Reliance Industries Limited, Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) Hazira, Gujarat
Reliance Industries Limited, Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) Hazira, Gujarat
Reliance Industries Limited, Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) Hazira, Gujarat
Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is located at village Mora,
near Hazira in Choryasi Taluka of Surat District in the State of Gujarat. It is a multi-product, fully
integrated complex, manufacturing a wide range of petrochemicals, polymers, polyesters and
polyester intermediates. The complex comprises of a Naphtha cracker feeding downstream
petrochemical, fibre intermediates and polyester plants.
The power and steam required for the process plants at RIL-HMD are produced by existing gas-
based captive power plant .. But, due to uncertainty in availability and high cost of gas, a coal based
Captive Cogeneration Power Plant (CCPP) of 4 X 90 MW (360 MW) capacity is being installed for
which environmental clearance has been granted by SEIAA , Gujarat vide their letter SEIAA/GUJ/
EC/I(d) & 7(e) /3/2015 dated 28th Jan 2015. This new coal based CCPP is to cater to the power and
steam requirements for the complex. Theexisting gas-based generators will be preserved for
exigencies. This will also enable black start, in case of any requirement.
It is proposed to use pet coke as a fuel for the above CCPP at HMD to be sourced from from RIL
Jamnagar refinery and imported.. In case of any road transport, high capacity covered trucks will be
used to avoid spillage . Pet coke requirement for the project will be about 1.8 MMTPA. The auxiliary
fuel will be Natural Gas. Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) boilers will be used in the
upcoming CCPP instead of conventional Pulverized Fuel Combustion , which is capable of using
wide variety of solid fuels and also has provision to control Sulfur Dioxide at source using lime stone
injection. The limestone requirement, to reduce SO2 emission, will be about 1 MMTPA.
Approx. 51 ha of land within the HMD complex is being utilised for setting up of the CCPP including .
Storage and other facilities required for fuel storage & Handling .
There will be no additional water requirement when the CCPP running on pet coke as fuel and the
total water requirement for the purposes DM water and cooling tower make-up, will remain same at
2000 m3/hr and waste water discharges will be 55,200 m3/day as approved for Coal based CCPP.No
additional water will be drawn from source and it is with in approved quantity by Govt. of Gujarat. .The
wastewater generated will be discharged through the existing marine disposal system with diffuser
Two stacks of 220 metres each with 3 flues are being established as per the standards prescribed
by the CPCB for thermal power plants below 500 MW capacity. No change in stack design is
envisaged due to Pet Coke fuel. Particulate matter emission will be controlled through electrostatic
precipitator (ESP) to ensure it is limited to 50 mg/Nm3. The fuel handling and transportationwill be
provided with bag filters to control fugitive emissions.Limestone will be continuously injected into
The noise standard but not more than 85 dB at 1 m from any equipment or sub-equipment will be
observed from Steam Generator and auxiliaries.. Noise attenuating enclosures will be provided, as
necessary, on all noisy equipment to limit the noise level within permissible standards.
The ash handling system being established for Coal based CCPP will suffice in case of pet coke
usage also as the ash % in petcoke is likely to be less than coal. The ash will be collected in dry form
in silos for enhanced utilization About 80 MT/hr of fly ash and 35 MT/hr of bed ash are expected to
be generated, which will be utilised primarily in cement manufacturing industries. The silos will have
capacity of 1 day ash storage.
2. Introduction of project:
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is currently implementing the coal-based Captive Cogeneration
Power Plant (CCPP)at Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) in Gujarat. The objective of setting up of
this coal based CCPP is to meet the Steam and power requirements economically and effectively
due to shortage of natural gas. It is envisaged in this project for which approval of MoEF is sought is
to have fuel conversion to pet coke which is readily available at RIL Jamnagar
For the above CCPP, the conversion to pet coke as an alternative fuel is envisaged due to the
following reasons:
1) Petroleum coke (Pet coke) is a carbonaceous solid derived from oil refinery coker units or other
cracking processes. The chemical composition of petroleum coke is mostly elementary Carbon
(usually over the 85% C dry) with high heating value and very little ash content (usually less than
1-2 %).
2) Petroleum coke is a fuel that has long been considered an ideal fuel for the circulating fluidized
bed combustion technology.
3) Despite the low volatile content of pet coke, combustion efficiency is quite good in a circulating
fluidised bed (CFB) (At least 2.5% higher than that of Coal fired CFB). Thus there is no need to
redesign for higher temperatures to improve combustion efficiency.
4) Lower temperatures improve the emissions performance as well as reduce the potential for
agglomeration and deposition. The recommended furnace design temperature should be typically
in the range of 850 - 900C.
3. Project Description :
Hazira Manufacturing Division (HMD) of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is located at village Mora,
near Hazira in Choryasi Taluka of Surat District in the State of Gujarat. It is a multi-product, fully
integrated complex manufacturing a wide range of petrochemicals, polymers, polyesters and
polyester intermediates.
