Issue 11 - The Falcon Flyer

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The Falcon Flyer

Volume XIII, Issue XI 21401 SE Falcon Way Kent, WA June 8, 2010

Class of two thousand and ten
One oh you know
2 Meet the
The Falcon Flyer

Press Special News Tribute Pg. 3

Co Editors-in-Chief
Cynthiann Heckelsmiller
Christine Rushton
Op-Ed Editor

A&E Editor
Alyssa Ryan Music Seniors Pgs. 4-5
Mike Lydon
Sports Editor
Holly Pirret
Student Life Editor
Yasmin Abubakar Map: Where Are They going? Pgs. 6, 10, 15
Business Manager
Kayla Maletich
Spencer Transier
Copy Editors
Brendan Cescon
Drama Seniors Pg. 7
Daniel Tadeo
Jason Hirschey
Ryan Snyder
Sport Opinion Writer

Jason Hirschey Sports Seniors Pgs. 8-9
Megan Rogers
Melissa Pitchford
Michaela Mandala
Kaitlyn Miklancic
Staff Reporters
Senior quotes Pg. 11
Brian Benshoof
Keith Bolender
Kelsey Bolton
Sarah Cubine
Matthew Davis
Michala Dymond-Shaw
Kierra Elfalan
Senior Favs Pgs. 12-14
Craig Heffner
Jerel Henderson
McKenna Herron
Jason Hirschey
Erin Hunt
Jacob Langholz Unique Seniors Pgs. 16-17
Jordan Middelton
Kiley Throop
Kentlake High School
Phone:253) 373-4900
Fax: (253) 373-4908
Principal: Diana Pratt
ARt Seniors Pgs. 18-19
Adviser: Susan Best
The Falcon Flyer is an open forum,
produced by students in the
journalism class at Kentlake High
School. Its mission is to provide
a thought-proviking, informative
and high-quality publication for the
Academic Seniors Pg. 20
Kentlake community, adhering to
strong journalistic principles.
Editorials which appear in the Flyer
represent the opinion of the named
author or authors, or if no author
is credited, the opinions of the
Editorial Board.
The staff welcomes signed letters
to the editor. The Falcon Flyer
Journalism Seniors Pgs. 21-23
reserves the right to edit letters, al-
though every attempt will be made
to preserve original content. Letters
should be sent to thefalconflyer@ Follow us on Twitter
and Facebook. Cover by Alyssa Ryan
Special Tributes
The Falcon Flyer 3
State run falls short Despite the award winners, the rest of
Tanya Hernandez remembered
Jason Hirschey the lineup was seemingly impenetrable.
Copy Editor “Any given day, any of these kids could
pick up the slack,” said Kaas.
Legendary baseball player Jackie The fastpitch girls continued to streak
Robinson once said, “Baseball is like a and rolled right into the State Fastpitch
game of poker. Nobody wants to quit Championship, but in the end, came up
when they’re losing; nobody wants to short. In the double-elimination tour-
quit when they’re ahead.” That same ney, the Lady Falcons quickly dropped
fixation to a simple ballgame is not lost two games and were abruptly knocked
in the sport of fastpitch. This past sea- out. Both games were lost by one run
son, the girls’ fastpitch team accrued a
with a combined 19 LOB and only
regular season record of 19-1, storming
two strikeouts. Game one was fought
through to win the League Tournament
against Kelso, the defending state
and SPSL Title. “We had so many rain-
outs toward the end of the year. We champions. “To leave eleven possible
were stuck inside all but one day in the runs on the bases [against Kelso] and to
last two weeks of practice,” said head lose by one run, it’s tough to deal with,”
coach Greg Kaas. “Our Senior Night said Kaas. “The crazy thing about this
got rained out three times so it ended game is you can hit it right at them or
up being Senior Month.” they make great plays, there’s nothing
With high expectations, the team you can do about it.”
was ranked No. 2. Their lineup was well An early exit from the state tourna-
built. Erin Crowley was honored as the ment is not the proudest of moments.
“It’s absolutely a disappointment,” said Photo courtesy of Jean Campell
SPSL co-MVP, Nikole Weber was All-
SPSL North first team pitcher, Erika Kaas. “I look at it from the seniors,
Smith first team second base, Brooke those that have been with the program
Evans first team third base, Jessie for four years, this was their chance… Cynthiann Heckelsmiller
Richardson first team utility, and Kel- It’s tough to come to grips with it.” Co Editor-in-Chief
lie Nielson first team outfield. Hannah However, this year shall not be
Sauget and Alexis Engman earned the thought of in vain. Every year the team The students go on working diligently, but there is an empty place in Jean
All-SPSL North honorable mention will continually improve as they have to Campell’s special education class. One of her most engaging and sparkling
for pitcher and outfield respectively. this year’s success. Time to ante up. students, Tanya Hernandez is gone. Tanya died Tuesday morning, May 18, of
complications due to her spina bifida. She was 16 years old.
A sassy, fun-loving girl, Tanya loved to tease her teachers and classmates.
It was all in good fun, of course, as she is also remembered for her big heart.
“[Tanya] made a lot of friends with the students in our class,” said Campbell.
Many of the students have been with Tanya since elementary school. “She
was my friend,” said classmate Tony Unser. “I helped her with the wheel
chair and math and reading.”
Born with spina bifida, Tanya was confined to a wheel chair for most of her
life. The condition is caused by abnormalities in the spinal column, and can
hinder motor abilities and make learning difficult.
Her condition did not dampen her spirits. Tanya loved fashion, and often
enjoyed looking up styles on the internet. “She always wanted to be fash-
ionable,” said Campbell. “Some days it was blue eye shadow, [others], long
earrings.” For her fifteenth birthday, Tanya got her wish to be a princess,
celebrating with a royal flair, complete with a bejeweled tiara.
She will be missed by her parents, siblings, loving church congregation, and
all the students and staff who knew her. “Para Siempre mis Dulce Diecis`eis
Photo courtesy of the Tacoma New Tribune salida con escolta;” Forever Sweet Sixteen.

Carly’s memory extends beyond graduation

ever, it is what has occurred in the wake of the passing in the class of 2010, not only remember her in their
Christine Rushton that will ring out. As described in the Seattle Times, music, but also as they spend every day with Chuck
Co Editor-in-Chief “She made basketball fans out of band students and Stowell, they have had the opportunity to grow with
band fans out of basketball players.” With her talents her effect. One of her many attributes also included
It has been three years. Three years during which
people have been influenced for a new and better out- in both music and basketball, Carly united a unique the ability to reach out to a wide range of personali-
look on life, a memory has been preserved in ways bunch, imprinting the school social dynamic. ties. Nearly anywhere around Kentlake and the com-
only encouraging to those who come across it, and the Her parents, Chuck and Elena, understood this and munity, people both close and just acquainted with her
personality and unique individuality of one young girl infused the idea into the foundation created in her breathe her memory every day, living their lives to the
has inspired many to reach beyond their own aspira- name. Supporting students in music and athletics, the fullest.
tions. “Love what you do, and do what you love” are foundation provides an opportunity for kids to thrive As the class of 2010 finishes their high school career
the words representative of Carly Stowell and of the in multiple aspects of life, just as Carly did. and disperses into the world, Carly Stowell will walk
mark she has left on those who knew her and those Carly’s effect reaches beyond her foundation. Her with them. Although her memory may not ring quite
who were touched by her. basketball team has drawn inspiration from the mem- as strong within the school after they have gone, her
The day the headlines displayed the tragic message ory of her bubbly character, bonding the team closer passions and her effects will extend to all corners of
of her passing was one that will not be forgotten. How- together. Also, the band students, especially those the world, spreading the ideals of living a vision.
4 Seniors: Music
The Falcon Flyer
Vocals that provide more than just music
While developing bonds with her
Jacob Langholz fellow vocalists, she learned lessons
Staff Reporter that will help her later. “You learn
Music can be a passion, a means patience, or at least how to try and
to gain a fine arts credit, or even a be patient,” said Murray, “and you
path to a career. In the case of Shelby also learn that it takes more than
Murray, music is not only a talent, but one person to zip up a choir dress.”
an integral part of her life. “I started Jokes aside, music and the choir
singing when I was really little, my program have given her a rock to
parents always encouraged me to be stand on in the ever changing sands
musical,” said Murray. of life.
She has been in choir throughout Initially, Murray planned on not
her high school career, spending three continuing choir, however, Murray
years in the select ensemble. Murray said, “My dad told me that when all
said, “Vocally, it has made me a stron- else is changing, choir has been the
ger person, but even more it gave me only thing consistent [in my life].”
a backup family. You meet and get to Music has shaped her life and
know people with similar interests due to that, she plans on continu-
that you can trust and that stay in it ing recreationally singing through
with you.” college. Photo courtesy of Shelby Murray

