Building Energy Management Systems

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Specification 47

Building energy
management systems

SPECIALIST SERVICES, Fuels and Mechanical

Ministry of Defence
Specification 47

Building energy
management systems

Defence Estates is an Agency of the MOD

Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Crown Copyright 2002

This document is
catalogued in the DE
Technical Publications
Index under the following

Building energy management systems

ii September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47


1. This Specification is one of a series prepared by Defence Estates (DE)

primarily for use in its contracts for mechanical and electrical
engineering works. The Specification covers the installation of building
energy management systems (BEMS). It is a revision of the former
Standard Specification (M&E) No. 15, dated 1986.

2. When this Specification is used in connection with a Defence contract

then it is to be read in conjunction with such further documents setting
out contractual requirements particular to the contract.

3. Whilst this Specification was commissioned by DE for use on Ministry of

Defence (MOD) contracts, it is acknowledged that it could be usefully
applied to other contracts. DE commend its use to other Government
departments. It may, therefore, be used outside the MOD estate.
However, no warranty is given as to the accuracy of this Specification or
its fitness for any purpose.

4. This Specification has been devised for the use of the Crown and its
contractors in the execution of contracts for the Crown. The Crown
hereby excludes all liability (other than liability for death or personal
injury) whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, but without
limitation, negligence on the part of the Crown, its servants or agents)
for any loss or damage however caused where the specification is used for
any other purpose.

September 2002 iii

Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

iv September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47


This specification has been compiled by consulting engineers Ove Arup &

The authors would like to record their gratitude to the staff at seven sites
within the MOD Estate for their time and co-operation in researching the
study. The sites were:

R N Ensleigh, Bath
RNAS Yeovilton
RAF Brampton
RAC Centre Bovington, Wareham
RAS Blandford
RAF Coningsby
Defence Procurement Agency, Abbey Wood, Bristol

Gratitude is also extended to the Building Services Research and Information

Association (BSRIA) whose published guidance has been used in the
production of this document.


Specialist Services, Fuels and Mechanical

Defence Estates
Blakemore Drive
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands B75 7RL

Tel: 0121 311 2294

September 2002 v
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

vi September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47


ADC - Analogue to Digital Conversion

BEMS - Building Energy Management System
BS - British Standards
CDM - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
CPU - Central Processing Unit
DAC - Digital to Analogue Conversion
DDC - Direct Digital Control
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
EMS - Energy Management Systems
FCU - Fan Coil Unit
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HVCA - Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association
I/O - Input/Output
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
IT - Information Technology
LAN - Local Area Network
M&T - Monitoring and Targeting
MCC - Motor Control Centre
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
PABX - Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PIR - Passive Infra Red
PM - Project Manager
PPM - Planned Preventive Maintenance
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
RAM - Random Access Memory
RCD - Residual Current Device
ROM - Read Only Memory
SCS - Structured Cabling System
UC - Unitary Controller
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
VAV - Variable Air Volume
VDU - Visual Display Unit
VFC - Volt Free Contact
VGA - Video Graphics Array (A colour graphics display

September 2002 vii

Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47
WAN - Wide Area Network

viii September 2002

Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

September 2002 ix
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47




1.1 SCOPE 1
1.15 SAMPLES 5


2.1 SCOPE 7


3.1 SCOPE 33
3.2 GENERAL 33

x September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

4.5 MANUALS 41


5.1 GENERAL 43






7.1 GENERAL 47


8.1 SPARES 49





September 2002 xi
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

1 Section One - General Requirements

1.1 SCOPE 1.1.8 The Contractor shall ensure that all

equipment can be installed in the allotted space
1.1.1 This Specification details the and shall maintain adequate access for
design and other requirements for building maintenance and repair, in accordance with
energy management systems (BEMS). DMG08 Space Requirements for Plant Access,
Operation and Maintenance.
1.1.2 The BEMS shall comprise
personal computer-based operators station(s), 1.1.9 All equipment shall be installed in
printer(s) and other peripherals, controllers accordance with the manufacturers written
and intelligent unitary controllers, software, instructions.
sensors and instrumentation necessary to
meet the intent of the Particular Specification. 1.2 TERMINOLOGY

1.1.3 The BEMS shall provide control 1.2.1 Building Energy Management
and monitoring for the plant and system System (BEMS) is a generic term used to describe
functions as described in the Particular computer based control systems for engineering
Specification. services. Other titles used for such equipment are
Building Management Systems (BMS) and Energy
1.1.4 The system shall be capable of Management Systems (EMS). The term Building
being addressed by all installed operator Energy Management System (BEMS) has been
stations simultaneously and one portable identified as the normal acronym for such systems
additional operator station. and adopted throughout this Specification. Other
terms are synonymous with this.
1.1.5 Unless otherwise indicated, the
work shall include design, manufacture, works 1.3 DEFINITIONS
testing, supply, delivery to site, installation,
site testing, commissioning, making good any 1.3.1 Project Manager (PM) shall mean an
defects that occur during the defect liability official of the MOD or commercial representative
period, provision of As Installed drawings and responsible for the purpose of management and
Operation and Maintenance documents, the administration of the works covered within this
whole of the labour and all materials necessary Specification.
to form a complete installation (whether or not
all the necessary components are indicated). 1.3.2 Where the work is to be undertaken
The work will also include any Scope of Work as a sub-contract, Contractor shall mean Sub-
forming part of a Particular Specification contractor.
attached to the Contract.
1.3.3 Indicated as used in as indicated,
1.1.6 Where indicated, the work shall where indicated, unless otherwise indicated and
include comprehensive planned preventive like phrases shall mean indicated in Schedule No.
maintenance for a period of 12 months 1 of this Specification or in the other documents
following acceptance of the completed listed in the invitation to tender.
1.3.4 Approval (and words derived
1.1.7 Unless otherwise indicated, all therefrom) means approval in writing by the PM,
equipment and materials to be installed shall unless stated otherwise.
be new.

September 2002 1
Building Energy Management Systems Section One - General Requirements
Specification 47

1.3.5 Commissioning is the advancement specified. Where this is impracticable, the

of an installation from the stage of static relevant advice and delivery notes shall include
completion to full working order to specified the BS reference to which they are to comply.
requirements. Commissioning includes the
setting to work and regulation of an 1.6.2 Where commodities are specified as
installation. manufactured by a BSI Kitemark Licensee or
where commodities/services are specified to be by
a) Setting to work. The process of setting a Registered Firms (under BSI Assessment
static system into motion. Schemes), the manufacturer/firm must be a
current participant in the relevant scheme.
b) Regulation. The process of adjusting the
system operating criteria to the specified 1.6.3 Where commodities/services are
requirements. specified to be by registered/approved firms (under
Approved Quality Assurance Schemes), the
1.3.6 Site Performance Testing is the manufacturer/firm must be a current participant
evaluation of the performance of a in the relevant scheme.
commissioned installation.
1.6.4 The equipment and/or installation(s)
1.4 RELATED DOCUMENTS shall conform to the relevant British Standards
and Codes of Practice current 3 months prior to
1.4.1 This Specification shall be read the date for return of tenders, unless otherwise
in conjunction with, and its requirements are indicated. Certificates of compliance with British
in addition to, the general conditions of Standards, BSI Certification Schemes, and/or
contract and any drawings and other Quality Assurance Schemes, shall be provided to
documents issued with it and listed in the the PM at his request.
invitation to tender.
1.6.5 Unless otherwise stated, the
1.4.2 The Specifier shall list in the installation shall comply with all relevant MOD
Particular Specification the exclusion of Standards and Guidance and in particular the
Standard Specification clauses which are not requirements of:
required for the implementation of the BEMS.
a) Defence Estates Specification 034
1.4.3 Any discrepancy between this Electrical Installations (to be issued late 2002,
Specification, the Conditions of Contract, other early 2003),
documents listed on the tender form or the
Contract Drawings shall be referred to the b) MOD Specification 036 Heating, Hot and Cold
relevant persons designated in the tender Water, Steam and Gas Installations in
documents as soon as practicable during pre- Buildings,
acceptance stage, or to the PM thereafter.
c) MOD Specification 037 Air Conditioning, Air
1.5 PROVEN PERFORMANCE Cooling and Mechanical Ventilation for
1.5.1 Systems and equipment selected
by the Contractor shall have performed d) MOD Design and Maintenance Guide 08
successfully for a period not less than 2 years Space Requirements for Plant Access,
under the same conditions as those required by Operation and Maintenance.
the tender documents.
1.5.2 Systems and equipment that do
not comply with the foregoing proven 1.7.1 All work shall be carried out in
performance requirement may be considered, accordance with the MOD relevant Safety Rules
provided full technical details and evidence of and Procedures which may be seen on request to
suitability are given at the time of tendering. the PM.

