Digital Marketing: Learning Objectives

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Digital Marketing

Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the new media, Different types, their strengths and the way customer
interacts with new / digital media.
2. To develop the skills to strategize and execute campaigns on new / digital media

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1. Introduction to digital marketing types of digital media, industry trends, Indian
media spends, comparison with traditional media
2. Customer consumption trends of digital media Role of digital media in consumer
decision making process Behavioural and Contextual targeting
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Need for SEO
Integration with Google Analytics, analysis of reports and metrics
4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Importance and need
Campaign strategy
Identifying keywords and their configurations
Creating AdWords campaigns
Assess campaign using AdWords analytics reports
5. Social Media Marketing
Introduction & comparison of various Social Media (including subscriber
base, features, popularity etc.)
Social Media Marketing strategies with examples/ cases
Content Strategy for various social media
Creating Campaign on Social media (Facebook)
Assessment of campaign using Facebook analytics
6. Display advertising
Video advertising - types and their effectiveness, Blog marketing
7. Pricing Models
Cost per Click (CPC)
Cost per thousand Impression (CPM)
Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Relevance of each in different situations
Prevention of click frauds
8. Email Marketing
Trends, types, Challenges
Planning & designing campaign
Assess effectiveness of the campaign using various metrics

9. Mobile Marketing
Market size, growth etc.
Mobile wallets
QR codes
10. E-commerce
Understand trends and profile of e-commerce players
Use of e-tailers for promotion and distribution of brands
Strategies used by Ecommerce players

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