CVS Series E 1 6 Inch March 2021 1

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Instruction Manual

CVS Series E
1 through 6-Inch Globe
Design “ED” and “ET”
Contained in this manual are installation instructions,
maintenance procedures and parts information for
the 1 through 6-inch CVS Series E, Design ED and
ET Globe Valves. Refer to the appropriate manuals
for instructions for the accompanying actuator and
additional accessories.

Trained or experienced personnel should carry out

operation and installation of all pressure equipment.
If you have any questions regarding the equipment, Figure 1: CVS Series E Valve
contact your CVS Controls representative.
For standard cages the flow direction is flow-down.
Applications and Features The following flow characteristics are available:
linear, quick opening and equal percent.
The CVS Series E is a single port, globe-style body
with composition or metal seats and a balanced
The end connections are ANSI Class 150, 300 and
push-down-to-close valve action plug.
600 Raised Face, or Ring Type Joint flanges as per
ASME B16.34-latest edition.
There are two styles of valve available, providing
excellent pressure and flow control on steam, gasses CVS Series E Globe Valve are available in the
and various liquid applications: following body materials - LCC, WCB, WCC, WC9,
1. Design ED is intended for general control C5, Monel, and CF8M SST. Additional materials
applications over a wide variety of temperatures may be available upon request.
and pressure drops. This design has an upper
piston ring seal and metal-to-metal seating. Trim material is available in 316SST, 416SST,
17-4PH, Alloy6-Co.Cr-A, Cobalt and
2. Design ET is intended for applications requiring 316SST/Tungsten Carbide.
low leakage rates with composition seating
(TFE) for tight shutoff requirements or metal-to- Sour Service Capability
metal seating for higher temperature capabilities.
The valve plug has a two-piece upper seal. Optional NACE MRO175/ISO 15156-2009

Head Office Calgary Sales Office

3900 – 101 Street 3516 114 Avenue SE
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (780) 437-3055 Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (780) 436-5461 Fax: (403) 291-9487

Website: E-Mail:

Installation Valve Size, Weight
1. Before installing a CVS Series E valve carefully Inches Lbs Kg
inspect for damage that may have occurred in 1, 1-1/4 30 14
1-1/2 45 20
2. Remove all welding slag, pipe scale and any
2 68 31
other foreign matter by cleaning out the lines
before installation. 2-1/2 100 45
3. Install the valve so that the flow direction arrow 3 125 57
on the body coincides with the actual process 4 170 78
flow through the valve. 6 350 160
4. Use accepted piping practices when installing Table 1: Approximate Weights
the valve. Use a suitable gasket between
pipeline flanges and valve body.
5. Although the control valve can be installed in any
position, the typical installation has the actuator Maintenance
vertical above the body.
6. Installing a conventional 3-valve bypass around
the body will allow for continuous operation Warning:
during maintenance and inspection. To avoid damage to the process system or personal
7. CVS Series E valve bodies are rated at 150, 300 injury, isolate the valve from the system and relieve
and 600 lb. ANSI. Be sure not to install the valve any pressure contained within prior to disassembly.
in any system where working pressures are Disconnect any operating lines providing air
greater than those specified in the standards. pressure, control signals or electrical power to the

Sectional view of CVS

Series E Valve Body
with Full Size Trim

Except where indicated, refer to Figure 2 for part
descriptions used in the following procedure.

1. With the actuator disconnected and removed

from the body, remove the hex nuts, (key 15,
figure 9).
2. Remove the bonnet with the valve plug and
3. Loosen the packing flange nuts (key 5, figure 8)
and remove the valve plug and stem from the
bonnet. If the valve stem needs replacement,
punch out the groove pin and unscrew the stem.
If the valve plug needs replacement, a new valve Figure 3: Equal Percentage Cage
plug and stem assembly is required.

