CIE-HE Track Hydraulic Engineering (HE) en Delft Importante
CIE-HE Track Hydraulic Engineering (HE) en Delft Importante
CIE-HE Track Hydraulic Engineering (HE) en Delft Importante
24-May-2017 21:39
Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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CE5308NUS Coastal Processes & Sediment Transport 6
CE5310NUS Hydroinformatics 6
CE5311NUS Environmental Modelling with Computers 6
CE5312NUS River Mechanics 6
CIE4130 Probabilistic Design 4
CIE4310 Bed, Bank and Shore Protection 4
CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
CIE4345 River Engineering 4
CIE-HE NUS Elective Courses
AES1630 Engineering Geology 4
AES1730 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering 3
AES1750-09 Geology for Engineers 4
CE5307NUS Wave Hydrodynamics and Physical Oceanography 6
CE5308NUS Coastal Processes & Sediment Transport 6
CE5310NUS Hydroinformatics 6
CE5311NUS Environmental Modelling with Computers 6
CE5312NUS River Mechanics 6
CIE3109-09 Structural Mechanics 4 4
CIE3150 Concrete Structures 2 4
CIE3310-09 Open Channel Flow 4
CIE3325 Mechanics and Transport by Flow in Poreus Media 4
CIE3330 Hydraulic Structures 1 4
CIE4030 Methodology for Scientific Research 3
CIE4115 Steel Structures 2 4
CIE4140 Structural Dynamics 4
CIE4145-09 Dynamics and Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 4
CIE4160 Prestressed Concrete 4
CIE4170 Construction Technology of Civil Engineering Structures 4
CIE4180 Plates and Slabs 4
CIE4190 Analysis of Slender Structures 4
CIE4301 Building with Nature in Hydraulic Engineering 5
CIE4308 Sediment Dynamics 3
CIE4309 Coastal Dynamics II 5
CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
CIE4361 Behaviour of Soils and Rocks 6
CIE4362 Soil Structure Interaction 3
CIE4363 Deep excavation 4
CIE4365-16 Modelling Coupled Processes for Engineering Applications 5
CIE4366 Numerical Modelling in Geo-Engineering 6
CIE4367-16 Embankments and Geosynthetics 3
CIE4390 Geo Risk Management 3
CIE4400 Water Quality Modelling 4
CIE4410 Water Systems, People and Society 4
CIE4420 Geohydrology 1 4
CIE4431 Hydrological Modelling 4
CIE4440 Hydrological Processes and Measurements 4
CIE4450 Integrated Water Management 4
CIE4460 Polders and Flood Control 4
CIE4480 Integral Systems Design 4
CIE4491 Urban Drainage and Watermanagement 4
CIE4495-13 Fundamentals of Water Treatment 4
CIE4760 Assessment of transport infrastructure and systems 6
CIE4780 Trending Topics in Geo-Engineering 4
CIE5300 Dredging Technology 4
CIE5302 Stratified Flows 3
CIE5304 Waterpower Engineering 3
CIE5305 Bored and Immersed Tunneling 4
CIE5306 Ports and Waterways 2 4
CIE5307 Coastal Zone Management 3
CIE5308 Breakwaters and Closure Dams 4
CIE5310 Probabilistic Design in Hydraulic Engineering 3
CIE5311 River Dynamics 4
CIE5312 Turbulence in Hydraulics 3
CIE5313 Hydraulic Structures 2 3
CIE5314 Flood Defences 3
CIE5315 Computational Hydraulics 3
CIE5317 Physical Oceanography 3
CIE5318 Fieldwork Hydraulic Engineering 4
CIE5320 Site Characterisation, Testing and Physical Model 6
CIE5340 Soil Dynamics 3
CIE5401 Spatial Tools in Water Resources Management 3
CIE5421 Water & Health 4
CIE5440 Geo Hydrology 2 4
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CIE5450 Hydrology of catchments, rivers and deltas
CIE5471 Hydrological and Ecological Fieldwork in River Systems 4
CIE5490 Operational Water Management 4
CIE5500 Water Laws and Organisation 3
CIE5510 Water Management in Urban areas 4
CIE5541 Urban Drainage Monitoring and Modelling 3
CIE5560 Civil Engineering in Developing Countries 4
CIE5580 Ecology and Geomorphology 5
CIE5741 Trenchless Technologies 4
CIE5981 Forms of Collaboration in Civil Engineering 4
CME2300 Financial Engineering 4
OE44030 Offshore Geotechnical Engineering 4
OE44035 Dredging Pumps and Slurry Transport 4
OE44040 Dredging Processes I 4
OE44055 Load Identification and Monitoring of Structures 4
OE44115 Arctic Engineering 4
CIE-HE NUS Electives National University of Singapore
CE5603NUS Engineering Econom. & Project Evaluation 6
CE5710NUS Design of Floating Structures 6
CE5711NUS Offshore Moorings and Risers 6
CIE-HE Elective Courses
AES1630 Engineering Geology 4
AES1730 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering 3
AES1750-09 Geology for Engineers 4
AES1750-09 D1 Geology for Engineers, Exam 2
AES1750-09 D2 Geology for Engineers, Practical 1
AES1750-09 D3 Geology for Engineers, Excursion 1
CE5307NUS Wave Hydrodynamics and Physical Oceanography 6
CE5308NUS Coastal Processes & Sediment Transport 6
CE5310NUS Hydroinformatics 6
CE5311NUS Environmental Modelling with Computers 6
CE5312NUS River Mechanics 6
CE5603NUS Engineering Econom. & Project Evaluation 6
CE5710NUS Design of Floating Structures 6
CE5711NUS Offshore Moorings and Risers 6
CIE3109-09 Structural Mechanics 4 4
CIE3150 Concrete Structures 2 4
CIE3310-09 Open Channel Flow 4
CIE3325 Mechanics and Transport by Flow in Poreus Media 4
CIE3330 Hydraulic Structures 1 4
CIE4030 Methodology for Scientific Research 3
CIE4115 Steel Structures 2 4
CIE4140 Structural Dynamics 4
CIE4145-09 Dynamics and Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 4
CIE4160 Prestressed Concrete 4
CIE4170 Construction Technology of Civil Engineering Structures 4
CIE4180 Plates and Slabs 4
CIE4190 Analysis of Slender Structures 4
CIE4301 Building with Nature in Hydraulic Engineering 5
CIE4308 Sediment Dynamics 3
CIE4309 Coastal Dynamics II 5
CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
CIE4361 Behaviour of Soils and Rocks 6
CIE4362 Soil Structure Interaction 3
CIE4363 Deep excavation 4
CIE4365-16 Modelling Coupled Processes for Engineering Applications 5
CIE4366 Numerical Modelling in Geo-Engineering 6
CIE4367-16 Embankments and Geosynthetics 3
CIE4390 Geo Risk Management 3
CIE4400 Water Quality Modelling 4
CIE4410 Water Systems, People and Society 4
CIE4420 Geohydrology 1 4
CIE4431 Hydrological Modelling 4
CIE4440 Hydrological Processes and Measurements 4
CIE4450 Integrated Water Management 4
CIE4460 Polders and Flood Control 4
CIE4480 Integral Systems Design 4
CIE4491 Urban Drainage and Watermanagement 4
CIE4495-13 Fundamentals of Water Treatment 4
CIE4760 Assessment of transport infrastructure and systems 6
CIE4780 Trending Topics in Geo-Engineering 4
CIE5300 Dredging Technology 4
CIE5302 Stratified Flows 3
CIE5304 Waterpower Engineering 3
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CIE5305 Bored and Immersed Tunneling 4
CIE5306 Ports and Waterways 2 4
CIE5307 Coastal Zone Management 3
CIE5308 Breakwaters and Closure Dams 4
CIE5310 Probabilistic Design in Hydraulic Engineering 3
CIE5311 River Dynamics 4
CIE5312 Turbulence in Hydraulics 3
CIE5313 Hydraulic Structures 2 3
CIE5314 Flood Defences 3
CIE5315 Computational Hydraulics 3
CIE5317 Physical Oceanography 3
CIE5318 Fieldwork Hydraulic Engineering 4
CIE5320 Site Characterisation, Testing and Physical Model 6
CIE5340 Soil Dynamics 3
CIE5401 Spatial Tools in Water Resources Management 3
CIE5421 Water & Health 4
CIE5440 Geo Hydrology 2 4
CIE5450 Hydrology of catchments, rivers and deltas 4
CIE5471 Hydrological and Ecological Fieldwork in River Systems 4
CIE5490 Operational Water Management 4
CIE5500 Water Laws and Organisation 3
CIE5510 Water Management in Urban areas 4
CIE5541 Urban Drainage Monitoring and Modelling 3
CIE5560 Civil Engineering in Developing Countries 4
CIE5580 Ecology and Geomorphology 5
CIE5741 Trenchless Technologies 4
CIE5981 Forms of Collaboration in Civil Engineering 4
CME2300 Financial Engineering 4
OE44030 Offshore Geotechnical Engineering 4
OE44035 Dredging Pumps and Slurry Transport 4
OE44040 Dredging Processes I 4
OE44055 Load Identification and Monitoring of Structures 4
OE44115 Arctic Engineering 4
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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CIE4130 Probabilistic Design 4
Responsible Instructor O. Morales Napoles
Contact Hours / Week 0/6/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Course Contents Objectives of probabilistic design of civil structures.
Probability Calculus; Steps in a Risk Analysis; Inventory of possible unwanted events, effects and consequences; Determining
and evaluating the risk.
Decision-making based on risk analysis; Decision-making under uncertainties; Probabilistic analysis of the decision problem;
Frame of reference concerning safety; Current dutch safety standards; Generally applicable safety standards.
Reliability of an element; Limit state functions, strength and load; Ultimate and serviceability limit states; Strength of concrete,
steel, timber, soil, etc; Loads of traffic, wind, waves, water, earthquakes, precipitation, ice, etc; Time dependence.
Reliability calculation methods; Level III methods; Numerical integration; Monte carlo method; Level II methods; Non-linear
limit state functions; Non-normally distributed variables; Dependent random variables; Comparison of different calculation
Failure probability and life span; Deterioration processes; Risk calculation of systems with a variable rate of failure; Non
availability; Markov processes; Load combinations.
Strength calculation with level I method; Linking the level I method to the failure probability calculation; Standardisation of
lpha-values; Load combinations for level I strength calculations.
Reliability of systems; Probability of failure of the serial system; Probability of failure of the parallel system; FMEA (Failure
Modes and Effects Analysis); FMECA (Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis); Event tree; Fault tree; Cause
consequence chart; Reliability of correctable systems.
Scheduling the realisation of activities; Introduction to scheduling uncertainties; Influence of corrective measures on duration
and costs; Maintenance; Introduction to maintenance strategies; Effect of maintenance on risk; Influence of inspections.
Application areas; Structural safety of buildings, dikes, offshore platforms, bridges, etc; Maintenance and management; Quality
assurance; Safety management; Geostatistics; Reliability of software.
Study Goals After the course, the student has to be able to do Level I, II and III calculations, risk-based optimisations and system probability
Education Method Lectures
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Probabilistic Design
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CIE4305 Coastal Dynamics I 6
Responsible Instructor Ir. J. Bosboom
Course Coordinator Ir. J. Bosboom
Instructor Ir. J. Bosboom
Instructor Ir. J. van Overeem
Instructor S.G.J. Aarninkhof
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Required for CIE4309
Course Contents 1. Coastal systems
3. Coastal response
Overview and functional design of methods for coastal protection (flooding and erosion)
Reading and interpreting nautical charts for use in coastal engineering
Study Goals After completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Explain the nature and complexity of problems a coastal engineer will be faced with regarding coastal protection against
flooding and erosion.
2. Describe the characteristics of coastal systems on the basis of geotectonics, historic sea-level changes, nature and availability
of material and forcing by waves and tides.
3. Explain the complex processes in coastal systems related to the hydrodynamic forcing and sediment motion.
4. Explain the morphodynamics of a range of coastal systems from the underlying processes.
5. Assess the merits and disadvantages of various methods for protection against flooding and erosion for specific situations.
Education Method Lectures by Judith Bosboom, Stefan Aarninkhof and Jan van Overeem
Assessment 1) Digital Maple TA homework assessments during Q3 (half or full bonus point for the exam can be earned)
2) Digital exam (Maple TA) at the end of Q3 and resit at the end of Q4.
More information about the digital assessments (Maple TA) during Q3:
* There are 9 assessments organized per Chapter or group of Chapters of the lectures notes.
* Each assessment is divided into two stages: a formative stage A (assessment for learning) and a summative stage B
(assessment of learning).
* The stage A tests do not count towards the final course mark and are accessible until the retake exam at the end of Q4. A
minimum score of about 80% gives you access to stage B.
* The questions of stage B assess what you have learned. The stage B tests can only be taken once, must be taken before a
specified deadline in Q3 and have a time limit.
* You can earn half a bonus point for the exam by acquiring an average score for stage B of 50-70%. For a score higher than
70%, you get a full bonus point for the exam.
* The (half) bonus point is only valid for the exam and retake directly after the Maple TA tests.
A Maple TA trial exam is available as an example of what an exam could look like.
Expected prior Knowledge CIE4325 (Ocean Waves: strongly recommended.
CTB3350 (Open Channel Flow): strongly recommended.
Academic Skills Thinking (critical, analytical)
Oral presentation
Awareness of and reflection on and responsibility towards the social (international) context and consequences of technology and
scientific actions
Literature & Study Lecture notes available from VSSD. Title: Coastal Dynamics I. Authors: Judith Bosboom and Marcel J.F. Stive. The study
Materials material for CIE4305 consists of Chapters 1-10 of this book. Chapter 11 on Integrated Coastal Zone Management is not part of
the CIE4305.
Judgement 1) Digital Maple TA homework assessments during Q3 (half or full bonus point for the exam can be earned)
2) Digital exam (Maple TA) at the end of Q3 and resit at the end of Q4.
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More information about the digital assessments (Maple TA) during Q3:
* There are 9 assessments organized per Chapter or group of Chapters of the lectures notes.
* Each assessment is divided into two stages: a formative stage A (assessment for learning) and a summative stage B
(assessment of learning).
* The stage A tests do not count towards the final course mark and are accessible until the retake exam at the end of Q4. A
minimum score of about 80% gives you access to stage B.
* The questions of stage B assess what you have learned. The stage B tests can only be taken once, must be taken before a
specified deadline in Q3 and have a time limit.
* You can earn half a bonus point for the exam by acquiring an average score for stage B of 50-70%. For a score higher than
70%, you get a full bonus point for the exam.
* The (half) bonus point is only valid for the exam and retake directly after the Maple TA tests.
A Maple TA trial exam is available as an example of what an exam could look like.
Permitted Materials during Lecture notes (open book exam)
Exam Pen, pencil, eraser and ruler or protractor
No calculator (a calculator is available on the computer)
No mobile phones
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4310 Bed, Bank and Shore Protection 4
Responsible Instructor B. Hofland
Contact Hours / Week 0/6/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period Exam by appointment
Course Language English
Course Contents Design of shoreline protection along rivers, canals and the sea; load on bed and shoreline by currents, wind waves and ship
motion; stability of elements under current and wave conditions; stability of shore protection elements; design methods,
construction methods.
Flow: recapitulation of basics from fluid mechanics (flow, turbulence), stability of individual grains (sand, but also rock) in
different type of flow conditions (weirs, jets), scour and erosion.
Porous Media: basic equation, pressures and velocities on the stability on the boundary layer; groundwater flow with
impermeable and semi-impermeable structures; granular filters and geotextiles.
Waves: recapitulation of the basics of waves, focus on wave forces on the land-water boundary, specific aspects of ship induced
waves, stability of elements under wave action (loose rock, placed blocks, impermeable layers)
Design: overview of the various types of protections, construction and maintenance; design requirements, deterministic and
probabilistic design; case studies, examples
Materials and environment: overview of materials to be used, teraction with the aquatic environment, role of the land-water
boundary as part of the ecosystem; environmentally sound shoreline design.
Study Goals After this course the student has to be able to:
1. Explain the processes acting on the land-water boundary and be able to judge which parameters are relevant for the design;
2. Explain the basics of stability in flow and wave conditions (understand the concepts of Shields, Izbash, Sleath, Iribarren, Van
der Meer);
3. Design individually a shoreline protection along a river, a canal or the sea, including relevant details, like a toe protection;
4. Determine the boundary conditions for the design of a shoreline protection, and their probability of occurrence;
5. Design intermediate layers between armour and subsoil (filter design), both using a granular filter as well as a geotextile;
6. Determine the method to construct the design (execution methods), especially how to place the rock and/or concrete element
as well as the bed protection.
7. Explain the basics of the physical modeling of bed- bank and shore protections.
Education Method Lectures, computer supported studying
Computer Use Students are advised to make some computational examples with the computer package CRESS; a probabilistic computation
using e.g. Prob2B is a compulsory exercise. The exercise will be made available via Blackboard.
Course Relations CIE4310 uses CTB2410 (Hydraulic Engineering) and CTB2110 (Fluid Mechanics)
Recommended to follow simultaneously or prior to CIE4310:
CIE4325 (Ocean Waves) and CIE4130 (probabilistic design)
Assessment Exercise and oral exam - The (individual) exercise can be found on Blackboard. - An appointment for the oral exam can be made
in room 3.71/3.73, when making the appointment the exercise has to be handed-in. No appointment for examination can be made
before the exercise has been handed in.
Exam Hours Usually on Wednesday (see schedule with secretary).
Expected prior Knowledge On the first page of the textbook the mandatory knowledge prior to this course is printed; this page is also available on
Academic Skills Relevant academic skills for this course are understanding of the physical processes in bed, bank and shoreline protection and
being able to use this in the design of structures.
Literature & Study Course Information is available at the Blackboard website.
Compulsory: lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Bed, Bank and Shoreline protection (G.J. Schiereck)
Available at VSSD (also available in normal bookshops, but without reduction).
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CIE4345 River Engineering 4
Responsible Instructor A. Blom
Contact Hours / Week 4/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents INTRODUCTION
River characteristics: streamwise variation in slope, width, discharge, friction, sorting patterns. Temporal variation in discharge
and water level. Types of rivers (meandering, braiding, anabranching). River functions and their (sometimes conflicting)
requirements to river management. River management around the world.
1D shallow-water equations (1D-SWE) and simplifications for steady flow: normal flow equation or Chezy equation for steady
uniform flow; the backwater equation (and Bresse approximation) for steady non-uniform flow. Effects of width, friction and
depth on the conveyance of a river.
1D shallow-water equations (1D-SWE) and simplification for flood waves. Effects of width, friction and depth on celerity and
diffusion of flood waves. Computation of a design discharge.
Education Method During the lectures we will explain the theory and discuss examples. Several guest lecturers will elaborate on case studies.
Assessment Written exam
Tags Algebra
Fluid Mechanics
Water Engineering
Contact A. Blom (Water Lab, Stevin III, room S3.00.100,
Expected prior Knowledge Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow
Literature & Study Slides, available on Blackboard
Materials (syllabus River Engineering, available on Blackboard)
Permitted Materials during An equation form will be provided by the examiner. No information may be uploaded on your pocket calculator.
Collegerama Yes
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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CIE4309 Coastal Dynamics II 5
Responsible Instructor S. de Vries
Instructor Z.B. Wang
Instructor D.J.R. Walstra
Instructor M.A. de Schipper
Instructor Ir. J. Bosboom
Instructor A.J.F. van der Spek
Practical Coordinator R. Hoekstra
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/8
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Course Contents 1. Advanced physics of the coastal zone (both prismatic coasts and coastal inlets and tidal basins): hydrodynamics, transport
processes and morphology.
2. The modelling of coastal systems including: several classes of models, model boundary conditions and input reduction,
process-based modelling (profile and area models) versus aggregated modelling approaches (semi-empirical models, behaviour-
oriented models, equilibrium based models).
Study Goals At the end of this course students are able to:
1. describe the details of complex processes in the coastal zone and tidal basins related to hydrodynamics, sediment motion and
2. discuss the applicability, underlying assumptions and limitations of various numerical model concepts related to the coastal
zone and tidal inlets.
3. set up and tune a morphodynamic model.
4. analyse and interpret results of the applied morphodynamic model.
5. design a solution for a specific coastal erosion problem.
Education Method The course consists of a hands-on model training (Delft3D and Unibest-LT/CL models) and lectures (4 hrs a week). The
modelling assignments are done in small groups. It is compulsory to be present during the supervised model training sessions (4
hours per week, every Wednesday morning).
Literature and Study Information on study material available through Blackboard:
Materials 1. Slides of the various lectures
2. Collegerama
3. Other hand-outs via blackboard.
Examinations can be done throughout the year, but dates and time frames are constrained. Directly after the education period the
majority of the exams are planned.
Dates for the exam can be arranged through an appointment list that is available at the secretariat (Inge van Rooij; room 3.71,
tel.: 015-2783348).
Examinations can be done throughout the year, but dates and time frames are constrained. Directly after the education period the
majority of the exams are planned.
Dates for the exam can be arranged through an appointment list that is available at the secretariat (Inge van Rooij; room 3.71,
tel.: 015-2783348).
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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments will consist of online questions and computer assignments using Matlab (feedback provided via MapleTA).
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab is recommended for the
computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or simple graphical calculator (i.e., no word processing and no communication options). No book, no notes. An
Exam A4 formula sheet will be provided.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for CIE5306
Course Contents Ports and Waterways:
1. Maritime transport
Specific data of merchant ships, commodity and vessel types, tramp and liner trade
Port functions and organisation
Functions, transport chain, organisation of seaports
Port planning methodology
Types of planning, planning process, planning tasks, general observations
Planning and design of the water areas
Ship manoeuvring and hydrodynamic behaviour, approach channels, manoeuvring areas within the port, port basins and berth
areas, morphological aspects
Planning and design of port terminals
Services provided, terminal components, types of terminals, terminal capacity (maximum or optimum) and terminal dimensions
Container terminals
Container transport, terminal operations and lay-out development
2. Queueing theory for ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for transit times of vessels through locks:
Port studies
Aspects in port design
Organisation, ship handling, cargo handling and inland transport
Methods for solving capacity problems in ports
empirical rules of thumb, queueing theory and simulation techniques
Queueing theory
Arrival process, service process, queue discipline
Kooman method to determine transit time of individual vessels through locks
Queueing systems
M/M/1 -system, M/M/n-system, M/G/1 M/D/1 and N/Ek/1 systems, M/D/n and D/M/n systems
Queueing systems with more general distributions of arrival and service time
Approach to an Ek/Em/1 queue system and approach to an Ek/Em/n queue system
Some applications
3. Inland waterways:
Shipping on inland waterways
Significance of inland navigation, classification of ships and waterways, ship characteristics, ship types
Interaction between ship and waterway
Primary water movement, secondary water movement, remaining hydraulic phenomena
Navigation speed
Ship's resistance, installed engine power, example speed-engine power
Encounters, overtaking manoeuvres, navigation in bends, cross sections, stopping distance
Design of inland waterway profiles
Design vessels, traffic intensity, cross-section and design parameters and cross-sections in bends
Natural waterways
Navigation on rivers, improvements, classification of rivers, ship dimensions, river ports and mooring places.
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Inland Waterways, H.J Verheij, C. Stolker, R. Groenveld, 2008
Environmental issues in Port Development and Port Operation, T.Vellinga, M.Geense,2004
Available at VSSD.
Note: The file Exams CIE4330 with examples of old exams is not longer leading for the exams today. In stead some examples of
recent exams will become available on Blackboard.
Judgement The case study (exercise) will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining the
final mark for the written examination. If the mark for the exercise is 5.0 or less additional exercise has to be done.
In that case the final mark for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the exercise can
be used twice. If the student has to make the written exam for the third time he/she has to make the exercise again.
Permitted Materials during One A4 with notes, written or typed on both sides, normally readable and dictionary English-Dutch/Dutch-English
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Course Contents Elementary notions of computational modelling of flow and transport.
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CIE5308 Breakwaters and Closure Dams 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. J.P. van den Bos
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/6/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5308 uses CIE4310 and CIE4325
Summary Design and construction of breakwaters and closure dams in estuaries and rivers. Functional requirements, determination of
boundary conditions, spatial and constructional design and construction aspects of breakwaters and dams consisting of rock, sand
and caissons.
Course Contents Overview and history of breakwater and closure dam construction. The general design principles of a breakwater and a closure
dam. Determination of boundary conditions for dams and breakwaters, with special attention to the design frequency. Methods to
determine the design wave height from wave statistics. Overview of other boundary conditions (geotechnical and hydraulic).
Various properties of the different types of dams and breakwaters, like stability of riprap in current and wave conditions, design
of armour layer, natural rock and concrete elements. The use of caissons for breakwaters and closure dams. Computation of
element size using classical formulae, partial safety coefficients and probabilistic methods. Plan and cross section of
breakwaters. Practical examples of breakwaters and closure dams.
One-week exercise in which a group of two or three students has to design a breakwater and a closure dam.
Study Goals After the course, the student has to be able to:
1. Determine the type of breakwater required;
2. Determine the type of closure required;
3. Determine the boundary conditions (waves, waterlevels, currents);
4. Make a preliminary design of a breakwater and a closure dam;
5. Optimise the design on basis of cost and availability of resources like labour and materials.
6. Explain the (physical) background of the design formulae
Education Method Lectures with illustrations (video, numerical examples). Exercise in groups of two or three students to design a breakwater and a
closure dam. For the closure works part an online course is provided.
Computer Use During the exercise intensive use is made of Breakwat (Deltares software), as well as SwanOne, Cress and MatLab or Prob2B.
Wave data from Argoss are used (, password will be provided)
Assessment Design exercise or oral exam.
Admission to the design exercise or oral exam is only possible after completion of the online course on closure works.
Permitted Materials during Open book
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of waves is essential, as well as the hydraulics of flow in gaps (from open channel flow).
Basics of Bed, Bank and Shoreline protection is necessary (especially regarding stability of rock on slopes under action of
Academic Skills During the exercise the student has to show that he/she is able to determine the boundary conditions for a breakwater, make a
design as well as a execution plan in a given short time frame (comparable to a design and build tender procedure)
Literature & Study Compulsory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Book: "Breakwaters and Closure dams" (second edition)
Available at VSSD (also available at normal bookshops, but without discount).
Or the separate books "Breakwaters" (expected 2017) and "Closure works" (2016).
Recommended lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Rock Manual 2007(CIRIA-CUR publication, available in bookshop, but free downloadable as pdf from website)
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments will consist of online questions and computer assignments using Matlab (feedback provided via MapleTA).
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab is recommended for the
computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or simple graphical calculator (i.e., no word processing and no communication options). No book, no notes. An
Exam A4 formula sheet will be provided.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for CIE5306
Course Contents Ports and Waterways:
1. Maritime transport
Specific data of merchant ships, commodity and vessel types, tramp and liner trade
Port functions and organisation
Functions, transport chain, organisation of seaports
Port planning methodology
Types of planning, planning process, planning tasks, general observations
Planning and design of the water areas
Ship manoeuvring and hydrodynamic behaviour, approach channels, manoeuvring areas within the port, port basins and berth
areas, morphological aspects
Planning and design of port terminals
Services provided, terminal components, types of terminals, terminal capacity (maximum or optimum) and terminal dimensions
Container terminals
Container transport, terminal operations and lay-out development
2. Queueing theory for ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for transit times of vessels through locks:
Port studies
Aspects in port design
Organisation, ship handling, cargo handling and inland transport
Methods for solving capacity problems in ports
empirical rules of thumb, queueing theory and simulation techniques
Queueing theory
Arrival process, service process, queue discipline
Kooman method to determine transit time of individual vessels through locks
Queueing systems
M/M/1 -system, M/M/n-system, M/G/1 M/D/1 and N/Ek/1 systems, M/D/n and D/M/n systems
Queueing systems with more general distributions of arrival and service time
Approach to an Ek/Em/1 queue system and approach to an Ek/Em/n queue system
Some applications
3. Inland waterways:
Shipping on inland waterways
Significance of inland navigation, classification of ships and waterways, ship characteristics, ship types
Interaction between ship and waterway
Primary water movement, secondary water movement, remaining hydraulic phenomena
Navigation speed
Ship's resistance, installed engine power, example speed-engine power
Encounters, overtaking manoeuvres, navigation in bends, cross sections, stopping distance
Design of inland waterway profiles
Design vessels, traffic intensity, cross-section and design parameters and cross-sections in bends
Natural waterways
Navigation on rivers, improvements, classification of rivers, ship dimensions, river ports and mooring places.
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Inland Waterways, H.J Verheij, C. Stolker, R. Groenveld, 2008
Environmental issues in Port Development and Port Operation, T.Vellinga, M.Geense,2004
Available at VSSD.
Note: The file Exams CIE4330 with examples of old exams is not longer leading for the exams today. In stead some examples of
recent exams will become available on Blackboard.
Judgement The case study (exercise) will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining the
final mark for the written examination. If the mark for the exercise is 5.0 or less additional exercise has to be done.
In that case the final mark for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the exercise can
be used twice. If the student has to make the written exam for the third time he/she has to make the exercise again.
Permitted Materials during One A4 with notes, written or typed on both sides, normally readable and dictionary English-Dutch/Dutch-English
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Course Contents Elementary notions of computational modelling of flow and transport.
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CIE5300 Dredging Technology 4
Responsible Instructor C. van Rhee
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/4/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5300 uses CT2090, CT2330, CT3320, CIE4300 and CT3310
Course Contents Dredging technology with components digging, transport and disposal of dredged material and their scientific background. The
possibilities of dredging during the realisation of large civil engineering projects.
1 General introduction:
Definitions of dredging process and dredging equipment. Description of the dredging process. Related scientific areas. Dynamic
versus static soil mechanics. Production factors.
2 Dredging equipment:
Description of cutter suction dredger, suction hopper dredger and other dredging equipent.
3 Dredging projects:
Description of all types of dredging projects: maintenace dredging, capital dredging and environmental/remedial dredging.
4 Excavation process:
Soil cutting theories: breaching and eroding of sand, cutting of sand clay and rock.
5 Pumping, lifting and transport:
Pump theory: dredging pumps and drives, theory of hydraulic transport.
6 Dumping of soil and settlement in basins:
Theory of settlement , excecution and quality control on the dumping and reclamation site.
7 Relation between soil characteristics and dredging processes:
Soil mechanic aspects, soil investigation methods, soil classification, geofysical soil investigation.
8 Other related areas of interest:
Survey and positioning, depth measurement, tolerances, operating cost standards for dredging equipment, workability,
production measurement.
Study Goals The recognition of the possibilities and restrictions of the use of dredging equipment for the realisation of large civil engineering
1. Knowledge of working methods and different kinds of dredging projects;
2. Influence of soil characteristics and weather restrictions on workability and employability of dredging equipment;
3.Productions and tolerances for dredging projects;
4.Knowledge and understanding of the basic facts and basic fysical processes of dredging of soils:
* Excavating
* Pumping
* Hydraulic transport by pipelines
* Settling and dumping
* soil investigation procedures for dredging works.
* Relation between soil characteristics and dredging process
* Soil classification
Being able to work with the characteristics of the Centrifugal dredgepump, the drive and the pipeline resistance.
Education Method Lectures:
During each lecture one or two short 10 min. video's will be shown. These video's represent an essential part of the course
enabling a better understanding of the dredging processes. For this reason, among others, attendance to the lectures is highly
Course Relations CIE5300 uses CTB2310, CTB2320, CIE3320, CIE4300 and CIE3310
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Lecture notes Dredging Technology:
Orders including name and address and student ID should be sent by email to:
See the instructions on the blackboardsystem.
A syllabus with questions and answers is available on blackboard.
All other necessary information is also available via the blackboardsystem.
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CIE5311 River Dynamics 4
Responsible Instructor E. Mosselman
Contact Hours / Week 0/4/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE4345 River engineering
Summary Morphological processes in alluvial rivers. Short-term and long-term morphological responses to human interference and natural
events. Set-up, application and interpretation of 1D numerical morphological models. Local problems of erosion and
sedimentation. River bifurcations. Case studies in Europe, Asia and South America.
Course Contents 1. Introduction to river dynamics
River dynamics = hydrodynamics, morphodynamics, ecodynamics, socio-economic dynamics. Three modes of morphological
adaptation (bed level, planform, bed sediment composition). Review of CIE4345 (backwater curves, sediment transport, initial
morphological response, long-term morphological response).
2. Sand-gravel morphodynamics
Hirano model approach to graded sediment. Equilibrium longitudinal river profiles for bimodal sediment mixtures.
5. River bends
Helical motion in curved flows, pointbars.
6. River bifurcations
Discharge distribution, nodal point relation for sediment distribution, underlying processes, role of bifurcation angle, phase-plane
analysis to assess bifurcation stability.
7. Numerical models
Use of numerical models, model selection, selection of space and time steps, model boundaries, numerical schemes, numerical
8 SOBEK exercise
Set-up of 1D numerical models for fluvial hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, model runs, interpretation of results.
13 Field measurements
Measurement of sediment transport, bed topography, river planform and bed sediment composition,
(1) explain and sketch the short-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems with
confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes
(2) explain, sketch and calculate the long-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems
with confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes
(3) propose and explain appropriate methods to study river hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in more detail, to solve
practical problems of river management (numerical vs. physical models, 1D vs. 2D or 3D approaches, deterministic vs.
probabilistic approaches, uniform vs. mixed sediment, equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium transport)
(4) set up and interpret 1D numerical models for river morphology, explaining how to select time steps, space steps, domain
boundaries and boundary conditions
(5) explain the assumptions and consequences of theories underlying 1D morphodynamic behaviour
(6) explain 3D flow and sediment transport in bends and at bifurcations propose engineering works to solve local problems of
erosion and sedimentation
Education Method Lectures, exercise and discussion
Literature and Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Assessment Test type: written exam. Prerequisite for admission to the written exam: having submitted report of exercise.
