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are explored more below along with the poster I created. If you have
any feedback or advice, leave me a comment and let me know what
you’re thinking.
Being very good is also safe. Companies like Kodak and Sears have
failed and struggled because they’ve been safe, and they’ve failed to
realize what their consumers actually want. Kodak, a company that
thrived in photography industry, didn’t fail because of its digital
products. Actually, Kodak was the first company to invent a digital
camera. Kodak failed because of fear that it would hurt the
company’s film business. So, Kodak didn’t market the technology and
ultimately failed because they played things safe.
Find out who the innovators and opinion leaders are in your
community and industry, and put your efforts in marketing to them.
Seth Godin describes these two groups of people as the people that
care the most about a brand and the people that enjoy listening
about what you have to say because they want to know more. For
those reasons, both of these groups have the most influence on
whether or not your ideas succeed.
People who care the most about a company or brand are passionate
to the point where they let other people know how passionate they
are. So, by selling and marketing to these people you’re fueling their
passion for your brand and they will continue to promote your brand
because you helped them establish a loyalty in your brand.
One aspect of “How to Get Your Ideas to Spread” that I really like is
that it’s not too specific. The lessons that are covered in Seth Godin’s
talk can be applied to all businesses. As a marketing agency, getting
ideas noticed and getting them to spread is what we do, but we
aren’t the only ones doing it. Every business is an idea, but ideas can
also refer to the content that businesses produce. Regardless, ideas
can take a variety of forms and every business sets out to get their
ideas to spread. Seth Godin offers a unique perspective on spreading
ideas that you probably won’t find in any blog or article. To get the
full effect, you have to watch the talk and listen to what he has to say
because his outlook will make you think about your ideas differently.