Chemokines and Viral Infection - T. Lane (Springer, 2006) WW
Chemokines and Viral Infection - T. Lane (Springer, 2006) WW
Chemokines and Viral Infection - T. Lane (Springer, 2006) WW
Current Topics
in Microbiology
and Immunology
R.W. Compans, Atlanta/Georgia
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P.K. Vogt, La Jolla/California H. Wagner, Munich
T.E. Lane (Ed.)
and Viral Infection
Thomas E. Lane, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Center for Immunology
3205 McGaugh Hall
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3900
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Chemokines represent a family of over 40 small proteins that, for the most
part, are secreted into the environment and function by binding to G protein-
coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are expressed on numerous different cell
types. When initially identied close to 30 years ago, these molecules were
associated with various human inammatory diseases and it was recognized
that expression might be integral in leukocyte recruitment to inamed tis-
sue [13]. Within a relatively short period of time, early participants within the
eld determined that these proteins displayed distinct and conserved struc-
tural features and exerted potent chemotactic effects on dened lymphocyte
subsets [4]. There are now four subfamilies of chemokines identied based on
dened structural criteria relating to the positional location of conserved cys-
teine residues within the amino-terminus of the protein [4, 5]. Chemokines
are now recognized as important in numerous biological processes ranging
from maintaining the organizational integrity of secondary lymphoid tis-
sue to participating in various aspects of both innate and adaptive immune
responses following microbial infection [6, 7].
The host response to viral infection represents a well-orchestrated bal-
let consisting of numerous participants with diverse roles in defense but
with the ultimate goal of generating virus-specic lymphocytes whose job
is to control and eliminate the invading viral pathogen from infected tis-
sues. Over the years, an emerging picture has developed that indicates that
chemokines and their receptors are intimately involved in development of
effective host responses to viral pathogens. Chemokine expression is now
associated with all facets of defense against viral infection including linking
innate and adaptive immune responses. Early chemokine expression in re-
sponse to certain viruses such as murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) is critical
in recruiting into the liver natural killer (NK) cells that control viral repli-
cation [8]. Expression of chemokines following viral infection has also been
demonstrated in tissues originally thought to be relatively immunologically
inert such as the central nervous system (CNS). For example, infection of
the CNS with either herpes simplex virus1 (HSV-1) or mouse hepatitis virus
VI Preface
1. Deuel TF, Keim PS, Farmer M, Henrikson RL (1977) Amino acid sequence of
human platelet factor 4. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74:2256
2. Luster AD, Unkeless JC, Ravetch JV (1985) Gamma-interferon transcriptionally
regulates an early-response gene containing homology to platelet proteins. Nature
3. Kaplan G, Luster AD, Hancock G (1987) The expression of a gamma interferon-
induced protein (IP-10) in delayed immune responses in human skin. J Exp Med
4. Bagglioni M, Dewald B, Moser B (1994) Interleukin-8 and related chemotactic
cytokinesCXC and CC chemokines. Adv Immunol 55:97
5. Luster AD (1998) Chemokineschemotactic cytokines that mediate inamma-
tion. N Engl J Med 338:436
6. Cyster JG (2005) Chemokines, sphingosine-1 phosphate, and cell migration in
secondary lymphoid organs. Annu Rev Immunol 23:127
7. Luster AD (2002) The role of chemokines in linking innate and adaptive immunity.
Curr Opin Immunol 14:129
Preface VII
Herpes Simplex Virus and the Chemokines That Mediate the Inammation . . . . 47
D. J. J. Carr and L. Tomanek
Carr, D. J. J. 47 Ray, N. 97
Chesebro, B. 67
Salazar-Mather, T. P. 29
Doms, R. W. 97 Smit, M. J. 121
Hardison, J. L. 1 Tomanek, L. 47
Hokeness, K. L. 29
Vink, C. 121
Lane, T. E. 1 Vischer, H. F. 121
Peterson, K. E. 67 Walsh, K. B. 1
CTMI (2006) 303:127
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 Biology and Biochemistry of Coronaviridae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Immunity to MHV Infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Viral Persistence and Immune-Mediated Demyelination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6 Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Abstract Encounters with neurotropic viruses result in varied outcomes ranging from
encephalitis, paralytic poliomyelitis or other serious consequences to relatively benign
infection. One of the principal factors that control the outcome of infection is the local-
ized tissue response and subsequent immune response directed against the invading
toxic agent. It is the role of the immune system to contain and control the spread of
virus infection in the central nervous system (CNS), and paradoxically, this response
may also be pathologic. Chemokines are potent proinammatory molecules whose
expression within virally infected tissues is often associated with protection and/or
2 T. E. Lane et al.
pathology which correlates with migration and accumulation of immune cells. Indeed,
studies with a neurotropic murine coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), have
provided important insight into the functional roles of chemokines and chemokine
receptors in participating in various aspects of host defense as well as disease de-
velopment within the CNS. This chapter will highlight recent discoveries that have
provided insight into the diverse biologic roles of chemokines and their receptors in
coordinating immune responses following viral infection of the CNS.
Biology and Biochemistry of Coronaviridae
Immunity to MHV Infection
Viral Persistence and Immune-Mediated Demyelination
are exceptions to this rule in that CXC chemokines that lack the glutamic
acid-leucine-arginine (ELR) motif on the amino terminus are chemotac-
tic for T cells. For example, the non-ELR chemokine CXCL10 is a potent
chemoattractant for activated T cells and NK cells and functions by binding
to CXCR3 expressed on the surface of these cells [40, 83, 102, 106]. How-
ever, CXCL10 does not exert a chemotactic effect on neutrophils [19]. The
CC chemokines are thought to attract T cells, monocytes, and macrophages,
but not neutrophils [14, 60, 94]. The CC chemokine ligand 5 (CCL5) is able
to attract both T cells and macrophages by binding to one of several CC
chemokine receptors including CCR1 and CCR5 [14, 60, 94]. Furthermore,
there is increasing evidence that chemokines, such as CCL3, inuence other
immune system activities including TH 1/TH 2 development and T cell prolif-
eration [46, 95]. Chemokines function by binding to seven-transmembrane-
spanning G protein-coupled receptors. The chemokine receptors are divided
into those that preferentially bind CXC and CC chemokines. In addition, CC
and CXC chemokine receptors are capable of binding more than one CC
or CXC chemokine, respectively. A variety of cell types including lympho-
cytes and macrophages, as well as resident cells of the CNS such as neurons,
astrocytes, and microglia, express chemokine receptors [60, 94].
Orchestrated Expression of Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors
Within the CNS Following Infection with MHV
13 CXCL10 NK cells 97
CCL3 Dendritic cells 96
7 and 12 CCL2 Macrophage 39, 52
CCL3 Dendritic cells, T cells 95, 96
CCL4 52
CCL5 T cells, macrophage 52, 53
CXCL9 T cells 58
CXCL10 T cells 18, 57
21 CXCL10 CD4+ T cells 59
CCL5 T cells, macrophages 32
to viral infection. Other cell types that may also secrete chemokines following
MHV infection include resident microglia/inammatory macrophages as well
as neurons [52, 75].
By day 12 p.i., MHV-infected mice that have survived the acute stage of dis-
ease develop an immune-mediated demyelinating disease. Mice have cleared
infectious virus (as determined by plaque assay) by 12 days, yet viral RNA
and protein can be detected within white matter tracts for months after in-
fection. As the level of CNS inltration subsides following reduction of viral
burden there is a corollary reduction in the expression of chemokine tran-
scripts. Analysis of chemokine message expression within the brains and
spinal cords of MHV-infected mice during the demyelinating phase of disease
(days 12 and onward) indicates that CXCL10 and CCL5 are the two prominent
chemokines expressed [52]. In situ hybridization for chemokine transcripts
indicated expression was limited primarily to areas of viral persistence within
white matter tracts undergoing active demyelination [52]. Similar to what
was found during acute disease, astrocytes were determined to be the cel-
lular source of CXCL10 at this stage of disease whereas inammatory cells,
presumably CD4+ T lymphocytes, expressed CCL5. More recent data now
indicate that MHV-infected astrocytes treated with IFN- can also express
CCL5 mRNA transcripts and protein (T.E. Lane, unpublished observations).
Chemokine receptors expressed during chronic demyelination include CXCR3
and CCR5, which are capable of binding CXCL10 and CCL5, respectively. In-
deed, we have recently determined that the majority (~90%) of inltrating
virus-specic CD4+ and CD8+ T cells express CXCR3 (T.E. Lane, unpublished
Chemokines, Innate Immune Response, and MHV-Infection of the CNS
The presence of dendritic cells (DCs) within the CNS has been debated for
quite some time. However, a series of recent studies clearly indicates that
during induction of an autoimmune demyelinating disease, there exists the
presence of cell types within the brain that clearly have characteristics of
DCs [34, 65]. In addition, emerging evidence points to a previously unappre-
ciated role for chemokines in activating and inducing the migration of differ-
ing populations of DCs in response to microbial infection of the CNS [22, 23].
These cells may be important in initiation and/or maintenance of disease by
participating in the activation of T cells. Given the potential importance of
this population of cells with regards to linking innate and adaptive immune
responses following viral infection of the CNS, we investigated whether DC-
Functional Diversity of Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors 9
like cells were present within the CNS in response to MHV infection. In brief,
our ndings clearly indicate that a DC-like population of cells is detectable
within the CNS as early as day 2 p.i. with MHV [96]. The activation/maturation
of these cells as well as the ability to accumulate within the draining cervi-
cal lymph node (CLN) appeared to be dictated by localized expression of
CCL3 [96]. Moreover, the ability of cultured DCs to secrete cytokines asso-
ciated with the development of a TH 1 response such as interleukin (IL)-12
was profoundly altered in the absence of CCL3 [96]. The importance of CCL3
signaling and the evolution of an effective T cell response was further con-
rmed by the demonstration that in the absence of CCL3 signaling, robust
anti-viral effector responses, e.g., cytokine production and CTL activity, were
dramatically compromised following MHV infection of CCL3/ mice [95, 96].
Collectively, these studies highlight a previously unappreciated role for the
importance of chemokine signaling and DC maturation/activation following
MHV infection of the CNS. Moreover, these studies demonstrate that gener-
ation of effective T cell responses relies upon CCL3 signaling to successfully
combat MHV infection.
Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors
and Their Role in Acute Viral-Induced Encephalomyelitis
CCL3 is a chemoattractant for both T cells and macrophages and has been
implicated in host defense following infection with a wide variety of microbial
pathogens. Mice decient in CCL3 production exhibit increased susceptibility
to disease following infection with paramyxovirus [17], inuenza virus [15],
and coxsackievirus, as well as other microbial pathogens [67, 72]. In all cases,
alterations in an effective host response correlated with a paucity in leukocyte
accumulation at sites of infection. Although originally thought to participate
in defense by attracting effector cells to infected tissue, recent reports also sug-
gest that CCL3 expression is important in coordinating a TH 1 response [46].
Numerous studies now indicate that DCs are capable of expressing various
chemokines including CCL3 [21, 66, 77, 78]. Moreover, DC precursors express
the CCL3 receptors CCR1 and CCR5 and are capable of responding to CCL3
in vivo and in vitro resulting in both mobilization and maturation [24, 108].
Indeed, Flesch and colleagues have demonstrated an important role for CCL3
in DC-dependent priming of CTL to viral antigens [24].
10 T. E. Lane et al.
CXCL9 and CXCL10
secretion and increased viral burden [18]. Therefore, the collective evidence
points to pivotal roles for both CXCL9 and CXCL10 as important sentinel
molecules in promoting a protective response following MHV infection of the
CNS by attracting T cells into the CNS that participate in elimination of virus.
resulted in CD4+ T cell entry into the CNS and a reduction in viral titers within
the brain [30]. These mice also displayed robust demyelination correlating
with macrophage accumulation within the CNS. Conversely, CD4+ T cells
from CCR5/ mice displayed an impaired ability to trafc into the CNS
of MHV-infected RAG1/ recipients, which correlated with increased viral
titers, diminished macrophage accumulation, and limited demyelination.
Analysis of chemokine receptor mRNA expression by M133147-expanded
CCR5/ -derived CD4+ T cells revealed reduced expression of CCR1, CCR2,
and CXCR3, indicating that CCR5 signaling is important in increased
expression of these receptors which aid in trafcking of CD4+ T cells into the
CNS. Collectively these results demonstrate that CCR5 signaling is important
to migration of CD4+ T cells to the CNS following MHV infection.
With regards to the role of CCR5 in CD8+ T cell trafcking, comparable
numbers of virus-specic CD8+ T cells derived from immunized CCR5+/+
or CCR5/ mice were present within the CNS of MHV-infected RAG1/
mice following adoptive transfer, indicating that CCR5 is not required for
trafcking of these cells into the CNS [30]. RAG1/ recipients of CCR5/ -
derived CD8+ T cells exhibited a modest yet signicant (p0.05) reduction
in viral burden within the brain that correlated with increased cytolytic
activity and IFN- expression. Histologic analysis of RAG1/ recipients of
either CCR5+/+ or CCR5/ -derived CD8+ T cells revealed only focal areas
of demyelination with no signicant differences in white matter destruction.
These data indicate that CCR5 signaling on virus-specic CD8+ T cells
modulates antiviral activities but is not essential for entry into the CNS.
Finally, MHV infection of CCR5/ mice resulted in a dramatic reduction
in macrophage (dened as CD45high F4/80+ dual-positive cells) accumulation
within the brains, and this correlated with a signicant reduction in the
severity of demyelination compared to CCR5+/+ mice. Collectively, these data
suggest that ligand binding, e.g., CCL5 and/or CCL3, and signaling via CCR5
results in macrophage migration and inltration into the CNS. However, we
have previously demonstrated that CCL3 is expressed only at low levels during
acute disease and is not detectable during chronic demyelination, whereas
robust expression of CCL5 is detected during both phases of disease, and this
suggests that CCL5 is the primary CCR5 signaling chemokine in this model.
