The Bolt Senior Edition 2009

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Senior Edition!
‘09 seniors share what they will miss most about Edsel

It was the best

of times...
“All the friendly staff and the great friends I met along the way,” Stephanie
“The females,” Justin Hales.
“The fact that I could pretty much do whatever I wanted,” Shane Hammond.
“My friends because none of them are going to my college,” Amanda Roush.
“I will miss the familiarity to the squalls of the peacocks in spring, the musty
wonder and glory of the library, and the wisdom edged faces of the teachers,”
Courtney Wagner.
“Going to sports and school events,” Rachel Core.
“Being upperclassmen,” Jasmine Austin.
“Singing with Mrs.Reiter,” Shaina Dudek.
“Field Hockey,” Annika Doner.
“Chicken nugget Tuesday,” Andrew Lyon.
“That’s a great joke,” Ian McCartney.
“The vast amount and unending stream of gossip,” Madeline Grendel.
“Pizza sticks, they are fantastic,” Leah Solano.
“Tyler because he is simply beautiful,” Katrina Koehn.
“Erin,” Michelle Gaedke.
“The little rodents and bugs in the classroom,” Roxy.
“The football games because everyone gets together and has a goooood time,”
Emily E-ROD Rodman.
“Ummmm…. The cheese rolls,” Sana Salem.

“Sports. I really enjoyed competing and representing my

school,” Jesse McIntyre.
“The birds in the courtyard because they bring peace and joy,”
Chenique Brown.
“Lucho’s after football games,” Erin Moylan.
“The chill, laid back teachers,” Megan Carty.
“The Friday night football games. The packed crowd all yelling
was so exciting,” Steve Luchonok.
“Messing around and making jokes in math class,” Hala Nasser.
“The five minutes we had between classes,” Skippy.
“Going to states for swimming and breaking the school record
for back stroke,” Kevin Cislo.
“Creating my own side show to the EF report and diss’n them
haters,” Ceddy B.
“Soccer, it’s my favorite sport,” Jordan Hunt.
“The football games because we party after every win,” Ramsey
“Friends,” Ryan Moylan, along with 90% of our senior class.
“Mr. Mayo’s squeaking,” Jose Pardo.

Class of 2009

Epic Moments Caught on Film


Football Team Wins the Mega Blue

Girls’ Basketball Team Wins Districts,

Regionals, Continues to State Quarterfinals

Volleyball Team Wins the Mega White

Rosie Hartshorn is Crowned
Homecoming Queen

New Athletic Facilities, Mayor Cuts Ribbon

Field Hockey Wins Division

III Championship
Music Program Rates Excellent at Festival

Bolt Staffers Make Fox 2, Detroit Michelle Gaedke Wins Van

News, and Arab American News Patrick Award

Senior Prom — Roostertail

Class of 2009 Wins Back-to-Back

Powderpuff Championships

Black and White Dance Debut

Girls’ Swimming Beats Dearborn

Football Game of the Week Winners on
Fox 2 and Channel 4

And of course, the most important and highly

photographed event...

Best Advice For Underclassmen

Enjoy every day of high school, because it’s over before you know it...
Getting dressed up for school isn’t worth it!...Do not fail
any of your classes because it’s a major pain to make them back up...Don’t
let high school intimidate you. Just be yourself and everything will turn
out good...Don’t screw up your high school years by not getting involved,
you’re going to miss out on a lot of fun things...Just have fun and be friends
with everyone in your class...Show respect to everyone, someday it will
come back to help you...Do your homework!...Stay in school!!...Shower
every day!!!......Stop being immature and accept responsibil-
ity for your actions. If you fail a class, the teacher doesn’t
hate you—you just failed!....Don’t screw up in the beginning and
think you’ll fix it later. People end up giving up...Get involved with your

