Global: CDC Health Strategy

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CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................. 2

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 4
Background and Context..............................................................................................................................4

Future of Global Health................................................................................................................................4

CDC Global Health Vision, Mission, and Principles............................................................. 4

CDC Global Health Goals, Objectives, and Strategies....................................................... 5

Goal 1 - Health Impact: Save lives, improve health outcomes, and foster healthy populations

Goal 2 – Health Security: Protect Americans and populations across the globe
by strengthening global public health prevention, detection, and response................................... 7

Goal 3 - Public Health Science Leadership: Lead and influence the advancement
of global public health science and practice......................................................................................... 10

Achieving More through Partnership...................................................................................13

Conclusion................................................................................................................................ 14

Annex – Evidence of CDC’s Impact in Global Health........................................................15

Early Detection and Effective Responses to Outbreaks...................................................................... 15

Strategic Partnerships................................................................................................................................. 16

Leveraging Surveillance and Data............................................................................................................ 19

Research, Innovation and Technology.................................................................................................... 20

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

CDC Global Health Strategy
At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic substantially affects all Americans, CDC’s commitment to our
vision to create a world where all people – in the United States and around the globe – live healthier,
safer and longer lives is more essential than ever. CDC’s mission to protect the American people from
health threats, through direct response and partnering with countries around the world to strengthen
their ability to respond to infectious disease threats, is unwavering. As the lead U.S. Government (USG)
agency dedicated to the health and safety of the American people, and the lead technical global public
health agency for the US, CDC works 24/7 worldwide to reduce morbidity and mortality and safeguard
communities by addressing global health threats. Achieving this vision requires that CDC draw upon its
superior scientific and technical expertise, innovation, and research to address known infectious disease
threats, new and emerging threats such as SARS-CoV-2, and prepare for the inevitable next global
public health threat, whether naturally occurring or man-made.
CDC understands the importance of the trust placed in the science and technical leadership of the
agency to keep Americans safe from public health threats both domestically and abroad. The COVID-19
pandemic has far-reaching social and economic impacts, including disruption of essential healthcare
services and interruption of life-saving public health programs such as those focused on preventing
death and disability from measles, polio, malaria, HIV, TB, and other high burden diseases. CDC
recognizes the need to remain focused on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as a critical partner
in a whole of government approach, while mitigating the long-term impacts on public health systems
by planning for recovery and resiliency now. CDC has a critical leadership role as the global public
health enterprise focuses on transformational shifts in how we protect the population from public health
threats. This effort requires innovation, expansion of strong partnerships, and the timely application of
lessons learned from our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CDC Core Technical Strengths

CDC’s global health strategy is built around the agency’s core strengths: scientific leadership and
expertise, development of a public health workforce, laboratory capacity and innovation, and data
analytics to drive impact. CDC’s unique expertise in using public health data to inform decisions and
establishing systems for emergency operations and response provides collaborations that strengthen
global health security. In addition, CDC has deep technical expertise in disease-specific areas,
operational research, implementation and evaluation of public health programs, building public health
infrastructure, and provision of technical assistance through partnerships with Ministries of Health
(MOHs), other public health institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector
industries. As the lead agency for domestic public health, CDC is uniquely positioned to facilitate and
leverage scientific knowledge and expertise across domestic and global public health programs and
emergency responses. CDC experts and international CDC-trained public health specialists provide
the critical, well-trained workforce needed to respond to existing disease outbreaks and to prepare for
future threats. CDC’s forward-deployed staff are America’s first line of defense to protect Americans’
health when infectious disease outbreaks erupt around the world and respond to disease threats
wherever they occur.

CDC’s global health mission is to improve
The CDC aspires to create a world where people
and protect the health, safety, and security
– in the United States and around the globe –
of Americans while reducing morbidity and
live healthier, safer, and longer lives.
mortality worldwide.

***CDC’s Global Health Strategy Executive Summary was updated in January 2021, incorporating the COVID19
response and preparing for the next pandemic. A full updated Global Health Strategy is coming in 2022.
CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1 - Health Security: Goal 2 – Health Impact: Goal 3 - Public Health
Protect Americans and Save lives, improve health Science Leadership: Lead
populations across the outcomes, and foster healthy the advancement of global
globe by strengthening populations globally public health science and
global public health Objective 2.1: Reduce the practice and serve as a
prevention, detection, and morbidity and mortality of high leading source of credible
response burden diseases and conditions scientific information
Objective 1.1: Strengthen the Objective 2.2: Eliminate and Objective 3.1: Develop and
capacity to prevent and detect eradicate priority diseases and apply global public health
disease outbreaks and other other public health threats scientific, laboratory, and
public health threats programmatic expertise
Objective 1.2: Strengthen Objective 3.2: Translate and
the capacity for timely and disseminate evidence-based
effective response to disease research and data into global
outbreaks and other public health guidance, policy, and
health threats programs
Objective 1.3: Strengthen Objective 3.3: Drive innovation
the capacity to build resilient to accelerate new, more
public health systems to effective tools, products,
protect and secure essential strategies, and technologies
healthcare services Objective 3.4 Promote and
ensure health equity as a central
tenet across public health
science, program and policy

Pillars of CDC’s Global Health Strategy


CDC serves as a leading source CDC fosters health diplomacy CDC takes seriously its
of credible scientific information, in coordination with other U.S. responsibility to be a good
demonstrated record of trailblazing Government agencies through steward of resources by
science, evidence-based decision- its longstanding bilateral and demonstrating impact on
making and action, global reference multilateral partnerships, leading public health priorities,
laboratories for emerging and engagement with the private establishing and strengthening
diseases of pandemic potential, sector, and ongoing collaborations sustainable country, regional
and an experienced workforce that with academic institutions and and international public health
is comprised of experts in their foundations. CDC maximizes systems, reducing the economic
fields. Our workforce is available the agency’s unique role impact of disease outbreaks
to address the most urgent global while leveraging these diverse globally, and building lasting
public health threats. partnerships to achieve measurable capacity for countries to address
health impact around the world. current and future health needs.


CDC leverages the latest technologies and advanced CDC helps to eliminate health disparities and achieve
analytics to accelerate public health impact. CDC optimal health for all. CDC addresses health equity
develops new medical countermeasures, diagnostics, and reaches those in greatest need through its
laboratory and data platforms, and explores new ways to global programs, research, tools and resources, and
innovate across its global health portfolio by identifying leadership.
unique models of collaboration and partnerships.
CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Background and Context
Since the establishment of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1946, the
agency’s global health work has grown in scale, scope, and complexity to address evolving public health
challenges and emerging threats around the world. With an initial focus on malaria elimination in the
United States, CDC’s leadership and engagement expanded over time to address a range of diseases and
conditions, improve global health preparedness and security, and enhance science-based knowledge and
In today’s interconnected world, a disease threat anywhere is a disease threat everywhere. From a global
health perspective, domestic and international health are inseparable; no one country can safeguard
the health of its citizens in isolation from the rest of the world. In order to protect our communities at
home, traveling, living, and working abroad – including armed services personnel deployed overseas –
CDC works with international partners to stop public health threats at their source. CDC drives change
to make a lasting public health impact, mitigate health threats and help ensure stability to protect
Americans and foster safe, secure, and healthy societies worldwide.

