Parent Handbook Nursery Branch 2017 - 2018

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Nursery Branch


We are a progressive and dynamic group of children, teachers,

parents and staff whose efforts are joined to promote a quality
educational experience for our students. Our commitment to this
is reflected in AMIs many activities and programs in which
parents and other community members are deeply involved. We
hope that more and more parents will contribute and join us in
our increasing pride in The AMI School.

This is the 2016-2017 edition of the Parent Handbook. It

provides all necessary information about the school activities,
programs and practices. This should be saved for reference
throughout the school year.

School timings .............................. 3
Dress code .......... 3
Grooming code ......... 4
Health and hygiene ....... 4
Lice and Nits ........................ 4
Bags ............... 5
Stationary ...................... 5
Snacks ..................... 5
Labels ............ 5
Reporting to parents .................. 5
Assessments ............ 6
Calendars ...................... 6
Attendance ......... 6
Late comings ....................... 6
Emergency numbers ............ 7
Homework/class work review .......... 7
Staying after school ................. 7
Holidays .............. 7
Bulk SMS ............................... 7
Birthdays and parties .................... 7
School property ........... 8
Co-curricular activities ........... 8
Deposit refund .................. ........... 8
Library .............. 8
Parking ............. 9
Field trips .................. 9
Drives and campaigns ............. 9
Parents involvement ........... 9
Parent Assistance Board ........ 9
Visits .................. 10
Social events ......... 10
IT Education.. ............ 10
Immunization ....... 10
Communicable diseases ......... 10
Emergency treatment .................... 11
Traffic arrangements ........... 11
Location map ............ 12


School timings:
New admissions will follow the timings given by the school office.
Regular timings of the school are given below:
Monday to Thursday
Pre-Nursery 9:00 a.m 11:45 a.m
Nursery 9:00 a.m 11:45 a.m
KG I - KG II 8:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m
Class I - II 8:30 a.m - 1:15 p.m
Friday timings are:
Pre-Nursery 9:00 a.m 12:00 noon
Nursery 9:00 a.m 12:00 noon
KG I Class II 8:30 a.m - 12:00 noon
Children will not be allowed to leave with unauthorized agents or
persons not previously introduced by the parents.

Dress code:-
As Pre-Nursery / Nursery children do not have a uniform, they are
expected to dress in neat, clean and simple clothes.
Underwear/panty is compulsory and must be worn every day. A
written application must be sent to school office incase any other
shoes and clothes beside the school uniform are being used.
Please do not allow your children to bring any valuable items to
school. From KG-1 onwards, uniform is compulsory. The school
uniform is available at Ghanis (Tariq Road).

Uniform description is as follows:-

For Girls: (KG I to class II)
A white blouse with the school logo on the pocket, navy blue pleated
knee length skirt shorts, white cotton socks and black school shoes.
Navy blue jacket and plain white tights will be used in winter.

For Boys: (KG I to class II)

White half-sleeved shirt with the school logo on the pocket, navy
blue shorts, white cotton socks and black school shoes. Navy blue
trousers and jackets are to be used in winter.

Black school shoes (model nos.) available at Bata:-
For boys: 321-6042 or 321-6074.
For girls: 351 6094 or 351-6068

Games uniform
From class I onwards, a separate uniform for games is compulsory.
This comprises of plain white trousers, a plain white T-shirt and
plain white joggers.

Dress for art and clay modelling: An over sized T-shirt should be
sent to the school for art and clay modelling classes. Whenever this
T-shirt is sent back for washing, it should be returned the next day.

Grooming code:
All students are expected to come to school simply but neatly.
Nails are to be kept short and clean.
Girls are not allowed to apply nail polish, wear makeup or
jewellery except a pair of small hoop earrings or studs in the ears.
Girls with long hair should tie it in a neat plait or ponytail making
sure that hair does not fall on their face. Boys should keep their
hair short and tidy.

Health and hygiene

A check for proper uniform, clean short nails and tidy hair is
conducted every week and warnings are issued to children. Children
are not allowed to attend classes and sent back home if any of these
problems persist.

