Name: - Mohit Sharma College: - Imt Ghaziabad (Iiyr Marketing) Team:-Khaleefa (1 Member) Mob:: - +91-9899650404

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PrintBindass “Think Zara hat ke”

Name: - - Mohit Sharma

College: - IMT Ghaziabad (IIyr marketing)

Team :- Khaleefa ( 1 member)

Mob: :- +91-9899650404

Email :-
PrintBindass “Think Zara hat ke”

Basic Idea :- That Extra colour in your life ,A Child (8yrs) having a Brush in his hand and
painting the world around using his imagination and creativity for adding that 8th colour in
each and every aspect of this world .Making the world around him the way he wanted
whether it’s a colourful Tajmahal or elephant with wings .everybody has a within and child
like fantasy which our band

“PrintBindass” will emphasis upon .we will not sell Better prints but we will sell Imagination.

Idea Description:-

Every person in this world has one practical aspect which he is in his everyday life ,and then
there is an imaginative mind which in any person develops at an age of 5-8 and which stay
with a person till he dies .Everybody sees the world through its lenses and how he sees the
world depends upon the colour of its lenses .
PrintBindass “Think Zara hat ke”

Now here is our “PrintBindass “child who with his brush painting the world around the way
he want to see it like a multi colour taj mahal or a flying elephant .A greener India or a
chocolate World.

Now the trust level with a child is very high , every person will be able to relate to the
child with his hidden child and creativity shown by the child will have maximum impact
on the perceiver.

Now second part of my idea pay emphasis on Imaginative and creative aspect of

The company has a DNA of creativity and these values need to be communicated in a
manner that it creates a hook in the buyers mind everybody wants to see the people ,places
and emotion around the way they wanted too but everything they cannot control but here
with our brand they can take a piece of their happier life with them from our website .

The strongest part of the company is the creativity which makes as stand apart from various
other companies which provide custom made printing solution .

Our Point Of Parity: - Printing

Point of Difference: - Creativity and Imagination

This idea is basically catering to the hunger for imagination from innocent and pure child
perspective which creates a value of trust.

Research Done :-

Primary research done in IMT Ghaziabad Campus i have selected 1.5 people and did a
focus interview having the open ended questions like ,

>what is creativity for you ?

>What was the time when u last seen creative thing and how did it impacted you?

>How do Define Customized printing ?...etc

And from my small primary research i founded out the factors which were more prominent
and hold weightage like.

>All talked about their child hood creativity

>Creative has to be different.

PrintBindass “Think Zara hat ke”

>Quality of printing

>Resolution and quality of material used.

Refrence Aaker brand identity (which need to be build upon all this 5 factors )

Print Bindass

Sincerity Competence Sophisticatipon Rugedness

Trust Colours Ontime Your own Quality
Delivering Design Completeness
creativity All Printing

As most of the beautiful and creative things are free (e.g nature)

So keeping that in people will be invited to design on our website and those design will be
available for sale on our website and if that design is sold then the next purchase of that

Customer becomes free worth the sale price of that design and that customer will be
rewarded as creative mind of the week or month in this case customer will be motivated and
it will attract word of mouth publicity for the company and the brand .As Customer is the
keen stake holder in our business process then in that case it becomes very important to
make them participate in the process .

Final Note :-marketing Strategy and Implementation part is not Discussed its saved for IInd

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