This is supported by earlier studies that showed an important role for CCL5 in
attracting macrophages into the CNS following MHV infection [53]. There-
fore, the data presented in this study suggest that one mechanism by which
CCL5 contributes to demyelination is via attracting macrophages into the CNS
through CCR5-mediated signaling pathways. Additional evidence supporting
this is provided by the observation that even in the presence of increased
CCL5 expression at day 12 p.i., demyelination is reduced in CCR5/ mice.
Functional Diversity of Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors 13
CCL2 and CCR2
Chemokines and Chronic Viral-Induced Demyelination
particular EAE models in which mice are immunized peripherally with anti-
gen, CXCL10 expression within secondary lymphoid tissue is considered im-
portant in dictating disease outcome by serving to retain lymphocytes and
tailoring T cell responses. Moreover, these ndings highlight the different
roles of CXCL10 in regulating cellular immune responses in different models
of neuroinammation and emphasize the need for a better understanding of
how signaling by this chemokine regulates inammation and disease.
As indicated, we have determined that MHV infection of the CNS results
in an orchestrated expression of chemokine and chemokine receptor genes
that are regulated, in large part, by the viral burden. Similar to MS patients,
CXCL10 is expressed primarily by astrocytes in areas undergoing demyeli-
nation, suggesting an important role in the pathogenesis of demyelination
by attracting CXCR3-expressing T cells into the CNS [52, 59]. Indeed, our
laboratory was the rst to demonstrate that treatment of mice with estab-
lished demyelination and paralysis with anti-CXCL10 neutralizing antibody
resulted in a signicant reduction in CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells present
within the CNS, and this correlated with improved motor skills and a re-
duction in the severity of demyelination [59]. Moreover, the dramatic regain
of movement in anti-CXCL10-treated mice corresponded with more than
80% of previously demyelinated axons undergoing remyelination, indicat-
ing that removal of CXCL10 promoted an environment capable of remyeli-
nation. In addition to reduced numbers of CD4+ T cells within the CNS,
there was a paucity of macrophage inltration into the CNS of anti-CXCL10-
treated mice that correlated with a dramatic reduction in the levels of the
macrophage-chemoattractant CCL5. These data were consistent with previ-
ous studies indicating that CD4+ T cells were the major source for CCL5
in MHV-infected mice undergoing demyelination [53, 59]. The inuence of
CXCL10 in contributing to T cell responses was also examined. T cells isolated
from secondary lymphoid tissue of mice treated with anti-CXCL10 displayed
muted expression of IFN- in response to viral antigen when compared to T
cells isolated from control mice, suggesting that CXCL10 also serves to inu-
ence T cell effector functions during chronic disease (T.E. Lane, unpublished
We have previously determined that CCL5 mRNA transcripts and protein
are present within the CNS of MHV-infected mice during chronic demyelina-
tion, indicating a potentially important role for this chemokine in promoting
inammation [52, 53]. In order to assess the functional role of CCL5 in par-
ticipating in viral-induced immune-mediated demyelination, MHV-infected
mice were treated via intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection with anti-CCL5 mono-
clonal antibody (mAb) following onset of clinical disease and demyelination.
Such treatment resulted in a signicant (p0.05) reduction in the severity of
16 T. E. Lane et al.
clinical disease compared to mice treated with an isotype (IgG1 )-matched an-
tibody [32]. Upon removal of anti-CCL5 treatment, clinical disease returned
to mice such that there was no difference between the two experimental
groups of mice. Immunophenotyping the cellular inltrate of mice treated
with anti-CCL5 revealed reduced T cell and macrophage inltration into the
CNS that is consistent with our earlier studies that CCL5 attracts these cells
into the CNS of mice with chronic demyelination. Further, analysis of the
severity of demyelination in experimental groups of mice indicated that anti-
CCL5 treatment resulted in a signicant (p<0.05) reduction in the severity of
demyelination compared to control-treated mice.
A picture is slowly evolving from our experiments designed to test the func-
tional contributions of CXCL10 and CCL5 to chronic demyelination within
MHV-infected mice. Antibody targeting of the T cell chemoattractant CXCL10
in MHV-infected mice selectively affects CD4+ T cell accumulation within the
CNS accompanied by improved motor skills and a reduction in the severity
of demyelination [59]. In contrast, CCL5 is capable of attracting both CD4+
and CD8+ T cells into the CNS. It is also important to emphasize that our
data on CCL5 and CXCL10 inhibition with regards to T cell and macrophage
trafcking are corollary and it is possible that alternative scenarios exist.
For example, studies by Bergmann and colleagues suggest that during per-
sistent MHV infection there is limited to no trafcking of T cells from the
periphery into the CNS. Rather, upon entry during acute encephalomyelitis
a certain percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells is retained and participate in
disease [62, 93]. In this instance, CXCL10 expression would not be functioning
as a T cell chemoattractant but rather to inuence specic biologic functions
of T cells as well as potentiating the retention of T cells within the CNS. In
support of this, it is possible that CXCL10 serves to enhance CD4+ T cell
proliferation, as several recent studies indicate that CXCL10 is important in
contributing to T cell proliferation [18, 71, 101].
It is unlikely that CXCL10 contributes to T cell survival, as CXCL10/ mice
do not display any abnormalities with regards to T cell half-life nor do we see
any increase in numbers of apoptotic T cells following anti-CXCL10 treatment.
In addition, Narumi et al. [71] speculate that CXCL10 actually serves to retain
CXCR3+ T cells within tissues and this inuences disease severity. Therefore,
the selective reduction in CD4+ T cells within the CNS of MHV-infected mice
may not be the result of impaired trafcking. Rather, either CD4+ T cells are
not undergoing a steady-state turnover or are actually migrating out of the
CNS in the absence of signals specifying their retention.
In addition, recent studies indicate an important role for CXCL10 in im-
parting effector functions to T cells. For example, Salomon and colleagues
demonstrated that anti-CXCL10 treatment improved joint swelling in a rodent
Functional Diversity of Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors 17
model of arthritis and this correlated in part with an altered TH 1/TH 2 balance,
suggesting that CXCL10 expression promotes and maintains a TH 1 state in
T cells in this model [87].
Similarly, we have shown that MHV-infection of CXCL10/ mice results
in diminished IFN- expression by virus-specic T cells, supporting the idea
that CXCL10 expression serves to maintain a TH 1-like state in T cells [18]
(T.E. Lane, unpublished observations). CCL5 signaling also modulates cy-
tokine production by T cells following antigenic challenge. In support of this
is our demonstration that inhibition of CCL5 signaling results in enhanced
IFN- expression by virus-specic T cells, supporting the idea that CCL5 ex-
pression serves to regulate a TH 1-like state in T cells [32]. Moreover, ablation
of CCL5 signaling also modies the cytolytic activity of MHV-specic CD8+
T cells [30].
Fig. 1AH Chemokines and innate/adaptive immune response following MHV in-
fection of the CNS. Instillation of MHV into the CNS of susceptible mice results in
infection of astrocytes that are an important source of chemokines including CXCL10,
CCL5, and CCL3 (A). In addition, immature DC-like cells may also be susceptible to
infection and secrete CCL3 (B) that functions in a paracrine and autocrine manner
to bind to CCR1 expressed on immature DC-like cells. As a result of CCL3 signaling
and MHV infection, the DC-like cells undergo maturation and activation (C) resulting
in a remodulation of the plasma membrane characterized by decreased expression of
CCR1 accompanied by increased expression of CCR7 as well as major histocompat-
ibility complex (MHC) class I and II. CCR7-expressing, activated DCs home to the
draining cervical lymph node (D). Upon entry, activated DCs express a variety of sol-
uble factors including CCL3 and CXCL10 (E) that activate and enhance polarization of
virus-specic T cells to a TH 1 phenotype (F). Activated T cells exit the lymph node via
the efferent lymph (G), enter the blood stream, and migrate to the CNS via expression
of the chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR5 (H)
Functional Diversity of Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors 19
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Craig Walsh for helpful discussion.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants NS41249, NS18146,
and National Multiple Sclerosis Society Grant 3278 to T.E.L. J.L.H. is supported by
postdoctoral fellowship 1652 from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
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Functional Diversity of Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors 27
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Abstract The complex interplays between cytokines and chemokines are emerging
as key communication signals in the shaping of innate and adaptive immune re-
sponses against foreign pathogens, including viruses. In particular, the virus-induced
expression of cytokine and chemokine proles drives the recruitment and activation
of immune effector cells to sites of tissue infection. Under the conditions of infection
with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), a herpesvirus with pathogenic potential, early
immune functions are essential in the control of virus replication and virus-induced
pathology. The coordinated MCMV-induced cytokine and chemokine responses pro-
mote effective natural killer (NK) cell recruitment and function, and ultimately MCMV
clearance. The studies highlighted in this chapter illustrate in vivo pathways mediated
by innate cytokines in regulating chemokine responses that are vital for localized
antiviral defenses.
30 T. P. Salazar-Mather K. L. Hokeness
MCMV Murine cytomegalovirus
NK Natural killer
MIP-1 Macrophage inammatory protein 1
Mig Monokine induced by interferon-
MCP-1 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1
rIFN- Recombinant interferon-
54, 55, 83, 98]. Nevertheless, as chemokines are central to the routing of key
immune cells, they have emerged as key players in host defense mechanisms
[5458, 62, 80, 95, 104]. These proteins mediate their biological effects through
selective interactions with seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled recep-
tors on the surface of target cells [7, 9, 59, 74, 90]. Inammatory chemokines
are selective for a broad range of receptors. Nonetheless, in vivo studies have
demonstrated specic functions for various chemokines [18, 19, 21, 25, 27,
37, 58, 80, 93].
Protective immunity to viruses is dependent on the activation and inter-
play between cytokines and chemokines to enhance or regulate innate or
adaptive (or both) effector functions. Studies have demonstrated that the cy-
tokine milieu induced by pathogens may determine the cellular constituents
that get activated, and thus the nature of the immune response, by selectively
inducing specic chemokines in infected tissue compartments [18, 37, 55,
57, 77, 78, 80]. The murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) model of infection in
the liver has been used to demonstrate the coordinated effects of activated
cytokine and chemokine responses on the recruitment of NK cells to sites of
infection to maintain early control of virus replication. This chapter presents
a brief overview of the role of NK cells in antiviral defense, the molecular
mechanisms regulating the innate cytokine and chemokine networks pro-
moting NK cell inammation into liver, and the conceivable role of these
pathways in promoting downstream adaptive responses for effective antiviral
NK Cells and Antiviral Defenses
NK cells are innate effector cells that respond quickly to a variety of pathogens
before the onset of adaptive immunity [11, 96, 103]. These cells originate from
bone marrow precursors and predominate in peripheral blood and spleen.
However, they can be induced to trafc into other compartments including the
liver during infection [77, 99]. Classical NK cells are CD3 and do not express
rearranged antigen-specic receptors [11, 42, 71, 97, 103]. Instead, it is now
widely accepted that NK cells express a complex repertoire of activating and
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-specic inhibitory receptors
on their surfaces that interact with ligands on target cells [23, 101103]. En-
gagement of activation receptors with ligands on infected cells permits NK
cell-mediated killing and cytokine production, while the inhibitory recep-
tors restrain NK cell activation [4, 23, 43, 101, 102]. The central role of NK
cells as mediators of antiviral defenses has long been appreciated [11, 96].
32 T. P. Salazar-Mather K. L. Hokeness
NK Cell Responses in MCMV Infection
NK Cell Inflammatory Responses in Liver During MCMV Infection
The liver is a common target organ of MCMV infection [29, 61, 65, 87], and
the rapid control of virus-induced disease is essential for survival [64, 65,
Cytokine and Chemokine Networks: Pathways to Antiviral Defense 33
78, 80, 87]. As shown in Fig. 1a, the liver responds to MCMV infection by in-
ducing a profound accumulation of inammatory cells into the parenchyma
that peaks between 48 and 72 h after infection of C57BL/6, 129SvEV, and T- and
B cell-decient C57BL/6-SCID mice [65, 77, 79]. Studies have identied NK
cells as the major cellular constituents of the inammatory foci [3, 22, 77]. As
NK cells surround and sequester sites of MCMV antigen expression (Fig. 1b),
it is highly conceivable that the inammatory response limits the spread of
infection to neighboring hepatocytes, thus minimizing virus-induced pathol-
ogy. The precise effector mechanism used by inammatory NK cells remains
to be elucidated, although localization of IFN- within inammatory sites
([77] and Sect.3) is critical to antiviral defense.
In vivo cell trafcking studies using uorescently labeled bone marrow
cells from either C57BL/6 or C57BL/6-SCID donor mice have demonstrated
the rapid deployment and collective mobilization of NK cells between por-
tal areas and central hepatic veins in MCMV-infected recipient mice [77].
Transfer studies using bone marrow donor cells from mice depleted of NK
cell subsets using specic antibodies or from mice genetically decient in NK
cells and T lymphocytes demonstrated the accumulation of cells only in the
liver sinusoids [77]. Thus, in vivo, NK cells are induced to migrate to sites
in a pattern similar to the inammatory foci observed in histological liver
sections (see Fig. 1a).
Fig. 1ac Characterization of liver inammatory foci during MCMV infection. a and b
Parafn-embedded or frozen livers sections were prepared from C57BL/6 mice infected
with MCMV for 48 h and (a) stained with hematoxylin and eosin or (b) stained with
immune serum antibodies to MCMV. Bound antibodies were detected with NBT/BCIP,
followed by methyl green counterstain to highlight localization of inammatory nuclei.