1.6 STANDARDS 1.7.2 The installations(s) shall comply

with and be subject to all relevant Statutory
1.6.1 Commodities specified to Instruments, Regulations, special Guidance and
conform to British Standards shall be clearly Memoranda including but not limited to the
and indelibly marked with the reference

2 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section One - General Requirements
Specification 47

w) The Boiler (Efficiency) Regulations.
a) The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
1974. x) HSE Guidance Notes HS (G)70 The control
of legionellosis (including Legionnaires
b) Regulations under the Electricity Acts. disease).

c) Electricity Supply Regulations 1991 (as y) CIBSE Technical Memoranda TM13:1991

amended). Minimising the risk of Legionnaires Disease.

d) The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. z) BS 4737 Intruder alarm systems.

e) Factories Act and Regulations. aa) BS 5445 Components of automatic fire

detection systems.
f) The Clean Air Act.
bb) BS 6238:1982 (1993) Code of practice for
g) Control of Pollution Act. performance monitoring of computer based
h) Energy Conservation Act.
cc) BS 7807: 1995 Code of practice for design,
i) Regulations under the Factories Act. installation and servicing of integrated
systems incorporating detection and alarm
j) The Building Acts and Regulations. systems and/or security systems for buildings
other than dwellings.
k) The Gas Safety (Installation and Use)
Regulations. dd) BS EN 50065 Specification for signalling on
low-voltage electrical installations in the
l) The Control of Substances Hazardous to frequency range 3kHz to 148.5 kHz.
Health Regulations (COSHH).
ee) BS EN 55011: 1991 Specification for limits
m) The Pressure Systems and Transportable and methods of measurement of radio
Gas Container Regulations. disturbance characteristics of industrial,
scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency
n) The Construction (Design and equipment.
Management) Regulations (CDM).
ff) BS EN 55015:1996 Limits and methods of
o) The Management of Health and Safety at measurement of radio disturbance
Work Regulations (MHSW). characteristics of electrical lighting and
similar equipment.
p) The Personal Protective Equipment at
Work Regulations (PPE). 1.7.3 The tender shall be based on the
Regulations current 3 months prior to the date of
q) BS 7671: 1992 Requirements for electrical return of tenders.
installations. (The IEE Wiring

r) British Gas Corporation Codes of Practice. 1.8.1 The BEMS shall be protected from
the effects of conducted and radiated electrical
s) The Institution of Gas Engineers interference.
Utilisation Procedures (IGE/UP).
1.8.2 All components of the complete
t) Any special requirements of the Local BEMS shall comply with the requirements of BS
Electricity, Gas or Water Companies and EN 50081 Generic Emission Standards and BS EN
Fire Fighting Authority. 50082 Generic Immunity Standard. They shall
also comply with BS EN 60801 Electromagnetic
u) Regulations and requirements of British Compatibility.
1.8.3 The BEMS shall be protected from
v) The Asbestos Regulations. interference by the operation of hand held radio

September 2002 3
Building Energy Management Systems Section One - General Requirements
Specification 47

transmitters, radio pagers etc., within one An initial set of drawings described in
metre of the equipment. Clauses 1.9.1 shall be sent to the PM for comment
within five weeks of the acceptance of the tender.
1.8.4 To avoid corruption of
equipment by electrical interference, all wiring Comment on such drawings by the PM
shall be installed to minimise coupling of shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibilities
electromagnetic and electrostatic interference under the Contract for any discrepancies, errors
on low voltage signals and data wiring. The or omissions therein.
preferred method of achieving this shall be by
ensuring a physical separation of greater than 1.9.2 Builders Work Drawings
50mm between the power supply cables and
the signal and data cables. Where mixed Builders work drawings shall show fully
wiring is unavoidable, braided screen cable, dimensioned details of all builders work required.
dressed close to metalwork, is preferred. The
Tenderer shall specify the methods by which With the agreement of the PM, holes
he intends to eliminate any such interference and fixings, other than in plant rooms, may be
with his signal and data transmission. marked out on site instead of being shown on
1.9.3 As Installed Drawings
1.9.1 Working Drawings Unless otherwise indicated in the Unless otherwise indicated in the Particular Specification, the Contractor shall
Particular Specification, the Contractor shall provide four sets of approved drawings which, in
provide working drawings for comment before addition to the requirements of, shall show
manufacture or installation. The drawings where applicable:
shall show:
a) The location and identification number of
a) General arrangement of the location of all each circuit control valve.
BEMS equipment including but not
limited to controllers, operator station(s), b) The names of the manufacturers, model and
sensors and actuators. type numbers and rating of all items of
automatic controls equipment.
b) General arrangement of data transmission
cable routes including method of Unless otherwise indicated, draft copies
installation (conduit, cable tray, duct etc). of these drawings shall be submitted to the PM for
approval, prior to completion of the Works. Draft
c) Detailed layout of BEMS equipment drawings shall be clearly marked up as such.
including cable routes and methods of Final approved drawings shall be supplied to the
cable installation in switch rooms, plant PM not later than one calendar month before the
rooms, meter rooms, service ducts and date for completion of the Works (or such other
other special areas. time as may be agreed with the PM). Failure to
do so could cause delay in any release which it is
d) Power wiring to equipment. considered may be made from the Reserve on the
completion of the Works or during the
e) Field wiring to sensors, actuators etc. maintenance period, and in the settlement of the
final account.
f) Schematic diagrams of all systems
detailing the locations of each item of Each drawing shall be in accordance with
plant in the system and the control BS 308: part 1 (to ensure suitability for micro-
actuators and sensors, including cross- filming) and shall be a process negative on
reference points and item numbers, to translucent material, not paper, of a standard size
include the complete BEMS network. A1 to A4. Where agreed by the PM, microfiche
copies or CAD disks in agreed format may be
g) Plant operating logic and safety supplied.
interlocks. Electrical as installed drawings shall be
h) Routing of alarms and messages. provided in accordance with DEO Specification

4 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section One - General Requirements
Specification 47

034. system and plant connected to the BEMS. The words AS INSTALLED shall be c) Control strategy including diagrams.

inserted in 19mm block letters adjacent to the
title block of each drawing, together with the d) Instructions for switching on, operating,
name of the site, the building, the title of the switching off and isolation.
installation, the contract number and the
name of the Contractor. Each drawing shall be e) Instructions for dealing with fault diagnosis
dated. and remedial action. During the course of the Works, the f) Precautionary measures necessary for
Contractor shall maintain a fully detailed ensuring health and safety and avoidance of
record of all changes from the initial Contract misuse.
Drawings to facilitate easy and accurate
preparation of the As Installed drawings and g) Points list (all analogue and digital inputs and
to ensure that these drawings are in all outputs).
respects a true record of the installation.
h) Details of set points, alarm levels, time
1.10 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE schedules, overload settings.
i) Central station software manual.
1.10.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the
Contractor shall provide two separate copies of j) Specifications for sensors and activators.
the approved Health and Safety File, including
operating and maintenance documents and a k) Software back-up copies.
completed set of the planned maintenance data
sheets for the whole of the installation covered l) Emergency procedures.
by the Contract. These documents shall
contain all relevant information for the safe m) Names and addresses of suppliers of all major
operation and maintenance of the system. components, including details of type and
model reference, serial number, duty rating,
1.10.2 Unless otherwise indicated, a draft order number and date of purchase.
copy of the document shall be submitted to the
PM, for approval, prior to completion of the n) Spare parts lists for consumable items.
Works. Final approved documents shall be
supplied to the PM not later than one calendar o) Software revision number for each program.
month before the date for completion of the
Works (or such other time as may be agreed p) Maintenance schedules and other information
with the PM). Failure to do so could cause to maintain equipment in accordance with
delay in any release which it is considered may the manufacturers recommendations.
be made from the reserve on completion of the
Works, or during the maintenance period, and q) Commissioning data.
in the settlement of the final account.
r) Handover/acceptance documentation.
1.10.3 Documents are to be bound in strong
flexible and durable covers with four hole binding to s) Logbook to record incidents, operational
accept standard punched A4 sheets to BS 5097: information and changes made to the system.
Part 1. Documents shall be clearly indexed for ease
of reference. 1.11 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY

1.10.4 Operating and maintenance 1.11.1 The equipment supplied shall be suitable
instructions may be designed to be read in for operation on the site power supply and the
conjunction with As Installed drawings and supply voltage and frequency tolerances permitted
shall include the following: by the Electricity Supply Regulations 1991 (as
a) BEMS design philosophy.
b) A general description of the scope,
purpose and manner of control of each

September 2002 5
Building Energy Management Systems Section One - General Requirements
Specification 47

1.12.1 Bonding of all extraneous conductive

parts of the installation (including metallic
pipework, insulation cladding etc.) shall be
carried out in accordance with BS 7671
Requirements for electrical installations and
BS 7430 Code of Practice for earthing.


1.13.1 All materials and equipment items

shall be properly stored, as required by
manufacturers instructions where applicable.
Particular care shall be taken to ensure that
electrical equipment and components are kept
dry and free from dust.


1.14.1 Items, fittings and accessories to be

used in quantity shall, where practicable, be
the product of one manufacturer and shall be
used only for the purpose recommended by
that manufacturer.

1.14.2 Where practicable, all equipment,

components, and associated spares shall be
generally available.


1.15.1 The Contractor shall, as requested

and prior to placing orders, provide samples for
inspection by the PM. The samples shall be as
indicated by the PM.


1.16.1 Schedule No. 1 to this Specification

gives information to tenderers relating to the
clauses where options or specific numbers etc
require stating.