school and don’t procrastinate!...Start your college search in eleventh

grade...The time you spend to get good grades is worth it...Screw what
people think of you. Be your own person. Your quirks
make you unique...Stay focused on your work, it all pays off at the
end...Try to enjoy the rest of your years here, make the most out of them...
Set goals for yourself. Try to do something with your high school career.
Don’t just do the bare minimum...In the long run it doesn’t matter
who you were friends with or who you dated in high school, what matters is
what you’ve learned, especially about yourself...Don’t slack off your se-
nior year, it’s not worth it...Don’t go around causing problems with people
for dumb reasons, you may end up friends if you get to know each other...
Continue your education, there are no limits to learn-
ing...Take music class!...Think before you speak...Enjoy high school, but
also do well because the real world still hasn’t started...Be concerned about
your grades and where you will end up in the future...Play a sport and stay away from the drama...Never give up...Don’t skip...Don’t do drugs...Be
who you are not what you want people to make of you...Do more than you can...People come and go, so if friends leave don’t stress about it
because there are reasons why they didn’t make it to your future...Learn how to walk in the hallway...Pay attention...Go to the football
games...Take hold of your future and make smart choices...Live it up, it goes by fast...Listen to your teachers and don’t get in trouble for no reason...
Don’t settle for just okay. That will only contain
the mediocrity the students here have accepted as
status quo. Do something useful...Don’t be influenced
by other students

Classes We
Didn’t Sleep
Hospitality...Newstaff with Rydzik...World Civ with Mr.
K....Sign Language....Wood tech with Mr. Clark...World Civ with
Mr. Dallas...Art...Computer class with Mr. Kobessi...Language
Arts with Mr. Tyler...Spanish...Machak’s Class...Stats with
Ms. O’Rourke...Class with Ms. Hurst...Class with Mr. K...
Photography...Classes at Michael Berry...Government...Power
Sports...Psychology...Team Sports...PACE...Class with Dutka...
Anatomy...Class with Mrs. Reiter...German...Blasko’s
Class...Cisco’s Class...Forensics...A.P. Lit...A.P. U.S. History...
A.P. European History...Choir...Chemistry with Mr. Cook...
Sociology...World Civ with Clairmont...A.P. Environmental
Science...French (because of Madame)...Math...Design...Co-op...
Mr. Salamey’s Class...A.P. Chemistry...A.P. Macroeconomics...
A.P. Government...Design Concepts at Michael Berry...
Class with Ms. Lark...Creative Writing with Ms. Cookinham...
World History with Mr. Riggs at MBCC...History...Vocal En-
semble...Econ with Ms. Flynn

Thank Staff

Throughout high school, our teachers have taught more than just
their subject. They have taught us how to grow up, think for our-
selves, and have prepared us for the next step in our lives. Before
we graduate, we would like to thank all of the teachers we have had
over the years, their hard work is greatly appreciated.
“I would like to thank Mr. Grenfell for all of his hard work and
dedication to his students,” Stephanie Ferrante.
“Thank you Mrs. Reiter for being there for your students,” Amanda

Embarrassing “Thank you Mr. Kotsogiannis for encouraging me to take AP Euro,

and for putting up with me for three years,” Mary Clutter.
“I am thankful for Mrs. O’Rourke because she has not only taught

Moments We Will me a lot but has also been a helpful friend during my four years of
high school,” Shawn Jason.
“Thank you Mr. Tyler for making me think about life,” Steve

Never Forget
“Thank you Mr. Sitarski for teaching me respect, hard work, and
responsibility,” Austin Masalskis.
“Thank you Mrs. James for making me literate,” Kevin Cislo.
By RANA ALHADI “I would like to thank Herr Sedore because he makes
Getting pantsed by Lau- his class fun, and he is helpful and understanding,”
ren Vallee at field hockey Emily Rodman.
practice...Falling flat on “Thank you Mr. Cook for teaching me that chemistry is
my face when practicing not that hard,” Eleni Shestani.
“I am thankful for Mr. Clairmont because of his great
for Les Mis...Freak-
advice,” Austin Messing.
ing out because I “Thanks to all the teachers that cared,” Mohamed
couldn’t find some- Adam.
thing when it was “I would like to thank all the teachers I had, they were
all great,” Anese Yaffai.
right in my hand the
whole time...When one
of my friends threw a
lunch bag in the trash, it
hit a girl, I laughed, and
I got cussed out by the
girl...I was embarrassed
for the administration term...When Ramsey When I slipped in the hall
when they censored our pulled down my pants in and fell flat on my face
newspaper for cowardly front of the whole football in front of ten guys. They
reasons...Chasing someone team...Freshman inita- all said, “Whoa! Are you
down the hall and falling tion with the swim team... alright? Man!”...Closing
on my butt in 9th grade... Almost getting suspended a kid’s locker accidentally
When someone stepped for hazing when I vol- thinking it was mine...Gina
on my flip flop while I untarily got dressed up Clem and I talking about
was going up the stairs and looked like an idiot senior boys we liked and
and I fell down them... for swimming...Almost them almost always being
When I fell in the cafeteria behind us...Being thrown
getting suspended for in a garbage can freshman
freshman year on spa-
having my mom bring year by my broher and his
ghetti sauce...Tripping
Little Caesar’s pizza friend...Getting pant-
a kid when I was on
for lunch...When my sed by Gevon with
crutches (Sorry!)... Stats teacher showed my
Getting caught skinny my boxers down too...
class the rap Cindy and I When one of my fellow
dipping by the police in
had made for our final... classmates sang “You are
Lauren’s pool...Freshman
year I slipped in water I sat in gum..Thinking my Sunshine” directly to
in front of the guy I re- that an electrolyte me.
ally liked...When my car solution actually
wouldn’t start and I was
created electricity...
stuck in the parking lot...
When I was the first one
When I puked on someone
that Mr. Parana wrote up...
in the hallway...When I When I got lost in the
was taking a Spanish Edsel hallways...When
test and misspelled a I slipped while running
off stage and fell into the
word and it ended up light cage during a show...
being a derogatory