Future of Global Health

A health threat anywhere is a health threat everywhere in this increasingly globalized world; therefore,
public health is at a crossroads and CDC is adapting and innovating to meet the new challenges. These
new range of health challenges are tied to global production of food and medicine, an increase in global
travel, more frequent and severe weather events, and a steady rise in the world’s population. Outbreaks
from Ebola to novel Influenza are increasingly identified in places not seen before. An aging population
means people are living longer with chronic diseases, which are more costly and complicated to treat.
The growing proportion of young people in sub-Saharan Africa, who will be at risk of exposure to HIV,
threatens gains made in hard-won declines in new HIV infections.
Additionally, with innovations from the private sector and an increase in academic institutions and non-
profit organizations implementing global health programs, CDC must not only collaborate with these
organizations but also continuously bring new approaches and efficiencies to CDC’s work around the
world to deliver its public health mission in the most effective way.
The purpose of this strategy is to articulate CDC’s unique global role in public health. As the lead
public health agency for the United States and a renowned global organization, CDC continues to make
measurable, sustained progress in the highest impact areas, based on burden of disease evaluations, the
likelihood of producing positive effects, and an awareness of the economic implications of public health
action, for a range of future and ongoing public health threats.

CDC Global Health Vision, Mission, and Principles

The CDC aspires to create a world where people – in the United States and around the globe – live
healthier, safer, and longer lives. As the lead U.S. Government (USG) agency dedicated to the health
and safety of the American people, CDC works 24/7 worldwide to reduce morbidity and mortality
and safeguard communities by addressing global health threats before they affect the United States.
Achieving this vision requires that CDC draws upon its scientific and technical expertise, innovation, and
research to address known and emerging public health threats globally, whether naturally occurring or
CDC’s global health mission is to improve the health, safety, and security of Americans while reducing
morbidity and mortality worldwide. The agency does this through its expertise, unique technical skills,
scientific knowledge and research, collaborative partnerships, and evidence-based, global public health
action. CDC executes its global health vision and mission by focusing on three goal areas: 1) achieving
measurable global health impact, 2) assuring global health security, and 3) providing world-renowned
public health science leadership and expertise.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Furthermore, the following principles(referred to as “pillars” previously) guide CDC’s global public health
work across the agency:

1. Scientific Expertise –CDC has a demonstrated record of trailblazing science, evidence-based

decision-making and action, and an experienced workforce that are experts in their field. Our
workforce is available to address the most urgent global public health issues.
2. Diverse Partnerships – CDC fosters health diplomacy through its longstanding inter-agency
partnerships, bilateral and multilateral partnerships, engagement with the private sector and ongoing
collaborations with academic institutions and foundations. CDC is able to maximize the agency’s
unique role while leveraging these diverse partnerships to achieve measurable health impact around
the world.
3. Innovation – CDC leverages the latest technologies and advanced analytics to accelerate public
health impact. CDC develops new medical countermeasures, diagnostics, laboratory and data
platforms and explores new ways to innovate across its global health portfolio by identifying unique
models of collaboration and partnership.
4. Sustainability – CDC takes seriously its responsibility to be a good steward of resources by
demonstrating impact on leading public health priorities, fostering technical sustainability, reducing
the economic impact of disease outbreaks globally, and building lasting capacity for countries to
address current and future health needs.
5. Health Equity - CDC works to eliminate health disparities and achieve optimal health for all. CDC
addresses health equity and reaches those in greatest need through its global programs, research,
tools and resources, and leadership.

CDC Global Health Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

CDC global health objectives align with a number of national strategies and plans including the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Strategic Plan, the CDC Strategic Framework,
the U.S. National Security Strategy, the National Biodefense Strategy, and the U.S. Global Health
Security Strategy. CDC’s work supports a number of global and presidential initiatives across several
health priorities, including the Global Health Security Agenda, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative,
the Measles and Rubella Initiative, the National Action Plan for Combatting Antibiotic Resistant
Bacteria (CARB), the Neglected Tropical Disease Initiative, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief (PEPFAR), and the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI). CDC works with multilateral partners
like the World Health Organization (WHO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), and USG agencies like the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), Department of State (DoS), and Department of Defense (DoD). These diverse, multi-sectoral
partnerships best position the agency to affect change, maximize impact, and prevent disease among
people in the United States and around the world.

Goal 1 - Health Impact: Save lives, improve health outcomes, and foster healthy
populations globally

As the U.S. public health agency, CDC plays a prominent role in identifying and addressing leading
causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Through cutting-edge science, real-time surveillance,
laboratory diagnostics, and collaborative partnerships, CDC develops evidence-based programs and
interventions to target effectively diseases, populations, and regions. CDC leverages the expertise of
its workforce -- both at headquarters and in the field -- to improve health and well-being around the
world, continuously building the evidence base, scaling up what works, and applying lessons learned to
reducing and eliminating future health threats. CDC works diligently to enhance the capacity of other
countries to prevent, detect, and respond to diseases and other public health threats at their source,
helping to save lives, improve health, and eliminate disease in regions across the globe.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Objective 1.1: Reduce the morbidity and mortality of high burden diseases and conditions
• Collect data, analyze the information, and report on key findings to build the evidence base, target
specific populations, and tailor preventive interventions
• Develop data-driven strategies and programs to prevent disease, promote optimal health, and improve
health outcomes
• Implement, optimize, evaluate and scale interventions to maximize health impact and sustain improved
health and well-being

1.1 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Achieving an AIDS-Free prevention and treatment pneumococcal conjugate
generation The Malaria Frontline project in vaccines
CDC supports the design and Nigeria, building on infrastructure To date, 142 countries have
implementation of HIV-focused established for polio eradication, is introduced pneumococcal conjugate
population surveys, sometimes providing early lessons about how vaccines (PCV) into their routine
referred to as “PHIAs” - Population- systematic collection and review immunization programs; CDC
based HIV Impact Assessments, of malaria case data can be used has worked with over 35 of these
which provide the clearest picture to- to inform local decisions about countries to monitor PCV impact. For
date of the HIV epidemic in some of distribution of malaria commodities example, CDC worked with Haiti to
the world’s most affected countries. and timing of community-level strengthen their capacity for bacterial
These national surveys – implemented prevention activities. meningitis surveillance in anticipation
under the leadership of Ministries of measuring PCV impact upon
Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading
of Health and by PEPFAR, CDC, and introduction in late 2018. Additionally,
infectious cause of death and the
partners such as ICAP at Columbia data from effectiveness studies
leading cause of death for people
University and the University of conducted in South Africa with CDC
living with HIV (PLHIV). Worldwide,
Maryland– directly measure progress and in-country partners resulted in
an estimated 40% of deaths in PLHIV
toward global targets to control the a change in the PCV schedule. CDC
are due to TB. TB preventive therapy
HIV epidemic. is evaluating the impact of PCV
(TPT) reduces 5-year mortality
by building epidemiological and
Recent data show that up to 13 high- among PLHIV by 37%, independent
laboratory capacity to help countries
HIV-burden countries are poised to of HIV treatment. Although the use
generate evidence regarding PCV
achieve epidemic control by 2020. of preventive therapy has been a
introduction and sustained use.
For example, Ethiopia has reached World Health Organization (WHO)
Through partnerships – with Ministries
HIV/AIDS epidemic control and recommendation for PLHIV and
of Health, academic institutions, the
data from Uganda indicate that its children <5 years exposed to persons
World Health Organization, and other
previously expanding epidemic has with TB since 1993, global uptake has
public health stakeholders,CDC has
stabilized. CDC also uses data from been extremely slow. Of the 34.5
strengthened surveillance to monitor
these assessments to inform planning million adults living with HIV, only
disease burden for pneumonia and
and the decisions surrounding 4.8 million (14%) were ever reported
meningitis and conduct studies to
real-world, real-time public health to have been started on preventive
measure the effectiveness of PCV
solutions. CDC plays a critical role therapy since 1993. To address this
against disease and carriage.
in their implementation, lending gap, CDC, through PEPFAR programs,
expertise in epidemiology, laboratory has prioritized TPT with guidance Objective 1.2: Eliminate and
science, and data analysis to help to countries, as well as requiring
partners design and implement the reporting for TPT initiation and
surveys, and rapidly harness the completion. CDC is working closely
results for program improvement. with its country offices providing
technical assistance to improve and
B. Innovating TB and Malaria
expand scale-up of TPT.
C. Optimizing impact of