1.16.2 Schedule No. 2 to this Specification is

for tenderers to complete and return as part of
their tenders.

6 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

2 Section Two - System


2.1.1 This part of the Specification

covers the features of a BEMS that can be
evaluated and tested prior to installation and i) Alarms
which are independent of any installation
characteristics. It describes the intrinsic The time for activation of an alarm (at the
requirements for operator stations, controllers, source) to annunciation on an operators
network communications, sensors and station shall not exceed 5 seconds.
detectors. Requirements for documentation and
warranties are detailed in Section Three ii) Graphic Displays
A graphic display shall be displayed
2.1.2 Installation complete with updated information from
the field for all points, within 15 seconds of The Standard Specification must be the operator request.
read with and may be modified by, other
documents contributing to the full Project Once displayed, all point information will
Specification. be updated from the field and displayed at
intervals not exceeding 30 seconds. The Specifier shall list in the
Particular Specification the exclusion of iii) Logical Groups
Standard Specification clauses which are not
required for the implementation of the BEMS. A logical group shall be displayed complete
with updated information from the field for The Tenderer shall seek clarification all points within 10 seconds of the
from the Specifier where Standard Specification operators request. Once displayed the
clauses are retained but do not correspond to value shall be refreshed every 10 seconds.
the requirements and functions of the BEMS
expressed in the Particular Specification. iv) Selected Points

2.2 GENERAL The field value of a single input, output or

virtual point shall be displayed on the
2.2.1 Response Times operators station screen within 3 seconds
of a request. The response times detailed below are
the maximum acceptable response times for v) Global Programme
hard wired systems (These response times are
not applicable to installations including modems The time from occurrence of an event from
or locations which are not hard wired. Response one controller or unitary controller to the
times for such locations shall be reasonable). activation of the output of another
controller or unitary controller shall not
exceed 10 seconds.

September 2002 7
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47


2.3.1 Description The BEMS shall include the number of

operator stations specified. Each of these
facilities will include a computer processor, data
2.2.2 Power Failure Restoration or Normal Mode storage, keyboard and display, possibly in the
Following a Fire or Fire Test form of a personal computer, and other
peripherals as specified. Full recovery from any of these The function of each Operator Station
conditions shall be automatic and a return to shall be as detailed in the Particular
normal indication reported on the operator's Specification.
station unless otherwise indicated. All plant
shall be sequentially started on a controller-by-
controller basis, with suitable time delays 2.3.2 Operation
between the starting of each item of plant over
5kW. The operators station basic purpose is
to display and format data and enable manual
control functions (e.g. set point and program The main incoming switch changes) to be performed in a user friendly
disconnector or fuse-switch combination unit manner. Operators stations shall take no part
shall be monitored for its open status via an in any plant or global control functions.
auxiliary contact. The purpose of this is to Operators stations shall not be used to transfer
cancel mismatch alarms when the main switch data between controllers on the
disconnector or fuse-switch combination unit is communications network.
switched off. If there are two or more
controllers in a motor control centre, the The software for carrying out the
auxiliary contact shall be wired to each various detailed requirements of the Particular
controller or, alternatively, the auxiliary contact Specification shall be backed up at the
shall be wired to one controller and the status operators station irrespective of whether the
conveyed to other controllers via the routines are normally held and operated from a
controller or unitary controller. The operators
communication network.
station shall have the ability to upload and
download controller configuration data via the
2.2.3 Transient/Spike Protection
communications network. All microprocessor based controllers Where detailed within the Particular
and other electronic equipment such as unitary
Specification the operators station shall be
controllers, personal computers, peripheral
configured to automatically attain full functional
equipment and communications equipment,
status following switch-on or restoration of
must be capable of withstanding transient
power supply.
disturbances from the input power supply.
Protective devices shall comply with BS EN When a controller suffers a loss of
60099 Surge arrestors.
memory, which is then detected by the
operators station, the operators station shall Suppressors shall be fitted to all
automatically download all relevant stored
controller input and output points for protection
configuration data to the controller. This
against voltage transients, spikes etc.
feature shall be selectable on a controller by
controller basis. The controllers communication
network(s) shall be isolated against transient When a controllers software is
disturbances via optical couplers or other
modified locally, so that the controller software
approved means. Where running between
differs to that stored in the operators station,
buildings, lightning protection devices shall be
an alarm shall be raised at the operators
installed on the communications network at the
station to indicate the discrepancy. Uploading
point of entry to each building in accordance
the new configuration data from the controller
with BS 6651 Code of practice for protection of
shall be a manual, not an automatic operation.
structures against lightning.

8 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 Each operators station shall have a

real time clock which shall not be affected by e) Alter plant run status on command from
power failure and which shall be synchronised the keyboard.
with all other real time clocks on other
operators stations, controllers and unitary f) Re-schedule plant operation times from the
controllers, whenever a controller is brought keyboard. It shall be possible to apply such
back on line. All real time clocks shall also be re-scheduling globally to a number of items
synchronised on a daily basis with a nominated of plant at one or more sites as selected by
operator station as detailed in the Particular the operator.
Specification. Real time clocks shall contain the
necessary firmware to operate unaided until g) Adjust and synchronise all real time clocks
January 2050. on BEMS. The operators station shall be h) Prepare a calendar for plant operation.
provided with a removable media back-up
facility of suitable size, with a minimum of i) Alter plant control parameters on
seven storage media units to allow daily back-up command from the keyboard (e.g. increase
to be repeated on a weekly basis. Failure temperature set point).
during back-up will therefore not lose all data.
The backup facility shall be fully automatic, on a j) Obtain and display data from the BEMS,
specified time basis, with the ability to manually including controllers, on command or at
backup the system. It shall be possible to load time intervals selected by the operator.
selected files from this storage facility on to the
operators station. k) Set up central facility and controller
logging procedures. Each operators station shall contain
sufficient hard disk capacity for all database and l) Archive and/or delete logged data.
software requirements described within the
Particular Specification plus sufficient hard disk m) Reset counters from pulsed input signals.
capacity for all graphic displays, historical
records and trends as described below: n) Reset limits or zero the count of run-time
Graphic Displays 300 screens (no matter
what complexity) 2.3.4 Operational Safety

Historical Records 500,000 events Where an item of plant or equipment

has been manually isolated locally, for safety
Trends 10,000,000 samples reasons, it shall not be possible to change the
plant or equipment to a fully operating state by All programming such as alarm use of the BEMS.
inhibition, sequence interlocking, addition and
deletion of points, etc., shall be through the 2.3.5 Data Handling
operators station (or a laptop computer if
detailed in the Particular Specification). The operator station shall be equipped
for continuous access to the operating
2.3.3 Operator Actions parameters and logged data of the BEMS. The functions available to suitably Operator stations shall incorporate a
authorised operators shall be as specified but to data storage management system which warns
include as a minimum the following: against impending on-line storage overflow and
allows for data archiving to, and retrieval from
a) Acknowledge alarms, including muting of the removable media back-up facility. The data
audible or flashing annunciators. management system should prompt the
operator at pre-defined intervals to carry out
b) Add to or delete points from the system. the data archiving procedure.

c) Inhibit alarms for reasons of time and/or Where detailed in the Particular
priority as selected by the operator. Specification there shall be a facility to extract
data in a fully defined manner so that it can be
d) Alter the limits at which the measured accessed by software supplied by others and
values cause alarms to be signalled.
September 2002 9
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

exported to other computer systems. The system software shall accept up to
2.3.6 Colour Graphic Displays 10 levels of graphics. Changing from one
graphic to another graphic shall be by the use of In the graphics mode, the operators click boxes on the graphics.
station shall provide a minimum sixteen colour
graphic capability. The colour graphics shall Graphical representation of plant i.e.
incorporate automatic updating of real time field schematics shall be two-dimensional in
data. Full alphanumerics shall spell out in plain representation.
English any current condition, value, or action. Level 4 graphic screen shall comprise Each graphic shall incorporate up to 40 as a minimum the following:
freely assigned, connected or calculated points
and shall be stored on the operators stations a) Plant status (e.g. fan, pump, boiler, etc.).
hard disk ready to be displayed.
b) Measured values (e.g. temperature, Graphics and all related dynamic data humidity, static pressure, etc.).
display points shall be mouse and/or keyboard
programmable without interfering with the on- c) Output values (e.g. valve and damper
line operation of the system. They shall be position etc.).
easily developed, using a drawing package and
library of standard symbols representing devices d) Alarms and resets.
such as coils, smoke sensors, temperature
sensors, thermal sensors, door contacts, pumps, e) Plant command (on/off/auto).
fans, dampers, motors and similar items. The
standard symbols library shall be augmented by f) Plant command status (e.g. optimum start,
user defined symbols at any time. Once defined, fixed time start, boost, night low
these symbols shall be able to be added to the temperature cycle, manual, etc.).
standard symbols library. Editing features for
adding, deleting and modifying data, as well as g) Critical overrides (e.g. fire shutdown, first
format controls, shall be provided. Access to the stage frost, second stage frost shutdown,
colour graphics features shall be controlled so etc.).
that only designated operators can display or
modify files. h) Associated graphics click boxes. Each and every input, output and Outside air temperature and humidity
calculated BEMS point shall be placed on an shall appear on all level 4 system graphics.
associated graphic display. Each and every
system shall be provided with a separate graphic Level 5 graphic screen shall comprise
display comprising an overview screen and an as a minimum the following:
engineering screen. These displays shall be
linked as described below. a) Setpoints/schedules. It shall be possible to interrogate each b) Optimum start/fixed time programme

item of plant or system by graphic penetration. settings.
That is, all graphics shall be constructed in
levels as follows: c) Control loop parameters.