Senior Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. What a graduate might have
1. Box office Batman hit (2 wds.) 2. Contained set
6. Santa’s greeting 3. Smashing Pumpkins guitarist, James ____
7. Our ninth planet, at one time 4. “Cap and ____”
8. Very bad 5. Our mascot
12. Number of lives a cat might have 9. Expression of distaste
13. Variant of “attar” 10. Stare grudgingly
16. City of Central Netherlands 11. Disney bros.
17. Republican Presidential Candidate 13. Eight prefix
20. Emergency Room (abbv.) 14. One who practices Taoism
21. Suffering industry 15. Sol, la, ___, do (musical scale)
22. Standardized testing for juniors 18. Sleek sword
24. College admissions test 19. Put together
25. “To ___ or not to ____” 23. “____ and gown”
27. Aware 26. Opposite of beginning
31. Tina Fey Inspiration 27. Loose fitting Middle Eastern garment
33. Current president, informally 28. Period of time
34. Insulated wire 29. Experimental jazz musician, Sun ____
35. Angle, side, angle, in trig. 30. Banking company initials
36. Past tense participle of “shoe” 32. Bathroom, English slang

Seniors’ Top Tunes


Senior Playlist
Lollipop Rhapsody
Lil’Wayne Queen
Kiss Me Through Single Ladies
the Phone Beyonce
Soulja Boy Poker Face
Just Dance Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga Turning Me On
Day and Night Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi Circus
Turn My Swag On Britney Spears A Note from the Editors...
Keri Hilson And the Warning Song in the
Bohemian Morning Before the Bell... The time has finally arrived for our reign as Editors-in-Chief to
come to an end, and the rest of the senior staffers to move on as
well. We’ve had quite a year, and we hope that we’ve done the
best job we could to continue to grow and develop The Bolt into an
important part of school pride and student life here at EFHS, just
like those Editors that have gone before us. We’ve had setbacks,
but in the end, we are confident that we’ve taken a strong stand for
free speech that will remain with The Bolt long after we’ve gone.
And to next year’s staff: remember to never accept mediocrity—the
paper is now in your hands!
Sincerely yours, in the name of
journalistic integrity,
Megan Filipowski and
Lauren Vallee

Farewell, ‘09!
Big Brother: Rydzik The Bolt staff is committed to bring the Edsel Ford student body and ad-
Editors-in-Chief: Megan Filipowski, Lauren Vallee ministration newsworthy articles that will inform, educate, and entertain in
Copy Editor: Deanna Suleiman a reliable and timely fashion while maintaining the district wide core values
Managing Editor: Lindsay Finnerty and contributing to the overall pride of our school.
Layout: Megan Filipowski, Lauren Vallee The Bolt welcomes your opinions on stories or editorials featured within
Seniors: Rana Alhadi, Mike Boettger, Haley Bowers, Michelle Gaedke, the paper. The editorial staff reserves the right to print and to edit letters.
Cedrick Gulley, Kafah Hussein, Andrew Lyon, Bianca Osbourne, Ali- Authors of edited letters must be verified before consideration for final
son Petlichkoff, Alex Sytek, Nina Toupin printing. Anonymous letters will not be accepted.

