How To Make and Use Magic Mirrors - Nigel R. Clough

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734 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10003
First Published 1977


ISBN 0 85030 129 7 (UK)

ISBN 0 87728 314 1 (USA)

This formatting and layout and reworked cover design

by accipio777 (2014)

Introduction 7
Ch. 1 The Fluid Accumulators 10
Ch. 2 Constructing Magic Mirrors 17
Ch. 3 Preliminary Exercises 28
Ch. 4 How to Charge Magic Mirrors 34
Ch. 5 Mirrors Facilitate Astral Travel 41
Ch. 6 A Tool for Low Magic 47
Ch. 7 Ritual Work 53
For Carol, Shaun and Davey

A MAGIC MIRROR IS A DEVICE capable of storing or

discharging, at the will of its operator, any influence put into
it. It is an active tool that differs from the clairoptic [sic] mirror
insomuch as anything seen in the mirror is actually in the mirror and
not a mere reflection from the mind of the onlooker. The mirror is
a psychic transmitter/receiver, and once charged requires no further
assistance from anyone to bring about some quite startling results.
In order to do this it is equipped with one or more fluid
accumulators, these being compounds of various substances which
have the desirable effect of holding a charge put into them via the
imagination of the mirror magician. This action is analogous to that
of electrical capacitors which store an electrical charge, and release
it when certain other factors come into play. In the case of magical
fluid accumulators, the release of the charge is brought about by
the will of the magician and is normally pre-arranged at the time
of charging.
The magic mirror has been used as a basic occult tool by virtually
every civilisation since the beginning of time. We find reference to
it in fairy-tales and folklore, and these seemingly absurd stores are
often based on reality. Mirror, mirror on the wall ... is a phrase
known to all of us, but how many people realise that the mirror
referred to is a remnant of the carefully prepared magic mirror
How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

described in older versions of the tale? We also find many references

to magic mirrors in old grimoires and magical manuscripts.
What sort of work can be accomplished with a magic mirror?
The simple answer is that there is yet to be found an occult operation
that cannot be performed using a mirror! In the following pages
you will find instructions for works of healing, astral travelling,
ritual invocation and psychic development. The topics were chosen
carefully so that they might act as examples of other experiments
under the same general headings, which I have not got the room to
describe fully. So please bear this in mind while reading the book.
There are one or two terms used throughout with which you
may not be familiar. You will find, however, that these terms are
explained as fully as possible either in the text or by bracketed
alternative names. There are two words, fluid and planes, which
you will find used regularly, so I will explain them here.
Fluid is a word used to describe a psychic energy-form; thus
are found terms like elemental fluid or Akashic fluid, these being
energies existing on different planes. A plane is best described as
a wavelength. The analogy of the colour spectrum might be used
to illustrate this point. White light is composed of all the colours in
the rainbow. When we see a rainbow we can discern each individual
colour because the prevalent atmospheric conditions split them
into their respective wavelengths. Under normal conditions the
wavelengths all occupy the same physical space, and appear to us
as white light. The same applies to the metaphysical planes; they
all occupy the same physical space, but each exists as a separate
wavelength. Akasha is the equivalent of white light, being the result
of all the other wavelengths combined.
It is suspected that the witch hunts of the middle ages were
the cause of the mystery surrounding the subject of magic mirrors
that exists today. The occult fraternities of the day had to go
underground, and they took their knowledge with them, leaving
nothing but memories behind. These memories became the subject
of stories which were passed from one generation to the next, each

Nigel R. Clough

of which distorted the original theme more and more. So we are

fortunate to be living in an age wherein the occult fraternities can
re-emerge, changed, but still possessing the true facts behind these

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

Chapter One
The Fluid Accumulators

T HE FLUID ACCUMULATOR holds the charge put into

the mirror. The use of the word fluid does not mean that
the accumulator is constructed from a fluid; it actually refers to
the substance that is accumulated, namely, the charge put into the
mirrors, which behaves in a manner similar to that of a fluid, hence
the use of the word.
Basic charging is done with the four elements: fire, water, earth
and air, as well as with the Akasha. More sophisticated work is done
using what can be called the light,1 the magnetic,2 and the eletric
[sic] fluids,3 the latter two corresponding roughly to the oriental
principles of Yin and Yang respectively. In talking about the elements
it would be as well to point out that reference is made primarily to
the spiritual and astral qualities thereof; their physical properties
merely reflecting some of these qualities, and being incidental, to
the theme of the book.
The accumulators are physical substances that are analogous,
in an occult sense, to the fluids which they accumulate. They work
on the old occultists law that like attracts like. Many people are
1 Light is born of the Fire principle and has the quality of illumination. (Conversely
darkness is born of Water and has the quality of concealment).
2 Magnetic fluid has the quality of contraction held by the Water element. The
term is one of convenience and not to be confused with physical magnets.
3 Eletric fluid has the quality of expansion held by the element of Fire. The term
is not to be confused with electricity.
Nigel R. Clough

confused by the way that so much fluid can be condensed into

such a small space as, for example, an atom of gold. The answer is
simple: space and size are relative to man-made measuring systems,
the only plane upon which they have any meaning is that of the
physical earth. After all, the fluids spoken of all belong to other
planes, in the same way that a radio wave belongs to a plane other
than that of the physical.
There are three forms of fluid accumulators, solid, liquid and
aeriform. The last one bears little relevance to the making of magic
mirrors so it will suffice to say that aeriform accumulators are the
fumigations, scents and the like, usually made by burning resins
and dried remnants of plants; or the evaporations from a liquid
accumulator. Each of the three types of accumulator is subdivided
into simple, compound and universal forms.

Simple Accumulators
As their name suggests, these are made from one basic substance,
with the addition of a little gold tincture to improve holding powers.
A simple type will have an effect on the astral and mental planes
only, and is normally made to carry out a singular function. The
choice of the base material is dependent on that function.

Compound Accumulators
These are used when a result is desired that will affect the physical
as well as the mental and astral planes, and with a limited number of
functions in mind. For example, if a mirror has been made equipped
with a compound accumulator of the fire element, then that mirror
will be limited to experiments with that element only, but it will
be capable of producing results on the physical (material) world.

Universal Accumulators
These are used when it is wanted to carry out many different
functions using the same mirror. This form of accumulator will
also affect all three planes.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

The latter two types are compounds of several substances which

are chosen for their analogy to the desired results.
Gold is one of the finest accumulators known; even if one atom
is added to any of the accumulators mentioned above, the holding
power of that mixture will be amazingly enhanced. For this reason a
little gold is added to all fluid accumulators made. Another substance
with properties similar to gold is human blood, and this is added to
our accumulators in the same fashion.

Adding Gold to Accumulators

To add gold to a solid accumulator a piece of gold is simply filed
over the mixture. Problems arise when attempts are made to add it
to liquid accumulators; obviously gold filings would sink straight
to the bottom of the container. This is overcome by using salts of
gold in solution.
One of the most readily available gold salts is gold chloride, and
a gram of this is added to twenty millilitres of distilled water (or
clean rain water). In use, ten drops (about 1 millilitre) are added to
a hundred millilitres of liquid accumulator. So one gram of gold
chloride should be sufficient for about two litres (roughly half a
gallon) of liquid fluid accumulator, which is just as well, because
it isnt cheap!
If you have difficulty in obtaining gold chloride you can still
make a gold tincture, using the old alchemists method. Take a piece
of gold, and holding it with a pair of pliers or a piece of wire, heat it
in an open flame until red hot. Then, at arms length, drop it into a
container of distilled water. You will have to calculate the amount
of water needed. The ratio, by weight, is one to ten. For example,
if your gold weighs ten grams, you will need a hundred millilitres
of water. Remember: the water will spurt steam when the red-hot
gold is dropped in, so mind your face. Hook the gold out as soon
as it is cooled and then repeat the procedure nine more times. The
process of heating and rapid cooling causes gold oxide to be formed
on the surface of the metal. Some of this is taken into solution by

Nigel R. Clough

the water, and produces an admirable gold tincture.

When the operation has been completed the gold may be cleaned
with a proprietary metal polish. Two little points to bear in mind:
oxidization will occur on the surface of the wire or pliers as well as
on the gold. If we allow this to come into contact with the water
while the metal is hot we will get tincture of pliers instead of gold!
The second point concerns the quality of the gold. No jewellery of
less than ten carats should be used, because the binding qualities
of the alloying metals might be impaired by heating.