Due to uncertainty in availability and high cost of gas, A 360 MW coal based CCPP is being set up to
meet the steam and power requirement of the process plant for which environmental clearance has
been granted by SEIIA on 28th January, 2015. The existing gas based generators will standby for
exigency Due to availability of surplus pet coke at RIL Jamnagar and other sources ,It is now
proposed to use pet coke as a fuel for the CCPP. The petcoke is proposed to be brought to HMD by
sea route either at captive jetty and will be transferred to project site by pipe conveyors. or to nearby
jetties and from there by road. In case of road transport, pet coke will be brought in high capacity
covered trucks to avoid spillage.
Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) technology used in the upcoming CCPP is capable of
using wide variety of solid fuels and hence change of fuel to pet coke will not require any special
construction or modification in the plant design. Pet coke requirement for the project will be about 1.8
MMTPA, while the corresponding limestone requirement, to control SO2 emission, will be about 1
MMTPA. Pet coke storage of 15 days and 5 days storage of lime stone is considered by providing
covered storage yard.
The CCPP is coming up in 51 Ha of land within HMD complex. The location map of the project within
HMD complex is attached at Annexure-A. No alternate site is considered due to the availability of
land and required infrastructure at HMD as well as the power and steam to be produced are for
captive use at HMD .
Process Description
CFBC Technology:
the depleting trend of coal quality and environmental considerations due to high sulphur and high ash
content fuels , the technology of circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) which got invented in
1980s has become popular .
Circulating beds use a higher fluidizing velocity, so the particles are constantly held in the flue gases,
and pass through the main combustion chamber and enter into a cyclone, from which the larger
particles are extracted and returned to the combustion chamber Combustion conditions are relatively
uniform through the combustor, although the bed is somewhat denser near the bottom of the
combustion chamber. There is a great deal of mixing, and residence time during one pass is very
. The bed material is preferred either as crushed refractory or from the fuel ash or as sand in some
cases. Due to the large heat capacity of the bed, combustion is stable and no supporting fuels are
required, provided the fuel heating value is sufficient to raise the combustion air and the fuel itself
above its ignition temperature. The intense turbulence ensures good mixing and combustion of the
Sulphur capture in CFBC boilers happens by injecting Limestone along with fuel. The fuel and Lime
mixture enters into combustion chamber through multiple feed points located in furnace front close to
the bottom primary zone. Limestone undergoes decomposition by taking heat from the hot bed
material (endothermic) and converts into Calcium Oxide (CaO).This process is called as Calcination.
The calcined Limestone being porous in nature gets entrained in flue gas and enters the top section
of furnace where the mixture of Oxygen and Sulfur Dioxide reacts with Calcium Oxide and converts
into Calcium Sulfate (CaSO4).This Process is called Sulfation. This process is an exothermic reaction.
Thus the Limestone converts gaseous SO2 emission to solid Calcium Sulfate and gets removed from
the system. Attributing higher particle residence time and recirculation, the Sulphur capture efficiency
in CFBC boliers can be achieved to almost 95%.
The Coal/Petcoke based power plant consists of the following major equipment:
a) Six (5 operating +1 standby) steam generators, along with all ancillaries and auxiliaries, stack
and duct work, damper, suction air filters along with controls and instrumentation, suitable for
base load operation with Coal/ Petcoke as fuel.
b) 4 nos. steam turbine generators set (4 x 90 MW) with deaerator & feed heating equipment,
steam condenser, CEP and feed water pumps with all piping systems.
c) Other auxiliary systems and major equipment needed, while operating on pet coke as fuel:
NG system
The power plants will be provided with the state-of-the-art Distributed Digital Control System (DCS),
which will integrate various closed loop sub-systems, open loop sub-systems, monitoring and
information sub-system covering the entire plant. The system will integrate the various proprietory
control packages supplied by the main equipment suppliers for harmonious plant operation.
Fuel Quality:
Pet coke for the project will be available either from RIL Jamnagar refinery or can be imported through
the proposed jetty or nearby jetties, as required. During road transport, pet coke will be brought in
high capacity covered trucks. Pet coke requirement for the project will be about 1.8 MMTPA, while
the corresponding limestone requirement, to reduce SO2 emission, will be about 1 MMTPA.
The proximate and ultimate analysis of pet coke, to be used for the power plant, is as follows:
Heating Values
LHV 7672.4 kcal/kg
HHV 7895 kcal/kg
Ultimate Analysis
Because of the extremely low ash (<0.2% ) and high sulfur contents of petcoke 7.33%), limestone is
used in the majority of bed materials of the CFBC boilers using pet coke . Limestone sizing is critical
not only for efficient sulphur capture but also effective fluidization and fuel mixing there by uniform
temperatures and heat transfer. Limestone of 80-90%, to be procured locally, will be used in CCPP.
The pet coke handling will be done in the same system that of coal. In order to limit spread of dust,
water sprinkling arrangements will be in place in the covered stockyard. Adequate dust extraction
equipment will be installed at specific locations of high dust generation in transfer points..
