A Study of Two Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes
A Study of Two Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes
A Study of Two Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes
A Study of Two~PhaseRow in
Inclined Pipes
H. Dale Beggs,* SPE-AIME, U.of Tulsa
James P. Brill, SPE-AIME, U. of Tulsa
The prediction of pressure drop and liquid holdup lem in single-phase flow because the potential energy
occurring during two-phase gas-liquid flow in pipes is lost going uphill is regained in the downbili section.
of particular interest to the petroleum, chemical, and This is not the case for two-phase flow, because the
nucleat industries. In the nuclear industry, two-phase liquid holdup, and thus the mixture density, are
flow occurs in reactor cooling equipment, and liquid usually much lower in downhill flow. For this reason,
holdup greatly affects heat transfer. Two-phase flow pressure recovery in the downhill sections is usually
occurs frequently in chemical processing, and the neglected in the design of two-phase pipelines.
design of processing equipment and piping systems The number of directional or inclined welk is in-
requires knowledge of pressure drop, liquid holdup, creasing as the search for petroleum moves into pre-
and often flow pattern. In the petroleum industry, viously unexplored areas. In offshore drilling, several
two-phase flow occurs in pipelines and in oil and gas directional wells are usually drilled from one plat-
wells, More than one-half the natural gas gathered in form for economic reasons. Deviations of 35 to 45
the U. S. flows in two-phase flowlines. Most gas- from the vertical are common. In the permafrost
producing wells produce some liquid and most oil areas of Alaska and Canada, the cost of drilling-rig
wells produce some gas. As the natural reservoir foundations and the difficulty of transportation re-
energy is depleted, many wells are equipped with quire that several wells be directionally drilled from
artificial-lift systems such as gas lift. To design these one location, Existing vertical-flow correlations fre-
systems, a method of predicting two-phase-flow pres- quently fail to predict pressure gradients in these
sure gradients is required. wells within acceptable limits.
Although extensive research in two-phase flow has Gathering lines from offshore wells usually are
been conducted during the last 25 years, most of this laid along the sea floor that slopes up to the shore.
research has concentrated on either horizontal or The elevation pressure gradient in a pipeline with a
vertical flow, Several good correlations exist for pre- very small upward inclination from horizontal can
dicting pressure drop and liquid holdup in either hori- be much greater than the frictional pressure gradi-
zontal or vertical flow, but these correlations have ent. Therefore, in order to predict pressure drop, the
not been successful when applied to inclined flow. liquid holdup must be accurately predicted. The
Many gathering lines and long-distance pipelines pass ability to predict liquid holdup also is essential for
through areas of hilly terrain, This presents no prob- designing field processing equipment, such as gas-
*NOW with Louisiana Tech U., Ruston. liquid separators, When the flow rates of wells pro-
Gas-liquid flow in inclined pipes was investigated to determine the effect of pipe
inclination angle on liquid holdup and pressure loss, Correlations for liquid holdup
and friction jactor were developed for predicting pressure gradients for two-phase
flow in pipes at all angles for many flow conditions.
ducing into gathering lines are changed, the amount earlier by Mamayeve in 1965 and odishariyal in
of liquid holdup in the lines may change and result 1966. Their data were obtained using 2-in. pipe
in overloading of processing equipment. at angles between + 9 and 9 fr;m hori~o;-
The two-phase flow problem is complicated by tal. Liquid holdup was found to be a function of
such phenomena as slippage between phases, change Froude number and input gas content, Am equation
of flow pattern, and mass transfer between phases. was given for holdup in uphill plug flow that was
The gas-liquid interface may be smooth or wavy and independent of angle, but the equations for downhill
energy may be transferred between phases. These flow included an inclination effect, A correlation was
factors result in a much greater pressure 10SS than given for the ratio of two-phase friction factor to
can be explained by the . ;duced area available to single-phase friction factor as a function of gas-input
flow for each phase. When angle of flow is added to content, with Froude number as a parameter. Their
such variables as fluid properties, flow rates, and friction factor correlation should be used with cau-
pipe diameter, the problem is indeed formidable. tion since the friction factor ratio becomes un-
Very little work has been published on the eflect bounded as the flow approaches all gas.
of inclination on two-phase flow in pipes. Pressure A study of slug flow in inclined pipes was reported
gradients in directional wells are usually calculated. by Singh and Griffith in 1970. They measured
using a vertica! flow correlation such as that of Hage- pressure drop and liquid holdup in pipe with dianle-
dorn and Brown or of 0rkiszewski.12 This is satis- ters of 0,626, 0,822, 1.063, 1.368, and 1.600 in., at
factory if the well is fnclined only slightly from ver- inclination angles of plus and minus 10 and 50 from
tical. Pressure gradients in pipelines may be calcu- horizontal, and at 0, An expression was derived for
lated using a horizontal-flow correlation such as that bubble-rise velocity from which liquid holdup could
of Dukler ef al.3 or Eaton, ~The pressure drop caused be calculated, Liquid holdup was found to be inde-
by elevation change may be calculated if liquid hold- pendent of inclination angle, which would result in
up can be determined. 100-percent calculated pressure recovery in the
In 1958, Flanigan proposed a method to calcu- downhill section of an inclined pipe, Frictional pres-
late two-phase pressure drop in pipelines in hilly sure drop was calculated using the Fanning friction
terrain. The method was developed using field data factor, the liquid density, and the mixture velocity.
obtained from a 16-in, pipeline and the data of Acceleration pressure drop was neglected,
Baker. Flanigan used the Panhandle equation for After the literature survey was completed, it was
gas flow with an dficiency factor to calculate the concluded that no correlation exists for predicting the
frictional pressure drop. The elevation pressure drop liquid holdup and pressure drop that occur during
was calculated using an elevation factor, the liquid two-phase flow in pipes at all angles. The purpose
density, and a summation of the uphill elevation of this study, then, was to find a correlation of this
changes. Flanagan concluded that the inclination type that would be particularly applicable in design-
angle of the hills had no effect on the elevation fac- ing pipelines for hilly terrain and tubing strings for
tor and that there was no pressure recovery on the inclined wells.
downhill side of the hill. A correlation was given for
elevation factor as a function of superficial gas Theory
velocity, This correlation includes, to some extent, The equation used to calculate pressure gradient
the effect of pressure recovery on the downhill side, when gas or liquid, or both, flow in a pipe is
since the over-all pressure drop was used in develop-
ing the correlation, A correlation for efficiency factor dp _
as a function of superficial gas velocity and gas- dZ
liquid ratio was given also.
In 1962, Sevigny studied the flow of air and ~ sin e[PJ+L +- P!,(1 H1.)j +
2grd ,
water mixtures through a 0.8245 -in. -diameter pipe
inclined at angles of plus and minus 90, 60, 30, 1. _ ~~r. + W( 1 HL)Iv,,?Vsg
15, 10, and 5 from horizontal, and at OO.Holdup gcP
was not measured, and the pressure drop not ac- . . . . ... . . . . . (1)
counted for by elevation change was included in a
friction-loss term. The no-slip or input density was The development of this equation is found in the
used to calculate elevation pressure drop, in a meth- Appendix, Eq. 1 reduces to the equation for single-
od similar to that used by Poettmann and Carpenterx phase liquid or single-phase gas flow as HL + 1 or
in their study of vertical flow. Sevigny presented a HL + O, respectively. Also, as the angle of the pipe,
correlation for two-phase friction factor as a function 0, becomes zero, + 90, or 90, Eq, 1 becomes
of input liquid content, gas Reynolds number, and applicable to horizontal or vertical flow.
liquid Reynolds number. The accuracy of this cor- Eq, 1 contains two unknowns: HL, which must be
relation is very questionable. For some conditions, determined to calculate the in-situ density, and jtP,
the method gives a pressure recovery of more which is used to calculate friction losses. The prir-
than 100 percent in downhill flow, which is clearly pose of this study was to develop correlations for
impossible. predicting HL and jtP from fluid and system properties
In 1967, Guzhov et al. presented results of a that are known. To accomplish this, an experimental
study of inclined two-phase flow. Their paper in- apparatus was designed and built so that flow rates,
cluded much of the information that was reported pressure gradient, inclination angle, and liquid hold-
A 4 *
4 f
minimum at approximately the same angle, plus and ANGLE OF PIPE FROM HORIZONTAL
minus 50 from horizontal. A least-squares curve Fig. 3inclination correction factor vs angle.
for all downhill flow, This may be explained by the
fact that the flow regime changes from intermittent
to segregated as the flow stream breaks over the hill,
- The equations obtained were of the form
i+ 1 i+ I
t? 1 sin6p[P ~
, . . (12) Y =
The two-phase friction factcr was normalized by Eq. 16 becomes unbounded at a point in the interval
dividing it by a no-slip friction factor, ft,,, which 1 < y < 1.2; and for y in this interval, the function
would apply if the fluids were flowing at the same S is calculated from
velocity. The no-slip friction factor is obtained from S = 1n(2.2 y 1,2).
a Moody diagram or, for smooth pipe, from
As the flow approaches all gas,
N[u.,/, =
ijd + P,,(1 ~)]Vmd H,,
/JJ.~ + PV (1 ~, A plot of the normalized friction factor vs input
or liquid content, with holdup as a parameter, is shown
in Fig. 7.
Nit,.,,. (14) The correlations for liquid holdup and friction
FA+/.L,, (l A) - factor were developed using dimensionless variables.