Preparing a Liquid Accumulator

Take a pint container full of one of the following herbs: oak leaves,
chamomile flowers, broad bean roots, mandrake roots or lily
These may be fresh or dried; roots should be cut into small
pieces. Place the herb of your choice into a pan, and add enough
distilled (or rain) water to cover the contents. Put the lid on, bring
to the boil and then simmer for half an hour.
Allow the resulting brew to cool; then strain it through a piece
of muslin. Throw the pulp away, and pour the liquid back into the
pan. Boil again and allow it to decoct without the lid, until you have
about an eighth of the original volume. Allow this to cool and then
add an equal quantity of methylated spirit as a preservative. If you
prefer, a quantity of proprietary preservative or fungicide may be
added instead. Remember: methylated spirit and most fungicides
are poisonous, so take care! Add about ten drops of gold tincture
to this mixture.
If you feel very brave, extract a few drops of your own blood
with the aid of a sterilised needle, and add this to the accumulator.
Apart from increasing the holding power of your accumulator, this
act will link it to you, which is particularly useful when practising
self-development. All that remains is to filter the mixture again
through a finer cloth, and bottle it. Ensure that the bottle has an
air-tight seal, and remember to shake the bottle thoroughly before

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

using the accumulator. Providing you store the bottle in a cool, dark
place, the mixture should keep for years.
A simpler, though longer, method of producing a simple liquid
accumulator is to put the herb of your choice into a bottle, pour in
methylated spirit to cover the herb and then cork the bottle. Place
it in a warm spot for a month or so to allow the spirit to absorb
the properties of the herb. When the month has passed, pour the
contents of the bottle through a strong piece of cloth. Then with
the pulp in the middle, twist the ends of the cloth together and
continue wringing in order to extract every last drop of moisture.
Now add ten drops of gold tincture for every hundred millilitres
of liquid collected. Add a few drops of your own blood; then bottle
it exactly as in the previous method.

Compound Liquid Accumulators

These are made in the same way, but with a number of component
herbs instead of one. For the purpose of mirror magic we only need
to know how to make the elemental compound accumulators.

For the Fire element you will need equal quantities of

mustard powder or seeds, pepper, onion, nettle leaves and
red poppy flowers.
For the Air principle you will need equal quantities of rose
flowers or leaves, fruit or leaves of cherry trees, hazelnuts
or leaves, and, if available, mistletoe (any part).
For the Water element use equal quantities of rice, melon
seeds or flesh, cucumber seeds or flesh, and, if possible,
water lilies (any part).
For the Earth element take equal quantities of oak leaves,
apples or acorns, ivy leaves, mint leaves and potato flesh.

When making a compound liquid accumulator, we may

decoct the components separately and mix the resulting liquids in
equal quantities. Or we may put all the components in one pan and

Nigel R. Clough

decoct them together. Remember to add ten drops of gold tincture

to each hundred millilitres, and a few drops of blood. Bottle and
store compound liquids in the same way as simple accumulators.

Universal Liquid Accumulators

These are used when we wish to charge a mirror with Akasha or any
other fluid that will affect the physical as well as the astral and mental
planes. Such accumulators are extremely versatile and the type
most commonly employed in mirror magic. They are prepared in
precisely the same manner as compound accumulators, but require
equal quantities of cypress leaves, bark or wood; clover leaves; nettle
or oak leaves; bay leaves (laurel) or grape vine leaves; rose leaves or
flowers; bean root, leaves or seeds; willow or ivy leaves; and a few
almond nuts or a few drops of almond oil. Again, dont forget to
add the blood, and gold tincture.
If you prefer to concoct your own recipes based on analogies, we
recommend that you read W. B. Crows The Occult Properties of Herbs.

Solid Universal Accumulators

This type is an essential component of magic mirrors. It is constructed
from a compound of the planetary metals, with the addition of
resin and crystal, which are particularly good accumulators of the
eletric and magnetic fluids respectively.
All the ingredients must be pulverized or filed; the parts are to
be measured by volume, and not by weight. You will need equal
parts of gold, silver, tin, mercury, copper, iron, lead and charcoal. To
these add ten parts of resin (amber is even better, if you can afford
it!) and ten parts of rock crystal (quartz), which is available from
most lapidary stockists or good craft shops. Mix the ingredients
well, and store in a dust-proof container.
In use, the solid accumulator is sprinkled onto the surface of a
mirror, during construction. The gold may be replaced by blood, but
ensure the resultant mix is thoroughly dried before use. Mercury can
be obtained from the bulb of a broken thermometer, but remember

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

that it is poisonous by skin absorption.

Simple solid accumulators are the above solids in powder
form, used individually, but with a little gold or blood added. Such
accumulators are very rarely used in magic mirrors due to their
limited power range, but are occasionally of value when working
with a specific planetary fluid.

So which fluid accumulator do we use? First read this book from

cover to cover, as you will then have a better idea of the limitations
placed upon each type of accumulator. You will also have been told
specifically which accumulators are best suited to which operation.
But if you intend to make a mirror for general purposes you
will need a universal accumulator in solid or liquid form, or both
together. Incidentally, fluid accumulators are not limited to use in
magic mirrors. Virtually any occult weapon can have an accumulator
added, to enhance its effect.

Nigel R. Clough

Chapter Two
Constructing Magic Mirrors

B EFORE CONSTRUCTING YOUR first mirror, ensure you

have read and understood the rest of the book. It is essential
that you should make a mirror containing the correct sort of fluid
accumulator for your purposes. All the information regarding the
making of the accumulators is given in the preceding chapter, but
the uses of each type are scattered throughout the book.
This is done deliberately, to ensure that you understand the
subject fully, before commencing a single aspect of it. The ideal
situation is one mirror for one operation, but we suppose the vast
majority of people have neither the time nor money to create a
number of mirrors. This means that a general purpose mirror
will have to be constructed, which entails the use of universal fluid

Required Materials
You will require a quantity of paper (newspaper is ideal) which
has no glossy print, torn into strips about an inch wide; a minute
quantity of solid universal accumulator; a quantity of paste made
by adding heavy duty wallpaper paste powder to liquid universal
fluid accumulator; and something to use as a mould, to give the
mirror a concavity. Why a concavity? Mediums who have observed
the flow of energy from the surface of magic mirrors state that it

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

leaves the mirror at an angle of ninety degrees to the surface, and

travels in straight lines. Therefore if a mirror is flat, the resulting
flow of energy forms a column with parallel sides; if the mirror is
concave the energy will flow at right angles from every point on
the surface, resulting in a wide-angle energy field. In both cases the
flow of energy reaches infinity, but the wide- angle flow covers a
greater area.
Many household items can be pressed into service as a mould.
You require something that is convex in shape, and has a smooth
exterior, since that is the side upon which you form the surface of
the mirror. A football makes an excellent mould, if fitted with a
stout cardboard ring, on which the flange is moulded. The ring is
secured with sticky tape (see illustration). Incidentally, a flange is
added to mirrors to give the shape strength and to provide means
of attachment to a frame if required.

Method of Construction
Smear the surface of the mould lightly with petroleum jelly, making
sure that the cardboard ring has an adequate covering. Meanwhile
have the paper strips soaking in a bowl of water.
Take a strip of soggy paper, dip it into the paste; then press it
lightly onto the surface of your mould. Continue in this fashion
until the mould is completely covered. Now lay another layer on
top of the first to form a criss-cross pattern. Carry on with more
layers until you have a thickness of about a quarter-inch. This will
be adequate if the mirror is not likely to be treated roughly. If you
wish to make your mirror more robust, build it up to a thickness of
about three-eighths of an inch, but let the first layer dry thoroughly
before continuing, otherwise the moulding will distort with the
internal contraction, as the water content evaporates.
When the mirror is dry, prise it gently off the mould. You will
probably find a few damp patches inside the moulding; allow these
to dry out before you continue. To finish the mirror, remove all
traces of petroleum jelly from the inner surface by sanding down

Nigel R. Clough


Strips of paper
Cardboard ring
Ball Sticky tape


Plaster/Accumulator Mix

Plywood base Scrape of the excess plaster with

Timber side a piece of flat wood...


How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

lightly with fine abrasive paper. Then trim the flange to the desired
shape and size, using a strong pair of scissors or a fine-toothed saw.
Paint or spray a quick-setting black lacquer all over the prepared
inner surface. Allow it to dry, then lightly sand down any runs,
or rough spots. Apply another coat and sand this one down also.
Continue adding coats until the paint is no longer absorbed by the
papier-mch. (If you wish to paint the back of the mirror, this is
the time to do it).
Have your solid fluid accumulator close at hand, and give the
inner surface one last coat of lacquer. While it is still wet, sprinkle
the accumulator over the surface, as evenly as you can. If you intend
to use the mirror as a base for a liquid mirror it will be necessary
to spray a very light coat of colourless lacquer over the surface, to
seal in the solid accumulator. Thats all there is to it!

