CIPD Profession Map
CIPD Profession Map
CIPD Profession Map
Profession Map
The new Profession Map sets the international benchmark for the people profession. Use it to make better
decisions, act with confidence, perform at your peak, drive change in your organisation and progress in your
career. No matter who you are in the profession, whether you’re a CIPD member or not, the new Profession
Map is relevant to you.
The new Profession Map includes areas relevant to all people professionals (purpose and values, knowledge
and behaviours), and optional areas dependent upon your role (specialist knowledge).
About the levels
The new Profession Map identifies four different impact levels and details the knowledge and behaviours required to
excel at each of them. This means you can see exactly what it takes to make a positive contribution, whether you’re a
senior leader, a dedicated specialist or just starting out in your field.
The Standards help you understand the knowledge and behaviours that will enable you to be your best – regardless of
whether you move through the levels, or develop and excel at one particular level.
As you move through the levels, the nature of your work becomes more strategic, the way you use information
changes, and the extent to which you influence and impact others increases.
Foundation level
Your work is likely to be tactical, and focused on the day-to-day delivery of tasks. You’ll gather information to use in
your role, and use information to understand your work, organisation and profession.
You’ll work with and deliver immediate and short-term outcomes for your manager, colleagues and customers.
The Foundation level is not aligned to any grade of CIPD professional membership.
Associate level
Your work will usually be operational, with some complexity. You’ll contribute to the thinking around your work, and
analyse information to inform your choices and actions.
You’ll work with and influence immediate colleagues and customers, though your work will create short-term value for
a wider audience.
Core knowledge
The necessary knowledge for experts
in people, work and change
We’ve defined six areas of knowledge required to drive change, create value and make a positive impact in the world
of work.
Built on the latest research and insights, the core knowledge areas represent the theory underpinning the people
profession, identified through academic research and input from across the profession. They set out everything you
need to know to be an effective practitioner, regardless of your role, sector or specialism.
People practice
Understanding the range of people practices needed to be an effective people professional.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
That an organisation is a
How people practices impact How to apply models of How systemic approaches
whole system, and that your
on behaviour, culture, systemic thinking to a range of contribute to organisation
work and actions have an
systems and structures people practices performance
impact elsewhere
Different models of
How to use an understanding
organisation behaviour (eg How to use models of
of organisation behaviour to
team performance; group organisation behaviour to
N/A create value for people and
dynamics; systems theory; diagnose and address
improve organisation
high performance organisation challenges
organisations theory)
Different theories about How to use an understanding
human behaviour (eg Models and theories of human of human behaviour to
decision-making theory, behaviour, and how to use improve organisation
nudge theory, self- them to shape people performance and deliver value
determination theory, practices that deliver value for people within and beyond
neuroscience) the organisation
Business acumen
Understanding your organisation, the commercial context and the wider world of work.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
The connections between your
How the organisation’s strategy
The products and/or organisation’s strategy and the
translates to your work, and how Your organisation’s long term
services your organisation people strategy, and the range
to use data relating to products, vision and strategy, and what it
delivers, and who its main of products, services and
services and customers to provide means for the people strategy
customers are customers the organisation
insight into people solutions
How the different issues in the The ecosystem your
Your organisation’s current
The key business issues in organisation are connected, and organisation operates within,
priorities, and the issues and
your area of work different techniques to understand and how to anticipate long term
causes associated with them
the underlying causes issues and their possible effects
How external influences and
The different external trends - How your organisation is
The key external trends impact organisation
such as social, economic, responding to different trends in
influences that impact your performance, and potential
technological - which impact your sector which impact its
organisation future trends in your sector and
your organisation performance
What good people practice looks What leading practice looks like
What good practice looks like
What good practice looks like in a range of organisations, across the profession, and how
in your area of the people
like in your organisation and how to test new people to contribute to the profession's
practices knowledge base
Your organisation's position in
How external factors and the Specific drivers of competitive
The things that make a the marketplace, different
people strategy can make a advantage for your organisation,
difference to performance models of competition, and how
difference to your and the people risks and
in your area of work to enhance competitive
organisation’s performance opportunities they present
How to interpret your
Your organisation's financial External and internal factors that
How your organisation organisation's performance data,
and non-financial measures of shape short and long term
measures its performance identify people risks and mitigating
performance business performance
How to make common
How to contribute to business
calculations (eg How to interpret financial How to represent the value of
performance by reviewing and
percentages, averages) statements, track costs, and people in different ways (eg
forecasting spend relating to your
and interpret basic forecast spend in your work skills, profit, capability, cost)
area of work
financial information
Different forms of strategy
What your organisation's How to develop a people plan
How your work connects with development, how to create an
goals are, and why it’s (review, develop insight, align with
and supports wider people and organisation-wide people
important for organisations organisation strategy, create
organisation strategies strategy, and shape the
to plan proposals)
business strategy
The role and purpose of The role and purpose of How to influence and shape
The role and purpose of governance, its structure in governance, its structure in your governance, its structure in your
governance in your your area of work, and the area of work, and the broader area of work, and the broader
organisation broader regulatory regulatory environment you work regulatory environment you work
environment you work in in in
How to select and manage
How to manage relationships How to determine the right
The suppliers and partner suppliers and partner
with suppliers and partner supply and partner models that
organisations that support organisations, how to ensure
organisations, and how to fit the people approach, and
your area of work value for money, and different
choose them ensure value for money
supply models
How your own work creates a
The broader purpose of your
The different ways work better quality of work for How purposeful work drives