This Reynolds number approaches the Reynolds Both the holdup and friction factor correlations de-
number for liquid or gas as h approaches 1 or zrro, generate to single-phase conditions as the flow ap-
respectively. proaches all liquid or all gas, As the correlations
The normalized friction factor was found to be a were developed from data obtained using only two
functian of input liquid content, A, and liquid holdup, fluids -+water and air and two pipe sizes 1
Distributed HL (0) = N,BO@~ C+=o Same as Segregated
(Eq 25)
(Eq. 21) (Eq. 24)
.01 .1
pressure gractient vs pressure, and integrating to INPUT LIJ.SD CDNTENT- A
obtain AZ; that is, Fig. 7Two.phase friction factor.
A, B, D,cr, /3, y,tI, e,C where d(wf) represents the irreversible friction losses,
For flow in a pipe up or down an incline,
We wish to acknowledge the financial support for dh=sin OdZ, . . . . . . . (A-2)
this project given by Mobil Oil Corp., Field Research
Laboratory; Chevron Oil Co., California Co. Div.; where dh is the vertical distance moved, d is the angle
of the pipe from horizontal, and dZ is the axial dis-
and the U. of Tulsa Faculty Research Program.
Equipment was donated by Cameo, Inc.; Atlantic tance moved, Substitution of Eq, A-2 into Eq, A-1
Richfield Co.; C-E Natco; and Vinson Supply Co. gives
dv,,, d(w,)
@=_ V,,,
References ~ PIJJ sin 0 + Ptl, ~ ~ + Ptp ~
dZ [ .
1. Baker, Ovid: Discussion on How Uphill and Downhill
FIOW Affect Pressure Drop in Two-Phase Pipelines ,,, . . . . . . . . (A-3)
;ljr;-u;~ Hilly Country, Oii wd Gas J, (Nov, 11, 1957)
This may be written as
2. Beggs. H. D.: An Experimt ,:tal Study of Two-Phase
Flow in Inclined Pipes, PhD dissertation, U, of Tulsa
3. Dukler, A. E., Baker, O., Cleveland, R, L., Hubtmrd,
M. G. and Wicks, M., III: Gas-Liquid Flow in Pipe-
-+= w+(:O.((
+(a ~A-)
that is, the total pressure drop is the sum of the pres-
lines, Part 1, Research Results, Monograph NX-28, U.
of Houston (May, 1969). sure drops due to pcential energy change, kinetic
4. Eaton, B, A.: The Prediction of Flow Patterns, Liquid energy change, and friction loss.
Holdup and Pressure Losses Occurring During Continu-
ous Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal Pipelines, PhD dis- Frictional Pressure Gradient
s ~tation, The U, of Texas at Austin ( 1966).
5.1 .migan, 0,: Effect of Uphill Flow on Pressure Drop By definition, the frictional pressure gradient is
in Design of Two-Phase Gathering Systems, Oil and ,given by
Gus J. (March 10, 1958) 56, 132.
ap = f(,)p),. v)),
6. Guzhov; A. I., Mamayev, V. A, and Odishariya, G. E.: = f,,) G,,,v~,
A Study of Transportation in Gas L~quid Systems, (A-5)
paper IGU/Cl 9-67 presented at 10th Intl. Gas Confer- mj 2 g,d 2g.d
ence, Hamburg, Germany, June 6-10, 1967.
7. Hagedorn, A. R. and Brown, K, E.: !Experimental Study
In two-phase flow, the no-slip density may be dif-
of Pressure Gradients Occurring During Continuous ferent from the in-situ density because of slippage
Two-Phase F1OV in Small-Diameter Vertical Conduits, between the phases. The no-slip density, p.,, is used
J. Pet. Tech. ( roil. 1965) 475-484.
in the friction-loss equation because the energy enter-
8. H~ghmark, C ~.: ;Holdup in Gas-Liquid Flows, Cltem.
Eng. Prog. ( .+pril, 1962 ) S8, 62, ing and leaving a differential element of the pipe by
9. Mamayev, V. A.: Some Problems in the Hydrody- way of the flowing fluid is a function of the proper-
()@ =_
z ac,
P,,vm Gg
4?C P!72
(PtJ . . . (A-7) By substitution of Eqs. A-5, A-11, and A-14 into
Eq, A-4, the total pressure gradient is
From the engineering gas law,
_ pM p g,g [f@L+fJo (1 ~.)]
sin~ +
_ [p~L+ po (1 ~L)]%n V,g dp
and ~,
$(Pg) =&j-
E sine [Pfifi+P~(l-HL)] +
= M dp
*%(M) dp _ 8.
zgRT dZ dZ 1 {[PIflL +pg (1 ~L)l vmvstr}/gcP