENSO
years taken together. This produced an adjusted correlation coefficient of 0.69, n = 120 when
time, sunspot activity in both current and previous years are used as independent variables. When
ENSO years only are used as the dependent variable together with time, sunspot activity in both
current and previous years as independent variables, a model with r2 = 0.69, n = 39 results with
time (67%) and also sunspot activity in the current year (3%) as significant predictors.

There is presently no truly satisfactory explanation for the above significant ENSO-sunspot
relationships of 126 years duration although the data apparently indicate that sunspot numbers
are associated with the ENSO warm event deviations in maximum monthly temperature from the
overall positive secular trend. In turn, this may mean that the overall ENSO response is directly
modified and perhaps enhanced, but not necessarily triggered by, an energy flux from the sun
that is correlated with the appearance of sunspots. Such an interpretation is not widely accepted
although Friis-Christensen and Lassen (1991) provide strong circumstantial evidence of a
different nature to associate broader trends in a positive relationship between sunspots and
temperature-mediated climate changes. Similar broad comparisons between climate and sunspots
have been made by Eddy, 1977. Reid (1990) has cautiously related globally averaged SST
secular variations to sunspot numbers from 1854-1980 using 11 year running means but Kelly
and Wigley (1990) tend to contradict the relationship and suggest that greenhouse forcing is the
more important consideration.

A significant factor associated with the data reported herein is that the response of ENSO warm
events relates to almost every phase of the observed sunspot cycle. The data also indicate
however, that sunspots might, at the most, only play a secondary role in the observed secular
warming. As a whole, the relationship becomes more coherent after 1900 when the warm month
deviation of both ENSO and non-ENSO years is significantly associated with sunspot numbers (r
= 0.23, p = 0.038, n = 87). The ENSO years 1877-1888 are major departures from the general
pattern with high temperature deviations in a low sunspot period clearly demonstrating that the
relationship is not obligate.

ENSO and Global Warming

Atmospheric temperature build-up possibly associated with the greenhouse effect may be
coupled to an increasingly wider temperature swing in west and central Java associated with the
warm pool influence but anchored by the ocean-sink. In Southeast Asia, longer dry periods
coupled with increased temperatures may thus result from an ENSO-driven mechanism, which
may force equatorial aridity as global carbon dioxide concentration rises. This may change
"ever-wet" conditions currently associated with the humid tropical rainforest of Southeast Asia.
Forest fires have become a persistent problem in both Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesia) in the
ENSO-associated droughts of recent years. The warm event years apparently provide the driving
mechanism. The temperature record shown by the Southeast Asian cities studied to date indicates
a progressive annual warming for the region of around 0.013 degrees C over the last century
(Harger 1994a).

ENSO year warm events vary in their effects as estimated by deviation of warmest month mean
air temperature from the secular trend exhibited by the Jakarta/Semarang data set and perhaps
more widely throughout Southeast Asia. The extent of this temperature deviation from the
secular trend for ENSO year provides a key to understanding the teleconnections. These
presumably take the form of heat-induced signals passed outwards from Southeast Asia and the
associated "warm pool" of surface seawater that accumulates against the western margin of the
equatorial Pacific.

In general ENSO years are associated with higher temperatures than non-ENSO years, with a
significant negative correlation between subsequent years which are thereafter systematically
cooler. This is presumably because the ENSO event acts as a heat-pump and actively mixes
excess heat energy into the ocean-sink to an extent that is in direct proportion to the outstanding
positive temperature deviation. A weak ENSO, preceded by a relatively modest temperature
build-up in the lead-up non-ENSO years, then results in limited mixing which leads to a
relatively warm subsequent year while a strong event leads to extensive mixing and so generally
results in a following very much cooler year. There is a differentiation between non-ENSO-
ENSO blocks showing trends of positive "heat-loading" indices as opposed to those showing
decreasing trends and this suggests that heat build-up alone may not be the only critical variable
but that perhaps two sub-categories of ENSO initiating mechanisms may be involved. Those
dominated by heat forcing, and those by water-mass forcing (Harger 1994a). Both however,
generate heat redistribution into the Pacific Ocean.

The warming-pulse effect of the ENSO warm-events observed recently are probably not
quantitatively different from the "great dry event" of 1877-1878 however, the overall global
temperature is now around 0.5 degrees C higher and perhaps as much as 1.5 - 2.0 degrees in the
region of the equator. The Jakarta air-temperature data, near the equator, show a clear change in
amplitude and degree over the 127-year record (Figure 2). It is of course relatively easy to
dismiss these changes in a superficial way by attributing them to a "city effect". Similar overall
changes throughout the Indonesian and Philippines archipelagos and from El Salvador are less
easily dismissed (Harger 1994a). However, ecological conditions and vegetation cover have
probably also been changed markedly at local levels in the same interval making it difficult to
ascribe such observed effects entirely to secular responses of a global nature. It is certain that if
the instrumental record of the 1877-1878 ENSO event did not exist, the impact experienced by
Indonesia due to the events observed in 1982-1983 and 1991-1995 and 1997-1998 would appear
to be quite extra-ordinarily severe in relation to all activity from 1879 forward.