Plaster of Paris Mirrors

These mirrors are extremely simple to make, the only drawback
being the ease with which the finished mirror breaks if handled
roughly. You will require: a quantity of fine grade plaster of Paris
(obtainable at most chemists), a quantity of liquid fluid accumulator
(universal type, if the mirror is to be for general purposes), a small
quantity of solid universal accumulator, black lacquer, and sanding
sealer (the sort used by modellers to seal balsa wood). You will also
require a mould consisting of a deep tray formed from 2in x 1in
planed timber screwed around the perimeter of a piece of plywood
or hardboard to form a 2in deep box. The ideal shape to form the
concavity is a smooth-skinned plastic ball.
Lightly smear the ball with petroleum jelly. Mix the plaster
of Paris with the liquid accumulator, to form a paste with the
consistency of cream. Pour the mixture into the mould, being careful
to fill all the corners. Then while the plaster is still wet, press the
lightly-greased ball into the centre, to a depth of about one inch.
Scrape off the excess plaster with a plastic ruler, or a piece of flat
wood, and smooth the surface over. Leave the mirror to set, then

Nigel R. Clough

remove the ball from the centre, unscrew the sides of the tray, and
release the moulding from the ply base.
You should have a perfectly formed mirror, but if there are any
air bubbles on the surface, make a very runny mixture of plaster
and liquid accumulator and let a few drops fall into the air spaces.
Allow these to dry before continuing. The petroleum jelly has
to be removed by light sanding, which will also take care of any
irregularities present on the surface. Since plaster of Paris is highly
absorbent it will be necessary to give the surface a few coats of
sanding sealer, prior to painting. When these are dry, you may paint
the mirror with black lacquer and apply the solid accumulator, as
described in the previous method.

Flat Mirrors
These can be made from wood, card, paper or anything of a suitable
size and shape. Incidentally, there is no limit to the shape you make
your mirrors, but try to use one that befits the purpose the mirror
is intended for.
A basic mirror, using only a simple liquid accumulator, is made
by cutting out the required shape from a piece of blotting paper or
cloth, which is then soaked in the accumulator Place it flat to dry
out, then stick it onto the backing material (wood, card, etc.), using
any suitable adhesive. To make the mirror more durable give it a coat
or two of lacquer. Splendid elemental mirrors (see Chapter Seven)
are produced in the same way, but use liquid elemental (compound)
fluid accumulators in place of the simple type. A compound mirror is
made by using a universal liquid accumulator in place of the simple
type, and with the addition of some solid universal accumulator to
the first layer of lacquer.

Liquid Mirrors
Not actual mirrors, but containers half full of liquid fluid
accumulators. The container is referred to as the base of the mirror,
the liquid it contains as the body. The energy contained in this type

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

of mirror floods out over a wide area, making it especially useful for
room impregnation, etc. The best liquid mirrors use a concave magic
mirror as a base, with a very strong liquid fluid accumulator as the
body. Any of the concave mirrors described in this chapter may be
used for this purpose, but do ensure that the surface is adequately
sealed! Another base may be made from an ordinary glass fruit-bowl.
Paint the inside with black paint and while it is still wet, sprinkle
solid universal accumulator over it. Give the whole a coat or two
of clear lacquer to finish.
One should never leave a liquid mirror set up permanently.
Always empty the body into a storage bottle, and dry the base
thoroughly after use.

Glass Reinforced Plastic Mirrors

G.R.P. mirrors are virtually indestructible and have the added
advantage of being easily made by anyone who knows the basic
technique. You will need a mould, of the same nature as the one
described for papier-mch mirrors; but the mould should not
contain any plastic of the kind used in the manufacture of yogurt
cartons, nor any expanded nor foam plastic. The acrylic resin used
in G.R.P. melts such things! You will also need a release agent: a
wax polish which must not contain silicone (silicone attacks acrylic
resins) At a pinch you might use petroleum jelly in place of wax,
but very sparingly. Also obtain a couple of soft rags for polishing, a
couple of jam jars, and sticks for stirring, two hard-bristled 1in paint
brushes (use a cheap quality) and a quantity of cleanser (acetone)
which may be purchased at the same shop from which you buy the
G.R.P. materials.
For a mirror which is one foot square (including flanges) you
will require: 1 lb of general purpose lay-up resin, 1 lb gel coat resin
(the minimum quantity obtainable), catalyst (hardener) to suit, 1
metre of 450g per square metre (l oz per square foot) chopped
strand mat (the minimum amount most stockists will sell), and
a 4 oz tube of black pigment. One last thing before you begin

Nigel R. Clough


(1) (2)
Solid Accumulator

Mould Plywood base

First gel coat



Glass Mat

Stipple the Glass Mat down...

Trim off the edges when set...




Run a knife around the edge of the mould and

release the mirror...

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

your construction: people with sensitive skin may find that these
substances cause dermatitis and various other skin irritations;
wear rubber gloves to offset this.
All G.R.P. mirrors need a flange to facilitate removal from the
mould. The joint between the flange ring and the mould will need
filling with plasticine or similar material, to stop seepage of resin
during construction (see illustration).
First of all, make sure that the room in which you intend to
work is well ventilated, and that the table or work-top is covered
with several pages of newspaper. Do not allow any naked flame
in the room; the materials used are all highly inflammable in the
liquid state.

Coating the Mould

Ensure the mould is held firmly in position on the work surface.
Apply a little polish to the mould using one soft rag, rub it well in,
making sure that every point on the mould surface has a covering,
then polish to a gloss finish with the other soft rag. The more effort
you put into this polishing, the better the quality of the surface on
the finished mirror. Pour about half a teacupful of gel coat resin
into one of the jars, add the catalyst (mixing ratios are given on the
catalyst bottle or tube), and stir the mixture thoroughly. Pour gel
onto the surface of the mould, and spread it evenly with a paint
brush. Try to avoid trapping air bubbles in the mix. If a few appear,
prick them out with a pin.
Sprinkle a quantity of solid universal accumulator over the
resin while it is still wet. This should sink to the bottom of the gel
and so be on the surface of the finished mirror. Be very careful not
to touch the surface of the gel coat, or you will leave finger prints
which will be plainly visible in the finished article. Allow the gel to
harden (test by poking gently with a nail, in a corner of the flange
that you will eventually trim off), then prepare a second coat. This
time you must add a tiny quantity of black pigment to the resin (a
little goes a long way!), stir it well in, then add the catalyst as before,

Nigel R. Clough

and stir again. Apply this second gel coat in the same manner as the
first and then leave it to harden. Brushes should be left standing
in a jar of acetone, once used, otherwise the resin on them will set
rock hard. If you use a brush twice, ensure that any acetone in it has
a chance to evaporate, or you will find that the next layer of resin
sets with the consistency of syrup!

Covering the Mould

Cut or tear a piece of glass mat large enough to cover the mould,
then tear a line up to the middle from one corner (this will help
beginners to form the mat over the hump in the mould).
Add catalyst to half a jam jar of lay-up resin and stir well. This is
where the fun really begins! Give the moulding a good thick coat of
this mix, then lay the glass mat over the whole sticky mess! Stipple
the mat down with a paint brush, adding more resin from the jar
if necessary, but make sure that the glass is thoroughly wetted and
does not contain air bubbles. These will show through the laminate
as opaque blobs, which must be removed by careful stippling.
One such layer of mat should prove more than adequate, but
if you wish to add a further layer, place a second piece of mat over
the first while it is still wet, and stipple it down, again adding more
resin if necessary. Allow the moulding to set and harden. Resist the
temptation to prise the mirror off the mould before it is ready, this
can only result in a warped mirror. Allow at least twenty-four hours
in a warm room for curing.
When the moulding is hard, take a flat knife and insert it
between the flange of the mirror, and that of the mould. Run the
knife around the edge, giving the moulding a few taps with your
knuckles if it sticks. The mirror should part company with the
mould at this point with a sharp cracking sound. If it does not, you
will have to insert small wooden wedges between the two, and tap
them gently home. All that remains is to trim off the excess flange
with metal working tools, and give the edges, and any bits of glass
mat protruding from the back .of the mirror, a sanding.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

Although this method of construction sounds long and

complicated, it is in fact very easy. By constructing a G.R.P. mould,
using a ready-made mirror as its mould, you can produce large
numbers of mirrors in a very short space of time. A G.R.P. mould
is layered-up using the same technique as the one you have just
learned, but omitting the solid accumulator, and building up to three
layers of 1 oz. mat. The time and effort used in making such a
mould is more than repaid by the quality and ease of construction
of even a single mirror from it. The G.R.P. mould can also be used
to produce papier-mch mirrors.

I will conclude this chapter by describing the way to convert ordinary
(looking glass) mirrors to magic mirrors. I am not in favour of using
such mirrors in psychic development because the reflections from
the silvered surface tend to distract the attention of the trainee.
However, the practised mirror magician can make good use of
these types, and since they are easy to convert, we shall describe
their mode of construction here. For some unknown reason, old
mirrors seem to work better than their modern counterparts, so
bear this in mind while searching for one to convert.
Take your mirror from its frame (if it has one) and lay it over a
piece of absorbent paper. Mark out the outline, then cut the paper
to size and shape. Soak this paper with liquid universal accumulator.
Then allow it to dry. Using any suitable adhesive, stick the paper
onto the back (silvered) side of the mirror. Then back this with a
sheet of card, or stiff paper. Turn the mirror over, and degrease the
glass with vinegar, or methylated spirit. Give the glass a layer of clear
lacquer, and sprinkle solid universal accumulator over it while still
wet. Give the mirror a second coat and allow it to dry thoroughly.
The mirror may now be replaced in its frame.
Many other ideas will come to mind regarding objects for
conversion. For example, the convex glass face from a clock makes
an excellent mirror, if the inside is given a coat of black paint, and

Nigel R. Clough

a sprinkling of solid accumulator. Such mirrors make shallow, but

efficient, liquid mirror bases. Use your imagination!
All the mirrors described in this chapter are tried and effective,
and of the sort used by many leading mirror magicians of our time.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

Chapter Three
Preliminary Exercises

N OBODY CAN EXPECT to achieve an impulse of psychic

energy while the body is tense, because a tense body means a
tense mind, and the mind is the controlling factor. So we will begin
by describing the technique of conscious relaxation.

Conscious Relaxation Exercise

Start doing this exercise in bed, before you go to sleep. Lie flat on
your back with your hands beside, but not touching, your body.
Close your eyes and say to yourself: I am relaxing; all tenseness is
passing from my body. Repeat this a couple of times, then pause for
half a minute or so, while you think about your body. If the exercise
is working you should become conscious of various little pressures
over your frame. For example, you might feel the covers pressing
down on your feet, even become aware of your heart-beat. Take a
mental note of all these things, because your body will have tensed
itself in these areas, and you cant rid yourself of tenseness unless
you are conscious of its presence.
Now close your mouth; pull the muscles of your stomach out
and downwards. You will notice that you inhale a quantity of air in
the process. When the stomach is fully extended, pull your shoulders
up, and to the back. At the same time expand your ribcage, and
pull your stomach back in. Hold this position for a second, then

Nigel R. Clough

contract your ribcage and stomach, together. This will force all air
out of the lungs. Exhale through the mouth. Hold this contracted
position for a second, then breathe in again. It is important to note
that these actions should be done in a flowing manner, and not as
separate, jerky, actions. Do not lock your throat to hold your breath;
use your chest and stomach muscles instead. Do not overdo deep
breathing exercises; too many have a curious effect on the body. So
limit yourself to half a dozen breaths initially.
Having taken a deep breath, hold it for a second and imagine
that the aches and pressures in your body are passing into the air in
your lungs, in the same way that carbon dioxide waste is exchanged
for oxygen there. Then breathe out slowly. Simultaneously whisper
relax, using the whole capacity of your lungs to say it, and feel the
tenseness from your body dispersing. Repeat this procedure a couple
of times, then pause for a minute or so. You now want to ease each
muscle in your body in turn. Start with the feet, stretch them and
tense the muscles in them. Then, just before the position becomes
painful, relax them. The idea is that you should be able to feel every
fibre in your muscles in a tensed state. That is how these muscles
spend most of the day! Usually you are quite unconscious of the
fact, and so never relax them. Having relaxed your feet, turn your
attention to your calf muscles. Do the same tensing exercise with
them, then with your thigh muscles, and so on up the whole body,
not forgetting that there are muscles in your face! It is quite likely
that by the time you reach your neck muscles, your feet will have
tensed up again. This is a common occurrence in primary stages,
which is eradicated only by constant practice.
Having relaxed every muscle in this way you may allow yourself
a short respite. Just lie still and enjoy the tingling sensation running
through your body. After a few attempts at this exercise you should
achieve a state wherein your mind will no longer be conscious of
the presence of your body. At this point you may truly say you are
relaxed. After a little more practice you will find yourself capable
of relaxing while sitting upright. Twenty minutes deep relaxation

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

is roughly equivalent to three hours of normal sleep, and so it

follows that by continual use, conscious relaxation will benefit
you in everyday life, as well as in psychic development. Learn to
relax while seated on the floor, or on a straight-backed chair. This
is the posture you will adopt for charging your mirrors, and in this
way your subconscious mind will associate such a posture with
relaxation, enabling you to concentrate on the actual business of

Visualisation Exercise
When you have learnt to relax properly you may pass onto the next
exercise, that of visualisation. The fluids that we use are evoked,
initially, by the use of our imagination.
Try this simple test: close your eyes for a moment and visualise
a ping-pong ball; hold that vision for half a minute. When you are
able to visualise any such object, and hold it for thirty seconds, you
will be ready for mirror magic. The following exercise is designed to
bring back your imaginative powers, and so prepare you for higher
things. It is called candle imagery.
Start by placing a lighted candle at a distance of one metre or so
from the chair in which you will sit. Have the room darkened. Make
yourself comfortable in the chair, and go through the conscious
relaxation exercise. Concentrate on the candle. Start at the bottom,
then work your way slowly up the stem. Look at the wick, and the
flame; note the irregularities in the wax, the speck of carbon trapped
in the molten wax at the base of the flame and the aura around the
candle. Take at least five, preferably ten, minutes to do this. Repeat
procedure for three days in a row, then take a break for a couple of
days. Try not to think about the candle during this break.
After a few days have elapsed, return to the exercise, but this
time close your eyes and try to smell the burning candle from where
you sit; endeavour to identify individual odours; the solid wax, the
burning wax, the carbon, etc. Do this exercise for two days in a row,
allowing ten minutes for each session. Then take another break for

Nigel R. Clough

a few days. When you return to the exercise you might find that you
need a new candle, so take one, light it, and place it at arms length
from you. Relax, then stretch out and touch the stem of the candle
between finger and thumb. Feel the texture of the wax; hard at the
base, soft at the top. Move your hand away, hold it outstretched
near the flame, (not too near!) and feel the heat emanating from
the burning wax. Move your hand around the candle and note the
different intensities of heat at various angles.
Ideally this exercise should be performed with the eyes closed,
but for safetys sake it is wiser to watch where you put your hands!
You should only need to do this stage of the exercise once, since
the tactile sense is one of the strongest in the body. Take yet another
couple of days break before returning to the exercise. This time,
keep your eyes open; look at the candle and its flame, feel the heat
and textures, smell the smoke and the wax; make sure that you
really know the candle in all its aspects. Then blow the candle out.
Close your eyes and see it in your mind, smell it, feel it, know that
it is as real as the one you just extinguished. Hold this vision for as
long as you are able; when it fades, leave the exercise and return the
following day to repeat the procedure. Continue in this way until
you have that candle firmly in your mind, and are able to hold it
there for thirty seconds.

Image Control
The second stage of the candle exercise requires that you learn
to control the flame of the candle (image). Close your eyes and
imagine the candle burning normally. Now slowly cause the flame
to burn brighter. Continue practising this single action until you
have the brightness fully under your control. Now cause the flame
to grow brighter, and the heat it generates to grow more intense
in proportion. Continue practising until you have both of these
factors under your control. When this has been accomplished you
must learn to diminish (and finally extinguish) the flame. Again
close your eyes and fix the image of the candle burning normally.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

Slowly cause the flame to lose its brightness and size and then to
go completely out. Add the cold factor to your next attempt; as the
flame extinguishes feel the cold creeping in. We must stress that
each of these stages should be attempted in separate sessions. Dont
try to overdo the exercise. You are teaching your subconscious that
you are the master of your mind, and this can only be done in a
slow but sure fashion.
The final stage of the candle exercise is to project the image of
the candle out of your mind and into the space in front of you. You
should experience little difficult in doing this if you have followed
the previous steps to the letter. Sit in a darkened room, and with
your eyes open imagine the candle to be in front of you, suspended
in mid-air and burning steadily. Continue practising until the image
remains there for a full half minute; remember, you must be able
to smell the smoke and feel the heat from it. When this has been
accomplished you should practice controlling the flame, exactly as
before, but with the image suspended before you. This completes
the exercise of candle imagery.
You should now turn your attention towards other objects; try a
matchbox, a teacup, or anything else that takes your fancy. Use the
pattern of exercises described for the candle experiment (though
you may of course modify it to suit the object). When you can see,
smell, and feel the chosen object, suspended in front of you for half
a minute, you will be ready for the final stage of training: colour
imagery. Find six pieces of cloth or paper, red, blue, yellow, green-
blue, white and dark violet in colour. Choose only one colour per
session, and dont pass on to another until you can instantly call
to mind that colour. To achieve this you must concentrate on the
piece of cloth (or paper) until you absorb its colouring. Memorise
the colour, project it inside your head, then eventually suspend it in
front of your eyes. The normal method is to imagine a ball of the
required colour, held in your hands, which you have cupped for
this purpose. Learn to expand and contract this ball, using the same
technique as that of flame control with the candle.

