Thermal Powertech Corporation India Limited: I) Introduction

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Thermal Powertech Corporation India Limited (TPCIL) is in the process of establishing a 1980
MW (3 x 660)MW Coal Based Independent Power Plant (IPP) at Painampuram Village in
Muthukur Mandal of SPS Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh. The project will be implemented in
two stages as detailed below :
Stage I : 1,320MW (2 x 660MW)
Stage II : 660MW (1 x 660MW)

Gayatri Projects Ltd (GPL), an ISO 9001-2000 Company was established in the year 1975 as a
partnership firm and converted into a Public Limited Company in 1994. It is one of the largest
construction companies in India and has been associated with the countrys prized landmarks,
having cutting edge capabilities in every discipline of construction civil, mechanical, electrical
and instrumentation.
Gayatri Group is into diversified activities such as Construction, Production of Sugar,
manufacture of Starch and Sorbitol, Development of Infrastructure Projects like Roads,
Irrigation, etc. on BOT basis. The group is developing different projects across various parts of
the country. The current Order Book of the flagship Company, M/s.Gayatri Projects Ltd. is
approximately Rs.60,000 million, aggregate investments of the group in various BOT projects is
to the tune of Rs.20,000 million. The Groups aggregate turnover for the year 2008-2009 is
estimated at about Rs.12,000 million.
As a group strategy to expand vertically to other business segments and mitigate business risks,
the Company proposes to invest in the Power Sector through its subsidiary, M/s.Gayatri Energy
Ventures Limited (GEVL). GEVL in partnership with Singapore based M/s. Sembcorp Industries
Pte. Ltd. has floated a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) M/s.Thermal Powertech Corporation
India Ltd (TPCIL) towards establishing the 1980 MW (3 x 660MW) Thermal Power Project based
on Super-Critical technology at Painampuram village, Muthukur Mandal in SPS Nellore District,
Andhra Pradesh.

TPCIL Project Report Page 2

(2 X 660 MW)
(3 X 660 MW)
Location Painampuram Village, Muthukur Mandal, SPS Nellore
District, Andhra Pradesh
Cost of the Project (Rs in Crores)

7590 10,874
Land (Acres)

1367 (Main Plant & Township) + 100 Acres (approx)
for Coal Conveyor and Approach Road
Capacity (MW)

1320 MW 1980 MW
Steam Generators Capacity (TPH)

2 x 2016 TPH 3 x 2016 TPH
Fuel Blended Coal (70 % beneficiated indigenous and 30%
Fuel Consumption in Tons / day

14,825 22,237
Fuel Consumption in Mill Tons /
4.60 6.90
Calorific Value of Coals (Kcals/kg)

Ash Content in Coals (%)

26 %
Sulphur Content in Coals (%)

0.59 %
Fuel Supply Indigenous Beneficiated Coal Mahanadi Coal Fields
Imported Coal Indonesia or other countries
Height of Chimney (mtrs) Two Flues of 275 mtrs
height grouped in a single
Two Flues of 275 mtrs
height grouped in a
single chimney (of Stage-
I) and One flue of 275
mtr height (of Stage-II)
Source of Water

Bay of Bengal
Sea Water Consumption (m / day)

222976 334464
Type of Cooling

Closed circuit with cooling towers
Ash Pond 210 Acres

TPCIL Project Report Page 3

1 Environmental Consent
under the Air & Water Act
Ministry of
Environment and
Forests, New Delhi
Permission Accorded.
MoEF Letter No.Nil dated 4