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

eradicate priority diseases and other public health threats

• Provide pathogen-specific expertise, laboratory diagnostics, and decision analysis for targeted disease
elimination, eradication, and control efforts
• Apply expertise and lessons learned from elimination and eradication efforts to inform future control
strategies and prevent resurgence

1.2 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Eradicating polio and B. Developing advanced tools C. Eliminating epidemic

combating vaccine-preventable and techniques for detecting new meningitis in Africa
diseases (VPD) microbes, biomarkers, and cases MenAfriVac, a novel vaccine against
CDC houses the global reference CDC researchers have developed a serogroup A meningococcal disease,
laboratories for measles, rubella, novel, integrated serosurveillance was the first vaccine developed
congenital rubella syndrome, and platform for public health use specifically for Africa and 21 countries
polio, providing support to global across vaccine preventable diseases, have introduced the vaccine since
laboratory networks through training, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, 2018.
reference testing, and research. water-borne diseases, and maternal- Developed by the Meningitis Vaccine
Advanced molecular analysis allows child health programs, that can Project, a partnership between PATH
programs to track transmission of simultaneously measure up to 100 and the WHO with CDC support,
measles, rubella, and polioviruses, different disease-specific antibodies MenAfriVac demonstrated dramatic
to guide programmatic efforts to from a single, dried blood spot, an success, largely eliminating epidemics
interrupt circulation. Environmental easy-to-collect sample type. of serogroup A. Likewise; the CDC-
surveillance for poliovirus provides led MenAfriNet Consortium created
early warning of virus circulation an innovative partnership to enhance
before paralysis cases arise and collaboration for strengthening
additional evidence of interruption regional surveillance and generating
where paralysis cases are absent. high-quality data to inform global
These laboratory tools contribute to immunization policy.
programs that are driving polio to
the brink of extinction and reducing
the number of annual global measles-
related deaths to under 100,000 for
the first time in 2016.

Goal 2 – Health Security: Protect Americans and populations across the globe by
strengthening global public health prevention, detection, and response

Disease knows no border; as a result, Americans’ health is connected integrally to the health of the rest
of the world. National and economic security is a requisite for global health security, and CDC must
protect Americans by working with countries to stop health threats at their origin. The agency works
collaboratively with a variety of partners, with special emphasis on counterparts in Ministries of Health
(MOHs) as well as regional health organizations, to improve global health preparedness by enhancing local
capacity, systems, and infrastructure to prevent, detect, and respond to epidemics, outbreaks, humanitarian
crises, and other public health threats whenever and wherever they occur. This increased capacity not only
protects Americans from the global spread of disease, saving lives and livelihoods, but also helps drive and
sustain improvement in local health outcomes.

A 2016 report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine estimated that the
cost of pandemics in the 21st century could cost U.S. $6 trillion, with an estimated annual loss of U.S.
$60 billion from potential pandemics. However, the same report emphasized the role investments in
preparedness and response can play in minimizing the impacts of pandemic threats.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Objective 2.1: Strengthen the capacity to prevent and detect disease outbreaks and other
public health threats
• Apply laboratory diagnostic tools, emerging technologies, modeling, and data visualization to better
predict outbreaks, identify them early, and improve monitoring and reporting
• Define and implement effective mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood of outbreaks and limit
the impact of public health threats
• Work with partners and countries to enhance networks, systems, and infrastructure to prepare
for responses
• Provide technical expertise and external funding to build in-country capacity for real-time surveillance
and detection

2.1 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Improve country capacity to B. Develop and apply non- C. Training a multidisciplinary,
detect and respond to outbreaks traditional surveillance tools and global workforce
and prevent future ones methods for real-time detection Since its inception in 1980, CDC’s
In 2010, CDC began a collaboration of emerging public health threats Field Epidemiology Training Program
with the Uganda Virus Research The recent Zika outbreak reminded (FETP) has trained over 11,000 disease
Institute (UVRI) and the Ugandan the world how vulnerable mothers detectives worldwide. With program
engagement in over 70 countries, CDC
Ministry of Health to establish a and babies are to emerging diseases.
supports the development of a skilled
national surveillance and laboratory It also reminded the world that
public health workforce around the
network to detect, confirm, and strong pregnancy and birth defects world who can find and stop outbreaks
respond rapidly to viral hemorrhagic surveillance systems play a vital role at their source, before they spread
fever (VHF) outbreaks. Over the last in detecting threats. CDC’s expertise globally. These multidisciplinary “boots
8 years, the program expanded lab in and efforts to strengthen birth on the ground” responders (clinicians,
diagnostic testing for VHFs and other defects surveillance and infant veterinarians, scientists, etc.) have
zoonotic diseases, improved clinical follow-up systems domestically actively participated in responses to
recognition of cases, and used data and globally have been critical to thousands of outbreaks of cholera,
collected from surveillance to inform answering key questions about measles, yellow fever, and other
disease-control decision making. The the impact of Zika virus infection diseases, by identifying suspected
outbreaks early and raising standards
program now has over 20 sentinel during pregnancy. During the 2016
for quality investigations.
surveillance sites throughout the Zika Emergency Response, CDC
country, which report to UVRI and developed an innovative pregnancy More recently, CDC’s Public Health
the Ministry of Health when suspect and birth defects surveillance system Emergency Management (PHEM)
VHF cases are identified. Together Fellowship provides critical training for
to monitor rapidly the impact of
professionals who work in public health
with the enhanced capability of Zika virus on these populations. This
preparedness and response across the
VHF diagnostic testing and the system helped drive public health globe. Conducted at CDC headquarters
ability also to screen suspect cases action, quickly arming healthcare in Atlanta, the four-month program
for wide spectrum of VHF and providers with information to identify strengthens the ability of the
other pathogens, the time between health problems and provide care for international community to respond
clinical identification of a suspect pregnant women and their babies. to public health threats efficiently and
VHF case and lab confirmation has effectively.
As future threats emerge, CDC is
been shortened from an average of Through specialized classes,
better prepared to assist global
2 weeks to 2.5 days. This reduced mentorship, and technical assistance,
partners by providing tools, support,
the chance for additional person- PHEM Fellows learn the principles
and technical expertise. Surveillance
to-person transmission of VHFs and behind public health emergency
activities for emerging threats may
has in turn reduced the size and management and the functions of an
also involve expanded referral to
scope of outbreaks. Perhaps most emergency operations center. Since
services, improved health outcomes,
importantly, the Uganda surveillance the 2013 inaugural class, CDC has
and enhanced data reporting across graduated 69 Emergency Management
program serves as a continent-wide
local programs and organizations. Specialists from 28 different countries.
resource for laboratory confirmation
and outbreak response support. It also PHEM Fellows return to their home
provides expert technical assistance countries to lead emergency responses,
to support Ministry of Health capacity decreasing response times to deadly
building and training. threats like avian influenza, dengue,
measles, and meningitis, increasing the
world’s health security by containing
these outbreaks at the source.
CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Objective 2.2: Strengthen the capacity for timely and effective response to disease
outbreaks and other public health threats

