CPD Record Plan Private Sector Example PDF
CPD Record Plan Private Sector Example PDF
CPD Record Plan Private Sector Example PDF
This record sheet is for your guidance only you may present your development record in any other format.
Key dates What did you do? Why? What did you learn from this? How have/will you use this?
Any further action?
January/ Organisational culture: I met with the HR Consultant All these activities were Sharing experiences with others I have
February My involvement in the company responsible for the company thought-provoking about met to share my learning with colleagues
cultural change activity lead me cultural change project, to talk exactly what creates the from our internal HR Centres of Expertise
to become more interested in about the issues in broad terms differences in how people looking at Policy and the cultural change
this area, and the growing I attended a best practice day perceive and engage with their programme
concept of the importance of hosted by a company recognised work and company Considering a specialist role that would
employee experience ie how for their employee engagement, In particular, I was made to allow me to explore the concept of
individuals holistically view and where they demonstrated to consider more fully the employee experience further
are engaged with the others how they had built the importance of joining up In addition, the learning has provided food
organisation. I recognised that I success of their culture to cultural messages ie, all for thought in usual day-to-day interactions
would benefit from exploring the become top in the Times Top aspects of the employee with employees and managers prompting
topic of culture and how 100 UK employers. The day experience need to align with me to consider more about how I position
companies do things more provided a detailed overview of the vision, aims, objectives, things to optimise the positive experiences
broadly. how the company had set up company brand etc, to of employees.
people strategies/plans that maximise employee buy-in
focussed on all aspects of the This has provided some
employment relationship to interesting criteria against
create the right experience which to consider my
I attended the CIPD talk organisations practices and the
Creating an environment where influence I can have.
great people can do their best
November Personal style and We each completed Myers The questionnaires provided me Overall, this activity re-focused me on my areas
preferences: Briggs level 2 before the event. with further insight into my personal of strength, how my personal style is perceived
As part of an offsite arranged for At the event we were given a preferences and drivers, although by others, and has made me more thoughtful
our immediate HR team, we copy of the in-depth personal they also demonstrated to me that I about how I tackle things and how I present
agreed that we wanted to take profile the questionnaire had was already quite self-aware. myself to others.
some time to investigate our revealed It was very interesting to hear from The knowledge I have of my colleagues in my
own personal styles and ways of We completed a personal drivers others how far their views of me team has definitely made my relationships
working more closely, with a exercise that helped to identify aligned with my own understanding more productive, as I feel more understanding
view to better understanding the key drivers that influence our of myself and what the of why they do the things that they do. I have
ourselves as individuals and behaviours questionnaires suggested. This been able to refer back to the event when we
how we work together as a We reflected on how we work revealed to me that others have had differences of opinion, to remind
team. with fellow colleagues in our recognise more of these specific others why this might be occurring bearing in
team, and the impact we can personal behaviours than I had mind our different personal approaches.
have o n eachother. imagined were evident before.
I learnt more about my colleagues
as we all went through the same
process of questionnaire, self, and
peer feedback.
Oct - Developing others I identified I made others aware I was interested The way in which I work with I am planning to continue to mentor Salome
Present when reviewing my in becoming a mentor. I was Salome has really made me until she achieves her first generalist HR
development needs and approached by a more junior think about and develop my management role
interests with my manager that I colleague (Salome), who is keen to way of supporting others I hope to move into a man-management
am keen to try develop into an HR account I have supported Salome in role in the future
managing/developing others in manager. trying out generalist HR I can also use some of the general
an ongoing capacity i.e. I have been mentoring her since. We activities and evaluating them behaviours I have developed further (like
mentoring, line management. agreed what we were both wanting to eg, letting her manage an motivating others, and considering how I
gain from the relationship up front, employee absence case, and package things) in working with others in
and meet fortnightly. talking through how she everyday interactions.
approached it, how she could
have done one differently. In
doing this, I have been able to
see in a very practical way how
others learn, and have adapted
my style of teaching
Through our meetings, I have
become more aware of my own
personal impact on others
when I am developing them
such as how the way I phrase
things can make them view
situations very differently
This has provided me with good
first-hand experience of
considering best ways to
motivate others, using different
tactics dependent on the
situation and their feelings at
that time.
January Consultancy skills: Trying to consciously work in a best My trying out acting Everyday focusing on the way I interact
present Following our company HR practice, consultancy way: consciously as a consultant has has now changed the way I approach every
Development Programme, I identified some tangible pieces proved to me that I am more interaction I have with customers and
where we focussed in detail on of work, and consciously planned successful when I proactively suppliers
how we interact with our how to take a contracting take this approach both in I feel that Im getting more out of my
customers, I was keen to approach. For example, terms of customer feedback, relationships with customers I am
maintain my focus on approaching a piece of work and in actually meeting my own managing expectations more, therefore
developing a contracting and looking at introducing a more objectives they are more satisfied
advisory style of interacting with customer-orientated culture I I initially felt quite I have also managed to gain more time
customers, in addition to a established a working group up uncomfortable in being very back for myself, because I am not taking so
purely advice giving, directive front, and used this to agree black and white in my dealings much work on to own/implement myself
approach. Making this change expectations and roles, then with others ie, in articulating I have much more successful relationships
is key to enable the changing review progress on an ongoing roles, responsibilities, plans etc with the HR Centres of Expertise, as I am
nature of how HR interacts with basis. Following these so explicitly because this is more explicit in my dealings with them and
the business in my organisation. experiences, I reviewed my not regularly done by others in agreeing what they will deliver to me/the
approach with my manager and I believed would appear business, and how they will do it.