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Tags Analysis
Water Engineering
Contact Course leader Dr. ir. Erik Mosselman,,
Expected prior Knowledge CIE4345 River engineering
Academic Skills Skills: critical thinking (Pantanal case study), interpretation (results from SOBEK computations), problem solving (assessment
of morphodynamic response, local problems of erosion and sedimentation)
Integrity: philosophy of science (paradigm of teleological explanations in river morphology, in lecture on bank erosion)
Citizenship: awareness of and reflection on and responsibility towards the social (international) context and consequences of
technology and scientific actions (Pantanal, Gorai and Punjab case studies)
Literature & Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Judgement The mark of the written exam is the final mark. No mark will be given for the report on the SOBEK exercise
Permitted Materials during One double-sided A4 sheet with personal summary notes
Collegerama Yes
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field River Engineering (HE-RPW-RE), Required Courses
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CIE5315 Computational Hydraulics 3
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge fluid mechanics, open channel flow, river engineering and computational modelling
Course Contents The course deals with some backgrounds of two- and three-dimensional (non-)hydrostatic flow modelling. The course consists of
a lecture once a week plus a practical session once a week. During the first practical session the open source flow models
Delft3D-FLOW and SWASH will be introduced in a tutorial manner. One of these computer models (or another computer model
if the student wants so) will be used in the following practicals. Matlab is employed for post-processing of the model results. The
content of the subsequent lectures and practicals are:
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field Dredging Engineering (HE-RPW-DE), Required Courses
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OE44040 Dredging Processes I 4
Responsible Instructor S.A. Miedema
Contact Hours / Week 0/4/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Course Contents The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes:
The cutting of sand, clay and rock;
These are explained in detail.
Exercises allow participants to apply the knowledge gained in practical situations.
In dredging, trenching, (deep sea) mining, drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications, sand, clay or rock has to be
excavated. The productions (and thus the dimensions) of the excavating equipment range from mm3/sec - cm3/sec to m3/sec. In
oil drilling layers with a thickness of a magnitude of 0.2 mm are cut, while in dredging this can be of a magnitude of 0.1 m with
cutter suction dredges and meters for clamshells and backhoes. Some equipment is designed for dry soil, while others operate
under water saturated conditions. Installed cutting powers may range up to 10 MW. For both the design, the operation and
production estimation of the excavating equipment it is important to be able to predict the cutting forces and powers.
The book gives an overview of cutting theories. It starts with a generic model, which is valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and
rock) after which the specifics of dry sand, water saturated sand, clay, rock and hyperbaric rock are covered. For each soil type
small blade angles and large blade angles, resulting in a wedge in front of the blade, are discussed. The failure mechanism of
sand, dry and water saturated, is the so called Shear Type. The failure mechanism of clay is the so called Flow Type, but under
certain circumstances also the Curling Type and the Tear Type are possible. Rock will usually fail in a brittle way. This can be
brittle tensile failure, the Tear Type, for small blade angles, but it can also be brittle shear failure, which is of the Shear Type of
failure mechanism for larger blade angles. Under hyperbaric conditions rock may also fail in a more ductile way according to the
Flow Type of failure mechanism.
For each case considered, the equations/model for the cutting forces, power and specific energy are given. The models are
verified with laboratory research, mainly at the Delft University of Technology, but also with data from literature.
Study Goals Understand and reproduce the Mohr circle;
Understand and reproduce the theory of passive and active soil failure;
Understanding the soil mechanical parameters important for cutting processes;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D cutting theory in water-saturated sand;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D theory in clay;
Understanding and reproduce the basic cutting theory of rock cutting;
Understanding and reproduce the hyperbaric cutting theory of rock cutting.
Education Method lectures and bonus assignments
Literature and Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model.
Available at Leeghwater and downloadable from IOS Press.
Assessment Written exam (open book) and bonus assignments.
2 points for the bonus assignments and 10 points for the written exam.
If the grade is 5 or lower the bonus points are added to the exam grade.
If the grade is 5 or higher the final grade is: exam grade plus (10-exam grade)/5 times bonus points.
Remarks Old course code: OE4626
The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes:
The cutting of sand, clay and rock;
Participants succesfully completing this course will be equipped to make predictive quantitative determinations related to these
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
Contact S.A. Miedema (
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
CIE-HE Specialisation Rivers, Ports and Waterways, Field Ports and Waterways (HE-RPW-PW), Required Courses
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CIE5306 Ports and Waterways 2 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5306 uses CIE4740, CIE4330, CIE5300, CIE5303, CIE5307, CIE5308, CIE5309, CIE5311, CIE5316 and CIE5317
Summary Functional design of port terminals; ro/ro terminals; liquid bulk terminals; dry bulk terminals; fishery ports; marinas; IWT-ports;
capacities of inland waterways; capacities of open inland waterways; capacities of constructions of inland waterways; functional
design of locks; simulation models in ports and inland waterways; introduction simulation models
stochastic models; computer simulation models/ boundary conditions/ evaluation output.
Course Contents Ports and Terminals
1. General cargo- and multipurpose terminals
non-containerised general cargo, number of berths and quay length, storage area and overall terminal lay-out, multipurpose
2. Ro/ro and ferry terminals
lay-out ro/ro and ferry terminals, special design aspects
3. Liquid bulk terminals
oil- and gas carriers, nature of the products, terminals, the berth, jetties, dolphins, storage areas, offshore terminals
4. Dry bulk terminals
dry bulk commodities, dry bulk ships, unloading systems, loading systems, on-terminal handling and storage, climatic and
environmental considerations
5. Fishery ports
types of fishery ports, site selection, fishing vessels, port planning, unloading equipment, fishery port organisation and
6. Marinas
yachting and yachts, general lay-out of the port, basins and berths, port structures
7. Ports and terminals for inland water transport
vessels, types of ports, terminals
Expected prior Knowledge CIE5306 uses CIE4740, CIE4330, CIE5300, CIE5303, CIE5307, CIE5308, CIE5309, CIE5311, CIE5316 and CIE5317
Academic Skills During the coarse students will be made aware and/or develop aspects such as particular skills (i.e. analytical thinking, writing
report of exercise) ethics (i.e. moral awareness/sensitivity), integrity and citizenship.
Literature & Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials 1. Ports and Terminals - Ligteringen en Velsink, ISBN 978-90-6562-288-4
2. Capacities of Inland Waterways, R.Groenveld, H.J.Verheij en C. Stolker, 2006
3. Service Systems in Ports and Inland Terminals, R.Groenveld, 2007
Available from VSSD.
Judgement The computer simulation exercise will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining
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the final mark for the oral exam when the mark of that exam is at least 5.
If the mark for the computer simulation exercise is 5.0 or less, an additional exercise has to be done. In that case the final mark
for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the computer simulation exercise can be
used twice. If the student has to make the oral exam for the third time he/she has to make the computer simulation exercise again.
Permitted Materials during non
Collegerama No
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments will consist of online questions and computer assignments using Matlab (feedback provided via MapleTA).
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab is recommended for the
computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or simple graphical calculator (i.e., no word processing and no communication options). No book, no notes. An
Exam A4 formula sheet will be provided.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Course Contents Elementary notions of computational modelling of flow and transport.
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CIE5302 Stratified Flows 3
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. J.D. Pietrzak
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Basic fluid mechanics and/or oceanography.
Summary Learn about the role of stratification along the Dutch coast and beyond. Stratified flows occur everywhere in our environment.
Stratification dominates our world and changes all that happens around us. Knowledge of stratified flows is essential to
environmental fluid mechanics, offshore engineering, hydraulic engineering and dredging. This course offers an introduction to
this fascinating topic.
We have been fortunate to have a series of excellent guest lecturers in past years; with speakers from companies such as Shell,
Deltares, and Port of Rotterdam.
If you wish to participate in the course but have commitments to study trips abroad or practical work experience please let me
know before the course starts and we can make other arrangements.
Course Contents We introduce essential material on estuaries and regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs); with many relevant examples from the
Rotterdam Waterway and the Rhine ROFI. We consider the basic properties of internal waves and how they may impact offshore
activities at the shelf break, and demonstrate the importance of stratification on the distribution of sediment in an estuary and on
dredging operations.
1. Introduction to stratification, estuaries and regions of freshwater influence with examples from the Rotterdam Waterway and
Rhine ROFI.
2. 3D - equations of motion. The two-layer model.
3. Consequences of stratification. Lock-exchange and exchange flow examples. Two-layer wind driven flow example.
4. Short and long Internal waves. Kelvin Helmholtz instability and mixing.
5. Steady state two layer flows with friction. Internal hydraulic jumps and gravity currents.
6. Estuarine and coastal flows. Competition between buoyancy and mixing.
7. Stratification in the southern North Sea.
Study Goals 1. An understanding of why small density differences may have a significant effect on the flow;
2. Insight into the basic physics governing flow in estuaries and coastal seas;
3. Knowledge of internal waves, steady state two layer flows with friction, fronts, Kelvin Helmholtz instability, turbulence and
mixing in estuaries and coastal seas;
4. An introduction to the physical processes that need to be accurately modelled in engineering projects of stratified coastal
regions and seas.
5. To develop the background knowledge needed for MSc projects on stratified flows with examples from industry.
Education Method Lectures, individual exercise
Literature and Study "Stratified Flows" and extra classroom material placed on blackboard
Assessment Depending on the number of students, the assessment will be either written or oral and may be partially based on the exercise.
Expected prior Knowledge Basic fluid mechanics and or oceanography
Academic Skills Critical thinking, problem solving
Literature & Study Lecture notes and online materials
Judgement Exam
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
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CIE5312 Turbulence in Hydraulics 3
Responsible Instructor W.S.J. Uijttewaal
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/4/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5312 uses CTB2110 and CTB3350
Summary Stochastic description of turbulence, experimental techniques, balance equations for mass, momentum and energy, Reynolds
equations, closure problems, turbulent flows in practice, modelling turbulence, turbulent diffusion and dispersion.
Course Contents 1. Stochastic description of turbulence: mean velocity, higher statistical moments, velocity correlations, energy density spectra;
2. Experimental techniques: single point measurements, whole field techniques; flow visualisation; optical, acoustical, and
electromagnetical measurement methods;
3. Balance equations: conservation of mass, Navier-Stokes equations, turbulent kinetic energy, energy cascade;
4. Reynolds equation: decomposition of velocities in (ensemble) averaged and fluctuating velocities, the closure problem for the
Reynolds stresses, turbulent transports;
5. Turbulent flows in practice: boundary layer approximation, the flow near a wall, free turbulence, flow in complex geometries,
recirculation and separation;
6. Turbulence modelling: constant Eddy viscosity, mixing length approximation, k-epsilon, Large Eddy Simulation;
7. Turbulent diffusion and dispersion: Reynolds-analogy, the effects of turbulence on dispersion.
Study Goals 1. Insight in turbulence phenomena and associated non-linear processes;
2. The ability to make estimates concerning lenght scales and velocity scales that characterise the turbulent motions;
3. A feeling for the effects of turbulence on bed material, structures and the transport of matter;
4. Knowledge concerning currently applied turbulence models and their restrictions;
5. A view on new developments in the field of turbulence research.
Education Method Interactive lectures
Literature and Study Lecture notes "Turbulence in Hydraulics", available at the Blackboard website.
Assessment Oral exam
Expected prior Knowledge A good knowledge of fluid mechanics and differential equations
Academic Skills Thinking in physical processes and theoretical concepts. Integrating knowledge from different disciplines.
Literature & Study Lecture notes, and some scientific papers
Judgement Exam-grade
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
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CIE5315 Computational Hydraulics 3
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge fluid mechanics, open channel flow, river engineering and computational modelling
Course Contents The course deals with some backgrounds of two- and three-dimensional (non-)hydrostatic flow modelling. The course consists of
a lecture once a week plus a practical session once a week. During the first practical session the open source flow models
Delft3D-FLOW and SWASH will be introduced in a tutorial manner. One of these computer models (or another computer model
if the student wants so) will be used in the following practicals. Matlab is employed for post-processing of the model results. The
content of the subsequent lectures and practicals are:
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CIE5317 Physical Oceanography 3
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. J.D. Pietrzak
Responsible Instructor Dr. C.A. Katsman
Contact Hours / Week 4/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5317 uses CT2100 and CT3310
Summary Properties of sea water, equations of motion with Coriolis Force, wind driven circulation, thermohaline effects, tides and large
scale variability.
Course Contents 1. Density, Temperature, Salinity and their distribution.
2. Equations of motion with Coriolis Force;
3. Currents without friction: Geostrophic currents, thermal wind relationship, Taylor-Proudman, Inertial oscillations, Potential
4. Currents with friction; Ekman layer; Ekman transport, Wind driven circulation;
5. Themohaline effects;
6. Tides;
7. Large scale oscillations such as El-Nino and the North Atlantic Oscillation.
Study Goals 1. Insight into the basic physics governing flow in the oceans;
2. Derivation of the equations of motion with Coriolis force;
3. Understanding the wind driven circulation and the thermohaline circulation;
4. Knowledge of tides and large scale variability.
Education Method Lectures, classroom participation and exercises
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture notes
Materials "An introduction to Physical Oceanography", available as printout from room 2.91
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
CIE-HE Specialisation Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk (HE-HSFR) Required Courses
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CIE4170 Construction Technology of Civil Engineering Structures 4
Responsible Instructor A.Q.C. van der Horst
Instructor C.R. Braam
Contact Hours / Week 0/4/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Summary Understanding the nature and implication of selected structural design aspects such as shape, dimensions, material and design
approaches on the one hand and the construction considerations such as execution methods, schedules and costs on the other
hand and their interdependency in an integrated building process of a concrete structure. This involves thorough knowledge and
understanding of project characteristics, control systems, methodology of the process and supporting systems in order to
optimise cost driver aspects in conceptual and final design.
Course Contents Lectures:
Construction technology from a process prospective: interdependency of functional requirements, conceptual design, engineering
and construction.
Identification of cost drivers and optimisation of cost driver effects in both conceptual and final design.
Outline design and optimisation of concrete structures based on principles of repetition, shape effects, planning aspects and
governing details.
Tender phase of design - construct contracts: multidisciplinairy interaction between engineering, cost estimate, planning and
construction aspects; strategic outline design development; risk management in engineering; IDEF technology to structure
engineering processes.
The added value and weakness of serviceability Limit State Design: principles of SLS; interaction of SLS aspects with
construction technology; interdependency of functional requirements and workmanship.
Construction technology in support of durability of concrete structures: effects of workmanship and details; mix design effects.
Formwork: conventional and tailor made formwork.
Handling of concrete at site: sequence of events, basics of handling, placing, treatment and curing of concrete.
Underwater concrete: historical perspective and state of the art of underwater concrete applications. Design of underwater
concrete concepts including foundation concepts and details. Construction aspects of underwater concrete: equipment, tolerances
and workmanship.
Quality assurance of both the engineering process and the construction process of concrete structures.
Details as far as governing the performance of concrete structures: joints, cast in items and box outs.
Examples of interdependency and interaction between structural engineering and construction in the field of port structures:
caissons, blockwalls and jetties.
Case study:
A case study is performed as group work. The case can be selected from either Construction or Heavy Civil Engineering.
Presentation, as a team, of the group work.
Study Goals Upon succesful completion of this subject, the student should be able to:
1. To identify the basic elements such as project characteristics, control systems, methodology and supporting systems in an
integrated design process for concrete structures;
2. To identify characteristics dictating the way a concrete building project is being managed in practice and emphasis on the
methodology to be adopted when worked out;
3. To optimise the process of design and construction in terms of costs, time and maintenance in selecting a construction process,
a construction schedule and investment in temporary works;
4. To develop a design methodology in which cost aspects regarding repetition effect, investments in type and amount of
formwork and schedules of levelling labour force are being dealt with;
5. To demonstrate actions which can be taken to control the design process and to assure the quality of the engineering process
and the construction process;
6. To generate different design concepts and to select one of them in view of costs, execution time and durability;
7. To implement all these aspects in a case study.
Education Method Lectures, instructions, case study
Course Relations CT4170 uses CT3051 and CT3150
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Construction Technology of civil engineering structures
(Lecture notes September 2015)
Available at Blackboard.
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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments will consist of online questions and computer assignments using Matlab (feedback provided via MapleTA).
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab is recommended for the
computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or simple graphical calculator (i.e., no word processing and no communication options). No book, no notes. An
Exam A4 formula sheet will be provided.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE5313 Hydraulic Structures 2 3
Responsible Instructor Ir. W.F. Molenaar
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5313 is an integrating course and uses general knowledge about hydraulic structures (CTB3355/CIE3330), soil mechanics,
hydraulics, concrete and steel structures.
Course Contents Structures for cargo transfer in ports: Quays and Jetties.
Analysis of the functional requirements for quay and jetty structures. Generation of structural alternatives and selection of the
most promising; financial and technical feasibility; conceptual design of typical quay and jetty structures;
Analysis of the requirements and the conceptual design of other berthing and mooring structures.
Flood defense structures in coastal areas and along rivers: Storm surge and high water barriers, and structures for the controlled
discharge of water: Weirs.
For both type of structures: Functional requirements and Life Cycle analysis; conceptual design will be evaluated especially on
the technical feasibility of the (hydraulic) structure; further detailing taking into account overall stability and construction stage.
Specific detailing subjects caused by the (turbulent) nature of water flow and the resulting dynamic interaction with closing
elements, i.e. gates or valves
Specific subjects:
- Design for construction
- Gate excitation & vibration
- Life Cycle Asset Management
- Quay or barrier of the future
The items under 'Special projects' and 'Specific subjects' may change from year to year.
Study Goals The course should enable students to produce a (pre)design for hydraulic structures like quays, jetties, weirs and barriers, based
on a life cycle approach.
Education Method Lectures and a design exercise by teams of two students.
Literature and Study Syllabus: available at the first lectures.
Recommended lecturenote(s) / textbook(s):
Handboek kademuren, CUR, Port of Rotterdam, Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, 2003, Gouda, ISBN 90 3760 282, available at
There is a first(2006) and a second (2014) English version of Quay Walls ISBN 978-1-138-00023-0 (handback) or ISBN: 978-1-
315-77831-0 (eBook PDF), SBRCURNET-publication 211E.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend their work done during the exercise and answer more general questions.
Permitted Materials during Everything
Expected prior Knowledge Course CIE3330
Academic Skills Be able to analyse a design problem and come up with alternative solutions
Literature & Study Have adequate knowledge of the syllabus
Judgement The judgement will partly be based on the written report of the design work and the answers to specific questions about this
design work(~75%) and more general questions about the content of other parts of the course not covered by the design work
Permitted Materials during All materials are permitted
Collegerama No
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CIE5314 Flood Defences 3
Responsible Instructor Ir. J.P. van den Bos
Instructor S.N. Jonkman
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Course Contents Basics of flood defences: objectives, types, failure modes
Flood risk assessment: failure probabilities, consequence analysis, risk quantification and reliability based design
Hydraulic boundary conditions
Failure modes and designing for failure modes: Overtopping, revetments, piping, stability (including exercises for relevant
failure modes)
Safety assessment (toetsing in Dutch), design, management and maintenance
Planning, construction and execution aspects of flood defences
Other topics:
- International context and failure cases (e.g. New Orleans, Germany)
- Recent developments, e.g. multifunctional flood defences and other integrated solutions.
Study Goals Students should be able
To explain the principles, objectives and types of flood defences and their functioning; construction aspects, failure modes and
risk assessment and the societal context;
To perform a risk assessment and make design of flood defence systems;
To apply (basics of) relevant methods and models for design and safety assessment
Education Method Lectures and exercise(s)
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials - Lecture notes "Flood Defences", will be made available on blackboard.
- Relevant background materials will be provided on blackboard
- Lecture slides are part of the study and examination materials
Assessment - Exercise: this will be a case study on safety assessment and design of measures for a dike. Time to be spent on the exercise is
about 2 - 4 days. Exercise can be done in groups (2 or 3).
- Oral exam, in groups of 2 (can only be taken after adequately completing the exercise)
Contact Contact:
J. van den Bos:
S.N. Jonkman:
For practical and logistical matters, contact mr Stephan Rikkert (
Expected prior Knowledge BsC civil engineering or equivalent, esp. general hydraulic and geotechnical engineering
Academic Skills - basic analysis and computer skills
- critical thinking and systems approach (covering hydraulic, geotechnical and structural aspects of flood defences, as well as
aspects related to the safety and societal context)
Literature & Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials - Manual flood defences (Waterkeringen), will be made available on blackboard.
- Relevant background materials will be provided on blackboard
- Lecture slides are part of the study and examination materials
Judgement The evaluation and marking of this course is based on the performance during the oral exam.
Permitted Materials during no written materials permitted or needed during the exam.
Collegerama Yes
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
CIE-HE Specialisation Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk - Field Hydraulic Structures (HE-HSFR-HS) Required
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CIE3109-09 Structural Mechanics 4 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. J.W. Welleman
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents - Introduction in to work and energy methods
- Influence lines
- Non symmetrical and inhomogeneous cross sections - stresses and deformations
- Theory of plasticity
Education Method tutorial
Course Relations Basic course in Statics and Strength of Materials is required as well as the second years course Structural Mechanics 3
Literature and Study Course introduction via the website or blackboard:
syllabus: "Structural Mechanics 4: Nonsymmetrical and inhomogeneous cross sections", J.W. Welleman (download in pdf via
book: "Work, energy methods & influence lines, Capita selecta in engineering mechanics", J.W. Welleman, ISBN
9789072830951, Bouwen met Staal, 2016
book: "Toegepaste Mechanica deel 3; Coenraad Hartsuijker en Hans Welleman, ISBN 9039505950 or English alternative via
book: "Work, energy methods & influence lines, Capita selecta in engineering mechanics", J.W. Welleman, ISBN
9789072830951, Bouwen met Staal, 2016
book: "Toegepaste Mechanica deel 3; Coenraad Hartsuijker en Hans Welleman, ISBN 9039505950 or English alternative via
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CIE3150 Concrete Structures 2 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. Y. Yang
Instructor C.R. Braam
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/4/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Concrete and Steel Structures
Structural Mechanics I
Structural Mechanics II
Structural Mechanics III
Parts The course Concrete Structures 2 (CIE3150) contains two theoretical parts and one accompanying exercise.
Reinforced concrete. This part consists of one way and two way spanning slabs, punching shear and crack width control.
Statically determinate prestressed girders. Design of prestressed concrete girders, prestress losses, capacity and detailing.
In the exercise "prestressed concrete" a prestressed girder of a bridge is designed.
Summary The main goal of this course is to learn to apply calculation methods to design and assess the serviceability and safety of
reinforced and statically determinate prestressed structures.
Course Contents Introduction about the differences in the design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete.
Design of reinforced concrete slabs spanning in one and two directions. Including different calculation methods for the internal
forces, such as elastic analysis and equilibrium method for slabs with beams and flat slabs.
Punching shear resistance. Theory and application.
Crack width control based on the tensile member model in both crack formation stage & stabilized cracking stage.
Design of statically determinate prestressed concrete girders. Principles and materials, and prestressing as an external load.
Prestress losses: friction, slip, creep, shrinkage, relaxation.
Bending moment capacity, ultimate limit state.
Detailing, introduction of prestressing forces.
Study Goals After completion of this course, students should be able to:
Determine cross-sections and rebar configurations of one way spanning slabs, two way spanning slabs and flat slabs, based on
theory of elasticity or equilibrium method.
Identify detail areas and apply the punching shear check and crack width control of reinforced concrete in those areas.
Determine cross-sections and tendon configurations of pre-stressed concrete girders and explain the influence of the design on
internal forces and stresses.
Calculate prestress losses.
Calculate the capacity of prestressed concrete girders in ULS.
Determine rebar configurations in the areas in which (prestressing) forces are introduced.
This course is 4 ECTS, which corresponds to a study load of 112 hours. The presented study load is indicative and might vary
based on the prior knowledge of the student.
Lectures 28 hours
Exercise 20 hours
Self-study 45 hours
Preparation for the exam 16 hours
Exam 3 hours
Education Method The education methods exist of lectures in combination with one exercise and self-study. Furthermore, students can actively
participate with elective, formative questions during the lecture series.
Course Relations Concrete Structures 2 is used by: Prestressed Concrete, Structural engineering courses.
Literature and Study Textbook reinforced concrete Structural Safety, Concrete Structures I, chapter 14 and 15.
Materials Textbook Prestressed concrete Concrete Structures I & II, version December 2011 or more recent. Chapter 1-4, 6, 7, 10.
Example reinforced concrete.
Example and exercise prestressed concrete.
Assessment The learning objectives will be assessed based on the exercise and the exam, both with criterion based grading. It is only allowed
to attend the examination after approval of the compulsory exercise. The course is finalized with a 3 hour written examination.
Permitted Materials during Calculator as decribed by the examination regulations
Tests 1 - A4 with hand written notes (one side only).
Judgement The result of the written examination is registered when the compulsory exercise is completed.
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CIE4140 Structural Dynamics 4
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. A. Metrikine
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/6/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents Introduction.
Challenging dynamic problems of modern civil engineering; Types and sources of dynamic loading on structures; Dynamic
behavior of systems with 1 and 2 degrees of freedom revisited: main phenomena, introduction to the Fourier Analysis.
Study Goals The goal of this course is to introduce various dynamic models of structures and to acquaint the students with the main ideas and
methods of structural dynamics.
Education Method Lectures
Course Relations CT 4140 is based upon CTB2300.
Literature and Study Mandatory Material:
Materials 1. Spijkers J.M.J., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Klaver E.C., Structural Dynamics; Part 1: Structural Vibrations. Lecture Notes
CT 4140.
2. Metrikine, A.V., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Structural Dynamics; Part 2: Wave Dynamics. Lecture Notes CT 4140.
3. Lecture Slides (available on Blackboard)
Assessment Written open book exam.
Permitted Materials during No intermidiate tests are planned.
Expected prior Knowledge The knowledge of the dynamics of SDOf systems and 2 DOF systems without damping; The displacement method and Lagrange
Academic Skills Analytical thinking; Critical appraisal
Literature & Study Mandatory Material:
Materials 1. Spijkers J.M.J., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Klaver E.C., Structural Dynamics; Part 1: Structural Vibrations. Lecture Notes
CT 4140.
2. Metrikine, A.V., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Structural Dynamics; Part 2: Wave Dynamics. Lecture Notes CT 4140.
3. Lecture Slides (available on Blackboard)
Judgement Based on the result of the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Consulting any written text brought in by the students is permitted during the exam; although texting (as well as talking) by
Exam mobile phone is prohibited.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4160 Prestressed Concrete 4
Responsible Instructor C.R. Braam
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period 4
Course Language English
Summary This course concerns the fundamental aspects and points of interest in the design and detailing of prestressed concrete structures.
A detailed overview of different techniques and their characterics is presented, covering pre-tensioning, post-tensioning, partially
prestressing, external prestressing and bonded and unbonded tendons. The equivalent prestressing load approach as a general
procedure in the flexural analysis of statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures is introduced. The effects of
shrinkage, creep and relaxation on loss of prestressing and redistribution of forces are discussed. Special attention is given to the
crack width control in partially prestressed members and the bending moment and shear resistance in general. Strut and tie
models are used for shear resistance and to introduce forces in disturbed regions. Detailing of prestressed structures is discussed.
Course Contents Basic concepts of prestressing and technology aspects of pretensioning and post-tensioning
Prestressed concrete behaviour presented for members subjected to pure axial load and to combined flexure and axial load
Response of prestressed concrete members to sectional forces such as axial load, bending moment and shear
Allowable stresses in design computations to meet requirements from ultimate and serviceability limit states
Equivalent prestressing load approach to determine the forces in statically indeterminate prestressed systems
Fundamentals of shrinkage, creep and relaxation
Loss of prestressing and redistribution of forces caused by shrinkage, creep and relaxation
Bending moment capacity in ultimate limit state
Shear resistance of prestressed concrete; design for shear based on strut and tie models
Partially prestressed concrete; control of crack width
Detailing of prestressed structures; disturbed regions from concentrated loads, e.g. in anchorage zones
Example on the use of strut and tie models in the design of a beam with a dapped end
Characteristics of partially prestressed concrete
Unbonded post-tensioning
External post-tensioning
Study Goals After successful completion of this course, the student should be able to understand and to predict the response of prestressed
concrete members and to design prestressed concrete structures. The student understands and applies the basic concepts of
prestressed concrete and the technologies on pretensioning and post-tensioning and bonded and unbounded tendons.
The student should be able to demonstrate and calculate:
the influence of time dependent effects on the loss of prestressing;
the characteristic advantages and disadvantages of external prestressing;
The student can calculate:
the shear and bending moment resistance of prestressed concrete structures, both statically determinate and statically
the crack width in partially prestressed concrete structures.
The student can apply strut and tie models.
Education Method Lectures, examples
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Prestressed Concrete
Other material:
Elaborated examples (a selection from exams) on Prestressed Concrete
Prerequisites CTB2220 Steel and Concrete Structures 1
CTB3335/CIE3150 Fundamentals of prestressed concrete with regard to statically determinate structures
CTB1110 Structural Mechanics 1
CTB1310 Structural Mechanics 2
CTB2210 Structural Mechanics 3
CTB3330 / CIE3109 Structural Mechanics 4
Assessment Grade = Written exam (with open questions) result
Permitted Materials during One page A4-format(use one side only) with homemade notes and a calculator
Enrolment / Application Enrolment through TAS (Exam Enrolment System)
Remarks Final grade = written exam result
Contact C.R. Braam, room 2.06 Stevin II
Telephone +31 (0)15 2782779, e-mail
Judgement Grade = written exam result
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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments will consist of online questions and computer assignments using Matlab (feedback provided via MapleTA).
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab is recommended for the
computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or simple graphical calculator (i.e., no word processing and no communication options). No book, no notes. An
Exam A4 formula sheet will be provided.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE5313 Hydraulic Structures 2 3
Responsible Instructor Ir. W.F. Molenaar
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5313 is an integrating course and uses general knowledge about hydraulic structures (CTB3355/CIE3330), soil mechanics,
hydraulics, concrete and steel structures.
Course Contents Structures for cargo transfer in ports: Quays and Jetties.
Analysis of the functional requirements for quay and jetty structures. Generation of structural alternatives and selection of the
most promising; financial and technical feasibility; conceptual design of typical quay and jetty structures;
Analysis of the requirements and the conceptual design of other berthing and mooring structures.
Flood defense structures in coastal areas and along rivers: Storm surge and high water barriers, and structures for the controlled
discharge of water: Weirs.
For both type of structures: Functional requirements and Life Cycle analysis; conceptual design will be evaluated especially on
the technical feasibility of the (hydraulic) structure; further detailing taking into account overall stability and construction stage.
Specific detailing subjects caused by the (turbulent) nature of water flow and the resulting dynamic interaction with closing
elements, i.e. gates or valves
Specific subjects:
- Design for construction
- Gate excitation & vibration
- Life Cycle Asset Management
- Quay or barrier of the future
The items under 'Special projects' and 'Specific subjects' may change from year to year.
Study Goals The course should enable students to produce a (pre)design for hydraulic structures like quays, jetties, weirs and barriers, based
on a life cycle approach.
Education Method Lectures and a design exercise by teams of two students.
Literature and Study Syllabus: available at the first lectures.
Recommended lecturenote(s) / textbook(s):
Handboek kademuren, CUR, Port of Rotterdam, Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, 2003, Gouda, ISBN 90 3760 282, available at
There is a first(2006) and a second (2014) English version of Quay Walls ISBN 978-1-138-00023-0 (handback) or ISBN: 978-1-
315-77831-0 (eBook PDF), SBRCURNET-publication 211E.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend their work done during the exercise and answer more general questions.
Permitted Materials during Everything
Expected prior Knowledge Course CIE3330
Academic Skills Be able to analyse a design problem and come up with alternative solutions
Literature & Study Have adequate knowledge of the syllabus
Judgement The judgement will partly be based on the written report of the design work and the answers to specific questions about this
design work(~75%) and more general questions about the content of other parts of the course not covered by the design work
Permitted Materials during All materials are permitted
Collegerama No
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
CIE-HE Specialisation Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk - Field Flood Risk (HE-HSFR-FR) Required Courses
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CIE3325 Mechanics and Transport by Flow in Poreus Media 4
Responsible Instructor T.J. Heimovaara
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/6/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Summary This course is identical to the bachelor elective course CTB3390 Mechanics can Transport by flow through porous media. Please
enrol in CTB3390 in Blackboard to find all details. Please make sure to choose CIE3325 when enrolling for the exam in
Course Contents See CTB3390
Study Goals See CTB3390
Education Method See CTB3390
Assessment See CTB3390: Please note that for CTB3390 you need to enroll with the correct code in OSIRIS (CTB3390)
Expected prior Knowledge
See CTB3390
Academic Skills
See CTB3390
Literature & Study
Materials See CTB3390
See CTB3390
Permitted Materials during
Exam See CTB3390
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4367-16 Embankments and Geosynthetics 3
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. C. Jommi
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Course Contents The course deals with embankments for earthworks, with special focus on dikes and road and railway construction.
Embankments are often built on soft soil. Therefore, deformation, for example settlement and stability, are important items in
embankment design. Furthermore, due to soft soil behaviour, the construction of an embankment will have consequences for its
surroundings. A special category of embankments is formed by water retaining structures, such as dikes and levees. These types
of embankments were constructed in the past, some even in the Middle Ages. To prove that they still meet the design
requirements, stability assessment of these old dikes and levees is required.
Attention will be given to geosynthetics, which can be used to reduce the footprint of soil structures. In order to understand the
interaction between soil and geosynthetics, the different kinds of geosynthetics are described and their material properties are
dealt with. This gives insight in:
Strength / stiffness
Interaction between geosynthetics and various soil types, leading to soil reinforcement.
Study Goals At the end of the course the student should be familiar with:
- relevant aspects of the engineering behaviour of embankments
- subsoil and construction soil characterisation
- design rules
- assessment techniques
Education Method Lectures & practice.