• Use training, mentorship, and simulations to improve global response capabilities of partner organizations
and countries
• Roster, train, and deploy highly skilled public health professionals across multiple disciplines to support
effective and rapid responses
• Collaborate with international stakeholders to promote adoption of international standards and strengthen
surge capacity during global responses

2.2 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Improving in-country B. Maintaining a rapid response C. Expanding and establishing

emergency response capacity capacity at CDC to respond global influenza surveillance,
In August 2017, CDC spearheaded to international public health detection and response
a 5-day Public Health Emergency emergencies CDC works with international partners
Management (PHEM) workshop The Global Emergency Alert and to prevent, control, and respond to
in partnership with the World Response System (GEARS) serves as both seasonal and novel influenza
Health Organization, the United CDC’s one-stop shop for response threats. Since 2004, CDC supports
States Defense Threat Reduction needs, combining global detection, more than 50 countries, all World
Agency, and Public Health England. alert, and response support activities. Health Organization (WHO) regional
The workshop brought together GEARS is integral to CDC’s rapid offices, and WHO Headquarters via
55 emergency management staff response activities and works across direct bilateral support to build a
members from across Africa to learn the agency to coordinate emergency network to better detect and respond
from experts in the field about how activities. Through its standard to influenza globally. CDC has
to enhance the coordination and operating procedures, GEARS helps increased virologic and epidemiologic
response capabilities of their to reduce uncertainty in emergency influenza surveillance capacity to
country’s PHEM programs. response support. GEARS brings report and characterize influenza
together the long-standing Global viruses, and has contributed to a large
Disease Detection Operations increase in the number of countries
Center (GDDOPs), CDC’s electronic participating in WHO’s Global
surveillance and analysis system Influenza Surveillance and Response
for global threats, and the Global System (GISRS) from 57 in 2004
Rapid Response Team (GRRT), CDC’s to 146 in 2017. CDC’s international
deployment-ready and rostered influenza work also includes assessing
experts. As a proven, critical agency the economic burden of disease,
asset, GEARS event detection efforts quantifying vaccine effectiveness, and
detected over 340 public health supporting introduction of vaccines
events in more than 100 countries in among populations at high risk of
2017. GEARS has rostered over 400 influenza illness complications.
CDC deployers that have provided
over 17,000 person-days of response
support since 2015. A cross-agency
effort, GEARS ensures experts are
properly credentialed and trained to
avoid delays in deployment – a lesson
learned from the West Africa Ebola

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Goal 3 - Public Health Science Leadership: Lead and influence the advancement of
global public health science and practice

CDC’s greatest asset is its public health experts, including its epidemiologists, scientists, laboratory
specialists, health economists, public health advisors, communicators, and behavioral scientists. The
agency draws on its unparalleled scientific knowledge and technical capacity to address known, new,
emerging, and unknown threats globally. Leveraging the collective strengths of its multidisciplinary staff
and partners, CDC sets priorities and drives innovation for global public health science, laboratories,
and programs. Serving as a model for and working collaboratively with partners and countries across
the world, CDC accelerates the implementation, evaluation, and scaling of impactful, cost-effective
programs, and provides the guidance needed to improve health worldwide.

Objective 3.1: Develop and apply global public health scientific, laboratory, and
programmatic expertise
• Conduct and support science that increases the understanding of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and
ecology of emerging public health threats
• Develop and enhance the surveillance, laboratory, research, and programmatic capabilities of public health
institutes and partner organizations to better prevent and respond to public health threats
• Invest in career development programs that further build the expertise of the CDC workforce and sustain
relationships with CDC-trained experts and public health practitioners
• Apply CDC expertise globally through strategic collaboration with international stakeholders

3.1 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Using CDC experts across the B. Serving as a model for other C. Strategically using technology
global to domestic continuum to countries to build up public for workforce development
save lives and protect Americans health science, laboratories, and High-quality standards, safe
Using advanced molecular detection programs laboratory testing, and a well-
(AMD) technologies, CDC disrupts After decades of support from CDC, equipped competent laboratory
how pathogens are detected and in October 2010, the World Health workforce are essential for producing
characterized. The agency is adapting Organization (WHO) designated reliable laboratory data. Innovative
AMD technologies, for example, to the Chinese National Influenza technologies provide the laboratory
detect malaria resistance earlier and Center (CNIC) as one of six WHO workforce with additional resources
more reliably, replacing decades-old Collaborating Centers for Reference to improve their efficiency.
parasitic disease diagnostics with and Research on Influenza. CDC’s Examples of these technologies
state-of-art methods, characterizing support for China CDC’s influenza include :
pathogens such as Mycobacterium surveillance capacity contributed to
tuberculosis, influenza virus, or the detection of Asian H7N9 virus • Broadcasting platforms used to
hospital-acquiredantimicrobial when it first emerged in China in 2013. deliver webinars on preparedness
resistant organisms. AMD topics
In 2013, virus sharing of H7N9 with
technologies are evolving rapidly, the United States and other WHO • Robust programming software
becoming less expensive and more used to develop computer-based
collaborating centers led to the
automated. This rapid progress eLearning courses that are available
development of the first candidate
may allow Low- and Middle-Income 24/7 targeted to clinical and public
vaccine virus for manufacturing
Countries (LMICs) to “leapfrog” to health laboratory staff
pandemic vaccine to help protect
advanced technologies. the world in the event the spread of • Creation of 3-dimensional laboratory
H7N9 virus led to a pandemic. The environments to support learner
bilateral support also created capacity interaction during eLearning
for China to mount a rapid and robust
• Acquisition of virtual reality
response to novel influenza viruses
equipment and software to
that continues to this day. China’s
support the development of virtual
comprehensive influenza surveillance
laboratory environments to assess
network is now self-sustaining.
practical laboratory skill competency.
CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Objective 3.2: Translate and disseminate evidence-based research and data into global
health guidance, policy, and programs
• Inform global public health priority setting by engaging with key international players across sectors and
within high, middle, and low income countries
• Improve accessibility, usability, and translation of CDC and partner data to improve real-time surveillance,
analysis, and evaluation
• Conduct and support implementation research that informs culturally appropriate intervention design,
implementation, and evaluation
• Disseminate findings in peer reviewed literature, international guidance documents, and through other
visible communication channels

