Automatic Water Level Controller: Project Guide: Mrs. Ajanta Palit
Automatic Water Level Controller: Project Guide: Mrs. Ajanta Palit
Automatic Water Level Controller: Project Guide: Mrs. Ajanta Palit
Submitted by:
ABHISHEK BANERJEE (071210103035)
ANUBHAB GHOSH (071210103042)
ARNAB BHUIYA (071210103052)
ARUMOY GHOSH (071210103054)
SAYAN DHARA (071210103044)
Of all the water in the world, only 3% is fresh and
1/3rd of 1% of this fresh water is available for human
The rest is beyond our reach.
Therefore we must not let waste the water we use
for domestic purpose.
This project is designed to help us in that process
while saving the water in a tank.
According to the water level we have different
indicators to let us know the exact level of the water
in the tank and when the tank is about to be full
the connected relay automatically switchs the supply
pump off.
Basic Circuit Diagram
Enhanced Circuit Diagram
Working Principle of The Circuit :
One electrode probe is with 6V AC is placed at the bottom of tank. Next probesare
placed step by step above the bottom probe.
When the water comes in contact with the electrode tip, a conductive path is
established between the sense electrode and the tank wall, which in turn makes the
transistors conduct to glow LED and indicate the level of water.
The ends of probes are connected to corresponding points in the circuit as shown
in circuit diagram.
Insulated Aluminum wires with end insulation removed will do for the probe.
Arrange the probes in order on a PVC pipe according to the depth and immerse it
in the tank.
Operating sequences:
Water level System response
(assuming power supply +V = 6.0V)
Below 25% Probe There is no conductive path between Ground Probe and other probes.
Thus no LED glows because the circuit is not completed.
Between Water provides a conductive path between 25% Probe and Ground
Probe. Thus switch S1 of the IC4066 activates the LED1 (green).
25% Probe and 50% Probe
Between Water provides a conductive path between 50% Probe and Ground
Probe, which is in parallel with the 25% Probe – Ground Probe path
50% Probe and 75% Probe If this second path resistance is also within the range, Then switch S2
of the IC4066 activates the LED2 (white).
Between Water provides a conductive path between 75% Probe and Ground
Probe, which is in parallel with the 25% Probe – Ground Probe & 50%
75% Probe and full probe - ground path, If this third path resistance is also within the
range, Then switch S3 of the IC4066 activates the LED3 (yellow).
At Full Water provides a conductive path between full Probe and Ground
Probe, which is in parallel with the 25% Probe – Ground Probe,50%
probe - ground path, If this fourth path resistance is also within the
range, Then switch S4 of the IC4066 activates the LED4 (Red).
At 25% At 50%
At 75%
Used Components
CD4066B - Quad Bilateral Switch
• A transistor is a semiconductor
device commonly used to
amplify or switch electronic
Cumulative compound
Differentially compounded
Applicati on Of Motors
• Electric motors are used in many, if not most,
modern machines. Obvious uses would be in
rotating machines such as fans, turbines, drills,
the wheels on electric cars, locomotives and
conveyor belts.
• Electric motors are also popular in robotics.
• Also Electric motors can be used as a Pump to
supply water to a reserver tank.
• A relay is an electrically operated switch.
• Relays are used where it is necessary to
control a circuit by a low-power signal (with
complete electrical isolation between control
and controlled circuits), or where several
circuits must be controlled by one signal.
• Relays use an electromagnet to operate a
switching mechanism mechanically.
Working Principle of Relay
Normally-open (NO) contacts connect the circuit when the
relay is activated; the circuit is disconnected when the
relay is inactive. It is also called a Form A contact or
"make" contact. NO contacts can also be distinguished as
"early-make" or NOEM, which means that the contacts
will close before the button or switch is fully engaged.
Normally-closed (NC) contacts disconnect the circuit when
the relay is activated; the circuit is connected when the
relay is inactive. It is also called a Form B contact or
"break" contact. NC contacts can also be distinguished as
"late-break" or NCLB, which means that the contacts will
stay closed until the button or switch is fully disengaged.
Change-over (CO), or double-throw (DT), contacts control
two circuits: one normally-open contact and one
normally-closed contact with a common terminal. It is also
called a Form C contact or "transfer" contact ("break
before make"). If this type of contact utilizes a "make
before break" functionality, then it is called a Form D
Applicati on Of Relays
• Control a high-voltage circuit with a low-voltage
signal, as in some types of modems or audio
• Control a high-current circuit with a low-current
signal, as in the starter solenoid of an automobile,
• Isolate the controlling circuit from the controlled
circuit when the two are at different potentials, for
example when controlling a mains-powered device
from a low-voltage switch. The latter is often applied
to conserve energy.
• 6V AC supply is needed to avoid electrolysis
between insulation free Al wire and water.
• SPST switch should be closed b4 pumping water
in the tank.
• To avoid the effect of high contact resistance of
Breadboard, a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) may
be used.
• The supply water should contains some minerals
to enhance conductivity.
• Now no need to go on the roof to look at the water level.
• It shows the water level distinctly like 1/4 tank, 1/2 tank,
3/4 tank and full tank.
• Alarm starts ringing as soon as tank becomes full.
• Suitable for every tank.
• Useful for paper industry, tannery.
• It can be used in dam, flood & drought affected areas.
• In hydroelectric power systems, automatic water level
controller may be very useful.
• Text Reference:
– "Finite dimensional piezoelectric transducer modeling for guided wave based
structural health monitoring" by Raghavan A. and Cesnik C.E.S.
– “Electronic Fundamentals and Applications” by PC Rakshit and D Chattopadhyay
– “Integrated Elecronics” by Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias.
– “Solid State Electronic Devices” by Ben Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee
• Internet Reference: