Pt3 Exam Practices - A Night Out

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Read Scene 1 of the play A Night Out then answer question (a) (d).

(a) Why does Chandler save a dollar of his pay each week ?
(b) What does White think of Chandlers wish to appear rich?
(c) Why does Mrs. Black want to see Chandler?
(d) Do you think Chandler is spending his money wisely? Give a reason for your response? (HOTS)

Set 2.

Read Scene 3 of the play A Night Out then answer question (a) (d).

(a) What is the setting of this scene?

(b) Why does Chandler lie about his lifestyle?
(c) How does Chandler feel when Marian leaves for home?
(e) Should we always be truthful even when meeting someone for the first time?
Give a reason for your response. (hots)

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