Ash management :
The expected quantities of ash to be generated from the combustion of pet coke are as follows:
Only dry ash handling & management where in it is stored in silos. Ash in dry form is transfered from
the hoppers to storage silos will be done through pneumatic conveying. The fly ash will be utilized for
various purposes like brick making, additive to cement and additive to concrete. The bottom ash of
CFBC boilers proposed will have minimum unburnt carbon and will prove suitable for use in cement
manufacture as it will be clinkerised to the required levels. Ash disposal will be carried out in closed
type, top loaded, ash trucks.
RIL-HMD is located in the Hazira Industrial Area, notified by Gujarat Industrial Development
Corporation at Mora village near Hazira in Choryasi Taluka of Surat District. The Gazette notification
declaring Hazira as notified industrial area is attached at Annexure-C and the survey nos. of the
HMD complex is listed on Annexure-D. It is about 18 kms North-West of the Surat City in Gujarat
State. Estuarine region of Tapi River lies to the south of HMD complex and the Arabian Sea on the
West. The Bombay-Ahmedabad National Highway No. 8 passes close to Surat City, which is well
connected by Rail and Road network. Hazira is well connected by road network with Surat city. There
is a navigation channel available in the Tapi estuary from sea up to Magdalla port with a branch
leading to the proposed jetty , which can be used for transporting coal/pet coke. The project site is
fallow land and devoid of any vegetation. HMD complex is. The CCPP is outside the CRZ area.
Hazira has a tropical climate, moderated strongly by the Arabian Sea. The annual mean air
temperature is about 27.7C. The annual mean humidity is recorded as 62%.
The summer begins in early March and lasts till June. April and May are the hottest months, the
average maximum temperature being 40C. Monsoon begins in late June and the city receives about
1,000 millimeters of rain by the end of September, with the average maximum temperature
being 32C during those months. October and November see the retreat of the monsoon and a return
of high temperatures till late November. Winter starts in December and ends in late February, with
average temperatures of around 23C during the winter months.
Soil Classification:
The soil at the project site can be classified as loamy sand with fine sand and clay content being
46.36 and 3.20% respectively. The bulk density of the soil is 1.45 gm/cm3 and water holding capacity
and porosity are 22.10% & 28.59% respectively. The pH of the soil is 7.4. The fertility status of the soil
is poor.
5. Planning Brief:
The petrochemicals, polymers, polyesters and polyester intermediates plants at Hazira Manufacturing
Division (HMD) of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) require uninterrupted power and steam for their
continuous manufacturing operations which is being provided by gas based captive cogenration
power plant But due to uncertainty in availability of gas and cost , it is envisaged to generate staem &
power by utilizing coal based generation in CCPP , which is under implementation . The present
proposal is to convert fuel firing from Coal to Pet Coke.
Approx. 51 ha of land within RIL-HMD complex is being utilised for setting up the CCPP. This
includes plants and utilities, storage and administrative block. There is no residential area proposed.
Conversion to pet coke as fuel will not require any additional construction redesigning of utilities than
those under implementation for the coal based plant
The RIL HMD complex. Has around 1,73,000 numbers of trees in 63 hectares of land within the
complex. Species planted include Peltophorum, Australian Acacia, Casuarina, Cassia siamea,
Eucalyptus, Neem, Ficus Spp., Gulmohar- Delonixregia, Pithecellobiumducle, Dalbergiasisoo,
Coconut, Chiku, Jamun, Drooping Ashokha, Spathodea, Cassia fistula, Barringtonia, Putranjiva,
Raintree, Bakamneem, Guava, Pomegranate, Mango, Custard Apple. RIL-HMD has developed in-
house nursery for maintaining the horticultural activities within the complex. Additional green belt as a
part of CCPP is also being planned.Existing green belt will be further strengthened in the CCPP area
by planting native and tolerant species.
It is envisaged that pet coke required for the project will be imported through the proposed jetty.
Alternatively, it can also be brought the nearby jetties operating in the region. From the port, pet coke
will be transferred to the site in closed conveyors. Pet coke may also be available from RIL Jamnagar
refinery. During road transport pet coke will be brought in closed trucks. Limestone will also be
brought in trucks.
Considering pet coke with gross calorific value (GCV) of 7895 kCal/kg and plant load factor of 100%,
the annual pet coke requirement for Co-generation Plant works out to be about 1.8 Million Tonnes.
The daily pet coke requirement with 100% PLF works out to about 5000 Tons for the capacity of 4 x
90 MW.
Other infrastructure facilities like access roads, housing facility for the construction staff with supply of
water and electricity, community facilities viz. market, housing, construction power, health care etc.
are already set up at HMD for other on-going expansion projects.
The CCPP project is coming up within the existing HMD complex area of Reliance Industries Limited
in a vacant plot of land. There is no requirement of additional land and therefore no
displacement of people involved.
The coal-based CCPP is under implementation at project site within HMD complex. No additional
facilities required for the project to operate on pet coke as fuel ..
9. Analysis of Proposal:
The pet coke based captive cogeneration power plant will ensure supply of power and steam at
competitive cost, providing greater flexibility and viability to the Hazira Manufacturing operations..
The establishment of the plant will provide additional employment opportunities for people during
construction and operational phases. Additional investment for the project will also bring in growth
opportunities in other sectors.