Compulsory home assignements
Assessment Written assignements : 60%
Oral examination: 40%
Literature & Study Lecture notes, literature
Materials CUR 162 Building on soft soils, available at Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering
Research en Regelgeving: P.O.Box 420, 2800 AK Gouda (NL)
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CIE5310 Probabilistic Design in Hydraulic Engineering 3
Responsible Instructor O. Morales Napoles
Responsible Instructor O. Morales Napoles
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5310 uses CIE4130
Summary CIE5310 tackles as main subjects the use of 1) multivariate probability distributions, 2) structured expert judgments, 3) extreme
value probability distributions 4) maintenance theory and 5)flooding probabilities. The context is in civil engineering in general,
and particularly in hydraulic engineering. Lectures where the theory is presented are complemented by lectures devoted
exclusively to practical (computer guided) exercises. The link to practice and other subjects relevant to the course is made
through a number of guest lectures.
Course Contents CIE5310 is a specialization course for CIE4130 with emphasis on 1) multivariate probability distributions, 2) structured expert
judgments, 3) extreme value probability distributions 4) maintenance theory and 5)flooding probabilities. Furthermore in this
course basic concepts connected to two courses in the MSc in Applied Mathematics: WI4050 Uncertainty and Sensitivity
Analysis and WI4138 Decision Theory/Expert Judgment are introduced. Theoretical aspects of multivariate probability
distributions (copulas, vines, Bayesian Networks) are presented and exemplified for applications in civil engineering. Topics
related to assessing subjective probability distributions from experts, obtaining empirical control over their judgments and
combining opinions based on this empirical control in a mathematically optimal way are also discussed and put to practice.
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CIE5313 Hydraulic Structures 2 3
Responsible Instructor Ir. W.F. Molenaar
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge CIE5313 is an integrating course and uses general knowledge about hydraulic structures (CTB3355/CIE3330), soil mechanics,
hydraulics, concrete and steel structures.
Course Contents Structures for cargo transfer in ports: Quays and Jetties.
Analysis of the functional requirements for quay and jetty structures. Generation of structural alternatives and selection of the
most promising; financial and technical feasibility; conceptual design of typical quay and jetty structures;
Analysis of the requirements and the conceptual design of other berthing and mooring structures.
Flood defense structures in coastal areas and along rivers: Storm surge and high water barriers, and structures for the controlled
discharge of water: Weirs.
For both type of structures: Functional requirements and Life Cycle analysis; conceptual design will be evaluated especially on
the technical feasibility of the (hydraulic) structure; further detailing taking into account overall stability and construction stage.
Specific detailing subjects caused by the (turbulent) nature of water flow and the resulting dynamic interaction with closing
elements, i.e. gates or valves
Specific subjects:
- Design for construction
- Gate excitation & vibration
- Life Cycle Asset Management
- Quay or barrier of the future
The items under 'Special projects' and 'Specific subjects' may change from year to year.
Study Goals The course should enable students to produce a (pre)design for hydraulic structures like quays, jetties, weirs and barriers, based
on a life cycle approach.
Education Method Lectures and a design exercise by teams of two students.
Literature and Study Syllabus: available at the first lectures.
Recommended lecturenote(s) / textbook(s):
Handboek kademuren, CUR, Port of Rotterdam, Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, 2003, Gouda, ISBN 90 3760 282, available at
There is a first(2006) and a second (2014) English version of Quay Walls ISBN 978-1-138-00023-0 (handback) or ISBN: 978-1-
315-77831-0 (eBook PDF), SBRCURNET-publication 211E.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend their work done during the exercise and answer more general questions.
Permitted Materials during Everything
Expected prior Knowledge Course CIE3330
Academic Skills Be able to analyse a design problem and come up with alternative solutions
Literature & Study Have adequate knowledge of the syllabus
Judgement The judgement will partly be based on the written report of the design work and the answers to specific questions about this
design work(~75%) and more general questions about the content of other parts of the course not covered by the design work
Permitted Materials during All materials are permitted
Collegerama No
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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CE5307NUS Wave Hydrodynamics and Physical Oceanography 6
CE5310NUS Hydroinformatics 6
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CIE4310 Bed, Bank and Shore Protection 4
Responsible Instructor B. Hofland
Contact Hours / Week 0/6/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period Exam by appointment
Course Language English
Course Contents Design of shoreline protection along rivers, canals and the sea; load on bed and shoreline by currents, wind waves and ship
motion; stability of elements under current and wave conditions; stability of shore protection elements; design methods,
construction methods.
Flow: recapitulation of basics from fluid mechanics (flow, turbulence), stability of individual grains (sand, but also rock) in
different type of flow conditions (weirs, jets), scour and erosion.
Porous Media: basic equation, pressures and velocities on the stability on the boundary layer; groundwater flow with
impermeable and semi-impermeable structures; granular filters and geotextiles.
Waves: recapitulation of the basics of waves, focus on wave forces on the land-water boundary, specific aspects of ship induced
waves, stability of elements under wave action (loose rock, placed blocks, impermeable layers)
Design: overview of the various types of protections, construction and maintenance; design requirements, deterministic and
probabilistic design; case studies, examples
Materials and environment: overview of materials to be used, teraction with the aquatic environment, role of the land-water
boundary as part of the ecosystem; environmentally sound shoreline design.
Study Goals After this course the student has to be able to:
1. Explain the processes acting on the land-water boundary and be able to judge which parameters are relevant for the design;
2. Explain the basics of stability in flow and wave conditions (understand the concepts of Shields, Izbash, Sleath, Iribarren, Van
der Meer);
3. Design individually a shoreline protection along a river, a canal or the sea, including relevant details, like a toe protection;
4. Determine the boundary conditions for the design of a shoreline protection, and their probability of occurrence;
5. Design intermediate layers between armour and subsoil (filter design), both using a granular filter as well as a geotextile;
6. Determine the method to construct the design (execution methods), especially how to place the rock and/or concrete element
as well as the bed protection.
7. Explain the basics of the physical modeling of bed- bank and shore protections.
Education Method Lectures, computer supported studying
Computer Use Students are advised to make some computational examples with the computer package CRESS; a probabilistic computation
using e.g. Prob2B is a compulsory exercise. The exercise will be made available via Blackboard.
Course Relations CIE4310 uses CTB2410 (Hydraulic Engineering) and CTB2110 (Fluid Mechanics)
Recommended to follow simultaneously or prior to CIE4310:
CIE4325 (Ocean Waves) and CIE4130 (probabilistic design)
Assessment Exercise and oral exam - The (individual) exercise can be found on Blackboard. - An appointment for the oral exam can be made
in room 3.71/3.73, when making the appointment the exercise has to be handed-in. No appointment for examination can be made
before the exercise has been handed in.
Exam Hours Usually on Wednesday (see schedule with secretary).
Expected prior Knowledge On the first page of the textbook the mandatory knowledge prior to this course is printed; this page is also available on
Academic Skills Relevant academic skills for this course are understanding of the physical processes in bed, bank and shoreline protection and
being able to use this in the design of structures.
Literature & Study Course Information is available at the Blackboard website.
Compulsory: lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Bed, Bank and Shoreline protection (G.J. Schiereck)
Available at VSSD (also available in normal bookshops, but without reduction).
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CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for CIE5306
Course Contents Ports and Waterways:
1. Maritime transport
Specific data of merchant ships, commodity and vessel types, tramp and liner trade
Port functions and organisation
Functions, transport chain, organisation of seaports
Port planning methodology
Types of planning, planning process, planning tasks, general observations
Planning and design of the water areas
Ship manoeuvring and hydrodynamic behaviour, approach channels, manoeuvring areas within the port, port basins and berth
areas, morphological aspects
Planning and design of port terminals
Services provided, terminal components, types of terminals, terminal capacity (maximum or optimum) and terminal dimensions
Container terminals
Container transport, terminal operations and lay-out development
2. Queueing theory for ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for transit times of vessels through locks:
Port studies
Aspects in port design
Organisation, ship handling, cargo handling and inland transport
Methods for solving capacity problems in ports
empirical rules of thumb, queueing theory and simulation techniques
Queueing theory
Arrival process, service process, queue discipline
Kooman method to determine transit time of individual vessels through locks
Queueing systems
M/M/1 -system, M/M/n-system, M/G/1 M/D/1 and N/Ek/1 systems, M/D/n and D/M/n systems
Queueing systems with more general distributions of arrival and service time
Approach to an Ek/Em/1 queue system and approach to an Ek/Em/n queue system
Some applications
3. Inland waterways:
Shipping on inland waterways
Significance of inland navigation, classification of ships and waterways, ship characteristics, ship types
Interaction between ship and waterway
Primary water movement, secondary water movement, remaining hydraulic phenomena
Navigation speed
Ship's resistance, installed engine power, example speed-engine power
Encounters, overtaking manoeuvres, navigation in bends, cross sections, stopping distance
Design of inland waterway profiles
Design vessels, traffic intensity, cross-section and design parameters and cross-sections in bends
Natural waterways
Navigation on rivers, improvements, classification of rivers, ship dimensions, river ports and mooring places.
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Inland Waterways, H.J Verheij, C. Stolker, R. Groenveld, 2008
Environmental issues in Port Development and Port Operation, T.Vellinga, M.Geense,2004
Available at VSSD.
Note: The file Exams CIE4330 with examples of old exams is not longer leading for the exams today. In stead some examples of
recent exams will become available on Blackboard.
Judgement The case study (exercise) will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining the
final mark for the written examination. If the mark for the exercise is 5.0 or less additional exercise has to be done.
In that case the final mark for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the exercise can
be used twice. If the student has to make the written exam for the third time he/she has to make the exercise again.
Permitted Materials during One A4 with notes, written or typed on both sides, normally readable and dictionary English-Dutch/Dutch-English
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Course Contents Elementary notions of computational modelling of flow and transport.
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CIE4345 River Engineering 4
Responsible Instructor A. Blom
Contact Hours / Week 4/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents INTRODUCTION
River characteristics: streamwise variation in slope, width, discharge, friction, sorting patterns. Temporal variation in discharge
and water level. Types of rivers (meandering, braiding, anabranching). River functions and their (sometimes conflicting)
requirements to river management. River management around the world.
1D shallow-water equations (1D-SWE) and simplifications for steady flow: normal flow equation or Chezy equation for steady
uniform flow; the backwater equation (and Bresse approximation) for steady non-uniform flow. Effects of width, friction and
depth on the conveyance of a river.
1D shallow-water equations (1D-SWE) and simplification for flood waves. Effects of width, friction and depth on celerity and
diffusion of flood waves. Computation of a design discharge.
Education Method During the lectures we will explain the theory and discuss examples. Several guest lecturers will elaborate on case studies.
Assessment Written exam
Tags Algebra
Fluid Mechanics
Water Engineering
Contact A. Blom (Water Lab, Stevin III, room S3.00.100,
Expected prior Knowledge Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow
Literature & Study Slides, available on Blackboard
Materials (syllabus River Engineering, available on Blackboard)
Permitted Materials during An equation form will be provided by the examiner. No information may be uploaded on your pocket calculator.
Collegerama Yes
Page 67 of 238
Year 2016/2017
Organization Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Education Master Civiele Techniek
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AES1630 Engineering Geology 4
Responsible Instructor D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for Geoscience and Engineering Fieldwork in Spain
Expected prior knowledge General Geology or Geology for engineers is recommended but not compulsory.
Summary Geology for engineers and Engineering Geology. Engineering properties of major types of soils and rocks, their variations
according to geological and climatic setting and their impact on construction projects.
Course Contents This course is primarily intended to provide an overview of the engineering geological characteristics of the major types of soils
and rocks, and their impact on engineering design and construction. The ways the source materials, the agents responsible for
their formation and the climatic conditions in which they were formed govern their mineralogy and fabric, and thus their
behaviour, are highlighted.
The following are the principal periodicals in the field of Engineering Geology and should be regularly consulted:
1) Engineering Geology, Elsevier.
2) Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, Geological Society of London
3) The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, International Association for Engineering Geology and the
Assessment Three written assignments, one oral assignment and one written exam. Submission of the first, second and third worksheets is
due as at the end of the second, fifth and seventh week respectively to Dominique Ngan-Tillard by e-mail.
Enrolment / Application Please enroll the AES1630 BB site before the first lecture.
Expected prior Knowledge General Geology or Geology for engineers is recommended but not compulsory.
Academic Skills All aspects of an Academic attitude (skills, ethics, integrity and citizenship)are developed in the course. Aspects such as ethics,
integrity, and citizenship are part of the feasibility studies of the last two worksheets.
Literature & Study AES1630 documents available on Blackboard
1) Fookes, P.G., 1997. The First Glossop Lecture. 'Geology for Engineers: the Geological Model, Prediction and Performance'.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 30, 293-431.
2) Waltham, T., 2009, Foundations of Engineering Geology, 3rd edition(Paperback)
3) Bell, F.G., 1981. Engineering Properties of Soils and Rocks. Butterworths (1rst edition), 149 pp.
The following are the principal periodicals in the field of Engineering Geology and should be regularly consulted:
1) Engineering Geology, Elsevier.
2) Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, Geological Society of London
3) The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, International Association for Engineering Geology and the
Judgement The assessment of the written assignments will be based on questions posed within the Worksheets. The submission will be
assessed on the basis of its technical content and relevance to engineering geology. The oral assignment will consist of the
presentation of a poster on sandstone, answers to questions from the audience and formulation of questions about posters
presented by other groups. The exam will consist of a case study and knowledge/thinking questions.
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
Page 69 of 238
AES1730 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering 3
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. C. Jommi
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for Offshore soil mechanics (OE4624), BSc students from AES and HBO students
Summary Physico-chemical properties of soils. Ground water flow. Stresses and strains in soils. Effective stress principle. Soil stiffness
and strength. Basic laboratory tests. Drained and undrained response. Settlements, bearing capacity, earth pressure and sheet-
piles. Stability of cuts and slopes.
Course Contents The course gives an introduction to fundamental aspects of soil mechanics, e.g. soil composition, stress, strain, strength and
stiffness and ground water flow. Implications of these properties for applications, such as settlement predictions, bearing
capacity of shallow and deep foundations, retaining structures (e.g. sheet pile, quay wall), stability of cuts and slopes.
Study Goals The course is addressed to Applied Earth Science, Road and Railway and Offshore Engineering students who have little or no
prior knowledge of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, and to students coming from HBO. At the end of the course the
student should be faimiliar with basic soil mechanics and foundation engineering, to allow further education at MSc level and
application of basic concepts in design.
Education Method Lectures, tutorials, self-study
Literature and Study Materials
Materials - Soil mechanics by A. Verruijt, 2001
- Craig's Soil Mechanics by R.F. Craig (and J. Knappet), 2012
- Lecture notes
Prerequisites Basic mechanics, knowledge of the concept of stress and strain and elasticity.
Assessment Written examination including:
- multiple choice questions
- applied questions
CE5310NUS Hydroinformatics 6
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CIE3109-09 Structural Mechanics 4 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. J.W. Welleman
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents - Introduction in to work and energy methods
- Influence lines
- Non symmetrical and inhomogeneous cross sections - stresses and deformations
- Theory of plasticity
Education Method tutorial
Course Relations Basic course in Statics and Strength of Materials is required as well as the second years course Structural Mechanics 3
Literature and Study Course introduction via the website or blackboard:
syllabus: "Structural Mechanics 4: Nonsymmetrical and inhomogeneous cross sections", J.W. Welleman (download in pdf via
book: "Work, energy methods & influence lines, Capita selecta in engineering mechanics", J.W. Welleman, ISBN
9789072830951, Bouwen met Staal, 2016
book: "Toegepaste Mechanica deel 3; Coenraad Hartsuijker en Hans Welleman, ISBN 9039505950 or English alternative via
book: "Work, energy methods & influence lines, Capita selecta in engineering mechanics", J.W. Welleman, ISBN
9789072830951, Bouwen met Staal, 2016
book: "Toegepaste Mechanica deel 3; Coenraad Hartsuijker en Hans Welleman, ISBN 9039505950 or English alternative via
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CIE3150 Concrete Structures 2 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. Y. Yang
Instructor C.R. Braam
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/4/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Concrete and Steel Structures
Structural Mechanics I
Structural Mechanics II
Structural Mechanics III
Parts The course Concrete Structures 2 (CIE3150) contains two theoretical parts and one accompanying exercise.
Reinforced concrete. This part consists of one way and two way spanning slabs, punching shear and crack width control.
Statically determinate prestressed girders. Design of prestressed concrete girders, prestress losses, capacity and detailing.
In the exercise "prestressed concrete" a prestressed girder of a bridge is designed.
Summary The main goal of this course is to learn to apply calculation methods to design and assess the serviceability and safety of
reinforced and statically determinate prestressed structures.
Course Contents Introduction about the differences in the design of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete.
Design of reinforced concrete slabs spanning in one and two directions. Including different calculation methods for the internal
forces, such as elastic analysis and equilibrium method for slabs with beams and flat slabs.
Punching shear resistance. Theory and application.
Crack width control based on the tensile member model in both crack formation stage & stabilized cracking stage.
Design of statically determinate prestressed concrete girders. Principles and materials, and prestressing as an external load.
Prestress losses: friction, slip, creep, shrinkage, relaxation.
Bending moment capacity, ultimate limit state.
Detailing, introduction of prestressing forces.
Study Goals After completion of this course, students should be able to:
Determine cross-sections and rebar configurations of one way spanning slabs, two way spanning slabs and flat slabs, based on
theory of elasticity or equilibrium method.
Identify detail areas and apply the punching shear check and crack width control of reinforced concrete in those areas.
Determine cross-sections and tendon configurations of pre-stressed concrete girders and explain the influence of the design on
internal forces and stresses.
Calculate prestress losses.
Calculate the capacity of prestressed concrete girders in ULS.
Determine rebar configurations in the areas in which (prestressing) forces are introduced.
This course is 4 ECTS, which corresponds to a study load of 112 hours. The presented study load is indicative and might vary
based on the prior knowledge of the student.
Lectures 28 hours
Exercise 20 hours
Self-study 45 hours
Preparation for the exam 16 hours
Exam 3 hours
Education Method The education methods exist of lectures in combination with one exercise and self-study. Furthermore, students can actively
participate with elective, formative questions during the lecture series.
Course Relations Concrete Structures 2 is used by: Prestressed Concrete, Structural engineering courses.
Literature and Study Textbook reinforced concrete Structural Safety, Concrete Structures I, chapter 14 and 15.
Materials Textbook Prestressed concrete Concrete Structures I & II, version December 2011 or more recent. Chapter 1-4, 6, 7, 10.
Example reinforced concrete.
Example and exercise prestressed concrete.
Assessment The learning objectives will be assessed based on the exercise and the exam, both with criterion based grading. It is only allowed
to attend the examination after approval of the compulsory exercise. The course is finalized with a 3 hour written examination.
Permitted Materials during Calculator as decribed by the examination regulations
Tests 1 - A4 with hand written notes (one side only).
Judgement The result of the written examination is registered when the compulsory exercise is completed.
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CIE3310-09 Open Channel Flow 4
Responsible Instructor R.J. Labeur
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge
Course Contents all info: see CTB3350
Study Goals
Education Method
Course Relations
Literature and Study
Permitted Materials during
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CIE3330 Hydraulic Structures 1 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. W.F. Molenaar
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Summary The course should enable students to produce a conceptual design of the common hydraulic engineering structures, taking
construction / the construction stage into due consideration, and based on good quality sketches and hand calculations.
Course Contents Conceptual design of hydraulic structures, e.g.:
bridge piers, artificial islands, (caisson)breakwaters, retaining structures, quays & jetties, construction pits and docks, floating
docks, storm surge barriers, dams, locks/sluices, immersed and bored tunnels, etc.
Design aspects:
- "design for construction" is especially important for hydraulic structures
- functional and operational analysis
- safety of the structure considering loads and material strengths in the main Limit States
Construction aspects:
During lectures, hydraulic structures and the construction methods available for these structures are described. A considerable
amount of time is spent on explaining and determining typical hydraulic and soil mechanic loads on structures, not neglecting
other loads. Example calculations for lock or caisson design (or other structures) are made as well.
(i)COZ exercise:
For the iCOZ computer test 40 questions have to be answered using the Manual. The 40 questions are split in 3 blocks, the first
block with 10, the 2nd and 3rd block with 15 questions.
Especially block one and two of the iCOZ exercise are intended to test whether or not the student has good command of the
required pre-knowledge in the field of structural/applied mechanics, soil and fluid mechanics, concrete and steel calculations.
The iCOZ questions can be downloaded from Blackboard. The schedule for finishing the blocks is as follows:
- 1st block:submit/finish at the beginning of the 2nd teaching week of Q3
- 2nd block:submit/finish at the beginning of the 3rd teaching week of Q3
- 3rd block:submit/finish at the beginning of the 4th teaching week of Q3
See Blackboard for the exact days/date & time to submit the answers. Every block will be closed after the submission date!
It is highly recommended to finish iCOZ before doing the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures.
Overall the iCOZ-score should be 50% or more, and the score of every single block above 30%, to be allowed to enter the
written exam.
For the Construction Methods Exercise about 40 to 50 construction activities have to be put in the right construction sequence,
depending on the type of structure and information on local conditions that will be provided.
Work on the Construction Methods Exercise has to start in the first week of the lecture period. The exercise has to be finished
and submitted in the beginning of the 2nd teaching week of Q3. Although not for a grade, the exercise will be checked. In case of
fundamental errors in the proposed construction method, some extra work needs to be done on the CME in the 2nd or 3rd
teaching week of Q3.
Work on the CME needs to be completed before being allowed to do the DEHS and the written exam.
The Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures (DEHS) includes preparation of sketches and/or drawings of typical cross sections of
a hydraulic structure, several hand calculations regarding key design issues (e.g. stability, strength and stiffness, type of
foundation) and a description of the construction method for the structure.
Work on the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures has to start right at the beginning of the 4th teaching week of Q3. Progress
and results will be checked according the following schedule:
1st check progress & result:end of 4th week / beginning of the 5th teaching week of Q3
2nd check progress & result:end of 6th week / beginning of the 7th teaching week of Q3
3rd check progress:end of 7th week / beginning of the 8th teaching week of Q3
The 3 checks on progress of the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures have to be made and registered in order to be allowed to
enter the written exam.
See Blackboard for the exact days/date & time for the progress checks and submitting results of the exercise.
The exercise will be checked for an exercise grade, that will be part of the final course grade.
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Written Exam:
The written exam is wrapping up the theories delivered during lectures and the design activities trained in the iCOZ, CME and
DEHS. Exam questions could be considered to be of iCOZ plus or iCOZ applied level.
The grade of the written exam is part of the final course grade.
Assessment The 3 exercises, iCOZ, CME and DEHS are compulsory.
It is highly recommended to finish iCOZ before doing the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures.
Overall the iCOZ-score should be 50% or more, and the score of every single block above 30%, to be allowed to enter the
written exam.
The work on the CME needs to be completed before being allowed to do the DEHS and the written exam.
The Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures will be checked for an exercise grade that will be part (50%) of the final course grade.
Written Exam:
The grade of the written exam is part (50%) of the final course grade.
Expected prior Knowledge CTB2110 Vloeistofmechanica - Fluid Mechanics
CTB2210 Constructiemechanica - Structural Mechanics
CTB2220 Beton & Staalconstructies - Concrete&Steel Structures
CTB2310 Grondmechanica - Soil Mechanics
CTB2320 Ontwerpen van Constructies & Funderingen 2
Design of Structures & Foundations 2
CTB2410 Waterbouwkunde - Hydraulic Engineering
Academic Skills Would Plato, Archimedes, Huygens, Newton, Bernoulli, Laplace, Poisson, or any other classic scientists have felt the same need
to advertise academic skills?
Literature & Study The following lecture notes are obligatory and available through 'electronic' ordering service (Microeduweb) as a hardcopy:
Materials Hydraulic Structures - General
Hydraulic Structures - Manual
Hydraulic Structures - Locks
Hydraulic Structures - Caissons
Check Blackboard, Course Documents - students only, for Handouts of the lectures and other relevant background material.
Judgement (It is highly recommended to finish iCOZ before doing the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures. Work on the CME needs to be
completed before being allowed to do the DEHS).
The iCOZ and the Construction Methods Exercise (CME) have to be completed before being allowed to do the written exam.
The 3 checks on progress of the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures have to be made and registered in order to be allowed to
enter the written exam.
Final course grade = 0,5 * (grade for Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures) + 0,5 * (grade for the written exam)
Permitted Materials during During the written exam the only written information source that can be used is the Hydraulic Structures - Manual (besides
Exam pencil, paper, ruler, eraser etc.)
Collegerama No
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CIE4030 Methodology for Scientific Research 3
Responsible Instructor H.E.J.G. Schlangen
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Exam by appointment
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge BSc diploma in Engineering
Course Contents This course is intended for students that would like to 'Design a Research Project".
It is a perfect preparation for your final project in your MSc.
2) Lecture Material:
Online Lectures.
Prerequisites Basic statistics
Assessment Assessment is done via two assignment-reports.
Exam Hours no written or oral exam.
Only two assignment-reports.
Permitted Materials during -
Enrolment / Application Enrollment through Blackboard is required.
The assignments and submission of reports also goes through Blackboard.
Remarks The course is planned in Q4 with strict deadlines for handing in the assignment-reports.
However, since it is an online course, it can also be followed in other quarters and a different schedule for handing in the reports
can be negotiated with the course coordinator.
Contact Erik Schlangen
room 6.21, CiTG-building
Expected prior Knowledge BSc in Engineering
Academic Skills BSc in Engineering
Literature & Study 1) Course Book:
Materials Designing a Research Project
Piet Verschuren en Hans Doorewaard
ISBN: 978-90-5931-572-3
2) Lecture Material:
Online Lectures.
Judgement Evaluation of assignment reports
Permitted Materials during -
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4115 Steel Structures 2 4
Responsible Instructor Ir. R. Abspoel
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents Introduction, material properties, products fabrication, design and verification.
Analysis of cross sections
Strength of beams and frames
Stability of columns and frames
Lateral stability of beams
Stability of non prismatic members, build up members and elastically supported members
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CIE4140 Structural Dynamics 4
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. A. Metrikine
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/6/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents Introduction.
Challenging dynamic problems of modern civil engineering; Types and sources of dynamic loading on structures; Dynamic
behavior of systems with 1 and 2 degrees of freedom revisited: main phenomena, introduction to the Fourier Analysis.
Study Goals The goal of this course is to introduce various dynamic models of structures and to acquaint the students with the main ideas and
methods of structural dynamics.
Education Method Lectures
Course Relations CT 4140 is based upon CTB2300.
Literature and Study Mandatory Material:
Materials 1. Spijkers J.M.J., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Klaver E.C., Structural Dynamics; Part 1: Structural Vibrations. Lecture Notes
CT 4140.
2. Metrikine, A.V., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Structural Dynamics; Part 2: Wave Dynamics. Lecture Notes CT 4140.
3. Lecture Slides (available on Blackboard)
Assessment Written open book exam.
Permitted Materials during No intermidiate tests are planned.
Expected prior Knowledge The knowledge of the dynamics of SDOf systems and 2 DOF systems without damping; The displacement method and Lagrange
Academic Skills Analytical thinking; Critical appraisal
Literature & Study Mandatory Material:
Materials 1. Spijkers J.M.J., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Klaver E.C., Structural Dynamics; Part 1: Structural Vibrations. Lecture Notes
CT 4140.
2. Metrikine, A.V., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Structural Dynamics; Part 2: Wave Dynamics. Lecture Notes CT 4140.
3. Lecture Slides (available on Blackboard)
Judgement Based on the result of the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Consulting any written text brought in by the students is permitted during the exam; although texting (as well as talking) by
Exam mobile phone is prohibited.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4145-09 Dynamics and Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 4
Responsible Instructor K.N. van Dalen
Instructor Ir. J.W. Welleman
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Course Contents Modelling of civil engineering structures by means of lumped and continuous systems. Static and dynamic analysis. Introduction
to continuum elasticity and plasticity.
Fundamental assumptions leading to lumped and continuous models, mathematical formulation of single- and multi-degree(s)-of
-freedom models and of continuous models.
Dynamics of lumped systems: One-degree-of freedom systems without damping, free vibrations and forced vibrations under a
harmonic load, forced vibrations under a pulse loading, one-degree-of freedom systems with viscous damping, transient
vibrations, steady-state vibrations, two-degrees of freedom systems without damping. Introduction to dynamics of structures,
analysis of the dynamics of systems in MAPLE.
Tensors: notation and transformations, strain tensor, stress tensor, stress-strain relation for linear elastic homogeneous materials,
Mohrs circle.
Failure models: limit state, von Mises and Tresca, visualisations in different stress states.
Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Available at the Blackboard website.
The course is composed of lectures and computer-aided assignments. The lecture material is condensed relative to corresponding
BSc courses. Consequently, the course attendants are expected to spend considerable effort to complete assignments. The final
assignments are part of the exam.
Expected prior Knowledge B.Sc. diplom in engineering/mathematics/physics/...
Academic Skills N.A.
Literature & Study Syllabus:
Materials Theme A: Dynamics of Structures
Theme B: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
Judgement Based on performance during oral exam and contribution to the written report.
Permitted Materials during All course materials
Collegerama No
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CIE4160 Prestressed Concrete 4
Responsible Instructor C.R. Braam
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period 4
Course Language English
Summary This course concerns the fundamental aspects and points of interest in the design and detailing of prestressed concrete structures.
A detailed overview of different techniques and their characterics is presented, covering pre-tensioning, post-tensioning, partially
prestressing, external prestressing and bonded and unbonded tendons. The equivalent prestressing load approach as a general
procedure in the flexural analysis of statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures is introduced. The effects of
shrinkage, creep and relaxation on loss of prestressing and redistribution of forces are discussed. Special attention is given to the
crack width control in partially prestressed members and the bending moment and shear resistance in general. Strut and tie
models are used for shear resistance and to introduce forces in disturbed regions. Detailing of prestressed structures is discussed.
Course Contents Basic concepts of prestressing and technology aspects of pretensioning and post-tensioning
Prestressed concrete behaviour presented for members subjected to pure axial load and to combined flexure and axial load
Response of prestressed concrete members to sectional forces such as axial load, bending moment and shear
Allowable stresses in design computations to meet requirements from ultimate and serviceability limit states
Equivalent prestressing load approach to determine the forces in statically indeterminate prestressed systems
Fundamentals of shrinkage, creep and relaxation
Loss of prestressing and redistribution of forces caused by shrinkage, creep and relaxation
Bending moment capacity in ultimate limit state
Shear resistance of prestressed concrete; design for shear based on strut and tie models
Partially prestressed concrete; control of crack width
Detailing of prestressed structures; disturbed regions from concentrated loads, e.g. in anchorage zones
Example on the use of strut and tie models in the design of a beam with a dapped end
Characteristics of partially prestressed concrete
Unbonded post-tensioning
External post-tensioning
Study Goals After successful completion of this course, the student should be able to understand and to predict the response of prestressed
concrete members and to design prestressed concrete structures. The student understands and applies the basic concepts of
prestressed concrete and the technologies on pretensioning and post-tensioning and bonded and unbounded tendons.
The student should be able to demonstrate and calculate:
the influence of time dependent effects on the loss of prestressing;
the characteristic advantages and disadvantages of external prestressing;
The student can calculate:
the shear and bending moment resistance of prestressed concrete structures, both statically determinate and statically
the crack width in partially prestressed concrete structures.
The student can apply strut and tie models.
Education Method Lectures, examples
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Prestressed Concrete
Other material:
Elaborated examples (a selection from exams) on Prestressed Concrete
Prerequisites CTB2220 Steel and Concrete Structures 1
CTB3335/CIE3150 Fundamentals of prestressed concrete with regard to statically determinate structures
CTB1110 Structural Mechanics 1
CTB1310 Structural Mechanics 2
CTB2210 Structural Mechanics 3
CTB3330 / CIE3109 Structural Mechanics 4
Assessment Grade = Written exam (with open questions) result
Permitted Materials during One page A4-format(use one side only) with homemade notes and a calculator
Enrolment / Application Enrolment through TAS (Exam Enrolment System)
Remarks Final grade = written exam result
Contact C.R. Braam, room 2.06 Stevin II
Telephone +31 (0)15 2782779, e-mail
Judgement Grade = written exam result
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CIE4170 Construction Technology of Civil Engineering Structures 4
Responsible Instructor A.Q.C. van der Horst
Instructor C.R. Braam
Contact Hours / Week 0/4/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Summary Understanding the nature and implication of selected structural design aspects such as shape, dimensions, material and design
approaches on the one hand and the construction considerations such as execution methods, schedules and costs on the other
hand and their interdependency in an integrated building process of a concrete structure. This involves thorough knowledge and
understanding of project characteristics, control systems, methodology of the process and supporting systems in order to
optimise cost driver aspects in conceptual and final design.
Course Contents Lectures:
Construction technology from a process prospective: interdependency of functional requirements, conceptual design, engineering
and construction.
Identification of cost drivers and optimisation of cost driver effects in both conceptual and final design.
Outline design and optimisation of concrete structures based on principles of repetition, shape effects, planning aspects and
governing details.
Tender phase of design - construct contracts: multidisciplinairy interaction between engineering, cost estimate, planning and
construction aspects; strategic outline design development; risk management in engineering; IDEF technology to structure
engineering processes.
The added value and weakness of serviceability Limit State Design: principles of SLS; interaction of SLS aspects with
construction technology; interdependency of functional requirements and workmanship.
Construction technology in support of durability of concrete structures: effects of workmanship and details; mix design effects.
Formwork: conventional and tailor made formwork.
Handling of concrete at site: sequence of events, basics of handling, placing, treatment and curing of concrete.
Underwater concrete: historical perspective and state of the art of underwater concrete applications. Design of underwater
concrete concepts including foundation concepts and details. Construction aspects of underwater concrete: equipment, tolerances
and workmanship.
Quality assurance of both the engineering process and the construction process of concrete structures.
Details as far as governing the performance of concrete structures: joints, cast in items and box outs.
Examples of interdependency and interaction between structural engineering and construction in the field of port structures:
caissons, blockwalls and jetties.
Case study:
A case study is performed as group work. The case can be selected from either Construction or Heavy Civil Engineering.
Presentation, as a team, of the group work.