Nigel R. Clough

When you have completely mastered all the exercises in this

chapter, you will be in a position to draw in the required fluids from
the universe, by using your imagination, and so have the ability to
charge magic mirrors. The following chapter explains how this
charging may be accomplished.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

Chapter Four
How to Charge Magic Mirrors

T HERE ARE AS MANY different ways of charging a mirror as

there are fluids with which to do the charging. The adept will
draw the various fluids into his body, then project them through
the body chakras or astral windows towards their destination. This
practice is best left to such trained people, because without proper
occult guidance an imbalance of elemental fluids in the body could
result with serious consequences to the health of the individual.
For our mirror magic it is only necessary to collect the fluids
in our hands, from where we may project them onto the surface of
our mirror where they will be retained by the fluid accumulators.
The mirror is cleared of any previous or latent charge, the chosen
fluid is collected between the hands and passed onto the surface of
the mirror. The charge is then locked and programmed and the
mirror left to its own devices.

Act of Imagination
Clearing a mirror is accomplished by an act of imagination. Imagine
that the surface of the mirror is turning black, and that anything in
the mirror is being absorbed into this blackness. Then dissolve the
blackness, complete with the impurities it has collected, into the
space around the mirror, and then into the distance. The mirror
will thus be ready for charging. If you do not intend to charge the
mirror immediately you should cover it with a piece of pure silk. Silk

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is the finest known insulator for occult forces; no psychic influence

can pass through it. In fact all magic mirrors should be wrapped in
silk when not in use, for this very reason.
Locking a charge is accomplished by an act of will-power. As
soon as the fluid has been absorbed into the surface of the mirror
you should impress your mind, with all the faith you can muster,
that the charge will remain there as long as you require it.
Programming the charge requires that you state, in your mind,
that the charge will start flowing from the mirror at a predetermined
time, a predetermined rate, and for a predetermined period. This is
undoubtedly the most difficult part of the whole operation, which
only time, coupled with practice, will make perfect.
It is even possible to charge a mirror in such a way that it
will recharge itself over a given period. This is done during the
programming, by impregnating the surface of the mirror with
the desire that the mirror will draw more fluid of the kind with
which it is already charged, out of the Akasha, in such a way that
the mirror will never be emptied. It is important to state also, that
this recharging should take place day by day, or hour by hour as
required. A mirror charged in such a way will remain operative for
ever, unless it is interfered with.

Elemental Fluid
To load a mirror with an elemental fluid, say that of fire, you
should sit in front of your mirror at a distance of a metre or so and
consciously relax. With the help of your imagination create a red
ball between your cupped hands. You should feel heat emanating
from this energy point. Concentrate the heat and colour until you
are satisfied that you are literally holding a ball of fire between your
hands. At this point you must impregnate the ball with the purpose
for which it is intended, and the way in which it is to work.
Cause this charged ball to float away from your hands onto
the surface of the mirror, where you watch it soak in. The charge
is then locked, in the manner described above. It is unlikely that a

single charging will prove effective, so you will probably have to repeat
the performance at least three times, or until you are satisfied that the
surface of your mirror is as full of energy as you can make it. Once
the mirror is full, you can programme the charge as described above.
If you are just practising charging the mirror (which I hope you
will, as often as you can), you should release the energy by reversing
the procedure. That is to say, you should draw the energy out of the
mirror, form it into a ball between your hands, then disperse the ball
by an act of imagination. It is imperative that every particle of energy
is removed from the mirror. If in doubt, go through the clearing
procedure again.
The method of charging with the other elemental fluids is the
same as that of the fire element, but instead of the fireball, you should
create the forms listed below.

Water Element
A cold, clammy cloud of blue-green is to be formed between the hands.
This should be condensed into a ball reminiscent of a polythene bag
full of water (but without the polythene!) In this case you should
feel the heat from your body and the surrounding area being drawn
into the ball, as though you were standing in front of a fridge with
its door open.

The Air Principle

This is more difficult to manage. Create a ball of light blue mist. There
should be no feeling of heat or cold, but a sensation of lightness, as
if you were holding a balloon full of hydrogen between your hands.

The Earth Element

With your imagination form a ball of clay. The ball must have weight,
and should have the consistency of plasticine. The colour is a matter
of personal preference, (I use yellow), but a black or a dirty brown is
just as effective. There should be no heat or cold emanation, only a
feeling of solidarity.
Nigel R. Clough

Akashic Fluid
Charging the mirror with Akashic fluid is a very difficult operation
to describe because, for some reason unknown to me, the Akashic
fluid cannot be condensed into a ball like the others. Instead, draw
the fluid in a continuous stream from the space around you. This
is done by imagining the upper half of the room in which you are
working to be a dark violet colour, so dense as to appear black.
Now draw a stream of this colour down into the space between
your hands, then directly onto the surface of the mirror. Once it
comes into contact with the accumulator there, it will be absorbed
and start to behave like any other fluid. When you have drawn
enough fluid down you may lock the charge and programme it as
you would any other.
The Akasha is the strongest fluid that a mirror magician will
encounter in his work. It is also one of the nicest to work with. A
mirror charged with Akasha is an unforgettable experience; if you
stand in front of one you will have the strange sensation of being
very small and remote, as though you were (as you are) just a very
tiny atom in the vastness of the universe.

Light Fluid
Born of the fire element To accumulate it you should create a
fireball between your hands. In the centre of this ball there must
be a tiny, bright spark of pure white light. Concentrate on this spot
and cause it to grow bigger, consuming the red fire as it does so.
Simultaneously cause the heat flowing from the ball to lessen,
and finally be completely withdrawn. At this point the white light
should, have the appearance of a sun. It is essential that you should
feel nothing flowing from the fluid; you should just be able to see
a dazzling ball of white light. This is then placed on the surface of
the mirror, and treated in the same manner as any other fluid.

Eletric Fluid
Also born of the fire element Again, form the fireball between

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

your hands. The constituent part you want to extract this time is
the push behind the heat flow. This is the quality of expansion;
the pressure that emanates from the centre of the ball to cause the
heat to radiate out. To obtain this you must contain the heat in
the form of an aura around the ball. It is essential that you should
sense the pressure building up inside the fluid, as though you were
holding a hot-air balloon that is filling up to capacity.
When you feel that you have obtained maximum pressure you
should dissolve away the heat from the fluid. The pressure that
you are left with is pure electrical fluid, which should be transferred
to the surface of the mirror, then locked and programmed in the
normal way.

Magnetic Fluid
Comes from the water element Form a water ball between your
hands as though you were working the water fluid described earlier.
This time you will feel the cold wetness of the fluid, sucking in
the heat from the surrounding area.
It is this sucking, or contraction, that forms the magnetic fluid.
You must imagine a barrier around the ball, as you did with the
eletric fluid. This time though, the pressure will not be building up
on the inside, but from without. In other words, you should sense a
vacuum within the sphere. The fluid will undoubtedly become very
cold. Let this coldness build to a pitch; then dissolve it out, leaving
only the vacuum. This will be pure magnetic fluid which you can
proceed to load into the mirror, in the same manner as other fluids.
In both these last two cases you may leave the colour of the
element in the extracted fluid, (i.e., red for fire and the electric, blue-
green for water and the magnetic fluids). Or if you prefer, you may
dissolve the colour from the extracted fluid and leave it colourless.
While we are on the subject of colours we should point out
that the colour system mentioned throughout the book was chosen
because it is the most popular one used today. We are well aware
that different occult schools teach different colour analogies, so if

Nigel R. Clough

you recognise the elements and fluids by different colours to the

ones quoted here, dont be afraid to substitute yours for mine. The
results will be just the same!

