Piston Check Valve: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
Piston Check Valve: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
Piston Check Valve: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
E-Mail: mjvalve@spx.com
Web Site: www.mandjvalve.com
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Piston Check Valve
Table of Contents
Unpacking ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Handling ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Installation ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Piston Removal .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Seat Removal ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Seat Installation ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Seat Locking Pin .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Assembly ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Engineering Data
Weight Data ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Parts List................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1. The M&J piston check valve provides back flow 3. Located on the valve cover plate, the nameplate
control for piping systems. Generally classified as (see detail below) provides applicable information
non slam, it is designed specifically for use on the including size, pressure class, materials, pressure/
discharge of reciprocating compressors or any service temperature, ratings and serial number. Provide the
with pulsating flow. It can also be used successfully valve serial number when contacting M & J Valve
in non-reciprocating service. The cast body design Company in regards to your valve. This will expedite
conforms to ANSI B16.34. Flanged end valve flanges any request and insure that correct information is
are in accordance with ANSI B16.5 unless otherwise given. Note: The serial number is also stamped on the
specified. body near the cover plate joint.
II Installation
1. Unpacking 3. Installation
1.1 All valves should be inspected on receipt for lost M & J piston check valves are designed for
or damaged components. horizontal service. Valve sizes 4 and smaller
may be mounted in a vertical position provided
1.2 Remove end connection protectors and thoroughly that they are equipped with a piston spring.
inspect valve interior for damage and/or foreign When vertical flow is intended, valves must be
material. Remove all shipping supports. specifically ordered for that service.
1.3 Install all loose items as soon as possible to 3.1 For horizontal service, valves should be installed
prevent loss or damage. with the inlet and outlet at the same level. The
cover plate should be facing upward to allow
2. Handling proper piston action. The arrow on the body
must be pointing in the direction of intended flow.
For vertical flow up or down service, (4 valve size
2.1 Small valves may be lifted with slings, straps, or and smaller) install the check valve with the flow
by hooking into end flanges. Large valves are arrow pointing in the correct direction.
furnished with lifting eyes in the cover plate.
3.2 Clean the end connections and mating pipe prior
Caution: Always use handling equipment that to valve installation. It is recommended that the
is suitable for the valve weight. Follow valve be supported properly to prevent strain and
good lifting practices. Take care
not to damage valve or component fatigue of the end connections.
3.3 Standard A and B trim valves with an ANSI
rating of 150-1500 should be limited to 650 F
The M & J Piston Check Valve has an internal rising and the ball checks close. This again seals
piston that moves inside of a sleeve (liner). It off the area above the piston. At this time, gravity
is supported by piston rings that are similar to and/or a spring begin to push the piston back
those used on automotive pistons. This piston down towards the seat. As the piston begins to
has a tapered metal seal area that seats against travel down, the area above it increases and a
a removable metal seat that is threaded into the vacuum could form that would stop its descent.
valve body. To avoid this situation, an orifice plug has been
installed in the top of the piston. This part has a
As upstream pressure and flow become greater small hole through it that opens into the fluid flow
than downstream pressure, the piston begins to path. Its purpose is to allow fluid to meter into
lift off of the seat and slide up into the liner. When the chamber above the piston letting it descend
this occurs, the fluid in the chamber on top of slowly. This creates a dampening effect that
the piston begins to compress. This compressed prevents the piston from slamming against the
fluid would prohibit further lifting of the piston seat. Normally, before the piston contacts the
if there were not ball check valves installed in seat, the next pulse enters the valve starting the
the top of it. These small spring loaded check whole cycle over. When flow stops, the piston will
valves are forced open by the compressing fluid then contact the seat and any backflow pressure
trapped above the piston. As they open, fluid forces the piston seal surface tightly against the
is allowed to escape letting the piston continue seat, preventing reverse flow.
to travel upward. Once the driving force of the
compressor pulse equalizes, the piston stops
4.2.1 Remove the liner locking plug and the liner 4.3.1 All Piston Check Valve seats are threaded
hold down plug. Both pieces are screwed into the valve body. To facilitate installation
into the body. Clean and inspect. and removal, each seat has a slot across
the threaded end for engagement with a
4.2.2 Remove and inspect spring if present and M&J Valve seat removal tool. An example
replace if required. of this tool with a seat ring engaged is
shown below.
4.2.3 Remove piston by threading a cap screw,
threaded rod, or lifting eye into the tapped
hole in top of piston. Use it to pull the piston
out of the valve. NOTE: Thread size varies
by piston size.
1 through 4
1 300, 600 & 2500 1-203-50-010 4.3.6 With T-bar and seat clamp engaged in tool
slots, turn handle counterclockwise to
1-1/2 150, 600, & 2500 1-203-50-020 remove seat. NOTE: Seat may be difficult
to remove on valves that have been in
2 150-2500 1-203-50-030
service for some time. Additional force may
be required to break seat free.
2 10,000 1-203-50-035
4 10,000 1-203-50-055
8 150-1500 1-203-50-070
10 150-1500 1-203-50-080
4.4.5 After seat installation, drill hole for seat 4.6 Assembly
lock pin. Hole should engage both seat
and body simultaneously. Use 3/16 drill 4.6.1 If required, install seat per section 4.4.
for valve sizes up to 4, use 1/4 drill for
valve sizes larger than 4, making hole 4.6.2 Insert one end of seat locking pin into 1/4
1/4 deep. drilled hole. Position pin to accept hole in
1 - BODY. The body is cast carbon steel unless otherwise 13 PIPE PLUG. Used to plug off body drain.
specified. Top entry allows easy inspection and maintenance.
14 RING GASKET. (Not Shown) Replaces the cover gasket
2 COVER. The cover is made from carbon steel plate for class 2500# and higher valves.
unless otherwise specified. Complete with NPT port.
15 N/A.
3 PISTON. The piston seals against the seat preventing
back flow. Made from a 400 series stainless steel unless 16 INTERNAL SEAL RING. (Not Shown) Used with ring
otherwise specified. See Trim Chart. gasket.
4 SEAT. Screws into the body and provides sealing area 17 PISTON SPRING. Used through 4 for vertical service
for piston. Made from a 400 series stainless steel unless and thorough 8 for liquid service.
otherwise specified. See Trim Chart.
18 SEAT LOCKING PIN. Locks seat and liner in place.
5 LINER. Provides replaceable sleeve for piston to travel Made from 300 series stainless steel.
in. Standard material is cast iron with hard chrome unless
otherwise as specified. See Trim Chart. 19 LINER HOLD DOWN PLUG. (Not Shown, for 1 Class
2500# only) Stainless Steel.
6 PISTON RINGS. Guides piston through liner. Standard
material is cast iron. See Trim Chart. 20 LINER LOCKING PLUG. (Not Shown, for 1 Class
2500# only) Stainless Steel.
6A - RING EXPANDERS. Only for use with Teflon piston
rings. Material is 316 stainless steel. 21 NAMEPLATE. Aluminum Casting or Stainless Steel.
7 - BALL CHECK. Opens as Piston travels open to relieve 22 LIFTING EYE BOLTS. Steel.
upper piston cavity. Standard material is 316 stainless steel.
23 LINER HOLD DOWN SCREWS. (Not Shown, for Class
8 - ORIFICE PLUG. Allows media to fill piston cavity. 2500# only) Stainless Steel.
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SPX Corporation reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.
Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should
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