Universities Moldova
Universities Moldova
Universities Moldova
Undergraduate Studies (Bachelor
Degree)/Diploma of the latest graduated
Pre-academic Preparatory Courses program
dont have *
To be (Master
Graduate Studies admittedDegree)
for Doctorate (PhD)
Postgraduate Studies (Doctorate Degree)
Degree is also necessary to submit
Bachelor Degree Diploma and Master
Degree Diploma and Transcript of
records for both programs and
Curriculum Vitae.
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State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Preparatory year (Department of Undergraduate Studies)- 1350 per year
University level - 3250- 3950 per year;
Postgraduate level - 3400-3750 per year.
admission examination: Biology and Chemistry, Physics and Romanian language.
Technical University of Moldova
Faculty of Energetics and Electrical Engineering 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Transport 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Food Technology 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Textile and Polygraphy 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre 1450 euro/year
Faculty of Economic Engineering and Business 1450 euro/year
TUM integrates itself in the Bologna Process: the engineering diplomas will
be recognized in the European countries; every student will have the
possibility to study 1 2 terms in one of the foreign countries.
Admission test for Drawing master studies doctorate
are eligible to various specialties of TUM. The
d (60% English) languages and special courses to
ses will work after groups completing in Moldova.
ded the training courses. Majority of them continue
croelectronics; Engineering and Management in
trial Engineering, and Transportation; Energetics
astre, Geodesy and Construction Technology and
conomic Engineering and Business.