3.2 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Data analysis to best inform B. Rapid translation of data to C. Supporting partners in using
programming in limited resource improve public health outcomes and translating Joint External
settings In December 2015, a yellow Evaluations as standard of
CDC’s One Health experts have worked fever epidemic began in Angola practice
with 20 countries to implement and subsequently spread to the Since 2016, CDC has been involved
a One Health Zoonotic Disease Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). in the standardized Joint External
Prioritization process that builds Soon after cases began to increase Evaluation (JEE) assessments
collaboration across disciplines and dramatically in Brazil. More than to evaluate a country’s capacity
sectors to focus limited resources on 30 million doses of vaccine were to prevent, detect, and rapidly
preventing, detecting, and responding distributed quickly, depleting the respond to public health risks. As
to those zoonotic diseases of greatest global vaccine stockpile. CDC experts of May 2018, over 75 countries have
national concern. Countries with led an emergency consortium of completed JEEs, and CDC experts
limited resources can focus on the the World Health Organization, have participated in more than 60%
top priority zoonotic diseases (for pharmaceutical companies, and of the evaluations. Importantly, JEEs
example, rabies and Ebola) of greatest ministries of health to devise a bold help countries develop costed action
national concern. Participants include proposal, based on limited but solid plans, which can open the door for
a wide-ranging group of people who evidence, to vaccinate using 20% partnership by matching needs with
protect health--of people, animals, or fractional doses. resources. As one of many examples,
the environment--and they identify the Private Sector Roundtable (PSRT)
During a 10-day period, the DRC,
the country’s top 5 diseases to target. and Uganda collaborated to identify
under WHO guidance, vaccinated a
Prioritizing diseases means countries areas of cooperation based on the
record 7.6 million people at risk while
can more efficiently build lab capacity, JEE. Workforce development was one
CDC experts monitored for efficacy
conduct disease surveillance, plan of the areas identified, and because
and side effects. The campaign was
outbreak response and preparedness of this cooperation, Johnson and
a success, the epidemic stopped, and
activities, and create disease Johnson agreed to provide $250,000
lives were saved. The CDC study
prevention strategies to reduce illness to Uganda to strengthen their
showing safety and efficacy
and death in people and animals. workforce. By measuring progress on
of the fractional doses established
During the prioritization, participants specific targets, JEE results help us
a critical option for future yellow
discuss action plans, roles, and understand where and how countries
fever epidemic responses.
responsibilities for how each sector are making improvements towards
will collaboratively engage in meeting the International Health
developing control and prevention Regulations.
strategies using a One Health
approach for the newly prioritized
zoonotic diseases. After the
prioritization, scientists continue to
collaborate with countries on their
priorities and strategies to help
mitigate their greatest zoonotic
disease threats, implement and
strengthen One Health approaches,
and further the goal of a world safe
and secure from infectious disease
CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Objective 3.3: Drive innovation to accelerate new, more effective tools, products, strategies,
and technologies

• Systematically identify and invest in innovative tools, research, and programs internally, domestically,
and globally
• Fund, evaluate, and support the innovative work of partners
• Rapidly disseminate emerging and innovative findings to be tested and scaled elsewhere
• Integrate and share data to accelerate discovery, generate insights, and improve programs

3.3 Highlighted Focus Areas

A. Developing technologies B. Applying laboratory C. Bringing innovative
to detect disease faster leadership through networks findings to scale
CDC developed two new tests to CDC’s Polio and Picornavirus CDC has worked with university
detect Zika virus in human tissue. Laboratory serves as a WHO researchers to develop and test
CDC scientists used these tests to Global Specialized Laboratory and microneedle patches to deliver vaccines
confirm the tissues were positive for provides technical and programmatic like measles, rubella, polio, influenza, and
Zika virus. This evidence led CDC assistance to the Global Polio rabies. The microneedle patch should
to conclude that Zika virus causes Laboratory Network. The Network improve the ability of CDC and partners
microcephaly and embarked on a consists of 146 WHO-accredited to get the measles-rubella vaccine to
critical research to protect pregnant poliovirus laboratories in all World remote areas because the patch is more
women in the U.S. and around the Health Organization (WHO) regions. stable at varying temperatures than the
world. The accuracy and quality of testing currently available vaccines and takes
at Global Polio Laboratory Network up less space than the standard vaccine.
member laboratories is monitored Because microneedles dissolve in the
through an annual accreditation skin, there is no disposal of needles,
program that includes onsite reviews reducing the risk of accidental needle
and proficiency testing. sticks. The measles patch is expected to
be manufactured at a cost comparable
CDC’s laboratories provide critical
to the currently available needle and
diagnostic services and genomic
syringe vaccine. The patches also do not
sequencing of polioviruses to
require highly skilled health workers to
help guide disease control efforts
in many countries. This includes
implementation of improved In 2017, CDC experts collaborated with
laboratory procedures that have partners to evaluate the feasibility
increased sensitivity to detect and acceptability of using a novel
and confirm new polio infection. Digital Microfluidics (DMF-ELISA)
Other new laboratory procedures to detect antibodies to measles and
are helping countries overcome rubella. This new rapid diagnostic
specific operational challenges, system could be a useful tool to identify
enable more rapid detection of wild people at risk of contracting measles
poliovirus (WPV), and allow for faster and rubella living in remote settings
response to importations or spread without access to laboratories. Findings
of virus. Additional efforts include could help better target areas for
technical assistance to laboratories vaccination campaigns and limit the
implementing environmental spread of vaccine preventable diseases.
surveillance for polio detection. CDC works closely with partners to
strengthen immunization systems in
order to advance global health security,
protecting vulnerable populations from
life-threatening vaccine preventable
CDC is working to implement point-
of-care testing for measles infections
in collaboration with the WHO Global
Measles and Rubella Laboratory
CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021


CDC has a long-standing commitment to working closely with domestic and international partners to
set common objectives, implement comprehensive public health prevention and response programs,
and ensure that the resources entrusted to CDC achieve the maximum impact by leveraging the
unique roles and mission of other organizations. In order to achieve its global health priorities, CDC
deploys innovative and proven models for multi-sectoral engagement. This includes working closely
with international organizations like the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the World
Bank; engaging counterparts in the Ministries of Health around the world to achieve a range of health
objectives; and collaborating with foundations, the private sector and academic institutions to define,
implement and evaluate a variety of health programs. CDC is strengthened by the diversity of its
partners and will continue to bring new partners together to innovate and accelerate the work that the
agency does around the world to protect the health of all people.


Through its work with partners, CDC maintains a strong, effective global health presence to protect
Americans from major health threats wherever they arise. Global partners expand the reach of the work
CDC experts do to strengthen critical public health services around the world—which helps protect the
health of Americans both at home and abroad. Our partners in global health include a variety of valuable
stakeholders and partners, such as:

Foreign Other U.S. The World Health Academic

governments government Organization and institutions
including agencies other international
ministries of organizations

Foundations Nongovernmental Faith-based and Businesses and

organizations community-based other private
organizations organizations

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Our agency’s mission to protect the health of persons in the United States is based on a strong domestic
public health system that is prepared to respond to all threats, and a global footprint that supports our
global health commitments. To succeed, we must work globally both to ensure the health and safety
of our own citizens and to help countries develop the health systems and public health capacities they
need to protect their populations. CDC’s Global Health Strategy outlines the agency’s approach to
achieving its global health vision of a world where people – in the United States and around the globe –
live healthier, safer, and longer lives. To achieve the goals and objectives outlined above most effectively,
we must continue to implement the strategies, prioritize activities and partnerships, and leverage
resources, investments and the work of other U.S. government agencies and global entities.
We must adapt the way we work so that we as an agency are nimble and agile enough to respond
to disease threats no matter where they occur. To help ensure our global reach, CDC is establishing
platforms with regional offices to advance global health security and maintain a sustainable global
presence, allowing CDC to strengthen its ability to accomplish its mission of protecting Americans by
responding more rapidly, efficiently, and effectively to health threats wherever they occur. We must
strengthen and nurture our relationships with existing partners like USAID, Department of State, and
World Health Organization, as we look to expand our partnerships with the U.S. Department of Defense,
Commerce, and the private sector so we truly work in a multi-sectoral fashion.
The global health challenges we face – which threaten both our nation’s health and well-being and the
global community - are significant. The sheer numbers of people who struggle against deadly diseases
like HIV and TB; the always-present threat of a pandemic influenza and emerging vector-borne viruses;
the growing resistance to front-line antibiotics; these are not easy problems to solve. However, the
time to address these challenges is now. As CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield has said, “Embracing the
possible, we will do it together.” We look forward to working with our partners to meet these challenges
and make a lasting impact in global health.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021