Level 1 - Graphic detailing site overview d) Plant run time status.

Level 2 - Graphic detailing building/block
overview e) Normal overrides (e.g. primary heating
Level 3 - Graphic detailing system on each loop temperature, enthalpy, standby power
floor/within each plantroom shutdown).
Level 4 - Graphic for a general system
overview f) Associated graphics click boxes.
Level 5 - Graphic detailing system
engineering parameters Should a graphic be too large to place
Level 6 - Graphic displaying system on a single display, it shall be segmented and
strategy diagram or flow chart each portion placed on separate graphics joined
Level 7 - Empty user definable graphic by click boxes.
10 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 All set points defined in the Particular

Specification shall be able to be modified via the All colour graphic displays shall be
graphics display. submitted to the PM for comment. Adequate
time (8 weeks minimum) shall be allowed for It shall be possible to manually this process, prior to commissioning on site.
override (force) on/off each system via the
applicable graphic screen. Indication shall be 2.3.7 Alarm Processing
provided on a graphic when a system has been
manually overridden. (See also 2.3.4 Alarms shall be classified by their
Operational Safety). alarm type. The facility shall be provided for
enabling and disabling each individual alarm on Point and controller status the system.
information shall only appear on the screen
when the controller has confirmed back to the Once generated, the alarm shall be
operators station that the command has been processed by its associated alarm type as
executed. Where identified in the Particular defined.
Specification, this shall be by positive feedback The alarm types shall be as follows:
that the desired effect has been achieved.
Type 1 - General Mismatch The colour of each point/symbol on a Type 2 - Critical Mismatch
graphic display shall represent a different Type 3 - General Digital
condition associated with the point/symbol. The Type 4 - General Analogue
exact colour will vary with different BEMS Type 5 - Critical Digital
systems, however the colours detailed below are Type 6 - Critical Analogue.
preferable. The conditions of each point below
are minimum requirements. Mismatch: The alarm is associated with an
output command point and an input giving
a) Healthy on (running) Green status feedback of the output command. The
b) Healthy off (stopped) White alarm is generated when the status feedback
c) Failed/alarm (unacknowledged) Red does not correspond with the output command
(flashing) status for longer than a defined time delay
d) Failed/alarm (acknowledged) Red
Digital: The alarm is associated directly with
(steady) an external volt free contact (i.e. a digital input).
e) Override on (forced on) Blue The alarm may be generated by transitions
f) Override off (forced off) Magenta from either open to closed status, closed to open
g) Loss of communication Yellow status, or any change of state. A time delay
shall be associated with the alarm such that the The background colour chosen shall alarm does not occur until the required alarm
enhance the graphic display and not obscure any state has existed for longer than the delay
on screen data. period. Colours chosen for periphery Analogue: The alarm is associated directly with
requirements e.g. pipework, ductwork, labelling an analogue input. The alarm is generated by
etc, shall be agreed. the BEMS due to a measured variable exceeding
specified limits. It shall be possible to define the Plant and field equipment references limits in two ways:
(tags) used in the Particular Specification shall
be included on all level 4 and 5 graphic screens. a) Fixed limits: In addition to those graphics The point has fixed upper and lower alarm
mentioned previously, the following shall also limits. If the measured variable rises
be provided on separate graphics. above the upper limit, or falls below the
lower limit, then an alarm is generated e.g.
a) All MCCs and BEMS control panels high alarm limit = 30C, low alarm limit =
detailing their number and location. 8C

b) The BEMS network and items of intelligent b) Floating limits:

BEMS equipment complete with addresses
and locations. The point has an associated setpoint, and
September 2002 11
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Specification 47

an alarm is generated when the measured the operators station.

variable deviates either above or below the
setpoint by more than a given alarm limit It shall be possible, at the highest
value. If the setpoint is changed, the alarm operator password level, to enable and disable
limits are automatically moved to suit, e.g. the audible alarm feature of the operators
setpoint = 21C, alarm limits = Setpoint station. Where such an alarm has been disabled,
2C. a visible reminder message to this effect shall
be displayed on the screen at the frequency The above alarm limits shall have stated in the Particular Specification. In
associated hysteresis bands to avoid nuisance addition a keyboard facility to mute the audible
alarming. A time delay shall be associated with alarm shall be provided. An alarm that has
the alarm such that the alarm does not occur been muted if not acknowledged within a user
until the required alarm state has existed for specified time shall be re-annunciated.
longer than the delay period. Alarms shall remain active until The operators station display shall acknowledged by an operator logged on with the
have a dedicated area at the top or bottom of appropriate password level, even if the alarm
the screen for use as an alarm banner. The has physically cleared. Upon acknowledgement,
alarm banner shall display, as a minimum, the the alarm shall be moved to the appropriate
two latest unacknowledged alarms at the top of place in the alarm list, the alarm banner shall
the current alarm list. Alarms shall be entered be updated as necessary and an alarm
into the list according to their type and event acknowledgement message sent to the printer(s)
order, with the most recent alarm being at the which shall include the time, date and
top of the list. As new alarm events occur, the operators identity. An acknowledgement
list shall be sorted to keep the list in the desired message at a given printer shall be in the
order. language/characters selected for that printer. On occurrence, all alarms shall be put When an alarm is acknowledged, the
in the alarm list and the relevant alarm audible alarm, if enabled, shall be muted unless
message printed out on the operators station(s) another unacknowledged critical or general
alarm printer(s). In addition, the following alarm exists on the system.
actions shall be taken dependant upon the
alarm type. It shall be possible to acknowledge
alarms on both an individual and group basis.
Critical Alarms: Upon clearance of an alarm, a
a) The alarm printout shall be in bold text to clearance message shall be sent to the printer,
clearly differentiate it from general or which shall include the time and date. If the
maintenance alarms. alarm has been previously acknowledged, it
shall be removed from the alarm list.
b) The banner alarm message display shall be
differentiated by means of text size or All alarm events shall be included in
colour from general alarms. the historical data program. It shall be possible to view or print the

c) Shall generate an audible alarm at the contents of the alarm list in historical order,
operators station. using the following selection criteria:

d) Shall have the ability to bring up an (i) All alarms in the alarm list.
associated alarm graphic or text screen at (ii) Critical alarms only.
the operators station. (iii) General alarms only.
(iv) Acknowledged alarms only.
General Alarms: (v) Selection of alarms associated with an
individual drive or plant only.
a) Shall generate a banner alarm message. The alarm processing system shall
b) Shall generate an audible alarm at the provide for:
operators station.
a) Alarm processing and if necessary allow
c) Shall have the ability to bring up an annunciation of alarms to take precedence
associated alarm graphic or text screen at over other activities.
12 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

alarms may be re-directed from the BEMS

b) Distinction between active alarms whose alarm printer to the security room alarm
condition is not yet cleared and printer, after normal work hours.
unacknowledged alarms.
2.3.10 Programming
c) An alarm review facility. The system shall have the facility for
d) Storage of alarm data together with other the user to write his own programs.
logged data as indicated above in order that Programming shall be performed via an
alarms can be analysed together with other operators station or portable computer.
data either by the BEMS integral software
or by other software. It is essential that programming is
user friendly and does not require the services
e) Alarm data should include: of a specialist software programmer.

condition identity Full allowance shall be made for

condition value complete programming of the system to achieve
alarm source all functions described in the Particular
alarm time and date Specification.
acknowledgement status The Contractor shall be responsible for
2.3.8 Alarm Inhibition setting up the software parameters for each
process loop, including the setting of the Consequential alarm suppression proportional bands, integral times and
algorithms shall be provided to limit the alarms derivative rates, which shall all be site
annunciated on the BEMS to those associated adjustable and recorded in appropriate
with the source of the initial alarm condition engineering units. All settings shall be such
e.g. boiler lockout shall not initiate flow and that each process loop performs within the
return water temperature alarms, fire alarms required tolerances and that there is no hunting
shall not initiate mismatch alarms, restoration (cycling) of final control elements.
of power following a power failure shall not
initiate mismatch alarms etc. Unless the Contractor specifically
states to the contrary in the Tender, it shall be Analogue alarms associated with plant deemed that the Contractor has given the
shall be inhibited when the plant is commanded following undertakings:
off by the BEMS unless otherwise stated in the
Particular Specification. a) Ownership of application software shall be
retained by the Client who requires
2.3.9 Information Redirection and Alarm unrestricted access to carry out
Transfer modifications and adjustment to
programmes as necessary. It shall be possible to transfer alarms
from the normal operator station to an b) The Tender price is deemed to include all
alternative operator station (e.g. from the royalties and other ownership fees payable
central station to the Security Guardroom). for software.
When this transfer takes place, only the alarms
identified in the Particular Specification shall be c) There shall be no agreements of any kind
raised. preventing the Clients staff from modifying
programs themselves, after Practical
Completion. Where indicated in the Particular
Specification each alarm raised at the 2.3.11 Monitoring and Targeting
alternative operator station shall have a text
message describing the action to be taken. The system shall be capable of utility
monitoring and targeting, waste minimisation It shall be possible for the system to and utility accounting in a single program.
redirect information to other (e.g. future)
operator stations and/or printers on a time The monitoring and targeting
schedule basis (including holiday programming) application shall be capable of operating on the
or manual command basis. For example, all BEMS central operator station, or other
nominated operator station, with no detriment
September 2002 13
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Specification 47