Arrowhead denotes focus of inammatory cells. c Parafn-embedded liver sections
were prepared from C57BL/6-MIP-1 decient mice infected with MCMV for 48 h and
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Arrow denotes cytomegalic inclusion bodies
34 T. P. Salazar-Mather K. L. Hokeness
CCL3/MIP-1: Primary Mediator of NK Cell Inflammation
To understand the key mechanisms governing the in vivo recruitment of
NK cells to liver during MCMV infection, it is important to appreciate the
chemokine expression prole. Of particular interest is the inammatory
chemokine CCL3 or macrophage inammatory protein-1 (MIP-1). Mice
rendered genetically decient in MIP-1 (MIP-1 knockouts) have been
shown to exhibit reduced lung inammation and delayed clearance of in-
uenza virus when compared to control animals [19]. Moreover, MIP-1 pro-
moted pulmonary inammation and antiviral defense in a model of paramyx-
ovirus infection [24]. During MCMV infection, MIP-1 messenger (m)RNA
and protein can be detected in liver at times consistent with peak NK cell
inammation (48 h after infection) [77, 78]. Results obtained from in vivo
cell trafcking studies demonstrated that the induction of NK cell inam-
mation in liver during MCMV infection was dependent on MIP-1, as NK
cell trafcking is dramatically impaired in MIP-1 knockout mice [77]. It is
notable that monocyte and macrophage trafcking to liver is not affected
in MIP-1 knockout mice, suggesting that although other chemokines are
induced in these mice, MIP-1 responses are required for NK cell recruit-
ment. Furthermore, MIP-1 knockout mice lacked detectable inammatory
foci in liver sections by histological evaluation, and displayed a profound
increase in the number of cytomegalic inclusion bodies, or MCMV-infected
cells (Fig. 1c) [77]. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that in the absence
of MIP-1 function the absolute numbers of NK cells become signicantly
elevated in the blood but are dramatically reduced in the liver when compared
to control mice [78]. These results imply that although NK cells get activated
in response to infection, the communication signals directing their migration
to tissue sites of virus replication are impaired in the absence of MIP-1.
Collectively, these studies dene a prominent and unique role for MIP-1 in
the initial inux of NK cells into the liver during MCMV infection.
MIP-1 and Antiviral Defenses: The Cytokine and Chemokine Networks
The CXCL9/Mig Association
CCL2/MCP-1: The First Link
Fig. 2a, b Kinetics of MCP-1 and MIP-1 during MCMV infection in liver. Infected
intraperitoneally with 5104 plaque-forming units (pfu) MCMV were 129 mice. Livers
were harvested from uninfected (0 h) or infected mice at the indicated time points.
MCP-1 (a) and MIP-1 (b) protein levels in liver homogenates were determined by
sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [30]. The levels of detection
were 0.080.2 and 0.020.05 ng/g liver for MCP-1 and MIP-1, respectively. Data are
the meansSE (n=3 mice tested individually for each time point). (Figure used with
permission from [30]. Copyright 2005. The American Association of Immunologists)
Resident Macrophages: MCP-1 Producers
MCP-1 and Macrophage Recruitment
It has been clearly established that MCP-1 effectively promotes the mobiliza-
tion of inammatory macrophages to sites of tissue damage [17, 26, 31, 51, 72]
by preferential binding to the chemokine receptor CCR2 [13, 34, 40, 41, 67].
Recent studies have shown a dynamic impairment in liver macrophage and
NK cell accumulation in mice decient in MCP-1 (MCP-1 knockout) or CCR2
(CCR2 knockouts)when compared to control miceduring infection with
MCMV. Furthermore, MCP-1 and CCR2 knockout mice have decreased lev-
els of both MIP-1 and IFN- proteins [30]. These results establish a central
role for MCP-1 in promoting the recruitment of macrophages and NK cells.
Moreover, they agree with previous observations that trafcking macrophages
contribute to the initial release of MIP-1, and subsequently the delivery of
NK cell-derived IFN- in the liver [79, 80]. As CCR2 knockout mice displayed
comparable responses, the results dene MCP-1 as a key factor in initiating
critical innate inammatory events.
MCP-1 and Antiviral Defenses
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CTMI (2006) 303:4765
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.1 General Properties of Herpes Simplex Viruses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.2 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.3 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4 Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Abstract Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) are highly pervasive pathogens in the human
host with a seroconversion rate upwards of 60% worldwide. HSV type 1 (HSV-1) is
associated with the disease herpetic stromal keratitis, the leading cause of infectious
corneal blindness in the industrialized world. Individuals suffering from genital herpes
associated with HSV type 2 (HSV-2) are found to be two- to threefold more susceptible
in acquiring human immunodeciency virus (HIV). The morbidity associated with
these infections is principally due to the inammatory response, the development of
lesions, and scarring. Chemokines have become an important aspect in understand-
ing the host immune response to microbial pathogens due in part to the timing of
expression. In this paper, we will explore the current understanding of chemokine
production as it relates to the orchestration of the immune response to HSV infection.
48 D. J. J. Carr L. Tomanek
HSV Herpes simplex virus
PMN Polymorphonuclear cell
NK Natural killer
HSK Herpetic stromal keratitis
IL Interleukin
DC Dendritic cell
Th1 T helper 1 cell
TG Trigeminal ganglion
IFN Interferon
TNF Tumor necrosis factor
TLR Toll-like receptor
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor
General Properties of Herpes Simplex Viruses
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are neurotropic
viruses that are members of the subfamily -Herpesvirinae [42]. Both types
of HSV are transmissible from person to person via infectious mucosal secre-
tions that come in contact with mucosal epithelia that line surface apertures
of the body [9, 42, 57]. Herpes simplex viruses can cause a variety of diseases
including keratitis, cold sores, encephalitis, genital herpes, cutaneous herpes,
and meningitis [12, 42]. HSV-1 and HSV-2 enter the epithelium of the host
and initiate a lytic replicative cycle [18, 4042, 57, 70]. HSV enters its target
cell through a multistep process that includes envelope glycoproteins (g) that
surround the viral particle [42, 64]. The initial interaction begins with the
binding of gC and gB to heparin sulfate proteoglycans that are found on the
surface of target cells [42, 64]. After the attachment of the viral particle to
the host cell, another viral glycoprotein, gD, interacts with other host cell
surface receptors, including herpesvirus entry mediator A, which is a tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family member, and nectins, which allow for
the fusion of the virion envelope to the cells plasma membrane via gB, gD,
gH, and gL [42, 64]. Local replication commences with transcription of viral
lytic genes [18, 33, 4042, 57, 64, 70]. Following a lytic replicative cycle, the
virus enters sensory nerve endings in the basal aspect of the epithelium and
undergoes retrograde transport to associated sensory ganglia [18, 42, 64, 70].
Within the sensory ganglia, HSV undergoes a second stage of lytic infection.
Herpes Simplex Virus and the Chemokines That Mediate the Inammation 49
Depending on the extent of the infection, HSV may travel further to the cen-
tral nervous system. Following acute infection of sensory ganglia, the virus
establishes latency in a subpopulation of neurons [18, 42, 64, 70]. Periodic
reactivation from latency during periods of stress or immune suppression
results in the re-infection of the initial port of entry [18, 42, 70].
Clearance of the virus from the host is dependent on both the hosts innate
and adaptive immune responses. Polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) are the
rst and most predominant cell type to inltrate the area of infection, releasing
a number of soluble factors including cytokines, chemokines, and tissue-
degrading enzymes including matrix metalloproteinases [6, 22, 45, 96, 97].
Likewise, natural killer (NK) cells and subsequently, macrophages and T cells
are recruited to the site of inammation. Chemokine expression has become
an interest in the scientic community as it relates to the immune response
to infectious agents and the pathology that develops from this response.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
most common sexually transmitted pathogen worldwide [33, 73, 78, 92]. Gen-
ital herpes infection can result in complications including urinary retention
and meningoencephalitis [33, 73, 78, 92]. Approximately 3,500 births in the
United States are impacted by HSV-2 infection, which can lead to fatal infant
encephalitis [18]. Even though a relatively large percentage of the population
is seropositive for HSV-2, only a small percentage is subjected to these compli-
cations. Hormones have been implicated in the susceptibility to infection in
the female host [86]. Specically, mice exposed to progesterone are rendered
more susceptible to infection [37] whereas estradiol-treated mice are found
to be resistant to infection [27]. Although the role of ovarian sex hormones in
susceptibility to genital HSV-2 infection is not completely dened, immune
suppression [27], changes in the vaginal epithelial thickness [72], and mod-
ulation of a cell membrane receptor, nectin-1- [48], may all inuence the
infectious process.
One common denominator in the recruitment process of leukocytes into
the inamed HSV-infected tissue is the expression of chemokines. Although
a necessary process in attracting immune effector cells required to control
replication and spread of the virus, chemokine expression and the ensu-
ing inammatory response has detrimental consequences to the host, espe-
cially when considering the eye. Understanding the sequential expression of
chemokines relative to ocular HSV-1 infection is pertinent to the development
of a strategy that will ultimately control local inammation and the collateral
damage without rendering increased susceptibility to the host.
HSV-1 Infection of the Eye
Innate Immune Response to Ocular HSV-1 Infection
After initial infection of the virus into the cornea, an innate immune re-
sponse is triggered to clear the pathogen. Toll-like receptors (TLR), a family
of pattern-recognition molecules, are known to respond to pathogens and
serve as early warning molecules that induce the expression of proinamma-
tory molecules [5]. Of the twelve TLR subtypes found in the mouse, TLR2 and
TLR9 are expressed by corneal epithelium [36]. HSV-1 stimulates TLR2 by
unknown means resulting in the activation of nuclear factor (NF)-B and pro-
duction of interleukin (IL)-6 [46]. HSV-1 which contains CpG motifs [106] is
recognized by TLR9, resulting in the expression of type I interferon (IFN) [44].
In addition to the production of type I IFNs, the infected resident cells of the
Herpes Simplex Virus and the Chemokines That Mediate the Inammation 51
cornea as well as neighboring cells (most probably through TLR signaling and
NF-B activation) are known to release inammatory cytokines including IL-
1, IL-6, and TNF- [34, 88]. The absence or hindrance of these cytokines
has been linked to a signicant reduction in the incidence of HSK [6, 22, 101].
It is thought that IL-1 leads to the induction of IL-6 by resident corneal
cells [6] that, in turn, elicit production of macrophage inammatory protein-
1 (CCL3) and -2 (CXCL2) [22] ultimately recruiting PMNs into the infected
tissue. PMNs inltrate the stroma underlying the infected epithelial cells, con-
tributing to clearance of the virus and limiting viral dissemination within 24 h
postinfection [6, 96, 97]. PMNs are thought to be a rich source of inducible
nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and TNF- [13], the latter of which upregu-
lates intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 expression [69] facilitating
the adherence of leukocytes to the endothelium [89]. The administration of
monoclonal antibody to ICAM-1 [15] or use of ICAM-1-decient mice [67]
has not been found to diminish the inltration of cells or the clinical course
of herpetic disease following corneal infection. However, ICAM-1 does play
a key role in preventing herpetic encephalitis [15, 67], suggesting pathways
independent of ICAM-1 expression are involved initially in the recruitment
of cells into the cornea, whereas controlling virus spread in the central ner-
vous system involves ICAM-1 expression. After the initial inltration of neu-
trophils, macrophages and NK cells inltrate the area but PMNs remain the
predominant cell type residing in the inamed cornea up to the rst 96 h
postinfection [93].
Chemokine Expression During the Innate Immune Response
to Ocular HSV-1 Infection
Evidence for the expression of chemokines in the cornea following HSV-1 in-
fection was rst described using endpoint polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
in which KC (CXCL1), CXCL2, IFN--inducible protein 10 (CXCL10), mono-
cyte chemoattractant protein-1 (CCL2), MIP-1 (CCL4), and regulated upon
activation, normal T cell expressed (CCL5) were observed [90]. While trauma
to the cornea in the form of scarication induced the expression, continued
expression of CCL2, CCL5, and CXCL10 were noted out to 72 h postinfection,
whereas other chemokine messenger (m)RNA levels precipitously dropped in
both BALB/c and outbred ICR mice [14, 90]. Of the chemokines noted above,
CXCL1 and CXCL2 specically target neutrophils principally through the re-
ceptor CXCR2 [11, 82, 99, 104]. Neutralization of CXCL2 with antibody leads
to a reduction in polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) inltration into the
cornea [54, 104]. Likewise, CXCR2 knockout mice infected with HSV-1 show
52 D. J. J. Carr L. Tomanek
a minimal inltration of PMNs into the cornea [3]. Even with a reduction in
PMN inux, HSK still develops in the CXCR2-decient mice, which is thought
to be due to an increase in IL-6 expression driven by elevated virus titers
ultimately facilitating angiogenesis [3]. Although evidence suggests IL-6 can
drive neovascularization through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
in the cornea, the kinetics of expression of VEGF during the infectious process
in this model suggests other dynamics are involved including T cells that are
known to contribute to HSK [16, 83] and are a source of VEGF [63].
Whereas CXCL2 is thought to be induced by IL-6 [57], another CXC
chemokine, CXCL10, has been found to be the only chemokine that is consti-
tutively expressed in the cornea as determined by PCR [14, 90] and enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) [10]. CXCL10 levels rapidly rise in the
cornea following HSV-1 infection, and neutralization of the chemokine dra-
matically reduces corneal edema and inltrating cells [10]. The lone receptor
for CXCL10 is CXCR3 expressed by NK cells, macrophages, dendritic cells
(DCs), and activated T cells [21, 23, 47, 77, 94]. However, CXCR3 knock-
out mice ocularly infected with HSV-1 show a transient suppression of PMN
(Gr-1+ CD11b+ Mac-3 ) recruitment into the cornea (D.J.J. Carr, unpublished
observation), calling into question the role of CXCR3 and its ligands in PMN
recruitment. However, other studies at different anatomical sites have de-
scribed PMN inltration as a result of CXCL10 expression [8, 105]. It is tempt-
ing to speculate that CXCL10 may upregulate CD11a on PMNs enhancing the
adhesion to the endothelium as has been reported for Th1 cells [2] facilitating
diapedesis into the stroma of the cornea. However, formal proof of this notion
requires additional studies.