Warning: Do not use an old stem with a new 4. Place the cage (key 3) onto the seat ring (key 9).
valve plug. Using an old stem requires drilling a Any rotational orientation of the cage with
new hole for the groove pin and as a result, the respect to the valve body is acceptable.
integrity of the stem is weakened. 5. With full-sized trim, install cage gasket (key 10),
spiral wound gasket (key 11) and bonnet gasket
4. If desired you may disassemble the internal parts (key 9) onto the cage shoulder.
of the bonnet. To replace the Packing, see 6. With restricted trim, install the cage gasket (key
instructions titled “Packing Replacement” in this 10), spiral wound gasket (key 11) and an
manual. additional cage gasket (key 10) onto the cage
shoulder. Install the cage adaptor and place the
Warning: The portion of the cage which is bonnet gasket onto the adaptor.
exposed provides a guiding surface. Ensure that 7. If installing a new stem in the valve plug, screw
this surface is not damaged during disassembly the new stem into the valve plug. Refer to Table
or maintenance. If the cage is seized in the body, 2 for appropriate torque values and drill sizes.
use a rubber mallet to strike the exposed portion Drill through the stem, using the hole in the valve
at varying points around its circumference. plug as a guide. Remove any chips or burrs and
drive in a new groove pin to lock the assembly.
5. Remove the cage and gaskets from the valve 8. If the seal ring appears damaged, remove and
body. With restricted trim, (figure 11) remove the replace with a new one. Be careful not to scratch
seat ring adaptor (key 5) and the cage adaptor the ring groove surfaces. Damage to the ring
(key 4). groove surface may prevent the new ring from
6. Remove the seat ring and its gasket. With sealing properly. The seal ring must either be
composition seats, remove the disc retainer, disc pried or cut from the groove and therefore
seat and TFE disc. cannot be reused.

Reassembly If possible, lapping of metal seats should be

Except where indicated refer to Figure 2 for part done before seal ring installation. Refer to the
descriptions used in the following procedure. “Lapping Metal Seats” procedure in this manual.

1. Clean all gasket-seating surfaces. Use new 8a For valve bodies using a carbon-filled TFE piston
gaskets only for reassembly. ring, locate the split and slightly spread the ring.
2. With restricted trim (figure 11) install the seat Install the ring over the stem and onto the piston
ring adaptor gasket (key 13) and the adaptor ring groove on the valve plug. Graphite piston
(key 5). rings are supplied as a complete ring and must
3. Replace the seat ring gasket (key 12) and install be broken into two sections. The piston ring can
the seat ring (key 8). If using a composition seat, be broken in half by scoring, and then breaking
assemble it by placing the TFE disc (key 20) into over a hard surface such as the edge of a table.
the disc retainer (key 18), then sliding this Ensure the broken ends are re-matched when
assembly over the disc seat (key 19). the piston ring is installed in the piston ring

Reassembly cont’d

8b Apply a lubricant to both back-up ring and seal

rings. Install the back-up ring over the stem and
into the piston ring groove. Place the seal ring
over the top edge of the valve plug, so that it
slips into the groove on one side of the valve