organisation in society, and how
benefits individuals and others, and how your productivity and enhances
organisations can create
society organisation contributes organisation brand
opportunities to improve society
towards society
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
How to assess the quality
What evidence-based The four types of evidence and relevance of evidence
How to build organisation
practice is, and the different used in decision-making, and available, by identifying
capability and systems to enable
steps and types of evidence how to identify and acquire sources of bias and using
evidence-based practice
used sources of evidence evidence-based questioning
Digital working
Understanding the digital environment and how to apply technology in a people context.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Emerging technologies which
What technology is available in How to use technology to
can improve the people
The range of technology that is your area of the people support the delivery of people
proposition, and how to
used in the people profession profession and its impact on practices, and improve the
integrate with wider
your work worker experience
organisation technologies
Understanding how to effectively enable change.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Core behaviours
Explore the defining behaviours
of our profession
The eight core behaviours represent a significant shift for people professionals. With a greater focus on ethical and
evidence-based decision-making, they empower you to create value for people, organisations, society and our
Certain ways of thinking and acting should be universal and consistent, even in new and challenging situations. These
are the behaviours it takes to be an effective people professional, identified through academic research and feedback
from across the profession.
Ethical practice
Building trust by role-modelling ethical behaviour, and applying principles and values consistently in decision-making.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Make responsible decisions by Make responsible decisions by
Make responsible choices
Consider how professional considering different ethical balancing different ethical
about your work, applying
principles and values perspectives, and finding the perspectives, and shape how
professional principles and
inform your approach best possible way forward for all ethics inform wider decision-
stakeholders making and governance
Consider the purpose and Coach and influence managers Coach and influence senior
Take responsibility for your implications of actions, and leaders to consider the leaders to consider the ethical
actions decisions and people practices implications of their decisions on impact of their decisions in the
for all stakeholders stakeholders short and long term
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Provide information Communicate key information Communicate with impact, and Take a visible lead in
accurately and in a timely in a clear and engaging way to make complex things clear, to progressing difficult issues for
way influence others enable a way forward the benefit of the organisation
Take steps to engage regularly Proactively develop and sustain Build and leverage a network of
Initiate purposeful
with key stakeholders to relationships with key relationships with current and
conversations with a range
understand their preferred stakeholders to inform how you future influencers and
of people
approach and needs influence them stakeholders
Valuing people
Creating a shared purpose and enabling people development, voice and well-being.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Demonstrate compassion,
Treat people fairly and Model compassion, humanity and
Empathise with others humanity and fairness in your
considerately in your work fairness as a leader
Enable others to develop Enable managers and leaders to Promote and encourage career-
Support others to develop
skills and capabilities to be support others to be their best at long learning to build organisation
and be their best
their best at work work capability and benefit society
Take into account the well- Promote the business and people Engage organisations in creating
Consider the well-being of
being of others in the design benefits of well-being and a healthy work culture that
and delivery of your work integrate into your work enables well-being
Working inclusively
Working and collaborating across boundaries, effectively and inclusively, to achieve positive outcomes.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Get to know people as Role-model and advocate the Foster an inclusive culture which
Show sensitivity and respect
individuals so you can work value of including others and unites people, whatever their
to others
together more effectively embracing difference differences
Handle difficult situations Support others to resolve Coach and enable others to Coach and influence senior
calmly and contribute to conflict and build trust before resolve conflict and build trust leaders to build trust and
finding a way forward issues escalate within teams and functions cohesion
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Demonstrate a proactive
Demonstrate a proactive Enable own and others' Demonstrate a strong
approach to developing
approach to developing your continuous professional commitment to the development
your professional
professional knowledge, development using a range of of people professionals and the
knowledge, skills and
skills and experience methods wider people profession
Insights focused
Asking questions and evaluating evidence and ideas, to create insight and understand the whole.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Take a disciplined and open-
Take a systemic approach in
Ask questions to Ask questions to explore minded approach to
understanding and framing
understand problems or issues and understand understand and define
emerging organisation and
issues underlying causes organisation issues and their
sector issues
root causes
Situational decision-making
Making effective and pragmatic decisions or choices based on the specific situation or context.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Make complex and timely
Apply agreed procedures Solve problems and make Make well-judged decisions by
decisions in line with available
and policies and available choices by applying considering all available
evidence, the strategic context
sources of evidence to make evidence relevant to the evidence in the context of the
and professional values when
choices specific situation specific situation
there are unknowns
Adapt your approach and Adapt your decisions and Anticipate and identify key
Be open to new information choices in light of new practices to take account of changes in the organisation
and changing circumstances information or changing changes to the business environment, and evolve people
circumstances environment strategy to take account of these
Commercial drive
Using a commercial mindset, demonstrating drive and enabling change to create value.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Continuously build a strong Continuously build a deep
Show a keen interest in the Demonstrate curiosity about
understanding of the sector, understanding of the business
organisation, its goals, its how the organisation generates
the organisation’s business model and external context to
performance and external revenue, its strategy, and how
model, and where value is anticipate future risks and
influences people contribute to its success
created and lost issues
Specialist knowledge
Discover the broad range of specialisms within
the people profession
No matter what level you’re at, the specialist knowledge areas show you how to apply your expertise to make a
positive impact.