Of the CC chemokine ligands expressed during ocular HSV-1 infection,
CCL2 is strongly expressed throughout the initial course of acute infection as
measured by PCR [14, 90]. The role of CCL2 in the development of HSK may
be peripheral to its effects on the recruitment of leukocytes into the cornea,
since the administration of neutralizing antibody to CCL2 has no effect on the
incidence of HSK in HSV-1-infected mice [99]. In contrast, the administration
of anti-CCL3 antibody signicantly reduces the severity of corneal opacity
[99]. The kinetics of CCL3 expression suggest it is not a stimulus for the
recruitment of leukocytes into the cornea until 710 days postinfection, a time
that seems to correlate with the onset of HSK [99]. Consistent with this nding,
mice decient in CCL3 expression reportedly show little cellular inltration in
the cornea throughout the time course of infection with low to undetectable
levels of T helper (Th)1 cytokines including IL-2 and IFN- [98] normally
found during acute ocular infection [93]. Ironically, the CCL3 knockout mice
clear the virus at the same time as wildtype control animals [99], which calls
into question the mechanism of virus clearance. Since there is apparently
Herpes Simplex Virus and the Chemokines That Mediate the Inammation 53
to infect mice) alone elicits a rise in CCL3, CCL5, and CXCL10 expression
(Fig. 1). Following infection, CXCL1, CCL2, CCL5, CXCL9, and CXCL10 are
induced or upregulated within 36 h. Analysis of CCL5 and CXCL10 expression
by confocal microscopy show two different patterns of expression. CCL5 is
expressed in the epithelial layers of the eye colocalizing with HSV-1 antigen
as well as within the stroma of the cornea (D.J.J. Carr, J. Ash, T. Lane, and
W. Kuziel, submitted). By comparison, CXCL10 expression chiey colocalizes
with HSV-1 antigen expression in the epithelial layers of the cornea with punc-
tate staining in the endothelium (D.J.J. Carr, unpublished observation). The
expression prole of CCL5 and CXCL10 suggests the resident population gen-
erates most if not all of the CXCL10 within the rst 24 h postinfection, whereas
CCL5 is produced principally by resident cells but may also be provided by the
inltrating PMNs that are found within the stroma 24 h postinfection (D.J.J.
Carr, J. Ash, T. Lane, and W. Kuziel, submitted). It is likely that as the infection
spreads over the next several hours, chemokines generated including CCL2,
CCL5, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL9, and CXCL10 are produced by multiple sources
including the resident broblasts, epithelial, and endothelial cells as well as
inltrating PMNs, macrophages, NK cells, and DCs [11, 25, 82, 87, 100]. Col-
lectively, the initial cascade of chemokine expression is complex but may be
divided into two principal pathways involving CXCL10 and IL-6 (Fig. 2).
The delayed expression of CCL3 in the cornea is associated with a sec-
ondary wave of PMNs and some T cells into the stroma (day 10 postinfection)
[99]. Since CCL3 targets monocytes, T cells, NK cells, basophils, eosinophils,
DCs, and hematopoietic progenitors [11, 12, 82], it is currently unknown
what events transpire to recruit the subsequent wave of cells. However, CCL3
is central to the effect since neutralizing this chemokine with antibody or
suppressing expression with IL-10 reduces leukocyte recruitment into the
cornea [99].
Adaptive Immune Response to Ocular HSV-1 Infection
HSV-1 Latency in the Trigeminal Ganglion
After the successful infection of the cornea by HSV-1, a series of events occurs
that can lead to a stable latent neuronal infection in the trigeminal ganglion
56 D. J. J. Carr L. Tomanek
(TG) within 12 weeks postinfection [39, 41, 49]. Following an initial round
of replication in the corneal epithelium, the virus is able to enhance its abil-
ity to access the axonal termini (via mechanisms that are not understood),
and through retrograde axonal transport it enters the neuronal cell bodies
in which another stage of lytic replication begins [49, 70]. After this brief
replication cycle in the neuronal cell bodies, the lytic cycle genes are re-
pressed and latency is established with minimal viral gene expression [49].
Infectious HSV-1 can consistently be detected in the TG out to approximately
10 days postinfection [12]. By day 30 postinfection, latency is established
as dened by the lack of detectable infectious virions [12]. Even though
infectious virions are not readily detected during latency, HSV-1 latency-
associated transcripts (LATs) can be detected in the TG, and an associated
local immune response is evident [28, 49]. With latency established, the im-
mune system continually surveys the area with CD8+ T cells as the principal
cell type that is thought to prevent reactivation [39]. Along these lines, CD8+
T cells are thought to control the infection through noncytolytic mechanisms
using cytokines such as IFN- and TNF- with minimal destruction to neu-
rons [38, 50, 51, 95].
During latent infection, real time (RT)-PCR detection of CXCR3 and CCR5
expression has been reported [12]. Although unproven, it is likely these
chemokine receptors are found on the CD8+ T cells present in the TG during
latency [29, 38]. Although ligands for CXCR3 including CXCL9 and CXCL10
have not been evaluated during latency, one ligand for CCR5, CCL5, has been
detected [28]. Exposing latently infected mice to the potent antiviral com-
pound acyclovir has been found to reduce CCL5 expression in the TG. Yet, the
continued presence of CD8 cells suggests additional signals provide a stimulus
for retainment of these effector cells within the tissue [29].
Herpes Simplex Virus and the Chemokines That Mediate the Inammation 57
Reactivation of HSV-1
HSV-2 Infection of the Genitalia
Immune Response to Genital HSV-2 Infection
During initial infection of the mucosa of the vagina with HSV-2, the virus
begins to replicate in the epithelium, typically restricted to the epidermis or
cervicovaginal epithelium [43]. The initial host response to infection includes
the induction of type I IFNs (i.e., IFN- species) through TLR9 recognition of
HSV-2 CpG motifs [52]. The IFN-responsive pathway, double-stranded RNA-
dependent protein kinase but not 2 ,5 -oligoadenylate synthetases is essential
for resistance to infection, as mice decient in this pathway are highly suscep-
tible to HSV-2-mediated mortality (D.J.J. Carr, L. Tomanek, R.H. Silverman,
and B.R.G. Williams, manuscript in preparation). In addition to type I IFN
production, IL-12, 1L-15, IL-18, NK cells, and PMNs are important rst lines
of defense against HSV-2 replication and spread [1, 31, 59]. Current evidence
suggests the resident populations of Langerhans cells [19] do not trafc to
the inguinal/iliac lymph nodes with most migrating cells consisting of B lym-
phocytes [40]. T lymphocytes including T cells are essential components
of the adaptive immune response in controlling genital infection with HSV-
2 [55, 60, 66, 73]. CD4+ T cells produce the majority of IFN- in response to
genital HSV-2 infection [32, 61]. Neutralization of IFN- leads to an increase
in virus titer and a decrease in T cell recruitment into the vaginal tissue [61,
73]. B cell production of antibody is initiated in the draining lymph nodes and
appears to have only a modest impact on HSV-2 titers, suggesting a limited
role for B lymphocytes in the control of genital HSV-2 infection [17, 62, 75].
Manifestations of genital herpes include macules, papules, and vesicles re-
sulting in the development of ulcers in the genital region [33]. Due to these
58 D. J. J. Carr L. Tomanek
ulcerations, other pathogens are able to enter into the vaginal mucosa. Recent
studies have shown that patients who are infected with HSV-2 have a higher
risk of contracting HIV-1 than patients who are HSV-2 seronegative with
a two- to threefold increase in susceptibility [79].
Chemokines and HSV-2
The recruitment of leukocytes into the vaginal tissue following HSV-2 infec-
tion appears to include IFN- induction of the adhesion molecules ICAM-1
and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 [76] since neutralizing IFN- dimin-
ishes lymphocyte inltration into the infected tissue [74]. The expression of
IFN- has also been associated with CCL5 production [30] found in the vagina
following HSV-2 infection [4, 33]. The role of CCL5 expression in recruiting
leukocytes into the infected tissue has not been described. However, plasmid
DNA containing CCL5 has been found to enhance survival of HSV-2-infected
mice [85]. Manipulating local expression of selective chemokines including
CXCL2 and CCL3 using plasmid DNA suggests these chemokines may also
play a signicant role in protection for the host during genital virus infection
by facilitating CD4+ T cell immunity and elevating IFN- production by NK
cells [20]. However, there are unresolved questions that remain as to those
chemokines that initiate the inammatory cascade as well as those that are
critical for resistance to genital HSV-2.
the inammatory response of the host and outcome of the infection. Under-
standing this process will prove benecial in developing antiinammatory
therapies for individuals experiencing chronic HSV reactivation.
Acknowledgements The work was supported by a USPHS NIH grant, EY015566 and
a Jules and Doris Stern RPB Research Professorship to DJJC.
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6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Abstract Retroviral infection of the CNS can lead to severe debilitating neurologi-
cal diseases in humans and other animals. Four general types of pathogenic effects
with various retroviruses have been observed including: hemorrhage (TR1.3), spongi-
form encephalopathy (CasBrE, FrCasE, PVC211, NT40, Mol-ts1), demyelination with
inammatory lesions (HTLV-1, visna, CAEV), and encephalopathy with gliosis and
proinammatory chemokines and cytokines, usually with microglial giant cells and
nodules [human immunodeciency virus (HIV), feline immunodeciency virus (FIV),
simian immunodeciency virus (SIV), Fr98]. This review focuses on this fourth group
of retroviruses. In this latter group, proinammatory cytokine and chemokine upreg-
ulation accompanies the disease process, and may inuence pathogenesis by direct
effects on resident CNS cells. The review rst discusses the Fr98 murine polytropic
virus system with particular reference to the roles of cytokines and chemokines in the
pathogenic process. The Fr98 data are then compared and contrasted to the cytokine
and chemokine data in the lentivirus systems, HIV, SIV, and FIV. Finally, various mech-
anisms are presented by which tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and several chemokines
may alter the pathogenesis of retrovirus infection of the CNS.
CAEV Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus
CNS Central nervous system
EIAV Equine infectious anemia virus
GFAP Glial brillary acidic protein
FIV Feline immunodeciency virus
FIV-E FIV encephalitis
HAD HIV-associated dementia
HIV Human immunodeciency virus
HTLV Human T cell leukemia virus
IP Intraperitoneal
LPS Lipopolysaccharide
Mol-ts1 Moloney Ts1
NPSC Neuroprogenitor stem cells
SIV Simian immunodeciency virus
SIV-E SIV encephalitis
Inuence of Proinammatory Cytokines and Chemokines 69
Retrovirus Infections of the CNS
Historical Perspective
In the initial years of the study of retroviruses the main emphasis was on the
potential of these agents to induce neoplastic transformation of various tis-
sues, especially muscle cells, broblasts, mammary glands, and bone marrow-
derived hematopoietic cells. Subsequently non-neoplastic pathogenic effects
of retroviruses were described, including anemia, arthritis, glomerulonephri-
tis, immunodeciencies, osteopetrosis, and neurological disorders. The stud-
ies of visna virus infection in sheep by Sigurdsson and colleagues in the 1950s
demonstrated a slow CNS disease lasting several years (Sigurdsson et al. 1957,
1960). This long time course led ultimately to the name lentiviruses for
the subgroupincluding visnaof retroviruses with complex genomes. In
the 1970s, Gardner and colleagues described a murine retrovirus from the
oncornavirus subgroup (with simple genomes) which induced a slow neuro-
logical disease (Gardner et al. 1973). Since that time a large variety of other
retroviruses from both subfamilies capable of inducing neurological disease
in a variety of species including humans have been described (Table 1).
Diversity of Retrovirus-Induced Neurological Diseases
(Christensen 2005)
d HTLV-2 is believed to be associated with some rare cases of demyelinating
can vary considerably from prominent to minimal (Anthony et al. 2005; Gardner and
Dandekar 1995; Kolson et al. 1998; Lackner et al. 1991). In the Fr98 neonatal mouse
model mononuclear inltration is minimal (Peterson et al. 2001; Robertson et al. 1997)
neurons has been noted, but this does not appear to account for the disease,
because the infected cells are not present in the damaged areas (Lynch et al.
1991). Despite the diverse pathology, most retroviruses infect the same major
target cells of microglia and macrophages in the brain (Patrick et al. 2002;
Portis 2001). Brain capillary endothelial cells are often extensively infected in
many murine models and may be in some primate systems (SIV). To a lesser
extent, infection of astrocytes (Liu et al. 2004) and oligodendrocytes (Robert-
son et al. 1997) has also been observed with some retroviruses, but these types
of infected cells may nevertheless play important roles in the pathogenesis.
Inuence of Proinammatory Cytokines and Chemokines 71
Diversity of Retrovirus-Induced Pathogenic Mechanisms
neonatal state of the host (Fr98 infection). This review will focus on the role
of proinammatory cytokines and chemokines in the neuropathogenesis of
this group of retroviruses with emphasis on the Fr98 mouse model and the
use of knockout mice to study the contribution of cytokines and chemokines
to retroviral pathogenesis.