I deliberately began to tell unnatural. However, feedback
managers in one-to-one from others shows they do not
meetings the priorities I am notice this as an issue, and
working on, to develop their actually feel positive about the
understanding of what the HR clarity this provides.
service can/will deliver.
This record sheet is for your guidance only you may present your development plan in any other format.
Planned outcome
Where do I want to be by the end of this period? What do I want to be doing? (This may be evolutionary or more of the same.)
What do I want/need to learn? What will I do to achieve this? What resources or support will I What will my success criteria be? Target dates for review and completion
Business/HR planning: I will contact the Technology I will be dependent on the The meeting happens, and I write up a All to take place by the beginning of
Experience of putting in place Business Planning Manager, Technology Business Planning one-page summary of learning that can be May.
HR plans, aligned with and ask to meet to talk about Manager being open to sharing used for the current two plans, and in the
business plans. their experience and processes their experiences future.
they are using to create
strategic/operational plans this
business year.
I have agreed with my manager To maximise my learning The feedback I receive on the two plans I Plans to be worked on/reviewed by
two opportunities to carry out from these experiences, work on will be positive (from my manager end of May.
this type of work: I will ask my manager to and those who use them):
1. I will lead the review the actions I am 1. Those responsible for delivering Wrap up all learning in a review
relationship with the taking with me at against them will feel they are session with manager by mid June.
manager from the fortnightly one-to-one realistic and relevant
Centre of Expertise meetings 2. They will be used with positive
for Learning and As an input to the whole outcomes.
Development. A key process, I will also need
part of this will be to make sure I have a I will feel confident about this activity in the
agreeing a plan for final copy of the agreed future.
their input, that aligns Technology and HR
with the Technology business plans for this
business plan for the year once they are
next 12 months completed.
2. I will work with my
specific customer
groups to agree local
HR plans that align
with their
business plans.
Adapting to become an HR To ensure I fully I need to gain time with I gain access to the OD Meeting with OD consultant/
Business Partner in the understand the new the OD consultant consultant and job description, access to new job description
organisation: role, I will seek initially and have further discussion by mid May
The company is in opportunities to I will need to gain access about both to understand them Mini-development plan in
the process of further provide further input to to this role profile, and I produce a further mini- place by end May and
evolving their HR designing what it will will ask for this when I development plan that focuses reviewed in October
model, to drive look like. I have meet with the OD on skills/behaviour areas I will Share the anticipated
further line already attended one consultant need to hone changes with customer group
management meeting where we I will discuss this with my Feedback from my customers by beginning June and
accountability for day shared ideas as a manager in ongoing one- show that managers have a arrange any development
to day issues (eg, group. I will now set to-one meetings basic appreciation, and are training over the next six
disciplinary, up a session with the As HR/Business comfortable with, the way the HR months
absence), greater Organisation Design Planning objective model is progressing Feedback session with
employee self- consultant working on above. In recognition of the greater manager to review overall
service and an HR the redesign project to responsibility for day-to-day progress in October
telephone based discuss the changes management by managers/ Support colleagues
service centre to further individuals, relevant forms of ongoing.
back this up Review the role profile development for them are agreed
The HR Account for the new Business with them and put in place
Manager role will Partner role when Feedback from my manager and
become more completed, and agree other senior HR managers
strategic, and further mini-development suggests that they are
based around senior objectives with my comfortable I am working in line
management manager against with the changing model
coaching. elements of it that I feel I am able to support more junior
will be a stretch for me colleagues in making the
Consider how to transition.
interact with customers
now to begin them
working in a way that
aligns with their greater
devolved HR role
Progressing my
development objective
around HR/Business
Planning (above), will
also support more
strategic working.
Developing others: Continue mentoring my This requires Salomes I continue mentoring Salome, Mentor Salome ongoing for
Continue working on current current mentee, continuing interest in the and we both find the relationship next nine months. Review
learning around managing/ developing the mentoring relationship valuable. To measure this, I will our relationship and
developing others in an relationship further I need to set some time arrange a specific feedback (to successes, in a structured
ongoing capacity ie, Make my manager aside with my manager eachother) session way, with her in nine months
mentoring, line management. aware that I would to talk with him further I can articulate how I have time
This is about helping welcome any other about what I am looking helped Salome meet her Ensure my manager knows
others to reach line management to achieve, and what sort personal goals my interest in management
longer term goals, in opportunities for of opportunities I feel My manager understands my by beginning of June
addition to the sort of example, if a graduate could be relevant interest in management, and if Arrange a mentor by end
coaching already were seconded into the I would like to set up a opportunities do not arise, they September
used with managers team. Take steps to discussion with my are captured in the annual HR Meeting with friend by
about specific topics, proactively influence manager before succession planning exercise beginning of June.
issues etc this progressing this idea I have reviewed getting myself a
This will also touch Consider whom within further, to consider mentor, and have set this up. I
on setting the business I could potential mentors, and have discussed my goals with my
objectives/goals and approach to be a how I would use this mentor
managing mentor to me. This relationship I meet with my friend to talk
performance against would allow me to talk I just need to set the about her experiences of moving
them. to them about their session up with my into management, and reflect on
experiences of man friend. what I can learn from her
management, as well experiences.
as considering and
learning from the way
they work with me
when mentoring
Arrange time with a
friend who has recently
moved into a people
management role to
ask her about
challenges she has
faced, what advice she
would give, and what
she thinks I need to
consider developing.