Unit 1 Project Final
Unit 1 Project Final
Unit 1 Project Final
Through its portrayal of giving a childbirth, Willian Carlos Williams use of emotional
words illustrates the womans pain in the poem Complaint. After midnight, a doctor receives a
house call from a rural area and goes immediately through the frozen street for assisting a
childbirth. She is a really great woman who is delivering a tenth child of her family. The doctor
feels empathy with her suffering that takes a long time until in the dawn on the next day. The doctor
describes his situation and feeling that he faces while he is arriving at the house in a rural area: She
is sick, / perhaps vomiting, / perhaps laboring / to give birth to / a tenth child. Joy! Joy! (11-15)
and I pick the hair from her eyes / and watch her misery / with compassion (20-22). In lines 11 to
15, the Williams depicts his emotion as Joy! Joy! by expressing exclamation mark to support the
celebration of the childbirth through an agony of the pregnant woman. Notwithstanding, towards
the end of the poem, the author is emphasis his feeling as misery with compassion that is briefly
outlined the more suffering the woman faced throughout the past midnight until in the morning by
capturing her experiences of giving the tenth child to her family. In addition, this takes into
consideration of a needy woman with nine children who is unable to deliver a childbirth in the
hospital; therefore, the author deeply sympathizes with her hard and painful situation.
By depicting the size and color of the sky, Williams poem The Desolate Field uses
repetition vast and grey to support his sorrow and sensitive emotion while looking to the sky.
The setting of the poem is in the barren field where the narrator is looking to the boundless and grey
sky appearing as a mirage to represent the despair and forlornness. A goat moves its nose and mouth
with dried grasses on the ground. Who am I? asks the narrator himself reflecting his perplex
Dada Rinrada Chaovalit
Mr. Matthew Bishop
English 1206
2 October 2017
thought. He reckoned that love is all above him with no sound, picture, and desire. For instance,
when the author describes the alteration of the sky, it says, Vast and grey, the sky / is a
simulacrum / to all but him whose days / are vast and grey (1-4) and but who am I . . . ? / and
my heart stops amazed / at the thought of love / vast and grey / yearning silently over me (9-13).
The author supposed to see the sky more grey than usual on a dreary day. This dim color stimulates
his perplexed thoughts. He noticed the sky as a simulacrum since he uses the simile of the sky a
representation for another thing in his mind. He repeated the words vast and grey three times
throughout the poem to emphasize the feeling of sorrow when he though further after question
himself who am I? reflecting the thought of love of which seems to be the result of searching for
himself after looking to the boundless and filmy sky. The ending sentence is much more passionate
In the poem Nantucket, William Carlos Williams uses dashes to express a mood of
solitude and peace in the hotel room on the Atlantic island of Nantucket, off Massachusetts.
Nantucket resists making symbols of the contents of the room it portrays by the imagism and
modernism idea of Williams. In the room, there are yellow lavenders near the window with white
curtains illustrating neatness in the hotel room. In the vivid late afternoon, a glass pitcher and a
tumbler are put on the glass tray. A key is next to the glass tray and there is a spotless white bed in
the room. In the text it says, changed by white curtains / Smell of cleanliness /Sunshine of
late afternoon /... a key is lying And the / immaculate white bed (3-10). The author uses
dashes at the ending of each line to add pauses to focus on the sense that there is deeply meanings
more than the physical objects and more that could be expressed. Moreover, he exemplifies the
Dada Rinrada Chaovalit
Mr. Matthew Bishop
English 1206
2 October 2017
setting in the hotel room in terms of purity from the white curtain, cleanliness from smell,
dim light from sunshine, respectively to unite the idea of isolation and peace in his hotel room.
The narrator demonstrates the sentence a key is lying which exposes to the significant symbol of
The Reminiscence
in her smiles.
Still, she sees
love in colours.
Dada Rinrada Chaovalit
Mr. Matthew Bishop
English 1206
2 October 2017
The poem is about the depiction of the sky in a night. Even there is a storm in the first, the
rainbow sill appears at the end. This situation makes a woman recollect to a man despite the fact
that they are apart. He does not love her anymore but the affection is still in her heart. My
inspiration is the situation when I saw a couple of lovers at the airport and then a woman cried
because she was leaving. I pretended to be in that situation and compared her dilemma to the sky.
I set the five William Carlos Williams poems Compliant, Spring Storm, The
Desolate Field, and Complete Destruction as mentors. I named the title of the poem as The
Reminiscence and repeated once again in the first stanza to illustrate how good memories they
have in the past as the background of the poem as a whole. In the first stanza, I used diction of
appearances of the sky to depict the dark sky with the complex mind of a woman. In addition, I also
chose enjambment to connect the power of the strong storm throughout the second stanza and its
impact as a whole to the large sky. The repetition of the phrase colourful and clear to emphasise
the appearances of the rainbow which comes after the storm that no matter how hard the situation is,
there is always something await at the end. Moreover, I also used dash to pause a poem for a second
to encapsulate thoughts and ideas of the question why we are apart? upon womans heart. In
the last two stanzas, I separated the poem into two parts to show the contrast between the man and
the woman who have different ways of loving and leaving.
From studying William Carlos Williams as a mentor, his imagism style inspired me to think
beyond the traditional poem that I have ever read. The imagism includes simple language, free
verse, part of modernism, objective, and clarity of expression. I love the free verse the most because
a simple sentence can be a meaningful poem by hitting enter. In my own poem, the most significant
thing that I put is an inspiration. This is might be a simple word but it can lead to infinite ideas
and stories that I might not think about it before. When I composed a poem, I recalled to a number
of experiences and memories including peaks and valleys throughout of my life. Furthermore, I put
some meaning that can give consolation to others along the poem at the same time. Williams
influenced me in many ways especially thinking outside of the box.