Study Goals Upon succesful completion of this subject, the student should be able to:
1. To identify the basic elements such as project characteristics, control systems, methodology and supporting systems in an
integrated design process for concrete structures;
2. To identify characteristics dictating the way a concrete building project is being managed in practice and emphasis on the
methodology to be adopted when worked out;
3. To optimise the process of design and construction in terms of costs, time and maintenance in selecting a construction process,
a construction schedule and investment in temporary works;
4. To develop a design methodology in which cost aspects regarding repetition effect, investments in type and amount of
formwork and schedules of levelling labour force are being dealt with;
5. To demonstrate actions which can be taken to control the design process and to assure the quality of the engineering process
and the construction process;
6. To generate different design concepts and to select one of them in view of costs, execution time and durability;
7. To implement all these aspects in a case study.
Education Method Lectures, instructions, case study
Course Relations CT4170 uses CT3051 and CT3150
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Construction Technology of civil engineering structures
(Lecture notes September 2015)
Available at Blackboard.
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CIE4180 Plates and Slabs 4
Responsible Instructor M.A.N. Hendriks
Instructor P.C.J. Hoogenboom
Contact Hours / Week 0/6/0/0
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Course Contents Plates loaded in plane:
The three systems of basic equations (kinematic, constitutive, equilibrium); rigid body displacements and deformations; several
analytic solutions for rectangular plates; application of plane stress/strain to engineering structures; introduction to the finite
element method; formulation of plane stress/strain elements; numerical integration schemes.
Plates loaded out of plane (slabs):
The three systems of basic equations for plate bending including shear deformation; simplification to the pure bending equation;
formulation of special boundary conditions; several analytical solutions and various load and boundary conditions; finite element
formulation of slab element; computational issues.
Study Goals The goal of the course is to get familiar with the fundamental theory of plates and slabs. For practical applications, the Finite
Element Method is introduced and utilized extensively for the solution of realistic plate and slab study cases.
Education Method Lectures, practical exercises
Literature and Study Plate analysis, theory and application, Volume 1, Theory
Materials Plate analysis, theory and application, Volume 2, Numerical methods
Assessment Written exam; Assignments
Remarks Assignments: Application of the finite element method to two plate theory related problems. No retakes possible. Results are
valid only for in combination with the written exams of the same academic year.
Expected prior Knowledge Bachelor courses in calculus, statics and engineering mechanics.
Academic Skills The assignments are planned during the second half of the course. The use of a finite element program is required. During the
first half of the course students are encouraged to become familiar with a finite element program (self-study). Information will be
given during the first (introductory) lecture.
Literature & Study Plate analysis, theory and application, Volume 1, Theory
Materials Plate analysis, theory and application, Volume 2, Numerical methods
Judgement The final grade is based on the written exam (70%) and the assignments (30%).
Permitted Materials during You are allowed to bring a calculator and a one page formula sheet (can be two sided) which is in your handwriting (and does
Exam not need a magnifying glass to read).
Collegerama No
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CIE4190 Analysis of Slender Structures 4
Responsible Instructor A. Simone
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for CIE5123, CIE5142
Parts Part 1 - Basic differential equations of the theory of structures
Elementary loading cases and continuously distributed elastic reaction forces for:
- Axial deformation of bars
- Shear beams and frames
- Euler-Bernoulli bending beam and static Timoshenko shear beams
- Cables
- Curved beams
- express in mathematical terms the mechanical behaviour of characteristic civil engineering slender structures;
- formulate the underlying mathematics of the matrix displacement method;
- describe a typical solution procedure (analytical or numerical);
- list a series of "tricks of the trade" and common pitfalls;
- recognise and explain characteristic phenomena;
- describe the solution procedure in relation to a simple slender structure;
- apply the appropriate procedure for solving a simple slender structure;
- contrast solutions obtained by solving the governing equation against those obtained by using the matrix displacement method;
- formulate a solution procedure, analytical or numerical, for a generic slender structure;
- assess the quality of the solution (analytical or numerical).
Education Method Flipped classroom method.
Reader "An Introduction to the Analysis of Slender Structures" by A. Simone (available at the Blackboard website).
Assessment Written exam.
Expected prior Knowledge Solution of ordinary differential equations, matrix algebra, basics of engineering mechanics.
Academic Skills Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
Literature & Study Reader and material provided on the Blackboard pages.
Judgement The final grade is determined on the basis of the written exam.
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
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CIE4301 Building with Nature in Hydraulic Engineering 5
Responsible Instructor S.G.J. Aarninkhof
Instructor M.J.F. Stive
Instructor J.S.M. van Thiel de Vries
Instructor Ir. H.J. Verhagen
Instructor B. Zanuttigh
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/4
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period none
Course Language English
Summary The course is designed for students in the Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management masters tracks as well as international
students from the Masters in Coastal Modelling and Management. Students from other masters programmes who have design
knowledge applicable in the coastal or riverine environments are also eligible ( e.g. Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and
Managment, or Engineering and Policy Analysis).
Course Contents The course comprises the following topics:
The Building with Nature philosophy, and design process, Ecological processes and aquatic ecosystems, Ecosystem services,
Multi-actor systems,and Value-sensitive design. The theory underpinning these topics is explained in knowledge clips and
concurrently applied in a number of design assignments related to a project case running in parallel. The initial design for the
project case (assignment 1) will progressively be improved throughout the course, culminating in the final fully fledged Building
with Nature design (assignment 5).
Guest lectures by experts from practice form an integral part of the course.
Study Goals Building the theoretical and practical design competence of students so that they can:
(i) Understand relevant aspects of systems ecology theory and apply ecosystem-based principles in their design practice
(ii) Incorporate analytic elements from social-ecological systems theory and multi-actor policy implementation into their design
(iii) Apply a structured approach to integrate the diverse requirements within their design practice.
Education Method Knowledge clips, Guest lectures, quizzes and design assignments
Computer Use Standard TUDelft (CiTG & TPM) software
Literature and Study Knowledge clips, reader material, and recommended papers from literature.
Materials Assignment material.
Assessment Students will complete a series of 5 assignments, each of which they must pass to pass the course. Their grade will be the
average of the assignment grades.
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CIE4308 Sediment Dynamics 3
Responsible Instructor B.C. van Prooijen
Co-responsible for Dr. C. Chassagne
Co-responsible for Dr. D.S. van Maren
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period 4
Course Language English
Course Contents 1. Introduction and classification of sediment (6 hrs)
(re-)introduce concepts of wash load, bed material load, etc.
sediment properties (grain size, mineralogy, organics),
flocculation, (hindered) settling velocity (distribution), settling flux,
onset of cohesive behaviour of the bed,
sediment mixtures, sediment triangle, sediment phase diagram,
relation with water quality (contaminants) and ecology - effects on turbidity (light extinction),
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5.Through case studies, the student learns to analyze the impact of hydraulic engineering works on the ecosystem. Examples are
enhanced turbidities induced by large-scale dredging, ongoing deepening of fairways and eroding mangrove-mud coasts.
We will prepare basic lecture notes, and provide relevant literature as well.
Education Method Sediment Dynamics is a fifth-year course and will cover 3 ECs (84 hours), of which 32 hours are contact hours (oral presentation
by teacher) and 20 hours are dedicated to the elaboration of a case study that case study may be elaborated in small groups of
students (see below).
Focus of Sediment Dynamics is on fine sediments and their mixtures, the vertical structures of these fines sediments in the water
column, and their practical relevance. The student will
acquire in-depth knowledge on fine sediments,
get acquainted with the practical relevance of the discipline,
get some experience by working on a case study.
These educational goals are to be achieved by oral presentations of the teacher, elaboration of a case study, and self-study (home
Assessment Examination will be oral. The students are asked to select a specific topic in adavance to start with.
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CIE4309 Coastal Dynamics II 5
Responsible Instructor S. de Vries
Instructor Z.B. Wang
Instructor D.J.R. Walstra
Instructor M.A. de Schipper
Instructor Ir. J. Bosboom
Instructor A.J.F. van der Spek
Practical Coordinator R. Hoekstra
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/8
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Course Contents 1. Advanced physics of the coastal zone (both prismatic coasts and coastal inlets and tidal basins): hydrodynamics, transport
processes and morphology.
2. The modelling of coastal systems including: several classes of models, model boundary conditions and input reduction,
process-based modelling (profile and area models) versus aggregated modelling approaches (semi-empirical models, behaviour-
oriented models, equilibrium based models).
Study Goals At the end of this course students are able to:
1. describe the details of complex processes in the coastal zone and tidal basins related to hydrodynamics, sediment motion and
2. discuss the applicability, underlying assumptions and limitations of various numerical model concepts related to the coastal
zone and tidal inlets.
3. set up and tune a morphodynamic model.
4. analyse and interpret results of the applied morphodynamic model.
5. design a solution for a specific coastal erosion problem.
Education Method The course consists of a hands-on model training (Delft3D and Unibest-LT/CL models) and lectures (4 hrs a week). The
modelling assignments are done in small groups. It is compulsory to be present during the supervised model training sessions (4
hours per week, every Wednesday morning).
Literature and Study Information on study material available through Blackboard:
Materials 1. Slides of the various lectures
2. Collegerama
3. Other hand-outs via blackboard.
Examinations can be done throughout the year, but dates and time frames are constrained. Directly after the education period the
majority of the exams are planned.
Dates for the exam can be arranged through an appointment list that is available at the secretariat (Inge van Rooij; room 3.71,
tel.: 015-2783348).
Examinations can be done throughout the year, but dates and time frames are constrained. Directly after the education period the
majority of the exams are planned.
Dates for the exam can be arranged through an appointment list that is available at the secretariat (Inge van Rooij; room 3.71,
tel.: 015-2783348).
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CIE4325 Ocean Waves 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. M.F.S. Tissier
Instructor A.J.H.M. Reniers
Contact Hours / Week 6/0/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Course Contents This course addresses the observation, analysis and prediction of wind-generated waves in the open ocean and coastal waters.
The lectures start with the observation techniques, before continuing with the question of how to describe these seemingly
random motions of the sea, which we call waves. Two techniques are introduced: a statistical description and a spectral
technique. This, in its turn, is followed by the linear theory of surface gravity waves (as they are formally called). This theory
gives the interrelation between physical characteristics as the surface motion, the wave-induced pressure in the water and the
motion of water particles. It beautifully supplements the concept of the spectrum. Initially, the lectures treat only open-water
aspects of the linear theory, in other words, deep-water conditions without currents or a coast. This provides, together with the
spectral description of the waves, the introduction to the energy balance of waves in oceanic waters. Sources and sinks are added
to this balance, to represent the generation (by wind), the interactions amongst the waves themselves (wave-wave interactions)
and the dissipation of the waves (by white-capping). The second part of the course focuses on wave transformation in coastal
waters, and therefore on the effects of sea bottom topography and currents (shoaling, refraction, diffraction, reflection, surf
Study Goals At the end of this course, you should be able to:
Describe the different observation techniques of wind-generated waves and their limitations;
Explain the rationale behind the definition and computation of the wave spectrum and calculate spectral wave characteristics;
Characterize wind-generated waves in a statistical framework;
Explain the physical processes driving wave transformation in oceanic and coastal waters and evaluate which processes
dominate in a given situation;
Calculate the evolution of wind-generated waves in oceanic and coastal waters;
Education Method Lectures and homework assignments. Completion of the homework assignments is strongly recommended but not compulsory.
These assignments will consist of online questions and computer assignments using Matlab (feedback provided via MapleTA).
Assessment Written exam
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and mathematics. Prior experience with programming using Matlab is recommended for the
computer assignments.
Academic Skills Analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills
Literature & Study Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters by Leo H. Holthuijsen (Cambridge University Press). Lecture slides. Examples of old
Materials exams.
Judgement The final grade is determined by the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Pocket calculator or simple graphical calculator (i.e., no word processing and no communication options). No book, no notes. An
Exam A4 formula sheet will be provided.
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4330 Ports and Waterways 1 4
Responsible Instructor T. Vellinga
Instructor P. Taneja
Instructor Ir. P. Quist
Instructor H.J. Verheij
Instructor J.C.M. van Dorsser
Instructor Ir. B. Wijdeven
Instructor Drs. O.C. Koedijk
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 1
Course Language English
Required for CIE5306
Course Contents Ports and Waterways:
1. Maritime transport
Specific data of merchant ships, commodity and vessel types, tramp and liner trade
Port functions and organisation
Functions, transport chain, organisation of seaports
Port planning methodology
Types of planning, planning process, planning tasks, general observations
Planning and design of the water areas
Ship manoeuvring and hydrodynamic behaviour, approach channels, manoeuvring areas within the port, port basins and berth
areas, morphological aspects
Planning and design of port terminals
Services provided, terminal components, types of terminals, terminal capacity (maximum or optimum) and terminal dimensions
Container terminals
Container transport, terminal operations and lay-out development
2. Queueing theory for ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for transit times of vessels through locks:
Port studies
Aspects in port design
Organisation, ship handling, cargo handling and inland transport
Methods for solving capacity problems in ports
empirical rules of thumb, queueing theory and simulation techniques
Queueing theory
Arrival process, service process, queue discipline
Kooman method to determine transit time of individual vessels through locks
Queueing systems
M/M/1 -system, M/M/n-system, M/G/1 M/D/1 and N/Ek/1 systems, M/D/n and D/M/n systems
Queueing systems with more general distributions of arrival and service time
Approach to an Ek/Em/1 queue system and approach to an Ek/Em/n queue system
Some applications
3. Inland waterways:
Shipping on inland waterways
Significance of inland navigation, classification of ships and waterways, ship characteristics, ship types
Interaction between ship and waterway
Primary water movement, secondary water movement, remaining hydraulic phenomena
Navigation speed
Ship's resistance, installed engine power, example speed-engine power
Encounters, overtaking manoeuvres, navigation in bends, cross sections, stopping distance
Design of inland waterway profiles
Design vessels, traffic intensity, cross-section and design parameters and cross-sections in bends
Natural waterways
Navigation on rivers, improvements, classification of rivers, ship dimensions, river ports and mooring places.
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Inland Waterways, H.J Verheij, C. Stolker, R. Groenveld, 2008
Environmental issues in Port Development and Port Operation, T.Vellinga, M.Geense,2004
Available at VSSD.
Note: The file Exams CIE4330 with examples of old exams is not longer leading for the exams today. In stead some examples of
recent exams will become available on Blackboard.
Judgement The case study (exercise) will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining the
final mark for the written examination. If the mark for the exercise is 5.0 or less additional exercise has to be done.
In that case the final mark for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the exercise can
be used twice. If the student has to make the written exam for the third time he/she has to make the exercise again.
Permitted Materials during One A4 with notes, written or typed on both sides, normally readable and dictionary English-Dutch/Dutch-English
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4340 Computational Modelling of Flow and Transport 4
Responsible Instructor M. Zijlema
Contact Hours / Week 2/2/0/0
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge Knowledge of solution of first order and second order differential equations and some mathematical techniques like Taylor series
expansion and Fourier transform is essential. Also some knowledge and experience with programming in Matlab or Python is
Course Contents Elementary notions of computational modelling of flow and transport.
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CIE4361 Behaviour of Soils and Rocks 6
Responsible Instructor R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Required for MSc Geo-engineering
Expected prior knowledge BSc courses "Grondmechanica" (soil mechanics) and "Toegepaste mechanica" (Applied mechanics)
Course Contents The course deals with the mechanical behaviour (stress-strain response) of soils and rocks, as well as with constitutive models
describing the various features of soil and rock behaviour. In addition to the theoretical details of the models, attention is paid to
model parameter determination and the application of models via the finite element method.
The following topics are included:
Second lecturer:
Prof. Michael A. Hicks
Dr. Phil Vardon
(Geo-engineering section)
Expected prior Knowledge
BSc courses "Grondmechanica" (soil mechanics) and "Toegepaste mechanica" (Applied mechanics)
Academic Skills Dealing with formulas; making calculations
Literature & Study Available on Blackboard
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Judgement The final mark is based on the results of the Exam.
Permitted Materials during Standard scientific calculator
Collegerama Yes
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CIE4363 Deep excavation 4
Responsible Instructor Ing. H.J. Everts
Instructor Ing. H.J. Everts
Responsible for assignments Dr. K.G. Gavin
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 1
Start Education 1
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Expected prior knowledge BSc- Civil engineering or equivalent, CTB1410, CTB2320, CTB2310
Course Contents Main topics concern the design of building pits and the prediction of the effects on the surrounding structures.
Main topics to be studied:
- the design of building pits and retaining structures;
- effects on surroundings
- the design of under water concrete floors, including anchorage;
- the design of tension piles
Study Goals The course intends to get the knowledge and the proficiency to identify all relevant aspects concerning the design and realization
of building pits.
Education Method Lectures, instruction and exercise
Literature and Study Syllabus:
Materials - CIE4363 "Foundation Engineering and Underground Construction;
- CUR166 Damwandconstructies, availability to be discussed with the lecturer;
- Lecture notes, available at blackboard
Assessment Defending a written report and answering questions concerning the design of building pits during a 30 minutes discussion
between 2 students and instructors.
Remarks The course can easilly be combined with CIE5305 (bored and immersed tunnels), but can also be followed seperately.
Elective Yes
Contact ing. H.J. Everts (0.500;; 0622138379)
prof. dr. K. Gavin;
Collegerama No
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CIE4365-16 Modelling Coupled Processes for Engineering Applications 5
Responsible Instructor T.J. Heimovaara
Instructor Dr. B.M. van Breukelen
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/5
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period 4
Course Language English
Course Contents Many processes in the geo- and environmental engineering show a complex interaction with each other. This course focusses on
obtaining experience with modelling coupled processes for engineering applications in the sub-surface, during water treatment
and in the atmosphere.
An example related to the subsurface is consolidation during loading of saturated and unsaturated deformable porous media, like
soils. Deformations in such media lead to changes in the pore volume and corresponding changes in pore fluid pressures which
initiate seepage and affect the general behaviour. Understanding such coupled processes is of great importance to settlements and
stability, in particular when permeability is small, compressibility is large and strength is limited. Other examples of coupled
processes are the thermo-chemo-hydro-mechanical coupled processes found in situations where flow of water, heat and solutes
play an important role such as waste management (in landfills, in underground nuclear repositories and in engineered systems).
A very recent field where coupled processes play a significant role is biology as a driving force for the dynamics in temperature,
chemistry, hydrology and mechanics in the so-called Biological Geo and Civil Engineering.
For water treatment we can think of, flow of water through a sand filter with simultaneous oxidation of reduced iron and
filtration of the formed iron flocs resulting in clogging of the filter combined with the growth of biomass and decomposition of
waste water. Modelling of coupled processes plays an important role in nearly all fields of geo- and environmental
engineering.In this course the students develop skills for analyzing and modelling coupled processes. They can derive the
controlling partial differential equations and implement these equations in Matlab or Python to solve realistic problems. The
processes discussed during the course should be familiar as they have already been addressed in different courses before. In this
course the students are expected to solve realistic problems where these processes are coupled to each other.
Study Goals The student can recognize the occurrence of coupled processes in the environment, develop and implement mechanistic
conceptual models how the processes interact. The students can define relevant initial and boundary conditions and implement
realistic complex problems in modern simulation and engineering tools like Matlab or Python. The students can debug the code
and generate useful output required for analyzing coupled processes. The students can report their findings in a concise report.
Education Method During the course period, the students are supposed to follow six (short) lectures in which different approaches to coupled
processes are introduced. During these six lectures a series of assignments will be introduced. The students are expected to carry
out the assignments in which coupled problems of increasing complexity will need to be analysed and implemented. During the
lecture hours, teachers and teachning assistents are available for support. The assignments will be tailored to the MSc track the
students are following: Geo-Engineering or Environmental Engineering.
The students are expected to read background material in the form of research articles from the literature and chapters from
several hand books available in digital form in the TU Delft library.
The assignments need to be carried out during the lecture period. Assignments needed to submitted individually, however
students are encouraged to work in groups of four.
Computer Use Tutorial lectures will be held in the computer room. All assignments are computer based and require programming in Matlab or
Python. Tutorials will be provided and students are expected to be able to work with these tools. Students are expected to
download the latest versions of Matlab and Python on their laptop for this course.
Assessment The achieved level of knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills of the impact of coupled processes in the sub-surface
for engineering will be assessed with the assignments and during the final individual exam. The exam consists of a series of
questions which are related to the assignments carried out earlier by the students.
The final grade for CIE4365 is based upon the result of the exam and the assignments, 50%/50%.
Expected prior Knowledge BSc Civil Engineering or Applied Science (or equivalent). Core program of either the Geo-Engineering track or Environmental
Engineering track.
Academic Skills Critical thinking, analytical thinking and problem solving are the main academic skills which will be trained. In addition,
students will need to collaborate intensively with their colleagues so organizational and interpersonal skills will be developed as
Literature & Study Background material, papers and chapters from relevant literature will be provided via Blackboard. All slides etc are also
Materials available.
Judgement All assignments will be graded and averaged in a single grade. The students take an individual exam. The average grade of the
assignments and the exam is the final grade.
Permitted Materials during Anything except a computer. However, exam might be on a computer depending on how far we are able to develop this exam.
Collegerama No
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CIE4366 Numerical Modelling in Geo-Engineering 6
Responsible Instructor Dr. P.J. Vardon
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents Introduction to finite element analysis: basic formulation and example applications.
Theoretical aspects: basic principles; 1D finite elements, including application to beam bending theory and beams on an elastic
foundation; 2D finite elements; derivation of finite element equations for linear elasticity; material non-linearity; derivation of
finite element equations for steady state seepage; transient, coupled and dynamic systems; 3D finite elements, including
comparison between 2D and 3D analysis; finite element mesh numbering; storage schemes; equation solvers; local coordinate
systems; programming the finite element method; structure charts.
Related topics: mesh generation; adaptive mesh refinement; stochastic analysis; finite differences; inverse analysis; computer
Applications: case histories; coursework examples, including the use of existing finite element codes for applications in
geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering.
Study Goals After the course the student will be familiar with the basic principles of modelling in Geo-Engineering. In particular the course
aims to enable students to:
Accompanying notes.
Assessment Coursework and written exam.
Tags Algoritmics
Geo Engineering
Numeric Methods
Expected prior Knowledge Basic geo-engineering problems (e.g. CTB2310 Soil Mechanics).
Basic calculus (e.g. CTB1001 Analyse).
Academic Skills Report writing.
Engineering investigation.
Literature & Study Programming the finite element method, 4th Edition, I.M. Smith and
Materials D.V. Griffiths, John Wiley & Sons Limited, 2004
Judgement One mark, based on 3 coursework assignments (60%) and written exam (40%).
One additional coursework will be formative only, where the student will only pass or fail.
Permitted Materials during Standard calculator.
Collegerama No
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CIE4367-16 Embankments and Geosynthetics 3
Responsible Instructor Prof.dr. C. Jommi
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period Different, to be announced
Course Language English
Course Contents The course deals with embankments for earthworks, with special focus on dikes and road and railway construction.
Embankments are often built on soft soil. Therefore, deformation, for example settlement and stability, are important items in
embankment design. Furthermore, due to soft soil behaviour, the construction of an embankment will have consequences for its
surroundings. A special category of embankments is formed by water retaining structures, such as dikes and levees. These types
of embankments were constructed in the past, some even in the Middle Ages. To prove that they still meet the design
requirements, stability assessment of these old dikes and levees is required.
Attention will be given to geosynthetics, which can be used to reduce the footprint of soil structures. In order to understand the
interaction between soil and geosynthetics, the different kinds of geosynthetics are described and their material properties are
dealt with. This gives insight in:
Strength / stiffness
Interaction between geosynthetics and various soil types, leading to soil reinforcement.
Study Goals At the end of the course the student should be familiar with:
- relevant aspects of the engineering behaviour of embankments
- subsoil and construction soil characterisation
- design rules
- assessment techniques
Education Method Lectures & practice.
Compulsory home assignements
Assessment Written assignements : 60%
Oral examination: 40%
Literature & Study Lecture notes, literature
Materials CUR 162 Building on soft soils, available at Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering
Research en Regelgeving: P.O.Box 420, 2800 AK Gouda (NL)
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CIE4390 Geo Risk Management 3
Responsible Instructor Ing. H.J. Everts
Instructor Ing. H.J. Everts
Responsible for assignments Dr. K.G. Gavin
Contact Hours / Week
Education Period 2
Start Education 2
Exam Period 2
Course Language English
Course Contents Introduction:
Ground-related risk and the construction industry, challenges and opportunities, construction projects, processes and contracts.
Geo-bloopers, state-of-the-art construction and a vision towards the future.
From uncertainty via risk to geo risk management: The concepts of uncertainty, risk, and ground conditions, introduction of the
GeoQ concept with 6 steps and 6 project phases, the link with the RISMAN approach, the position of GeoQ towards soil
mechanics, geotechnical engineering, quality management, hazard management and knowledge management.
The human factor in ground risk management: Individuals and risk - the concepts of individuals, risk perceptions and how
individuals contribute to geo risk management. Teams and risk - the concept of the team, teams and risk communication and how
teams contribute to geo risk management. Clients, society and ground-related risk.
The GeoQ ground risk management process: The 6 steps of the GeoQ process gathering information, identifying risk,
classifying risk, remediating risk, evaluating risk, mobilising risk. The 6 project phases of the GeoQ process feasibility, pre-
design, design, contracting, construction and maintenance.
Ground risk management tools in 6 project phases: Site classification, scenario analysis, team-based risk indentification and
classification, risk-driven ground investigations, risk allocation and dealing with differing site conditions, the approach of the
Geotechnical Baseline Report, Dispute Review Boards, conventional and innovative contracts, the observational method, the life
cycle approach for cost-effective maintenance, an ICT-supported and risk-driven approach for dike safety assessment.
Ground risk management and ground properties: Ground layering and properties, geostatistics, dealing with differtent types of
uncertainties and combining different types of information, sampling theories, groundwater related problems.
Ground risk management and underground construction: Tunneling techniques, ground conditions and risk profiles, specialist
foundation techniques, interaction with existing structures.
Ground risk management and building projects: Projects and construction methods with various risk profiles, parking garages,
construction pits, interaction with existing structures, external risks e.g. vibration and noise, use of experience data and
Ground risk management and dikes: Mechanics of ground, stability and risk, dealing with proven strength, advisors-factor
(Bergambacht), relations with failure probability, (un)identified anomalies.
Ground risk management and infrastructure projects: Mechanics of ground, settlements and risk, observational method, risks
related to vacuumconsolidation and other ground improvement techniques, case Betuwe Route Waardse Alliance.
Geoenvironmental ground risk management: Impact on building and infrastructure projects during 6 main project phases,
processes of (polluted) groundwater flow, dissipation of contamination, geo-biological processes and technical solutions like
flexible emission control.
Ground risk management and some special issues: Apparent reliability of standards, decision problem offshore projects, sand
reclamation projects.
Study Goals After the course the student is aware of the inherent risk of ground within civil engineering and construction, including the
impact and difficulties of the human factor. Furthermore, the student is able to apply principles of ground-related risk
management during the entire process for a variety of civil engineering constructions.
Education Method Lectures
Assessment Written exam (open questions)
Expected prior Knowledge BSc- Civil engineering or equivalent
Permitted Materials during free choice
Collegerama No
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CIE4400 Water Quality Modelling 4
Responsible Instructor Dr. S. Pande
Instructor H.H.G. Savenije
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/0/8
Education Period 4
Start Education 4
Exam Period 4
Course Language English
Course Contents Water Quality Modeling (CT4400) deals with mathematical modeling of dissolved substances processes in surface waters:
rivers, lakes, and estuaries. The modeling of these processes relies heavily on physically-based hydrodynamic processes
(advection, dispersion, diffusion), therefore deterministic mathematical models are applied, with special attention to analytical
solutions. The course takes a macrosopic view of two-way feedbacks between environmental quality, sustainability and global
development. The course is composed of the following topics:
1. Processes: Advection, diffusion, dispersion and water quality; understanding of the principles. Lectures and self study.
2. Lakes and rivers: Understanding how to make a mass balance of dissolved substances in surface water bodies such as lakes
and rivers. Small exercises.
3. Coupled environmental quality and economic growth: Understanding, working with and building of macro-scale models (at
societal level) of two-way feedbacks between environmental quality, sustainability and global development Lectures, computer
exercises (Excel and Python or Matlab) and self study
4. Estuaries: Salinity intrusion modeling in estuaries, making use of analytical solutions that can be directly linked to ecological
relationships. Lectures, computer exercises and self study.
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CIE4410 Water Systems, People and Society 4
Responsible Instructor M.W. Ertsen
Contact Hours / Week 0/0/4/0
Education Period 3
Start Education 3
Exam Period 3
Course Language English
Course Contents The course will discuss the various ways that humans and human society have manipulated natural water systems to make them
fit several different objectives, as new functions for these water management systems were created.
Although the main examples will come from irrigation systems, the course will deal with many different types of water systems.
Analysing these systems will link requirements in terms of technical engineering constraints, management possibilities and water
users (wishes and options). This may include the design and operation of regulation structures, dams, reservoirs, weirs and
conveyance systems; balancing water supply and water requirements in time and space is a main focus of analysis too.
In addition, the way water systems connect individuals and social groups on short and long term will be studied. Daily actions of
individual users may hamper future cooperation and as such will influence societal development on the long term. However,
water systems typically require cooperation - sustained long use of water systems can only be understood when studying how
cooperation works.
How to model these interactions between water systems and people on different temporal and spatial scales will be a main
methodological issue.
Hydrological processes:
The most important processes of the hydrological cycle are explained.
Computer Exercise:
Theories on processing and screening of data are applied with data from actual river catchments. Exercises on stage-discharge
relations and discharge measurements, hydrograph seperation and age dating from tracer observations. Evaporation from energy
balance. Areal interpolation.
Study Goals 1.Understand the physics behind the main hydrological processes of the hydrological cycle: rainfall, evaporation, unsaturated
zone, and discharge (no ground water).
2.Being able to assess the necessity of measurements for planning, design, management and research.
3.Know relevant measuring techniques to quantitatively observe hydrological processes both in the field as in the laboratory.
And know the specific conditions and requirements of these techniques.
4.Being able to choose suitable observation methods by taking into account the underlying assumptions, shortcomings, and
application range of the specific method(s).
5.Know the nature of errors and how they can be estimated/quantified.
6.Being able to estimate the measuring error in the final result based on errors in the observed parameters (i.e., propagation of
7.Being able to apply the theory of data screening to identify trends and/or anomalies in observation time series.
8.Know relevant interpolation techniques (inverse distance, thiessen, Kriging) to spatially interpolate point observations,
understand the underlying theory and assumptions, and know the pro and cons of these methods.
9.Being able to apply several interpolation techniques to spatially interpolate point observations to the areal scale.
10.Being able to setup/design a measuring network by taking into account the spatial and temporal scale of the hydrological
11.Being able to assess the quality of a measuring network and optimize the network by reducing the uncertainty based on the
theory of geostatistics.
Education Method - 50% lectures, with invited speakers, and demonstrations
- 50% exercise
Course Relations CIE4440 uses CTB2420, CIE4440 is applied in CIE5471
Literature and Study Lecture notes "Hydrological processes and measurements" through Microweb, Lecture notes as pdf, Article bundle as pdf,
Materials lectures as ppt, and exercises on blackboard.
The lectures introduce a number of topics that are important for IWRM and the modeling exercise. The lectures introduce water
management issues in the Netherlands, Rhine Basin, and Volta Basin. The role-play is meant to experience some of the social
processes that, together with technical knowledge, determine water management.
For the modeling exercise, the class will be divided in several groups of 5 to 6 persons. Each group will model a set of integrated
water resources management issues and simulate possible development scenario's. Two of the problem sets are:
1. Heating up of the Rhine due to climate change;
2. The effects of small reservoirs for irrigation in the Volta basin.
In addition, there is room for different cases, to be discussed during the first lecture.
The simulation exercise and the reporting should incorporate the concerns of the groups that are mostly affected by the issue and
the groups that can contribute most to its resolution. The report on the modeling exercise should contain concrete
Study Goals After following the course, the student should be able to:
MSc courses:
CIE5541 Urban Drainage Monitoring and Modelling
CIE5510 Water Management in Urban Areas
Expected prior knowledge Principles of hydraulics and hydrology
Course Contents 5 x 4 hours plenary morning lectures by various lecturers and scientists in the field of urban drainage and watermanagement.
Plus two full-day workshops on hydrodynamic sewer modelling.
The lectures will discuss characteristics of urban water flows, hydraulics, hydrology and how to apply knowledge of these
phenomena to the design and analysis of urban water systems. Integration of various scientific disciplines and technological and
practical approaches is a central theme in this course.
Approx 20-24 hours self study + preparation of final exam.
Approx 56 hours to work on individual assignment: students will design an urban drainage system for a real case in the
Netherlands, using rainfall statistics, hydrological parameters and hydraulic dimensioning.
Supervision and assistance for assignment work will be provided during 5x4 afternoons in the course period. Students will
prepare a written report of their data, design choices and results and present main results in a plenary session that concludes the
lecture series.
Study Goals After successful finishing of this course, the student should be able to design urban drainage systems for realistic, real-world
cases and to analyse performance of these systems under diverse hydrological conditions, using a hydrodynamic computer
Education Method Plenary lectures, computer workshops and individual assignment work.
Assessment Exam + report of individual assignment + results of computer modelling workshops
Expected prior Knowledge Principles of hydraulics and hydrology as well as basic statistics
Academic Skills Analytical skills, computational skills, reporting and presenting
Literature & Study Lecture notes + background material provided through BB
Judgement Exam + assignment report
Permitted Materials during Calculator
Collegerama Yes
The course deals with the fundamental background of physical, physicochemical, and microbial processes occurring in the
(sub)surface environment and that are engineered in water purification and resource recovery technologies. The following
fundamental processes will be discussed: Mass transport, Gas transfer (stripping and aeration), Sedimentation, Filtration,
(equilibrium and kinetic) Adsorption of organics and trace metals, Ion exchange, Chemical reactions (coagulation, flocculation,
mineral solubility, redox reactions), and Biochemical reactions and their kinetics including microbial growth.
Further, to illustrate the above processes, a selection of treatment processes will be taught in more detail through practical
assignments. These include: Aeration/Gas stripping (lab), Filtration (on-line simulation), and Biochemical conversion and
microbial growth (computer).