CDC’s success as a world premiere scientific and data driven agency is dependent on our core
capabilities. This includes the development and deployment of a world-class surveillance and data
analytics system to tell us what has happened, what is happening, and what may happen. It requires
CDC to maintain our state-of-the-art laboratories, which serve as the reference laboratories for the
world. CDC must recruit and retain our elite public health workforce who stand ready to collaborate
strategically with others to solve the public health challenges of today and tomorrow. Finally, the
agency needs to maintain the ability to respond quickly to outbreaks when they occur. CDC’s global
health programs leverage these capabilities for meaningful results.


Liberia Builds Health Security Capacity
During and following the 2014 Ebola response, CDC worked closely with Liberia to develop public health
capacity. This investment paid off in May 2017, when Liberia reported 14 cases and 8 deaths from an
unknown illness. Within 24 hours of learning of the outbreak, Liberia’s Ministry of Health mobilized CDC-
trained disease detectives to investigate the report; this team was able to quickly investigate the cases,
and work with the CDC-supported national laboratory to rule out Ebola. Through the close collaboration
with CDC, the government of Liberia sent samples to CDC where its premiere laboratories identified the
cause as meningococcal disease. The outbreak was controlled within a matter of weeks. Through the
CDC-supported disease detectives and laboratory capacity, Liberia limited the outbreak to 31 cases and
13 deaths due to the improved ability to prevent, detect, and respond to disease threats.

Providing Customized Solutions for Outbreak and Other Urgent Investigations

CDC’s Epi Info is a public domain suite of interoperable software tools designed for the global
community of public health practitioners and researchers. It provides for easy data entry form and
database construction, a customized data entry experience, and data analyses with epidemiologic
statistics, maps, and graphs for public health professionals who may lack an information
technology background. Epi Info is used for outbreak investigations; for developing small to mid-
sized disease surveillance systems; as analysis, visualization, and reporting (AVR) components of
larger systems; and in the continuing education in the science of epidemiology and public health
analytic methods at schools of public health around the world. In support of recent regional
CDC developed a customized version of the Epi Info desktop application with a focus on viral
hemorrhagic fevers. Although not fully operational prior to the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa,
the customized application was still used in all three affected countries to track cases and contacts. CDC
is currently using the application in laboratories for the 2018 Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo.
In response to the potential safety signal of the antiretroviral drug dolutegravir and a possible link to
neural tube defects, CDC collaborated with the Kenya Ministry of Health rapidly leveraging existing birth
defects surveillance capacity. This work includes the development of a tablet version of Epi-Info that
tracks structural birth defects in real time. Electronic reporting has the potential to identify cases more
quickly and reduce delays in accurate diagnosis and reporting over the standard paper-based system.
These improvements will help inform the urgent discussion of the safety of certain antiretroviral drugs
for women living with HIV and their children.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Vietnam Adopts Event-Based Surveillance as National Surveillance Standard

In Vietnam, CDC supported an event-based surveillance (EBS) pilot project in six provinces from 2016-
2017. The EBS pilot program is the first of its kind in the country, actively engaging local community
members, leaders, and health care staff in the detection and reporting of outbreaks or unusual health
events. As of December 2017, the CDC project had trained approximately 9,000 heath workers in
outbreak detection and reporting, resulting in more than 5,900 early warning signals of potential
outbreaks reported. Each report was screened and verified, resulting in confirmation of more than
420 infectious disease outbreaks, including foodborne outbreaks; hand, foot, and mouth disease;
mumps; diphtheria; and chickenpox. More than 400 of the confirmed outbreaks were responded to
in less than 48 hours. Due to the pilot’s success, the Ministry of Health has adopted the EBS framework
as their standard detection strategy.

Indonesia Builds Laboratory Capacity to Detect Priority Pathogens

Indonesia, a GHS priority country, considered by many, to be a hotspot for emerging pathogens did
not have the capacity to diagnose or characterize vector-borne viruses. Beginning in 2012, CDC in
partnership with the Ministries of Science and Technology and of Health, established a state of art
molecular diagnostic laboratory for the identification and sequencing of emerging viruses. The lab,
which is largely funded by GHSA, has confirmed the first transmission of West Nile and Zika viruses
in Indonesia and demonstrated a high natural prevalence of Zika in children throughout the country.
Equally important, the lab has trained more than 400 local staff in virus diagnostics and biosafety,
and has conducted continuing medical education courses for more than 1,000 Indonesian health
professionals. Based on this success, in 2018 the Government of Indonesia spent more than US
$1 million to expand the lab’s capacity.

CDC Rapid Response Teams Surge to Address Yellow Fever Outbreaks

Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) investments allowed CDC’s Global Rapid Response Team
(GRRT) to surge in response to a significant yellow fever outbreak in Angola and the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2016. The GRRT is a trained and ready multidisciplinary workforce with 50+
CDC staff on call each month. In DRC, 2,000 samples were tested for yellow fever to help target
a vaccination campaign to contain the 2016 outbreak.

HIV Laboratory Capacity Serves as Platform for Other Disease Detection

Laboratories play a crucial role at every step in responding to the HIV and TB epidemic: from accurate
diagnosis and testing, to effective treatment, care and monitoring of the disease, to preventing new
HIV infections. Strong laboratory systems are critical to both controlling today’s epidemics and getting
ahead of the curve for an effective response tomorrow. With partners’ support, CDC experts are
implementing efforts on a number of fronts to help bring laboratories around the world to international
standards and enhance lab capacity. These include:
• Establishing public-private partnerships to improve lab quality and strengthen the skills of lab personnel
in communities severely affected by HIV and TB.
• Helping partner governments launch accreditation programs for labs including the creation of the first lab
accreditation program in 2009.
• Helping labs along the path to accreditation, by implementing the CDC-developed Strengthening
Laboratory Management Toward Accreditation (SLMTA) program, which has supported more than 1100
labs in 52 countries worldwide.
• Working with countries to develop national strategic plans for laboratories to better support their response
to HIV, TB and other diseases.
These efforts to improve lab capacity and enhance lab quality to fight HIV and TB are laying the
groundwork for countries to respond to other diseases and emerging global health threats.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI)
Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) was started in 1988, (with CDC as one of the five
spearheading partners along with WHO, UNICEF, Rotary International, and the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation ), the number of countries with endemic poliovirus transmission has decreased from 125 to
3, and reported polio cases have decreased from 350,000 in 1988 to 22 in 2017. Through the transition
planning process, CDC and its partners are working systematically to merge best practices learned from
years of fighting polio, measles, rubella, and other vaccine-preventable diseases with lessons learned
from strengthening immunization systems and programs.