Cautiously stretch the seal ring to work it over

the top edge of the valve plug. Avoid jerking
sharply on the seal, as the TFE in the seal ring
needs time to cold flow during the stretching
procedure. This stretching may make the seal
ring seem loose in the groove; however it will
contract to its original size after installation of the
9. When placing the valve plug into the cage,
ensure that the seal ring is evenly set in the
entrance bevel at the top of the cage to avoid
ring damage.
10. Mount bonnet to the body.
11. Tighten the bonnet to body bolts. Refer to Table Table 3: Body to Bonnet Bolt Torques
Bolt Torques
3 for recommended torques. Valve Size Inches SA 193-B7
Lbf-Ft N-m
Always adhere to accepted bolting practices and 1-1/4 or less 95 133
lubricate bolts. Correct tightening of the bonnet bolts 1-1/2, 1-1/2x1m, 2, 2x1 71 100
accomplishes the following: 2-1/2, 2-1/2x1-1/2 95 133
3, 3x2, 3x2-1/2 125 175
a) The spiral wound gasket will compress 4, 4x2-1/2, 4x3 200 280
enough to load and seal the seat ring 6 405 567
b) The outer portion of the top gasket will
compress so that the bonnet to body
connection forms a seal.
Packing Maintenance
Note: Bolt up characteristics for spiral wound
gaskets are such that the tightening of one bolt may TFE V-Ring Packing
loosen another. This will occur with the tightening of Except where indicated, refer to Figure 8 for part
all the bolts until the bonnet to body seal is made. descriptions used in the following procedure.
Several trials on each bolt are required until, at the
given torque, the nut does not turn. 1. For spring loaded single TFE V-ring packing, the
12. Mount the actuator to the bonnet and make up spring (key 8) maintains the sealing force on the
the stem connection. Refer to “Making up Stem packing. If leakage is detected around the
Connection” instructions in this manual. packing follower (key 13), tighten the packing
flange nuts (key 5) until the leakage stops. If the
Table 2: Stem Torque and Groove Pin Drill Sizes shoulder of the packing box is touching the
Valve Stem Torque Groove Pin bonnet and leakage cannot be controlled in this
Connection (VSC) Min/Max Values Drill Size manner, see “Packing Replacement”.
Inches Mm Lbf-Ft N-m Inches
3/8 9.5 40-47 25-35 3/32
1/2 12.7 81-115 60-85 1/8 Packing Replacement
3/4 19.1 237-339 175-25- 3/16
1 25.4 420-481 310-355 1/4 1. Once the actuator and bonnet have been
1-1/4 31.8 827-908 610-670 1/4 separated from the body (refer to Steps 1-2 of
Disassembly procedure), remove the following
from the bonnet:
a. Packing flange nuts (key 5)
b. Packing flange (key 3)
c. Felt wiper (key 12)
d. Packing follower (key 13)
Packing Replacement cont’d Lubricator/Isolating Valve: Open the isolating
valve, turn the cap screw in a clockwise direction,
2. Clean the packing box bore, spring (key 8),
then close the isolating valve.
washer (key 10), and the packing box ring (key
3. Install the valve plug assembly and mount the
Lapping Metal Seats
bonnet to the body using new gaskets. Use the
sequence shown in Figure 4 to install new In any valve body, a certain amount of leakage
packing and associated parts. Be sure not to should be expected with metal-to-metal seating.
damage the packing during installation. Replace However, if the leakage becomes excessive, lapping
the packing flange (key 3), tighten the packing can enhance the condition of the seating surfaces of
flange nuts (key 5) until the shoulder of the the valve plug and seat ring. Deep nicks in the
packing follower (key 13) is approximately 5/8” seating surface should be removed by machining
from the top of the bonnet. If leakage is detected rather than lapping. There are many lapping
around the packing follower, tighten the packing compounds available commercially. Be sure to use
flange nuts until the leakage stops. one of high quality. Apply lapping compound to the
4. For graphite packing, tighten the packing flange bottom of the plug.
nuts to the maximum torque value in Table 4.
Then back off the nuts and retighten them to the In order to position the cage and seat ring properly
minimum torque value in Table 4. and to help align the valve plug with the seat ring,
5. For other Packing Types, in small equal bolt the bonnet to the body with gaskets (the old
increments, tighten the flange nuts until one of gaskets can be used) in place during the lapping
the nuts reach the minimum torque shown in procedure. A simple handle can be made from a
Table 4. Then, tighten the other nut until the piece of metal secured to the valve stem with nuts.
packing flange is level. Rotate the handle in opposite directions to lap the
6. Mount the actuator and set the stem connector seating surfaces. Once lapping is complete,
to the required travel. Refer to “Making Up Stem disconnect the bonnet, clean the seating surfaces,
Connection” procedure. reassemble and then test for shutoff. If leakage is
still excessive, repeat the lapping procedure.
Packing Lubrication
The use of semi-metallic packing requires the use of
a lubricator or lubricator/isolating valve (figure 5).
The lubricator or lubricator/isolating valve is mounted
in place of a pipe plug (key 14, figure 7, 8). For
standard service up to 450oF, use Dow Corning
lubricant or equivalent.