Information drawn from meteorological records in Southeast Asia clearly indicates that each
event is unique in terms of the signature, which it imposes on the rainfall and temperature from
location to location. Never the less, a strong underlying pattern within the context of each event,
itself apparently initiated or molded by the character of the proceeding years, can be detected.
This pattern permits relatively circumscribed predictions of forward conditions (drought-
intensity) for 2 to 3 years, to be made once the event "locks in" for the duration of the warm
event and at least one year beyond.

Non-ENSO years leading up to a warm event can be scored in terms of the extent to which they
depart from the secular warming trend for the warmest month using data from Jakarta and
Semarang on the north coast of Java. The value taken by the cumulative temperature deviations
signals the character of the upcoming ENSO event. However, this signal does not allow an exact
determination to be made with respect to whether or not an ENSO event will occur in the next
year. For the available historical instrumental data, all non-ENSO blocks with markedly positive
cumulative tendencies eventually delivered a hot dry season in east Indonesia. This sort of
tendency within non-ENSO blocks can thus serve as a caution in the sense that a very hot ENSO
event is likely in the offing. The background data can also be used to actually predict the
probable intensity of an ENSO in the upcoming year in terms of its drought potential, should
such an event take place in reality (Harger 1994b). In this respect the correlation between the
cumulative temperature deviation of the inter-ENSO blocks in relation to the temperature
deviation of the first ENSO year is 0.43.

In conjunction with indications generated by models, such relationships could form the basis of
an advisory service for forecasting conditions within dry seasons from one year to the next. It is
anticipated that a broad description of temperature and rainfall patterns associated with space and
time in relation to ENSO events will lead to better forest management and food security for the
region as long as sudden changes do not occur.

Global temperature anomalies are also strongly correlated with the warmest month temperatures
of the Jakarta/Semarang data set (r=0.84, n=121, p<0.00001), for the period of available data.
When the secular trends are removed the residual deviations shown by the Jakarta/Semarang
warmest month data are also correlated with the deviations shown by the annual global
anomalies (r=0.53, n=121, p<0.00001). This is of some interest since the Jakarta/Semarang
warmest month indications are obtained usually by May or June (10/35 ENSO-years) or at least
by October (31/35) of any one year. In addition, the Jakarta/Semarang warmest month
temperatures are closely related to the warmest month temperature deviations in other regions
(Harger 1994a). As noted above, the temperature of the warmest month of the year in Jakarta
Indonesia seems to closely reflect overall global warming and in particular may even be used to
predict upcoming droughts and global temperatures. Gaia appears to be running a fever as her
heartbeat is increasing both in frequency and intensity.

Western Pacific Dry Events

A consistent structure underlies ENSO events for the last century and a quarter. However, as a
process monitored by mean monthly air-temperature measurements at Jakarta-Semarang, the
system is changing in character with time in association with an overall atmospheric temperature
rise in a way that involves increased intra-annual temperature fluctuations. In general ENSO
years are associated with higher temperatures than non-ENSO years, with a significant negative
correlation between subsequent years which are thereafter systematically cooler.

The warm month Jakarta/Semarang deviates themselves may be directly related to the size and
relative movement of the western Pacific warm pool, particularly in the ENSO warm-event
years. The most obvious periods when temperature induced changes in biomass burning of
southeast Asia take place correspond with ENSO warm-event years and particularly those in
which marked positive deviations from the overall secular trend are readily apparent. In recent
years these are: 1997 (depressed by smoke), 1994, 1991, 1987, 1983, 1982, 1972, 1963, 1958
(estimated datum), 1957, 1953 and 1951. In 1997 this relationship (as measured by the ground-
level air temperature in Jakarta) was not so obvious because the dense smoke released by the
extensive forest fires obscured the sun to such an extent that temperatures were lowered in
Jakarta (Figure 2). The heat build-up in Southeast Asia and the western Pacific presumably
commences before the Kelvin wave resurgence from the western to the eastern Pacific. Kelvin
waves seem to have started in October to mid-December in recent years although in 1993 a
Kelvin wave was also detected in August and then in late October. The warmest month of the
first ENSO year usually takes place in either September (3 times in the record), October (18) or
November (4) but it can also show up in May (7) and June (2) as well. In itself, a significant
warm deviation above the secular trend for the average monthly temperature in any of these
months signals an upcoming warmer-than-average ENSO with a hit-ratio of 21:6.

With reference to the Jakarta record, the ENSO blocks ending in 1878, 1891, 1902, 1914, 1951,
1953, 1958, 1963, 1969, 1983, 1992 and 1998 were apparently trending warmer than average.
The mean duration of the period between warm-trending peak events was around 11 years (for
the instrumental record under consideration) and the longest period without such a peak was 37
years (1914-1951). The bulk of the record indicates that of the identified 32 ENSO events, the
majority caused one drought-year at a time in Indonesia, preceded and followed by a wet year
(normal to an extent). Eleven of these events seem to have presented no particular problem to
Indonesia at all. There were a few severe dry events around the turn o

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