Laboratory Practicals:
Various basic experiments will be carried out to become familiar with some fundamental processes for water treatment,
including: either CO2 stripping or aeration, and sand filtration. These experiments also serve as practical illustrations of the
theory taught during the lectures. Moreover, the most important measuring techniques will be taught, including dissolved
oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, nitrogen species, electrical conductivity, pH, alkalinity.
Computer practicals:
Two computer practicals will be performed to become familiar with computer models (Phreeqc and Biowin) simulating water
treatment processes and as tool to obtain further conceptual insight in fundamental processes.
Study Goals General learning goal:
Students will understand fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes in the treatment of water, and their role in
water treatment processes both under natural conditions and as engineered in technologies. With this understanding students will
be able to make calculations, on the basis of these processes, for the purpose of basic design and research. After the practical
assignments students will have acquired basic lab and computer simulation skills, and will be able to link experimental
observations or computer simulation results with fundamental processes.
Learning goals:
At the end of this course, the students can: give examples of and describe various water treatment processes in natural and
engineered systems to treat and produce specific water types; describe and calculate various water quality indicators; understand
the mechanisms of and perform calculations on key aspects of various water treatment processes (mass transfer, gas transfer;
sedimentation, filtration; sorption of organics and trace metals, ion exchange; coagulation, flocculation, mineral precipitation;
microbial kinetics, biochemical conversion reactions, redox reactions, biomass growth and retention); understand the
mathematical derivation of reactor models and know which model to apply under which conditions; carry out lab and computer
simulation experiments following manuals; analyze laboratory experimental and model simulation results on the aforementioned
Education Method Interactive lectures with quiz questions, exercises in class and as homework, optional mapleTA multiple choice questions for self
-study. 3 laboratory and 2 computer practicals. Practicals are obligatory as well as handing in at least 5 out of 6 homework
Course Relations This course is required for entrance to CIE4475 Drinking water treatment and CIE4485 Waste water treatment. CIE4495-13 uses
knowledge from BSc course CT3420.
Assessment Written exam (open questions, closed book) in week 10; intermediate assessments (5 lab/computer practicals in total) spread
through weeks 2-8.
Contact Boris van Breukelen
office 4.49
phone: 015-2785227
Expected prior Knowledge Expected prior knowledge: completed BSc level basic chemistry course; BSc course CTB3365 Introduction to Water Treatment;
knowledge from BSc course CT3420 Civiele Gezondheidstechniek is used.
Academic Skills This course will contribute to the following academic skills: analytical thinking, interpretation, problem solving and cooperation.
Literature & Study Lecture slides; Course notes in progress distributed over blackboard.
Recommended background literature (not obligitory):
David W. Hendricks (2011) Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes: Physical, Chemical, and Biological. IWA
Publishing. ISBN-10: 1420061917, ISBN-13: 978-1420061918
James J. Morgan and Werner Stumm (1996) Aquatic Chemistry Chemical Equilibria And Rates In Natural Waters, 3rd Revised
edition. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, ISBN: 0471511854, 9780471511854
Judgement Written exam (open questions, closed book) counts for 70%. Practical assignments must be passed and count for 30% (total of 3
laboratory and 2 computer assignments). In case the final mark (100%) is lower than the written exam mark, the written exam
mark counts as final mark.
Permitted Materials during Calculator; Formula sheet distributed as part of exam
Collegerama Yes
Study load:
Lectures 2 x 14 hours
Related to lectures 14 hours
Self study 36 hours
Writing a paper 24 hours
Exam preparation 8 hours
Oral exam 1 hour
Total 111 hours
Education Method Lectures, cases and writing a short paper.
Literature and Study Lecture notes, handouts, available at Blackboard.
Assessment The student will write a short paper (6-8 pages) on one of the topics addressed during the course or on a topic that is agreed
upon. After the paper is graded the assessment finishes with an oral exam.
Contact The student-assistants of Underground Space Technology can be contacted at
T: 85256
Expected prior Knowledge Course CTB3385/CIE3300, Use of Underground Space
Academic Skills
Literature & Study Lecture notes, handouts, available at Blackboard.
Judgement The student will write a short paper (6-8 pages) on one of the topics addressed during the course or on a topic that is agreed
upon. After the paper is graded the assessment finishes with an oral exam.
Permitted Materials during Students' paper
Collegerama No
1 General introduction:
Definitions of dredging process and dredging equipment. Description of the dredging process. Related scientific areas. Dynamic
versus static soil mechanics. Production factors.
2 Dredging equipment:
Description of cutter suction dredger, suction hopper dredger and other dredging equipent.
3 Dredging projects:
Description of all types of dredging projects: maintenace dredging, capital dredging and environmental/remedial dredging.
4 Excavation process:
Soil cutting theories: breaching and eroding of sand, cutting of sand clay and rock.
5 Pumping, lifting and transport:
Pump theory: dredging pumps and drives, theory of hydraulic transport.
6 Dumping of soil and settlement in basins:
Theory of settlement , excecution and quality control on the dumping and reclamation site.
7 Relation between soil characteristics and dredging processes:
Soil mechanic aspects, soil investigation methods, soil classification, geofysical soil investigation.
8 Other related areas of interest:
Survey and positioning, depth measurement, tolerances, operating cost standards for dredging equipment, workability,
production measurement.
Study Goals The recognition of the possibilities and restrictions of the use of dredging equipment for the realisation of large civil engineering
1. Knowledge of working methods and different kinds of dredging projects;
2. Influence of soil characteristics and weather restrictions on workability and employability of dredging equipment;
3.Productions and tolerances for dredging projects;
4.Knowledge and understanding of the basic facts and basic fysical processes of dredging of soils:
* Excavating
* Pumping
* Hydraulic transport by pipelines
* Settling and dumping
* soil investigation procedures for dredging works.
* Relation between soil characteristics and dredging process
* Soil classification
Being able to work with the characteristics of the Centrifugal dredgepump, the drive and the pipeline resistance.
Education Method Lectures:
During each lecture one or two short 10 min. video's will be shown. These video's represent an essential part of the course
enabling a better understanding of the dredging processes. For this reason, among others, attendance to the lectures is highly
Course Relations CIE5300 uses CTB2310, CTB2320, CIE3320, CIE4300 and CIE3310
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Lecture notes Dredging Technology:
Orders including name and address and student ID should be sent by email to:
See the instructions on the blackboardsystem.
A syllabus with questions and answers is available on blackboard.
All other necessary information is also available via the blackboardsystem.
We have been fortunate to have a series of excellent guest lecturers in past years; with speakers from companies such as Shell,
Deltares, and Port of Rotterdam.
If you wish to participate in the course but have commitments to study trips abroad or practical work experience please let me
know before the course starts and we can make other arrangements.
Course Contents We introduce essential material on estuaries and regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs); with many relevant examples from the
Rotterdam Waterway and the Rhine ROFI. We consider the basic properties of internal waves and how they may impact offshore
activities at the shelf break, and demonstrate the importance of stratification on the distribution of sediment in an estuary and on
dredging operations.
1. Introduction to stratification, estuaries and regions of freshwater influence with examples from the Rotterdam Waterway and
Rhine ROFI.
2. 3D - equations of motion. The two-layer model.
3. Consequences of stratification. Lock-exchange and exchange flow examples. Two-layer wind driven flow example.
4. Short and long Internal waves. Kelvin Helmholtz instability and mixing.
5. Steady state two layer flows with friction. Internal hydraulic jumps and gravity currents.
6. Estuarine and coastal flows. Competition between buoyancy and mixing.
7. Stratification in the southern North Sea.
Study Goals 1. An understanding of why small density differences may have a significant effect on the flow;
2. Insight into the basic physics governing flow in estuaries and coastal seas;
3. Knowledge of internal waves, steady state two layer flows with friction, fronts, Kelvin Helmholtz instability, turbulence and
mixing in estuaries and coastal seas;
4. An introduction to the physical processes that need to be accurately modelled in engineering projects of stratified coastal
regions and seas.
5. To develop the background knowledge needed for MSc projects on stratified flows with examples from industry.
Education Method Lectures, individual exercise
Literature and Study "Stratified Flows" and extra classroom material placed on blackboard
Assessment Depending on the number of students, the assessment will be either written or oral and may be partially based on the exercise.
Expected prior Knowledge Basic fluid mechanics and or oceanography
Academic Skills Critical thinking, problem solving
Literature & Study Lecture notes and online materials
Judgement Exam
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
Nonetheless, for the upcoming year the written material will remain more or less the same, see 'Literature and Study Materials'.
1. General introduction:
Energy sources; historical, present and future production and consumption.
Electricity generation and the contribution of hydro power engineering; the hydraulic engineering works required for energy
production and storage;
Economics of hydropower: principles, contribution by the civil engineer, parameters of interest;
Hydro power from rivers; Siting and type of structures required, some basic formulas and definitions;
Hydro power from the sea; energy generation by making use of tidal levels and streams, waves and osmosis;
- oversee and understand the principles of hydro power based energy generation and storage;
- estimate the potential of methods proposed to generate hydro power;
- produce a conceptual design of a specific hydro power structure taking into account local and global environmental parameters;
- judge about the technical and economical feasibility of hydro power projects, especially the feasibility of recently completed
projects or developed proposals for new techniques.
Handouts, e.g. ppt's and pdf's of lecture material or interesting background or specialist articles, will be put on Blackboard.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend the design they prepared in the exercise and answer more general questions
on the principles and characteristics of Water Power Engineering (theory from the lecture notes and handouts).
Remarks Keep an eye on Blackboard for the most recent Announcements and changes
Collegerama No
The course extensively treats tunneling methods. A distinction is made between the New Austrian Tunnel Method (NATM),
bored tunnels and immersed tunnels.
General issues related to tunnel structures. Functional and operational requirements, the longitudinal profile, the cross section
and the starting/finishing shaft and/or access and exit road. NATM tunnels and the immersed tunnels.
Different types of bored tunnel construction; NATM-method, slurry shield and earth pressure balance shield. Stability during
construction; frontal support, settlements during construction. Loads on a tunnel and force distribution in the lining. Start and
reception shaft and construction procedures. Requirements concerning the longitudinal and transverse profiles. For immersed
tunnels, construction in the dock, transport and immersion. Stability during floating and after the tunnel has been sunk. Special
aspects such as ventilation, fire, permeability and explosions.
A case study on a tunnel project is done in a group of four students.
Study Goals After the course, the student will be able to:
1. Make a plan for a tunnel; choice of location and track;
2. Make a decision on the type of tunnel; bored or immersed;
3. Make a choice for the construction method and execution;
4. To determine the mechanical boundary conditions for structural design;
5. To evaluate structural forces both during construction and as well as for Service conditions;
6. To evaluate construction effects; settlements, stability and influences on other structures;
7. To design the excavations and related structures for start and reception shafts;
8. To evaluate the transport and placing of immersed tunnels;
9. To make a design for both constructions.
Education Method Lectures with illustrations (video, numerical examples). An excursion to tunnelling projects, exercise in groups of four students
to evaluate a tunnel project and in addition to that to make a design for a tunnel; location, track, construction and structural
Literature and Study Lecture notes: "Bored and Immersed tunnels" and handouts.
Materials The exercise o-n the case study is handed out during o-ne of the lecture hours.
Assessment Prerequisite
1. To deliver a written report on the case study;
2. To attend the Tunnelling excursion.
Expected prior Knowledge CIE5306 uses CIE4740, CIE4330, CIE5300, CIE5303, CIE5307, CIE5308, CIE5309, CIE5311, CIE5316 and CIE5317
Academic Skills During the coarse students will be made aware and/or develop aspects such as particular skills (i.e. analytical thinking, writing
report of exercise) ethics (i.e. moral awareness/sensitivity), integrity and citizenship.
Literature & Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials 1. Ports and Terminals - Ligteringen en Velsink, ISBN 978-90-6562-288-4
2. Capacities of Inland Waterways, R.Groenveld, H.J.Verheij en C. Stolker, 2006
3. Service Systems in Ports and Inland Terminals, R.Groenveld, 2007
Available from VSSD.
Judgement The computer simulation exercise will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining
If the mark for the computer simulation exercise is 5.0 or less, an additional exercise has to be done. In that case the final mark
for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the computer simulation exercise can be
used twice. If the student has to make the oral exam for the third time he/she has to make the computer simulation exercise again.
Permitted Materials during non
Collegerama No
In sum, the course is part of a learning process which, by means of a structured programme, undertakes the formation of trained
manpower capable of redressing identified problems and helping to build capable institutions, better able to manage and guide
the development of the coastal zone.
The course consists of lectures, demonstrations and workshops. The guiding line through the whole course is the idea that a
coastal zone should be regarded as an integrated system. This will be illustrated by using several case studies in several
countries. One of these cases (the fictive estuary of "Pesisir Tropicana") will be worked out in a workshop. In the case studies the
coastal zone is regarded as a coastal land/water body in the sense that there are demands for various products and services that
the Bay and its environs can supply -- that is, it is a multiple-use resource. The regional economy of the area used in the exercise
is similar to those in many coastal areas in the world, particularly in developing countries. There is a large urban complex, port
facilities and industrial base, with a well developed service sector. Fishing is carried out in the coastal waters. In the hinterland,
various types of primary production take place, including agriculture and mining. Wage levels, existing pollution control and
production technologies are typical of many developing countries. Special attention will be given to the Worldbank Guidelines
for CZM plans.
Attention is paid to various aspects relevant for the planning of the coastal zone: Natural system (biotic and abiotic); user
functions with socio-economic relations; System analysis and policy analysis.
Application in a practical setting (case study) with simulation game.
Study Goals The objectives of the course are to:
Develop an appreciation for and know-how of conceptualisation, policy design, methodology, tools and techniques for coastal
zone management
Gain an understanding and operational grasp of the interdependence of managerial functions related to the improvement of
coastal planning and management
Appreciate the need for integration of coastal zone development policies and their implementation
Become familiar with the multi-disciplinary aspects of the CZM-approach and acquire the capabilities for guiding and
supporting multi-disciplinary teams in complex situations
Education Method Lectures, presentation of case studies, computer exercises and simulation game. Because Integrated Coastal Zone Management is
mainly an attitude and less a skill, it has to be trained in a realistic setting. A fieldtrip to Zeeuws Vlaanderen and Belgium is part
of the course. Students from other Dutch universities are welcome, they are advised to consult the course description in
Blackboard for the admission procedure. This is a joint course, 50% of the participants is from Unesco-IHE or from an external
organization (in practice this will limit the number of places available for TU Delft students).
Note: the course is given as a block-course (two weeks full time) and will be given in the building of Unesco-IHE, Westvest 7,
Literature and Study A lecture note (reader) will be made available to the participants on the first day of the course (at IHE). This reader is not
Materials available elsewhere. Additional background material is placed on Blackboard. The software used in the course (Cress, Jesew,
Cosmo, etc) is downloadable from Blackboard.
Assessment Prerequisite
Sufficient participation in the workshop
Test type
Oral evaluation in a small group after finalizing the course and workshop. Knowledge of the contents of the syllabus, results of
the Pesisir Tropicana Case Study and Simulation Game
Enrolment / Application Because the number of places in the course is limited, students are advised to enroll for this course already in block 3; acceptance
is based on sequence of enrollment
Tags Analysis
Group Dynamics/Project Organisation
Group work
Information & Communication
Project planning / management
Water Engineering
Water management
Expected prior Knowledge BSc
Academic Skills knowledge, making a report, discuss, take part in a meeting, evaluation
Literature & Study A lecture note (reader) will be made available to the participants on the first day of the course (at IHE). This reader is not
Materials available elsewhere. Additional background material is placed on Blackboard. The software used in the course (Cress, Jesew,
Cosmo, etc) is downloadable from Blackboard.
Judgement Based on oral evaluation
Permitted Materials during As preparation for the exam the students are requested to put their major findings on one or two sheets of paper
Collegerama No
Various properties of the different types of dams and breakwaters, like stability of riprap in current and wave conditions, design
of armour layer, natural rock and concrete elements. The use of caissons for breakwaters and closure dams. Computation of
element size using classical formulae, partial safety coefficients and probabilistic methods. Plan and cross section of
breakwaters. Practical examples of breakwaters and closure dams.
One-week exercise in which a group of two or three students has to design a breakwater and a closure dam.
Study Goals After the course, the student has to be able to:
1. Determine the type of breakwater required;
2. Determine the type of closure required;
3. Determine the boundary conditions (waves, waterlevels, currents);
4. Make a preliminary design of a breakwater and a closure dam;
5. Optimise the design on basis of cost and availability of resources like labour and materials.
6. Explain the (physical) background of the design formulae
Education Method Lectures with illustrations (video, numerical examples). Exercise in groups of two or three students to design a breakwater and a
closure dam. For the closure works part an online course is provided.
Computer Use During the exercise intensive use is made of Breakwat (Deltares software), as well as SwanOne, Cress and MatLab or Prob2B.
Wave data from Argoss are used (, password will be provided)
Assessment Design exercise or oral exam.
Admission to the design exercise or oral exam is only possible after completion of the online course on closure works.
Permitted Materials during Open book
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of waves is essential, as well as the hydraulics of flow in gaps (from open channel flow).
Basics of Bed, Bank and Shoreline protection is necessary (especially regarding stability of rock on slopes under action of
Academic Skills During the exercise the student has to show that he/she is able to determine the boundary conditions for a breakwater, make a
design as well as a execution plan in a given short time frame (comparable to a design and build tender procedure)
Literature & Study Compulsory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Book: "Breakwaters and Closure dams" (second edition)
Available at VSSD (also available at normal bookshops, but without discount).
Or the separate books "Breakwaters" (expected 2017) and "Closure works" (2016).
Recommended lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Rock Manual 2007(CIRIA-CUR publication, available in bookshop, but free downloadable as pdf from website)
2. Sand-gravel morphodynamics
Hirano model approach to graded sediment. Equilibrium longitudinal river profiles for bimodal sediment mixtures.
5. River bends
Helical motion in curved flows, pointbars.
6. River bifurcations
Discharge distribution, nodal point relation for sediment distribution, underlying processes, role of bifurcation angle, phase-plane
analysis to assess bifurcation stability.
7. Numerical models
Use of numerical models, model selection, selection of space and time steps, model boundaries, numerical schemes, numerical
8 SOBEK exercise
Set-up of 1D numerical models for fluvial hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, model runs, interpretation of results.
13 Field measurements
Measurement of sediment transport, bed topography, river planform and bed sediment composition,
(1) explain and sketch the short-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems with
confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes
(2) explain, sketch and calculate the long-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems
with confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes
(3) propose and explain appropriate methods to study river hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in more detail, to solve
practical problems of river management (numerical vs. physical models, 1D vs. 2D or 3D approaches, deterministic vs.
probabilistic approaches, uniform vs. mixed sediment, equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium transport)
(4) set up and interpret 1D numerical models for river morphology, explaining how to select time steps, space steps, domain
boundaries and boundary conditions
(5) explain the assumptions and consequences of theories underlying 1D morphodynamic behaviour
(6) explain 3D flow and sediment transport in bends and at bifurcations propose engineering works to solve local problems of
erosion and sedimentation
Education Method Lectures, exercise and discussion
Literature and Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Assessment Test type: written exam. Prerequisite for admission to the written exam: having submitted report of exercise.
Integrity: philosophy of science (paradigm of teleological explanations in river morphology, in lecture on bank erosion)
Citizenship: awareness of and reflection on and responsibility towards the social (international) context and consequences of
technology and scientific actions (Pantanal, Gorai and Punjab case studies)
Literature & Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Judgement The mark of the written exam is the final mark. No mark will be given for the report on the SOBEK exercise
Permitted Materials during One double-sided A4 sheet with personal summary notes
Collegerama Yes
Flood defense structures in coastal areas and along rivers: Storm surge and high water barriers, and structures for the controlled
discharge of water: Weirs.
For both type of structures: Functional requirements and Life Cycle analysis; conceptual design will be evaluated especially on
the technical feasibility of the (hydraulic) structure; further detailing taking into account overall stability and construction stage.
Specific detailing subjects caused by the (turbulent) nature of water flow and the resulting dynamic interaction with closing
elements, i.e. gates or valves
Specific subjects:
- Design for construction
- Gate excitation & vibration
- Life Cycle Asset Management
- Quay or barrier of the future
The items under 'Special projects' and 'Specific subjects' may change from year to year.
Study Goals The course should enable students to produce a (pre)design for hydraulic structures like quays, jetties, weirs and barriers, based
on a life cycle approach.
Education Method Lectures and a design exercise by teams of two students.
Literature and Study Syllabus: available at the first lectures.
Recommended lecturenote(s) / textbook(s):
Handboek kademuren, CUR, Port of Rotterdam, Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, 2003, Gouda, ISBN 90 3760 282, available at
There is a first(2006) and a second (2014) English version of Quay Walls ISBN 978-1-138-00023-0 (handback) or ISBN: 978-1-
315-77831-0 (eBook PDF), SBRCURNET-publication 211E.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend their work done during the exercise and answer more general questions.
Permitted Materials during Everything
Expected prior Knowledge Course CIE3330
Academic Skills Be able to analyse a design problem and come up with alternative solutions
Literature & Study Have adequate knowledge of the syllabus
Judgement The judgement will partly be based on the written report of the design work and the answers to specific questions about this
design work(~75%) and more general questions about the content of other parts of the course not covered by the design work
Permitted Materials during All materials are permitted
Collegerama No
Option 1:
The coastal structures oriented fieldwork is usually organized in Bulgaria. At the coast some profile measurements will be made,
sand samples will be taken and the instantaneous wave condition will be observed. At some rock structures pressure fluctuations
will be observed due to wave impact. A quarry will be visited where the students have to asses several parameters of rock, like
the Dn50, density, blockiness, etc. The Fieldwork in Bulgaria will be done together with Bulgarian students from the University
of Varna. A landscape-architectural component is part of the field work, including cooperation with architecture students, in
order to experience the benefits and challenges of working in an interdisciplinary team.
Option 2:
The morphologically oriented fieldwork will be done along the Dutch coast. Measurements will be done on the beach, like
profile measurements, sand sampling, sediment transport measurements, etc. The collected data will have to be checked to the
deep water boundary conditions (waves and currents) which are available via the routine measuring devices.
The course further deals with physical modelling and experimental techniques in soil mechanics in general. It includes a short
introduction to measurement and control theory, the types of actuators and sensors commonly used and the scaling laws that
apply for full and reduced scale geotechnical modelling. Some of the physical model tests in use nowadays are highlighted with
A series of simulation exercises called 'Engineering geology games' are proposed to students, during which site investigations are
designed for a variety of construction projects and geological environments. During one of these games, the design and
excecution of a site investigation for a civil engineering project in the Netherlands is simulated. Data is provided, analysed and
used to produce a conceptual model of the ground, forecast ground properties relevant to the project and design additional site
investigation keeping in mind cost efficiency. The Engineering Geology games are preceeded by an introduction to general
geology and geological map reading.
Study Goals The goal of this course is to give an overview of the available laboratory tests and in-situ site investigation techniques, as well as
a basic understanding of measurement and control theory.
Students will be able to explain the fundamentals of physical modelling, and can derive the governing questions and scaling laws
required to interpret the results of a physical modelling.
Students will develop the ability to design a site investigation for different geological situations.
Students can explain why and how the standard and advanced geotechnical laboratory tests are conducted.
Students are able to write technical site investigation reports.
Education Method A combination of lectures, readings and practicals (field and lab work and simulation exercises) is proposed. A schedule
concerning subjects, dates, places and lecturers is handed out at the beginning of the course.
Literature and Study Texbooks:
Materials - Geotechnical engineering and soil testing, by Amir Wadi. Al-Khafaji, Orlando B. Andersland (available at TUD library as e-
- Geotechnical engineering handbook, Braja M. Das, (available at TUD library as e-book)
- Site Investigation, by Clayton, CR, Matthews, MC, Simons, NE, Wiley-Blackwell, 1995
- Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology, by Taylor, RN
- Engineering Geology: principles and practice, by David Price, Springer, 2007
Recommended readings:
- Geotechnical Modelling, by David Muir Wood
Assessment Assessment based on performance at laboratory work (30%), site investigation games (20%), physical modelling exercise (20%)
and oral exam (30%)
28 h lectures/contact hours
2 h practical exercise
10 h report on practical exercise
42 h self-study
7 h preparation exam
1 h oral exam
90 h (6 h * 30 h/ECTS)
Education Method Lessons + practical exercise
Literature and Study Syllabus: Soil dynamics in urban areas (at start available at blackboard)
Materials prints of sheets and notes
Assessment Assignments during the course.
Oral examination based on the lectures, lecture notes, the practical exercise and the accompanying report made by the student.
Enrolment / Application Please enroll by sending an e-mail to the teacher ( with your name and student number before going to
the first lecture. In this way a free lecture note can be made in time for the student.
Remarks The practical experiment: one outside field measurements. Measuring wave speed from impulsive excitation, train vibrations in
the soil and in a simple structure.
The exercise is carried out as a group, but the report will be written as an individual. The report will be written partially before
the test and partially after the test.
Both the lecture notes and this report will be discussed during the oral examination.
dr. ir. P. Hlscher e-mail
tel. 015-278 90 30 (Thursday/Friday) or
tel. 088-335 73 43 (Monday/Tuesday)
dr. ir. K. van Dalen e-mail
Expected prior Knowledge B.Sc. courses CTB1210 (Dynamics and Modelling; required), CTB2300 (Dynamics of Systems; strongly advised) and
CTB2310/AESB2330 (Soil Mechanics, which contains the Theory of Elasticity; required). As an alternative for CTB2300 &
CTB1210, one can take the M.Sc. course CIE4145 (Dynamics and an Introduction into Continuum Mechanics), or courses
AESB1320 and AESB1420.
Academic Skills Analytics and structural mechanics.
Literature & Study Lecture notes and lecture slides.
Judgement The final grade will be based on the written assignments, report of the field test and an oral exam.
Permitted Materials during The written assignments and report of the field test.
Collegerama Yes
In addition to the common GIS tasks of visualizing and analyzing data, we will use GIS tools to delineate watersheds, and to
perform land classification and surface water identification and data analysis.
The remote sensing component is focused around measurements in the visible, thermal and microwave regions of the spectrum.
We will introduce the physics behind the measurements, and illustrate how observations in each region yield invaluable data for
water resources. Remote sensing data will be used to analyze elevation and land cover distribution, as well as precipitation, soil
moisture and evaporation patterns in a basin.
In exercises and lectures, different tools and applications are offered. For each application, assignments are given to allow
students to acquire relevant skills. The course structure combines assignments and introductory lectures. Each week participants
work on one assignment. These assignments are discussed in the next lecture and graded. Each week a new assignment is
introduced, together with supporting materials (an article discussing the relevant application) and lectures (introducing
theoretical issues). The study material of the course consists of a study guide, assignments, lecture material and articles. The final
mark is the average of the grades of the individual assignments.
Study Goals After this course a student can:
1) Explain what a GIS is, and to describe its key features
2) Use GIS to visualize and analyze data
3) Use GIS tools to work on real WRM problems
4) Understand important terminology in remote sensing
5) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of measurements in different parts of the EM spectrum
6) Use real remote sensing data to study problems in WRM
Education Method Lectures, exercises
Literature and Study Available through Blackboard
Assessment Assignments
Collegerama Yes
Study Goals The overall study goal is to make you able to critically evaluate the health risks associated with engineered water systems. You
will learn which health risks can be associated with engineered water systems, how they occur and how you can intervene.
Protection of public health is an important element of your future work as civil engineer.You will get knowledge about the
agents that cause disease, how they are transmitted through the environment and how this can be prevented. You will be able to
design safe water systems and be able to communicate with health authorities, in The Netherlands as well as abroad.
Education Method Lectures, discussion, practicum, demonstration site visit, group assignment, report, presentation
Literature and Study For each lecture reading materials are provided via an electronic database. Reading these lecture reading materials before the
Materials lectures to be able to actively participate in discussions about the lecture topic is required. In addition, background reading
materials are provided via the electronic database. The contents of these background materials may serve as information for the
assignments (together with information that the students have to find themselves), but are not obligatory for the exam.
Practical Guide The aim of the practical work is to create the understanding about transmission of microbes and the effect of hygiene measures in
reducing the probability of transmission of microbes.
Assessment Group assignment presentation & report (50%) and group oral exam about the assignment(50%)
Tags Analysis
Group work
Research Methods
Water Engineering
Water management
Expected prior Knowledge BSc Civil or environmental engineering or equivalent
Academic Skills Learning, presenting your work, academic reading, writing, referencing, information collection and evaluation, teamwork
Literature & Study Provided via Bb
Judgement Academic contribution to team assignment/presentation/report, knowledge and understanding obtained from lectures, reading
materials and other activities in the course
Permitted Materials during Own group report and literature, lecture notes and presentations and reading materials
Collegerama Yes
(1) Implement the analytic element method and the finite difference method in a computer model for groundwater modeling.
(2) Apply the analytic element method and the finite difference method as applied to groundwater modeling.
Education Method Lectures in the mornings and computer exercises in the afternoons. You need to bring your own laptop computer to the class.
Assessment Assignments
Expected prior Knowledge Geohydrology I. Computer programming in Python. Hydrology. Fluid Mechanics. Differential Equations.
Academic Skills
Literature & Study
Permitted Materials during N/A
Collegerama No
More specifically this course will address water resources issues related to:
- Water for society, food and the environment
- Floods and droughts
- Hydrology of deltas
1. Hydrology and Water Resources: rainfall mechanisms, extreme rainfall, water resources, groundwater, surface water, water
resources of catchments, rainfall-runoff relations for different temporal scales, water balances, water scarcity, green and blue
water, human interference into the hydrological cycle;
2. Rainfall-Runoff relations: extreme discharge and floods;
3. Determination of peak discharge, factors affecting discharge characteristics, flow duration curve, flood frequency analysis,
rainfall runoff relations, short duration peak runoff, catchment yield;
4. Flood propagation: reservoir routing, channel routing, Muskingum routing, Kinematic routing, relations between methods of
routing and the St. Venant equation;
5. Hydrology of coastal areas: tides, storm surges, propagation of tides into estuaries, salt water intrusion into open estuaries,
seepage of brackish ground water, hydraulic measures in coastal areas and estuaries, effect of dikes, fresh and salt water
reservoirs, drainage;
6. Articles related to the topics described above. For the exam a selection of these articles needs to be studied.
Study Goals 1. Understanding relations between hydrological processes in catchments at different scales and the effects of different types of
stocks and related fluxes;
2. Understanding and calculations of propagation of flood waves;
3. Understanding the hydrological processes in deltas regarding river discharge, inundations, propagation of tidal floods, salt
intrusion, as well as consequences of changes in the system;
4. Frequency analysis of extremes under different climatological conditions.
Education Method Lectures, discussion of selected articles, a reader of relevant articles (on blackboard), short fieldwork (if possible)
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials "Hydrology of Catchments, Rivers and Deltas"
Note: course is conducted through a number of experiments performed in the field and guided by staff from different disciplines.
Depending on the availability of staff the composition of experiments can differ from the describtions below.
In general:
determination and interpretation of the elements of the hydrological cycle,catchment characteristics, river characteristics and
ecology effect of human interference on discharge hydrology and water quality
presentation and reporting of measurements and research results
Water quantity:
meteorological data; precipitation, evaporation, interception
geohydrology; soil composition, infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, piezometry
applying river discharge measurements by different methods
observation of ecosystem characteristics and the influence of discharge characteristics
tracer hydrology
Water quality:
assesment of water quality based on ecological characteristics
determination of dispersion in a river reach
In a condensed fieldwork period (6 days) students are introduced to the elements of the hydrological cycle and the ecology of a
river system. In this way they learn to appreciate the processes involved in terms of relevance and dimensions. The acquired
expertise of the measurement practise, utilisation and interpretation of data is discussed. For that purpose numerous experiments
in the field are carried out in small groups.
Students define a research question before the fieldwork starts.
Analysis and interpretation, all under supervision, is largely carried out during the fieldwork. Afterwards in groups results are
presented and a report on the research question in a scientific aricle format is produced.
Study Goals Learning to use measurements methodologies for water quantitative and water qualitative analysis
Learning to determine which measurements are needed to collect relevant data for research purposes
Learning to interpret critically the data obtained, including all the uncertainties and restrictions
Learning to present
Discussions about the measurements used and the interpretation of the results obtained will be stimulated.
Literature and Study Syllabus: Available at start of fieldwork
Assessment Students will be judged on their participation in the different parts (fieldwork, presentation and scientific report writing).
Judgement is on an individual basis.
Elective Yes
Expected prior Knowledge Theory of measurment techniques, e.g. CIE4440
Academic Skills Collecting liturature, posing and answering a research question
Literature & Study Syllabus: Available at start of fieldwork
Materials Self collected literature depending on topic
Judgement Students will be judged on their participation in the different parts (fieldwork, presentation and scientific report writing).
Judgement is on an individual basis.
Permitted Materials during not applicable
Collegerama No
Given an agreement with stakeholders on the degree to which the criteria are to be met, what type of control system can
implement this agreement?
Suggest control systems that behave in ways that match the desires of the stakeholders.
Give a description of the control system in the language of control theory and using structure diagrams.
Education Method Lectures with in-class exercises, computer labs and homework assignments
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
lecture notes CT5490 (available as pdf on blackboard)
to be announced
Assessment Assignments
Written exam
Remarks In addition to questions on the material covered in the lecture notes, the exam may contain questions on any subject discussed in
the lectures, in the assignments, or in the computer labs and exercises.
Barring unforeseen circumstances an excursion is part of the course and one of the lectures is given during the excursion.
Tags Water management
Expected prior Knowledge The student should be able to:
carry out calculations with complex numbers,
integrate and differentiate functions,
explain what a backwater curve is,
solve simple ordinary differential equations,
understand the basics of open channel flow and
calculate the discharge over a weir or through a gate from upstream and downstream energy levels
Academic Skills In this course you will
interpret water system behaviour
formulate and test hypotheses on the effects of control
cooperate with a partner on assignments
write reports on system simulations
consider the acceptability of control rules for stakeholders
To be announced
Judgement Assignments are graded as complete or incomplete. All assignments must be completed two weeks before the date of the exam.