to the normal operation of the BEMS, and The Contractor shall initially
allowing nominated alarms to be displayed when configure the monitoring and targeting system
the monitoring and targeting application is in including the report format and graphical data
use. presentation, in conjunction with the client, and
demonstrate the fundamentals of the package to Access to the monitoring and targeting the system operator.
application shall be by use of a password, as set
out in 2.6.5 Password Access. 2.3.12 Equipment Operator Station The application shall support the General

following levels of data entry or data acquisition: The Operator Station shall comprise a
a) Manually typed-in values. personal computer, complete with monitor,
b) Hand-held data acquisition device. keyboard and mouse. The Operator Station
c) Manual data entry of invoice data. shall include a printer.
d) File importation.
e) Dynamic data exchange. The Operating system shall support
integral memory management and self test Data entry prior to being committed to diagnostic routines.
permanent storage shall have a facility for the
following error checking: The Tenderer shall state in Schedule 2
the specification of components to be provided
a) reading too high. for each Operator Station.
b) reading too low.
c) reading less than previous reading Monitor
(incremental meters).
d) too many digits in reading. Each Operator Station shall be
e) date of data entry invalid (data already supplied with a high resolution colour graphic
exists). monitor with a minimum resolution of 1024 x
768 pixels. The monitor shall comply with the The system operator shall be able to latest international standards for
over-ride calculated data, for example, where a electromagnetic emissions. The monitor and
meter was out of service. graphic card combination shall be capable of a
screen refresh rate greater than 72Hz (non- The application shall support the interlaced) for all screen resolutions used by the
archiving of historical data to remove it from system.
the active databases, and its replacement. The dimensions of the visible viewing The application shall support a area shall be as stated in the Particular
hierarchy of information levels, for example Specification. A text only display shall consist of
comprising site; building; department; energy 80 characters per line with 25 lines.
accountable centre; cost centre; meters. The
levels shall be capable of being summated from Keyboard
one level to the next. The keyboard shall be a 101/102 The application shall allow energy Enhanced QWERTY keyboard with full
targets to be established using recognised upper/lower case ASCII key-set, a numeric key
procedures. pad, and dedicated cursor control key pad. The application shall provide an Printers

exception reporting model.
Dot Matrix: The application shall provide report
and graph design capabilities including the Each operators station on the BEMS
linking of external databases. shall be capable of supporting a dot matrix
printer. The application shall provide full
integration with the BEMS allowing data-import The printer shall:
routines to acquire data from the BEMS.
a) Not hinder the operation of the BEMS.
Where this occurs, sufficient buffer
14 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

memory shall be provided to overcome this. b) Have a minimum printing speed of 4 full
black and white graphic pages per minute.
b) Have push-button selection of printing
quality. The printer shall be able to c) Have a minimum printing speed of 1 full
produce draft quality and letter or near colour graphic page per minute.
letter quality text.
d) Have a cassette ink system, so that ink
c) Have a 132 column format capability. renewal is a simple operation.

d) Be capable of using both continuous and e) Produce a true copy of the graphic display
single sheet stationery. i.e. have a true to life aspect ratio.

e) Be capable of supporting all such functions Environment

as enlarged, double width, double height
and reduced size text available on all All equipment associated with the
software installed on the BEMS operators BEMS operator station shall be capable of
station. operation in the following conditions without
detriment: Any printer specified for fire and
security alarms only, shall be of the two colour a) Temperature 0 - 45C
type fire alarms red, security alarms black.
b) Relative humidity 0 95% RH (non-
Laser: condensing). Each operators station on the BEMS 2.4 CONTROLLERS

shall be capable of supporting a laser printer.
2.4.1 Description
The printer shall: Controllers are real time,
a) Have a resolution of 600 dots per inch (dpi). programmable/ configurable devices which
control and/or monitor plant and/or
b) Have a paper tray capable of holding at environmental conditions via actuators and
least 100 pages. sensors. This definition may include both
general purpose controllers and unitary or
c) Have a manual paper feed capability and be dedicated controllers.
capable of accepting smaller than A4 items
of stationery e.g. envelopes. The BEMS shall comprise the number
of controllers necessary to meet the Particular
d) Have a minimum printing speed of 12 full Specification.
pages of text per minute. Controllers shall be complete with
e) Have a cartridge toner system which shall power supplies, a real time clock, input and
be simple to remove and replace. output modules, memory, processors and all
other items necessary for proper and correct
f) Be compatible with printer drivers supplied interfacing and operation of the control
with the BEMS operators station. functions described in the Particular
Ink Jet:
2.4.2 Communication Each operators station on the BEMS
shall be capable of supporting a colour ink jet All controllers shall have peer to peer
printer. Where specified, ink jet printers shall communications.
be used to copy any required graphic screens
together with all dynamic data, graphical trend 2.4.3 Stand Alone Operation
log displays and support Print Only functions
as required. All controllers shall have a stand alone
capability such that a failure of the operators
The printer shall: station shall still permit the plant and controls
associated with the controllers to continue to
a) Have a minimum of 16 colours. operate normally, with the controllers

September 2002 15
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Specification 47

continuing to communicate with one another. the system has been deemed Practically
Complete. In the event of transmission failure in
the controllers network, the controllers shall Once configured, points shall then be
continue to operate with all sequence interlocks assigned to colour graphic displays and/or logical
and control strategies operating normally groups.
excepting those which require global
information. Either user adjustable default 2.4.5 Status Information
values or the last sensed value (user selectable)
shall then be assumed for these global Controllers shall be able to provide the
parameters. operators station with status information
concerning their internal operations. This
2.4.4 Configuration information shall include, but not be limited to: Configuration data shall be stored in a) Data transmission and verification.

the controllers or the unitary controllers.
Configuration data shall include but not be b) Input/output point status (i.e. sensor fault,
limited to the following: point forced, etc.)

a) The engineering unit applicable (C, kPa, c) Program status (i.e. program error,
m/s etc.) program running, etc.)

b) The point identifier (minimum of 12 d) Internal battery condition.

characters). All necessary interfacing equipment
c) The point alarm message if applicable shall be provided so that the controllers are
(minimum of 80 characters). fully compatible with all items of plant and
d) The point descriptor (minimum of 32
characters). The controller shall be capable of
accepting digital, analogue, pulsed inputs and
e) Other miscellaneous information necessary providing digital and analogue outputs.
for the correct operation of the entire
BEMS (e.g. trending run hours, Digital input
accumulation, access levels etc.)
Shall monitor the change of state of a volt free All configuration data shall be contact.
displayed in alphanumeric characters.
Configuration shall include, but not be limited Pulsed input
to, the following:
Pulses (voltage-free contact closures, i.e. digital
a) All system peripherals and remote type input) originating typically from flow
controllers. meters, electrical kWh or kVA meters, etc. and
shall be accumulated into registers. A register
b) System inputs and outputs (binary and shall be resettable to zero either by software or
analogue). operator command. The input must be able to
accept pulses up to a frequency of 10Hz with a
c) System alarms. minimum duration of 50ms. All counts must be
stored in a non-volatile register so the count
d) System calculation results (e.g. efficiency value is not affected by a power failure.
Digital output
e) System parameters and timers.
The output signal, a voltage free contact which
f) System program (e.g. event initiated shall close upon energisation of the output.
program). Should digital outputs be used to drive
modulating actuators, other than for terminal
g) System points received via a data interface. unit applications, a potentiometer shall be fitted
to the actuator and connected to the BEMS to All configuration data shall be capable provide actuator position feedback. The
of modification as required by the Client after controller shall use this feedback to ensure the
16 September 2002
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Specification 47

accuracy of positioning of the actuator. Controllers shall be suitable for
Analogue inputs operation on the site power supply and the
supply voltages and frequency tolerances
Analogue to digital conversion (ADC) with a permitted by the Electricity Supply Regulations.
minimum resolution of 1024 counts (10 Bit) over
the input range (i.e. 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-20mA, 4- 2.4.7 Interruption of Electrical Power Supply
20mA etc.) of the sensor. The sensor range
shall match the process control range. Any Each controller shall be provided with
equipment necessary for the conversion of an its own internal back up supply, capable of
input signal to the required input level shall be maintaining all memory including the real time
provided. clock for not less than 72 hours continuous
generation. If the back up supply is by use of a
battery, then the battery shall be easily
replaceable, i.e. not soldered to the PCB.

