OLED: A New Display Technology

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International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume1 Issue 2 Nov 2012 Page No. 75-84

OLED: A New Display Technology

department of computer science & engineering Dronacharya college of engineering gurgaon, india
Corresponding author:- Aditi Khazanchi department of computer science & engineering Dronacharya college of
engineering gurgaon, india

OLEDs are a great breakthrough in display technology .Also a new promising technology with
high expected profitability on the display market. They show low driving voltages in combination
with unrestricted viewing angles, high color-brilliance, light weight, small film-thicknesses and
low production costs. Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) operate on the principle of
converting electrical energy into light, a phenomenon known as electroluminescence. This paper
focuses on structure of OLED, how it works, comparison with other display and applications.

1. Introduction allow for higher resolution and larger

1.1. Overview display sizes.
An OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is a
light-emitting diode (LED) in which the An OLED display works without a
emissive electroluminescent layer is a film backlight. Thus, it can display deep black
of organic compound which emit light in levels and can be thinner and lighter than a
response to an electric current. This layer of liquid crystal display (LCD). In low ambient
organic semiconductor material is situated light conditions such as a dark room an
between two electrodes. Generally, at least OLED screen can achieve a higher contrast
one of these electrodes is transparent. ratio than an LCD, whether the LCD uses
cold cathode fluorescent lamps or LED
There are two main families of OLEDs: backlight. Due to its low thermal
those based on small molecules and those conductivity, an OLED typically emits less
employing polymers. Adding mobile ions to light per area than an inorganic LED. [3]
an OLED creates a light-emitting
electrochemical cell or LEC, which has a
slightly different mode of operation. OLED
1.2 History of OLEDs
displays can use either passive-matrix
First developed in the early 1950s in
(PMOLED) or active-matrix addressing
schemes. Active-matrix OLEDs (AMOLED)
Early technology would emitted a
require a thin-film transistor backplane to
short burst of light when a voltage
switch each individual pixel on or off, but
was applied
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

This early form applied high-voltage similarly oxidized and iodine-doped

alternating current field to crystalline polyacetylene.
thin films of acridine orange and In 1987 Chin Tang and Van Slyke
quinacrine. introduced the first light emitting
1960s - AC-driven diodes from thin organic layers.
electroluminescent cells using doped In 1990 electroluminescence in
anthracene was developed polymers was discovered.[1]
In a 1977 paper, Shirakawa et al.
Reported high conductivity in

Fig 1: Demonstration of flexible OLED device

Layer(EL) and Electron Transporting

Layer(ETL). By applying the appropriate
2. How does an OLED emit light? electric voltage, holes and electrons are
OLEDs basic structure consists of organic
injected into the EML from the anode and
materials positioned between cathode and
the cathode resp. The holes and electrons
anode, which is composed of electric
combine inside the EML , after which
conductive transparent indium tin
electroluminescence occurs. The transfer
oxide(ITO). The organic materials compose
material, emission layer material and choice
a multilayered thin film, which includes the
of electrode are the key factors that
Hole Transporting Layer(HTL), Emission
determine the quality of OLED components.
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

Fig 2: Structure of OLED

3. Architecture of OLED
Like an LED, an OLED is a solid-state Conducting layer - This layer is
semiconductor device that is 100 to made of organic plastic molecules
500nanometers thick or about 200 times that transport "holes" from the
smaller than a human hair. OLEDs can have anode. One conducting polymer used
either two layers or three layers of organic in OLEDs is polyaniline.
material; in the latter design, the third layer Emissive layer - This layer is made
helps transport electrons from the cathode to of organic plastic molecules
the emissive layer. (different ones from the conducting
layer) that transport electrons from
An OLED consists of the following parts:
the cathode; this is where light is
Substrate (clear plastic, glass, foil) - made. One polymer used in the
The substrate supports the OLED. emissive layer is polyfluorene.
Anode (transparent) - The anode Cathode (may or may not be
removes electrons (adds electron transparent depending on the type of
"holes") when a current flows OLED) - The cathode injects
through the device. electrons when a current flows
Organic layer through the device. [1] 77
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

Fig 3: OLED Structure

4. Comparison consumed by LCDs goes to the backlight,

4.1 OLED and LCD thus the big power difference. The lack of a
Liquid Crystal Displays or LCD is a fairly backlight also means that an OLED display
old technology that has seen a recent burst in can be significantly slimmer than an LCD
advancement. From calculator screens, display. OLEDs have also been observed to
LCDs are now fairly common in mobile show warmer images with better contrast
phones, PDAs, computers, and a lot more making their image quality far superior than
applications. OLEDs (Organic Light what LCDs currently achieve.
Emitting Diode) are an improved version of Manufacturing OLEDs could also be a lot
LEDs that utilizes organic compounds to cheaper than manufacturing
produce light. OLEDs have been eyed by LCDs. LCD screens are made out of
many manufacturers as a good replacement transistors that are expensive to
for LCDs in many applications due to manufacture. OLEDs on the other hand can
multiple advantages. From the phrase light be applied to a substrate that has been
emitting we can deduce that OLEDs treated to accept organic compounds via
produce their own light unlike LCDs which printing methods just like ink. Any inkjet
require a backlight that means fewer parts. printer can do this, making it easier and
Another advantage is the lower power more economical to mass produce OLED
consumption; a great amount of the power displays. [6]
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