If not all assignments are completed before the deadline the candidate will not be allowed to take the exam. The exam grade is
the final grade. If the candidate does not participate in the exam in the same academic year then the completed assignments do
not carry over to the next year.
Permitted Materials during Use of a calculator is allowed, as long as the memory is empty of programs and data relevant to this exam. No other tables or
Exam reference materials are allowed during the exam.
Collegerama Yes
Types, forms, functions and sources of law, main water acts, main information sources
Organisational structure of Dutch water management, tasks and competencies, discussions on the waterboards
Management of surface water quantity and quality, groundwater, flood protection and the main rivers
Excursion to the Second Chamber of the Dutch parliament (depending on agenda of the Second Chamber)
For foreign students a tailor-made self-study assignment is made, focusing on European water law and the water law in the home
country of the student. Several supportive lectures are given for this group.
Study Goals After following this course, the student should be able to:
1. take legal constraints and possible complications into account when making technical analyses
2. use the main information sources and evaluate and process the information that is obtained
3. answer simple legal questions
4. decide when to involve a legal expert and what exactly to ask
To be able to do this, the student should:
5. obtain basic information concerning water law, the development of water law and the implications of water law for the water
management practice.
Education Method lectures
Literature and Study Dutch version: Lecture notes: Mostert, E., Waterrecht en Organisatie, 2016. From September/ October onwards, the lecture notes
Materials can be ordered in the usual way or downloaded from Blackboard. The exact date will be published on Blackboard.
Functions of urban surface waters, groundwater and wastewater; functions of urban surfaces.
Pathtways and fluxes of water in the urban environment; urban water balances; urban climate; ground and surface water regimes;
urban dessication; consequences of urbanization and of climate change on urban water system; interaction of urban and rural
water systems; hydrological interaction with river basin.
Quality of stormwater, groundwater and surface water; sources of pollution; behaviour and degradation of pollutants.
Ecological quality and processes; relation with chemistry and hydromorphology of urban water courses.
Land subsidence, land filling and interaction with water ground- and surface water manangement.
Design standards and how to assess these for water quantity and quality; design loads, design storms and design series; statistics
and risks; storage design discharge frequency relations.
Design procedures for stormwater, surface water and groundwater drainage, land filling, subsidence and its interactions.
Operational control of surface water and groundwater.
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems(SUDS), Low Impact Development (LID), Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Stormwater infiltration facilities and their design aspects.
Building site preparation, constructive aspects, transport and accessibility of the terrain, working conditions for building.
Planning process management; target oriented planning; guiding principles and process oriented approach procedures;
collaborative planning of urban drainage projects.
Waterwise spatial and urban planning. Climate resilient urban water management.
Transition management; mainstreaming innovative urban drainage and urban water management solutions.
Study Goals The student is able to plan and create a sustainable, healthy, climate resilient, safe and pleasant urban environment by
manipulating and controlling conditions of land and water in the area.
The student knows how to design facilities for the drainage and control of stormwater, surface water and groundwater, for
controlling the quality of this water and for supplying water where this is required. He/she is able to create a stable, solid and
fertile soil and subsurface, while minimizing land subsidence. He knows how these facilities are implemented and how to
maintain them well. All this in order to sustain the many functions this water, soil and subsurface can serve in the urban
The student understands the hydrological, hydro-chemical end ecological processes and knows how to analyse and evaluate the
performance of an existing urban water management system. He/she is able to design a monitoring system to be able to evaluate
this performance.
The student is able to lead the development of strategic plans for urban water management, urban flood risk management,
climate adaptation and blue-green spatial planning (water-based spatial planning for smart and adaptive circular cities). He know
how to organize the planning process and the cooperation of water managers, urban planners and the stakeholders and is able to
evaluate the quality of the technical quality of the products.
Master course on design and planning of the urban water management system. Water fluxes and relevant processes in water and
soil. Stormwater, surface water and groundwater drainage design (quantity and quality) in interrelation with subsidence and
based on functional demands and standards. Stormwater infiltration and building site preparation. Water wise spatial planning
and urbanism. Water management policy development.
Judgement Grade at oral exam.
As the actual content of the different components may show slight changes over the years, the interested student is directed to
Blackboard to see the actual contents of the course in the respective year.
Study Goals After the course, students are able to:
define projects in several phases of the project cycle (feasibility, identification, design and construction, evaluation, operational
management) within their respective field of specialisation
explain how other than civil engineering disciplines can contribute to project activities abroad
distinguish different working environments for civil engineers abroad (management, design and construction, research, financing
distinguish main organisations involved in development aid at national and international level in terms of their goals, financing
policies and actions
recognise local working and living environments in socio-economic and technical terms
Education Method (guest) lectures on specific subjects (including project cycle, organisations and cultural differences). Guest lecturers discuss their
own (working) experience abroad or actual subjects
The course will introduce hydro-geomorphological concents and detail on especially water erosion, sedimentation and landslide
mechanisms and the role of vegetation and animal activity on it in different environments (mountains, rivers, estuaries) and
different climates (arid, tropical and humid). Feedback mechanisms between ecology and hydro-geomorphological processes
will be discussed.
Furthermore, the course will focus on ecological assessment. andEuropean legislation: Water Framework Directive and on the
health and ecological aspects of harmful cyanobacteria and bio-invaders.
The importance of Civil engineering on aquatic ecosystems will be shown as well as aquatic restoration measures and ecological
responses. Lastly, the influence of forests on floods will be discussed.
Study Goals After successfully finishing the course the student:
1) should be familiar with ecological concepts and ecological points of view and is able to understand ecosystems functioning.
2) is acquainted with hydrogeomorphological processes such as water erosion, landsliding and sedimentation and is be able to
describe the interrelationships between the abiotic and biotic environment.
3) understands the consequences of civil engineering intervention on geosystems and ecosystems and knows the jargon of the
disciplines of biology and geomorphology and can communicate with experts in these fields
Education Method Lectures, workshop
Literature and Study Study material comprises of a list of scientific articles, book chapters, hand-outs and powerpoint presentations
Assessment Poster presentation (30%)
Written exam (70%)
Contact Prof.Dr. Michael McClain []‎
Dr. Thom Bogaard (
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of earth science and water systems.
General knowledge on modelling approaches in Civil or Environmental Engineering.
Detailed knowledge on ecology is not a pre-requisite.
Academic Skills Critical thinking
Reading and analyzing scientific papers
Oral and poster presentation
Debating and discussing
Literature & Study Course material (scientific literature and powerpoint hand-outs) will be specified at start of the course and provided during the
Materials course.
Judgement Poster presentation (30%)
Written exam (70%)
Permitted Materials during Poster presentatiuon with own poster
Exam No material is allowed during written exam
Collegerama No
Remarks Multidisciplinary course for Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Earth Sciences.
The course covers the use of trenchless technologies (drilling, tunnelling, and renovation techniques). These techniques are
widely used for the installation and renovation of tunnel-, pipe- and cable systems for small infrastructure (oil, gas, water,
sewerage). The course offers basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and used materials. Legal,
administrative aspects and innovation will form an integral part of the course.
Contact The student-assistants of Underground Space Technology can be contacted at
T: 85256
Expected prior Knowledge Basic understanding of soil mechanics and structural mechanics is advisable but not mandatory.
Academic Skills
Literature & Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Reader "Reader Trenchless Technology CIE5741" by W. Broere, S. van der Woude
Available via Microweb or as pdf on BB
Judgement The oral examination discusses the students' paper as well as topics from the course.
The final mark is based on the report and oral discussion.
principles of an agreement and the elements that play a role in collaboration are discussed
the contract and the corresponding components such as tasks, responsibilities and authorities
the family of: design & construct, DBM, DBMOT, DBMFOT, partnering, alliances, public private partnership
g. Foreign contracts .
Education Method lectures
Literature and Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Reader: "Forms of collaboration in civil engineering"
Parties in the building industry can choose between various forms of collaboration and contract models. The different forms of
collaborations are derived from the economic concepts such as value, price and cost. The course has a theoretical character but
its contents is illustrated by means of practical examples by guest lecturers. The following forms of collaboration are dealt with:
traditional contract, building team, general contracting and the families of Design & Construct. Discussed will be the contract-
content with tasks, obligations, authorities, responsibilities, liabilities, systems of reimbursement and risk division. The following
models of contract are discussed: design & construct, partnering, alliances, public private partnership, risk management, risk
sharing and contracts that deal with the organization during building.
The core subject is the analysis and design of the most common
foundation types for offshore structures. After some preliminary recaps on soil behaviour,
the response of marine soils to environmental cyclic loading is illustrated and discussed.
Then, essential concepts about subsea
site investigation are discussed. The course core topics are widely addressed, concerning the
analysis/design of both shallow and deep offshore foundations.
Study Goals The main learning objectives are:
1. to recognise and describe the main features of offshore soil behaviour under environmental loading;
2. to describe the principles for planning offshore site surveys for soil characterization purposes;
3. to analyse/design of the main shallow foundation types(including spudcans and suction units)
according to standard analytical approaches
4. to analyse/design of offshore piles
according to standard analytical approaches
Education Method - in class theoretical and practical sessions
- possible assignments on the most relevant topics
Assessment Written Exam
Remarks Old course code: OE4624-15
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
In dredging, trenching, (deep sea) mining, drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications, sand, clay or rock has to be
excavated. The productions (and thus the dimensions) of the excavating equipment range from mm3/sec - cm3/sec to m3/sec. In
oil drilling layers with a thickness of a magnitude of 0.2 mm are cut, while in dredging this can be of a magnitude of 0.1 m with
cutter suction dredges and meters for clamshells and backhoes. Some equipment is designed for dry soil, while others operate
under water saturated conditions. Installed cutting powers may range up to 10 MW. For both the design, the operation and
production estimation of the excavating equipment it is important to be able to predict the cutting forces and powers.
The book gives an overview of cutting theories. It starts with a generic model, which is valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and
rock) after which the specifics of dry sand, water saturated sand, clay, rock and hyperbaric rock are covered. For each soil type
small blade angles and large blade angles, resulting in a wedge in front of the blade, are discussed. The failure mechanism of
sand, dry and water saturated, is the so called Shear Type. The failure mechanism of clay is the so called Flow Type, but under
certain circumstances also the Curling Type and the Tear Type are possible. Rock will usually fail in a brittle way. This can be
brittle tensile failure, the Tear Type, for small blade angles, but it can also be brittle shear failure, which is of the Shear Type of
failure mechanism for larger blade angles. Under hyperbaric conditions rock may also fail in a more ductile way according to the
Flow Type of failure mechanism.
For each case considered, the equations/model for the cutting forces, power and specific energy are given. The models are
verified with laboratory research, mainly at the Delft University of Technology, but also with data from literature.
Study Goals Understand and reproduce the Mohr circle;
Understand and reproduce the theory of passive and active soil failure;
Understanding the soil mechanical parameters important for cutting processes;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D cutting theory in water-saturated sand;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D theory in clay;
Understanding and reproduce the basic cutting theory of rock cutting;
Understanding and reproduce the hyperbaric cutting theory of rock cutting.
Education Method lectures and bonus assignments
Literature and Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model.
Available at Leeghwater and downloadable from IOS Press.
Assessment Written exam (open book) and bonus assignments.
2 points for the bonus assignments and 10 points for the written exam.
If the grade is 5 or lower the bonus points are added to the exam grade.
If the grade is 5 or higher the final grade is: exam grade plus (10-exam grade)/5 times bonus points.
Remarks Old course code: OE4626
The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes:
The cutting of sand, clay and rock;
Participants succesfully completing this course will be equipped to make predictive quantitative determinations related to these
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
Contact S.A. Miedema (
The remaining lecture hours and practical sessions are spent on introducing the students to Matlab, recapitulating deterministic
models of structural systems as these were presented in the course CIE4140 Structural Dynamics (but with the focus on
discretized as opposed to analytical representations), and reduced-order modelling. The latter topic is included because of its
importance when dealing with in situ measured data from large-scale complex structures.
Study Goals Students succesfully completing the course will be able to:
1) identify the dynamic properties of a structure from measured vibration response data,
2) calibrate finite element models based on identified dynamic properties,
3) identify the forces acting on a structure from its vibrational response.
Education Method Lectures are alternated by practical sessions in which the presented techniques are applied to a simple beam structure in Matlab.
Assessment Group project and oral examination.
Remarks Old course code: OE4629
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
First, the general basics of Arctic Engineering will be discussed during the general introduction to Arctic engineering. This part
of the course schedule starts with a discussion on environmental issues in the Arctic, after which a geographical and historical
overview of Arctic resources and current developments is given. Subsequently, the existing ice features and ice regimes are
discussed based on geography and local conditions. Additionally, the physical micro- and macro-properties of ice, ice
morphology, ice thermodynanics and ice mechanics are treated. The general introduction to Arctic Engineering concludes with
an introduction to ice-structure interaction, based on the Arctic engineering code ISO19906.
The theoretical core of the course OE44115 Arctic engineering consists of the (statics and) dynamics of ice-structure interaction.
Initially, an overview of the available models for dynamic ice-structure interaction and ice-induced vibrations will be given. The
phenomenon of frequency lock-in is considered, as well as beam and plate theories to model the ice during its interaction with a
structure. Additionally, we will touch upon the numerical application of dynamic processes within Arctic engineering and
discuss the industrial experience with ice-induced vibrations.
In the last part of the course, we explore a number of special topics that broaden the perspective of engineering in the Arctic.
These special topics are not necessarily the same each year and depend on the availability of industry and university specialists.
The special topics that have been treated in previous editions of the course are: 'Arctic Engineering Practice', 'Structural Design
for Arctic Conditions', 'Arctic Oceanography', 'Scaling in Ice Mechanics and Ice-Structure Interaction' and 'Ice Management &
Escape, Evacuation & Rescue'.
Study Goals Participants will know about the ice features and ice conditions that occur at typical Arctic engineering locations and they will be
aware of the workings of ice physics and ice mechanics. They will have an understanding of the available types of structures for
the Arctic, the static and dynamic ice loads on these structures and the issues involved in designing, constructing and
maintaining these structures in Arctic conditions.
Education Method Lectures, guest lectures and a non-compulsory bonus exercise.
Course Relations This course does not require any courses as compulsory pre-knowledge. Although generally Arctic Engineering is focused on
offshore applications, this course has been set-up to address the complete range of Arctic Engineering applications, that include
the development and transport of resources, environmental impact and climate change, oceanography, as well as maritime,
hydraulic and coastal engineering.
Nevertheless,interesting background information for the course OE44115 Arctic Engineering may be obtained from the courses
OE44095 Bottom Founded Offshore Structures and CiE4140 Structural Dynamics.
A positive result for the course OE44115 Arctic Engineering is compulsary to be allowed to participate in the course AT327-12
Arctic Offshore Engineering.
Literature and Study Currently the lecture notes for this course are a work-in-progress. Extensive lecture slides and hand-outs that contain all the
Materials necessary information are provided to the participants of this course through Blackboard.
Assessment The assessment for this course consists of a written exam. Note however that a bonus to the exam grade can be earned by doing a
non-compulsory bonus exercise.
Remarks Previous course codes: OE4680 and OE4680-12
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
The following are the principal periodicals in the field of Engineering Geology and should be regularly consulted:
1) Engineering Geology, Elsevier.
2) Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, Geological Society of London
3) The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, International Association for Engineering Geology and the
Assessment Three written assignments, one oral assignment and one written exam. Submission of the first, second and third worksheets is
due as at the end of the second, fifth and seventh week respectively to Dominique Ngan-Tillard by e-mail.
Enrolment / Application Please enroll the AES1630 BB site before the first lecture.
Expected prior Knowledge General Geology or Geology for engineers is recommended but not compulsory.
Academic Skills All aspects of an Academic attitude (skills, ethics, integrity and citizenship)are developed in the course. Aspects such as ethics,
integrity, and citizenship are part of the feasibility studies of the last two worksheets.
Literature & Study AES1630 documents available on Blackboard
1) Fookes, P.G., 1997. The First Glossop Lecture. 'Geology for Engineers: the Geological Model, Prediction and Performance'.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 30, 293-431.
2) Waltham, T., 2009, Foundations of Engineering Geology, 3rd edition(Paperback)
3) Bell, F.G., 1981. Engineering Properties of Soils and Rocks. Butterworths (1rst edition), 149 pp.
The following are the principal periodicals in the field of Engineering Geology and should be regularly consulted:
1) Engineering Geology, Elsevier.
2) Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, Geological Society of London
3) The Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, International Association for Engineering Geology and the
Judgement The assessment of the written assignments will be based on questions posed within the Worksheets. The submission will be
assessed on the basis of its technical content and relevance to engineering geology. The oral assignment will consist of the
presentation of a poster on sandstone, answers to questions from the audience and formulation of questions about posters
presented by other groups. The exam will consist of a case study and knowledge/thinking questions.
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
Understanding Earth
John Grotzinger, Thomas H. Jordan, Frank Press, Raymond Siever
Paperback: 654 pages
Publisher: W. H. Freeman; 6th edition (2010)
ISBN-10: 0716766825
ISBN-13: 978-0716766827
Assessment written exam. When you subscribe for the exam. Please subscribe for AES1750-D1 and not for TA1910 or AES1910
CE5310NUS Hydroinformatics 6
book: "Work, energy methods & influence lines, Capita selecta in engineering mechanics", J.W. Welleman, ISBN
9789072830951, Bouwen met Staal, 2016
book: "Toegepaste Mechanica deel 3; Coenraad Hartsuijker en Hans Welleman, ISBN 9039505950 or English alternative via
book: "Work, energy methods & influence lines, Capita selecta in engineering mechanics", J.W. Welleman, ISBN
9789072830951, Bouwen met Staal, 2016
book: "Toegepaste Mechanica deel 3; Coenraad Hartsuijker en Hans Welleman, ISBN 9039505950 or English alternative via
This course is 4 ECTS, which corresponds to a study load of 112 hours. The presented study load is indicative and might vary
based on the prior knowledge of the student.
Lectures 28 hours
Exercise 20 hours
Self-study 45 hours
Preparation for the exam 16 hours
Exam 3 hours
Education Method The education methods exist of lectures in combination with one exercise and self-study. Furthermore, students can actively
participate with elective, formative questions during the lecture series.
Course Relations Concrete Structures 2 is used by: Prestressed Concrete, Structural engineering courses.
Literature and Study Textbook reinforced concrete Structural Safety, Concrete Structures I, chapter 14 and 15.
Materials Textbook Prestressed concrete Concrete Structures I & II, version December 2011 or more recent. Chapter 1-4, 6, 7, 10.
Example reinforced concrete.
Example and exercise prestressed concrete.
Assessment The learning objectives will be assessed based on the exercise and the exam, both with criterion based grading. It is only allowed
to attend the examination after approval of the compulsory exercise. The course is finalized with a 3 hour written examination.
Permitted Materials during Calculator as decribed by the examination regulations
Tests 1 - A4 with hand written notes (one side only).
Judgement The result of the written examination is registered when the compulsory exercise is completed.
Study Goals
Education Method
Course Relations
Literature and Study
Permitted Materials during
bridge piers, artificial islands, (caisson)breakwaters, retaining structures, quays & jetties, construction pits and docks, floating
docks, storm surge barriers, dams, locks/sluices, immersed and bored tunnels, etc.
Design aspects:
- "design for construction" is especially important for hydraulic structures
- functional and operational analysis
- safety of the structure considering loads and material strengths in the main Limit States
Construction aspects:
During lectures, hydraulic structures and the construction methods available for these structures are described. A considerable
amount of time is spent on explaining and determining typical hydraulic and soil mechanic loads on structures, not neglecting
other loads. Example calculations for lock or caisson design (or other structures) are made as well.
(i)COZ exercise:
For the iCOZ computer test 40 questions have to be answered using the Manual. The 40 questions are split in 3 blocks, the first
block with 10, the 2nd and 3rd block with 15 questions.
Especially block one and two of the iCOZ exercise are intended to test whether or not the student has good command of the
required pre-knowledge in the field of structural/applied mechanics, soil and fluid mechanics, concrete and steel calculations.
The iCOZ questions can be downloaded from Blackboard. The schedule for finishing the blocks is as follows:
- 1st block:submit/finish at the beginning of the 2nd teaching week of Q3
- 2nd block:submit/finish at the beginning of the 3rd teaching week of Q3
- 3rd block:submit/finish at the beginning of the 4th teaching week of Q3
See Blackboard for the exact days/date & time to submit the answers. Every block will be closed after the submission date!
It is highly recommended to finish iCOZ before doing the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures.
Overall the iCOZ-score should be 50% or more, and the score of every single block above 30%, to be allowed to enter the
written exam.
For the Construction Methods Exercise about 40 to 50 construction activities have to be put in the right construction sequence,
depending on the type of structure and information on local conditions that will be provided.
Work on the Construction Methods Exercise has to start in the first week of the lecture period. The exercise has to be finished
and submitted in the beginning of the 2nd teaching week of Q3. Although not for a grade, the exercise will be checked. In case of
fundamental errors in the proposed construction method, some extra work needs to be done on the CME in the 2nd or 3rd
teaching week of Q3.
Work on the CME needs to be completed before being allowed to do the DEHS and the written exam.
The Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures (DEHS) includes preparation of sketches and/or drawings of typical cross sections of
a hydraulic structure, several hand calculations regarding key design issues (e.g. stability, strength and stiffness, type of
foundation) and a description of the construction method for the structure.
Work on the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures has to start right at the beginning of the 4th teaching week of Q3. Progress
and results will be checked according the following schedule:
1st check progress & result:end of 4th week / beginning of the 5th teaching week of Q3
2nd check progress & result:end of 6th week / beginning of the 7th teaching week of Q3
3rd check progress:end of 7th week / beginning of the 8th teaching week of Q3
The 3 checks on progress of the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures have to be made and registered in order to be allowed to
enter the written exam.
See Blackboard for the exact days/date & time for the progress checks and submitting results of the exercise.
The exercise will be checked for an exercise grade, that will be part of the final course grade.
The written exam is wrapping up the theories delivered during lectures and the design activities trained in the iCOZ, CME and
DEHS. Exam questions could be considered to be of iCOZ plus or iCOZ applied level.
The grade of the written exam is part of the final course grade.
Assessment The 3 exercises, iCOZ, CME and DEHS are compulsory.
It is highly recommended to finish iCOZ before doing the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures.
Overall the iCOZ-score should be 50% or more, and the score of every single block above 30%, to be allowed to enter the
written exam.
The work on the CME needs to be completed before being allowed to do the DEHS and the written exam.
The Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures will be checked for an exercise grade that will be part (50%) of the final course grade.
Written Exam:
The grade of the written exam is part (50%) of the final course grade.
Expected prior Knowledge CTB2110 Vloeistofmechanica - Fluid Mechanics
CTB2210 Constructiemechanica - Structural Mechanics
CTB2220 Beton & Staalconstructies - Concrete&Steel Structures
CTB2310 Grondmechanica - Soil Mechanics
CTB2320 Ontwerpen van Constructies & Funderingen 2
Design of Structures & Foundations 2
CTB2410 Waterbouwkunde - Hydraulic Engineering
Academic Skills Would Plato, Archimedes, Huygens, Newton, Bernoulli, Laplace, Poisson, or any other classic scientists have felt the same need
to advertise academic skills?
Literature & Study The following lecture notes are obligatory and available through 'electronic' ordering service (Microeduweb) as a hardcopy:
Materials Hydraulic Structures - General
Hydraulic Structures - Manual
Hydraulic Structures - Locks
Hydraulic Structures - Caissons
Check Blackboard, Course Documents - students only, for Handouts of the lectures and other relevant background material.
Judgement (It is highly recommended to finish iCOZ before doing the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures. Work on the CME needs to be
completed before being allowed to do the DEHS).
The iCOZ and the Construction Methods Exercise (CME) have to be completed before being allowed to do the written exam.
The 3 checks on progress of the Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures have to be made and registered in order to be allowed to
enter the written exam.
Final course grade = 0,5 * (grade for Design Exercise Hydraulic Structures) + 0,5 * (grade for the written exam)
Permitted Materials during During the written exam the only written information source that can be used is the Hydraulic Structures - Manual (besides
Exam pencil, paper, ruler, eraser etc.)
Collegerama No
2) Lecture Material:
Online Lectures.
Prerequisites Basic statistics
Assessment Assessment is done via two assignment-reports.
Exam Hours no written or oral exam.
Only two assignment-reports.
Permitted Materials during -
Enrolment / Application Enrollment through Blackboard is required.
The assignments and submission of reports also goes through Blackboard.
Remarks The course is planned in Q4 with strict deadlines for handing in the assignment-reports.
However, since it is an online course, it can also be followed in other quarters and a different schedule for handing in the reports
can be negotiated with the course coordinator.
Contact Erik Schlangen
room 6.21, CiTG-building
Expected prior Knowledge BSc in Engineering
Academic Skills BSc in Engineering
Literature & Study 1) Course Book:
Materials Designing a Research Project
Piet Verschuren en Hans Doorewaard
ISBN: 978-90-5931-572-3
2) Lecture Material:
Online Lectures.
Judgement Evaluation of assignment reports
Permitted Materials during -
Collegerama Yes
Study Goals The goal of this course is to introduce various dynamic models of structures and to acquaint the students with the main ideas and
methods of structural dynamics.
Education Method Lectures
Course Relations CT 4140 is based upon CTB2300.
Literature and Study Mandatory Material:
Materials 1. Spijkers J.M.J., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Klaver E.C., Structural Dynamics; Part 1: Structural Vibrations. Lecture Notes
CT 4140.
2. Metrikine, A.V., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Structural Dynamics; Part 2: Wave Dynamics. Lecture Notes CT 4140.
3. Lecture Slides (available on Blackboard)
Assessment Written open book exam.
Permitted Materials during No intermidiate tests are planned.
Expected prior Knowledge The knowledge of the dynamics of SDOf systems and 2 DOF systems without damping; The displacement method and Lagrange
Academic Skills Analytical thinking; Critical appraisal
Literature & Study Mandatory Material:
Materials 1. Spijkers J.M.J., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Klaver E.C., Structural Dynamics; Part 1: Structural Vibrations. Lecture Notes
CT 4140.
2. Metrikine, A.V., Vrouwenvelder, A.C.W.M., Structural Dynamics; Part 2: Wave Dynamics. Lecture Notes CT 4140.
3. Lecture Slides (available on Blackboard)
Judgement Based on the result of the written exam.
Permitted Materials during Consulting any written text brought in by the students is permitted during the exam; although texting (as well as talking) by
Exam mobile phone is prohibited.
Collegerama Yes
Fundamental assumptions leading to lumped and continuous models, mathematical formulation of single- and multi-degree(s)-of
-freedom models and of continuous models.
Dynamics of lumped systems: One-degree-of freedom systems without damping, free vibrations and forced vibrations under a
harmonic load, forced vibrations under a pulse loading, one-degree-of freedom systems with viscous damping, transient
vibrations, steady-state vibrations, two-degrees of freedom systems without damping. Introduction to dynamics of structures,
analysis of the dynamics of systems in MAPLE.
Tensors: notation and transformations, strain tensor, stress tensor, stress-strain relation for linear elastic homogeneous materials,
Mohrs circle.
Failure models: limit state, von Mises and Tresca, visualisations in different stress states.
Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Available at the Blackboard website.
The course is composed of lectures and computer-aided assignments. The lecture material is condensed relative to corresponding
BSc courses. Consequently, the course attendants are expected to spend considerable effort to complete assignments. The final
assignments are part of the exam.
Expected prior Knowledge B.Sc. diplom in engineering/mathematics/physics/...
Academic Skills N.A.
Literature & Study Syllabus:
Materials Theme A: Dynamics of Structures
Theme B: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
Judgement Based on performance during oral exam and contribution to the written report.
Permitted Materials during All course materials
Collegerama No
Other material:
Elaborated examples (a selection from exams) on Prestressed Concrete
Prerequisites CTB2220 Steel and Concrete Structures 1
CTB3335/CIE3150 Fundamentals of prestressed concrete with regard to statically determinate structures
CTB1110 Structural Mechanics 1
CTB1310 Structural Mechanics 2
CTB2210 Structural Mechanics 3
CTB3330 / CIE3109 Structural Mechanics 4
Assessment Grade = Written exam (with open questions) result
Permitted Materials during One page A4-format(use one side only) with homemade notes and a calculator
Enrolment / Application Enrolment through TAS (Exam Enrolment System)
Remarks Final grade = written exam result
Contact C.R. Braam, room 2.06 Stevin II
Telephone +31 (0)15 2782779, e-mail
Judgement Grade = written exam result
Case study:
A case study is performed as group work. The case can be selected from either Construction or Heavy Civil Engineering.
Presentation, as a team, of the group work.
Study Goals Upon succesful completion of this subject, the student should be able to:
1. To identify the basic elements such as project characteristics, control systems, methodology and supporting systems in an
integrated design process for concrete structures;
2. To identify characteristics dictating the way a concrete building project is being managed in practice and emphasis on the
methodology to be adopted when worked out;
3. To optimise the process of design and construction in terms of costs, time and maintenance in selecting a construction process,
a construction schedule and investment in temporary works;
4. To develop a design methodology in which cost aspects regarding repetition effect, investments in type and amount of
formwork and schedules of levelling labour force are being dealt with;
5. To demonstrate actions which can be taken to control the design process and to assure the quality of the engineering process
and the construction process;
6. To generate different design concepts and to select one of them in view of costs, execution time and durability;
7. To implement all these aspects in a case study.
Education Method Lectures, instructions, case study
Course Relations CT4170 uses CT3051 and CT3150
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Construction Technology of civil engineering structures
(Lecture notes September 2015)
Available at Blackboard.
Elementary loading cases and continuously distributed elastic reaction forces for:
- Axial deformation of bars
- Shear beams and frames
- Euler-Bernoulli bending beam and static Timoshenko shear beams
- Cables
- Curved beams
- express in mathematical terms the mechanical behaviour of characteristic civil engineering slender structures;
- formulate the underlying mathematics of the matrix displacement method;
- describe a typical solution procedure (analytical or numerical);
- list a series of "tricks of the trade" and common pitfalls;
- recognise and explain characteristic phenomena;
- describe the solution procedure in relation to a simple slender structure;
- apply the appropriate procedure for solving a simple slender structure;
- contrast solutions obtained by solving the governing equation against those obtained by using the matrix displacement method;
- formulate a solution procedure, analytical or numerical, for a generic slender structure;
- assess the quality of the solution (analytical or numerical).
Education Method Flipped classroom method.
Reader "An Introduction to the Analysis of Slender Structures" by A. Simone (available at the Blackboard website).
Assessment Written exam.
Expected prior Knowledge Solution of ordinary differential equations, matrix algebra, basics of engineering mechanics.
Academic Skills Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
Literature & Study Reader and material provided on the Blackboard pages.
Judgement The final grade is determined on the basis of the written exam.
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
We will prepare basic lecture notes, and provide relevant literature as well.
Education Method Sediment Dynamics is a fifth-year course and will cover 3 ECs (84 hours), of which 32 hours are contact hours (oral presentation
by teacher) and 20 hours are dedicated to the elaboration of a case study that case study may be elaborated in small groups of
students (see below).
Focus of Sediment Dynamics is on fine sediments and their mixtures, the vertical structures of these fines sediments in the water
column, and their practical relevance. The student will
acquire in-depth knowledge on fine sediments,
get acquainted with the practical relevance of the discipline,
get some experience by working on a case study.
These educational goals are to be achieved by oral presentations of the teacher, elaboration of a case study, and self-study (home
Assessment Examination will be oral. The students are asked to select a specific topic in adavance to start with.
Study Goals At the end of this course students are able to:
1. describe the details of complex processes in the coastal zone and tidal basins related to hydrodynamics, sediment motion and
2. discuss the applicability, underlying assumptions and limitations of various numerical model concepts related to the coastal
zone and tidal inlets.
3. set up and tune a morphodynamic model.
4. analyse and interpret results of the applied morphodynamic model.
5. design a solution for a specific coastal erosion problem.
Education Method The course consists of a hands-on model training (Delft3D and Unibest-LT/CL models) and lectures (4 hrs a week). The
modelling assignments are done in small groups. It is compulsory to be present during the supervised model training sessions (4
hours per week, every Wednesday morning).
Literature and Study Information on study material available through Blackboard:
Materials 1. Slides of the various lectures
2. Collegerama
3. Other hand-outs via blackboard.
Examinations can be done throughout the year, but dates and time frames are constrained. Directly after the education period the
majority of the exams are planned.
Dates for the exam can be arranged through an appointment list that is available at the secretariat (Inge van Rooij; room 3.71,
tel.: 015-2783348).
Examinations can be done throughout the year, but dates and time frames are constrained. Directly after the education period the
majority of the exams are planned.
Dates for the exam can be arranged through an appointment list that is available at the secretariat (Inge van Rooij; room 3.71,
tel.: 015-2783348).
2. Queueing theory for ports and inland waterways and Kooman method for transit times of vessels through locks:
Port studies
Aspects in port design
Organisation, ship handling, cargo handling and inland transport
Methods for solving capacity problems in ports
empirical rules of thumb, queueing theory and simulation techniques
Queueing theory
Arrival process, service process, queue discipline
Kooman method to determine transit time of individual vessels through locks
Queueing systems
M/M/1 -system, M/M/n-system, M/G/1 M/D/1 and N/Ek/1 systems, M/D/n and D/M/n systems
Queueing systems with more general distributions of arrival and service time
Approach to an Ek/Em/1 queue system and approach to an Ek/Em/n queue system
Some applications
3. Inland waterways:
Shipping on inland waterways
Significance of inland navigation, classification of ships and waterways, ship characteristics, ship types
Interaction between ship and waterway
Primary water movement, secondary water movement, remaining hydraulic phenomena
Navigation speed
Ship's resistance, installed engine power, example speed-engine power
Encounters, overtaking manoeuvres, navigation in bends, cross sections, stopping distance
Design of inland waterway profiles
Design vessels, traffic intensity, cross-section and design parameters and cross-sections in bends
Natural waterways
Navigation on rivers, improvements, classification of rivers, ship dimensions, river ports and mooring places.
Note: The file Exams CIE4330 with examples of old exams is not longer leading for the exams today. In stead some examples of
recent exams will become available on Blackboard.