Analogue outputs On restoration of the electrical power

supply, the controller shall automatically return
Digital to analogue conversion (DAC) shall be to normal action as specified in the Particular
performed by the controllers with a minimum Specification. Failure to return to normal
resolution of 256 counts (8 Bit) over the output action shall cause an alarm to be reported at the
range which shall also match the control range central operator station.
of the device and/or system being controlled.
Any equipment necessary for the conversion of 2.4.8 Self Testing
the output signal to the required process level
(i.e. 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA etc.) shall be The system shall monitor the
provided. operational status of controllers. On failure of
a controller an alarm will be signalled to the
Where analogue outputs are specified for central operator station.
driving damper and valve actuators, they shall
not be used to drive, raise or lower actuators On detecting a fault, the plant or
through interface devices. devices under the control of the controller shall
be set to pre-determined condition established
Universal inputs by the Contractor or as specified in the
Particular Specification and the execution
Shall be configurable to either digital or halted of any programme or event dependent on
analogue input and shall have the features the condition. Execution shall recommence
defined above. according to criteria established by the
Contractor or the Particular Specification when Each analogue input shall be the fault is cleared.
calibrated (to compensate for non-linear
characteristics of input devices, line resistance 2.4.9 Data Gathering and Storage
and similar items) to achieve an accuracy of the
displayed value on the operators station, as Controller interfaces shall be
detailed in the Particular Specification for each appropriate for gathering data from sensors and
sensing device. Calibration and scaling data devices provided by the Contractor or listed in
shall be retained in the controller memory. the Particular Specification. All interface units
Open or closed circuits on sensor inputs shall be required to comply with the Particular
recognised by the controller and annunciated as Specification are to be included. Unless
alarms on the system operators station(s). otherwise stated the following interface
characteristics will apply to existing plant and It shall be possible to characterise equipment:
each analogue output to an actuator in order to
obtain a near-linear response from the device a) Analogue Input. As variable currents (4-
the actuator is controlling. This may take the 20mA), variable voltages (0-10V) or variable
form of a look up table with a minimum of six resistances.
co-ordinates, such as the linear output from a
control loop is converted into a non-linear b) Binary Inputs. As derived from Volt
control signal to the actuator. Free contacts in field equipment switching
a voltage applied to the circuit from the
2.4.6 Power Supply controller (max 24 volts/20mA). The
September 2002 17
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Specification 47

interface shall be selected to monitor a Specification.

normally open or normally closed circuit. Unless otherwise stated the following
c) Pulsed Input. As derived from Volt Free interface characteristics shall apply to existing
contacts in field equipment switching a plant and equipment:
voltage applied to the circuit from the
controller (max 24 volts/20mA) at a pulse a) Analogue Output. As variable currents (4-
frequency of up to 10Hz. 20mA) or as variable voltages (0-10V). All inputs shall be scanned periodically b) Binary Output. Shall be selectable as
at not more than 2 second intervals. normally closed or normally open at the
controller. The Tenderer shall state the All inputs should be protected against maximum voltage and current rating of the
spurious out of range signals including those binary outputs.
caused by contact noise or bounce.
c) Pulse Output. Continuously variable Errors introduced by the analogue to control for actuators should be available in
digital conversion of field signals shall not the form of pulsed signals.
exceed 0.5% of the operating range of the field
device. Conversion of digital data to analogue
form shall be within an error tolerance of 0.5% The central station operator shall be of the digital value.
able to select the points to be logged by the
system. 2.4.11 Environment The total number of logging channels Controllers shall be suitable for
available for each controller shall not be less operating normally within the following
than 20% of the total physical points on that environmental ranges:
Temperature 0 - 45C The controller memory shall be Relative humidity 0 - 95% (non condensing)
sufficient to log the equivalent of 5 days data at
15 minute intervals for 20% of the total number Protective devices shall be installed when
of physical points on the controller. conditions are expected to fall below dew point. Logging memory shall be flexibly The equipment shall operate normally
allocated to the points selected for logging by in the electrical environment associated with
the operator, including soft or virtual points. building services plant room areas. When a log is set up, the following The equipment shall be suitably
shall be allowed for: protected against the effects of moisture, dust
and dirt in the environment when and where it
a) An error indication if the maximum logging will be installed.
channels are exceeded.
2.4.12 Construction
b) The ability to specify the frequency and
duration for which each data value is to be When not installed inside MCCs,
stored. controllers shall be enclosed in lightweight wall
mounted enclosures. These enclosures shall be Each logged value shall be associated constructed to IP51 Degree of Protection in
with its point reference, unit of measurement, accordance with DIN 40 050. The enclosures
the date and time measured and, if specified, shall be provided with a key-lock, and all locks
the initiating status value. shall use the same key numbers.

2.4.10 Controls Signals to Field Devices The controllers shall be constructed so
that the cabinets and internal terminal strips Controller interfaces shall be can be mounted, and electrical terminations
appropriate for providing control of signals to made, with all electronics being added at a later
actuators and devices provided by the date during the testing and commissioning
Contractor or listed in the Particular phases.

18 September 2002
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Specification 47

2.4.13 Terminations A laptop computer shall be used to

interrogate and program controllers where Where practicable it should be possible stated in the Particular Specification.
to replace circuit boards in controllers without
disconnecting field wiring from terminals. The computer shall be supplied with
all necessary software to allow for local Terminals of the screw down clamp interrogation and programming, whether it be a
type fixed to purpose made mountings shall be copy of the head-end software, a dedicated
used. programming/ interrogation program or else a
terminal emulation program. This software Groups of terminals carrying different shall be password protected.
voltages shall be segregated in accordance with
BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical The computer shall be plugged into
Installations. any controller or unitary controller throughout
the system and once connected shall be able to
2.4.14 Controllers Spare Capacity access all control devices on the associated
network. Each controller or controller location
shall be provided with spare hardware capacity 2.4.17 Uninterruptable Power Supply
for future additions of at least 20% of each type
of point. Universal inputs may be counted as Operator Stations and controllers as
either a spare digital or analogue point, but not listed in the Particular Specification shall be
both. Note that this spare capacity may be provided with uninterruptable power supplies
accomplished by the addition of input/output (UPS).
modules. Memory shall also be sufficient to
allow all programmes associated with these Operation of UPS shall be such that in
points to be run in the controller. The the event of mains failure the equipment
Tenderer shall state in his tender how many supported shall not power down and reboot.
spare points are actually available on each
controller or at each controller location and the A UPS shall be capable of maintaining,
expansion capability. in a fully functional mode, its associated devices
for a period of 20 minutes at all times
throughout the design life of the installation.
2.4.15 Remote Portable Terminals The UPS shall have sealed batteries
Remote Panel Facia Mounted Touch and include volt free contacts for connection to
Pad/Display Panel the BEMS for monitoring of the following
conditions: Touch pad/display panels (liquid
crystal) shall be password protected and shall a) Battery low level.
provide setpoint adjustment, plant command,
system monitoring and alarm interrogation and b) Charger fault.
acknowledgement facilities.
Hand Held Terminal
2.5.1 General A hand held terminal shall incorporate
a keypad and liquid crystal display, shall be This sub-section describes the
password protected and shall provide setpoint minimum requirements for standard monitoring
adjustment, plant command, system and control routines and algorithms which may
monitoring, alarm interrogation and need to be present in one or more BEMS
acknowledgement facilities. The hand held controllers in order to meet the requirements of
terminal shall be plugged into any controller or the Particular Specification and Schedules.
unitary controller throughout the system and
once connected shall be able to access all control These routines and algorithms should
devices on the associated network. be resident at the controller either as firmware
or software downloaded from the central
2.4.16 Laptop Computer operator station during commissioning. Specific routines or algorithms may be

omitted where the Particular Specification does
September 2002 19
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Specification 47

not require them. for each analogue point. In this document software should be It shall be possible to configure the
taken to refer to any computer code which system such that modifications made to any
implements monitoring and control routines or limit at the controller are automatically
algorithms, whether stored in volatile memory reported to the central operator station.
(RAM) or as firmware in read only memory
(ROM). It shall be possible to define a
relationship between an analogue point Software warranty requirements are threshold value and a digital point status.
detailed in Section 3 Installation.
Pulsed Inputs The software supplied shall include the
facility to create soft or virtual points. The software routines necessary to
These shall have a unique reference and accept process pulsed inputs shall be resident at the
an assigned binary or analogue value in the controller.
same manner as real points. The pulsed input signals shall be It shall be possible to override all stored as a cumulative total. It shall be possible
input and output points by use of the BEMS for the operator to reset the counter.
manufacturers standard software engineering
pages or graphics. It shall be possible to add or subtract
pulse counts from different meters to record net
2.5.2 Manual Start/Stop consumptions. Manual start/stop shall be provided for The software routines shall compare
each system and individual item of plant e.g. the number of pulses with preset limits on the
pump, fan, etc. basis of either: When the manual command can be a) Total number of pulses per unit time.
overridden by other signals e.g. fire, frost, etc.
the system or item of plant selected for manual b) Time required for a total number of pulses.
start/stop control shall be manually controlled
without forcing the output point(s) directly. The inputs which are used to monitor
fluctuating pulse rate (e.g. maximum demand
2.5.3 Monitoring Routines meter for electricity) shall have operator
adjustable limits similar to those described for
Binary Inputs analogue inputs. The software routines necessary to When data for pulsed inputs is
process binary inputs shall be resident at the recorded or achieved, the record shall include
controller. both the pulse count and logging interval for
cumulative counts. The routines shall be configurable
such that one or more events may be enabled in Calculation (Metering Programme)
direct response to any defined logical
relationship between the status of a number of Where defined in the Particular
physical or soft points. Specification, a totalisation programme shall be
provided for each electric meter (pulsed) output.
Analogue Inputs The system shall initiate an identifiable alarm
output whenever the preset limit has been The software routines necessary to exceeded for the particular item. The
process analogue inputs shall be resident at the Contractor shall propose a schedule of preset
controller. limits to be entered and used during testing and
commissioning. It shall be possible to assign limiting
values to each analogue point. Each limit shall The total shall be accessible by
be associated with a configured response. command from the operator, who shall also be
able to reset the limits or zero the count for It shall be possible to set both each meter.
maximum control deviations and absolute limits
20 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 Where specified that meter reading 2.5.4 Control Routines