“Somatic Escape” fuels talent

Holy flying trombones, Batman! Brendan Cescon
Copy Editor
Brendan Cescon Music and
Copy Editor songwriting are
Few people have successfully maintained dual lives in the arenas of music and fly- passions unique to
ing-projectile catching, but Alex Koch has thrived. Koch has been playing trombone a world full of aca-
since the fifth grade and is demics and sports.
also co-captain of the Fris- They allow a person
bee team. His past inter- to express them-
ests have included soccer selves through any
and wrestling, but now he sound imaginable,
chooses to participate in any tool or instru-
what really strikes a chord ment the musician
with him. fancies. Andrew
“Band is an escape from Stergion chooses
everything else in life. It’s guitar.
not an academic class so With three to
it’s really free and [cool] four years of ex-
just to go there and just perience, Stergion
have fun basically,” said has taken advan-
Koch. tage of all the re-
He has played with sources available.
Kentlake’s Dixieland band, Combined with
Wind Ensemble, and Jazz the talents of Luke
band for several years. Lindsley and Gar-
During this time he has ret Powers, Ster-
gained a strong respect for gion has formed a
band director and extraor- band he calls “So-
dinaire, Chuck Stowell. matic Escape.”
“Stowell is our leader, Taking inspira- Photo courtesy of Andrew Stergion
our dad. He keeps every- tion from life expe-
one in check and teaches riences as well as
us how to have fun and ev- friends and family,
erything else,” said Koch. “Somatic Escape” has a slightly alternative sound, mixed with punk and
Koch hopes to continue a dash of psychedelia. Formed recently, Somatic Escape has had several
his musical experiences in gigs and has recorded a number of songs available for listening on their
the future. He successfully MySpace page.
earned a scholarship to Stergion is a unique guy. Having written literally hundreds of songs
Eastern Washington Uni- and harboring about 20 nicknames, he is an irreplaceable musician ca-
versity and plans on work- pable of playing in almost any band. With the intentions of pursuing a
Photo courtesy of Alex Koch career in music, Stergion is undeniably a man with a plan: to rock the
ing a major in music and a
minor in education. house till the cows don’t wanna come home no more.
Alex Koch has a some sugar on the Victoria Band Trip.
Somatic Escape’s music is available for listening at www.myspace.
Seniors: Music
The Falcon Flyer
Donkey Kong sparks zeal in musician’s life
No matter how juvenile his beginnings were, Pattsner ever he does, and will maybe even play the trombone
Alyssa Ryan has grown into an award winning and well respected better than Lanky Kong.
Op-Ed Editor musician. With Pattsner’s contribution, “Oh Mega-
phone” placed 2nd at Studio 7’s battle of the bands,
Contrary to his seemingly studious and laid back and placed 3rd in the finale. They are now working
character around school, Max Pattsner is an enthu- on new recordings. “Against the Grain” is also well
siastic rocker and talented musician at heart. A little recognized, placing 2nd at battle of the bands and re-
on the wild side, this high school music man partici- leasing their CD, “The Other Side of Love.”
pates in many musical activities throughout the day, After graduating high school, Pattsner will attend
including being a trombone player in Jazz Band, and college at Tulane University in New Orleans and
a bass player in bands, “Against the Grain” and “Oh study, as abstract from his character as it may be, po-
Megaphone.” His fellow band mates include Kentlake litical science under his inspiration, James Carville.
student’s Drew Sturgeon and Alex Duarte. “I hope to become a lawyer someday and keep music
Pattsner first picked up music in the elementa- as my pastime rather than a job,” said Pattsner. Al-
ry school band only because he wanted to replicate though he loves music, he has taken early steps to-
Lanky Kong, off Donkey Kong, and play the trombone. ward law, participating in debate his junior year, and
He has now progressed to playing the bass, however a mock trial his senior year. Whether on the podium
he says his favorite is still Lanky Kong’s instrument. in law or music, Pattsner is fated to succeed in what- Photo courtesy of Max Pattsner

Classical music inspires life expression

Strings”, movements 1 and 4, by Carold Nunez, and
Kelsey Bolton our abridged version of the “New World Symphony”
Staff Reporter by Dvorak; all beautiful in their own way.”
A passion, a dream, and for many, so much more Cayce’s musical talents also extend beyond the
is the description of people’s love of music. Makena realm of orchestra and into singing. She has been
Cayce has latched on to this phenomenon by play- a part of the First Columbia Choirs and is currently
ing the viola in orchestra throughout high school a part of Rainier Coral in the Consonare and Opus
and singing in two choirs outside of school. One. When it comes to choir, Cayce said, “[I enjoy]
Orchestra has provided many memories and en- taking my voice, adding it to others, and using them
joyable experiences for Cayce. “[I enjoy] being in to make something beautiful.”
chamber. You actually sound good and enjoy play- As a whole, music has influenced her life in widely
ing. Plus, Harris has the best worst jokes,” said different ways, and will help her beyond high school.
Cayce. Cayce said, “In the respect of playing it and creating
Then there are the epic trips to Victoria, and the it, music has shown me not to be ashamed of ex-
incredible pieces that the orchestra has played. As pression. Expressing how the music influences how
for a single favorite song, Cayce said, “In all honesty you feel and letting anyone know. As far as being
I can’t decide among the Finale to the “St. Paul’s in an orchestra it has taught me how to be a part of
Photo courtesy of Makena Cayce
Suite”, “The Dargason”, by Gustav Holst, “Suite for something larger than myself.”

Singing sensation for the choir record books has always come easily for Shepard and has
Erin Hunt made music a large part of her life. This last
Staff Reporter year she auditioned for the Allstate choir in
February and was accepted. Her participa-
Song is a daily part of many students’ tion emphasizes her placement as one of
lives, whether it is the music of rap, opera the best vocalist’s in
or some sort of varia- the state.
tion. Often, the combi-
nation of rhythm and
“[I love] hearing the Listening to music
is also one of her favor-
singing skill are taken chords in music and ite pastimes. “[I love]
for granted by the lis- then being able to make
hearing the chords in
Andie Shepard, how- them myself.” music and then being
able to make them my-
ever, appreciates music
to the fullest and has self,” said Shepard.
learned to use her bril- -Andie Shepard She also has consid-
liant talent for vocals ered singing in college,
throughout her entire but anticipates being
life. “I’ve been singing for a long time,” extremely busy obtaining a nursing degree.
Shepard said, “Gator Singers was my first Regardless of her other activities, sing-
group.” ing will always be a part of her life. Shepard
During high school, Shepard has sung said, “The whole experience of hearing ev-
second Alto in Kentlake’s choir, which is erything [musically] fit together is a cool
the lowest vocal sound. Singing beautifully sound.” Photo courtesy of Andie Shepard
6 Where are they going?
The Falcon Flyer
Green River Community College
Tyler Eklund
Danielle Silva
Justin Blair
Abur Okullu
Briana Smith Erin Collins
Alyssa Duffey Ken Steckler

Leah Robbins Adrianna Hutton

Kailey Helmholz Chris Nelson
Rachel Guckel Shannon Nason

Tyler Potts Meliame Leua
Austin Williamson McCarthy Keo

Jayson Baughan Ryan Steffenson

Brittany Ashbaugh Brandi Huggins

Tyler Royal Lynze Utz
Rikki Jo Bower Kelli Wyatt

Luke Lindsley Holly O’Neal

Kyle Murphy Tyler Nielson
Kristin Williams Dustin Ahlrich

Jacob Berbue Mishaela Martinson
Josh Flannery Kendrick Kwok
Danielle Hurt Karl Dubeau

Matt Tennancour Jessica Simmons
Heena Gollen Drew Stergion
Huong Mai Jenna Claboe
Thao Mai Tyler Newell
Natalya Barinova Courtney Vaughan
Paulina Anderson Eric Thompson