Electro-Magnetic Fluid
As the name suggests, this is a combination of the eletric and the
magnetic fluids. Its manufacture is a long and delicate process that
only the most proficient magician will master. The end product
is a sort of synthetic Akashic fluid, and when impregnated with a
strong enough desire, is capable of affecting all known forces. The
electro-magnetic fluid belongs to the earth principle. You may find
it difficult to understand this statement, since the primary source of
the fluid lies in the fire and water elements. This is simply explained
by the fact that when the two constituent fluids are brought together,
the fluid they produce has solidarity, and this is prime quality held
by the earth element.
Although this fluid is composed of the eletric and the magnetic
fluids, the two are kept separated from each other. The eletric forms
the core of the ball, and this is surrounded by the magnetic. If two
absolutely opposite forces are brought together in equal quantities,
then they must cancel each other out. So the pressure of the eletric
is contained in a skin of magnetic, (i.e., contracting) fluid, but the
two never mix.
The procedure is started by producing a fireball, from which
the eletric fluid is extracted in the manner described earlier. The
ball of eletric fluid is left suspended in mid-air while you produce
a water-ball from which you extract the magnetic fluid. Then
cause the magnetic ball to split into two halves and hold one in
each hand. Bring the eletric ball back into reach, then spread the
magnetic fluid from each hand over its surface. The resulting mass
will shrink to about half its original size. This is due to the two
forces present reaching equilibrium. The ball is then impregnated
with the desired objective and passed into the surface of the mirror,
where it is locked and programmed.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

Never be tempted to load magnetic fluid directly on top of

eletric fluid held in a mirror. If the two should mix slightly, the
resultant energy would smash the mirror. At the very least, the
shrinkage caused by the addition of the magnetic fluid would
almost certainly crack the mirror. Remember: the electro-magnetic
fluid is a principle of the earth element. In the positive sense this
produces solidification, but in a negative sense the force produced
is disintegration!

Nigel R. Clough

Chapter Five
Mirrors Facilitate Astral Travel

O NE OF THE MOST POPULAR, widely read, and publicised

occult practices is that of astral travelling. Yet despite all this, it
is also the one that very few people have the ability to do, at least
consciously, and at will. I am convinced that it was the magic mirror
that finally enabled me to project my astral form at will.
The reason why most people fail is their singular compulsion to
achieve success! Conscious separation will never be accomplished
while a persons mind is set firmly on the desire to cause separation
Any thought regarding the means of separation must be an
active one, and therefore a negative force will doom the experiment
to failure before it has begun. But by charging a magic mirror it is
possible to make the mirror the active force and the mind of the
would-be traveller entirely passive, so allowing separation to take

Television Analogy
As you will have noted from the Introduction, the universe exists
on many different wave lengths (planes) which all occupy the
same physical space. We used the analogy of the colour spectrum
to illustrate this point. Here, we will use the analogy of television
waves to expand the point further.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

The sounds and image of an object in front of the camera are

captured by mechanical means in the lens and audio systems inside
the camera. Once there, they are converted to electrical impulses
by electronic devices, and finally transmitted as air waves. These
are received at their destination in a television set, wherein the
air waves are turned back into electrical impulses which produce
physical, (i.e., optical and audible) results, visible on the screen and
heard through the loud speaker.
The same principle applies to human beings. A subject is picked
up by the physical bodys sensory systems and converted to astral
fluid in the brain. The astral fluid is then passed to the mental body,
which either stores it (memory) or transmits it (telepathy) via the
Akasha. The mental fluid is received by the mental body of the
person for whom the telepathic message was intended. But here
the analogy ends, for, unlike the television receiver, this person
has a mind of his own, and telepathic messages may well stay in
his mental body, instead of turning into astral fluid which in turn
would affect the physical body.

Another Problem
So this system of projection is fine if you merely wish to pass images
and sounds to another persons mind, but if you want that person
to act on information you pass on to him, you must project your
mental body into his in its entirety, where you are able to make
your will effective. But here we find another problem: the human
mental body has no form, it is simply a unit of energy which contains
no astral fluid, and has none of the physical senses. So when it
reaches its destination it is only able to affect the mental body of
the recipient.
This might prove effective, providing you have enough will-
power to cause the recipients mental body to effect changes in his
astral body (fluid) and so on. Suppose though, that you do not wish
to influence another person; perhaps you only want to visit a place.
Well, here again, you will find difficulty because your mental body

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possesses no physical senses; therefore you will only receive psychic

impressions of that place, which, at best, cannot be termed reliable.

Necessity for Astral Projection

This explains the necessity for astral projection. The astral body is
the link between physical and mental. It has mass (albeit very fine),
and thus has form. The form it takes in its natural state is a replica
of the human body it inhabits, complete with eyes, ears, a sense of
touch and so on. If we now project our mental body inside the astral
one, we will endow it with the physical senses, and with form.
In this state we can directly affect other astral forms, or travel to a
place where we will be able to see, hear, smell and touch as easily
as if we were there with our physical bodies.

Gate to Astral Worlds

Using a magic mirror as a gate to the astral worlds is simplicity
itself. You may use any mirror furnished with a universal fluid
accumulator (in liquid or solid form). The larger the mirror; the
easier the experiment. The idea is to charge the mirror with a fluid
that will pull you into it, rather than rely on your own will-power
to force your way onto the astral planes. The Akasha has proven
itself as the ideal fluid in this respect.
So sit comfortably in a darkened room with your mirror in front
of you. Consciously relax, then proceed to charge the mirror with
Akashic fluid. As you do so, impregnate the fluid with the desire
that it will draw your astral body into it, and pass you onto the astral
planes. Lock the charge in the mirror, and programme it to release
itself steadily over a period of one hour, starting immediately.
Ensure that you are fully relaxed, close your eyes, and sit (or lay
down) bathed in the rays emanating from the mirror. If the charging
has been done correctly you should start experiencing a curious
effect in your mind. Do not try to analyse what is happening; accept
it, and allow the fluid to act of its own accord. You will probably feel
that you are shrinking, getting smaller and smaller. If not, then it is

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

permissible to imagine yourself shrinking. A point will be reached

where you are no longer aware of your physical body; only of a pull
coming from the mirror. Allow yourself to be taken, with this force,
into the mirror. It is essential not to oppose the pull, nor to harbour
analytical thoughts; both these factors would negate the operation.

Floating Sensation
At this point you will be separated from your physical body, and most
people report a floating sensation as the most noticeable effect. It is
quite possible that, once through the mirror, you will not be able to
see or hear anything; dont worry, this is quite normal for the first
few attempts. Stay on the astral levels for as long as you wish, or are
able, time has no meaning there. You will probably find on returning
to your physical body that a period of hours apparently spent on
the astral will have taken only a minute or two of physical time.
To return to your physical body you only have to mentally
affirm that this is what you desire. You will return instantly. You
will always be aware of the direction in which your physical body
lies, and most people can see the back side of their mirror as a
black, or silver- white hole. If you prefer a more leisurely return,
move towards the mirror, where you will be able to see your body
through it; rather like looking down the wrong end of a telescope.
A gentle move through this apparent tunnel, and you will be back
in your physical body.

Planetary Spheres
Repeated visits to the astral worlds will soon enable you to move
about freely, and to use your physical senses to the full. You will
learn about the inhabitants of these planes, and the natural laws
that prevail there. After a while you will notice certain areas that
you cannot enter. This is because the vibrations in these spots are
different from those elsewhere on the astral, and therefore different
from those of your astral body. These areas are in fact gateways to
the so-called planetary spheres or zones girdling the earth. One

Nigel R. Clough

method of entry is to cause your astral body to vibrate at a rate

equal to that of the sphere you wish to visit. But if you do not
succeed in immediate entry, you will find yourself flung back into
your physical body with a velocity that will leave you feeling quite
ill. This is because the change in bodily vibrations puts you on a
different wave length to that of the astral, so you become alien to
any plane except the physical one.
A far better method, and incidentally one that I use for reaching
specific destinations anywhere on the astral, is to cause the Akashic
fluid with which you charge your mirror to vibrate at the same
rate as the area you wish to visit. By doing this you will remain
comfortably in your physical body until your astral body vibrates
at a rate equal to that of the mirror, when separation will take place
automatically. To accomplish this, you alter the Akashic fluid as you
collect it, prior to loading the mirror, and the easiest way to do this
is by colour analogies:

Black is analogous to the Saturn sphere (Binah)

Light blue, to the Jupiter sphere (Gedullah)
Fiery red, to the Mars sphere (Geburah)
Golden yellow, to the Sun sphere (Tiphareth)
Light green, to the Venus sphere (Netsach)
Bright orange, to the Mercury sphere (Hod)
Dark purple, to the Moon sphere (Yesod)
Yellow, green, brown and black, in equal qualities to the
Earth sphere (Malkuth)

When you have the ball of Akasha between your hands, mentally
cause it to change to the colour of the sphere you wish to visit. This
in turn will cause the fluid to vibrate at the required rate. Place this
charge in the mirror, lock it and programme it as you did before,
then let the fluid flow from the mirror onto you. This time, instead
of being totally passive, you should fill your mind with the chosen
colour. By doing this you will cause; your astral body to vibrate

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

at the correct level. As soon as the colour vibrations in your body

match those in the mirror, you will be pulled through the mirror,
and directly to the chosen place.