Fr98 Polytropic Retrovirus Model of Neuropathogenesis
Use of a Mouse Model to Study Retroviral Neuropathogenesis
FMCF98 and Fr98 Polytropic Murine Leukemia Viruses
Mapping of Neurovirulence Determinants in the Fr98 Genome
Since neurological disease was not induced by most murine retroviruses, it was
of interest to determine which regions of the Fr98 genome were important for
this brain disease. Fr98 was compared to Fr54, a non-neurovirulent chimeric
polytropic retrovirus with a similar structure (Hasenkrug et al. 1996). Fr54
contained the envelope (env) gene of FMCF54 inserted into FB29, and dif-
fered from Fr98 by several amino acid residues in the polymerase (pol) and env
genes. Fr54 was able to infect the same cell types in the brain as Fr98; however,
no neurological symptoms were observed. The level of Fr54 virus infection was
slightly lower than that of Fr98, but there was no clear difference in the neu-
ropathology (Hasenkrug et al. 1996; Robertson et al. 1997). Thus the pathology
appeared to be due to retroviral infection, independent of the disease induc-
tion, suggesting perhaps that the disease symptoms and death were due to bio-
chemical abnormalities not represented by obvious morphological changes.
In order to determine which regions of the Fr98 genome were responsi-
ble for induction of the neurological disease, several chimeric recombinant
viruses using sequences of either Fr98 or Fr54 were studied (Hasenkrug et
al. 1996; Peterson et al. 2004b). These data indicated that there were two
non-overlapping regions of the Fr98 genome which inuenced neuroviru-
lence, one from SphI to EcoRI (SE), and the other from EcoRI to ClaI (EC)
(Table 2). Both these chimeras induced disease slower than Fr98, suggesting
that they acted by different but complementary mechanisms. The EC region
contained only env sequences, whereas the SE region contained both pol and
env sequences. However, only env sequences were involved in neurovirulence
because a chimera with Fr98 sequences from BbsI to EcoRI (BE), containing
only env, was similar in virulence to SE (Peterson et al. 2004b) (Table 2). The
BE region contains 11 env amino acid differences between Fr98 and Fr54, and
current studies are investigating which residues are most important to dis-
ease induction (K. Peterson and B. Chesebro, in preparation). The EC region
contained 17 env amino acid differences, and mutagenesis studies identied
changes at two positions (residues 195 and 198) as being important for disease
induction (Poulsen et al. 1998).
The mechanisms of disease induced by these two env regions are still
unclear; however, some clues were provided by previous studies. Earlier data
indicated that the SE/BE region appeared to inuence the brain viral load
and the kinetics of replication, and for these chimeras a high viral load was
required for disease. In contrast, the EC region induced disease at a lower
viral load, and thus appeared to generate neurotoxicity which did not require
high virus replication (Poulsen et al. 1998).
Inuence of Proinammatory Cytokines and Chemokines 75
Contribution of Virus Burden to Pathogenesis
A role for higher viral load inuencing disease was also shown in studies
using direct brain infection by intraventricular inoculation of virus-infected
neural stem cells (Poulsen et al. 1999). In these experiments virus infection
of brain endothelial cells was minimal, whereas infection of microglial cells
was greatly increased for all viruses tested. Interestingly, with this method
even the avirulent virus Fr54 was capable of inducing neurological disease,
albeit considerably more slowly than Fr98. These data indicated that all the
polytropic retroviruses studied had potential to induce neurological disease if
expressed in the brain at a high enough level. Perhaps the role of the SE/BE env
region is to elevate viral replication to these high levels even when the standard
route of IP infection is used. In contrast, since the EC chimera induced disease
even at lower viral loads, it would appear that the critical Fr98 amino acids
at positions 195 and 198 in this chimera have a higher potential for disease
induction than the comparable Fr54 residues.
Cytokines and Chemokines in Fr98-Induced Neuropathogenesis
Analysis of Cytokine and Chemokine Gene Expression
Kinetics of Gene Expression
Studies with Knockout Mice
Knockout mouse and antibody blocking studies indicated a role for specic
cytokines and chemokines in Fr98-mediated pathogenesis in the brain. Mice
decient in CCR2, the primary ligand for CCL2(MCP-1) and CCL12(MCP-5),
had reduced incidence and kinetics of neurological disease following Fr98
infection, indicating that CCR2 stimulation was contributing to pathogenesis
(Peterson et al. 2004a). Antibody blocking studies indicated that the CCR2
ligand CCL2(MCP-1), but not ligands CCL7(MCP-3) or CCL12(MCP-5), con-
tributed to Fr98-induced disease. Thus, CCL2(MCP-1) stimulation of CCR2
appears to be a mechanism of Fr98-mediated neuropathogenesis. In contrast,
CCR5 was not necessary for Fr98 pathogenesis as no decrease in neurovir-
ulence was observed in CCR5-decient mice, despite increased mRNA and
protein expression of the CCR5 ligands CCL3(MIP-1), CCL4(MIP-1), and
CCL5(RANTES) (Peterson et al. 2001, 2004a; Fig. 1).
In TNF-decient mice, the rate of Fr98-induced disease progression was
signicantly delayed, demonstrating that TNF contributed to neuropatho-
genesis (Peterson et al. 2004b). Interestingly, the role of TNF in pathogenesis
varied with different chimeric polytropic retroviruses. For example, the
chimeric virus BE induced high levels of TNF mRNA in the brain, whereas
the chimeric virus EC induced only localized production of TNF mRNA
in the middle (midbrain, hippocampus, and thalamus) region of the brain.
This correlation suggested that TNF deciency might inhibit BE-induced
disease and not EC-induced disease. However, paradoxically, the opposite
was observed. TNF deciency signicantly inhibited EC-induced clinical
disease, but had no detectable effect on BE-induced disease (Peterson et al.
2004b). This result demonstrated the danger of drawing conclusions strictly
from correlative data.
EC-induced upregulation of the microglia and macrophage marker F4/80
was not observed in TNF-decient mice, suggesting that TNF may contribute
to disease by the activation or recruitment of microglia or macrophages
(Peterson et al. 2004b). In contrast, TNF was not necessary for retrovirus-
induced activation of astrocytes as measured by expression of glial brillary
acidic protein (GFAP) mRNA. Further studies analyzing the responses of
retrovirus infection in knockout mice should provide valuable information in
regards to how cytokines and chemokines contribute to neuropathogenesis.
Inuence of Proinammatory Cytokines and Chemokines 79
Increased TNF mRNA expression has also been associated with the spongi-
form degeneration and neurological disease induced by the FrCasE and Mol-
ts1 murine retrovirus infections (Askovic et al. 2001; Choe et al. 1998; Peterson
et al. 2004b). However, deciencies in TNF or TNFR1 did not alter the patho-
genesis of disease induced by FrCasE and Mol-ts1, respectively (Jolicoeur et
al. 2003; Peterson et al. 2004b).
Cytokines and Chemokines
in Immunosuppressive Lentivirus Pathogenesis
Correlation Between Gene Expression and Neurological Disease
Effect of HIV Proteins on Cytokine and Chemokine Induction
In the Fr98 model, particular sequences in the viral envelope protein inu-
enced the production of cytokines and chemokines, possibly through the
regulation of virus levels in the brain (Peterson et al. 2001). In the SCID-
HIVE model, increased expression of both CCL2(MCP-1) and CCL3(MIP-1)
was associated with HIV-infected monocytes in the brain (Persidsky et al.
1999). Similar induction of cytokines and chemokines such as CCL2(MCP-1),
CXCL10(IP-10), CXCL9(MIG), and IL-1 were observed in mouse brain tis-
sue following inoculation with HIV-1 provirus or a chimeric HIV virus with
an ecotropic MuLV envelope protein (Potash et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2003).
Both the Tat and Env protein of HIV appeared to contribute to the upregu-
lation of cytokines and chemokines. HIV Tat stimulation of in vitro cultures
of glial cell cultures induced the expression of several chemokines including
CCL2(MCP-1) and CCL3(MIP-1) (McManus et al. 2000), while stimulation
of astrocytes with HIV gp120 induced CXCL10(IP-10) expression (Asensio
et al. 2001). A similar induction of CXCL10(IP-10) as well as CCL2(MCP-1)
was observed in mice with transgenic expression of gp120 under the GFAP
promoter (Asensio et al. 2001). Interestingly, no clinical signs of neurological
disease were reported in these in vivo models, indicating that increased pro-
duction of chemokines in the brain at the levels achieved in these experiments
was not sufcient for the induction of neurological disease.
Potential Effects of Chemokines During Retrovirus Infection of the Brain
Polymorphism studies have suggested that certain alleles of TNF and
CCL2(MCP-1) correlate with increased risk of the development of dementia
in HIV-infected patients (Gonzalez et al. 2002; Quasney et al. 2001). Studies
with the Fr98 mouse model also demonstrated that CCL2(MCP-1), its
primary receptor, CCR2, and TNF contributed to retroviral pathogenesis in
the brain (Peterson et al. 2004a, b). Comparison of wildtype and knockout
mice in the Fr98 pathogenesis model as well as in vitro and in vivo studies
with HIV, SIV, and FIV have indicated several mechanisms by which these
proteins may contribute to pathogenesis.
Activation and Recruitment of Microglia and Macrophages
and macrophage marker F4/80 (Peterson et al. 2004b). Thus, TNF may have
an important role in the activation and/or recruitment of brain microglia and
macrophages. Autopsy ndings from HAD patients indicated a strong corre-
lation between increased staining for activated macrophages and microglial
cells in the brain and the severity of dementia (Glass et al. 1995). Similarly, an
increase in activated macrophages and/or microglia has also been associated
with encephalitis following SIV or FIV infection (Georgsson 1994; Lackner et
al. 1991; Williams and Hickey 2002). Bloodbrain barrier (BBB) permeability
and tight junction disruption have been noted in cases of HIV and SIV
infections (Boven et al. 2000; Luabeya et al. 2000), indicating that infected and
uninfected peripheral macrophages may migrate to the brain and contribute
to retroviral pathogenesis. In the SCID-HIVE mouse model, HIV-infected
cells in the CNS were surrounded by murine macrophages, suggesting the
migration of either peripheral or brain macrophages to the site of virus in the
brain (Nukuna et al. 2004). TNF expression has been demonstrated to break
down the BBB as well as induce microglia and macrophage activation and
macrophage migration in vitro (Glabinski et al. 1998; Hurwitz et al. 1994).
Chemokines may play an important role in the migration of peripherally
activated macrophages across the BBB. The term chemokine was coined to
describe a family of chemoattractant cytokines that were involved in the
recruitment and tissue extravasation of leukocytes during inammation.
The chemokine CCL2(MCP-1) induced monocyte migration across an
endothelial cell/astrocyte co-culture model of the BBB (Eugenin and Berman
2003). Expression of CCR2, the primary receptor for CCL2(MCP-1), by
macrophages was required for CCL2(MCP-1)-induced macrophage migra-
tion across a brain endothelial layer (Dzenko et al. 2005). Interestingly, CCR2
expression was also required on the brain microvessels, as neither CCR2+
nor CCR2 macrophages could migrate across CCR2 brain endothelial cells
in response CCL2(MCP-1) stimulation (Dzenko et al. 2005). It is possible that
CCL2(MCP-1) and TNF contribute to retroviral pathogenesis by the same
mechanism, with both cytokines involved in the activation and/or migration
of microglia and macrophages in the brain.
Lymphocyte Recruitment
tions (Kim et al. 2004b; Miller et al. 2004; Petito et al. 2003). However, persis-
tent depletion of CD8+ lymphocytes correlated with increased encephalitis in
brains of SIV-infected macaques (Williams et al. 2001; Williams and Hickey
2002). Thus, rather than contributing to retroviral pathogenesis, CD8+ T cells
may suppress the recruitment and trafcking of infected macrophages in the
CNS, delaying the development of neurological symptoms.
Neuronal Apoptosis
Apoptotic neurons and neuronal dropout have been observed in brain tissue
of HAD patients and animal models of retroviral neuropathogenesis, although
there does not appear to be a direct correlation with the amount of neuronal
apoptosis and clinical neurological disease (Adle-Biassette et al. 1999; Kolson
et al. 1998). In contrast, no detectable increase in neuronal apoptosis was asso-
ciated with Fr98 infection or disease (Peterson et al. 2004b; Portis et al. 1995),
but lack of apoptosis might be due to the short disease course in this model.
This result suggests that the severe clinical symptoms observed by Fr98 infec-
tion are not the result of neuronal death, but instead more likely represent neu-
ronal dysfunction. In slower disease models, apoptosis may be the end result
of neuronal damage induced by cytokines and chemokines, but this interpre-
tation is not conclusive because these proinammatory molecules can have
opposing effects in different situations. For example, TNF has been directly
implicated in inducing apoptosis through stimulation of TNFRI, but may be
anti-apoptotic when stimulating through TNFRII (Saha and Pahan 2003).
CCL2(MCP-1) inhibited neuronal apoptosis induced by either N-methyl-d-
aspartate (NMDA) or HIV Tat in mixed glial cultures (Eugenin et al. 2003).
Similar results were also observed by the addition of CCL5(RANTES), suggest-
ing that the production of chemokines during retrovirus infection may pro-
vide protection from retrovirus-induced neuronal apoptosis and may, in some
instances, decrease the pathogenesis of retrovirus infection. In vitro studies
have shown that chemokines such as CCL5(RANTES), CXCL12(SDF1), and
CCL22(MDC) can provide support for the survival of neuronal cultures in the
absence of glial feeder cells (Meucci et al. 1998).