Anika Glass
Colton Jensen
Leslie Ducay
Christi Blanton
Bellevue College
Keith Bolender
Central Washington University Jordan Jacobsen Justin Anderson
Chelsea Caimey Melanie Bibko Talon Sisley
Craig Heffner Jill Jamison Samuel Gunning
Isabelle Williamson Kelsey Wagner Chase Peters
Victoria Gonnason University of Washington (Tacoma) Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute
Michele Dunn Anna Sealey Samantha Swanz-
Antoinette Pennington Maggie Howe Michael McCamey
Tyler Mortenson Milena Summers Bates Technical College
Brooke Evans Western Washington University Ben Fowler
Jesse Salazar Jade Parker Arthur Kanonik
Amy Dervin Katie Phillips
Art School
Jesse Gilomen Aryn McCarthy
Kayli Howard
Mike Holzberger Shelby Murray
Seattle Central Community College
Dakoatah Sisco Melissa Blackmore
Amber Jahn
Tyler Wright Jerel Henderson
Cornish College of the Arts
University of Washington Carissa Schaff
Shawna Petty
Christopher Engelbrecht Terra Compton
Ceary Manual Aveda Institute
Joseph Thompson Kelsey Bolton
Brittney Ronning Roe
Ryan McMorris Mike Lydon
Art Institute of Seattle
Ben Swedberg Melodi Yanik
Morgan Peterson
Kyla D’Amico Ryan DeNoyer
Gonzaga University
Rupinder Suman Casey Rengo
Saraya Thompson
Stephanie Nguyen Bryan Cavanagh
Whitworth University
Katie Bubsey Sara Anzalone
Alexander Archuleta
Katie Kulesza Sean Cavanagh
Highline Community College
Cory Shiraishi Kristine Farwell
Aaron Velasco
Brian Oliphant Carly Vester
Kathy Vo
Zach Wright Seattle Pacific University
Renton Technical College
Michael Dymond-Shaw Jess Wagner
Kaitlyn Brown
Matt Davis Syba Mathew
Pima Medical Institute
Doug Christie Riley Butler
Naomi Teton
Washington State University Alexis Ng
Trinity Lutheran University
Kaitlyn Restis Seattle University
Savannah Wood
Dakota Fultz Chelsea Warneke
Whitman College
Jessica Betts Kendall Walker
Christopher Wood
Tyler Smith Cameron Ellis
TOPS Outreach Program
Kelsey Meyer Eastern Washington University
Winter Orcutt
Christine Rushton Morganne Comstock
Gene Juarez Academy
Jacob Langholz Kelsey Cinkovich
Christine Leonard
Kasey Dauenhauer Alex Koch
Salon Professional Academy
Eleanor Gibson Pacific Lutheran University
Amanda Scott
Seniors: Drama
The Falcon Flyer
Actress, scientist, lady, Bibko fascinates the world
and watch them shine. Also, the double cast-
Kayla Maletich ing of this show allowed us to try new acting
Business Manager styles and character choices each night with
Melanie Bibko’s theatre career began years our other cast members,” said Bibko.
ago with a fourth grade musical performance After high school she will be attending
about Lewis and Clark, where she received the Washington State University and will most
coveted role of their dog. Since that significant likely study biology. “I’ve always had an in-
casting part, she has obtained leading roles in terest in genetics and genetic predispositions,
multiple productions, such as South Pacific and I’d like to look into making that a career,”
and Noises Off. said Bibko.
“I did theatre on-and-off up through junior Despite Bibko’s acting abilities, it is hobby
high…but it wasn’t until my junior year that that she will not pursue as a professional oc-
I actually started doing school shows,” said cupation.
Bibko. “I’m definitely looking forward to experienc-
There are also small points of drama that ing a lot of different things in college and even
Bibko loves. “I love getting a response from the beyond,” said Bibko, “I don’t plan to continue
audience. In this year’s South Pacific I really theatre as a career, it’s just something I do for
enjoyed the small two or three person scenes fun. I hope that later on I’ll be able to still do
that I got to be in. It’s a whole new experience shows, no matter how small, even if I’m behind
Photo courtesy of Melanie Bibko
to work so closely with other actors onstage the scenes with costumes or stage crew.”

Class clown charms as dinosaur

Petty born for the spotlight Jerel Henderson
Kaitlyn Miklancic Staff Reporter
Staff Reporter
A big stage, bright lights, and a huge crowd is what Shawna Petty is all about.
Ever since the first grade Shawna has had a love for the spotlight. When she was
little she was always performing for her family and friends.
She has been in a variety of plays, such as the most recent play “South Pacific”,
and others like “Wizard of Oz”, “Snow White”, and “Pamalot”. “Noises Off” was
picked by Shawna as her favorite out of all of the productions that she has been a
part of. Her roles include a wide range like the Queen in “Snow White” and Brook
in “Noises Off”.
Not only does Shawna perform for our school, but she has also participated in
summer camps at Green River. Drama is a major part in Shawna’s life and as it
turns out she is going to continue on with her career. She said, “[I’m] going to a
theater arts college, Corrige.” After that who knows where she will end up. For all
we know she could be the next biggest movie star.

Photo courtesy of Jayson Baughan

Many have sighted a strange creature in the halls of Kentlake. It’s not a bird,
plane, or superman – It’s the infamous Jayson Baughan. A unique species that
romps around like a dinosaur and infects various subjects with fits of hysterical
laughter. Periodically, you may spot Jayson in the drama room, directing leader-
ship activities, or simply parading the grounds of Kentlake.
If you have not had the pleasure of being in a class with Jayson, you are
surely missing out. His antics make a seemingly dismal class enjoyable and fun.
He is man that likes to learn, but is not afraid to ask any questions. Even a silly
question is not too much for Jayson, because he is always willing to push for a
few laughs. If there is a fine line between learning with humor and goofing off,
Jayson shatters it and manages to accomplish both with ease.
Outside of class, Jayson participates in many activities. His favorites include
spending time with his friends, playing video games, or hanging out with young-
life. However, one aspect of his life has been consistently devoted to drama. Jay-
son has had the pleasure of being apart of numerous shows for Kentlake Drama.
Among them he says that “Noises Off” was his favorite show to be in. Jayson
describes the production as a “slap-stick comedy. It is just my kind of style.”
In the future, Jayson will be attending Green River Community College with
plans to transfer to UW. He has also expressed interest in the Sumner Commu-
nity Theatre. As for now, he is still reveling in his last days of high school. Jayson
is particularly proud of being voted “funniest falcon” by the senior class, and also
Photo courtesy of Shawna Petty for being selected to prom court. There is no doubt about it, this dinosaur-walk-
ing comedian will be having a good time wherever he goes.
8 Seniors: Sports
The Falcon Flyer
Cavanagh twins: double the trouble, double the talent

Photo courtesy of Bryan Cavanagh Photo courtesy of Sean Cavanagh

determination, and hard work. Together, the two have amassed a Washington University.
Daniel Tadeo Their presence in any sport they com- number of achievements. Along with “My plan for the future is to become a
Copy Editor peted in was undoubtedly felt; they were receiving numerous Most Inspirational renewable energy engineer, an engineer
a force to be reckoned with. “Well, Bry- and Captain titles, Bryan earned Foot- where I can use my imagination to help
Nobody grasps the essence of broth- an and I played football though middle ball Player of the Year and Athlete of the the world be a better place,” said Sean.
erly love as well as Bryan and Sean Ca- and high school,” said Sean. “I started Year for track while Sean won Athlete Bryan has a different plan. “I want to do
vanagh, the beastly athletic twins of wrestling in seventh grade and con- of the Year for wrestling. For next year, something where I can give back,” Bry-
Kentlake. With a tenacious passion for vinced Bryan to start wrestling in eighth the Cavanaghs have decided to end their an said. “I’ve had a lot of teachers that
sports, the two have proven themselves grade. We did [wrestling] all four years varsity athletic careers, choosing to have helped me out and I just want to
to be Falcon All-Stars, displaying the at Kentlake.” Track was also a staple in play other sports such as ultimate Fris- repay them by helping other people out,
highest level of school spirit, teamwork, their repertoire. bee once they start attending Western so I think I want to be a teacher.”