November, 2009
2 Consent for Establishment
AP Pollution
Control Board,
Permission Accorded.
Order No.177/PCB/CFE/RO-
NLR/HO/2009/433 Dt: 15-5-2010
3 Land Allottment of 1367
Acres for Main Plant Area
APIIC & APSEB Total Land acquired and in
possession of TPCIL
4 Consent for use of Water
from a natural resource (sea
Infrastructure &
Dept., Govt. of A.P.
Permission Accorded.
GoAP Lr No.576/P.I(1)/2009-1
dated 06-8-2009
5 Consent for fuel linkage Ministry of Coal /
Coalfields Ltd.
Fuel Linkage obtained.
LOA from Mahanadi Coalfields
Ltd. No.2009/1483 dated
6 No Objection Certificate from
Village Panchayat for setting
up of the project
Gram Panchayat
Nelaturu Gram
1)NOC from Painampuram Gram
Panchayat dated 13/8/2009
2)NOC from Nelaturu Gram
Panchayat dated 13/8/2009
7 Approval from State
Electricity Board for wheeling
of power
Power Grid
Corporation of
India Ltd.
Long Term Open Access (LTOA)
from PGCIL dated 6/5/2010
8 Registration under Contract
Labour (Regulation &
Abolition) Act, 1970
Govt. of A.P. Registration completed.
Certificate of Registration
No.161-C dated 25-6-2010
9 Approval of Airport Authority
of India for chimney height
Airport Authority of
India, New Delhi
NOC from AAI Accorded.
No.AAI/SR/NOC/RHQ dt 21-12-09
10 Defence Ministry approval
for height of chimney and
other facilities
Ministry of
Defence, Govt. of
NOC Accorded.
No.21(22)/2009/D(Coord) dated
11 NOC from Department of
Govt. of India
No Objection Certificate
Accorded on 20-7-2009
12 NOC from Forest Department Forest Department,
Govt. of AP
NOC Accorded.
RC No.25777/09/WL-1 dated
13 CRZ Clearance for Slab
System Approval
Env.Forests, Sc &
Technology Dept.,
Govt. of AP
Permission accorded.
Letter No.5288/CZMA/2009
dated 18-5-2010
14 Certificate of Incorporation
with ROC
Registrar of
Companies, Govt.
of India
Certificate accorded.
dated 8-1-2008
TPCIL Project Report Page 4

The proposed 1980MW (3 x 660MW) Super-Critical Thermal Power Plant will be implemented
in two stages as given below :
Stage I : 1320MW (2 x 660MW)
Stage II : 660MW (1 x 660MW)
The proposed power plant during operation will result in emission of Particulate Matter,
Sulphur Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen and Fly Ash due to combustion of coal in the boilers. Water
Pollution and pollution due to other solid wastes need to be controlled.
The following are the Pollution Control measures to be implemented by TPCIL in order to
protect the environment around the plant :

i) Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) : Three ESPs of the outdoor type will be installed on
the cold end side of regenerative air preheaters. The flue gas will be drawn from the
air preheater outlets of the Steam Generators and guided through adequately sized
ducts within each ESP. Similarly, the flue gas after the ESP will be led to the suction
of the induced draft fans.
The Electrostatic Precipitators will be designed to ensure a dust collection efficiency
of 99.995 %. Dust at the outlet to the ESP will be a maximum of 50 mg/Nm.
ii) Dust Control System (DCS) : Dust Control System will be provided at all locations /
working areas of the Coal Handling Plant wherever required to maintain a dust free
environment. Dust Control System by suppression / extraction of fugitive dust
emissions from dust generation points with all necessary pumps, piping, valves,
fittings, instrumentation and auxiliaries will be provided. Ventilation system,
mechanical / pressurized and air conditioning system as specified will be provided.
Miscellaneous systems like service water, compressed air system, potable water
system, cooling water system for scoop coupling and sump pumps will be provided
complete eith auxiliaries, ecectricals and control.
iii) Dust Extraction System (DES) : Dry type DE System will be provided in the Crusher
house and Bunker house. The DES will include, but not be limited to cyclones, bag
filters, fans, rotary feeders, screw conveyors, duct work, supports, dampers and
control components and panels. The dust collectors will be designed to operate at
an efficiency of not less than 99.9%. Bag filter unit only or combination of cyclone
with bag filter unit will be provided for the DES.
Bag will be Polyester needle felt with antistatic treatment. For the dust extraction
system suitable number of 150 mm dia bag filters will be provided based on the
volume of extraction based on the air to cloth ratio.
TPCIL Project Report Page 5

iv) Dust Suppression System (DSS) : Wet type DS System will be provided in the transfer
towers and stockpile except Crusher house and Coal bunker where DES is provided.
i. Crushed coal stockpiles Plain water type sprinkler system
ii. All transfer points High pressure mist type
The spray system will be automatically monitored and shall be operated only for
the period when coal is actually transported in the transfer tower. In case of
stockpile, several spray nozzles / heads will be grouped together and activated in
common. Stockpile DS will be a separate system and will be actuated by the
operating personnel.
The quantity of water to be sprayed for the stockyard DS System will be
calculated based on minimum 6.25 litres of water per hour per tonne of coal
stacked in a section of 90 meters length wherein a set of sprinklers operate
simultaneously. The quantity of water to be sprayed at conveyor transfer points
will be 1.25 litres of water per hour per tonne of coal transfer. Globe valves will
be provided at each sprinkler. The operation of each section of sprinklers will be