Retrovirus proteins including HIV-1 Tat and gp120 can induce apoptosis
when added to neurons in vitro (Catani et al. 2000; Meucci et al. 1998; Zhang et
al. 2003). HIV gp120-induced neuronal apoptosis was blocked by anti-CXCR4
or anti-CCR5 antibodies, indicating that HIV gp120 neurotoxicity may be
mediated by chemokine receptor signaling (Zhang et al. 2003). CCL3(MIP-
1), CCL4(MIP-1), CCL5(RANTES), and CXCL12(SDF1) inhibited gp120-
induced apoptosis (Catani et al. 2000; Meucci et al. 1998), suggesting that the
Inuence of Proinammatory Cytokines and Chemokines 83
Alteration or Inhibition of Neuroprogenitor Stem Cell Migration
(LPS) was shown to inhibit NPSC migration patterns in vivo, possibly through
the increased production of proinammatory cytokines and chemokines in
the brain (Monje et al. 2003). Chemokines have been shown to contribute to
NPSC migration in vivo. Mice decient in the chemokine receptor CXCR4, the
receptor for the chemokine CXCL12(SDF1), have deformed cerebellum de-
velopment and lack neuronal migration from the external granular layer (Lu
et al. 2002). The loss of CXCL12(SDF1) also affects adult neurogenesis in the
hippocampal dentate gyrus (Bagri et al. 2002). A decrease in migrating NPSC
was detected in HIV-infected patients with dementia compared to those with-
out, indicating that NPSC migration may inuence disease (Krathwohl and
Kaiser 2004). Alteration or suppression of NPSC migration could affect the
development of the dentate gyrus and cerebellum and lead to the inhibition
of memory and developmental skills associated with HIV infection in infants
(Drapeau et al. 2003; Monje et al. 2003; Rola et al. 2004; Tran and Miller 2003).
Astrocyte Activation and Support Functions
Retrovirus Entry and Spread in the CNS
In the Fr98 model, the lack of CCR2, CCR5, or TNF did not inuence virus
burden in the brain (Peterson et al. 2004a, b). However, Fr98 has not been re-
ported to use chemokine receptors as coreceptors for virus entry. In contrast,
HIV and SIV utilize the chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CCR5 as coreceptors
for infection of T cells and macrophages, respectively (Alkhatib et al. 1996;
Feng et al. 1996; Oberlin et al. 1996). In addition, other chemokine receptors
including CCR2b, CCR3, and CCR8 have been shown to contribute to HIV or
SIV infection and are often referred to as minor coreceptors (Gorry et al. 2001;
Margulies et al. 2001). HIV patients with a CCR5 allele containing a 32-bp dele-
tion had reduced incidence of HIV encephalitis (HIV-E), indicating that CCR5
is an important contributor to retrovirus infection of macrophages and/or mi-
croglia in vivo (van Rij et al. 1999). Chemokine expression in the brain during
HIV-1 infection could impact virus infection of brain macrophages or mi-
croglia. CCL3(MIP-1), CCL4(MIP-1), and CCL5(RANTES) are ligands for
CCR5 and are detected at increased levels in patients with HAD (Schmidt-
mayerova et al. 1996; Vago et al. 2001). The expression of these CCR5 ligands
in the brain during HIV infection could block virus envelope binding of CCR5
molecules on macrophages and thus restrict the spread of HIV infection in the
brain. Alternatively, stimulation of CCR5-positive macrophages by these lig-
ands may induce increased expression of CCR5 on the cell surface, providing
ample coreceptors for virus infection of brain macrophages.
Retroviral Protein Stimulation of Chemokine Receptors
neurons (Bajetto et al. 1999; Catani et al. 2000; Flynn et al. 2003), while CCR5
appears to be expressed on glial cells (van der Meer et al. 2000; Bajetto et al.
1999). Although HIV-1 primarily infects microglia/macrophages in the brain,
HIV gp120-induced stimulation of CCR5 or CXCR4 may alter the activation
state of uninfected cells or induce apoptosis. Another retroviral protein, Tat,
is also reported to mimic chemokines. Tat acts as a chemoattractant to leuko-
cytes, can induce CCL2(MCP-1) expression by astrocytes, and can displace
the binding of a-chemokines from their receptors (Albini et al. 1998; Conant
et al. 1998). HIV Tat also binds to the chemokine receptor CCR1 with similar
afnity to the chemokine CCL7(MCP-3) (Albini et al. 1998), indicating that
high levels of Tat may mimic the production of this chemokine.
The xenotropic/polytropic receptor 1 (XPR1, RMC1) is the cellular receptor
for polytropic retrovirus infection (Tailor et al. 1999; Yang et al. 1999). Based
on the presence of an SPX domain and similarities to the yeast protein SYG1,
the XPR1 protein is predicted to be involved in G protein-associated signal
transduction and function as a phosphate sensor (Battini et al. 1999). It is pos-
sible that XPR1 is involved in signal transduction of chemokine receptors or
other signal transduction pathways that lead to the cellular activation. Further
studies that elucidate the function of XPR1 would determine if stimulation of
this receptor contributes to neuropathogenesis.
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c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Abstract Entry of human immunodeciency virus (HIV) into target cells is mediated
by the viral Envelope glycoprotein (Env) and its coordinated interaction with a recep-
tor (CD4) and a coreceptor (usually the chemokine receptors CCR5 or CXCR4). This
review describes the identication of chemokine receptors as coreceptors for HIV-1
Env-mediated fusion, the determinants of chemokine receptor usage, and the impact
of nonfunctional chemokine receptor alleles on HIV-1 resistance and disease progres-
sion. Due to the important role of chemokine receptors in HIV-1 entry, inhibitors
of these coreceptors are good candidates for blocking entry and development of an-
tiretroviral therapies. We discuss the different CCR5- and CXCR4-based antiretroviral
drugs that have been developed thus far, highlighting the most promising drug can-
didates. Resistance to these coreceptor inhibitors as well as the impact of these drugs
on clinical monitoring and treatment are also discussed.
98 N. Ray R. W. Doms
Identification of Chemokine Receptors as Coreceptors
for HIV-1 Env-Mediated Fusion
Fig. 1 Model of HIV entry. The Env glycoprotein of HIV mediates fusion of viral and
cellular membranes. Env is a homotrimeric protein (rst panel) in which each subunit
is composed of surface gp120 and membrane-spanning gp41 proteins. Binding to CD4
is mediated by the gp120 subunit, and CD4 binding induces conformational changes in
gp120 that result in the exposure of a conserved region that is important for coreceptor
binding (second panel). In the native trimer, this conserved region is hidden in part by
variable loops that are thought to undergo conformational changes and consequent
repositioning after CD4 binding. Following CD4 binding, gp120 binds to a seven-
transmembrane domain coreceptor (CoR; third panel). Coreceptor binding can be
inhibited by a number of CCR5 and CXCR4 inhibitors such as TAK-220, SCH-C, SCH-
D, UK-427857, CMPD 167, GSK-873140, AMD-3100, and AMD-070. The hydrophobic
fusion peptide at the N terminus of gp41 becomes exposed and inserts into the cell
membrane. Ultimately, coreceptor binding leads to the formation of a six-helix bundle
in which the helical HR2 domains of each gp41 subunit fold back and bind to the triple-
stranded HR1 domains (fourth panel), bringing the fusion peptide and transmembrane
domain of gp41, and their associated membranes, into close proximity
HIV-1 Coreceptors and Their Inhibitors 99
100 N. Ray R. W. Doms
CD4-positive human cell types in vitro. Some isolates are able to infect CD4-
positive T cell lines but not primary macrophages, whereas others showed the
opposite tropism and were able to infect primary macrophages much better
than T cell lines ([71] and citations therein). The former were designated
T cell-line tropic (T-tropic) and the latter macrophage tropic (M-tropic).
Isolates that efciently infected both T cell lines and macrophages were called
dual-tropic. Soon after, it was also reported that viral isolates from peripheral
blood of recently infected individuals are primarily M-tropic [85, 91, 116]
and as the infection progresses to acquired immunodeciency syndrome
(AIDS), T-tropic viruses can be isolated in most patients [23, 91, 102]. Again,
cell hybrid experiments indicated that these specic tropisms were likely
resulting from the requirement for an additional coreceptor in the susceptible
cells rather than the presence of an inhibitor in the nonsusceptible cells.
Finally, the identity of the putative coreceptor became apparent from studies
with the chemokines macrophage inammatory protein (MIP)-1, MIP-1,
and RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T-expressed and secreted),
which were shown to block HIV-1 infection [21].
The rst coreceptor was identied using a functional complementary DNA
(cDNA) cloning strategy based on the ability of a cDNA library to render
a CD4-expressing murine cell susceptible for fusion with cells expressing Env
from a T-tropic strain [43]. This strategy allowed the isolation of a single
cDNA; sequence analysis revealed that the encoded protein was a member of
the superfamily of the seven-transmembrane domain G protein-coupled re-
ceptors. The protein was rst named fusin for its role in HIV fusion, and later
CXCR4 when it was shown to be a chemokine receptor for the CXC chemokines
stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1 and SDF-1 [11, 78]. Importantly, CXCR4
did not function as a coreceptor for M-tropic virus isolates. However, at around
the same time, the chemokine receptor CCR5 was shown to bind MIP-1,
MIP-1, and RANTES, the same chemokines that had been shown to block
infection by some HIV-1 strains [21]. Shortly thereafter, CCR5 was shown
to be the major coreceptor for M-tropic HIV-1 strains [3, 19, 32, 37, 39].
CCR5-using (R5-tropic) HIV-1 strains tend to be transmitted between in-
dividuals, whereas strains using CXCR4 (X4-tropic) emerge in a subset of
HIV-1-infected individuals at later stages of infection [25, 96]. In addition to
the two main coreceptors for HIV-1, other chemokine receptors as well as
some orphan receptors have been shown to be capable of mediating virus
fusion. These alternative coreceptors include CCR2b, CCR3, CCR8, CCR9,
CXCR6 (STRL33/Bonzo), CX3 CR1, ChemR23, GPR15 (BOB), and APJ (re-
viewed in [8, 95]). A subset of these alternative coreceptors, such as CCR3,
CCR8, and CXCR6, are used efciently by some HIV-1 isolates to infect cell
lines over-expressing these proteins [7, 86, 114]. Certain minor coreceptors
HIV-1 Coreceptors and Their Inhibitors 101
(CXCR6 and GPR15) are expressed in the placenta and colon and could con-
ceivably play a role in mother-to-child or homosexual transmission [33], while
CCR8 is expressed on thymocytes and so could play a role in virus infection
in the thymus. However, with only a handful of exceptions [93, 110, 115],
infection of human macrophages and peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMCs) by HIV-1 strains is dependent upon the presence of either CCR5 or
CXCR4 in conjunction with CD4. Most of the alternative coreceptors are either
not expressed on CD4-positive cells at detectable levels, or are expressed at
levels that are below that needed for efcient virus infection. Thus, at present
there is no compelling evidence to indicate that receptors other than CCR5 or
CXCR4 are important for HIV-1 infection in vivo.
Determinants of Tropism and Chemokine Receptor Usage
The env genes from different HIV-1 isolates display signicant sequence het-
erogeneity in specic regions of gp120. There are ve variable regions in
gp120 (V1V5) that are separated by ve constant regions (C1C5). Studies
involving Env chimeras between M- and T-tropic isolates identied the V3
loop as the primary determinant of viral tropism [17, 18, 28, 51, 94, 101] and
coreceptor usage [19, 22, 85, 98, 99]. Although even single amino acid changes
in the V3 loop have been shown to be sufcient to alter tropism [27], many of
the mutations observed in this region that alter tropism have strain-specic
effects, and no single amino acid has emerged as crucial. In general, how-
ever, an increase in the net positive charge (i.e., more basic residues) in the
V3 loop has been demonstrated in viral isolates from HIV-positive patients
over time and correlates with conversion to T cell tropism and CXCR4 us-
age [9, 19, 22, 27, 49, 94]. Moreover, the specic nature of the V3 loop, based
on whether it is from an R5 or X4 strain, is the primary determinant of direct
Env chemokine receptor binding and Env-mediated inhibition of chemokine
and monoclonal antibody binding to chemokine receptors [22, 105, 112].
Impact of Nonfunctional Chemokine Receptor Alleles
on HIV-1 Resistance and Disease Progression
A mutation in the CCR5 open reading frame results in the premature trun-
cation and a consequent 32-bp deletion in the protein (CCR5 32). Although
this mutation is relatively common in the Caucasian population, with an al-
lele frequency of 1520%, it was found to be signicantly underrepresented
102 N. Ray R. W. Doms
in the HIV-1 infected groups [30, 88], and individuals homozygous for the
mutation are only rarely infected with HIV [10, 45, 70, 77, 103]. In fact, in
a group of people at high risk, two individuals that remained uninfected de-
spite repeated exposure, were found to be homozygous for the same ccr5
mutation [60]. Lymphocytes from these individuals are resistant in vitro to
M-tropic strains but permissive for T-tropic strains of HIV-1 [79]. In addition,
HIV-1-infected individuals who are heterozygous for the ccr5 mutation have
around a 2-year delay in their progression to AIDS compared to wildtype
controls [30, 50, 69, 117]. These ndings highlight the importance of CCR5 as
a coreceptor in HIV-1 entry in humans.
In addition to the ccr5 mutation, other genetic polymorphisms have
been found in certain chemokine receptors and their corresponding ligands.
The CCR2-64I polymorphism causes a conservative valine to isoleucine mu-
tation in CCR2. This mutation does not impact initial HIV transmission.
However, individuals harboring this polymorphism progress to AIDS signif-
icantly slower (by 23 years) as compared to CCR2+/+ HIV-1 seroconvert-
ers [55, 74, 84, 97]. Moreover, seropositive individuals who carry this allele
in combination with the ccr5 allele experience an additive delay in the pro-
gression to symptomatic disease [55, 97]. The mechanism for this protective
effect is not clear, as CCR2 does not appear to function as a coreceptor for
HIV entry on primary cells, and CCR2-64I appears to have normal receptor
function [57].