Lubricator: To add lubricant to the packing box, turn

the cap screw in a clockwise direction.

Table 4: Torque Values for Packing Flange Nuts

Valve Stem Diameter PTFE Type Packing Graphite Type Packing

Min. Torque Max. Torque Min. Torque Max. Torque
Inches Mm Rating
Lbf-in N-m Lbf-in N-m Lbf-in N-m Lbf-in N-m
150 13 1 19 2 27 3 40 5
3/8 9.5 300 17 2 26 3 36 4 53 6
600 23 3 35 4 49 6 73 8
150 21 2 31 4 44 5 66 8
1/2 12.7 300 28 3 42 5 59 7 88 10
600 39 4 58 7 81 9 122 14
150 47 5 70 8 99 11 149 17
3/4 19.1 300 64 7 95 11 133 15 199 23
600 87 10 131 15 182 21 274 31
300 108 12 162 18 226 26 339 38
1 25.4
600 149 17 223 25 310 35 466 53
300 152 17 228 26 318 36 477 54
1-1/4 31.8
600 209 24 314 36 437 49 655 74






Figure 4 - Packing Arrangements-See Table 4 for recommended torque values.



Making Up Stem Connection
Direct Acting Actuator
Refer to Figure 6 for part descriptions used in the
following procedure.

1. Move the valve plug to the closed position.

2. Thread stem locknuts onto the stem and set the
travel indicator disc on these nuts. The cupped
portion of the indicator disc should face
3. Move the valve plug stem up the required travel
and attach the stem connector. Make sure there
is full engagement of the actuator stem threads.
Place the two cap screws in the stem connector
and tighten only slightly at this time. Position the
travel indicator disc against the bottom of the
stem connector by tightening the stem lock nuts
4. The travel indicator should indicate the valve to
be wide open with no pressure on the
diaphragm. If it does not, loosen the screws that
hold the travel indicator scale and move the
scale to the position required.
5. Apply varying pressures to the diaphragm case
and observe the valve travel. Make certain that
the valve plug seats on the seat ring.

Note: If the travel is not correct on units with plain or

extension bonnets, the travel can be corrected by
screwing the valve plug stem either into or out of the
stem connector. Always use a wrench on the lock
nuts to turn the stem. Do not use pliers or a pipe
wrench directly on the stem itself. Make sure not to diaphragm. If it does not, loosen the screws that
turn the valve plug while it is on the seat. hold the travel indicator scale and move the
scale to the required position.
5. Apply varying pressures to the diaphragm case
Reverse Acting Actuator and observe the valve travel. Make certain that
Refer to Figure 6 for part descriptions used in the the valve plug seats on the seat ring.
following procedure.
Note: If the travel is not correct on units with plain or
1. Move the valve plug to closed position. extension bonnets, the travel can be corrected by
2. Thread stem locknuts onto stem then set the screwing the valve plug stem either into or out of the
travel indicator disc on these nuts. The cupped stem connector. Always use a wrench on the lock
portion of the indicator disc should face nuts to turn the stem. Do not use pliers or a pipe
downward. wrench directly on the stem itself. Make sure not to
3. Move the valve plug stem up the required travel turn the valve plug while it is on the seat.
and attach the stem connector. Make sure there
is full engagement of the actuator stem threads. Parts Ordering
Place the two cap screws in the stem connector
and tighten only slightly at this time. Position the A serial number identifies every CVS Series E valve
travel indicator disc against the bottom of the body-bonnet assembly, which can be found on the
stem connector by tightening the stem lock nuts front of the valve. Please refer to this number when
slightly. contacting your CVS Controls representative.
4. The travel indicator should indicate the valve to
be wide open with non pressure on the

