Horiba U-10

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. . .
Simple, Handy Instrument Contains Powerful Sensor for S

The Horiba U-10 water quality checker brings laboratory accuracy and the ease Automatic salinity correction
of push-button operation to water quality measurement in the field. Six parame- functio makes it possible to
ters can be measured : pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrolytic conduc- measure DO in both fresh water and
tivity, turbidity, and, salinity. Featuring a powerful sensor and state-of-the-art- salt water
It is now possible to measure DO in
functions, the U-10 makes it easy to get highly reliable water quality data simply
either fresh or salf water with the same
and quickly just by submersing the sensor in the water. The U-10 is flexible instrument. When meauring DO in salt
enough to use for cheeking the quality of a broad range of water samples, from water, it will automaticaly measure the
factory effluent to urban drainage, river water, lake and marsh water, aquatic salt concentration and make the salinity
culture tanks, agricultral water supplies, and sea water. The main unit is water- correction. It is also possible to set a
resistant, so it can be used safely even in the rain. freely selectable salinity correction fac-
tor of between 0 and 4 precent.
Automatic calibration function
calibrates the instrument simply at
the touch of a button for more high-
ly reliable data
what used to be a complicated calibra-
tion process is now easy. Just fill the
supplied beaker with the standard solu-
tion, immerse the sensor and press a
button once for one-point calibration for
each of the four parameters pH, con-
ductivity, turbidity and DO. Two-point
calibration is also possible should more
precise data be required.

20 samples of data on 6 parameters

can be stored in memory to be
recalled later for display and print out
Store the results of measurement of all
six parameters for up to 20 samples.
There is no need to record measured
values on site. Data stored in memory
can be recalled and displayed at any
time, and can even be simuItaneously
printed out on any standed printer by
connecting it to the Centronics-specifi-
cation printer output terminals.
. .
SimuItaneous Measurement of Six Parameters

Expanded display function handles Temp. sensor DO sensor

any need for more precise data COND

If more precise data is needed, select the
expanded display mode to display data on
any para-
meter to
one more
digit of res-
pH sensor
olution. (reference electrode)
pH sensor
TURB sensor (glass electrode)

Direct-submersion sensor, no need Powerful sensor gives precise data

to collect samples
The U-10 sensor measures by being pH
directly submersed in the river, sea or Glass electrode. The glass electrode and
other water. Forget troublesome sam- reference electrode are of the cartridge
pling. The standard cable length is two type so they are simple to replace and
meters, but the sensor is constructed to require no maintenance.
be able to withstand water pressure at Conductivity
depths of up to 10 meters and is thus Alternating four-electrode cell resistant to
suitable for an even wider range of appli- the effect of polarization. Gives reliable,
cations if used with the optional 10-meter stable data even at high. concentrations.
cable. Range switches automatically to the most
appropriate of three --- 0-1 mS/cm, 1-10
Data back-up function keeps data mS/cm, or 10-100 mS/cm --- depending
safe even if batteries run down upon the sample.
The U-10 features a data back-up func- Turbidity
tion to ensure that precious data is never Ratio of transmitted to scattered light. The
lost by accident. Sensor calibration values light source is an LED. This method gives
and stored data remain safely in the a broader meaurement range than optical
memory even if the batteries run down. systems based purely on transmitted light
or scattered light and is little affected by
No need to worry even if you forget particle coloration, thus giving highly
to switch off the power dependable data.
Attention to the smallest detail has result-
ed in an automatic energy-saving function
Membrane/galvanic cell. Capable of sta-
that switches the instrument off automati-
ble data display, unaffected by coexisting
cally any time 30 minutes pass without
gases other than oxygen. The electrode
any key being pressed.
is of the cartridge type.
Thermistor. Can measure from 0 to 50C.
Also used for automatic temperature
Carrying case compensation when measuring pH, DO
(included) and conductivity.
Computed from conductivity data. Mea-
surement range is 0 to 4 percent.
Parameters pH Conductivity Turbidity Dissolved oxygen Temperature Salinity

Alternating Scattering/ Membrane/ Alternating

Principle Glass electrode Thermistor
four-electrode transmitting light galvanic cell four-electrode
Range 0-14 pH

Standard 0.1pH 10 NTU 0.1 mg/R 0.1 %


Expanded 0.01pH 1 NTU 0.01 mg/R 0.01 %


Temp. compensation

Auto one-point Auto one-point Auto one-point Auto one-point cali-

Calibration calibration, manual calibration, manual calibration, manual bration(air), manual
two-point calibration two-point calibration two-point calibration two-point calibration

Display LCD

Printer output Centronics

Power Battery 6F22(S-006P)1pc.

Sensor assembly Standard : sensor with 2 m cable, Optional : sensor with 10 m cable

Weight Main unit : approx. 400g (0.9 lb), Sensor assembly (2 m cable) : approx. 800 g (1.8 lb)
Salinity is calculataed from the conductivity data.

Dimensional Outlines Unit : mm(in)

92 45
(3.6) 5 (1.8)

(0.8) (1.0)
21 25







70 28
(2.8) (1.1)

Data stored in memory can be printed out on any

printer with Centronics interface.

Please read the operation manual before using this product to assure safe and proper handling of the product.

The contents of this catalog are subject to change without prior notice, and without any subsequent liability to this company.
The color of the actual products may differ from the color pictured in this catalog due to printing limitations.
It is strictly forbidden to copy the content of this catalog in part or in full.

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Bulletin:HRE-1876D Printed in Japan ZH-R(SK)33

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