Lice and Nits

Head lice and nits spread rapidly and need to be contained
immediately. A daily check for this is done at school and
warnings are issued for parents to ensure that the hair is
completely free of lice and nits by the given date. Incase, this is
not done, the students are sent back home and not allowed to
attend classes. These students are made to sit separately till
they are picked up by the parents. Parent support and
cooperation is essential to provide a clean and healthy
environment at school as well as minimize the effects such
problems have on childrens personality and social acceptance.
KG I onwards children are required to bring bags. Books and copies
are provided by school.
All stationary items from Pre-Nursery to KG II are provided by the
school. From class I onwards students are to bring simple stationary
boxes with the specified stationary items.
A light and easily managed snack and drinking water should be
given to the child for snack time. However, mineral water is
available for refills.
We request you to send healthy, home made snacks such as nuggets,
sandwiches, plain cakes with fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. Kindly do
not send junk food such as chips, sweets, chocolates, coke, etc. A
little trouble taken over this will ensure a healthy diet and good
eating habits which are essential in the development of a healthy
mind and body.
All items of clothing, lunch boxes, bags and water bottles should be
labelled with the childs full name. Permanent markers or nail
polishes should be used for this purpose. Please make sure that no
unlabelled item is brought to the school, as it causes unnecessary
confusion and worry.
Important: Trolley bags and water bottles without straps are not
Reporting to parents:
Student progress is formally reported to parents by written reports
and through parent/teacher conferences at school. For class I and II
a daily record of work done in the class and H.W. given is
maintained through the diary. This must be checked and signed
regularly by the parents. Writing by parents in diaries or copies
is strictly not allowed. New diary or copy has to be purchased if
this is done even once. Parents can attached or send notes if
there is a need to communicate with the teacher. Parents may
schedule conferences at any time by making arrangements in

advance with the Office Incharge. Written reports are sent home
with children in December from KG I onwards and with Nursery
children in May only.

Regular assessments are held throughout the year. If your child
attends school regularly, he/she will have no problems. Promotions
are based not only on assessments but on the overall academic

Class calendar:
Class calendars are issued on a monthly basis.

School calendar:
The school activity calendar is issued at the beginning of each school


Absent for one day, the child must bring a note of excuse the next

Absent for a longer period, the school office must be informed

immediately. On joining the school a leave application must be sent
with the child. Incase of sickness, doctors certificate should be
provided when the child returns.
If the child is absent for more than one week without prior written
permission or information, the admission of the child can be
cancelled. Less than 80% attendance is unacceptable and will effect
promotion to next grade. Therefore, leaves must be kept to a
minimum throughout the academic year.
A written note is needed if the parents want to send their children
with some one else or get them picked-up earlier.

Late comings
Only Three (3) late comings in a month are permitted. After that all
late comers are sent back without exception.
Emergency numbers:
A current home, office and emergency telephone number (or
numbers) or alternative method of contact (e.g., neighbour) must be
on file at the school. It is the parents responsibility to update this
information IMMEDIATELY when changes occur.

Homework/Class work review:

At the Nursery & KG level, homework is only given if the teacher
feels it is necessary for the child to repeat the work done in the class.
A brief review of work done in class will be sent to you every month.
Please monitor any homework given by the teacher.
Class- I onwards, regular homework is given. For class I, a weekly
review sheet is sent home. From class II onwards, a daily record of
work is kept in the homework diary.

Staying after school:

Children are expected to go home immediately upon dismissal from
school. The school does not accept the responsibility for
children coming and leaving the school half an hour earlier or
later than the school timings. If a teacher wants a child to stay
back, parents will be notified.

The school closes on all declared national holidays. To avoid
confusion, please remember that the school will remain open if
holiday notice does not appear in newspapers and media.

The bulk SMS service is used to inform the parents about

unscheduled school closure. School holidays are marked in the
annual school calendar issued at the beginning of each year.

Birthdays and Parties:

The child can come in a party dress on such occasions. We would be
happy to share these days with the child, but please make prior
arrangements with the Office Incharge for arranging to either share
a cake with the class or distribute healthy snacks. Please do not send
ready-made birthday packs of sweets, gum, candy, supari, etc.

School Property:
All material, however small, must remain in school. If a child, by
mistake, takes a small item home, it should be returned to the school
immediately. Please see that the school T-shirts / shirts / trousers
and shorts are also returned immediately. If copies or textbooks are
lost or damaged, then the cost of the item with a heavy fine is
charged. Kindly inform the school office immediately, if any of the
above-mentioned items are lost.