Fig 4: OLED v/s LCD

4.2 OLED and LED from center and many exhibit color shift.
OLED is really a new large screen OLEDs are quite energy efficient, besting all
technology. The flat panel is made up of other flat panels in low power consumption.
millions of tiny LEDs. The O in OLED The greatest attribute of OLED is the ability
stands for organic which means there is to have the deepest blacks of any flat panel
carbon within the molecules of the emissive technology. Unlike LED which at best can
(light producing) layer of the panel. Large only dim the image in regions, OLEDs can
screen OLED panels need no lamps; its a produce a very low luminescence level
self illuminating device. OLED display can down the individual pixel. This ability
be thinner and lighter than the skinniest coupled with bright a white that is why
LED display. They provide very wide and OLEDs are expected to have the highest
consistent color no matter where you are contrast. OLEDs can make more colors than
seated in the room. LED display tends to get LED display. [5]
significantly dimmer as one moves away

4.3 OLED and TFT display saving. When these transistors TFT screens
TFT: First we must clarify that no TFT used then we are talking about TFT LCDs,
display is a technology itself, but it is simply which are the most widespread at present.
a special type of transistor with which it has
succeeded in improving the quality of the OLED: Finally, this technology also has
image. Its use is more prevalent with LCD quite a few years and that little by little we
screens.LCD technology uses liquid crystal will also viewing it more consistently. It is a
molecules placed between different layers variant of the classic LED, but where the
that polarize and rotate as you want to emission layer has an organic component.

display a color or another. Its main Surely you've heard that OLED screens have

advantage, besides its small size, it is energy the advantage of not needing backlight, thus
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

saving a lot more energy than any other High Contrast Ratio
alternative. In addition, its cost is also lower.


Higher contrast ratio gives impression for higher FAST Response Time
brightness. OLED is much better than TFT for
sunlight readability.


<50uS 3000~30000uS

Result: 5. Advantages
1. Faster: OLED has much better response
Fast response time means full motion graphics can be time than other displays. So these screens

displayed. often provide better user experience. This


advantage will lead great use of OLEd

screens in mobile phones and other handheld
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

devices where fast response time is usually screens. However, these screens may find
required. good use as mobile phone displays as most
2. Efficient in Energy: OLED displays people don't keep phone for more than a
consume less energy as compared to LCD year.
displays and other display screens. No 2. Sunlight Effect: Another disadvantage of
backlit is required in these screens which is OLED display is that they are hard to see in
the biggest OLED advantage for use in direct sunlight. So if you have open lobbies
portable gadgets. where sunlight reaches directly, you will not
3. Large Viewing Angle: Viewing angle is get benefit of viewing these screens.
always an issue in flat screens. But with 3. Highly Water prone: OLED screens are
OLED displays, viewing angle could be as highly prone to water. This adds to another
large as 170 degree because they produce disadvantage as these screens can't
their own light which increases their withstand even small water on display. In
viewing angle. this regard, LCD screens are less susceptible
4. Flexible: Now you get displays which you to water damage.
can bend. This is possible only through 4. Moisture sensitivity: Over time, moisture
OLED screens. can react with the organic layers and cause
5. Durability: Another great advantage of degradation and defects in an OLED
OLED is that it is more durable than display.
traditional screens. There chance of getting 5. Power consumption: While an OLED will
broken is comparatively less to LCD consume around 40% of the power of an
screens and other displays. LCD displaying an image which is primarily
6. Slimmer: OLED screen is slimmer than black, for the majority of images it will
LCD display. While LCD and Plasma consume 6080% of the power of an LCD:
displays could be few inches thick, but however it can use over three times as much
OLED advantage is that it is only few power to display an image with a white
millimeters thick. background such as a document or website.
7. Low Cost: The price of OLED screens may [4]
be much higher now but it will come down
as the technology becomes popular. OLED
screens could become cheaper than LCD 7. How to Lower Power Consumption
screens incoming time. OLED power consumption can be decreased by:
8. Good for Eyes: OLEDs are eye soothening.
1. Black background. ( 50%~80% )
These screens provide better viewing
2. Lower full white brightness.
experience because they have better
3. Auto current limit driving method.(20% )
contrast, brightness and color aspects. [4]
4. OLED material & device efficiency increase.
6. Disadvantages (30% )
1. Short Lifetime: OLED's biggest
disadvantage is that these screens are not for
long use. Compared with LCD, these 8. Application
1. TVs
screens are not designed to last as long. So
2. Cell Phone screens
life time may be a critical issue and of
course a biggest disadvantage of OLED
Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)


4. Computer Screens
5. Keyboards (Optimus Maximus)

6. Portable Device displays

7. Light


9. Future uses of OLED

Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

1. Wallpaper lighting defining new ways to light a space

2. Scroll laptop

3. Cell phones


10. Conclusion Above theory, I can conclude that OLED is


emerging as the new technology for thin

Aditi Khazanchi International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 1:2 Nov 2012(75-84)

panel displays. They are a great desktop computers. Because production is

breakthrough in display technology that more akin to chemical processing than
offers improved performance as well as semiconductor manufacturing , OLED
novel applications. OLEDs offers full color materials could someday be applied to
display, reduced manufacturing cost, larger plastic and other materials to create wall-
viewing angle, more flexible, lower power size video panels, roll-up screens for
consumption, better contrast, slimmer, etc laptops, automotive displays, home and
which help in replacing the other office lightings and even head wearable
technologies such as LCD, LED. The displays. Thus, OLEDs has a bright future in
technology could be used to make screens display technology. By all above statement,
large enough for laptop, cell phones and I can say OLED is on their way.


1. http://www.cosc.brocku.ca/Offerings
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OLE
3. http://chemgroups.northwestern.e
4. http://expertscolumn.com/content/
5. http://hdguru.com/are-oled-and-
6. http://www.differencebetween.net/


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