information will be used for validation or for re-
charge purposes, the pulsed outputs shall be General
recorded in a data logger at the controller
supported by the controller internal battery For control purposes, the data
such that a continuous record is available of obtained from field devices shall be allocated to
each meter reading. appropriate control software routines and
algorithms as defined by the operator.
Positive Feedback Provide a facility to allow the pulsing The software shall include routines of the BEMS output signal to the actuators as
necessary to confirm that specific items of plant means of controlling rate of movement of the
(pumps, fans etc.) are functioning correctly. actuator.
This shall be done by monitoring physically
separate but functionally related sensors, Provide a facility to drive actuators to
transducers or soft points. For example, a their open or closed positions at the end of plant
pump is only to be signalled as running when operating periods.
a closed signal is received from the starter
and/or an appropriate sensor indicates that the Control Modes
flow in related pipework has been established. The following control loops shall be Following plant switch-on, if the provided as standard from which control loops in
expected response has not been established by a the Particular Specification can be configured.
pre-set time, an alarm signal shall be raised and
it shall be possible to operate the standby plant. a) On/off control and floating control.
The operator shall be provided with a facility
to adjust the pre-set time delay. b) Time proportional control. The controller shall be capable of c) Proportional, proportional plus integral and
utilising measured feedback of an actuator proportional plus integral plus derivative
position to give a percentage open reading. control.

Run Time Totalisation Time Control A run time totalisation programme The time programme shall enable and
shall be provided for each drive or plant enable disable the item(s) of plant specified at specific
output. The system shall initiate an identifiable times for each day of the week. It shall be
alarm output whenever the preset limit has possible to specify a minimum of four switching
been exceeded for the particular item. The times per day.
Contractor shall propose a schedule of preset
limits to be entered and used during testing and Pre-defined start/stop programmes for
commissioning. plant connected to a controller shall be available
at that controller at all times. These The run time total shall be accessible programmes are to include variations to suit
by command from the operator, who shall also weekends, holidays etc., which can be pre-
be able to reset the limits or zero the count for programmed by the operator.
each item. It shall be possible to superimpose
Trend Logs onto a standard time schedule the following
functions: The software shall include logging
routines to enable the operator to prepare logs a) Optimum start/stop control day omit.
at each controller for any real or soft point on
the system including measured values, status b) Fixed extensions and contractions.
reports etc. Control shall automatically revert to The operator shall be provided with the standard time programme on subsequent
the option to specify desired logging duration, days.
start and/or stop time of the trend period and
logging frequency. The system shall be capable of being
switched from British Summer Time to
September 2002 21
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

Greenwich Mean Time and back. The operator of season shut-down. These run periods shall be
shall be able to preset the changeover date and adjustable by the operator.
Sequence Control It shall be possible to program for up
to twelve months in advance including holidays The software shall include sequence
and to make temporary time adjustments which control routines to automatically sequence the
automatically reset once operated. operation of plant by monitoring load
parameters and efficiently match the plant to At the request of the operator, a the load.
system summary of all or selected time
schedules may be displayed at the operators It shall be possible to program
station and/or printed out. different automatic sequences of control. The programming calendar shall take The operator shall be provided with
into account leap years where appropriate. the facility to override the automatic sequence
and program an alternative sequence.
Start/Stop Control The set point values for each control The software routines shall be capable action shall be variable and adjustable by the
of starting and stopping plant according to the operator.
sequences detailed in the Particular
Specification including any specific The routines shall include an operator
requirements for "off" position or status of plant adjustment for switching control differentials to
items, valves and dampers etc. prevent short cycling. Where specified, standby plant shall The routines shall ensure that when
operate automatically on failure of duty plant. the maximum number of start/stop cycles for a
Controllers are to report plant failure alarms to particular plant is reached, then its schedule is
the central operator station. automatically modified, e.g. by rotating standby
equipment or changing the lead machine. Controllers shall be capable of
alternating the lead plant where duty and The routines shall also include the
standby equipment is installed. This shall be facility to operate all plant ancillaries associated
achieved both by an operator command and on a with sequence control unless these have been
time-scheduled basis. specifically excluded in the Particular
Specification. The operator shall be provided with
the option to override any start/stop action The routines shall include the facility
programmed within the controllers. When to proceed with the defined sequence when one
reverting to normal automatic control, the of the items of plant in the sequence is isolated
original programme shall be automatically or fails to operate unless the safety
reinstated and updated to the correct time. requirements dictate otherwise. Delayed plant starting facilities shall Rotational Point

be provided at controllers to reduce power
surges. It shall be possible to start plant This programme shall initiate the
sequentially by adjusting the delay period for altering of the control point designation (such as
each item. duty/standby and lead/lag) under any one of the
following circumstances: It shall be possible for the operator to
specify minimum on/off cycle times and/or the a) On a calendar basis (e.g. weekly, monthly).
maximum number of starts per hour for
specified items of plant. b) Once a predefined hours run total has been
Plant Protection During Shutdown
c) Once a predefined time is reached. The software shall include a plant
protection routine which enables the operator to Major plant items (boilers, chillers
select and automatically run items of plant etc.) affected by the automatic changeover of
(such as pumps etc.) for short periods during out other items of plant (pumps, fans etc.) which are
22 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

running when the rotational point is required to Optimum Start/Stop

operate shall be shut down in a controlled
manner before point rotation occurs. Following Optimum start and stop programmes
point rotation, the main plant shall be restarted shall be provided for energy conservation where
as required. specified and shall calculate the optimal start
and stop times for the HVAC plant, based on The parameter which defines which occupancy time, measured internal space and
item of plant is which (i.e. lead or lag; duty or outside conditions. The programmes shall be
standby) shall be configured to allow its display. suitable for both heating and cooling operation
Upon failure of the lead or duty machine the as specified and shall be self-adaptive, i.e. they
lag or standby machine will run in its place and shall make corrections to the optimisation
become the duty/lead machine. character-istics in accordance with the accuracy
of their predictions. The programme shall take Once the rotational point has operated account of the day of the week, occupancy
to place the failed lead/duty machine in the patterns and holidays.
lag/standby position, or the lag machine has
failed, the rotational point shall be inhibited Unless otherwise detailed in the
until the failed machine is reset from the Particular Specification, any optimum start
operators station. boost condition shall be terminated by either
occupancy time being reached or by occupancy
Boiler Management temperature being achieved whichever occurs
first. Safety and firing of boilers will
normally be supervised by separate controls For both optimum start and stop
supplied by the boiler manufacturer. The operation, after the initial learning period,
BEMS software routines shall however include setpoint should be achieved within 15 minutes
the following boiler management functions: of the start or end of occupancy.

a) Enable/disable command signal to the The programme shall incorporate

boiler controller. facilities for maintaining the internal space
temperature of the building or system above a
b) The selection of the fuel in multi-fuel predetermined minimum level, outside
installations. occupancy hours.

c) Signalling of faults and alarms. For each optimum start programme,
the following points shall be logged:
d) Monitoring of the following minimum
performance parameters: a) Plant start time.

burner status b) Outside air temperature at plant start

fuel consumption (on each boiler) time.
heating flow/return temperatures
hours run c) Inside air temperature at plant start time.

Chiller Management d) Time optimum start terminated. Operation of packaged chiller plant e) Lowest inside air temperature at optimum
will normally be supervised by separate controls start termination time.
supplied by the chiller manufacturer. The
BEMS software routines shall however include f) Time inside setpoint achieved.
the following chiller management functions: For each optimum stop programme
a) Enable/disable command signal to the the following points shall be logged:
chiller controller.
a) Plant stop time.
b) Signalling of faults and alarms.
b) Outside air temperature plant stop time.
c) Monitoring of the performance parameters
of electrical load (on each chiller); chilled c) Inside air temperature at plant stop time.
water flow/return temperatures; hours run.
d) Time inside setpoint achieved.
September 2002 23
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

for this purpose.