Saving Mothers, Giving Life (SMGL)

Reductions in maternal and perinatal mortality are global development priorities yet still present major
challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. CDC provided scientific leadership for the Saving Mothers, Giving Life
(SMGL) public-private initiative implemented from 2012–2016 in selected districts of Uganda and Zambia
with the goal of improving maternal and perinatal health in high mortality settings. Through community
and facility evidence-based interventions and district-wide health systems strengthening, SMGL reduced
delays to timely and appropriate obstetric care.
Over the course of the 5-year SMGL initiative, population-based estimates documented a 44% reduction
in the SMGL district-wide maternal mortality ratio (MMR) in Uganda (from 452 to 255 per 100,000 live
births) and a 41% reduction in Zambia (from 480 to 284 per 100,000 live births). The MMR in SMGL-
supported health facilities declined by 44% in Uganda and by 38% in Zambia. The institutional delivery
rate increased by 47% and 44% in Uganda and Zambia SMGL-supported districts. The number of
facilities providing emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) rose from 10 to 26 in Uganda,
and from 7 to 13 in Zambia. SMGL’s comprehensive district systems-strengthening approach successfully
improved coverage and quality of care for mothers and newborns.
The lessons learned from SMGL can inform policymakers and program managers in other low- and
middle-income settings where similar approaches could be utilized to rapidly reduce preventable
maternal and newborn deaths.

CDC and WHO Collaborating Centers

CDC and WHO work collaboratively within the WHO Network of 55 Collaborating Centers for
Occupational Health to develop practical guidance and tools and to provide technical assistance to
upgrade international capacity to prevent work-related diseases, injuries, and fatalities. CDC and WHO
collaborate to: 1) strengthen the performance of health systems in occupational health; 2) assess the
effectiveness of a global database platform for monitoring worker health globally; and 3) evaluate and
improve the ability to identify workplace hazards and apply controls globally and domestically. CDC
contributes from its research base to reduce occupational diseases, injuries and deaths in the United
States and globally, and benefits from achievements in other nations.
Viral hepatitis is a global health problem and CDC is a long-standing supporter of the viral hepatitis
prevention activities of the World Health Organization . As a WHO Collaborating Center for Reference
and Research on Viral Hepatitis, CDC serves as a national reference laboratory for viral hepatitis, an
evaluator of new vaccination and test technologies, and a convener of conferences on topics ranging
from viral hepatitis prevention priorities for persons who inject drugs to strategies for improving
the quality of hepatitis laboratory testing. This support has helped WHO develop a Global Hepatitis
Program; guidance for viral hepatitis immunization, surveillance, testing, and treatment; and the
first Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis 2016-2021. Endorsed by the 2016 World Health
Assembly, the strategy targets the elimination of hepatitis B and hepatitis C as public health threats
by 2030.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

CDC serves as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention (STI)
providing epidemiologic, economic, and laboratory expertise. As part of this work, CDC provides STI
global burden estimates and economic costs, training, and proficiency testing related to antimicrobial
resistant gonorrhea work and syphilis point of care test technology. CDC is collaborating with WHO
on global congenital syphilis elimination providing technical assistance in validation and certification
of this goal and working with countries on progress towards this milestone. On December 1, 2017,
PAHO celebrated the validation of elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in six
Caribbean countries and territories. Since 2015, 11 countries have validated elimination of congenital
syphilis of which nine are in the Americas Region. In addition, CDC is working with WHO and the World
Bank on triple elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B in Africa.

CDC One Health Program and Zoonotic Diseases

CDC’s One Health experts have worked with 20 countries to implement a One Health Zoonotic
Disease Prioritization process that builds collaboration across disciplines and sectors to focus limited
resources on preventing, detecting, and responding to those zoonotic diseases of greatest national
concern. Countries with limited resources can focus on the top priority zoonotic diseases of greatest
national concern (for example, rabies and Ebola). Participants include a wide-ranging group of people
who protect health--of people, animals, or the environment--and they identify the country’s top five
diseases to target. Prioritizing diseases means countries can more efficiently build lab capacity, conduct
disease surveillance, plan outbreak response and preparedness activities, and create disease prevention
strategies to reduce illness and death in people and animals. After the prioritization, scientists continue
to collaborate with countries on their priorities and strategies to help mitigate their greatest zoonotic
disease threats, implement and strengthen One Health approaches, and further the goal of a world safe
and secure from infectious disease threats.
In 2015, Ethiopian human and animal health professionals identified anthrax, brucellosis, and rabies as
three of the top five zoonotic diseases of concern during a One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization
Workshop. Canine rabies is also a concern, with 2,700 human deaths each year due to the disease.
Along with selected regional labs, Ethiopian Public Health Institute (PHI) and the National Animal
Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center (NAHDIC) underwent a 4-month assessment of laboratory
bacteriological and serological sections and brucellosis diagnostic capacity. CDC provided both public
health veterinary labs with necessary equipment, supplies, and training to enhance their ability to
conduct serologic and molecular testing. CDC staff are working with the Ethiopian government to
establish practical country-based brucellosis guidelines for laboratories and clinicians. CDC is working
with regional partners to conduct laboratory assessments that focus on bio-safety and bio-security
measures for anthrax at EPHI, NAHDIC, and regional labs. CDC procured the necessary equipment and
supplies and is training laboratorians, establishing rabies testing capacity in three regions (Addis Ababa,
Amhara, and Tigray). Experts have coordinated with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Livestock
and Fisheries to implement an integrated bite-case management program for rabies surveillance and
response. CDC is also helping the helping the National Vaccine Institute to conduct potency testing of
canine rabies vaccine and increase animal vaccine potency to meet international standards.

Developing a Public Health Workforce at Points of Entry to Control the Spread of Disease
Ensuring that a country’s air, sea, and land points of entry (POE) are protected from health threats
is a vital health security consideration, both for the country itself, as well as for the protection of the
international community. In many countries, Ministry of Health staff stationed at POE (i.e., Port Health)
who help detect and respond to ill travelers are in short supply. To enhance a POE’s ability to detect
ill travelers, CDC trains non-traditional public health partners, such as immigration, customs, security,
airline, and other staff who have direct contact with the traveling public to know what signs and
symptoms of illness of public health concern to look for and to know how to notify medical authorities
for further evaluation. This extension of the public health workforce at a POE can help to prevent ill
travelers from boarding a conveyance or entering a country, thereby mitigating the risk of a disease
being imported or exported beyond a country’s borders.

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

Influenza Vaccine Program Development

CDC works with more than 120 partners both public and private to develop and advance influenza
vaccine program development. Using the broad surveillance capacity built since 2004, foreign
governments are able to provide evidence of influenza circulation, seasonality, and population
burden to establish the need for strategic and evidence-based seasonal influenza vaccine programs
and policies.
Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
In Sierra Leone, a country where 60 percent of the population does not have access to potable water
and where flooding and waterborne disease outbreaks, such as cholera, can occur during the rainy
season, CDC provided vital training for waterborne disease outbreak detection and response. CDC
trained multisector partners, including those from the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation
(MoHS) and the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) as well as community health centers using
the Global Enteric Disease Outbreak Response Capacity Building Toolkit developed by DFWED. The
toolkit builds needed capacity in epidemiology, environmental health, and clinical and environmental
microbiology. CDC will continue to deploy the toolkit, to strengthen workforce capacity in GHSA
countries. The toolkit offers a sustainable platform for training by utilizing modules and an eLearning
platform to prevent, detect, and respond to waterborne outbreaks such as cholera.