Figure 8: Extension Bonnet

Key Part Name Key Part Name

Special Washer (TFE
1 Bonnet 10
Packing Only)
Bushing (Extension
2 11 Packing Box Ring
bonnets only)
3 Packing Flange *12 Upper Wiper
4 Packing Flange Stud 13 Packing Follower
5 Packing Flange Nut 14 Pipe Plug
Packing (TFE V-Ring Lubricator or
*6 151
Packing Only) Lubricator/Isolating Valve2
Packing Ring (Not req’d Yoke Locknut (2-1/8, 2-
*71 16
with TFE Packing) 13/16, 3-9/16 Yoke Bosses
8 Spring / Lantern Ring 17 Pipe Plug
(*) Recommended Spare Part
Packing Ring (Not req’d
*91 (1) Not Shown
with TFE Packing) (2) See Packing Lubrication

CVS Series E Parts Reference List

Key Part Name Material Key Part Name Material

1 Valve Body --- 14 Stud Steel
*2 Plug 316 SS 15 Hex Nut Steel
3 Cage 16 Flow Direction Arrow 316 SS
Cage Adaptor
4 17-4 DHT 17 Drive Screw 316 SS
(Except 6/4 Restricted Trim)
Disc Retainer (Composition
5 Seat Ring Adaptor 316 SS *18 316 SS
*6 Stem 316 SS *19 Disc Seat (Composition Seat) 316 SS
*7 Groove Pin 316 SS *20 TFE Disc TFE
Carbon Filled
*8 Seat Ring (Metal Seat Only) 316 SS *21 Seal Ring
*9 Bonnet Gasket Graphoil *22 Back-up Ring Viton/EPDM
*10 Shim 316 SS
316 SS
*11 Spiral Wound Gasket (*) Recommended Spare Parts
(A)-Consult CVS Controls Representative for Valve Body style, size and material
*12 Seat Gasket Graphoil availability
Seat Ring Adaptor Gasket
*13 LF2
(Except 6x4 Restricted Trim)

Figure 10: Trim for

1-1/2 x 1 Valve Body
Figure 11: CVS Series E
Figure 9: CVS Series E with
with Restricted Trim
Full Capacity

CVS Series E Trim Parts List

Figure 12: CVS Series E Internal Assemblies – See Following Tables

CVS Series E Trim Parts List
Key 1, 1A, 5 and 5A (Optional Materials Available upon Request*)

“ED” Key 4
Key 1 Key 5-Plug “ET” Key 5A-Plug
Bod VS
y C
Body (In)
Groove Pin Stem 316 SSA 416 SS Size (In) 316 SSA 416 SS
1-1/2 CVS1V65714617
3/8 CVS1V32263507 CVS1U38883516 CVS1V65713507 CVS1V65714617 3/8 CVS1V65713507
1 x1
1/2 CVS1V32273507 CVS1U38903516 CVS1V65723507 CVS1V65724617 2x1 1/2 CVS1V65723507 CVS1V65724617
3/8 CVS1V32253507 CVS1U38883516 CVS1V63733507 CVS1V63734617 x 1- 1/2 CVS1V65743507 CVS1V65744617
1/2 CVS1V32273507 CVS1U38903516 CVS1V65743507 CVS1V65744617 1/2 CVS1V65753507 CVS1V65754617
1/2 CVS1V32263507 CVS1K58693516 CVS1V65753507 CVS1V65754617 3/4 CVS1V65763507 CVS1V65764617
2 4x
3/4 CVS1V32603507 CSV1U22653516 CVS1V65763507 CVS1V65764617 3/4 CVS1V65783507 CVS1V65784617
1/2 CVS1V32263507 CVS1U23053516 CVS1V65773507 CVS1V65774617 6x4 3/4 CVS1V65823507 CVS1V65824617
3/4 CVS1V32603507 CVS1U23083516 CVS1V65783507 CVS1V65784617 “ET”
Key 1A
1-2 CVS1V32263507 CVS1U23053516 CVS1V65793507 CVS1V65794617 Bod VS
3 y C
3/4 CVS1V32273507 CVS1U23053516 CVS1V65803507 CVS1V65804617
Size (In) Stem
1/2 CVS1V32263507 CVS1U23053516 CVS1V65813507 CVS1V65814617 (In)
4 3/4 CVS1V32603507 CVS1K58773516 CVS1V65823507 CVS1V65824617 3/8 CVS1U22363516
1 CVS1V33403507 CVS1K75903516 CVS1V65833507 CVS1V65834617 x1 1/2 CVS1K58693516
3/4 CVS1V32603507 CVS1L99643516 CVS1V65843507 CVS1V65844617 2x1 1/2 CVS1U38903516
6 1 CVS1N70473516 CVS1V65853507 CVS1V65854617 x 1- 1/2 CVS1U38903516
1-1/4 CVS1K41543516 CVS1V65863507 CVS1V65864617 1/2 CVS1K58693516
3/4 CVS1U22653516
4x 1/2 CVS1U23053516
(A) - Not for use with 17-4PH SS Cages above 410oF (210oC); use High Temp Plugs for these applications
2-1/2 3/4 CVS1U23083516
6x4 3/4 CVS1L99643516
* Tungsten Carbide and Cobalt Trim available upon request, Contact a CVS Controls Representative for more information.