Visiting the Spheres

To visit a specific place on the physical plane, while in your astral
form, it is necessary to visualise the place in the mirror, after you
have carried out a straightforward Akashic charging. The same place
is visualised in your mind as you relax in front of the mirror. You
will find yourself pulled through the mirror and straight to the spot
you visualised. Even well-practised astral travellers will find this
method of entry of great benefit.
Since the Akasha is both timeless and spaceless, it makes the
ideal medium for time travelling. This must be one of the most
exciting experiments to be performed on the astral levels and many
associated ideas will come to mind for further experimentation
in this field. The method is to charge the mirror with Akasha as
before, then to visualise the place or person you wish to visit, in
the mirror, and in your mind, as you relax. You will find yourself
drawn to your goal.

Nigel R. Clough

Chapter Six
A Tool for Low Magic

W E DO NOT USE THE TERM low magic in a derogatory

sense, it is simply intended to define all magic of a non-ritual
nature. There are so many occult practices that come under the
heading that it would be impossible to mention them all in a book
this size. So I propose to give a cross-section of experiments, from
which you might formulate your own, to suit your individual
requirements. I mention, under each heading, the types of mirror
that can be used for each operation. However, in order to avoid
repetition, I shall state here that a convex mirror equipped with a
universal compound fluid accumulator in solid or liquid form (or
both), can be used for every experiment.

Psychic Healing
There is no way in which psychic healing can ever replace the
surgeons scalpel. It can, however, cause extremely rapid curing once
the surgeon has done. More important is the way it can prevent a
malady reaching the stage where the surgeon becomes necessary.
Any mirror can be used for healing, but if you intend to use
the room-impregnation method, rather than direct-influence,
you will require a concave type. The fluid used for the healing
process depends entirely upon your occult convictions; if you
are a spiritualist you might use the light-blue healing rays, if you

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

are a Cabalist you would use the orange rays of Hod. European
traditionalists would use the opaque white rays of Mercury, and
Hermetics would choose the light fluid. The method of charging
the mirror is the same, whichever fluid you choose.

Room-Impregnation Method
Collect the selected fluid between your hands by an act of
imagination. Form it into a ball, and as you do so, impregnate it with
the desire that wherever it flows, it will cure all illnesses besetting
the people it meets. Load the charge into the mirror, and lock it.
Programme the fluid to release itself steadily over the healing period.
It would be as well to programme the mirror to recharge itself if the
treatment is placed in the room where the patient spends most of
the time. It should be positioned so that the emitted rays infiltrate
the whole room.

Direct-Influence Method
This has the advantage of allowing you to apply psychic healing
without the patients knowledge. Distance is no barrier; you may
be confident that the charge will reach the patient though he/she
may be a thousand miles away. The healing rays in this instance are
carried by an Akashic fluid link. We are not saying that the healing
rays are incapable of being projected on their own, but such fluids
do tend to wander off in the direction of any depleted auras that
they encounter. The Akashic link ensures that the rays go direct to
the intended patient!
So charge your mirror with Akashic fluid, which you have
impregnated with the desire that it will form a link between the
mirror and the patient. The selected healing fluid is then loaded
directly on top of the Akashic charge. Once locked, you should
programme the fluid to flow to the patient via the Akashic link, for as
long as necessary. The most concrete results will be obtained if you
visualise the person for whom the charge is intended on the surface
of the mirror while loading the Akashic link. A photograph or a lock

Nigel R. Clough

of hair belonging to the patient makes an effective substitute for

visualisation if you place it in the mirror during the loading process.

Developing the Psychic Senses

Any mirror will be found suitable for this operation, but since
room-impregnation is involved, the best results will be obtained
using the concave type. The first requirement is that the mirror be
charged with a fluid that will aid your development. Charge your
mirror with a ball of light fluid that has been impregnated with the
desire that it will strengthen and improve your psychic faculties.
Lock the charge, and programme it to flow steadily, overnight. Place
the mirror in your bedroom in a position where it will overlook
your bed. This way the light fluid will flow onto you, while you
sleep. You may go to bed, confident that your psychic faculties will
be appreciably strengthened by morning.
On the following day you should clear the mirror, and recharge
it with earth elemental fluid. The next step is to practise visualisation
on the mirrors surface. The earth fluid in the mirror will give your
imaginative creations solidarity. You should picture landscapes,
people, vehicles, animals and anything else that takes your fancy.
The idea is that you should be able to see these things in the mirror,
with your eyes open. This exercise will enable you to discern psychic
pictures received in the mirror more clearly. Continue this exercise
until you see exactly that which you want to see, and nothing else.
In between sessions you should recharge the mirror with light
fluid and impregnate your bedroom with it. When you feel ready,
charge your mirror with Akashic fluid, lock it and programme it to
flow for an hour. Sit quietly in front of the mirror, and consciously
relax. Decide what you wish to see with your astral eyes, then
impregnate the Akasha in the mirror with the desire that it will
carry the selected image to you. You should see a greyish cloudiness
come over the surface. This will be replaced with a blackness full
of tiny points of light. One of these light spots will expand, and fill
the whole surface of your mirror, revealing the scene you selected.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

If the image is of something you did not select, you must clear
the mirror altogether, then start again. Do not tolerate any image that
appears of its own accord. Practise with different objectives until a
stage is reached where you can perceive anything you desire, simply
by thinking about it. At this point you may start impregnating your
loadings with the desire that they shall enable you to see, hear, and
smell the images you wish to be conveyed to you. Within a very
short space of time you will find yourself in command of a full set
of astral senses as effective as your physical ones.

A Means of Communication
The magic mirror can be used by occultists as a means of
communication with each other. Any mirror can be used for this
purpose, including flat types equipped with simple accumulators.
The basic requirements entail that there be two such mirrors,
and that the participants are equally skilled in mirror magic. At a
prearranged time both participants load the surface of their respective
mirrors with Akashic fluid. This is locked onto the surface of both
mirrors with the knowledge that, where the Akashic is concerned,
no limits of time and space exist; therefore anything transmitted
via the Akasha will be received at its destination immediately, and
with no deformation, regardless of the physical distance covered.
The fluid is programmed to release itself steadily over a period
of one hour. One of the participants will, at a pre-arranged time,
start transmitting. In the early stages of the experiment only optical
transmissions will be possible, and it would be as well to use simple
shapes of the type depicted on zener cards, i.e., triangles, circles,
crosses, etc. The transmitting partner will sit in front of his mirror,
projecting the image he wishes to send onto its surface. At the same
time he impregnates the image with the desire that it will be seen
on the surface of the recipients mirror.
The receiving partner puts himself in a receptive mood and
sits in front of his mirror concentrating on its surface. After repeated
attempts the image will show there, hazy at first, but then with

Nigel R. Clough

increased clarity. Once success is attained with simple shapes the

participants move on to more complicated patterns, and eventually
to the projection of their own images. At this point simple words
may be spoken into the mirror, as though it were a microphone.
These words will be picked up by the recipient as though he were
thinking them himself, but with practice the words will seem to
emanate from the mirror itself. From then on the participants will
be able to see and hear each other as clearly as if they were in the
same room , and full communication will have been achieved.

Talismanic Magic
I do not intend to list all the magical forces used in talismanic magic,
they would fill a book five times the size of this one. Let it suffice
that all operations which normally entail the construction of a
talisman can be carried out with far better results on the surface of
any magic mirror. The method of making a mirror-talisman is the
same in all cases. Only the fluids used differ with each operation.
Like the healing rays, the talismanic fluids are carried to the
recipient by Akashic fluid. So charge your mirror with an Akashic
fluid link as described earlier in this chapter under Psychic
Healing. You should then draw the talismanic symbols and
sigils on the surface of the charged mirror with your imagination.
These symbols are exactly the same as printed talismans. (See
Israel Regardies How to Make and Use Talismans, Aquarian Press).
The talismanic symbols are then charged with the relevant fluid.
This can be any one of the fluids described in this book, including
the planetary colours listed in Chapter Five. The choice depends
upon the talismans function, and this aspect is dealt with in Israel
Regardies book. Alternatively, the electro-magnetic fluid can be
used to charge any talisman with a power that is unequalled in its
effect. Although the method of loading this charge is the same as
any other, it should be remembered that the desired objective is to
be impregnated into it before it is placed in the mirror.