Birth Defects Surveillance Improves Health Outcomes Globally
The Birth Defects Countries and Organizations United for Neural Tube Defects Prevention (Birth Defects
COUNT) is CDC’s global initiative to reduce mortality and morbidity caused by folic acid-preventable
neural tube defects. Neural tube defects are serious birth defects of the brain or spine and are a major
cause of death and lifelong disability worldwide. Birth Defects COUNT focuses on increasing the
availability of birth defects surveillance and blood folate data to drive and monitor the effectiveness
of prevention policies. Through Birth Defects COUNT, CDC provides technical expertise and assistance,
convenes partners, and disseminates best practices to enable countries to realize positive public health

Acute-Febrile Illness
Typically, healthcare workers in Uganda would presumptively treat a child suffering from acute fever
for malaria. Beginning in 2016 at six regional hospitals that are part of a GHSA-funded CDC partnership
with the Ministry of Health and the President’s Malaria Initiative, doctors can order blood and antibiotic
susceptibility tests never before available to them on site. During the first 18 months of this pilot
initiative, more than 30,000 pediatric admissions were tested. Only half had malaria but as many as
8% yielded pathogenic bacteria, some of which were found to be drug resistant, allowing the children
to be successfully treated. Other children were found to be infected with mosquito-borne viruses and
animal transmitted bacteria. This GHSA project leverages prior surveillance investments to better track
causes of illness, generate antimicrobial susceptibility results, and improve clinical care and policy
planning. The results build a foundation to enhance capacity to detect, report, and rapidly respond
to public health concerns in Uganda.

Community-Level Data to Predict Risk

In an increasingly globalized world, diseases whose geographic spread used to be limited to well-
defined areas can now spread to every part of the world within 24 hours—often before disease
surveillance systems can detect them. There is thus increasing need to integrate population movement
into traditional epidemiologic methods, especially when the travel crosses an international boundary.
Human population movement is influenced by a number of factors, including travel purpose, duration,
season, and familial and community connections. CDC subject matter experts have designed novel
methods, such as community level mapping to illustrate population movement patterns into, through,

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

and out of their borders. Ministries of health can use this information to identify geographic areas with
greater public health risk to target their surveillance and response interventions and thus limit
a disease’s potential to spread.

South-East Asia New Born Birth Defects system

In South-East Asia, strong collaborations with the World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional
Office, has led to the development of a sophisticated surveillance database for tracking newborn health,
birth defects, and stillbirths. In collaboration with ministries of health, CDC and WHO have trained and
built capacity among health care providers in 145+ hospitals from seven countries that now contribute
data to the South-East Asia New Born Birth Defects system. This system has the flexibility and the
adaptability integrate into country health information systems and has been expanded to respond to
emerging threats such as Zika Virus.

Developing Surveillance Capacity to Improve Outcomes in Pregnancy

The capacity to conduct rigorous biomarkers surveillance is a critical component of global public
health infrastructure. One biomarker, red blood cell (RBC) folate, can be used to identify groups of
women at increased risk for having a neural tube defect-affected pregnancy and to identify women with
folate deficiency associated anemia, both of which are significant causes of morbidity and mortality
worldwide. To improve monitoring of RBC folate in populations and to estimate NTD risk, CDC has
worked to establish harmonized regional laboratories that use the microbiologic assay, the most reliable
method for assessing RBC folate. By training and equipping scientists from low- and middle-income
countries, CDC has developed regional expertise and capacity in three continents.
Violence against Children Surveys (VACS)
Violence underpins many public health problems and increases vulnerability to other health problems.
Violence against children leads to higher risks of health and social problems, such as chronic disease,
HIV, mental health issues, substance abuse, and violence perpetration later in life. The economic impact
of violence against children is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars per year.
Many inter-related factors contribute to violence against children. A variety of institutions and
sectors can play a role in preventing and responding to it. Country-specific data and evidence-based
approaches can inform how best address violence against children at individual, family, community,
and society levels.
A first step in preventing violence is better understanding its magnitude, nature, and consequences.
Violence against Children Surveys (VACS) measure physical, emotional, and sexual violence against
girls and boys. CDC conducts these surveys to guide programs and policies to prevent violence before
it starts. Findings from VACS provide reliable evidence to enable countries to make better decisions
using limited resources to develop, launch and evaluate violence prevention programs and child
protection systems.
VACS are nationally representative household surveys of children and young adults aged 13-24 years.
The data collected can inform steps already taken to address violence against children and give insight
into where these can be strengthened or expanded. In addition, findings can help raise awareness of
the scope of the problem, support outreach and advocacy, and bring in new and diverse stakeholders.


CDC Laboratories Play a Critical Role in Successful Global HIV Response
A core area of strength for CDC is the agency’s laboratory expertise, particularly around the
development of diagnostics and testing quality assurance. For example, CDC is the only agency to
independently evaluate and certify the quality of rapid HIV test kits for use in PEPFAR-supported
countries. To date, only 50% of rapid tests presented for evaluation have passed CDC’s rigorous testing.
CDC also worked closely with commercial partners to transfer the technology and development of a

CDC GLO B A L H E A LT H STR ATE G Y 2019-2021

HIV rapid recency testing kit for global use and implementation in PEPFAR-supported programs for
enhanced surveillance and prevention efforts. As a point-of-care device, the rapid recency assay can
diagnose HIV infection and distinguish recent from long-term infection, all in one test. This allows
for urgent intervention including counseling, contact tracing, and partner testing to prevent further
transmission. The rapid recency assay is commercialized by two companies and is now widely used and
implemented in more than 50 countries. This assay also plays an integral role in the implementation of
population-based HIV surveys that are utilized to measure the status of the national HIV response. Use
of this assay has shown significant decline of HIV-1 incidence in several countries. Swaziland in particular
has demonstrated a nearly 50% decline in incidence in 5 years (from 2011 to 2016).

Developing Novel Laboratory Assays

CDC developed two new tests that could detect Zika virus in tissues. CDC scientists used these two
new tests to confirm the tissues were positive for Zika virus. This evidence led CDC to conclude that
Zika virus causes microcephaly and embarked on a critical research to protect pregnant women in
the U.S. and around the world.

Research to Improve Domestic and Global HIV Prevention and Treatment

CDC platforms in Kenya and Thailand collaborate through public-private and U.S. government
partnerships to conduct clinical trials of innovative biomedical and integrated interventions to prevent
new HIV infections, improve sustained HIV viral suppression, and reduce HIV morbidity. Innovations
along the continuum from prevention to treatment are critical components of strategies to achieve
an AIDS free generation and eliminate HIV in the United States, the host countries, and around the
world. Research at the sites focuses on evaluating alternative, novel HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
(PrEP) agents and delivery systems to optimize PrEP efficacy. Previous research evaluated HIV vaccine
candidates and novel diagnostics. Additional clinical trials are focused on biomedical innovations to
achieve long-term HIV viral suppression among people living with HIV (PLHIV), towards a functional
HIV cure, and to reduce chronic morbidity and co-morbid infections among PLHIV. Research currently
focuses on men who have sex with men (MSM) and young MSM (Thailand) and women, adolescent
girls and PLHIV (Kenya); representing key at-risk population in the United States, the host countries,
and globally. The research evaluates new interventions that can translate to improved domestic and
global HIV prevention and treatment. The sites also represent platforms of skilled local staff capacity
and response units that can quickly implement new clinical trials in areas other than HIV, such as urgent
and planned clinical trials of vaccine candidates, novel antimicrobials for resistant agents, and new


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