Oxborrow goes crazy for pole vaulting, hurdles, not so much

nervous and you don’t even want to run. And person-
Kayla Maletich ally once I start racing the only thing I want is for it to
Business Manager be done. Sometimes I feel like I would give anything to
break my arm or my leg while racing just so I wouldn’t
While many people avoid physical activity, it seems have to finish!”
like Bryant Oxborrow is constantly in motion. Oxbor- Post high school Oxborrow will attend Brigham
row has been a member of both Young University Idaho for fall
the cross country and the track “I originally planned on and winter semesters. Once
team for the past four years, doing hurdles, because I he turns 19 he plans on serv-
though his true love is pole ing a two year mission for his
vaulting. thought pole vaulting was church, the Church of Jesus
“I originally planned on do- crazy and for idiots...Once I Christ of Latter Day Saints.
ing hurdles, because I thought “When you get right down to
pole vaulting was crazy and for tried it out I was hooked and it high school is pretty easy, so
idiots,” said Oxborrow. “Once never wanted to do anything I will probably miss that,” said
I tried it out I was hooked and
never wanted to do anything
else. Pole vaulting is the most Oxborrow. “I will also miss pep
assemblies. But most of all I
else. Pole vaulting is the most fun thing on this planet.” am going to miss track and all
fun thing on this planet.” of the friends I made in track.
When asked what the most My senior year of track was
difficult part of cross-country was, Oxborrow said, “The most definitely one of the top highlights of my high
actual 3.1 mile races. Before the race, you are really school career.” Photo courtesy of Joseph Oxborrow
Seniors: Sports
The Falcon Flyer
Stephanie Nguyen:
A versatile athlete
Doug Christie: a pro in many fields

Photo courtesy of Doug Christie

baseball memory. “[It was] probably in the 2008 cham-

Michala Dymond-Shaw pionships for high school, at Safeco Field. It was in the
Staff Reporter championship game, and I made a catch off the back
of the mound, and did a backwards somersault. It was
What defines a student athlete? Is it the passion for pretty cool,” said Christie.
the game and skill on the field? Is it academics in the Baseball is not the only field in which Christie suc-
classroom and motivation for the future? No matter the ceeds; he shows talent in academics, as well. “Academ-
definition, Doug Christie fills every aspect of this role. ics have been a big part of my life. I’ve always been a
Baseball extraordinaire and successful student, Christie good student, and [have] always strived [to be] the best
reflects what it means to be a true Falcon. student that I can,” said Christie. According to Christie,
There is no question that Christie has immense talent grades like these helped him receive scholarships, like
as a baseball player; this can be partially attributed to the academic scholarship he received to the University
his long career in the field. “I’ve been playing since I was of Washington.
four or five, starting with t-ball and working my way up In light of all of these accomplishments, Christie has
to going to college [at UW] next year,” said Christie. some advice to share with other high school students.
Christie had a successful career as a high school “Work hard in school, set high goals for yourself, and do
player, participating all four years, three of those on the the most you can do to achieve those goals,” said Chris-
Photo courtesy of Stephanie Nguyen varsity team. It was with Kentlake that he had his best tie.

Matt Davis
Staff Reporter
Basketball career continues for Comstock
People who are practically clones of other stu-
dents are common in high school, leaving few who
are unique in their actions or personality. How-
ever, one individual, Stephanie Nguyen is truly
abstract and matchless in the way she acts and in
what she does.
Nguyen is a talented athlete that has participat-
ed in multiple sports. “I did gymnastics and ten-
nis for a couple of years,” said Nguyen. However,
being an athlete does not always make one grace-
ful in all facets of life. In fact, this multi-talented
student remembers one embarrassing day when
her athletic nature did not keep her from making a
fool out of herself. “I was walking up the stairs and
tripped and I didn’t catch myself,” said Nguyen.
Well she was also certainly embarrassed when Photo courtesy of Morganne Comstock
she received the Accounting Student of the Year
award during the senior recognition assembly. “playing D1 basketball at Eastern Washington Uni-
Along with accounting, she has taken the tough Ryan Snyder versity,” which could eventually lead to a career in the
road when it comes to classes. “I took all the AP Staff Reporter Women’s National Basketball Association.
and honors classes basically,” said Nguyen. This When asked what made her unique, Comstock said,
included both of Mr. Sturtevant’s calculus classes, This senior shoots hoops, dribbles the ball, and slams “I am friends with a
Calculus AB and Calculus BC, which she found a dunk or two. Can lot of different groups
amusing. “I’m very very easily entertained so I
enjoyed Mr. Sturtevant’s class because of the ran-
you guess who it is?
If you said Morganne
“Comstock has broken her at Kentlake.” Fitting
in with one group of
dom comments,” said Nguyen.
She is going to attend the University of Wash-
Comstock, you would
be 100 percent cor- fair share of records over people may be hard,
but multiple groups
ington and study pre-medicine. “I plan to do
something that doesn’t deal with people, like re-
rect. Walking the halls
at over six feet tall, her years here.” appear no match for
search,” said Nguyen. Finally, remembering her an impressive feat in Now that she is
time spent here, this tiny bundle of energy was itself, Comstock has about to leave Kent-
deeply affected by her teacher in marketing. “I broken her fair share of records over her years here. lake, Comstock has advice for younger students. “start
miss Mr. Jackson,” said Nguyen. In the upcoming year, Comstock looks forward to your culminating project ahead of time!” she said.
10 Where are they going?
The Falcon Flyer

Oregon State University
Nick Wehmann University of Montana
Doug Goodgion Haley Rondeau

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising

Dalana Caldwell
Santa Monica College
David Johnston
Jener DaSilva
Chapman University

Nikole Weber
San Diego State University University of Colorado

Leanna McCord Tiana Insley


BYU Idaho

Taylor Welch

Haleigh Willden
Bryant Oxborrow
Michelle Peterson
University of Idaho
Jordan Amoth
Caleb Sutton


University of Arizona
Matt Stutzmon
o n
Arizona State University
i z
Erin Eidal
UTI Tech School
Blake Hetrick

Weber State University

Cynthiann Heckelsmiller
Senior: Quotes
The Falcon Flyer
s t ing
o ss “I tripped in front of everyone
M ra at a band concert during my
a r n t junior year. I doubt anyone
b m e
E Mo
else remembers it, but I sure
do” - Terra Compton

“On swim team, my pants fell off. Everyone saw

my butt while I dived in. It was bad” - Tyler Hood

“One time at lunch I thought I saw my friend, so I sat down

next to him. And then I looked up and he was looking at
me all funny. I realized he was not my friend and I had sat
down at the wrong table” - Neachelle Gleason

“Realizing that I’ve wasted all of my senior year playing Halo

3, and not having a life. OH! And getting so excited that
PLU has a Halo club!” - Anika Glass

“I made a few posters asking a girl to a school

dance and with a bunch of people watching, she
said no” - Anthony Hiner
“Me and Courtney Pierson were at the movies at Kent
Station right after saying hi to like 27381293 people
from school we walked into the bathroom and all
these guys were looking at us like “wtf?” as we were
walking in and we didn’t realize it until we saw the
urinals that we went into the MENS BATHROOM so
then ran out as fast as we could” - Brooke Hebert
12 Senior Favorites
The Falcon Flyer
Senior Favorites
The Falcon Flyer
Best Eyes
Talon Sisley &
Sp & Co Jill Jamison
irilton Jen
Best Smiles

Bryant Oxborrow & Amber Brakke

te sen

The results are in!

Drama King Drama Queen
Class Clowns
Best Moves
C u test
unny E
mber y
& Blak
e Hetr

Jayson Baughan & Haleigh Wilden

Michelle Peterson & Doug Goodgion Craig Heffner & Allison Combs

Photos courtesy of Dalana Caldwell

Photo illustrations by Cynthiann Heckelsmiller
14 Senior Favorites
The Falcon Flyer

Most Talkative

Kyla D’Amico & Taylor Welch

Justin Andersen &
Dalana Caldwell

Loveley Locks

Kari Murphy &

Vibrant Vocalists Jordan Amoth





t h

Crystal Hedding and Alex Duarte

Most Athletic
Where are they going?
The Falcon Flyer
Tulane University
Max Pattsner


Cleveland State University
Frederike Dubeau

University of Chicago
Jan Tabaczynski


College of the Holy Cross

University of Hawaii
Chelsea Hogan
Aiyana Hickey

Hawaii Pacific University
Tabitha Sullivan
BYU Hawaii
Crystal Hedding
16 Seniors: Unique
The Falcon Flyer