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

The Telescopic Eye

Any magic mirror can be used for this experiment, but for reasons
unknown to me the best results are obtained with liquid types.
The technique is simple: charge your mirror with Akasha. As
you do so, impregnate it with the desire that it will link you to the
person, or place, that you wish to observe. Lock the charge, and
programme it to flow steadily for half-an-hour or so. Sit quietly and
relaxed in front of the mirror, and concentrate on the person or place
you wish to see. Imagine that the mirror surface is the eyepiece of a
telescope, through which you can see anything, anywhere. Within
minutes you should see the object of your exercise on the surface
of the mirror. This will undoubtedly be blurry at first, but continual
practice will ensure a crystal-clear image.
The clarity of the image also depends upon the strength of
the Akashic charge, and how well you understand the principle
of Akasha,(i.e., that Akasha exists everywhere, and that it has
no boundaries of time and space. A further point, of interest to
psychometrists and auric researchers is that, once the image has
appeared clearly, it is possible to read the aura surrounding it as
though the person (or place) is confronting you physically.
One last point on the subject of images: very often the image
in the mirror will be back to front, in the same way that looking-
glass images are to the onlooker. This is quite normal, and due to
a phenomenon known as astral reflection, so do take this into
account when recording your results.

Nigel R. Clough

Chapter Seven
Ritual Work

T HE MAGIC MIRROR really comes into its own when used

in ritual, or high magic. It is by no means to be classified as an
essential instrument, no more than any other occult tool. But it
does make the magicians task much easier, and until the occultist
develops up to the finger magic state, he is in need of every device
he can lay his hands on to support his consciousness

Sphere Magic
Let us assume that you wish to work with the intelligences of
another sphere (plane). There are two basic ways of going about it.
You can either invoke the intelligences, (i.e., call them down to your
physical world), or you can leave your physical body behind and go
to the Sephirah (sphere) where the entities live, in your mental/astral
body. Once there you will be able to find the intelligence you want
and get it to do your bidding. The problem with the latter method
is that very few people are able to project themselves through the
Cabalistic paths and Sephiroth, and still be able to work magically
when they reach their destination.
Practicing with the magic mirror as an astral gate will take care
of this problem. But time is the one thing most occidental magicians
cant find; and practice requires time. So we must turn our attention
to the former way: that of invocation. The trouble is that this is

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

something else few occidentals can find time for. The reason? Well,
most aspiring magicians try rituals of invocation at some time or
other, but very few succeed. Most of those that do succeed find in
retrospect that the entity they conjured was merely hallucinatory.

Reason for Failure

I will now attempt to explain the reason for this failure, and in so
doing provide you with one of the deepest secrets of the occult
schools. Like all occult secrets it is nothing more than pure
common sense, and is so simple that it appears stupid. Imagine
that instead of invoking a spirit, you are invoking a fish: you open
the book of words (which could be any of a thousand occult
publications), you construct a circle (or square) and proceed to
make an offering. The words of invocation are read and then you
wait ... nothing! You try a stronger set of words; perhaps you add a
few threats ... still no result!
The reason? Well, obviously fish live in water, and your room,
or circle, is filled with air. So is the space between you and the fish.
Fish cannot survive in air, so despite all your efforts the fish stays
put. Isnt it logical, that if you want to bring a fish to your circle, you
must construct a channel, and a pool, filled with water, so that the
fish can swim up to you? The same principle applies to the spirit
worlds. Entities and intelligences of other spheres (planes) live in
a different medium from your own, and yet there you stand trying
to bring them down into your own sphere, where they would be
as happy as our fish without water!

A Successful Invocation
To carry out a successful invocation you must create a channel, and a
pool, of the same medium that the entity lives in. This can be done
by the will, or the imagination. But such a process is continual, and
leaves you unable to concentrate on the rest of the ritual. A magic
mirror will do the job automatically for you. Charge the mirror,
with a ball of the colour analogous to the sphere with which you are

Nigel R. Clough

working. For example, if you are a Cabalist working with, say, the
sphere of Geburah, you would charge your mirror with red light.
If you are an elemental magician you would, use the colour of the
element concerned.
The charge is locked in the normal way, and programmed to
release itself steadily into the space in which you work (for example,
room or circle) for the period of the operation. Place the mirror in a
position where its rays can influence the whole area, then start your
ritual. Just before you utter the words of invocation think of the
plane you wish to contact as a ball of the correct colour. With your
imagination, draw some of the fluid from your work-area in a direct
line to this ball, so that your circle and the sphere are connected.
Say the words of invocation, and you will find your entity travelling
down this path, right into the place prepared for it.
When the operation is finished you must ensure that the
connection is still strong, until the entity has travelled back up it
into its own sphere, at which point you should sever the link. The
colour vibrations left in your work area will dissolve away naturally.
The obvious choice of mirror for this type of operation is the
concave type, because of its wide diffusion ability. If you intend to
use clairvoyance to see the entity, the mirror need only be equipped
with a simple accumulator. If you wish to perform an invocation
where the entity can be seen physically, you will need a mirror
equipped with a compound accumulator.

Quarterly Guardians or Archangels

I can think of very few rituals wherein the presence of the guardians
of the quarters is not required. To the Cabalist the guardians will take
the form of the archangels Michael, Raphael, Auriel and Gabriel;
to a witch, or traditionalist, earth, air, fire and water; to an Egyptian
magician, the shining ones or the columns of white light.
The mirror can be used to give these entities substance and
energy. The flat type of mirror is ideal for this work, equipped
with a simple accumulator (since you do not require physical

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

manifestation), or if you prefer, equipped with the elemental

compound types. You will require four such mirrors, one for each
quarter. Each one is charged with a ball of the requisite elemental
fluid, locked, and programmed to release itself over the period of
operation. Each mirror is then placed on the respective quarterly
point for which it was charged. The guardians of these points are
evoked over the mirrors, in the same way that you use normally,
but you will feel a tremendous difference in power!
If you are working an Egyptian ritual you will not use the
elemental fluids, instead, each mirror is charged with the light fluid,
which you will find flows automatically from the flat mirror in the
form of a column.

Waste Disposal Chute

Although this title is perhaps facetious, it is fully descriptive of
the mirrors function. A major nuisance (in some cases) when
conducting a ritual, is that caused by the negative entities seeming
to conglomerate wherever a psychic happening is taking place. A
good master occultist is quite capable of keeping these entities under
control, but there are many less proficient people who receive so
much interference that they give up! Some people attract these
influences more than others, and more often than not, it is they
who would make the best magicians in the end. So what can be
done about it?
The answer of course, is to use a magic mirror. You will require
a concave type, equipped with a simple accumulator, or, if the
disturbances become physical, a compound universal type (exorcists
of poltergeists take note!) The mirror is charged with magnetic fluid
which has been impregnated with the desire that it should draw in
all unwanted influences, or entities, from the designated area. The
charge is locked, then programmed to flow for as long as required.
The mirror should be placed in a position where it can influence
the whole work-area.
When the operation is concluded you must clear the mirror

Nigel R. Clough

by charging it with a ball of Akashic fluid directly on top of the

magnetic fluid already there. This is locked, then programmed to
dissolve immediately out into the universe, far away from you. The
magnetic fluid, complete with the nasties it has collected, will be
absorbed by the Akashic fluid, and expelled with it, deep into the
astral planes.
This type of operation is a boon to exorcists, because the
charged mirror may be left at a haunted spot for as long as required,
providing it is programmed to recharge itself over the period.
You may clear such a mirror at your convenience. A mirror
charged with magnetic fluid can also be used to exorcise people.
The only difference here is in the programming, where the desire
that the fluid should draw out the entity from the specified persons
body is impregnated, rather than the general programme given
previously. The person to be exorcised is seated in front of the mirror
so charged, and bathed in its rays. When the fluid has done its work,
it is cleared from the mirror, in the manner described above.

Very few occultists go through life without stepping on someones
(or somethings) toes. This act normally results in retaliation grossly
out of proportion to the original misdemeanour, which, unless
the recipient is forewarned, can have serious consequences. The
normal way of dealing with a psychic attack is to create a protective
circle, sit inside it, and recharge it, as the energy is drained away by
continual bombardment.
This method is quite satisfactory providing the attack is expected,
and of reasonably short duration. But very few psychic attacks are.
Most come intermittently and when they are least anticipated and
no human can be expected to maintain a permanent barrier and
still go about his or her daily business. But by charging a concave
mirror with the light fluid, and programming it to recharge itself,
the occultist can afford himself twenty-four hour, seven days a
week protection. The light fluid in this case, must be impregnated

How to Make and Use Magic Mirrors

with the command that no undesirable influence can penetrate it.

The mirror should be placed centrally to the area it is to cover. But
suppose you want to leave the protected area, say to go to work. All
you have to do is charge another mirror (a flat type will do) with
the light fluid, and programme it to flow out to you, wherever you
may be. A mirror equipped with simple accumulators will prove
adequate for this purpose.

So there you have it! The secrets of the most versatile occult
tool are now in your hands. We hope that you will develop your own
experiments from those outlined in this book, and so increase the
wealth of human knowledge; and that your gods will smile upon
you as you work


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