i) Desalination Plant : Desalination plant is being provided to produce fresh water from
sea water to satisfy the fresh water requirements of the power plant. This
desalinated water is used for service water, potable water requirements and also as
feed to Demineralization Plant.
No ground water will be tapped for any of the water requirements of the plant or
ii) Effluent Treatment Plant : The function of the ETP is to provide for the collection ,
treatment, storage and reuse of plant wastewater. The effluents generated are
mainly from floor wash and regeneration of Mixed beds in DM Plant. All effluents
are intermittent.
Oily wastes from Steam Turbines, Generators and Transformers are routed to oil
water separator to remove the oil from the effluent. Separated oil shall be
transferred using pumps for off-sit disposal through drums/containers/barrels.

TPCIL Project Report Page 6

The effluents like floor wash, water from oil water separator are treated in ETP
Clarifier and clarified water is forwarded to Central Monitoring Basin (CMB).
Regeneration effluent from all the MB units will be led to neutralization pit from
where water after necessary pH correction will be sent to Central Monitoring
Basin. The resulting water is used for horticulture and other internal
The Central Monitoring basin shall be sized to receive maximum inflow for 2
hours without outflow.
Each oil / water separator shall be sized to treat maximum expected volume,
flow rate, and degree of contamination of wastes from drains in the relevant
The effluents from the Central Monitoring Basin shall be treated to meet the
following parameters :
1 Suspended Solids Not exceeding 100 mg/l
2 Oil & Grease Not exceeding 10 mg/l
3 Residual Chlorine Not exceeding 0.5 mg/l
4 pH 6.5 8.5

iii) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) : A Sewage Treatment Plant of 11.80 MLD capacity has
been designed to be implemented at the plant site. This STP is based on Advanced
Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology. The various Input and Output Sewage
characteristics considered for design of the STP are :
pH 7.5 8.5 7.5 8.5
BOD5 (mg/l) 350 < 20
COD (mg/l) 500 <50
TSS (mg/l) 400 <30
Disposal of treated effluent Gardening & Toilet flushing
Disposal of sludge Manure

The process of BOD removal, nitrification / de-nitrification, phosphorus removal and
sludge separation are achieved continuously in a single SBR tank. The process operates
on the continuous inflow and batch outflow principle. The phases of aeration, settling,
decantation occur sequentially and are controlled by a PLC.

TPCIL Project Report Page 7

iv) Sea-Water Intake and Outfall : TPCIL proposes to use sea water for condenser cooling
and discharge the warm water back to the sea. Various oceanographic investigations
have been undertaken to prepare the Marine EIA studies including sea bed
investigations, mathematical modeling study and demarcation of Coastal Regulatory
Zone (CRZ).
a. Sea-Water Intake : Total quantity of sea water to be drawn from the sea for all two
stages (3 x 660MW) will be 13,936 m/hour. The sea water intake head will be located at
a distance of about 2000 m from the shoreline at 6.4m water depth.
b. Warm water Outfall : The total quantity of return warm water released into the sea
after the two stages (3 X 660MW) will be 8,143 m/hour. The outfall diffuser will be
located at 950m distance from the shoreline at 4.1 m water depth.
The temperature of warm water released at sea will be 4 C higher than that of ambient
sea water. The warm water combined with RO brine reject will have the net salinity of
54 ppt, i.e., 19 ppt higher than the ambient salinity of 35 ppt. The chorine dosage of 3
ppm will be given to the sea water drawn and the return water discharged into the sea
will have concentration of around 0.5 ppm.


i) Ash Management Plan : The main solid waste generated from the power plant is ash.
Steam generating units are the main sources of the solid waste where coal is burnt.

The following table shows the ash generation from Stages I & II (3 x 660MW) from the
power plant.