The people profession is a broad spectrum of opportunities. We’ve outlined nine specialist disciplines across HR,
L&D, OD&D and beyond. If you work in one of these areas or want to deepen your expertise for your own
development, this is where you can explore career paths and plot your progress through your chosen areas of
Employee experience
Creating a holistic approach around engagement and well-being which enables workers to have a voice and be their
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Different elements of
Your organisation’s How to design an integrated The impact of onboarding on the
onboarding and how to
onboarding approaches onboarding programme employer brand
administer them
The different approaches The factors which impact How different approaches to well-
The benefits of proactive and
to and activities around well-being at work and how being create strategic value for
reactive well-being approaches
well-being in your to create well-being workers, the organisation and
for workers and the organisation
organisation interventions for workers society
People policies that impact How to assess the impact of How to shape people policy How to integrate worker
the worker experience in people policies on the worker frameworks that positively experience into wider policy
your organisation experience impact the worker experience frameworks
Employee relations
Ensuring the relationship between an organisation and its people is managed through transparent practices and
relevant law.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Your organisation’s How employee bodies work Different types of employee body How to shape strategic
recognised employee and how to work with relationships (eg radical, unitarist, employee body relationships (eg
bodies and the role they representatives on individual pluralist) and how they impact social contract, pluralist
play cases organisations approach)
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Your organisation’s How to carry out your How to use insights regarding
How to assess organisation
monitoring and reporting organisation’s monitoring diversity and inclusion compliance
compliance of diversity and
requirements for diversity and reporting requirements to assess risk and shape
and inclusion for diversity and inclusion organisation priorities
Factors which can positively How to create an inclusive The value organisations place on
What is meant by creating
or negatively impact culture where all individuals feel inclusivity and the value it creates
an inclusive environment
inclusive environments supported to work at their best for organisations
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
How to create a learning
Why continuing How to support others with their The value of learning cultures and
culture that supports
professional development continuing professional how they can support organisation
continuing professional
is important development growth
How to lead the creation and How to define the strategy, policy,
How to create, co-create and
How to organise and curation of content that can be governance and legal
curate content with subject
present content to support stored, searched, accessed, requirements for content creation
matter experts to meet learning
effective learning linked and used to create to support organisation learning
meaningful learning narratives and strategic goals
Theories and methods that How to design learning using How to assess learner
The links between learner
underpin effective learner theories and methods that engagement and learning transfer
engagement, learning
engagement, learning transfer maximise learner engagement, and its impact on the learning
transfer and impact
and impact learning transfer and impact strategy
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
People analytics
Using analytics to inform organisation decision-making.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
How to conduct research design How to conduct research How to shape research design
How to carry out basic
and select from a range of design and select from a range using innovations in practice to
quantitative research
qualitative and quantitative of qualitative and quantitative effectively analyse organisation
techniques to address issues techniques to address issues problems
Identifying, attracting and assessing to get the right people for the organisation.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Workforce planning How workforce planning How to use workforce planning How to integrate strategic workforce
approaches in your impacts the resourcing data to inform resourcing planning with the resourcing
organisation agenda approaches strategy
Different approaches to
Different methods and Different sourcing How to integrate sourcing
candidate pipelines, and how to
techniques to search for approaches for passive approaches into the overall
assess the value of different
candidates candidates resourcing strategy
sourcing channels
Creating remuneration and benefits approaches which are aligned to current and future organisation needs and
market conditions.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Your organisation’s reward How to design reward How to create a reward strategy
Your organisation’s
packages and approaches, approaches to attract, motivate which attracts, motivates and
approaches to reward
and how to administer them and retain workers retains workers
The links between reward How people and organisation How business performance How business performance
and performance in your performance can impact the impacts and informs approaches impacts and informs approaches
organisation approach to reward to reward design to reward strategy
Talent management
Maximising potential through talent identification, engagement and planning.
Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
Your organisation’s Different approaches to Psychological, motivation and
approach to defining, defining, developing and engagement tools, and how to How to align the talent agenda
developing and retaining retaining talent on an retain talent through differentiated to sector requirements
talent individual and group level talent offerings
Your organisation’s
How to use talent pools in partner How talent pools in partner
The benefits of talent pools approach to using talent
organisations to contribute to organisations create long term
in partner organisations pools in partner
organisation performance value
Workforce planning How to gather people data to How to integrate wider people data How to use strategic workforce
approaches in your inform workforce planning to create workforce planning planning to support and drive
organisation approaches approaches organisation performance