Embery, Hetrick a strong team

Erin Hunt McKenna Herron
Staff Reporter Staff Reporter

Sunny Embery is certainly one of Kentlake’s most If you know Blake Hetrick, you are aware that he
out-going students. Not only does she take extra involves himself in many out-of-the-box activities.
efforts to befriend both students and teachers, but she This senior is not like many others; he does not play
also enjoys a strong and committed relationship with football or participate in ASB, he uses his time the way
her boyfriend of over two years, Blake Hetrick. he wants to.
Embery has one addiction that sets her apart from “High school is a little overrated for me. It’s a drag
the crowd: fitness. While many students enjoy eating and not very fun. I fill up my time swimming and
while watching TV or surfing the web, Embery loves hanging out with friends in good weather, or basically
working out. She said, “[Working out] is truly one of just finding new ways to stay in shape. I’m really
my passions.” interested in automotives, too,” said Hetrick.
In fact, she wakes up an hour before school to He has participated in KSTC (Kent swim and tennis
exercise. Her day at Kentlake includes aerobics and club) since he was a little kid and has stuck with it ever
P.E. class. “My favorite part about high school was since. Hetrick has developed friendships with many of
actually aerobics class this year. I have made a lot of the members and currently works as a lifeguard in the
new friends,” said Embery. summer.
Embery also plans to have this passion become her Next to swimming, he also prepares for his future at
future career. “I am studying to be a personal trainer UTI (Universal Tech Institute). He said, “I’m in auto
right now,” Embery explained. shop now and find it to be really interesting. I’m moving
Another major portion of Embery’s life is her long down to Arizona for the industrial diesel program at
time boyfriend, Hetrick. Embery said “I saw him at UTI. Mr. Lewis has been a great motivator because
freshman orientation and thought he was pretty cute, he’s the one that inspired me to be in an automotive
then we had drivers-ed together and I fell for him.” career, so I’ve got to thank him for that.”
The pair has been together for all of junior and senior Hetrick aspires to take his education with
year, making Embery one of the few with long term automotives with him and develop a steady profession.
relationships in high school. “I’m going to be a diesel technician and I hope to open
Embery is excited to be graduating. However, like up my own shop. I don’t know where, but I know that
most seniors, feels that unsure if she is ready to live in that’s what I really want to do,” he said, “Besides that,
Photo by Sunny Embery I’m just excited to get out and get to work.”
the “real world” yet.

Kentlake’s strangest Athetic term comes to an end

Kierra Elfalan
Staff Reporter
Ever since my brother went to college, I’ve been using
Kelsey Bolton his room to hoard all of the freshmen I’ve kidnapped, There is a lot more to
Staff Reporter and then I’ve been turning them into flesh-craving track than just running
zombies.” He then plans the field. An athlete must
to unleash them upon a have strength, stamina,
The word ‘unique’ is
neutral country, most likely and agility; but they
defined as being one of a
Switzerland, when he has also have to play with
kind. Sean Rockey is the
about 100,000 of them. heart and share the love
essence of the term. From
Additionally, havoc will for the sport with their
wearing banana suits and
ensue and life on Earth will teammates. It is not only
kilts to taekwondo, Rockey Photo by Erin Collins
be eradicated due to the use about playing well, but
has done it.
of nukes. With only a few also about inspiring the
It is his individuality
survivors left domination team to push on when
that landed him a spot in
will be effortless. things are looking bad.
Mr. Kentlake. Rockey wore
As for his plans after For instance, it has been a long day and there is
a banana suit for one of his
high school besides not a sign of sun in the sky. Coach has had everyone
performances. “It’s the only
claiming complete control running all day and everyone is so winded that they
suit of a phallic object that
over the world, Rockey do not know what they are running for anymore,
is acceptable for use in the
will be attending Green or why they continue to push on. What does the
Kent School District,” said
River Community College Kentlake track team captain do? “I see everyone else
Rockey. As for his favorite
then eventually transfer working hard and it keeps me from slacking off,”
part about being a part of
to the University of said Erin Collins.
Mr. Kentlake Rockey said,
Washington. He intends to It is Erin’s fourth year at this school and she has
“Either breaking stuff with
study linguistics and music learned all she can from high school, it is time for
my hands or seeing Warren
theory, but before all of her to embark on the arduous journey ahead. Where
in a pimp outfit.”
that he will travel to Japan will she be headed? “I’m going to Green River and
Along with this goes
during the summer. At the hoping to transfer later,” said Collins. This term is
his plan to rule the world
end of the day, there is no sadly coming to an end for Collins. What will her
which he has been creating
person who comes close to fellow students miss the most? Her irreplaceable
for quite some time.
being as one of a kind as personality, or the full head of curls she rocks so
Rockey said, “It’s already
Photo by Kelsey Bolton Rockey. well? Whatever it is, her unique qualities are sure to
in production technically.
get her far in life in her bright future.
Seniors: Unique
The Falcon Flyer 17
Puppy Love Nathan plays trumpet
Kaitlyn Miklancic Keith Bolender
Staff Reporter Staff Reporter
Walking through the halls, or eating lunch Nathan Strand is a man of many talents, abilities, and quite a
everyone must have noticed the dog among us. Joyful few stories. If you get to know him then you will know a person
belongs to senior, Katrina Hetrick and she has been who never ceases to amaze you. A talented shooter, musician
training her for the past three years. She and the rest and promising young lawyer are just a few things that would
of her family all participate in training dogs for the describe him.
organization “Guide Dogs for the Blind” and they “I come from a very open family,” said Strand. This is a very
have been doing so since the summer of 2007, “[they] accurate statement having actually experienced this family first
all love dogs.” hand. “Once I was watching Family laughing and watching
So what does this job entail Hetrick to do? Pretty ‘Family Guy’ and my dad slowly opened the door, sniffed the
much “They have [the dogs] for [about] a year, [and air and said, ‘I smell happy.’ These are regular occurrences. His
the dog] goes through ten phases of learning to lead dad frequently gives him advice and warnings, such as, “Don’t
the blind.” Hetrick’s job is to socialize the dog, which ever put your hand in jalapeno juice!”
means to get the dog familiarized with people. While Strand has been very involved here at Kentlake. He has played
doing this she and her family also teach Joyful basic in the band for four years and can play four instruments as well
commands such as sit and come.“[The training] is as everything in the percussion section. Nathan also played in
pretty easy.” said Hetrick. the top jazz ensemble this year. Young Mr. Strand has also been
To be able to bring Joyful to school, “[We needed involved in the JROTC program that holds class at Kentwood
to] get it approved by the administration and [also] for two years as a member of the rifle team. “I really enjoy these
the Guide dog organization helped.” said Hetrick. things (band and JROTC) because they give me a release from
Helping train these dogs is a great experience and is the stress of everyday life.”
a great way to give back to the community. Nathan has made a lot of friends at Kentlake and is a warm-
hearted person. “My best friends are Keith (Bolender) and Josh
(Lashaar) because they are some of the kindest people I know,”
Photo by Nathan Strand
said Strand. Strand is attending Green River Community College
next year in pursuit of a career as a lawyer. Surely, great things
are ahead for this Falcon.

Hagreen’s words of wisdom

Keith Bolender
Staff Reporter

Dylan Hagreen, the man, the myth, the legend.

How can one put this man into words? Hagreen’s
unique persona cannot be entirely encompased…he is
a Hagreen after all.
Coming from a long line of actors, Dylan decided
to take part in the family business. He auditioned for
“South Pacific” and got the part of Stewpot, Billis’s
dopey assistant. “A lot of people were telling me to
audition and I really wanted to do something for my
senior year,” said Hagreen. He became widely known
in the cast for his “We don’t feel good” line and his
pinwheel act during the backstage Follies scene. Sadly,
the audience could not bare witness to the glorious
pinwheel dance that caused every actor to break
character on stage.
After the youngest Hagreen is finished at Kentlake,
he plans to attend community college and transfer to
a four-year school. What could someone who holds so
much promise for the world want to do with their life?
Hagreen said, “I want to write music for videogames.”
There you have it folks. In ten years when you open
up Final Fantasy CCCXIII and a symphonic cascade
of sound flows into your ears, you might be bearing
witness to the work of the youngest born Hagreen.
Dylan will move on to great things in his post-high
school career; he will inspire as he himself has been
inspired. “When I need inspiration I just remember
Photo by Katrina Hetrick the words of wisdom I learned from Master Yoda. “Do
or do not, there is no try.” Photo by Dylan Hagreen
18 Seniors: Art
The Falcon Flyer

Artsy Hedding heads for tropical education

travel to Disneyworld as a performer and actor,”
Megan Rogers said Hedding.
Staff Reporter Although Hedding finds it hard to be-
Every teenager dreams of leaving their home in lieve she is graduating already, she is looking for-
Washington and moving on to a tropi- ward to “learning how to surf while keeping up
cal paradise, with a lot less rain and a with home-
lot more sun. For Crystal Hedding, this
dream is a tall, sweet, fruity drink of re-
“I’ve grown so much as work
the beaches

As her high school days come to
a person and I couldn’t and getting
tan for the
a close, Hedding prepares to head off to
Brigham Young University, Hawaii. She
be happier now.” first time in
my life.”
aspires to major in a facet of art, such as A s
advertising or design. Hedding
The arts have been major parts -Crystal Hedding recollects
the fun
of Hedding’s life since she was young.
“I’ve been interested in art, dance, and times with
singing since I could walk,” said Hedding, “I her amaz-
know that sounds really cliché, but it’s true. I’m ing friends and prepares to start afresh far away,
just a very artsy person; it’s what makes me hap- she feels that her years at Kentlake prepared her
py.” for the future. “I had an amazing growing expe-
Hedding hopes to translate her sing- rience in high school that I couldn’t have done
ing, dancing, and drama experiences to another without all the amazing people in the class of
tropical vacation spot: Disneyworld. “I hope 2010!” said Hedding. “I’ve grown so much as a
to participate in a Disney college program and person and I couldn’t be happier now.”