One Journey Ends, Another Begins

Where will the graduates of the class of 2009 continue their educations?
Sadig Abdulrab
Ali Algalham Undecided
Akebal Ali Baleid Almaklani
Alma College Fay Allamoth Marc Feltz
Kettering University
Christina Soliz Roudah Almujahid
Robert Hayes
Alex Alway
Rafaela Antoniaden
Mike Bacheldor University of Advancing Technology,
Mike Boettger AZ
Lawrence Tech University
Haley Bowers Courtney Wagner
Mohamad Itani
Armed Forces Andrea Brown
Stephen Eads-Marines Damarco Browning
Steve Luchonok-Coast Guard Kayla Bryan
Melinda Daniell
Madonna University
Alison English University of Chicago, IL
Megan Carty
Adeline Estrada Mary Clutter
Eleni Shestani
Lindsay Finnerty
The Art Institute of Michigan Jonathan Frantz
Andrew Main Sean Gellenbeck
Lamia Naboulsi Stephanie Greeson
Melissa Griffith University of Detroit-Mercy
Marygrove College
Mallory Hartman Jasmine Austin
Leah Solano
Baileigh Hawn Jeanine Connell
Kafah Hussein Rachel Core
Baker College Tahani Hussein
Marika Lowe Nikole Jabour
Breanna Jefferson
Michigan State University
Katie Jesulaitis
Christopher Burnett
Vargas Johnson University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
David Chung
Farouk Kassem Annika Doner
Derek Densel
Central Michigan University Gabrielle Keller Shaina Dudek
Stephanie Ferrante
Jennifer Galloro Nida Khan Usman Virk
Justin Hales
Dustin Goncharoff Youssef Khater Cindy Wan
Shane Hammond
Ian McCartney Katrina Koehn
Amanda Roush
Michelle Piazza John Lakatos
Jamie Sharp
Drew Wydendorf Gloria Latigo
Ryan Westra
Ramsey Maisari
Austin Messing University of Michigan-Dearborn
Ali Mohamed Chenique Brown
Erin Moylan Ashley Childress
Michigan Tech University
Central State University, OH Ryan Moylan Jake Crumb
Danielle Boettger
Jasmine Hancock Amjad Mozip Terry Holt
Michelle Gaedke
Lynsey Mraulak Kyle Koos
Aaron Munoz Jesse McIntyre
Miss Katie’s College of Beauty
Iraqiah Musaad Joshua Morrison
Emily Koch
College for Creative Studies Hanan Nasser Muhammed Mutahr
Marissa Johnson Nawal Nasser Colleen Ryan
Zaid Nasser Sana Salem
Liz Nelson Kelsey Wydendorf
Jose Pardo Anese Yaffai
Mira Costa Community College, CA
Allison Petlichkoff
Shawn Jason
Eastern Michigan University Michael Perie
Dania Berjaoui Alex Richards
Cedrick Gulley Alexia Rogers Wayne State University
Paul Kippert Samantha Sanderson Rana Alhadi
Principia College, IL
Mona Musid Joshua Satlowski Laila Ali
Madeline Grendel
Jackie Saeed Nora Sharif Jasmine Baidani
Jake Stubbe Joshua Sharp Nick Candea
Hannah Steen Kevin Cislo
Lauren Stevenson Gina Clem
Pat Stover Jamie Cliff
Saint Xavier University, IL
Ryan Sword Hillary Keveney
Kelly Mihalik
Everest Institute Caitlin Tackett Danny Licata
Rebecca Tucker Nina Toupin Jocelyn Malyn
Courtney Trapp Austin Masalskis
Omair Virk Lindsey Prato
Schoolcraft Community College
Lindsay Weclowski Deanna Suleiman
Mo Albrehi
Nick Wolf Alex Sytek
GeVon Collins
Grand Valley State University Andrea Woolley
Morrow Ferrier
Terra Devine Sarah Wroblewski
Jordan Hunt
Rosie Hartshorn Amber Wyman
Andrew Lyon
Lauren Houghan David Zacharias
Katelin Suchoval
Emily Rodman Edyta Zielinski Western Michigan University
Holly Tebelman Morgan Barr
Chris Brandt
Amber Kolts
Spring Arbor University
Kim Mattern
Melanie Bratt
Henry Ford Community College Hofstra University, NY Bianca Osborne
Megan Filipowski
Amanda Abdallah Lauren Vallee

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