Key 2 & 3 Seal Ring and Back-Up Ring

Key 2 Key 3
“ET” Body Size Seal Ring Back-Up Ring
o o
(In) TFE Carbon 0 F to 400 F -65oF to 300oF
Filled Viton (Std) EPDM
1, 1-1/2x1, 2x1 CVS1V65910509 CVS1V65900529 CVS1V65900042
CVS1V65930509 CVS1V65920529 CVS1V65920032
2, 3x2 CVS1V55080509 CVS1V55070529 CVS1V55070042
2-1/2, 4x2-1/2 CVS1V65950509 CVS1V65940529 CVS1V65940032
3 CVS1V65970509 CVS1V65960529 CVS1V65960032
4, 6x4 CVS1V65990509 CVS1V65980509 CVS1V65980022
6 CVS1V66010509 CVS1V66000529 CVS1V66000022

Key 6 Cage

Equal Percentage
“ET” and “ED”
17-4 PH SS 316 SS
Body Size (In) Alloy 6
Hardened Nickel Coated Chrome Plated
1, 1-1/2x1, 2x1 CVS2U21533327 CVS2U74084893 CVS2U69134610 CVS2U21533910
CVS2U21953327 CVS2U74094893 CVS2U69194610 CVS2U21953910
2, 3x2 CVSA2U22373327 CVS2U74104893 CVS2U269224610 CVS2U22373910
2-1/2, 4x2-1/2 CVS2U22793327 CVS2U74114893 CVS2U69254610 CVS2U22793910
3 CVS1U13213327 CVS2U74124893 CVS2U69284610 CVS2U23213910
4 CVS2U23633327 CVS2U74134893 CVS2U69314610 CVS2U23633910
6 CVS2U50593327 CVS2U80674893 CVS2U69374610 CVS2U50593910
6x4 CVS2V37233327 CVS2V37134893 CVS2V37164610 CVS2V37233910

TFE V-Ring Packing (Not Shown) (Optional materials available upon request)

Stem Size (In)

3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4
Packing CVS1R29000101 CVS1R29020101 CVS1R29040101 CVS1429060101 CVS1R29080101

