The Bolt Senior Edition 2009
The Bolt Senior Edition 2009
The Bolt Senior Edition 2009
Senior Edition!
‘09 seniors share what they will miss most about Edsel
Class of 2009
Classes We
Didn’t Sleep
Hospitality...Newstaff with Rydzik...World Civ with Mr.
K....Sign Language....Wood tech with Mr. Clark...World Civ with
Mr. Dallas...Art...Computer class with Mr. Kobessi...Language
Arts with Mr. Tyler...Spanish...Machak’s Class...Stats with
Ms. O’Rourke...Class with Ms. Hurst...Class with Mr. K...
Photography...Classes at Michael Berry...Government...Power
Sports...Psychology...Team Sports...PACE...Class with Dutka...
Anatomy...Class with Mrs. Reiter...German...Blasko’s
Class...Cisco’s Class...Forensics...A.P. Lit...A.P. U.S. History...
A.P. European History...Choir...Chemistry with Mr. Cook...
Sociology...World Civ with Clairmont...A.P. Environmental
Science...French (because of Madame)...Math...Design...Co-op...
Mr. Salamey’s Class...A.P. Chemistry...A.P. Macroeconomics...
A.P. Government...Design Concepts at Michael Berry...
Class with Ms. Lark...Creative Writing with Ms. Cookinham...
World History with Mr. Riggs at MBCC...History...Vocal En-
semble...Econ with Ms. Flynn
Thank Staff
Throughout high school, our teachers have taught more than just
their subject. They have taught us how to grow up, think for our-
selves, and have prepared us for the next step in our lives. Before
we graduate, we would like to thank all of the teachers we have had
over the years, their hard work is greatly appreciated.
“I would like to thank Mr. Grenfell for all of his hard work and
dedication to his students,” Stephanie Ferrante.
“Thank you Mrs. Reiter for being there for your students,” Amanda
Moments We Will me a lot but has also been a helpful friend during my four years of
high school,” Shawn Jason.
“Thank you Mr. Tyler for making me think about life,” Steve
Never Forget
“Thank you Mr. Sitarski for teaching me respect, hard work, and
responsibility,” Austin Masalskis.
“Thank you Mrs. James for making me literate,” Kevin Cislo.
By RANA ALHADI “I would like to thank Herr Sedore because he makes
Getting pantsed by Lau- his class fun, and he is helpful and understanding,”
ren Vallee at field hockey Emily Rodman.
practice...Falling flat on “Thank you Mr. Cook for teaching me that chemistry is
my face when practicing not that hard,” Eleni Shestani.
“I am thankful for Mr. Clairmont because of his great
for Les Mis...Freak-
advice,” Austin Messing.
ing out because I “Thanks to all the teachers that cared,” Mohamed
couldn’t find some- Adam.
thing when it was “I would like to thank all the teachers I had, they were
all great,” Anese Yaffai.
right in my hand the
whole time...When one
of my friends threw a
lunch bag in the trash, it
hit a girl, I laughed, and
I got cussed out by the
girl...I was embarrassed
for the administration term...When Ramsey When I slipped in the hall
when they censored our pulled down my pants in and fell flat on my face
newspaper for cowardly front of the whole football in front of ten guys. They
reasons...Chasing someone team...Freshman inita- all said, “Whoa! Are you
down the hall and falling tion with the swim team... alright? Man!”...Closing
on my butt in 9th grade... Almost getting suspended a kid’s locker accidentally
When someone stepped for hazing when I vol- thinking it was mine...Gina
on my flip flop while I untarily got dressed up Clem and I talking about
was going up the stairs and looked like an idiot senior boys we liked and
and I fell down them... for swimming...Almost them almost always being
When I fell in the cafeteria behind us...Being thrown
getting suspended for in a garbage can freshman
freshman year on spa-
having my mom bring year by my broher and his
ghetti sauce...Tripping
Little Caesar’s pizza friend...Getting pant-
a kid when I was on
for lunch...When my sed by Gevon with
crutches (Sorry!)... Stats teacher showed my
Getting caught skinny my boxers down too...
class the rap Cindy and I When one of my fellow
dipping by the police in
had made for our final... classmates sang “You are
Lauren’s pool...Freshman
year I slipped in water I sat in gum..Thinking my Sunshine” directly to
in front of the guy I re- that an electrolyte me.
ally liked...When my car solution actually
wouldn’t start and I was
created electricity...
stuck in the parking lot...
When I was the first one
When I puked on someone
that Mr. Parana wrote up...
in the hallway...When I When I got lost in the
was taking a Spanish Edsel hallways...When
test and misspelled a I slipped while running
off stage and fell into the
word and it ended up light cage during a show...
being a derogatory
Senior Playlist
Lollipop Rhapsody
Lil’Wayne Queen
Kiss Me Through Single Ladies
the Phone Beyonce
Soulja Boy Poker Face
Just Dance Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga Turning Me On
Day and Night Keri Hilson
Kid Cudi Circus
Turn My Swag On Britney Spears A Note from the Editors...
Keri Hilson And the Warning Song in the
Bohemian Morning Before the Bell... The time has finally arrived for our reign as Editors-in-Chief to
come to an end, and the rest of the senior staffers to move on as
well. We’ve had quite a year, and we hope that we’ve done the
best job we could to continue to grow and develop The Bolt into an
important part of school pride and student life here at EFHS, just
like those Editors that have gone before us. We’ve had setbacks,
but in the end, we are confident that we’ve taken a strong stand for
free speech that will remain with The Bolt long after we’ve gone.
And to next year’s staff: remember to never accept mediocrity—the
paper is now in your hands!
Sincerely yours, in the name of
journalistic integrity,
Megan Filipowski and
Lauren Vallee
Farewell, ‘09!
Big Brother: Rydzik The Bolt staff is committed to bring the Edsel Ford student body and ad-
Editors-in-Chief: Megan Filipowski, Lauren Vallee ministration newsworthy articles that will inform, educate, and entertain in
Copy Editor: Deanna Suleiman a reliable and timely fashion while maintaining the district wide core values
Managing Editor: Lindsay Finnerty and contributing to the overall pride of our school.
Layout: Megan Filipowski, Lauren Vallee The Bolt welcomes your opinions on stories or editorials featured within
Seniors: Rana Alhadi, Mike Boettger, Haley Bowers, Michelle Gaedke, the paper. The editorial staff reserves the right to print and to edit letters.
Cedrick Gulley, Kafah Hussein, Andrew Lyon, Bianca Osbourne, Ali- Authors of edited letters must be verified before consideration for final
son Petlichkoff, Alex Sytek, Nina Toupin printing. Anonymous letters will not be accepted.