Photo courtesy of Crystal Hedding

“Easy” class becomes magnificent obsession

be pursuing a career relating to ceramics in the future. As
Michala Dymond-Shaw it seems, he will be doing quite the opposite. “I’m actually
Staff Reporter going to UW, and hopefully I’ll be getting into the Neuro-
chemistry program, and then climb up the ladder into being
To say that Michael Dymond-Shaw is a man of many talents a neurosurgeon,” said Michael.
would be an understatement. With skills as a golfer, snow- Regardless of other plans, he hopes to continue working
boarder, drum- mer, guitar- with ceramics in his free time. According to Michael, the art
ist, and self- proclaimed is something he cannot give up. “I really like being able to
“techie,” this renaissance take pretty much just a lump of clay and being able to make
man developed yet another something that looks really cool. I’m a hands-on person,
skill to add to his reper-
toire: Michael is a ceramics
Realiz- ing he was in
need of an arts credit, Mi-
chael partook in Ceramics
class his last year and a
half of high school. “I’d
always heard ceramics
was pretty easy and a fun
class to do, so I joined,” said
Dymond-Shaw. After join-
ing, he found out there was
reason to stay. “Turned out
I kind of have a knack for
wheel work, so I decided to stay with it,” Michael said. “Mr.
Wall’s a cool teacher, and I really liked actually being able
to make a physical object with my hands that was of some Photo courtesy of Michael Dymond-Shaw
Despite his work in the creative field, Michael will not
Seniors: Art
The Falcon Flyer 19
Dance star rockets towards dream
my biggest challenge],” said Warneke. “It has
Jordan Middleton been a real struggle for me but I am so proud
Staff Reporter to have overcome those obstacles.”
The uncontrollable urge to express one’s self Warneke plans to attend the Seattle Uni-
through music and versity, and has been
movement; some feel
it, others don’t. Chel-
“I plan to dance my accepted by their dance
team. “We’ll be dancing
sea Warneke has felt
the incessant compul-
whole life.” at the Key Arena at every
basketball game,” said
sion to dance since Warneke. She plans to ei-
the tender age of four. ther study pre-veterinary
Later joining Maple
Valley School of Bal-
-Chealsea Warneke medicine or criminal
justice with an emphasis
let at age seven, she in forensic science. With
found herself among fellow dance lovers, and dis- so many prospects and plans, Warneke looks
covered a true passion for the stage. forward to the future with hope and vivacious
Every sport has its own obstacles, as well as ambition. When asked how long she plans to
rewarding experiences. “Getting onto Pointe and continue dancing, she answers with a charis-
being able to do my senior solo on Pointe [was matic smile, “I plan to dance my whole life.” Photo courtesy of Chealsea Warneke

Genius develops skills Vester invests in photos

Michaela Mandala said. “My inspiration is more
my view on life, and I try to Jason Hirschey
Staff Reporter
show it in a visual world.” Copy Editor
Cartoon tees, horn rimmed Although Ian is in two
glasses, and a camera separate art classes, he
slinging around his has found a way to com- It all started when she was a little girl
neck, Ian Lobdell looks bine the two. “[In] the taking pictures with her tiny pink Bar-
every bit the part of AP art class we had to bie camera. Since then, Carly Vester
an artist. Ian is well do a concentration has honed her skills as a photographic
known on campus portfolio which is master. Her passion exploded sopho-
for his artistic pas- where you create more year in Adam Gosnell’s photog-
sions. 12 consecutive raphy class. “I can’t paint or draw…
“I have been pieces on a sub- photography is very straightforward.
doing art since I ject. I did it on It’s just point and shoot,” said Carly.
was young,” said photography by Her inspiration comes from the sim-
Ian. When he painting camera ple things, “everyday life.”
enrolled in art functions or pic- For the past three years, Carly
classes, he was tures relating to has submitted her artwork to the Cov-
hooked. “About photography,” ington Days Art Show. She has done
sophomore year said Ian. well, placing first and receiving the
I knew art is Ian is very Mayor’s Award. This year will be the
what I wanted proud of his last summer she can enter the student
to do,” said Ian. “I artistic in- category, but she plans on continu-
used to look at the volvement ing in the future. The idea of more art
AP class, and some in the school shows is also a very realistic possibil-
of their art used to and it is what ity.
amaze me.” he wants to be
A swirling mix of
realism and the ab-
by. “Honestly
After graduation, Carly is heading
up north to Western Washington Uni-
“I can’t paint or draw…
stract, Ian’s art seems I wanted to be versity, where she hopes to enter the
to draw from an alien remembered as Photojournalism Program. This could photography is very
fount. Rather than an art nerd in possibly lead to a career in photogra-
basing his art off tra- general,” said phy. She has even thrown the thought
ditional inspirations, Ian “That’s how of working for National Geographic, a straightforward.”
Ian works from pure I wanted to be premier photo magazine. But as Carly
expression. “If I want seen through thinks ahead, she may have to make
to say something, I some additional plans.” I still need
try to think of a way
the school.”
to put a roof over my head,” she said. -Carly Vester
to express it visu- One thing she is sure of: her love of
Photo courtesy of Ian Lobdell
ally instead,” Ian photography will not die.
20 Seniors:Academics
The Falcon Flyer

Alexander Cory Shiraishi proves more

than just a bearded genius
Archuleta Holly Pirret
Sports Editor
brains and brawn Out of the graduating class, Cory Shiraishi is recog-
nized as one of this year’s greatest academic achievers.
He has taken on a heavy course load, including many
challenging AP courses. Cory said, “I really enjoy
math and science, and I’ve had three favorite teach-
ers: McKinzie as a freshman, Finley with AP Bio as a
sophomore, and Sturtevant with Calc AB and BC.”
The drive Shiraishi has for school and life comes
from more than just the common situation of parents
pushing. “I think it was the way I was raised. I internal-
ized the belief that I have to do the best. If I don’t get
A’s then I’m disappointed in myself,” said Shiraishi.
Throughout his years here Cory has also participated
in a wide range of afterschool activities. His other ac-
complishments include three seasons of soccer, one
season of track, two years of math club, and four years
playing the violin.
Shiraishi’s aspirations for next year continue to ex-
emplify his strong academic nature. “I’m going into
the Honors program at UW. And I’ll study either math
or engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine,
psychology, philosophy, or theology,” Shiraishi said.
Although he is known for his academic excellence,
it is not his only accomplishment. Moving on in the
world he will continue to treasure one successful goal.
Shiraishi said, “I have a beard, it’s pretty awesome.” Photo courtesy of Cory Shiraishi