Co-curricular activities:
The school believes that all such activities not only provide the
much needed breaks in the routine school days but also teach the
vital life skills which are essential for being really educated. These
include games, music, drama/movement, library, computers and art.

Apart from these regular co-curricular activities, events such as the

sports day, concert, fun fair are organized every year.


Deposit Refund:
a. For students completing the academic year, a written notice must
be submitted before 15th June for the refund of the security deposit.
b. For students leaving the school in-between the academic year, a
months notice in writing is essential. A notice received after the
student has left the school will not be accepted and no refund will
be made.
c. Leaving Certificates are issued only when all dues have been paid.
d. Entries in the Leaving Certificates are strictly in accordance with
the particulars given at the time of admission and will not be
changed on request or on presentation of a new birth certificate.

A library system has been working successfully in the school. Books
are issued regularly and are expected to be
brought back on time. In case of loss or damage,
the book should be replaced or the original price
of the book plus a fine has to be paid.
We request your cooperation in organizing the traffic outside the
school at drop and pickup times. Traffic should not be blocked in
any way by parked cars. School guards and CPLC-NC guard,
employed by the school, are responsible for ensuring this during
school hours. Please instruct drivers to park correctly and get the
child safely to the car and the school.


Field trips:
Field trips (educational & recreational) are considered a part of the
school program and are therefore, compulsory. Prior to a trip, the
child must return a permission slip signed by the parent. Children
who do not return signed permission slips are not allowed to
participate in the trip.

Drives and campaign:

Drives are undertaken each year to support community help based
programs. Children are encouraged to participate and help in
anyway they can. It is our expectation that parents will display a
positive and responsible attitude in order to help build better

Parents involvement:
It is a do-it-yourself school and relies on parent volunteers to
remain healthy and growing. Volunteering parents, who give their
time to provide this resource for our school, are wonderful role-
models of active community involvement for their children.

Volunteer opportunities include serving on a school committee,

assisting the teacher with special events or classroom needs,
coordinating or working at an all-school festival and helping in fund
raising activities.

Parent Assistance Board

The parent Assistant Board comprises of 10 members and has a two
year tenure. The board works towards developing a more involved
parent community by arranging different events like seminars, get-
togethers and presentations. It also helps and supports the school in
expanding its facilities through fund raising activities and drives.

Visits by people with special talents, experts and social workers are
organized regularly to bring interest and enrichment in the projects
taken up by different classes throughout the school year.

Social events:
These are held throughout the year to celebrate different events,
occasions and festivals that include year-end party, spring (Basant),
earth day, fun days and eid parties.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT):

A well-equipped computer lab ensures the learning of necessary IT
skills, for our students.

The Fourth R, Pakistan, an international franchise provides

approved and certified courseware and internationally recognized
certificates for the students.
Full- time IT teachers, trained by Fourth R, Pakistan look after the
computer lab.


Complete immunization record must be supplied at the time of
admission. A photocopy of this record should preferably be
submitted at the time of admission.

Communicable Diseases:
In order to prevent the spread of infection, please keep your child at
home when he/she has any of the following:-

Earache Vomiting Sorethroat

Fever Diarrhoea Eye infections
Skin Eruptions Mumps Chickenpox
Head lice Measles German Measles
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PLEASE report such illnesses and resulting absences to school at
once. Others in your childs class can then be notified to watch for

Emergency treatment:
Incase of accident or illness, parents are notified immediately. First
Aid is given if needed. An accident/sickness report is sent with the


Traffic arrangements
For keeping the traffic in control, ensuring the safety of
the children and minimizing the inconvenience caused to
the people living in the vicinity of the schools, a traffic
program has been successfully running at the Nursery/
Junior branches. We are very grateful for your support
and cooperation that is necessary for the smooth
running of the program.

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AMI Daycare &
Nursery Branch: Junior Branch: Senior Branch:
32/E, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., 32-D, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., 32-G, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Learning Centre:
Off Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi. Off Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi. Off Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi. 32-1/D, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S.,
Tel No: 34314121 Tel No: 34549826 Tel Nos: 34150771, 34150772 Off Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi.
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail: Tel Nos: 34527107, 34554912
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