CVS Series E Trim Parts List
Key 7, 8, 9 Disc Seat Retainer
Key 7 Key 8 Key 9
“ET” Body Size Composition Seat
(In) Disc Retainer Disc (TFE) Disc Seat
316 SS -70oF to -350oF 316 SS
1, 2x1 CVS1V71003507 CVS1V71710624 CVS1V71023507
CVS1V71033507 CVS1V71040624 CVS1V71053507
2, 3x2 CVS1V71083507 CVS1V71070624 CVS1V71063507
2-1/2, 4x2-1/2 CVS1V71093507 CVS1V71100624 CVS1V71133507
3 CVS1V71123507 CVS1C71130624 CVS1V71143507
4 CVS1V71153507 CVS1V71160624 CVS1V71173309
6 CVS1V71183507 CVS1V71190624 CVS1V71203309
6x4 CVS1V71233507 CVS1V71160624 CVS1V71243507

Key 10 Piston Ring

“ED” Body Size TFE Carbon
(In) Filled
1, 1-1/2x1, 2x1
1-1/2, CVS1U2215050
2-1/2x1-1/2 9
2, 3x2
2-1/2, 4x2-1/2
4, 6x4

Key 11 Seat Ring

“ED” Body Size Key 11 Metal Seat
(In) 316 SS 416 SS ALLOY 6
1, 2x1 CVS1U22253507 CVS1U22254617 CVS1U22253910
1-1/2 x 1 CVS1U22203507 CVS1U22204617 CVS1U22203910
CVS1U22193507 CVS1U22194617 CVS1U22193910
2-1/2 x 1-1/2
2, 3 x 2 CVS1U22263507 CVS1U22264617 CVS1U22263910
2-1/2, 4 x 2-1/2 CVS1U22273507 CVS1U22274617 CVS1U22273910
3 CVS1U22283507 CVS1U22284617 CVS1U22283910
4 CVS1U22293507 CVS1U22294617 CVS1U22293910
6 CVS1U50803507 CVS1U50804617 CVS1U50803910
6x4 CVS2V37193507 CVS2V37194617 CVS2V37204605

Key 12 Seat Ring Adaptor and Key 13 Cage Adaptor

Key 12 Key 13
“ED” Body Seat Ring Adaptor Cage Adaptor
Body Size
Size (In) C-5 C-5
Iron & Steel 316 SS (In) Iron & Steel 316 SS
Chrome Moly Chrome Moly
1-1/2 x 1 Not Req’d Not Req’d Not Req’d 1-1/2 x 1 CVS1U22182440 CVS1U22183507 CVS1U22183507
2X1 CVS1U22622449 CVS1U22623507 CVS1U22623507 2x1 CVS1U12072449 CVS1U12073507 CVS1U12073507
2-1/2 x 1 CVS1U23042449 CVS1U23043507 CVS1U23043507 2-1/2 x 1 CVS1U23022449 CVS1U23023507 CVS1U23023507
3x2 CVS1U23462449 CVS1U23463507 CVS1U23463507 3x2 CVS1U12462201 CVS1U12463309 CVS1U12462902
4 x 2-1/2 CVS1U23962449 CVS1U23963507 CVS1U23963507 4 x 2-1/2 CVS1U12512201 CVS1U12513309 CVS1U12512902

Gaskets (Not Shown) Temperature to 8000F

“ET” Body Size Gaskets
(In) Gasket Set Bonnet Cage Spiral Wound Seat Ring
1 CVS1R2860X001 CVS1R2859 CVS142861 CVS1R2860 CVS1R2862
1-1/2 CVS1R3099X001 CVS1R3101 CVS1R3100 CVS1R3099 CVS1R3098
2 CVS1R3297X001 CVS1R3299 CVS1R3298 CVS1R3297 CVS1R3296
2-1/2 CVS1R3845X001 CVS1R3847 CVS1R3846 CVS1R3845 CVS1R3844
3 CVS1R3482X003 CVS1R3484 CVS1R3483 CVS1R3482 CVS1R3481
4 CVS1R3722X001 CVS1R3724 CVS1R3723 CVS1R3722 CVS1J5047
6 CVS1U5085X001 CVS1U5081 CVS1U5083 CVS1U5085 CVS1U5086
6x4 CVS1U5085X001 CVS1U5081 CVS1U5081 CVS1U5081 CVS1U5081
Optional materials available. Consult CVS Controls.