Photo courtesy of Alexander Archuleta

Daniel Tadeo
Copy Editor
While many seniors fell victim to the dire symptoms
of the psychological condition known as Senioritis,
one student persevered through it all. Besides being
deemed as the “chick magnet,” Alexander Archuleta
can undeniably be labeled as one of the hardest-work-
ing, smartest, and brightest students to grace the halls
of this fine institution.
Archuleta strived to make the best of his high school
career, never settling for anything. Over the years, he Photo courtesy of Chelsae Hogan
has steadily maintained a nearly perfect GPA even with Chelsea Hogan, far right, on a recent band trip to Victoria
his rigorous class schedule. “I’ve taken every AP class
offered, except AP Bio, that I could,” said Archuleta.
“Right now, I’m in the top five of my class.”
Chelsea Hogan reaches for the highest goals
As for awards representing his outstanding aca- the medical field all planned out. “I want to major in
demic achievements, Archuleta has amassed a variety Jacob Langholz biology or biochemistry. I’m going to the College of the
ranging from student of the quarters to his recent hon- Staff Reporter Holy Cross...they have really good programs for biol-
ors of Student of the Year in the Departments of Math ogy and pre-med preparation.”
A quiet voice to the unknowing ear, Chelsea Hogan Not only has this soft-spoken scholar been an aca-
and Social Studies.
has a certain intelligence that will one day lead her to demic success, she also made it onto the class of 2010’s
Whitworth is Archuleta’s future college, where he
assist those around her. For those who are close to her, prom court. “People told me that they were voting for
has received the presidential scholarship. He also re-
she is truly a fire behind her tiny frame. me, but I was still a little surprised when I heard I
cently received the Kent Rotary scholarship for his
Hogan has a unique drive that has lead her to her made it.”
high school success in both academics and extensive
academic success and more. Hogan said, “I have really In the end, her journey through the Kentlake halls
community service. He plans to study political science
high expectations for myself and I feel disappointed if has been a superior one. “I really loved AP Bio, it was
and international studies. “I would like to eventual go
I come short of a goal. I also want to be a doctor, which such a fun class. I really liked Calculus, both classes
to law school and sort of help to work with humani-
naturally requires an academic drive to achieve.” were fun. Oh, and French, I wish I could have gone on
tarian or non-profits against human trafficking or civil
Following her aspirations, she has her passage into with it, it was a great class.”
rights,” said Archuleta.
The Falcon Flyer 21
From jock to drama, Keith Bolender does it all
my type of people.”
Jerel Henderson Alas, drama has not always been Keith’s forte. He
Staff Reporter played football for many years until an ankle injury
ended his career. However, Keith has taken his skills of
When it comes to recognizable faces, few falcons are determination and hard work off the field and applied
as easy to point out as Keith Bolander. Keith is easy to them to the stage. “I miss football, but am glad for my
spot because of his swarm of friends, good nature, and involvement in drama,” said Bolander.
ear-to-ear smile. Around Kentlake, it is very difficult to When not acting or tossing the football, Keith is still
find someone more animated than Keith. a very down to earth guy. He enjoys spending time with
This is represented in Keith’s two performances for his friends, throwing the Frisbee disc, and playing his
Kentlake Drama this year. He was in the cast for “Pa- trumpet in the band.
malot”, and also “South Pacific.” Some of Keith’s best As for next year’s plans, Keith has expressed interest
acting qualities have to be his fleet-footed dances on in attending Bellevue College. He also wants to audi-
stage and his superb voice. Furthermore, Keith really tion for Bellevue’s prestigious jazz band. Furthermore,
enjoys his theater experiences at Kentlake and wish- Keith may attempt some community theater to improve
es nothing but the best to his friends and cast-mates. his acting prowess. No matter what Keith chooses to
When asked what was his favorite part about drama, he do, his perseverance and good humor will allow him to
Photo courtesy of Keith Bolender simply responded with, “The people, because they are have fun in whatever he does in life.

Cynthiann Heckelsmiller: more than just a pretty face

a living organism. Also, tennis was a part of her activities for
Christine Rushton a few years on the tennis team, where she quickly learned that
Co Editor-in-Chief when you hit your opponent and start to laugh to soften the
situation, the feelings you truly have are feelings of joy be-
Beauteous, knowledgeable, elegant: a true Grace Kelly in
cause that point is yours no matter who had to go down to get
the works. Cynthiann Heckelsmiller, affectionately known as
it! Ha!
“Suntan”, has been and will be a glistening face on the horizon
Well moving on, the most memorable part of Cynthiann is
of talent and success…with plants!
not her blond moments, although they were quite numerous
These last four years have challenged her on drums, in aca-
sometimes (one time she ran both me and her into bushes
demics, in a bit of tennis, and knowing whether or not Gene
with a snowmobile), but the fact that she knows every classic
Kelly really did have such an excellent butt…Anyway, just
movie and musical in the history of film. She has introduced
looking at the tall, leggy, pale, blond woman, it would never
this little world to the incredible jaw-line of Cary Grant, the
be suspected that she is the lead drummer of Kentlake’s jazz
sultry mannerisms of Humphrey Bogart, and the picturesque,
ensemble, but hand her a pair of sticks and she will make that
yet heartbroken romances of Ingrid Bergman. So, whether
room swing like Buddy Rich never could. As for academics,
you are Singing in the Rain, attempting to be An American in
that girl has taken those butt-kicking classes and still survived
Paris, or even taking a moment for a Holiday, remember the
to see the light of the new day, and her little tiny pooch who’s
girl who yes, may be going on to learn about botany, but has
cute little mind doesn’t know how to decipher a shadow from
and will always live the life of true Hollywood stars. Photo courtesy of Cynthiann Heckelsmiller

Kelsey Bolton battles smart attackers, wins triumphantly

Mike Lydon
A&E Editor
It is near impossible to dictate a student’s future based solely on their high school
career, but if one thing can be concluded about Kelsey Bolton’s prospects, it is that
they are as boundless as her soaring aspirations. While most seniors were checking
out and ready to give up on high school all together, she continued to demonstrate
herself as a devoted student.
Kelsey was recently the sole recipient of the Student of the Year award in the Lan-
guage Arts department, which was presented to her at the Senior Awards Assembly.
About the award, she remarked “It caught me completely off guard, but I am very
grateful and honored, and will make my greatest attempt to do the award justice.”
The certificate was presented by English teacher Patti Fluke, who praised Kelsey’s
ability to write, as well as her talent of interpreting difficult literary material.
Not only has Kelsey proven herself to be an accomplished writer in her literature
class, but she has also served as a reporter on this newspaper staff for the entirety of
her senior year. When reflecting on her favorite parts of this last year of journalism,
she said “all of the people that I have gotten to know working on the paper; Craig
Heffner, Keith Bolender, all of them are great people.”
Surely, of all the members of the graduating class that will be missed at Kentlake,
Kelsey is one of the greatest loses. She has proved throughout the year that she is
one of the brightest students that the senior class has to offer, and that she has an
Photo courtesy of Kelsey Bolton incredibly bright future ahead of her.
22 Seniors: Journalism
The Falcon Flyer
Mike ‘The Great’ ready for world domination
As the A&E editor, Lydon grown to the point that it has,
Kelsey Bolton has made the section more frankly disgusts me.”
Staff Reporter movie and music oriented. Next year Lydon will be at-
Lydon said, “It is a position of tending Western Washington
The ability to write is like a dominance. It’s like dipping University. Lydon said, “[I
bird being able to fly, but the your face in chocolate.” When will] get a job at the Western
talent is a gift. As the Arts and it comes to working with oth- paper, Major in Journalism
Entertainment editor, Mike ers Lydon said, “I enjoy the and Minor in Film Studies,
Lydon has demonstrated ex- close intimacy I get with my then take over the world.” As
ceptional writing and editing co-workers.” for Kentlake’s future after he
skills. He has been a member Currently, Lydon finds him- leaves Lydon said, “Judging
of Journalism for three years, self learning more about the from the lower classes, I worry
has won an honorable men- Hollywood world since his po- about our future.”
tion for review writing at Na- sition requires him to be up- His future is bright like
tionals, and was the Business to-date with what is going on thousands of fluttering fire-
Manager last year. Lydon has in the entertainment business. flies in the night sky, and his
shown that he is the spirit of Lydon said, “The fact that the accomplishments are numer-
Photo courtesy of Mike Lydon
dedication. Twilight phenomenon has ous.