Another notable coreceptor polymorphism is the CCR5 59029 G/A single-
nucleotide polymorphism. Both alleles, either G or A at position 59020 in the
CCR5 promoter, are very common across racial groups. In one study, individu-
als selected for the absence of CCR5 32 or CCR2-64I had a mean time to AIDS
for 59029 G/G that was 3.8 years longer (p=0.004) than for 59029 A/A individ-
uals [67]. In reporter gene assays, promoter fragments differing in sequence
only at 59029 G versus A had differential activity, with the 59029 A promoter
being more active than the 59029 G promoter [67], suggesting that 59029
G/G individuals might have decreased transcription and consequently lower
expression of CCR5. This is consistent with the observation that CCR5 32
heterozygotes progress to AIDS more slowly in the absence of therapy, strongly
suggesting that CCR5 levels are rate-limiting for HIV infection in vivo.
The SDF-1 3 A allele is a G to A transition at position 809 of the 3 -
untranslated region (UTR) of the messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding one of the
two chemokine ligands for CXCR4, SDF-1. In one report based on pooled se-
roconverters from three cohorts, a strong association was described between
the 3 A/3 A genotype and delayed onset of AIDS [111]. However, in several
subsequent reports, no association was found between homozygosity for the
SDF-1 3 A allele and retarded progression to disease [13, 47, 66, 68, 74, 107].
HIV-1 Coreceptors and Their Inhibitors 103
Coreceptor-Based Antiretroviral Therapy
CCR5-Based Antiretroviral Therapy
TAK-779, TAK-220, and TAK-652
the compound can block infection by R5- but not X4-tropic HIV-1 strains
by interfering in the interaction between gp120 and CCR5. TAK-779 can
also block binding to CCR2, which shares sequence homology with CCR5.
Therefore, TAK-779 is able to block infection by simian immunodeciency
virus (SIV)rcm , which uses CCR2 as its major coreceptor [113]. Despite its
potent antiviral capacity, further development of TAK-779 was abandoned
because it was not orally bioavailable and caused irritation at the site of
injection [52].
However, a derivative of TAK-779, termed TAK-220, is orally bioavailable
and is capable of blocking HIV-1 replication in PBMCs in the low nanomolar
range. Specically, TAK-220 can inhibit R5 HIV-1 isolates with IC50 and IC90
values of 1.1 nM and 13 nM [52, 104]. When administered orally to fasting rats
and monkeys at a dose of 5 mg/kg, the bioavailability of TAK-220 was 9.5%
and 28.9%, respectively [52]. TAK-220 also inhibits the binding of RANTES
and MIP-1 to CCR5-expressing cells, but does not block binding of MIP-
1. Owing to its potent activity and favorable pharmacokinetics, TAK-220 is
a candidate for clinical development.
Recently, another TAK-779 derivative, TAK-652, was described [5].
TAK-652 selectively inhibited R5 HIV-1 but not X4 HIV-1 replication. This
compound was able to potently inhibit the replication of six R5 HIV-1 clinical
isolates, including reverse transcriptase- and protease inhibitor-resistant
mutants, with mean IC50 and IC90 values of 0.061 nM and 0.25 nM,
respectively. In addition, all recombinant HIV-1 strains with seven different
subtype (A to G) Env proteins were equally susceptible to TAK-652 with
a mean IC50 of 1.0 nM. Single oral doses of TAK-652 (25100 mg) were safe
and well tolerated. TAK-652 showed good oral absorption, and its plasma
concentration at 24 h after administration (25 mg) was 8.8 nM.
infected adults for 10 days demonstrated viral load reductions between 0.5
and 1.0 log10 [83]. However the same study found a prolongation of the QTc
interval, suggesting possible adverse cardiac effects at high doses, resulting
in cessation of further development of this compound.
SCH-D, a derivative of SCH-C, was shown to have greater potency in
vitro and in vivo [92]. In a phase I clinical trial, SCH-D monotherapy with
escalating doses of 1050 mg twice daily over 14 days, no adverse effects were
seen. A dose-dependent reduction in plasma viremia was observed, with mean
reductions of up to 1.62 log10 [92].
UK-427857 (Maraviroc)
CMPD 167
CMPD 167 is a cyclopentane-based compound that can cause rapid and sig-
nicant decline in plasma viremia in rhesus macaques chronically infected
with SIV [108]. Moreover, vaginal application of gel-formulated CMPD 167
prevented vaginal SIV transmission in 2 out of 11 animals, and reduced early
viral replication in all 11 animals receiving the drug compared to control-
treated animals. These results provide a proof of principle for the use of
small-molecule CCR5 inhibitors as a component of a topical microbicide to
HIV-1 Coreceptors and Their Inhibitors 107
Spirodiketopiperazine-Based Inhibitors
CXCR4-Based Antiretroviral Therapy
Small Molecule CXCR4 Inhibitors
Inhibitors of CXCR4 are also under development, but these drugs may be
more difcult to eld because CXCR4, and its ligand SDF-1, are essential for
normal development in the mouse [118]. AMD-3100 is a bicyclam compound
that disrupts the interaction of gp120 and CXCR4 and is capable of blocking
108 N. Ray R. W. Doms
replication of CXCR4 utilizing strains in vitro and in murine models [34, 48,
90]. AMD-3100 is very specic for CXCR4 and does not interact with any other
known CXC- or CC-chemokine receptor [26]. An orally bioavailable AMD-
3100 derivative, AMD-070, is currently in clinical trials. Several other CXCR4
antagonists have been described including polyphemusin analogs T22, T134,
and T140, as well as a D-Arg peptide referred to as ALX40-4C [36, 75]. ALX40-
4C was well tolerated in a phase I clinical trial, suggesting but not proving
that CXCR4 inhibition may be tolerated in adults [35].
Resistance to Coreceptor Inhibitors
coreceptors for virus entry. Switching to alternative coreceptors has not yet
been observed. However, in an experimental setting where CCR5-negative
peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) were infected with an R5/X4/CXCR6-
tropic HIV-1 isolate in the presence of AMD-3100, CXCR6-positive PBLs were
preferentially infected [93]. This suggests that CXCR6 can be used as a core-
ceptor by HIV-1 on primary cells, and further that in the presence of CCR5
and CXCR4 inhibitors, variants using CXCR6 (or other minor coreceptor)
might arise in vivo in tissues that express high amounts of minor coreceptors.
It is also worth noting that SIV strains isolated from red-capped mangabeys
often use CCR2 as their major coreceptor, perhaps because many red-capped
mangabeys are CCR5-negative due to a naturally occurring polymorphism
in the CCR5 open reading frame [16]. This represents an example of novel
coreceptor use in the face of strong selective pressure. Theoretically, this could
also occur in humans, though based on the expression patterns and levels of
alternative coreceptors in humans we feel that resistance to CCR5 inhibitors in
humans will likely involve either altered use of CCR5 by virus, or by coreceptor
switching to CXCR4.
Impact of Chemokine Receptor Inhibitors
on Clinical Monitoring and Treatment
able to virus. As a result, virus entry is either inhibited or the rate of virus
entry is slowed. As a consequence of slower fusion rates, virus becomes more
susceptible to the fusion inhibitor T-20 (enfuvirtide) [81]. Enfuvirtide binds
to a region on gp41 that becomes exposed as a result of CD4 binding, but
that is lost once coreceptor binding triggers membrane fusion [15]. Slower
coreceptor binding causes the T-20 binding site to be exposed for a longer
period of time, resulting in synergistic inhibition of virus fusion [81, 82]. This
nding provides a strong theoretical basis for using coreceptor inhibitors in
conjunction with T-20. Moreover, since T-20 can inhibit both R5- and X4-
tropic viruses, the use of T-20 in conjunction with a CCR5 inhibitor may limit
the evolution of X4-tropic virus strains.
It is also possible that particular combinations of coreceptor inhibitors
could be used together effectively, much like nucleoside and nonnucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitors that are used in combination. In fact, a recent
study reported greater synergism of the CCR5 inhibitor AK602/GSK-873140
with CXCR4 inhibitors (such as AMD-3100) than with other classes of anti-
HIV drugs [76]. Another recent study indicates that virus resistance to some
CCR5 inhibitors may not result in resistance to other CCR5 inhibitors. Specif-
ically, a virus resistant to UK-427857 remained sensitive to CCR5 inhibitors
with a different structure [109]. As a result, it may be possible to apply dif-
ferent classes of CCR5 inhibitors in combinationor sequentiallyshould
resistance to one inhibitor arise. In conclusion, coreceptor antagonists consti-
tute an important and valuable new class of drugs, and with careful monitoring
and synergistic use, they can be successfully incorporated into an efcacious
antiretroviral regimen.
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CTMI (2006) 303:121154
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Abstract Several herpesviruses and poxviruses contain genes encoding for G protein-
coupled receptor (GPCR) proteins that are expressed on the surface of infected host
cells and/or the viral envelope. Most of these membrane-associated proteins display
highest homology to the subfamily of chemokine receptors known to play a key role in
the immune system. Virally encoded chemokine receptors have been modied through
evolutionary selection both in chemokine binding prole and signaling capacity,
ultimately resulting in immune evasion and cellular reprogramming in favor of viral
survival and replication. Insight in the role of virally encoded GPCRs during the viral
lifecycle may reveal their potential as future drug targets.
122 H. F. Vischer et al.
Chemokine System
The chemokines and their cognate receptors play a key role in the immune
system during homeostasis and inammation by coordinating leukocyte
migration, activation, degranulation, and differentiation. In addition, the
chemokine system is involved in organogenesis, angiogenesis, and directing
metastasis and growth of tumor cells (Murphy et al. 2000). The mammalian
chemokine system (e.g., human, mouse, and rat) constitutes of approximately
45 chemokine ligands and 20 chemokine receptors (Murphy 2002).
Chemokines are a family of small proteins that adopt a similar tertiary
folding, even in cases of low overall sequence identity (varying from 20% to
95%). They are characterized by a exible amino-terminal domain, followed
by a conserved core region consisting of a so-called N-loop, three anti-parallel
-strands, and a carboxyl-terminal -helix, stabilized by disulde bonds be-
tween four conserved cysteine residues (Mizoue et al. 1999). Four subclasses
of chemokines (i.e., CC, CXC, CX3C, and XC) have been recognized on the
basis of the number and sequential spacing of the rst two conserved cysteine
residues that are situated near the amino terminus (Zlotnik and Yoshie 2000).
In addition, chemokines can be functionally classied into inducible (inam-
matory) and homeostatic (constitutively expressed) chemokines, mediating
inammation-directed or basal (homing) leukocyte trafcking, respectively
(Proudfoot 2002).
Recruitment of specic leukocyte populations by chemokines is essentially
determined by the spatiotemporal expression of selected chemokine recep-
tors, which belong to the membrane-associated G protein-coupled receptor
(GPCR) family. Chemokine receptors are classied (i.e., CCR111, CXCR1
6, CX3CR1, and XCR1) according to their ability to bind a specic subclass
of chemokines (Murphy 2002). Chemokine receptors are not only expressed
on leukocytes but also on endothelial, smooth muscle, epithelial, stromal,
and neural cells (Onuffer and Horuk 2002). Interestingly, most inammatory
chemokines display a high level of promiscuity by binding several chemokine
receptor subtypes, and vice versa. In contrast, homeostatic chemokines are
generally more specic, each interacting with a single chemokine receptor
subtype (Proudfoot 2002). Given the prominent role of chemokine receptors
in regulating intracellular signaling in response to chemokine ligands, these
receptors are the most promising targets for immunomodulatory therapeutic
interventions (Onuffer and Horuk 2002; Gao and Metz 2003). Interestingly,
such receptors are also employed by several viruses in order to subvert the
immune system and/or redirect intracellular signaling for their own benet
(Alcami 2003).
A Viral Conspiracy: Hijacking the Chemokine System 123
Viral Immune Evasion
Viruses are small, infectious, parasitic pathogens that (ab)use the host cell
metabolism and consume cellular biomolecule resources for their replica-
tion. An important strategy which enables viruses to replicate efciently in
a host cell is to interfere with recognition and subsequent elimination of the
infected cell by the immune system. To this end, distinct viruses have em-
ployed different strategies. For instance, large double-stranded DNA viruses,
such as herpesviruses and poxviruses, encode viral mimics of host cytokines
and chemokines, as well as their soluble binding proteins and/or membrane-
associated receptors, to subvert the immune system (Alcami 2003). The viral
genes encoding these proteins have probably been derived from the genomes
of the viral host during evolution. Of particular interest are the viral genes that
code for membrane-associated GPCRs, as these proteins are localized at the
boundary of the extracellular and intracellular milieu, and transmit signals
from the outside to the inside of the cell. The amino acid sequences of the
virally encoded GPCRs (vGPCRs) are generally highly diverged between and
within virus subfamilies. This suggests that these GPCRs have distinct and
specialized functions that are optimized for different biological properties
of each virus. Nonetheless, the majority of vGPCRs display highest sequence
similarity to the subfamily of chemokine receptors (Fig. 1, Tables 1 and 2).
Some vGPCRs are indeed responsive to chemokines, whereas for others no
endogenous ligands have been identied and remain orphan. Importantly,
in contrast to their cellular homologs, a number of vGPCRs signal ligand-
independently (i.e., constitutively). Constitutive GPCR signaling is of ma-
jor signicance as revealed by several pathologies associated with activating
GPCR mutations (Seifert and Wenzel-Seifert 2002). This constitutive activity
of many vGPCRs, together with the current awareness that chemokines and
their receptors play prominent roles in inammatory pathologies and tumor
metastases (Proudfoot 2002), suggests that vGPCRs may be key players in
virus-associated diseases.
