Behaviours in A Dynamical Model of Traffic
Behaviours in A Dynamical Model of Traffic
Behaviours in A Dynamical Model of Traffic
This paper investigates the dynamical behaviour of network traffic flow. Assume that trip rates may be influenced
by the level of service on the network and travellers are willing to take a faster route. A discrete dynamical model
for the day-to-day adjustment process of route choice is presented. The model is then applied to a simple network for
analysing the day-to-day behaviours of network flow. It finds that equilibrium is arrived if network flow consists of
travellers not very sensitive to the differences of travel cost. Oscillations and chaos of network traffic flow are also found
when travellers are sensitive to the travel cost and travel demand in a simple network.
Keywords: discrete dynamical system, network traffic flow, traffic assignment problem, chaos
PACC: 0545, 0547, 0250
No. 6 Behaviours in a dynamical model of traffic assignment with elastic demand 1609
where fp (i) is path flow on day i and on path p, cp (i) is depressive about the difference of the travel times.
is path cost on day i and on path p, urs (i) is the cost From the above model, if path flow fp (i) equals to 0,
on day i between origin r to destination s, η and λ are which means that the path travel cost is larger than
positive parameters. qrs (urs (i)) is the trip demand of O-D cost; if O-D cost urs (i) equals to 0, which means
origin r to destination s on day i. The former param- that the path flow is larger than O-D demand.
eter, η, represents the sensitivity of the adjustment.
If the parameter, λ, is more than 1.0, travellers react Let Fp′ (fp ), Urs′
(urs ) denote the derivative of
more sensitively when the difference is large. Oth- Fp (fp ) and Urs (urs ) respectively. The derivative of
erwise, if λ is less than 1.0, the adjustment function Fp (fp ) and Urs (urs ) at equilibrium, Fp′ (fp∗ ), Urs
(u∗rs ),
No. 6 Behaviours in a dynamical model of traffic assignment with elastic demand 1611
can be classified into three cases for the stability anal- 3. Numerical analysis
The numerical test was implemented on a com-
puter conducted with double precision arithmetic on
an Intelr Pentiumr 4 CPU 1.75 GHz, 512 MB RAM,
1, λ ≥ 1, by using the Microsoft Window XP (SP2) operating
Fp′ (fp∗ ) = ∀p ∈ P rs , (7)
∞, 0 < λ < 1, system. All of the coding was carried out in Mat-
lab 6.0. We study the discrete dynamical model on a
1, λ>1 simple network, which is shown in Fig.1. For this net-
Urs (u∗rs ) = 1+ ′
ηqrs (u∗rs ), λ=1 ∀r, s.(8) work, there are three nodes: 1, 2, 3; three links: a, b, c;
and a single O-D pair (1, 3). Let path p1 = (a, c) and
∞, 0<λ<1
path p2 = (b, c).
From Eqs.(7) and (8), when 0 < λ < 1, both |Fp′ (fp∗ )|
and |Urs (u∗rs )| are greater than 1 and the equilibrium
is not stable. When λ > 1, the equilibrium is locally
stable. When λ = 1, in the case that η is sufficiently
large, it is clear that the equilibrium is not (locally)
stable because |Urs (u∗rs )| > 1, at this time, the step Fig.1. An elastic demand example.
size, urs (i+1)−urs (i), is very large. In the case that η
is sufficiently small but not 0, the equilibrium is locally Assume that the user link cost functions are
stable because η > 0, λ > 0 and qrs (u∗rs ) < 0, in this
ca (f ) = 5fa + 2fb + 15,
case, the equilibrium might also be globally stable be-
cb (f ) = 7fb + fa + 15,
cause the step size, urs (i + 1) − urs(i), is so small that
urs approaches the equilibrium gradually. Further- cc (f ) = 3fc + fa + fb + 12,
more, when 0 < λ < 1, the equilibrium is not stable
and the disutility (or inverse demand) function is given
and the flow does not converge even if η is small. This
could imply that the network flow does not converge
to the equilibrium and is not stable when travellers u13 (d13 ) = −2d13 + 114.
react more sensitively to small cost differences than
to large. And the dynamical system of the network is
From the discrete dynamic model (6a),(6b), un- tive to initial conditions, when the initial condition is
der some parameters, we find complicate behaviours changed slightly, the O-D trip flow changes clearly.
happening in this test network. Oscillations and some Figures 2–4 demonstrate the different characters
apparently irregular behaviours were found in certain of two path flows under different parameters. The
intervals of different parameters. Under the irregular total iteration number is 1000 and the bifurcation pa-
behaviours, it is also found that the model is sensi- rameter η ∈ [0, 1.2] with step size 0.003, for better
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show the characters of traffic flow, the figures visu- (5,4) with total O-D cost urs = 96. Figure 3 shows
alized the values of iteration number from 1 to 150. that the path flows have oscillation with η = 0.3001,
Figure 2 shows the two path flows of the test network, the path flow behaviour is very complex in Fig.4 with
with the same initial conditions for η = 0.1051. It η = 0.9001.
can be found that the two path flows arrive equilibria
There are different choices for the initial O-D flow the parameter, given the initial condition at the first
at every iteration. For convenience of comparison, step. From Figs.5 and 6, by starting from different ini-
we choose two ways: one uses the same initial con- tial conditions, different path flows may be detected if
ditions for all steps of the parameter, the other uses there is more than one attractor for the same value of
the final states of the system at the previous step of the parameter. Figures 7 and 8 show the O-D travel
No. 6 Behaviours in a dynamical model of traffic assignment with elastic demand 1613
cost behaviour about η under different initial condi- state and oscillating between path flow less than O-
tions. From the figures, it is found that when the D flow and path flow larger than O-D flow; when
sensitivity parameter is in the interval [0, 0.15], that η ∈ [0.82, 0.94], more complex path flows appear, the
is, travellers are not so sensitive to the travel cost, path flow cannot be estimated; when η ∈ [0.94, 1.2],
the network flow equilibrium state can be arrived at; the path flow will change alternatively under different
when η ∈ [0.15, 0.82], the path flow begin to oscillate, states.
which causes the path flow arriving at non-equilibrium
Fig.5. Bifurcation diagram of path flow about η, initial values are the same for all values of η.
Fig.6. Bifurcation diagram of path flow about η, initial values are the final states of the previous step of η.
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4. Conclusions
This paper assumes that travellers are willing to
switch to a faster route, and a model of the day-to-day
route adjustment process with elastic demand is for-
mulated as a discrete dynamical system. The model
is applied to a simple network, in which one origin-
destination pair is connected by different paths. In
order to examine the properties of the day-to-day dy-
namics of network flow, analysis is carried out to in-
vestigate the status of network flow.
The results of the study can be summarized as fol-
Fig.7. Bifurcation diagram of O-D travel cost about η,
lows: the condition for stability of network flow is that
initial values are the same for all values of η.
the traveller is not very sensitive to differences of cost.
At this time, the network equilibrium appears under
the elastic demand. If travellers become sensitive to
the path cost difference, the flow does not converge to
equilibrium and begins to oscillate or has chaotic be-
haviours. When network flow becomes chaotic under
certain conditions of travellers reaction in the test net-
work, network flows cannot be observed with infinite
accuracy. So, if this is the case long-term forecasts
of flows cannot be made due to sensitivity to initial
conditions, which is the nature of chaos.
As a future work, this model and its analysis
should be expanded to a more general network. The
Fig.8. Bifurcation diagram of O-D travel cost about η, question of whether or not there exists network flow
initial values are the final states of the previous step of η. in the real world for which chaotic behaviour occurs
should be examined.