Langholz reverently reflects

Chill Jacob Langholz
Theatre was my main occupation
for the first half of high school. I be-

music; Staff Reporter

Life as a Kentlake student, there

should be a book titled as such. Per-
lieve this is where I found a personal-
ity. Everyone I suspect has this place
they found comfort. For some it may be
sports, for some clubs, or even just with

quirky haps a Kentlake for Dummies book

would serve well in its place. Surely it
would have made the journey through
Kentlake easier. Sadly no such book
friends. It is this comfort that I think
leads to success in high school, though
it can distract from the “official” reason
for school, as it did to me.
exists, as the trip through high school In retrospect, some of the classes

Photo courtesy of Christine Rushton

girl is far too complex and maturing to put
down on paper.
My experience with Kentlake has
I took were not the most practical
and wise options to choose. However
I learned lessons from the people in
been one of trials, some administered, those classes. I feel that that is the real-
Cynthiann Heckelsmiller some endured. Yet it is as the end ar- ity of high school. After all the classes
Co-Editor in Chief rives, after complaint, after all of the are done it is what you learn from an
high school “drama” that I realize, I about the people around you that is
Her fingers are always flying. Soaring, diving, snapping over piano keys, would not be who I am without them. what matters.
flute keys, and clicking keyboards, they fly through tasks with zest and grace.
With all of her effervescence and talent, Christine Rushton is an overpower-
ing force to be reckoned with.
I have known Christine for four years, and have the chronic bruises to
prove it. Every time she gets an idea, and the girl is a fountainhead of ideas,
she will repeatedly smack the arm of whoever is nearest until he or she turns
her head. She will then proceed tell you her idea with a veritable mime show
of hand motions. This is a near hourly occurrence.
Despite the habitual tendencies, Christine is also full of surprises. Last
spring, she set her mind on joining journalism. She did not just sign up for
the class; she applied for Editor in Chief. I also applied for the position, on
the condition that it would be shared with someone else. Come fall, we both
were named Co-Editors in Chief. There was a fairly universal worry, though
unspoken, that Christine, having never been on the paper staff, let alone writ-
ten an article, would have trouble with the responsibilities of being an editor.
But she surprised us all (wonderfully), and turned out to be an effective and
productive editor. We should not have been so surprised. Christine is a natu-
ral born leader, and a fantastic writer to boot.
Christine is no one trick pony. Her other love is music. Our band director,
Chuck Stowell, recognized her talent early, and snatched her up into Wind
Ensemble the second semester of freshman year, a rare honor. Christine also
plays in the Tacoma Youth Symphony, an award-winning program.
Next year, Christine is transferring her energy to Washington State Univer-
sity. She plans on majoring in communications with a minor in music. Her
dream is to be a stiletto-wearing editor of a grand publication, clicking her
heals and pursing her lips in the best Meryl Streep fashion. As someone lucky
enough to call her a best friend, I know that the world needs to consider itself
warned; Christine Rushton cometh.
Photo courtesy of Jacob Langholz
Seniors: Journalism
The Falcon Flyer 23
Henderson, the Ryan exemplifies true Letter from a senior Matt Davis

renaisance man journalistic curiosity

Staff Reporter
Some of you may not
know me, and others
may know me a little
Keith Bolender Mckenna Herron too well. The latter most
Staff Reporter Staff Reporter likely knows things
about me that I do not
You are one lucky student if you happen to run even fully understand,
Some call Jerel Henderson a prophet, others simply into Alyssa Ryan on a regular basis; this senior flash- but isn’t that how life is?
respond: “Who dat?” He is a world renowned movie es through the school at the speed of light. Maybe We seniors have gone
critic, athlete, and thespian. He has played soccer since you’ve skimmed through an article or two of hers in through high school for,
he was five years old, and has done two theatre pro- the Falcon Flyer, or maybe you’ve heard of her magic what seemed to me, like
ductions here at Kentlake (“Damn with horses. Whatever the four long and drudg-
Yankees” and “Arsenic and Old reason may be, she’s defi- ingly painful years, and
Lace”), and two more as a child nitely someone worth know- now we are at the tip-
actor. (“Fiddler on the Roof” and ing. ping point in life. Some of us our anxious, some are
“Music Man”) This student is most com- scared, and others do not feel ready, but in truth, we
A very passionate individual, monly associated with the are more prepared than ever.
Jerel enjoys journalism and soc- student paper. “I really en- I have taken numerous AP and Honors classes,
cer. He has been playing soccer joy writing and I’m nosy, so participated in the National Honor Society, been a
since he was five years old, and it kind of fits me perfectly.” dedicated member to the band, and even performed
he spent two years on the varsity After her first year in in multiple sports, and even I feel apprehensive about
team during his high school ca- journalism, Ryan decided next year, but I think that is the point of high school.
reer. Henderson has also found to take on the roll of an Op- It is our duty as students to try new things, work hard,
an outlet as a well rounded movie Ed editor. “I like discussing and push ourselves, so that when we reach the fore-
critic. “It’s fun to be a critic,” said opinions and happen to be boding world of college and career, we will realize that
Jerel. “I like to be able to openly very opinionated. It works it is not as daunting as we previously believed.
express my opinions on current for me; I use opinions to try I am proud to say that I was able to establish strong
events and pop-culture.” to change the ideas people friendships with people that now matter a great deal
Jerel is the type of person that have,” she said. to me, and I know that those people will always be
would carry on the legacy of Matt Although Ryan does not there to help me further my dreams and goals in this
Stone and Trey Parker if they plan on including journal- ever changing world. It is because of the hard work I
were to ever be assassinated. In ism in her future, she notes applied while here that will assist me in graduating
the words of Mike “The Great” that it has taught her many from the University of Washington with a degree in
Lydon, “He would say that he is things. She said, “It’s been bio-engineering, and with that degree, I will be able
not as, good nor superior to the significant throughout high to alter current medical procedures and equipment to
genius creators of ‘South Park’, he school because I’ve learned better at least one person’s life and that will make it
is simply trying to carry out their Photo courtesy of Alyssa Ryan how to be careful when dis- all worth it.
legacy.” playing my perspective. I So maybe that is what we should understand about
Jerel has thoroughly enjoyed his can get people to open up, our time here at Kentlake; we have to discover and un-
time here at Kentlake. “Some of my proudest moments and I’ve learned how, even though something may earth the thing that gives meaning to our life. We have
were when we beat Tahoma at Homecoming and get- mean nothing to you, it can be completely offensive to find the thing that pushes us onward and makes
ting into Western (Washington University).” He would to the next person.” Ryan wraps up her short career life worth living. Don’t neglect to enjoy the time spent
like to thank his teachers, Mr. Sturtevant, Mrs. Best in journalism as an “entertaining and worth-while searching; step back and laugh every once and a while,
and Mrs. Fluke. experience.” because sometimes life will laugh along with you.

Heffner astounds on paper and on stage

Alyssa Ryan head off with this red pen,” and counter them with re- Heffner takes voice lessons, and participates in Select
Op-Ed Editor marks like, “what is an article?” and “I was assigned Ensemble Choir; all things this talented performer do
that?” However, all relate back to drama. He is also on prom
Although known primarily for his success in Kent- joking aside, Heffner court, accompanied by his date also on
lake’s drama program, senior Craig Heffner has an- wrote many articles prom court, Christine Rushton.
other fine art up his sleeve: journalism. Heffner began that would be read, With help from drama extraordinaire
his journalism escapade as a junior, and although hu- discussed, compli- and inspiration Mrs. Cressey, Heffner
morous about the sometimes low amount of effort put mented, and remem- has won many awards including Best
towards the class, he remained a well published writer bered throughout his Actor at Kentlake, and the Rotary Club
throughout his senior year. entire journalism ca- award for Fine and Performing Arts.
Along with other devious plots, Heffner joined reer. Heffner said, “Without Mrs. Cressey, and
journalism to supplement his quest to “take over the While Heffner without drama, I would be a nobody at
world.” “I wanted to be the first to find out about news, was supposed to be Kentlake, I would not have a life to live.”
get my opinion out there, but most of all I wanted to writing articles, he Kentlake’s theatrical genius is headed
corrupt lesser mortals,” said Heffner. Much to his edi- was filling his time off to Ellensburg for college, hoping to
tor’s disproval, he seemed to achieve his goal, author- with his main tal- Photo courtesy of Craig Heffner pursue a major in theatre and film. “My
ing countless opinion, arts and entertainment articles, ent, drama. He has main goal is to make it on Broadway; its
along with a feature section that he says was near “Im- participated in four always been about going big or going
pizzable” to write. He said near folks, Craig the Great shows at Cedar Heights, all eight shows at Kentlake, home, I have never seen it any other way,” said Hef-
never could be conquered by one measly feature. and three summer shows at Green River Community fner. Whether or not he does make it to Broadway, he
With restricting deadlines that may have hindered College, landing a main role in many to most. It would will always be remembered as one of Kentlake’s finest
a lesser being, Heffner instead learned how to take be a vast understatement to say that Heffner fills his “drama kids,” although there is no doubt he will in fact
editor’s death threats, such as “I am going to cut your day with drama. To enhance his theatrical talents, conquer the world.
iron man 2
robin hood
CONCERTS prince of persia
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