Judgement The case study (exercise) will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining the
final mark for the written examination. If the mark for the exercise is 5.0 or less additional exercise has to be done.
In that case the final mark for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the exercise can
be used twice. If the student has to make the written exam for the third time he/she has to make the exercise again.
Permitted Materials during One A4 with notes, written or typed on both sides, normally readable and dictionary English-Dutch/Dutch-English
Collegerama Yes
Second lecturer:
Prof. Michael A. Hicks
Dr. Phil Vardon
(Geo-engineering section)
Expected prior Knowledge
BSc courses "Grondmechanica" (soil mechanics) and "Toegepaste mechanica" (Applied mechanics)
Academic Skills Dealing with formulas; making calculations
Literature & Study Available on Blackboard
Study Goals The course intends to get the knowledge and the proficiency to identify all relevant aspects concerning the design and realization
of building pits.
Education Method Lectures, instruction and exercise
Literature and Study Syllabus:
Materials - CIE4363 "Foundation Engineering and Underground Construction;
- CUR166 Damwandconstructies, availability to be discussed with the lecturer;
- Lecture notes, available at blackboard
Assessment Defending a written report and answering questions concerning the design of building pits during a 30 minutes discussion
between 2 students and instructors.
Remarks The course can easilly be combined with CIE5305 (bored and immersed tunnels), but can also be followed seperately.
Elective Yes
Contact ing. H.J. Everts (0.500;; 0622138379)
prof. dr. K. Gavin;
Collegerama No
Study Goals The student can recognize the occurrence of coupled processes in the environment, develop and implement mechanistic
conceptual models how the processes interact. The students can define relevant initial and boundary conditions and implement
realistic complex problems in modern simulation and engineering tools like Matlab or Python. The students can debug the code
and generate useful output required for analyzing coupled processes. The students can report their findings in a concise report.
Education Method During the course period, the students are supposed to follow six (short) lectures in which different approaches to coupled
processes are introduced. During these six lectures a series of assignments will be introduced. The students are expected to carry
out the assignments in which coupled problems of increasing complexity will need to be analysed and implemented. During the
lecture hours, teachers and teachning assistents are available for support. The assignments will be tailored to the MSc track the
students are following: Geo-Engineering or Environmental Engineering.
The students are expected to read background material in the form of research articles from the literature and chapters from
several hand books available in digital form in the TU Delft library.
The assignments need to be carried out during the lecture period. Assignments needed to submitted individually, however
students are encouraged to work in groups of four.
Computer Use Tutorial lectures will be held in the computer room. All assignments are computer based and require programming in Matlab or
Python. Tutorials will be provided and students are expected to be able to work with these tools. Students are expected to
download the latest versions of Matlab and Python on their laptop for this course.
Assessment The achieved level of knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills of the impact of coupled processes in the sub-surface
for engineering will be assessed with the assignments and during the final individual exam. The exam consists of a series of
questions which are related to the assignments carried out earlier by the students.
The final grade for CIE4365 is based upon the result of the exam and the assignments, 50%/50%.
Expected prior Knowledge BSc Civil Engineering or Applied Science (or equivalent). Core program of either the Geo-Engineering track or Environmental
Engineering track.
Academic Skills Critical thinking, analytical thinking and problem solving are the main academic skills which will be trained. In addition,
students will need to collaborate intensively with their colleagues so organizational and interpersonal skills will be developed as
Literature & Study Background material, papers and chapters from relevant literature will be provided via Blackboard. All slides etc are also
Materials available.
Judgement All assignments will be graded and averaged in a single grade. The students take an individual exam. The average grade of the
assignments and the exam is the final grade.
Permitted Materials during Anything except a computer. However, exam might be on a computer depending on how far we are able to develop this exam.
Collegerama No
Theoretical aspects: basic principles; 1D finite elements, including application to beam bending theory and beams on an elastic
foundation; 2D finite elements; derivation of finite element equations for linear elasticity; material non-linearity; derivation of
finite element equations for steady state seepage; transient, coupled and dynamic systems; 3D finite elements, including
comparison between 2D and 3D analysis; finite element mesh numbering; storage schemes; equation solvers; local coordinate
systems; programming the finite element method; structure charts.
Related topics: mesh generation; adaptive mesh refinement; stochastic analysis; finite differences; inverse analysis; computer
Applications: case histories; coursework examples, including the use of existing finite element codes for applications in
geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering.
Study Goals After the course the student will be familiar with the basic principles of modelling in Geo-Engineering. In particular the course
aims to enable students to:
Accompanying notes.
Assessment Coursework and written exam.
Tags Algoritmics
Geo Engineering
Numeric Methods
Expected prior Knowledge Basic geo-engineering problems (e.g. CTB2310 Soil Mechanics).
Basic calculus (e.g. CTB1001 Analyse).
Academic Skills Report writing.
Engineering investigation.
Literature & Study Programming the finite element method, 4th Edition, I.M. Smith and
Materials D.V. Griffiths, John Wiley & Sons Limited, 2004
Judgement One mark, based on 3 coursework assignments (60%) and written exam (40%).
One additional coursework will be formative only, where the student will only pass or fail.
Permitted Materials during Standard calculator.
Collegerama No
Embankments are often built on soft soil. Therefore, deformation, for example settlement and stability, are important items in
embankment design. Furthermore, due to soft soil behaviour, the construction of an embankment will have consequences for its
surroundings. A special category of embankments is formed by water retaining structures, such as dikes and levees. These types
of embankments were constructed in the past, some even in the Middle Ages. To prove that they still meet the design
requirements, stability assessment of these old dikes and levees is required.
Attention will be given to geosynthetics, which can be used to reduce the footprint of soil structures. In order to understand the
interaction between soil and geosynthetics, the different kinds of geosynthetics are described and their material properties are
dealt with. This gives insight in:
Strength / stiffness
Interaction between geosynthetics and various soil types, leading to soil reinforcement.
Study Goals At the end of the course the student should be familiar with:
- relevant aspects of the engineering behaviour of embankments
- subsoil and construction soil characterisation
- design rules
- assessment techniques
Education Method Lectures & practice.
Compulsory home assignements
Assessment Written assignements : 60%
Oral examination: 40%
Literature & Study Lecture notes, literature
Materials CUR 162 Building on soft soils, available at Civieltechnisch Centrum Uitvoering
Research en Regelgeving: P.O.Box 420, 2800 AK Gouda (NL)
Ground-related risk and the construction industry, challenges and opportunities, construction projects, processes and contracts.
Geo-bloopers, state-of-the-art construction and a vision towards the future.
From uncertainty via risk to geo risk management: The concepts of uncertainty, risk, and ground conditions, introduction of the
GeoQ concept with 6 steps and 6 project phases, the link with the RISMAN approach, the position of GeoQ towards soil
mechanics, geotechnical engineering, quality management, hazard management and knowledge management.
The human factor in ground risk management: Individuals and risk - the concepts of individuals, risk perceptions and how
individuals contribute to geo risk management. Teams and risk - the concept of the team, teams and risk communication and how
teams contribute to geo risk management. Clients, society and ground-related risk.
The GeoQ ground risk management process: The 6 steps of the GeoQ process gathering information, identifying risk,
classifying risk, remediating risk, evaluating risk, mobilising risk. The 6 project phases of the GeoQ process feasibility, pre-
design, design, contracting, construction and maintenance.
Ground risk management tools in 6 project phases: Site classification, scenario analysis, team-based risk indentification and
classification, risk-driven ground investigations, risk allocation and dealing with differing site conditions, the approach of the
Geotechnical Baseline Report, Dispute Review Boards, conventional and innovative contracts, the observational method, the life
cycle approach for cost-effective maintenance, an ICT-supported and risk-driven approach for dike safety assessment.
Ground risk management and ground properties: Ground layering and properties, geostatistics, dealing with differtent types of
uncertainties and combining different types of information, sampling theories, groundwater related problems.
Ground risk management and underground construction: Tunneling techniques, ground conditions and risk profiles, specialist
foundation techniques, interaction with existing structures.
Ground risk management and building projects: Projects and construction methods with various risk profiles, parking garages,
construction pits, interaction with existing structures, external risks e.g. vibration and noise, use of experience data and
Ground risk management and dikes: Mechanics of ground, stability and risk, dealing with proven strength, advisors-factor
(Bergambacht), relations with failure probability, (un)identified anomalies.
Ground risk management and infrastructure projects: Mechanics of ground, settlements and risk, observational method, risks
related to vacuumconsolidation and other ground improvement techniques, case Betuwe Route Waardse Alliance.
Geoenvironmental ground risk management: Impact on building and infrastructure projects during 6 main project phases,
processes of (polluted) groundwater flow, dissipation of contamination, geo-biological processes and technical solutions like
flexible emission control.
Ground risk management and some special issues: Apparent reliability of standards, decision problem offshore projects, sand
reclamation projects.
Study Goals After the course the student is aware of the inherent risk of ground within civil engineering and construction, including the
impact and difficulties of the human factor. Furthermore, the student is able to apply principles of ground-related risk
management during the entire process for a variety of civil engineering constructions.
Education Method Lectures
Assessment Written exam (open questions)
Expected prior Knowledge BSc- Civil engineering or equivalent
Permitted Materials during free choice
Collegerama No
1. Processes: Advection, diffusion, dispersion and water quality; understanding of the principles. Lectures and self study.
2. Lakes and rivers: Understanding how to make a mass balance of dissolved substances in surface water bodies such as lakes
and rivers. Small exercises.
3. Coupled environmental quality and economic growth: Understanding, working with and building of macro-scale models (at
societal level) of two-way feedbacks between environmental quality, sustainability and global development Lectures, computer
exercises (Excel and Python or Matlab) and self study
4. Estuaries: Salinity intrusion modeling in estuaries, making use of analytical solutions that can be directly linked to ecological
relationships. Lectures, computer exercises and self study.
Although the main examples will come from irrigation systems, the course will deal with many different types of water systems.
Analysing these systems will link requirements in terms of technical engineering constraints, management possibilities and water
users (wishes and options). This may include the design and operation of regulation structures, dams, reservoirs, weirs and
conveyance systems; balancing water supply and water requirements in time and space is a main focus of analysis too.
In addition, the way water systems connect individuals and social groups on short and long term will be studied. Daily actions of
individual users may hamper future cooperation and as such will influence societal development on the long term. However,
water systems typically require cooperation - sustained long use of water systems can only be understood when studying how
cooperation works.
How to model these interactions between water systems and people on different temporal and spatial scales will be a main
methodological issue.
Hydrological processes:
The most important processes of the hydrological cycle are explained.
Computer Exercise:
Theories on processing and screening of data are applied with data from actual river catchments. Exercises on stage-discharge
relations and discharge measurements, hydrograph seperation and age dating from tracer observations. Evaporation from energy
balance. Areal interpolation.
Study Goals 1.Understand the physics behind the main hydrological processes of the hydrological cycle: rainfall, evaporation, unsaturated
zone, and discharge (no ground water).
2.Being able to assess the necessity of measurements for planning, design, management and research.
3.Know relevant measuring techniques to quantitatively observe hydrological processes both in the field as in the laboratory.
And know the specific conditions and requirements of these techniques.
4.Being able to choose suitable observation methods by taking into account the underlying assumptions, shortcomings, and
application range of the specific method(s).
5.Know the nature of errors and how they can be estimated/quantified.
6.Being able to estimate the measuring error in the final result based on errors in the observed parameters (i.e., propagation of
7.Being able to apply the theory of data screening to identify trends and/or anomalies in observation time series.
8.Know relevant interpolation techniques (inverse distance, thiessen, Kriging) to spatially interpolate point observations,
understand the underlying theory and assumptions, and know the pro and cons of these methods.
9.Being able to apply several interpolation techniques to spatially interpolate point observations to the areal scale.
10.Being able to setup/design a measuring network by taking into account the spatial and temporal scale of the hydrological
11.Being able to assess the quality of a measuring network and optimize the network by reducing the uncertainty based on the
theory of geostatistics.
Education Method - 50% lectures, with invited speakers, and demonstrations
- 50% exercise
Course Relations CIE4440 uses CTB2420, CIE4440 is applied in CIE5471
Literature and Study Lecture notes "Hydrological processes and measurements" through Microweb, Lecture notes as pdf, Article bundle as pdf,
Materials lectures as ppt, and exercises on blackboard.
The lectures introduce a number of topics that are important for IWRM and the modeling exercise. The lectures introduce water
management issues in the Netherlands, Rhine Basin, and Volta Basin. The role-play is meant to experience some of the social
processes that, together with technical knowledge, determine water management.
For the modeling exercise, the class will be divided in several groups of 5 to 6 persons. Each group will model a set of integrated
water resources management issues and simulate possible development scenario's. Two of the problem sets are:
1. Heating up of the Rhine due to climate change;
2. The effects of small reservoirs for irrigation in the Volta basin.
In addition, there is room for different cases, to be discussed during the first lecture.
The simulation exercise and the reporting should incorporate the concerns of the groups that are mostly affected by the issue and
the groups that can contribute most to its resolution. The report on the modeling exercise should contain concrete
Study Goals After following the course, the student should be able to:
MSc courses:
CIE5541 Urban Drainage Monitoring and Modelling
CIE5510 Water Management in Urban Areas
Expected prior knowledge Principles of hydraulics and hydrology
Course Contents 5 x 4 hours plenary morning lectures by various lecturers and scientists in the field of urban drainage and watermanagement.
Plus two full-day workshops on hydrodynamic sewer modelling.
The lectures will discuss characteristics of urban water flows, hydraulics, hydrology and how to apply knowledge of these
phenomena to the design and analysis of urban water systems. Integration of various scientific disciplines and technological and
practical approaches is a central theme in this course.
Approx 20-24 hours self study + preparation of final exam.
Approx 56 hours to work on individual assignment: students will design an urban drainage system for a real case in the
Netherlands, using rainfall statistics, hydrological parameters and hydraulic dimensioning.
Supervision and assistance for assignment work will be provided during 5x4 afternoons in the course period. Students will
prepare a written report of their data, design choices and results and present main results in a plenary session that concludes the
lecture series.
Study Goals After successful finishing of this course, the student should be able to design urban drainage systems for realistic, real-world
cases and to analyse performance of these systems under diverse hydrological conditions, using a hydrodynamic computer
Education Method Plenary lectures, computer workshops and individual assignment work.
Assessment Exam + report of individual assignment + results of computer modelling workshops
Expected prior Knowledge Principles of hydraulics and hydrology as well as basic statistics
Academic Skills Analytical skills, computational skills, reporting and presenting
Literature & Study Lecture notes + background material provided through BB
Judgement Exam + assignment report
Permitted Materials during Calculator
Collegerama Yes
The course deals with the fundamental background of physical, physicochemical, and microbial processes occurring in the
(sub)surface environment and that are engineered in water purification and resource recovery technologies. The following
fundamental processes will be discussed: Mass transport, Gas transfer (stripping and aeration), Sedimentation, Filtration,
(equilibrium and kinetic) Adsorption of organics and trace metals, Ion exchange, Chemical reactions (coagulation, flocculation,
mineral solubility, redox reactions), and Biochemical reactions and their kinetics including microbial growth.
Further, to illustrate the above processes, a selection of treatment processes will be taught in more detail through practical
assignments. These include: Aeration/Gas stripping (lab), Filtration (on-line simulation), and Biochemical conversion and
microbial growth (computer).
Laboratory Practicals:
Various basic experiments will be carried out to become familiar with some fundamental processes for water treatment,
including: either CO2 stripping or aeration, and sand filtration. These experiments also serve as practical illustrations of the
theory taught during the lectures. Moreover, the most important measuring techniques will be taught, including dissolved
oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, nitrogen species, electrical conductivity, pH, alkalinity.
Computer practicals:
Two computer practicals will be performed to become familiar with computer models (Phreeqc and Biowin) simulating water
treatment processes and as tool to obtain further conceptual insight in fundamental processes.
Study Goals General learning goal:
Students will understand fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes in the treatment of water, and their role in
water treatment processes both under natural conditions and as engineered in technologies. With this understanding students will
be able to make calculations, on the basis of these processes, for the purpose of basic design and research. After the practical
assignments students will have acquired basic lab and computer simulation skills, and will be able to link experimental
observations or computer simulation results with fundamental processes.
Learning goals:
At the end of this course, the students can: give examples of and describe various water treatment processes in natural and
engineered systems to treat and produce specific water types; describe and calculate various water quality indicators; understand
the mechanisms of and perform calculations on key aspects of various water treatment processes (mass transfer, gas transfer;
sedimentation, filtration; sorption of organics and trace metals, ion exchange; coagulation, flocculation, mineral precipitation;
microbial kinetics, biochemical conversion reactions, redox reactions, biomass growth and retention); understand the
mathematical derivation of reactor models and know which model to apply under which conditions; carry out lab and computer
simulation experiments following manuals; analyze laboratory experimental and model simulation results on the aforementioned
Education Method Interactive lectures with quiz questions, exercises in class and as homework, optional mapleTA multiple choice questions for self
-study. 3 laboratory and 2 computer practicals. Practicals are obligatory as well as handing in at least 5 out of 6 homework
Course Relations This course is required for entrance to CIE4475 Drinking water treatment and CIE4485 Waste water treatment. CIE4495-13 uses
knowledge from BSc course CT3420.
Assessment Written exam (open questions, closed book) in week 10; intermediate assessments (5 lab/computer practicals in total) spread
through weeks 2-8.
Contact Boris van Breukelen
office 4.49
phone: 015-2785227
Expected prior Knowledge Expected prior knowledge: completed BSc level basic chemistry course; BSc course CTB3365 Introduction to Water Treatment;
knowledge from BSc course CT3420 Civiele Gezondheidstechniek is used.
Academic Skills This course will contribute to the following academic skills: analytical thinking, interpretation, problem solving and cooperation.
Literature & Study Lecture slides; Course notes in progress distributed over blackboard.
Recommended background literature (not obligitory):
David W. Hendricks (2011) Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes: Physical, Chemical, and Biological. IWA
Publishing. ISBN-10: 1420061917, ISBN-13: 978-1420061918
James J. Morgan and Werner Stumm (1996) Aquatic Chemistry Chemical Equilibria And Rates In Natural Waters, 3rd Revised
edition. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, ISBN: 0471511854, 9780471511854
Judgement Written exam (open questions, closed book) counts for 70%. Practical assignments must be passed and count for 30% (total of 3
laboratory and 2 computer assignments). In case the final mark (100%) is lower than the written exam mark, the written exam
mark counts as final mark.
Permitted Materials during Calculator; Formula sheet distributed as part of exam
Collegerama Yes
Study load:
Lectures 2 x 14 hours
Related to lectures 14 hours
Self study 36 hours
Writing a paper 24 hours
Exam preparation 8 hours
Oral exam 1 hour
Total 111 hours
Education Method Lectures, cases and writing a short paper.
Literature and Study Lecture notes, handouts, available at Blackboard.
Assessment The student will write a short paper (6-8 pages) on one of the topics addressed during the course or on a topic that is agreed
upon. After the paper is graded the assessment finishes with an oral exam.
Contact The student-assistants of Underground Space Technology can be contacted at
T: 85256
Expected prior Knowledge Course CTB3385/CIE3300, Use of Underground Space
Academic Skills
Literature & Study Lecture notes, handouts, available at Blackboard.
Judgement The student will write a short paper (6-8 pages) on one of the topics addressed during the course or on a topic that is agreed
upon. After the paper is graded the assessment finishes with an oral exam.
Permitted Materials during Students' paper
Collegerama No
1 General introduction:
Definitions of dredging process and dredging equipment. Description of the dredging process. Related scientific areas. Dynamic
versus static soil mechanics. Production factors.
2 Dredging equipment:
Description of cutter suction dredger, suction hopper dredger and other dredging equipent.
3 Dredging projects:
Description of all types of dredging projects: maintenace dredging, capital dredging and environmental/remedial dredging.
4 Excavation process:
Soil cutting theories: breaching and eroding of sand, cutting of sand clay and rock.
5 Pumping, lifting and transport:
Pump theory: dredging pumps and drives, theory of hydraulic transport.
6 Dumping of soil and settlement in basins:
Theory of settlement , excecution and quality control on the dumping and reclamation site.
7 Relation between soil characteristics and dredging processes:
Soil mechanic aspects, soil investigation methods, soil classification, geofysical soil investigation.
8 Other related areas of interest:
Survey and positioning, depth measurement, tolerances, operating cost standards for dredging equipment, workability,
production measurement.
Study Goals The recognition of the possibilities and restrictions of the use of dredging equipment for the realisation of large civil engineering
1. Knowledge of working methods and different kinds of dredging projects;
2. Influence of soil characteristics and weather restrictions on workability and employability of dredging equipment;
3.Productions and tolerances for dredging projects;
4.Knowledge and understanding of the basic facts and basic fysical processes of dredging of soils:
* Excavating
* Pumping
* Hydraulic transport by pipelines
* Settling and dumping
* soil investigation procedures for dredging works.
* Relation between soil characteristics and dredging process
* Soil classification
Being able to work with the characteristics of the Centrifugal dredgepump, the drive and the pipeline resistance.
Education Method Lectures:
During each lecture one or two short 10 min. video's will be shown. These video's represent an essential part of the course
enabling a better understanding of the dredging processes. For this reason, among others, attendance to the lectures is highly
Course Relations CIE5300 uses CTB2310, CTB2320, CIE3320, CIE4300 and CIE3310
Literature and Study Obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Lecture notes Dredging Technology:
Orders including name and address and student ID should be sent by email to:
See the instructions on the blackboardsystem.
A syllabus with questions and answers is available on blackboard.
All other necessary information is also available via the blackboardsystem.
We have been fortunate to have a series of excellent guest lecturers in past years; with speakers from companies such as Shell,
Deltares, and Port of Rotterdam.
If you wish to participate in the course but have commitments to study trips abroad or practical work experience please let me
know before the course starts and we can make other arrangements.
Course Contents We introduce essential material on estuaries and regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs); with many relevant examples from the
Rotterdam Waterway and the Rhine ROFI. We consider the basic properties of internal waves and how they may impact offshore
activities at the shelf break, and demonstrate the importance of stratification on the distribution of sediment in an estuary and on
dredging operations.
1. Introduction to stratification, estuaries and regions of freshwater influence with examples from the Rotterdam Waterway and
Rhine ROFI.
2. 3D - equations of motion. The two-layer model.
3. Consequences of stratification. Lock-exchange and exchange flow examples. Two-layer wind driven flow example.
4. Short and long Internal waves. Kelvin Helmholtz instability and mixing.
5. Steady state two layer flows with friction. Internal hydraulic jumps and gravity currents.
6. Estuarine and coastal flows. Competition between buoyancy and mixing.
7. Stratification in the southern North Sea.
Study Goals 1. An understanding of why small density differences may have a significant effect on the flow;
2. Insight into the basic physics governing flow in estuaries and coastal seas;
3. Knowledge of internal waves, steady state two layer flows with friction, fronts, Kelvin Helmholtz instability, turbulence and
mixing in estuaries and coastal seas;
4. An introduction to the physical processes that need to be accurately modelled in engineering projects of stratified coastal
regions and seas.
5. To develop the background knowledge needed for MSc projects on stratified flows with examples from industry.
Education Method Lectures, individual exercise
Literature and Study "Stratified Flows" and extra classroom material placed on blackboard
Assessment Depending on the number of students, the assessment will be either written or oral and may be partially based on the exercise.
Expected prior Knowledge Basic fluid mechanics and or oceanography
Academic Skills Critical thinking, problem solving
Literature & Study Lecture notes and online materials
Judgement Exam
Permitted Materials during None
Collegerama No
Nonetheless, for the upcoming year the written material will remain more or less the same, see 'Literature and Study Materials'.
1. General introduction:
Energy sources; historical, present and future production and consumption.
Electricity generation and the contribution of hydro power engineering; the hydraulic engineering works required for energy
production and storage;
Economics of hydropower: principles, contribution by the civil engineer, parameters of interest;
Hydro power from rivers; Siting and type of structures required, some basic formulas and definitions;
Hydro power from the sea; energy generation by making use of tidal levels and streams, waves and osmosis;
- oversee and understand the principles of hydro power based energy generation and storage;
- estimate the potential of methods proposed to generate hydro power;
- produce a conceptual design of a specific hydro power structure taking into account local and global environmental parameters;
- judge about the technical and economical feasibility of hydro power projects, especially the feasibility of recently completed
projects or developed proposals for new techniques.
Handouts, e.g. ppt's and pdf's of lecture material or interesting background or specialist articles, will be put on Blackboard.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend the design they prepared in the exercise and answer more general questions
on the principles and characteristics of Water Power Engineering (theory from the lecture notes and handouts).
Remarks Keep an eye on Blackboard for the most recent Announcements and changes
Collegerama No
The course extensively treats tunneling methods. A distinction is made between the New Austrian Tunnel Method (NATM),
bored tunnels and immersed tunnels.
General issues related to tunnel structures. Functional and operational requirements, the longitudinal profile, the cross section
and the starting/finishing shaft and/or access and exit road. NATM tunnels and the immersed tunnels.
Different types of bored tunnel construction; NATM-method, slurry shield and earth pressure balance shield. Stability during
construction; frontal support, settlements during construction. Loads on a tunnel and force distribution in the lining. Start and
reception shaft and construction procedures. Requirements concerning the longitudinal and transverse profiles. For immersed
tunnels, construction in the dock, transport and immersion. Stability during floating and after the tunnel has been sunk. Special
aspects such as ventilation, fire, permeability and explosions.
A case study on a tunnel project is done in a group of four students.
Study Goals After the course, the student will be able to:
1. Make a plan for a tunnel; choice of location and track;
2. Make a decision on the type of tunnel; bored or immersed;
3. Make a choice for the construction method and execution;
4. To determine the mechanical boundary conditions for structural design;
5. To evaluate structural forces both during construction and as well as for Service conditions;
6. To evaluate construction effects; settlements, stability and influences on other structures;
7. To design the excavations and related structures for start and reception shafts;
8. To evaluate the transport and placing of immersed tunnels;
9. To make a design for both constructions.
Education Method Lectures with illustrations (video, numerical examples). An excursion to tunnelling projects, exercise in groups of four students
to evaluate a tunnel project and in addition to that to make a design for a tunnel; location, track, construction and structural
Literature and Study Lecture notes: "Bored and Immersed tunnels" and handouts.
Materials The exercise o-n the case study is handed out during o-ne of the lecture hours.
Assessment Prerequisite
1. To deliver a written report on the case study;
2. To attend the Tunnelling excursion.
Expected prior Knowledge CIE5306 uses CIE4740, CIE4330, CIE5300, CIE5303, CIE5307, CIE5308, CIE5309, CIE5311, CIE5316 and CIE5317
Academic Skills During the coarse students will be made aware and/or develop aspects such as particular skills (i.e. analytical thinking, writing
report of exercise) ethics (i.e. moral awareness/sensitivity), integrity and citizenship.
Literature & Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials 1. Ports and Terminals - Ligteringen en Velsink, ISBN 978-90-6562-288-4
2. Capacities of Inland Waterways, R.Groenveld, H.J.Verheij en C. Stolker, 2006
3. Service Systems in Ports and Inland Terminals, R.Groenveld, 2007
Available from VSSD.
Judgement The computer simulation exercise will be rewarded with a mark. This mark will be taken into account for 20% when determining
If the mark for the computer simulation exercise is 5.0 or less, an additional exercise has to be done. In that case the final mark
for the exercise is determined by averaging the old and the new mark. The mark for the computer simulation exercise can be
used twice. If the student has to make the oral exam for the third time he/she has to make the computer simulation exercise again.
Permitted Materials during non
Collegerama No
In sum, the course is part of a learning process which, by means of a structured programme, undertakes the formation of trained
manpower capable of redressing identified problems and helping to build capable institutions, better able to manage and guide
the development of the coastal zone.
The course consists of lectures, demonstrations and workshops. The guiding line through the whole course is the idea that a
coastal zone should be regarded as an integrated system. This will be illustrated by using several case studies in several
countries. One of these cases (the fictive estuary of "Pesisir Tropicana") will be worked out in a workshop. In the case studies the
coastal zone is regarded as a coastal land/water body in the sense that there are demands for various products and services that
the Bay and its environs can supply -- that is, it is a multiple-use resource. The regional economy of the area used in the exercise
is similar to those in many coastal areas in the world, particularly in developing countries. There is a large urban complex, port
facilities and industrial base, with a well developed service sector. Fishing is carried out in the coastal waters. In the hinterland,
various types of primary production take place, including agriculture and mining. Wage levels, existing pollution control and
production technologies are typical of many developing countries. Special attention will be given to the Worldbank Guidelines
for CZM plans.
Attention is paid to various aspects relevant for the planning of the coastal zone: Natural system (biotic and abiotic); user
functions with socio-economic relations; System analysis and policy analysis.
Application in a practical setting (case study) with simulation game.
Study Goals The objectives of the course are to:
Develop an appreciation for and know-how of conceptualisation, policy design, methodology, tools and techniques for coastal
zone management
Gain an understanding and operational grasp of the interdependence of managerial functions related to the improvement of
coastal planning and management
Appreciate the need for integration of coastal zone development policies and their implementation
Become familiar with the multi-disciplinary aspects of the CZM-approach and acquire the capabilities for guiding and
supporting multi-disciplinary teams in complex situations
Education Method Lectures, presentation of case studies, computer exercises and simulation game. Because Integrated Coastal Zone Management is
mainly an attitude and less a skill, it has to be trained in a realistic setting. A fieldtrip to Zeeuws Vlaanderen and Belgium is part
of the course. Students from other Dutch universities are welcome, they are advised to consult the course description in
Blackboard for the admission procedure. This is a joint course, 50% of the participants is from Unesco-IHE or from an external
organization (in practice this will limit the number of places available for TU Delft students).
Note: the course is given as a block-course (two weeks full time) and will be given in the building of Unesco-IHE, Westvest 7,
Literature and Study A lecture note (reader) will be made available to the participants on the first day of the course (at IHE). This reader is not
Materials available elsewhere. Additional background material is placed on Blackboard. The software used in the course (Cress, Jesew,
Cosmo, etc) is downloadable from Blackboard.
Assessment Prerequisite
Sufficient participation in the workshop
Test type
Oral evaluation in a small group after finalizing the course and workshop. Knowledge of the contents of the syllabus, results of
the Pesisir Tropicana Case Study and Simulation Game
Enrolment / Application Because the number of places in the course is limited, students are advised to enroll for this course already in block 3; acceptance
is based on sequence of enrollment
Tags Analysis
Group Dynamics/Project Organisation
Group work
Information & Communication
Project planning / management
Water Engineering
Water management
Expected prior Knowledge BSc
Academic Skills knowledge, making a report, discuss, take part in a meeting, evaluation
Literature & Study A lecture note (reader) will be made available to the participants on the first day of the course (at IHE). This reader is not
Materials available elsewhere. Additional background material is placed on Blackboard. The software used in the course (Cress, Jesew,
Cosmo, etc) is downloadable from Blackboard.
Judgement Based on oral evaluation
Permitted Materials during As preparation for the exam the students are requested to put their major findings on one or two sheets of paper
Collegerama No
Various properties of the different types of dams and breakwaters, like stability of riprap in current and wave conditions, design
of armour layer, natural rock and concrete elements. The use of caissons for breakwaters and closure dams. Computation of
element size using classical formulae, partial safety coefficients and probabilistic methods. Plan and cross section of
breakwaters. Practical examples of breakwaters and closure dams.
One-week exercise in which a group of two or three students has to design a breakwater and a closure dam.
Study Goals After the course, the student has to be able to:
1. Determine the type of breakwater required;
2. Determine the type of closure required;
3. Determine the boundary conditions (waves, waterlevels, currents);
4. Make a preliminary design of a breakwater and a closure dam;
5. Optimise the design on basis of cost and availability of resources like labour and materials.
6. Explain the (physical) background of the design formulae
Education Method Lectures with illustrations (video, numerical examples). Exercise in groups of two or three students to design a breakwater and a
closure dam. For the closure works part an online course is provided.
Computer Use During the exercise intensive use is made of Breakwat (Deltares software), as well as SwanOne, Cress and MatLab or Prob2B.
Wave data from Argoss are used (, password will be provided)
Assessment Design exercise or oral exam.
Admission to the design exercise or oral exam is only possible after completion of the online course on closure works.
Permitted Materials during Open book
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of waves is essential, as well as the hydraulics of flow in gaps (from open channel flow).
Basics of Bed, Bank and Shoreline protection is necessary (especially regarding stability of rock on slopes under action of
Academic Skills During the exercise the student has to show that he/she is able to determine the boundary conditions for a breakwater, make a
design as well as a execution plan in a given short time frame (comparable to a design and build tender procedure)
Literature & Study Compulsory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials Book: "Breakwaters and Closure dams" (second edition)
Available at VSSD (also available at normal bookshops, but without discount).
Or the separate books "Breakwaters" (expected 2017) and "Closure works" (2016).
Recommended lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Rock Manual 2007(CIRIA-CUR publication, available in bookshop, but free downloadable as pdf from website)
2. Sand-gravel morphodynamics
Hirano model approach to graded sediment. Equilibrium longitudinal river profiles for bimodal sediment mixtures.
5. River bends
Helical motion in curved flows, pointbars.
6. River bifurcations
Discharge distribution, nodal point relation for sediment distribution, underlying processes, role of bifurcation angle, phase-plane
analysis to assess bifurcation stability.
7. Numerical models
Use of numerical models, model selection, selection of space and time steps, model boundaries, numerical schemes, numerical
8 SOBEK exercise
Set-up of 1D numerical models for fluvial hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, model runs, interpretation of results.