Total Coal Consumption 6.90 MTPA
Total Ash Generation 1.79 MTPA
Fly Ash Generation (@ 80%) 1.43 MTPA
Bottom Ash (@20 %) 0.36 MTPA

ii) Ash Handling and Disposal System : As cooling tower blow down is being used in ash
handling, a normal ash Slurry disposal has been envisaged for disposal of ash from
the Power Plant and the land area for Ash Pond area of 210 acres is computed
accordingly. Progressive utilization of Fly Ash as per the directive of MoEF has been
taken into account while computing the quantities.

TPCIL Project Report Page 8

iii) Infrastructural & Equipments Requirements : Fly Ash needs to be collected and stored
in dry form as per the requirement of Cement, Fly Ash Brick Manufacturers and
Partial replacement of Cement in the market. At TPCIL, there would be Three power
generating units each of 660 MW capacity. Each unit would have one ESP for
collection of fly ash. At 100% PLF, total fly ash production would be approx 5047.56
MT per day from th ESPs.
iv) Fly Ash Collection, Conveying & Storage System :

The two grades of Fly Ash segregated as mentioned earlier, would be pneumatically
conveyed separately from storage Hoppers to storage silos, through pipelines by
using air pressure(Dense phase, low velocity conveying).
3 Silos of 2500 Tonnes capacity would be provided which will be interlinked with the
ESPs of 3 Boilers.
The estimated length of pneumatic conveying would be about 1000 m and the silos
would be provided outside the TPCIL plant boundary for ease of operation.
The Silos would have an arrangement of loading dry fly ash in Bulkers or conditioned
with water by hydro-mix dust conditioners for discharge to open bed trucks.
The Silos as required would also have an arrangement of Railway Siding & loading of
closed railway wagons pneumatically, for rail transportation.
Considering that about 5047.50 TPD of Fly Ash would be generated at TPCIL at 85%
PLF and average storage capacity of about 18 Tonnes per truck, it is estimated that
at the supply point for FA outside the plant boundary provision would have to be
made for daily movement of about 250 trucks for loading of Fly Ash.
Unutilized Fly Ash through Wet Handling System being provided for Bottom Ash
would be sent to Ash ponds, to be utilized further.

v) Ash Utilisation : Among various other plans, the following measures have been initiated
by TPCIL towards full utilization of the Fly Ash produced at the plant :
The Company has concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with M/S WATSON
GOUGH LTD, Chippenham UK to assist the Company to develop a practical ash
utilization plan.

MOU entered into with M/s. Dalmia Cements Limited for uplifting a minimum of
1Million Tons of Fly Ash per Annum over a period of 5 years

MOU entered into with M/s.Penna Cement Industries Ltd. for sale of 1 Million Tons of
Fly Ash per Annum over a period of 5 years.

Encouragement will also be given to local entrepreneurs who wish to set up ash based
grinding units and other industries.

TPCIL Project Report Page 9


An area of 396 acres will be developed under greenbelt to improve aesthetics, control of dust
and noise pollution. A curtain of trees covering a width of 50/ 100/ 125 m all around the power
plant complex will be developed. The green belt design shall be as follows:

Primary Zone : This zone will be the nearest one to the emission sources, where the ambient
pollutant concentration is higher. The trees planted here shall have dense spreading canopy.
The trees should be close-set with spacing of 2-3m between trees and width of this zone will be
15 metres.

Secondary zone : Outer to the above primary zone, 15 metre width wide strip of land will be
planted with trees which are moderately tolerant to the pollutants but are endowed with fast
growing, dense foliage canopy.

Curtain zone : All along the boundary of power station complex, a 20 meter width land strip will
be planted with trees which are tall in nature and evergreen in habit.

This zone will act as a barrier and as far as possible check the pollutants from going to and
contaminating other areas beyond the power plant premises. The spacing between the trees
would be kept more than 1 metre.

TPCIL will establish its own nursery with the help of forest department to develop the
greenbelt. The density of greenbelt will be 1500 saplings/ha and will include native species
only. Greenbelt development will be taken up from the construction stage itself.

Plantation Schedule : It is proposed to plant 600 saplings/acre for development of the
greenbelt within the plant site as per the schedule given below :

The species proposed for greenbelt development will be as per CPCB guidelines.


Area (Acres)

No of saplings(@600
1st 125.7 75420

2nd 62.4 37440

3rd 45.5 27300
4 th 75.6 45360
5 th 86.8 52080

TOTAL 396 237600

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