Herpesvirus-Encoded GPCRs
Herpesviruses have been isolated from a wide variety of vertebrates and are
generally characterized by their strict specicity for a single host species
(Davison 2002). Herpesviruses have been classied into three subfamilies,
the -, -, and -herpesvirinae, on the basis of their biological properties,
124 H. F. Vischer et al.
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic relationship between host chemokine receptors and virally en-
coded GPCRs. Deduced amino acid (reference) sequences of mouse, rat, and human
chemokine receptors and vGPCRs were retrieved from the GenBank database at NCBI
and analyzed using the ClustalW method (Gonnet series). Chemokine receptor or-
thologs of mouse, rat, and human all cluster in a single branch per subtype, and are
each presented as a single branch for clarity
Table 1 Herpesvirus-encoded GPCRs
Pongine herpesvirus 4 PoHV4 UL33 CCR3 20
(Chimpanzee cytomegalovirus) UL78 CXCR1 13
US27 CXCR3 23
US28 CX3CR1 38
Human herpesvirus 5 HHV-5 UL33 CCR10 21
(Human cytomegalovirus) UL78 Somatostatin R3 12
US27 CXCR3 23
US28 CX3CR1 36
Table 1 (continued)
the rst 4 years of childhood (De Bolle et al. 2005). The time of HHV-6A
infection is still unknown, but is thought to occur following infection with
HHV-6B. As a consequence, roseoloviruses are ubiquitously spread in the
general adult population, usually reaching a seroprevalence of greater than
95%. Primary infection with HHV-6b or HHV-7 results in an acute febrile
illness that is in some cases followed by the appearance of a mild skin rash on
the face and trunk (i.e., exanthem subitum or roseola infantum; Yamanishi et
al. 1988; Tanaka et al. 1994). Interestingly, infection with HHV-6A is usually
asymptomatic (Dewhurst et al. 1993; Stodberg et al. 2002; Freitas et al. 2003).
Clinical complications of (primary) HHV-6 and -7 infections include febrile
seizure, but also meningoencephalitis, encephalopathy, and multiple sclerosis
(for a review see De Bolle et al. 2005). Importantly, primary HHV-7 infection
can reactivate HHV-6 (Frenkel and Wyatt 1992; Katsafanas et al. 1996; Tanaka-
Taya et al. 2000). In contrast, reactivation of HHV-6 in healthy children has
been reported to occur usually without clinical consequences (Caserta et al.
Roseoloviruses are (T-)lymphotropic and replicates most efciently in
vitro CD4+ T lymphocytes (Takahashi et al. 1989), but can also infect various
other cell types in vitro (De Bolle et al. 2005). HHV-6B and HHV-7 replicate
predominantly in salivary glands, with viral shedding into saliva being the
major route of virus transmission (Harnett et al. 1990). After primary infec-
tion, roseoloviruses persist latently in the host in monocytes and early bone
marrow progenitor cells (De Bolle et al. 2005). In healthy individuals, the
pathogenic potential of roseoloviruses is kept under control by the immune
system. However, both HHV-6 and HHV-7 can reactivate under immunosup-
pressive conditions (e.g., in AIDS patients and transplant recipients).
The genome of roseoloviruses contains two GPCR-encoding genes, i.e.,
U12 and U51. The U12 and U51 genes are situated on similar positions and
have a similar orientation as the UL33 and UL78 genes of CMVs, respectively.
The U12 and U51 genes of HHV-6 are expressed with similar late and early
kinetics (Isegawa et al. 1998; Menotti et al. 1999). Temporal expression proles
of the HHV-7-encoded GPCRs have not been reported yet, but are presumably
similar to those observed for the HHV-6- and CMV-encoded receptors.
U12 and U51 display the highest amino acid sequence identity to human
chemokine receptors. Although the shared sequence identity between these
virally encoded receptors and the cellular receptors is rather limited (<20%),
both U12 and U51 are highly responsive to a variety of CC chemokines.
HHV-6B U12 displays high binding afnity for CCL5, CCL4, and CCL2, and
lower afnity for CCL3 (Fig. 2). Moreover, these CC chemokines induce U12-
mediated increases in intracellular Ca2+ levels in stably transfected K562 cells,
via pertussis toxin-insensitive signaling pathways (Isegawa et al. 1998). In-
A Viral Conspiracy: Hijacking the Chemokine System 131
HHV7 U51
U12 HHV7
U12 8 HHV7
9 10 HHV7
7 4 U51
3 U12
1 6
19 25 27 HHV7
1 18 17 7
16 20 U12
1 15 21 4
MHV68 14 22 1
ORF74 homeostatic homeostatic
13 1
HVS2 &
4 1
ORF74 HHV8 12 inflammatory 2 YLDV
ORF74 7L
2 8 HHV5
MHV68 HHV8 1 1 HHV6
ORF74 ORF74 2 HHV6 US28
2 2 2 U12
ORF74 3 3 1 4 5 US28
4 4 1 5 8 HHV6 HHV5 YLDV
5 U12 US28
HVS2 2 inflammatory 5 1 7L
ORF74 3
4 5
6 7 HHV6
1 1
HVS2 2 2 U12 HHV6
7 8 3
2 2 US28
EHV2 5 U51 HHV5
8 11
9 13
2 HHV6 7L
3 10 23 2 U51
11 24 3
ORF74 3 14 26 1 US28
16 1 28 EHV2
HVS2 HHV8 3 3 HHV6
3 U51 E1
ORF74 ORF74 HHV8 6 1 3 HHV5
HHV5 10
US28 US28
XC-chemokines Yatapoxvirus
7-infected T lymphocytes may also support homing of these cells into lymph
nodes, which may contribute to viral dissemination.
Despite its low sequence similarity with chemokine receptors, the HHV-6-
encoded U51 displays an overlapping chemokine binding prole with HHV-6
U12. This protein binds CCL5 and CCL2 with high afnity, but is unable to bind
CCL3. In addition, HHV-6 U51 efciently binds CCL7, CCL11, CCL13, and
HHV-8-encoded viral macrophage inammatory protein (vMIP)-II (Milne
et al. 2000). Interestingly, when transfected into adherent cells (HEK293 or
143tk cells), HHV-6 U51 accumulates predominantly intracellularly in the
endoplasmic reticulum and cannot be detected on the cell surface. In contrast,
U51 is readily detectable on the cell surface of transfected T lymphocytic cell
lines as well as on HHV-6-infected cord blood mononuclear cells in vitro
(Menotti et al. 1999). Hence, expression of U51 at the cell surface appears to
be cell type-specic, and requires trafcking functions that are apparently
present in activated T cells and monocytes, but not in adherent cell types.
Interestingly, stable expression of HHV-6 U51 in epithelial cells results in
morphological alterations consisting of increased spreading and attening of
the cells and downregulation of CCL5 expression and secretion (Milne et al.
2000). The latter may contribute to immune evasion of the infected cells. The
mechanism(s) by which U51 modulates epithelial cell functioning remains to
be elucidated, but may include constitutive and/or autocrine U51-mediated
signaling as observed for other vGPCRs (Milne et al. 2000). Moreover, in view
of the impaired trafcking of U51 to the cell membrane as observed in some
adherent cell lines, U51 cell membrane expression needs to be conrmed in
epithelial cells.
Despite the low amino acid sequence identity between HHV-7 U51 and
U12, these proteins induce intracellular Ca2+ elevation in response to the
same chemokines (Tadagaki et al. 2005). In contrast, however, U51-expressing
Jurkat cells were not able to migrate towards any of the tested chemokines
(Tadagaki et al. 2005).
Fig. 3 Suggested roles for vGPCRs. Constitutive (1) or ligand-dependent signaling (2)
of a vGPCR results in up-/downregulation of gene expression (3), including autocrine
and/or paracrine (angiogenic) factors (4) as well as cellular GPCR proteins (5). Due
to their broad-spectrum chemokine binding prole, vGPCRs may serve as chemokine
decoy receptors by internalizing bound chemokine, thereby limiting the immune re-
sponse (6). Binding of vGPCRs (US28) to membrane-associated CX3CL1 facilitates
cellcell adhesion (7). vGPCR-mediated chemotaxis in response to chemokine stim-
ulation may increase viral dissemination and other pathogenesis (8). In addition,
vGPCRs may act as HIV coreceptor (9)
A Viral Conspiracy: Hijacking the Chemokine System 137
ing potential, their associated malignancies are mostly seen in the context of
immune suppression, such as HIV coinfection or iatrogenic immune sup-
pression, suggesting these viruses are normally controlled by the immune
Hitherto, about 48 species of the Rhadinovirus genus have been isolated from
a wide variety of mammals, of which 8 genomes have been fully sequenced.
HHV-8, also known as Kaposis sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), is
the only human rhadinovirus identied to date, and was rst discovered in
Kaposis sarcoma (KS) skin lesion of an AIDS patient (Chang et al. 1994;
Cesarman et al. 1995; Renne et al. 1996). In contrast to the ubiquitous (and
infectious) dissemination of most other herpesviruses within their natural
host populations, HHV-8 displays a rather low infectivity rate and is unevenly
distributed among geographically disparate human populations (Hayward
1999). HHV-8 seroprevalence is low (<5%) in the general population of most
European, Asian, and American countries, but can range from 10% to 40% in
some Mediterranean countries (Hayward 1999) and 40% to 100% in African
countries (Dedicoat and Newton 2003). In addition, HHV-8 seropositivity
is highly prevalent among homosexual men (Verbeek et al. 1998). HHV-8
establishes lifelong, latent infections in pre- and post-germinal center B cells
and endothelial precursor cells (Dupin et al. 1999), which is characterized by
the expression of only a limited number of viral genes (Jenner et al. 2001).
While HHV-8 infection of healthy individuals is usually without severe
pathogenic consequences, immune suppression (e.g., in AIDS or transplant
recipients) can result in impaired control of HHV-8, leading to multifocal
angioproliferative KS lesions (Sturzl et al. 1997) and/or lymphoproliferative
diseases (primary effusion lymphomas, multimeric Castlemans disease).
Like other herpesviruses, HHV-8 has captured a cellular gene from its
hosts, ORF74, which resembles chemokine receptors. The ORF74 receptor
shows signicant similarity with the human chemokine receptor CXCR2,
known to play an important role in angiogenesis, embryonic development,
wound healing, and tissue regeneration. Importantly, constitutive expression
and signaling of ORF74 induce focus formation in stably transfected NIH3T3
cells, which is accompanied by an increased production and secretion of vas-
cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a major angiogenesis activator (Bais
et al. 1998). Moreover, these ORF74-expressing cells form highly vascularized
tumors that resemble KS when injected into nude mice (Bais et al. 1998). Like-
wise, transgenic mice expressing HHV-8-encoded ORF74 in hematopoietic or
A Viral Conspiracy: Hijacking the Chemokine System 139
Poxvirus-Encoded GPCRs
Yatapoxviruses, Suipoxviruses, and Capripoxviruses
The Yaba-like disease virus (YLDV) contains two genes, 7L and 145R, encoding
for membrane-associated proteins that display 53% and 44% amino acid
sequence identity with CCR8 (Lee et al. 2001). YLDV-encoded 7L protein,
but not 145R, displays a similar chemokine binding prole to CCR8, and
binds hCCL1, hCCL7, hCCL4, hCCL17, vMIPI, and vMIPII, but not by mCCL1
(Najarro et al. 2003). In addition, 7L couples to G proteins and induces p44/p42
MAPK phosphorylation in response to CCL1 stimulation. Protein expression
analyses of YLDV-infected cells revealed that 7L is expressed as early as
2 h postinfection and its expression increases with time. Blocking late gene
expression using a viral DNA replication inhibitor resulted in a 26% decrease
in 7L protein expression, suggesting that 7L displays both early and late gene
expression kinetics.
The mechanism by which 7L exactly interferes with the CCR8-mediated
adaptive and innate immune response has not yet been determined. How-
ever, considering the upregulation of CCL1 secretion by dendritic cells, mast
cells, and dermal endothelial cells in certain skin inammations (Gombert
et al. 2005), resulting in the recruitment of CCR8-expressing T cells and
Langerhans-type dendritic cells, it is tempting to speculate that 7L may se-
quester CCL1 from the environment of infected cells to impair the immune
response. In fact, CCR8 appears to be a vulnerable target for viral hijacking,
as several viruses specically target this receptor by mimicking its ligands
(e.g., HHV-8-encoded vMIP-I and vMIP-II, and the molluscum contagiosum
virus-encoded vMCC-1) or expressing membrane-associated CCR8 mimics.
Alternatively, 7L-mediated signaling in response to CCL1 may also activate
anti-apoptotic as well as migratory signaling pathways, as observed for CCR8
(Haque et al. 2001; Louahed et al. 2003; Spinetti et al. 2003; Haque et al. 2004),
thereby increasing cell survival and viral dissemination.
144 H. F. Vischer et al.
The genomes of the fowlpox and canarypox viruses of the Avipoxvirus genus
contain 3 and 4 ORFs encoding for vGPCRs. These vGPCRs share about 24%
sequence identity with some members of CXC chemokine receptor family,
but share more identity with GPCR1 and EBV-induced GPCR2. Neverthe-
less, this unique cluster of avipoxvirus-encoded GPCRs still awaits functional
awareness that chemokines and their cognate receptors play a prominent role
in numerous pathophysiological processes urges the quest for bioavailable
small-molecule antagonists that specically block viral chemokine receptor
functioning (Onuffer and Horuk 2002). Small nonpeptidergic compounds in-
hibiting US28 constitutive signaling can be considered as tools to investigate
the role if US28 in CMV pathology and may serve as promising therapeutics
for clinical antiviral intervention. Also for the other viral chemokine recep-
tors, however, specic (pharmacological or RNA interference) inhibitors or
antibodies targeting these viral chemokine receptors is essential to elucidate
the contribution of viral chemokine receptors to viral pathogenesis and reveal
their potential as a future drug target.
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