13 Field measurements
Measurement of sediment transport, bed topography, river planform and bed sediment composition,
(1) explain and sketch the short-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems with
confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes
(2) explain, sketch and calculate the long-term large-scale (1D) hydrodynamic and morphodynamic responses of river systems
with confluences and bifurcations to human interferences and natural changes
(3) propose and explain appropriate methods to study river hydrodynamics and morphodynamics in more detail, to solve
practical problems of river management (numerical vs. physical models, 1D vs. 2D or 3D approaches, deterministic vs.
probabilistic approaches, uniform vs. mixed sediment, equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium transport)
(4) set up and interpret 1D numerical models for river morphology, explaining how to select time steps, space steps, domain
boundaries and boundary conditions
(5) explain the assumptions and consequences of theories underlying 1D morphodynamic behaviour
(6) explain 3D flow and sediment transport in bends and at bifurcations propose engineering works to solve local problems of
erosion and sedimentation
Education Method Lectures, exercise and discussion
Literature and Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Assessment Test type: written exam. Prerequisite for admission to the written exam: having submitted report of exercise.
Integrity: philosophy of science (paradigm of teleological explanations in river morphology, in lecture on bank erosion)
Citizenship: awareness of and reflection on and responsibility towards the social (international) context and consequences of
technology and scientific actions (Pantanal, Gorai and Punjab case studies)
Literature & Study Presentation slides contain complete information on course contents. Presentation slides, a computer exercise manual and
Materials additional resources are made available through Blackboard. Worked examples in Unesco-IHE lecture notes (available on
Blackboard) are recommended for self-testing of ability to assess short-term and long-term responses of longitudinal river
profiles to human interventions and natural events. For those who want to proceed their professional career in river engineering,
a recommended (though not compulsory) text book is "Principles of River Engineering" by P.Ph. Jansen et al (1979), ISBN: 90-
6562-146-6, available at bookshops and VSSD, downloadable from
4229-8dda-9eefaf979443/ .
Judgement The mark of the written exam is the final mark. No mark will be given for the report on the SOBEK exercise
Permitted Materials during One double-sided A4 sheet with personal summary notes
Collegerama Yes
Flood defense structures in coastal areas and along rivers: Storm surge and high water barriers, and structures for the controlled
discharge of water: Weirs.
For both type of structures: Functional requirements and Life Cycle analysis; conceptual design will be evaluated especially on
the technical feasibility of the (hydraulic) structure; further detailing taking into account overall stability and construction stage.
Specific detailing subjects caused by the (turbulent) nature of water flow and the resulting dynamic interaction with closing
elements, i.e. gates or valves
Specific subjects:
- Design for construction
- Gate excitation & vibration
- Life Cycle Asset Management
- Quay or barrier of the future
The items under 'Special projects' and 'Specific subjects' may change from year to year.
Study Goals The course should enable students to produce a (pre)design for hydraulic structures like quays, jetties, weirs and barriers, based
on a life cycle approach.
Education Method Lectures and a design exercise by teams of two students.
Literature and Study Syllabus: available at the first lectures.
Recommended lecturenote(s) / textbook(s):
Handboek kademuren, CUR, Port of Rotterdam, Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, 2003, Gouda, ISBN 90 3760 282, available at
There is a first(2006) and a second (2014) English version of Quay Walls ISBN 978-1-138-00023-0 (handback) or ISBN: 978-1-
315-77831-0 (eBook PDF), SBRCURNET-publication 211E.
Assessment During the oral examination students have to defend their work done during the exercise and answer more general questions.
Permitted Materials during Everything
Expected prior Knowledge Course CIE3330
Academic Skills Be able to analyse a design problem and come up with alternative solutions
Literature & Study Have adequate knowledge of the syllabus
Judgement The judgement will partly be based on the written report of the design work and the answers to specific questions about this
design work(~75%) and more general questions about the content of other parts of the course not covered by the design work
Permitted Materials during All materials are permitted
Collegerama No
Option 1:
The coastal structures oriented fieldwork is usually organized in Bulgaria. At the coast some profile measurements will be made,
sand samples will be taken and the instantaneous wave condition will be observed. At some rock structures pressure fluctuations
will be observed due to wave impact. A quarry will be visited where the students have to asses several parameters of rock, like
the Dn50, density, blockiness, etc. The Fieldwork in Bulgaria will be done together with Bulgarian students from the University
of Varna. A landscape-architectural component is part of the field work, including cooperation with architecture students, in
order to experience the benefits and challenges of working in an interdisciplinary team.
Option 2:
The morphologically oriented fieldwork will be done along the Dutch coast. Measurements will be done on the beach, like
profile measurements, sand sampling, sediment transport measurements, etc. The collected data will have to be checked to the
deep water boundary conditions (waves and currents) which are available via the routine measuring devices.
The course further deals with physical modelling and experimental techniques in soil mechanics in general. It includes a short
introduction to measurement and control theory, the types of actuators and sensors commonly used and the scaling laws that
apply for full and reduced scale geotechnical modelling. Some of the physical model tests in use nowadays are highlighted with
A series of simulation exercises called 'Engineering geology games' are proposed to students, during which site investigations are
designed for a variety of construction projects and geological environments. During one of these games, the design and
excecution of a site investigation for a civil engineering project in the Netherlands is simulated. Data is provided, analysed and
used to produce a conceptual model of the ground, forecast ground properties relevant to the project and design additional site
investigation keeping in mind cost efficiency. The Engineering Geology games are preceeded by an introduction to general
geology and geological map reading.
Study Goals The goal of this course is to give an overview of the available laboratory tests and in-situ site investigation techniques, as well as
a basic understanding of measurement and control theory.
Students will be able to explain the fundamentals of physical modelling, and can derive the governing questions and scaling laws
required to interpret the results of a physical modelling.
Students will develop the ability to design a site investigation for different geological situations.
Students can explain why and how the standard and advanced geotechnical laboratory tests are conducted.
Students are able to write technical site investigation reports.
Education Method A combination of lectures, readings and practicals (field and lab work and simulation exercises) is proposed. A schedule
concerning subjects, dates, places and lecturers is handed out at the beginning of the course.
Literature and Study Texbooks:
Materials - Geotechnical engineering and soil testing, by Amir Wadi. Al-Khafaji, Orlando B. Andersland (available at TUD library as e-
- Geotechnical engineering handbook, Braja M. Das, (available at TUD library as e-book)
- Site Investigation, by Clayton, CR, Matthews, MC, Simons, NE, Wiley-Blackwell, 1995
- Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology, by Taylor, RN
- Engineering Geology: principles and practice, by David Price, Springer, 2007
Recommended readings:
- Geotechnical Modelling, by David Muir Wood
Assessment Assessment based on performance at laboratory work (30%), site investigation games (20%), physical modelling exercise (20%)
and oral exam (30%)
28 h lectures/contact hours
2 h practical exercise
10 h report on practical exercise
42 h self-study
7 h preparation exam
1 h oral exam
90 h (6 h * 30 h/ECTS)
Education Method Lessons + practical exercise
Literature and Study Syllabus: Soil dynamics in urban areas (at start available at blackboard)
Materials prints of sheets and notes
Assessment Assignments during the course.
Oral examination based on the lectures, lecture notes, the practical exercise and the accompanying report made by the student.
Enrolment / Application Please enroll by sending an e-mail to the teacher ( with your name and student number before going to
the first lecture. In this way a free lecture note can be made in time for the student.
Remarks The practical experiment: one outside field measurements. Measuring wave speed from impulsive excitation, train vibrations in
the soil and in a simple structure.
The exercise is carried out as a group, but the report will be written as an individual. The report will be written partially before
the test and partially after the test.
Both the lecture notes and this report will be discussed during the oral examination.
dr. ir. P. Hlscher e-mail
tel. 015-278 90 30 (Thursday/Friday) or
tel. 088-335 73 43 (Monday/Tuesday)
dr. ir. K. van Dalen e-mail
Expected prior Knowledge B.Sc. courses CTB1210 (Dynamics and Modelling; required), CTB2300 (Dynamics of Systems; strongly advised) and
CTB2310/AESB2330 (Soil Mechanics, which contains the Theory of Elasticity; required). As an alternative for CTB2300 &
CTB1210, one can take the M.Sc. course CIE4145 (Dynamics and an Introduction into Continuum Mechanics), or courses
AESB1320 and AESB1420.
Academic Skills Analytics and structural mechanics.
Literature & Study Lecture notes and lecture slides.
Judgement The final grade will be based on the written assignments, report of the field test and an oral exam.
Permitted Materials during The written assignments and report of the field test.
Collegerama Yes
In addition to the common GIS tasks of visualizing and analyzing data, we will use GIS tools to delineate watersheds, and to
perform land classification and surface water identification and data analysis.
The remote sensing component is focused around measurements in the visible, thermal and microwave regions of the spectrum.
We will introduce the physics behind the measurements, and illustrate how observations in each region yield invaluable data for
water resources. Remote sensing data will be used to analyze elevation and land cover distribution, as well as precipitation, soil
moisture and evaporation patterns in a basin.
In exercises and lectures, different tools and applications are offered. For each application, assignments are given to allow
students to acquire relevant skills. The course structure combines assignments and introductory lectures. Each week participants
work on one assignment. These assignments are discussed in the next lecture and graded. Each week a new assignment is
introduced, together with supporting materials (an article discussing the relevant application) and lectures (introducing
theoretical issues). The study material of the course consists of a study guide, assignments, lecture material and articles. The final
mark is the average of the grades of the individual assignments.
Study Goals After this course a student can:
1) Explain what a GIS is, and to describe its key features
2) Use GIS to visualize and analyze data
3) Use GIS tools to work on real WRM problems
4) Understand important terminology in remote sensing
5) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of measurements in different parts of the EM spectrum
6) Use real remote sensing data to study problems in WRM
Education Method Lectures, exercises
Literature and Study Available through Blackboard
Assessment Assignments
Collegerama Yes
Study Goals The overall study goal is to make you able to critically evaluate the health risks associated with engineered water systems. You
will learn which health risks can be associated with engineered water systems, how they occur and how you can intervene.
Protection of public health is an important element of your future work as civil engineer.You will get knowledge about the
agents that cause disease, how they are transmitted through the environment and how this can be prevented. You will be able to
design safe water systems and be able to communicate with health authorities, in The Netherlands as well as abroad.
Education Method Lectures, discussion, practicum, demonstration site visit, group assignment, report, presentation
Literature and Study For each lecture reading materials are provided via an electronic database. Reading these lecture reading materials before the
Materials lectures to be able to actively participate in discussions about the lecture topic is required. In addition, background reading
materials are provided via the electronic database. The contents of these background materials may serve as information for the
assignments (together with information that the students have to find themselves), but are not obligatory for the exam.
Practical Guide The aim of the practical work is to create the understanding about transmission of microbes and the effect of hygiene measures in
reducing the probability of transmission of microbes.
Assessment Group assignment presentation & report (50%) and group oral exam about the assignment(50%)
Tags Analysis
Group work
Research Methods
Water Engineering
Water management
Expected prior Knowledge BSc Civil or environmental engineering or equivalent
Academic Skills Learning, presenting your work, academic reading, writing, referencing, information collection and evaluation, teamwork
Literature & Study Provided via Bb
Judgement Academic contribution to team assignment/presentation/report, knowledge and understanding obtained from lectures, reading
materials and other activities in the course
Permitted Materials during Own group report and literature, lecture notes and presentations and reading materials
Collegerama Yes
(1) Implement the analytic element method and the finite difference method in a computer model for groundwater modeling.
(2) Apply the analytic element method and the finite difference method as applied to groundwater modeling.
Education Method Lectures in the mornings and computer exercises in the afternoons. You need to bring your own laptop computer to the class.
Assessment Assignments
Expected prior Knowledge Geohydrology I. Computer programming in Python. Hydrology. Fluid Mechanics. Differential Equations.
Academic Skills
Literature & Study
Permitted Materials during N/A
Collegerama No
More specifically this course will address water resources issues related to:
- Water for society, food and the environment
- Floods and droughts
- Hydrology of deltas
1. Hydrology and Water Resources: rainfall mechanisms, extreme rainfall, water resources, groundwater, surface water, water
resources of catchments, rainfall-runoff relations for different temporal scales, water balances, water scarcity, green and blue
water, human interference into the hydrological cycle;
2. Rainfall-Runoff relations: extreme discharge and floods;
3. Determination of peak discharge, factors affecting discharge characteristics, flow duration curve, flood frequency analysis,
rainfall runoff relations, short duration peak runoff, catchment yield;
4. Flood propagation: reservoir routing, channel routing, Muskingum routing, Kinematic routing, relations between methods of
routing and the St. Venant equation;
5. Hydrology of coastal areas: tides, storm surges, propagation of tides into estuaries, salt water intrusion into open estuaries,
seepage of brackish ground water, hydraulic measures in coastal areas and estuaries, effect of dikes, fresh and salt water
reservoirs, drainage;
6. Articles related to the topics described above. For the exam a selection of these articles needs to be studied.
Study Goals 1. Understanding relations between hydrological processes in catchments at different scales and the effects of different types of
stocks and related fluxes;
2. Understanding and calculations of propagation of flood waves;
3. Understanding the hydrological processes in deltas regarding river discharge, inundations, propagation of tidal floods, salt
intrusion, as well as consequences of changes in the system;
4. Frequency analysis of extremes under different climatological conditions.
Education Method Lectures, discussion of selected articles, a reader of relevant articles (on blackboard), short fieldwork (if possible)
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
Materials "Hydrology of Catchments, Rivers and Deltas"
Note: course is conducted through a number of experiments performed in the field and guided by staff from different disciplines.
Depending on the availability of staff the composition of experiments can differ from the describtions below.
In general:
determination and interpretation of the elements of the hydrological cycle,catchment characteristics, river characteristics and
ecology effect of human interference on discharge hydrology and water quality
presentation and reporting of measurements and research results
Water quantity:
meteorological data; precipitation, evaporation, interception
geohydrology; soil composition, infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, piezometry
applying river discharge measurements by different methods
observation of ecosystem characteristics and the influence of discharge characteristics
tracer hydrology
Water quality:
assesment of water quality based on ecological characteristics
determination of dispersion in a river reach
In a condensed fieldwork period (6 days) students are introduced to the elements of the hydrological cycle and the ecology of a
river system. In this way they learn to appreciate the processes involved in terms of relevance and dimensions. The acquired
expertise of the measurement practise, utilisation and interpretation of data is discussed. For that purpose numerous experiments
in the field are carried out in small groups.
Students define a research question before the fieldwork starts.
Analysis and interpretation, all under supervision, is largely carried out during the fieldwork. Afterwards in groups results are
presented and a report on the research question in a scientific aricle format is produced.
Study Goals Learning to use measurements methodologies for water quantitative and water qualitative analysis
Learning to determine which measurements are needed to collect relevant data for research purposes
Learning to interpret critically the data obtained, including all the uncertainties and restrictions
Learning to present
Discussions about the measurements used and the interpretation of the results obtained will be stimulated.
Literature and Study Syllabus: Available at start of fieldwork
Assessment Students will be judged on their participation in the different parts (fieldwork, presentation and scientific report writing).
Judgement is on an individual basis.
Elective Yes
Expected prior Knowledge Theory of measurment techniques, e.g. CIE4440
Academic Skills Collecting liturature, posing and answering a research question
Literature & Study Syllabus: Available at start of fieldwork
Materials Self collected literature depending on topic
Judgement Students will be judged on their participation in the different parts (fieldwork, presentation and scientific report writing).
Judgement is on an individual basis.
Permitted Materials during not applicable
Collegerama No
Given an agreement with stakeholders on the degree to which the criteria are to be met, what type of control system can
implement this agreement?
Suggest control systems that behave in ways that match the desires of the stakeholders.
Give a description of the control system in the language of control theory and using structure diagrams.
Education Method Lectures with in-class exercises, computer labs and homework assignments
Literature and Study Obligatory lecture note(s)/textbook(s):
lecture notes CT5490 (available as pdf on blackboard)
to be announced
Assessment Assignments
Written exam
Remarks In addition to questions on the material covered in the lecture notes, the exam may contain questions on any subject discussed in
the lectures, in the assignments, or in the computer labs and exercises.
Barring unforeseen circumstances an excursion is part of the course and one of the lectures is given during the excursion.
Tags Water management
Expected prior Knowledge The student should be able to:
carry out calculations with complex numbers,
integrate and differentiate functions,
explain what a backwater curve is,
solve simple ordinary differential equations,
understand the basics of open channel flow and
calculate the discharge over a weir or through a gate from upstream and downstream energy levels
Academic Skills In this course you will
interpret water system behaviour
formulate and test hypotheses on the effects of control
cooperate with a partner on assignments
write reports on system simulations
consider the acceptability of control rules for stakeholders
To be announced
Judgement Assignments are graded as complete or incomplete. All assignments must be completed two weeks before the date of the exam.
If not all assignments are completed before the deadline the candidate will not be allowed to take the exam. The exam grade is
the final grade. If the candidate does not participate in the exam in the same academic year then the completed assignments do
not carry over to the next year.
Permitted Materials during Use of a calculator is allowed, as long as the memory is empty of programs and data relevant to this exam. No other tables or
Exam reference materials are allowed during the exam.
Collegerama Yes
Types, forms, functions and sources of law, main water acts, main information sources
Organisational structure of Dutch water management, tasks and competencies, discussions on the waterboards
Management of surface water quantity and quality, groundwater, flood protection and the main rivers
Excursion to the Second Chamber of the Dutch parliament (depending on agenda of the Second Chamber)
For foreign students a tailor-made self-study assignment is made, focusing on European water law and the water law in the home
country of the student. Several supportive lectures are given for this group.
Study Goals After following this course, the student should be able to:
1. take legal constraints and possible complications into account when making technical analyses
2. use the main information sources and evaluate and process the information that is obtained
3. answer simple legal questions
4. decide when to involve a legal expert and what exactly to ask
To be able to do this, the student should:
5. obtain basic information concerning water law, the development of water law and the implications of water law for the water
management practice.
Education Method lectures
Literature and Study Dutch version: Lecture notes: Mostert, E., Waterrecht en Organisatie, 2016. From September/ October onwards, the lecture notes
Materials can be ordered in the usual way or downloaded from Blackboard. The exact date will be published on Blackboard.
Functions of urban surface waters, groundwater and wastewater; functions of urban surfaces.
Pathtways and fluxes of water in the urban environment; urban water balances; urban climate; ground and surface water regimes;
urban dessication; consequences of urbanization and of climate change on urban water system; interaction of urban and rural
water systems; hydrological interaction with river basin.
Quality of stormwater, groundwater and surface water; sources of pollution; behaviour and degradation of pollutants.
Ecological quality and processes; relation with chemistry and hydromorphology of urban water courses.
Land subsidence, land filling and interaction with water ground- and surface water manangement.
Design standards and how to assess these for water quantity and quality; design loads, design storms and design series; statistics
and risks; storage design discharge frequency relations.
Design procedures for stormwater, surface water and groundwater drainage, land filling, subsidence and its interactions.
Operational control of surface water and groundwater.
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems(SUDS), Low Impact Development (LID), Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Stormwater infiltration facilities and their design aspects.
Building site preparation, constructive aspects, transport and accessibility of the terrain, working conditions for building.
Planning process management; target oriented planning; guiding principles and process oriented approach procedures;
collaborative planning of urban drainage projects.
Waterwise spatial and urban planning. Climate resilient urban water management.
Transition management; mainstreaming innovative urban drainage and urban water management solutions.
Study Goals The student is able to plan and create a sustainable, healthy, climate resilient, safe and pleasant urban environment by
manipulating and controlling conditions of land and water in the area.
The student knows how to design facilities for the drainage and control of stormwater, surface water and groundwater, for
controlling the quality of this water and for supplying water where this is required. He/she is able to create a stable, solid and
fertile soil and subsurface, while minimizing land subsidence. He knows how these facilities are implemented and how to
maintain them well. All this in order to sustain the many functions this water, soil and subsurface can serve in the urban
The student understands the hydrological, hydro-chemical end ecological processes and knows how to analyse and evaluate the
performance of an existing urban water management system. He/she is able to design a monitoring system to be able to evaluate
this performance.
The student is able to lead the development of strategic plans for urban water management, urban flood risk management,
climate adaptation and blue-green spatial planning (water-based spatial planning for smart and adaptive circular cities). He know
how to organize the planning process and the cooperation of water managers, urban planners and the stakeholders and is able to
evaluate the quality of the technical quality of the products.
Master course on design and planning of the urban water management system. Water fluxes and relevant processes in water and
soil. Stormwater, surface water and groundwater drainage design (quantity and quality) in interrelation with subsidence and
based on functional demands and standards. Stormwater infiltration and building site preparation. Water wise spatial planning
and urbanism. Water management policy development.
Judgement Grade at oral exam.
As the actual content of the different components may show slight changes over the years, the interested student is directed to
Blackboard to see the actual contents of the course in the respective year.
Study Goals After the course, students are able to:
define projects in several phases of the project cycle (feasibility, identification, design and construction, evaluation, operational
management) within their respective field of specialisation
explain how other than civil engineering disciplines can contribute to project activities abroad
distinguish different working environments for civil engineers abroad (management, design and construction, research, financing
distinguish main organisations involved in development aid at national and international level in terms of their goals, financing
policies and actions
recognise local working and living environments in socio-economic and technical terms
Education Method (guest) lectures on specific subjects (including project cycle, organisations and cultural differences). Guest lecturers discuss their
own (working) experience abroad or actual subjects
The course will introduce hydro-geomorphological concents and detail on especially water erosion, sedimentation and landslide
mechanisms and the role of vegetation and animal activity on it in different environments (mountains, rivers, estuaries) and
different climates (arid, tropical and humid). Feedback mechanisms between ecology and hydro-geomorphological processes
will be discussed.
Furthermore, the course will focus on ecological assessment. andEuropean legislation: Water Framework Directive and on the
health and ecological aspects of harmful cyanobacteria and bio-invaders.
The importance of Civil engineering on aquatic ecosystems will be shown as well as aquatic restoration measures and ecological
responses. Lastly, the influence of forests on floods will be discussed.
Study Goals After successfully finishing the course the student:
1) should be familiar with ecological concepts and ecological points of view and is able to understand ecosystems functioning.
2) is acquainted with hydrogeomorphological processes such as water erosion, landsliding and sedimentation and is be able to
describe the interrelationships between the abiotic and biotic environment.
3) understands the consequences of civil engineering intervention on geosystems and ecosystems and knows the jargon of the
disciplines of biology and geomorphology and can communicate with experts in these fields
Education Method Lectures, workshop
Literature and Study Study material comprises of a list of scientific articles, book chapters, hand-outs and powerpoint presentations
Assessment Poster presentation (30%)
Written exam (70%)
Contact Prof.Dr. Michael McClain []‎
Dr. Thom Bogaard (
Expected prior Knowledge Basic knowledge of earth science and water systems.
General knowledge on modelling approaches in Civil or Environmental Engineering.
Detailed knowledge on ecology is not a pre-requisite.
Academic Skills Critical thinking
Reading and analyzing scientific papers
Oral and poster presentation
Debating and discussing
Literature & Study Course material (scientific literature and powerpoint hand-outs) will be specified at start of the course and provided during the
Materials course.
Judgement Poster presentation (30%)
Written exam (70%)
Permitted Materials during Poster presentatiuon with own poster
Exam No material is allowed during written exam
Collegerama No
Remarks Multidisciplinary course for Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Earth Sciences.
The course covers the use of trenchless technologies (drilling, tunnelling, and renovation techniques). These techniques are
widely used for the installation and renovation of tunnel-, pipe- and cable systems for small infrastructure (oil, gas, water,
sewerage). The course offers basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and used materials. Legal,
administrative aspects and innovation will form an integral part of the course.
Contact The student-assistants of Underground Space Technology can be contacted at
T: 85256
Expected prior Knowledge Basic understanding of soil mechanics and structural mechanics is advisable but not mandatory.
Academic Skills
Literature & Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Reader "Reader Trenchless Technology CIE5741" by W. Broere, S. van der Woude
Available via Microweb or as pdf on BB
Judgement The oral examination discusses the students' paper as well as topics from the course.
The final mark is based on the report and oral discussion.
principles of an agreement and the elements that play a role in collaboration are discussed
the contract and the corresponding components such as tasks, responsibilities and authorities
the family of: design & construct, DBM, DBMOT, DBMFOT, partnering, alliances, public private partnership
g. Foreign contracts .
Education Method lectures
Literature and Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Reader: "Forms of collaboration in civil engineering"
Parties in the building industry can choose between various forms of collaboration and contract models. The different forms of
collaborations are derived from the economic concepts such as value, price and cost. The course has a theoretical character but
its contents is illustrated by means of practical examples by guest lecturers. The following forms of collaboration are dealt with:
traditional contract, building team, general contracting and the families of Design & Construct. Discussed will be the contract-
content with tasks, obligations, authorities, responsibilities, liabilities, systems of reimbursement and risk division. The following
models of contract are discussed: design & construct, partnering, alliances, public private partnership, risk management, risk
sharing and contracts that deal with the organization during building.
The core subject is the analysis and design of the most common
foundation types for offshore structures. After some preliminary recaps on soil behaviour,
the response of marine soils to environmental cyclic loading is illustrated and discussed.
Then, essential concepts about subsea
site investigation are discussed. The course core topics are widely addressed, concerning the
analysis/design of both shallow and deep offshore foundations.
Study Goals The main learning objectives are:
1. to recognise and describe the main features of offshore soil behaviour under environmental loading;
2. to describe the principles for planning offshore site surveys for soil characterization purposes;
3. to analyse/design of the main shallow foundation types(including spudcans and suction units)
according to standard analytical approaches
4. to analyse/design of offshore piles
according to standard analytical approaches
Education Method - in class theoretical and practical sessions
- possible assignments on the most relevant topics
Assessment Written Exam
Remarks Old course code: OE4624-15
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
In dredging, trenching, (deep sea) mining, drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications, sand, clay or rock has to be
excavated. The productions (and thus the dimensions) of the excavating equipment range from mm3/sec - cm3/sec to m3/sec. In
oil drilling layers with a thickness of a magnitude of 0.2 mm are cut, while in dredging this can be of a magnitude of 0.1 m with
cutter suction dredges and meters for clamshells and backhoes. Some equipment is designed for dry soil, while others operate
under water saturated conditions. Installed cutting powers may range up to 10 MW. For both the design, the operation and
production estimation of the excavating equipment it is important to be able to predict the cutting forces and powers.
The book gives an overview of cutting theories. It starts with a generic model, which is valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and
rock) after which the specifics of dry sand, water saturated sand, clay, rock and hyperbaric rock are covered. For each soil type
small blade angles and large blade angles, resulting in a wedge in front of the blade, are discussed. The failure mechanism of
sand, dry and water saturated, is the so called Shear Type. The failure mechanism of clay is the so called Flow Type, but under
certain circumstances also the Curling Type and the Tear Type are possible. Rock will usually fail in a brittle way. This can be
brittle tensile failure, the Tear Type, for small blade angles, but it can also be brittle shear failure, which is of the Shear Type of
failure mechanism for larger blade angles. Under hyperbaric conditions rock may also fail in a more ductile way according to the
Flow Type of failure mechanism.
For each case considered, the equations/model for the cutting forces, power and specific energy are given. The models are
verified with laboratory research, mainly at the Delft University of Technology, but also with data from literature.
Study Goals Understand and reproduce the Mohr circle;
Understand and reproduce the theory of passive and active soil failure;
Understanding the soil mechanical parameters important for cutting processes;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D cutting theory in water-saturated sand;
Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D theory in clay;
Understanding and reproduce the basic cutting theory of rock cutting;
Understanding and reproduce the hyperbaric cutting theory of rock cutting.
Education Method lectures and bonus assignments
Literature and Study obligatory lecturenote(s)/textbook(s):
Materials The Delft Sand, Clay & Rock Cutting Model.
Available at Leeghwater and downloadable from IOS Press.
Assessment Written exam (open book) and bonus assignments.
2 points for the bonus assignments and 10 points for the written exam.
If the grade is 5 or lower the bonus points are added to the exam grade.
If the grade is 5 or higher the final grade is: exam grade plus (10-exam grade)/5 times bonus points.
Remarks Old course code: OE4626
The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes:
The cutting of sand, clay and rock;
Participants succesfully completing this course will be equipped to make predictive quantitative determinations related to these
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
Contact S.A. Miedema (
The remaining lecture hours and practical sessions are spent on introducing the students to Matlab, recapitulating deterministic
models of structural systems as these were presented in the course CIE4140 Structural Dynamics (but with the focus on
discretized as opposed to analytical representations), and reduced-order modelling. The latter topic is included because of its
importance when dealing with in situ measured data from large-scale complex structures.
Study Goals Students succesfully completing the course will be able to:
1) identify the dynamic properties of a structure from measured vibration response data,
2) calibrate finite element models based on identified dynamic properties,
3) identify the forces acting on a structure from its vibrational response.
Education Method Lectures are alternated by practical sessions in which the presented techniques are applied to a simple beam structure in Matlab.
Assessment Group project and oral examination.
Remarks Old course code: OE4629
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
First, the general basics of Arctic Engineering will be discussed during the general introduction to Arctic engineering. This part
of the course schedule starts with a discussion on environmental issues in the Arctic, after which a geographical and historical
overview of Arctic resources and current developments is given. Subsequently, the existing ice features and ice regimes are
discussed based on geography and local conditions. Additionally, the physical micro- and macro-properties of ice, ice
morphology, ice thermodynanics and ice mechanics are treated. The general introduction to Arctic Engineering concludes with
an introduction to ice-structure interaction, based on the Arctic engineering code ISO19906.
The theoretical core of the course OE44115 Arctic engineering consists of the (statics and) dynamics of ice-structure interaction.
Initially, an overview of the available models for dynamic ice-structure interaction and ice-induced vibrations will be given. The
phenomenon of frequency lock-in is considered, as well as beam and plate theories to model the ice during its interaction with a
structure. Additionally, we will touch upon the numerical application of dynamic processes within Arctic engineering and
discuss the industrial experience with ice-induced vibrations.
In the last part of the course, we explore a number of special topics that broaden the perspective of engineering in the Arctic.
These special topics are not necessarily the same each year and depend on the availability of industry and university specialists.
The special topics that have been treated in previous editions of the course are: 'Arctic Engineering Practice', 'Structural Design
for Arctic Conditions', 'Arctic Oceanography', 'Scaling in Ice Mechanics and Ice-Structure Interaction' and 'Ice Management &
Escape, Evacuation & Rescue'.
Study Goals Participants will know about the ice features and ice conditions that occur at typical Arctic engineering locations and they will be
aware of the workings of ice physics and ice mechanics. They will have an understanding of the available types of structures for
the Arctic, the static and dynamic ice loads on these structures and the issues involved in designing, constructing and
maintaining these structures in Arctic conditions.
Education Method Lectures, guest lectures and a non-compulsory bonus exercise.
Course Relations This course does not require any courses as compulsory pre-knowledge. Although generally Arctic Engineering is focused on
offshore applications, this course has been set-up to address the complete range of Arctic Engineering applications, that include
the development and transport of resources, environmental impact and climate change, oceanography, as well as maritime,
hydraulic and coastal engineering.
Nevertheless,interesting background information for the course OE44115 Arctic Engineering may be obtained from the courses
OE44095 Bottom Founded Offshore Structures and CiE4140 Structural Dynamics.
A positive result for the course OE44115 Arctic Engineering is compulsary to be allowed to participate in the course AT327-12
Arctic Offshore Engineering.
Literature and Study Currently the lecture notes for this course are a work-in-progress. Extensive lecture slides and hand-outs that contain all the
Materials necessary information are provided to the participants of this course through Blackboard.
Assessment The assessment for this course consists of a written exam. Note however that a bonus to the exam grade can be earned by doing a
non-compulsory bonus exercise.
Remarks Previous course codes: OE4680 and OE4680-12
Department 3mE Department Maritime & Transport Technology
Ir. R. Abspoel
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Str. & Building Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85358
Room 23.S2 2.54
Dr. A. Askarinejad
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Geo-engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 83326
Room 23.KG 00.510 M. Bakker
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Water Resources
Telephone +31 15 27 83714
Room 23.HG 4.92.1 A. Blom
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85064
Room 23.S3.00.100
Ir. J. Bosboom
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Coastal Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84606
Room 23.HG 3.66
J.D. Bricker
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Hydraulic Struc & Flood Risk
Telephone +31 15 27 83187 W. Broere
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Geo-engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 81545
Room 23.KG 00.510
Dr. C. Chassagne
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Environmental Fluid Mech.
Telephone +31 15 27 85970
Room 23.S3 0.06 B. Hofland
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Hydraulic Struc & Flood Risk
Telephone +31 15 27 85067
Room 23.HG 3.88
Dr. M. Hrachowitz
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Water Resources
Telephone +31 15 27 89450
Prof.dr. C. Jommi
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Geo-engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84173
Room 23.KG 00.140
Dr. E. Lourens
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Offshore Technologie
Telephone +31 15 27 87568
Room 23.HG 2.82
G. Medema
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Sanitary Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 87321
Room 23.HG 4.63
Prof.dr. A. Metrikine
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Offshore Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84749
Room 23.HG 6.59
Dr. D. Milakis
Unit Techniek, Bestuur & Management
Department Transport and Logistics
Telephone +31 15 27 84981
Room 23.HG 4.18 E. Mosselman
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Dr. E. Mostert
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Water Resources
Telephone +31 15 27 87800
Room 23.HG 4.82
Dr. S. Pande
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Water Resources
Telephone +31 15 27 89450
Room 23.HG 4.87
F. Pisano
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Geo-engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 82844
Ir. P. Quist
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85438
Room 23.HG 3.86
M.A. de Schipper
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Coastal Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 89220
Room 23.HG 3.68 A. Simone
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Structural Mechanics
Telephone +31 15 27 87922
Room 23.HG 6.42
P. Taneja
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84806
T. Vellinga
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 83154
Room 23.HG 3.77
H.J. Verheij
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 84740
Room 23.HG 3.84 S. de Vries
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Coastal Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 89220
Room 23.HG 3.70
Ir. B. Wijdeven
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department RP&W and Dredging Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 85075
Room 23.HG 3.86
Ir. Y. Yang
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Str. & Building Engineering
Telephone +31 15 27 82277
Room 23.S2 1.03
B. Zanuttigh
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Hydraulic Struc & Flood Risk
Telephone +31 15 27 82610
Room 23.HG 3.87 M. Zijlema
Unit Civiele Techniek & Geowetensch
Department Environmental Fluid Mech.
Telephone +31 15 27 83255
Room 23.HG 2.94