CVS Series E Dimensional Data
Steel Bodies through 600lb Rating

Dimension A 1
150 RF 150 RTJ 300 RF 300 RTJ 600 RF 600 RTJ
In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm
1 25.4 7.25 184.2 7.75 196.9 7.75 196.9 8.25 209.6 8.25 209.6 8.25 209.6
1-1/2 38.1 8.75 222.3 9.25 235.0 9.25 235.0 9.75 247.7 9.88 251.0 9.88 251.0
2 50.8 10.00 254.0 10.50 266.7 10.50 266.7 11.13 282.7 11.25 285.8 11.38 289.1
2-1/2 63.5 10.88 276.4 11.38 289.1 11.50 292.1 12.13 308.1 12.25 311.2 12.38 314.5
3 76.2 11.75 298.5 12.25 311.2 12.5 317.5 13.13 333.5 13.25 336.55 13.38 339.9
4 101.6 13.88 352.6 14.38 365.3 14.51 368.3 15.13 384.3 15.50 393.7 15.63 397.0
6 152.4 17.75 450.9 18.25 463.6 18.63 473.2 19.25 489.0 20.00 508.0 20.13 511.3
Dimension C
In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm
1 25.4 2.13 54.1 2.13 54.1 2.13 54.1 2.13 54.1 2.13 54.1 2.13 54.1
1-1/2 38.1 2.44 6.19 2.44 6.19 2.44 6.19 2.44 6.19 2.44 6.19 2.44 6.19
2 50.8 2.88 73.2 2.88 73.2 2.88 73.2 2.88 73.2 2.88 73.2 2.88 73.2
2-1/2 63.5 3.44 87.4 3.44 87.4 3.44 87.4 3.44 87.4 3.44 87.4 3.44 87.4
3 76.2 3.56 90.4 3.56 90.4 3.56 90.4 3.56 90.4 3.56 90.4 3.56 90.4
4 101.6 4.69 119.1 4.69 119.1 4.81 119.1 4.81 119.1 4.94 125.5 4.94 125.5
6 152.4 5.19 131.8 5.31 134.9 5.31 134.9 5.50 139.7 5.50 139.7 5.50 139.7
Dimension D
Size Standard Bonnet Extension Bonnet
Stem Size Stem Size
3/8 9.5 1/2 12.7 3.4 19.1 3/8 9.5 1/2 12.7 3.4 19.1
In mm
In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm In Mm
1 25.4 5 127.0 5.88 150 --- --- 8.38 212.8 9.88 251.0 --- ---
1-1/2 38.1 4.88 123.8 5.75 146.1 --- --- 8.25 209.6 9.75 247.7 --- ---
2 50.8 --- --- 6.50 165.1 6.38 162.1 --- --- 10.50 266.7 10.50 266.7
2-1/2 63.5 --- --- 7.38 187.5 7.25 184.2 --- --- 11.38 289.1 11.56 293.6
3 76.2 --- --- 7.50 190.5 7.38 187.5 --- --- 11.50 292.1 11.69 296.9
4 101.6 --- --- 8.69 221.0 8.56 217.4 --- --- 12.69 322.3 12.88 327.2
6 152.4 --- --- --- --- 9.88 251.0 --- --- --- --- 14.06 357.1
1. Dimension B = A divided by 2
RF=Raised Face RTJ=Ring Type Joint
Flange Specification ASME/ANSIB16.5 - 1996

Standard Bonnet Extension Bonnet



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for informational purposes only. CVS Controls Ltd. reserves the right to modify or change, and improve design, process, and
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Selection, use and maintenance are the sole responsibility of the end user and purchaser. CVS Controls assumes no liability for
the selection use and maintenance of any product.

Head Office Calgary Sales Office
3900 – 101 Street 3516 114 Avenue SE
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (780) 437-3055 Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (780) 436-5461 Fax: (403) 291-9487

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March 2021
Printed in Canada


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