Building/Plant Protection
Weather Compensation Control The software shall include protection Weather compensation shall be routines to operate the plant in order to protect
provided to allow system control in relation to the building fabric and its contents against
external weather conditions. This shall include effects of low internal temperatures and of
the option to adjust temperature and flow and condensation.
re-define the weather compensation. If the air temperature falls below the Abrupt changes in the heating system pre-set protection temperature, the heating
performance or space temperature shall not system and related plant is to be turned on and
adversely affect the automatic adaptive heat supplied to maintain the air temperature
compensation process. at or above the protection set point
temperature. A single weather compensation curve
should be used for each zone irrespective of the The building/plant protection routine
number of temperature sensors provided in that shall override other operating programmes
zone. unless otherwise specified. Building protection
shall operate whenever the normal heating is The routines shall respond to the reset switched off.
signals arranged to achieve boost, night set back
and boiler safety. Load Cycling Control

Frost Protection The software shall include routines to

intermittently disconnect selected plants to The software shall include frost make electrical energy savings.
protection routines to operate plant and pumps
in order to protect building services systems and The periods of disconnection and the
their components from frost damage. environmental or other control limits shall be
adjustable by the operator. The protection shall be provided in two
stages: Load Shedding

a) When the outside air temperature falls to When specified, this programme shall
the operator set minimum frost protection monitor the sites energy usage and power
temperature, the selected pumps shall be factor and be capable of predicting the
started and circulation established through maximum demand, in kVA and kW, and
pipework systems and their components. automatically shedding load to limit the demand
The operator shall be able to pre-select to predetermined limits. Loads which may be
which plant is to be started. The automatic shed will be nominated on a schedule. This
standby plant is to operate on failure of the shall be arranged on a priority basis. Each load
duty plant. shall also be given an associated kW or kVA
value together with minimum on and maximum
b) When the system temperature falls below off times.
the operator preset minimum, the full frost
protection facility shall be initiated. In the The unloading shall be cyclic so that
case of heating systems, the heat source items of similar priority level having been
shall be turned on and operated to switched off, shall be stacked at the bottom of
maintain the return flow temperature that priority queue unless determined otherwise
above the pre-set minimum. For other by the operator. The system shall provide the
liquid systems, they shall have their facility for the operator to select the demand
specified protective devices activated (e.g. limit and the loads available for shedding. The
frost protection heaters). maximum demand period shall parallel that of
the Electricity Supply Authority half-hour cycle Where specified, frost protection of a for maximum demand.
plant shall operate whether the plant is selected
to run in test or auto. If necessary, a Fresh Air Control
separate BEMS binary output shall be provided

24 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 The software shall include routines to incorporate a user adjustable delay.
optimise the proportions of fresh and
recirculated air based upon conditions of these c) Switching internal lights off according to
two airstreams and the requirements of the occupancy detectors.
controlled space. The proportions shall be based
upon either the enthalpy or the dry bulb d) The on/off switching of external lighting
temperature measured by sensors in each based on the signals from an external photo
airstream as specified. sensor. The fresh air proportion shall The automatic control of lighting by
modulate between an operator set minimum the BEMS is to be capable of being overridden
value to full fresh air, as specified. by local switches and by the operator at the
central operator station.
Enthalpy Control The lighting system is to be manually An enthalpy switchover programme controlled in the event of failure of the BEMS.
shall operate for the plant detailed in the
Particular Specification. The programme shall Emergency Lighting
monitor the outside air enthalpy and the return
air enthalpy for the nominated plant. The emergency lighting shall be
monitored but not controlled. When the specific enthalpy of the
outside air exceeds that of the return air during Occupancy Control
a cooling cycle, a command signal shall be
provided to position and hold the HVAC plant The software shall include a routine to
dampers in the minimum fresh air position. enable the operation of the plant to be
The dampers shall remain in this position for a controlled in response to the level of occupation,
minimum specified time. as described in the Schedules. When the specific enthalpy of the For each occupancy zone, one or more
outside air is less than that of the return air, control signals shall be available to switch
the normal damper control sequence shall be lights, ventilation and heating systems.
resumed provided the minimum time period has
elapsed. Fire and Security Control Whenever enthalpy changeover occurs The BEMS shall be compatible and
the enthalpy condition shall be logged. interface with the fire and security systems as
described in the Schedules.
Air Quality Control
2.6 COMMUNICATIONS The software shall include routines to
enable the operation of the ventilating plant to 2.6.1 General
be controlled in response to measured air
quality. This sub-section describes the
requirements for two way data communications Where air quality control is used in between the various functions (controllers or
conjunction with fresh air control then the operator stations) within the BEMS. Each
greater demand for fresh air is to have priority. station must include facilities which allow the
automatic establishment of data
Lighting Control communications with the other functions within
the BEMS and the ability to exchange data. The The software shall include routines to communication network itself is covered in
control lighting in the following ways: Section 3 of this standard specification.

a) On/off switching of external and internal 2.6.2 Software

lights at fixed times in accordance with the
weekly schedules defined by the operator. The communication software shall
allow for the transmission of alarm messages
b) The dimming and switching of internal and data reporting, as well as remote access to
lights based on the signals from external controllers and operator station(s) for updating
and internal photo sensors. This is to control and monitoring data, and if appropriate,
September 2002 25
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

software. 2.6.4 Data Distribution Equipment The communication protocol used General

shall achieve error free data transfer. The
protocol shall: Power supplies for data distribution
equipment connected to a public switched
a) Include an error detection check. telephone network (PSTN) shall comply with BS
EN 41003 1997 Particular safety requirements
b) Include an error correction and/or re-try for equipment to be connected to
technique. telecommunications networks.

c) Limit re-transmission. Modems

d) Raise an alarm condition on failure. Modems shall be approved by the

relevant authority and conform to BS6320 At the end of communication, whether Specification for modems for connection to
this is a normal termination or due to failure, public switched telephone networks etc. 1992.
each station shall automatically reset itself and
any associated equipment to the normal The connection between modem and
disconnected state and be ready to receive or telephone lines must be wired direct.
initiate another communication. To meet BEMS operational The communication system shall be requirements, modems and associated BEMS
capable of operating at a speed of at least 1,000 communication equipment shall provide the
logged values and associated data per minute. following functions: The communication system shall a) Auto answer.

operate so that at least 99% of complete
communication conversations shall be b) Auto dial.
successful unless the communication network
fails. c) Auto re-dial. Complete conversations shall be error The modem shall block any
free. communication until a password has been
entered. After a pre-determined number of Controllers shall automatically attempts (as defined in the Particular
synchronise their real time clocks with that of Specification) by unauthorised persons to access
the system when communicating with the the site via the modem, it shall contact the
system. central operator station and issue an alarm
message that unauthorised access has been All software relating to plant attempted.
monitoring and control detailed in the
Particular Specification shall reside at the The transmission rates shall be
controller or unitary controller level. Only selected for compatibility with both the BEMS
management software shall reside at the and PSTN or ISDN, but shall operate at a
operator station. minimum of 9600 baud. All programmes shall be scanned as a The system shall have the capability of
minimum every two seconds. storing 6 different telephone numbers and
dialling them in sequence. Software shall include diagnostic
routines which check hardware for correct The BEMS System Contractor shall
operation. All hardware faults shall be install the telephone point and be responsible
annunciated at the operator station. for all authority fixed charges up to and
including the end of the defects liability period.
2.6.3 ESCROW Agreement However, call charges after Practical
Completion shall not be included. The Contractor shall complete and
sign the ESCROW Agreement (Sample 2.6.5 Password Access
Agreement Document set out in Annex A)

26 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 Any controller keyboard, operator to four points shall be able to be displayed
station or display facility shall be protected by a on each trend log. These logs shall be
security code system. capable of updating at one second intervals. Operators shall gain access to the g) Historical trend logs, which log the value of
system by logging on which shall be achieved by selected points as recorded at
entry of a unique operator name and password predetermined intervals. Sample times for
combination. each point to be logged shall vary from 5
seconds to 24 hours. Each operator shall be assigned a
system access level which shall enable that h) Hours run values for selected or all
operator, once logged on, to access only those equipment.
command, monitoring and programme functions
which have an equal or lower access level. A i) Accumulated register values for selected or
minimum of eight access levels shall be all equipment.
j) Change of state conditions for selected or Only the highest access level shall all equipment.
enable assignment or reading of operator
passwords. The system shall support a In addition, an operator must be able
minimum of twenty separate operators. to record, format, display and/or print out
information, as detailed above, on a building, The system shall record (to the controller or ID basis.
operators stations hard disk and optionally on a
selected printer) logging on/off activity. The point ID basis shall allow an
Terminals shall automatically log off after a pre- operator to enter all or any part of a point
set time if no keyboard activity has occurred. In identifier complete with wild cards. The system
addition, operators shall be able to manually log will then perform the required function (i.e.
off when leaving the terminal. search, record, print etc.) on all points which
have common identifier characters to that It shall be possible for the central entered.
operator station to request that changes made
at controllers are reported automatically to the A print screen function shall also be
central station. available. The configuration of system access The BEMS shall be able to arrange all
levels shall be submitted for approval before data in a format compatible with Microsoft Excel
commissioning commences. software or an approved equivalent, which shall
also be supplied with the system.
2.6.6 Systems Logs and Reports When an operators station is being An operator shall be able to display used for spreadsheet purposes and other similar
system logs on any operators station to print programming functions, which may not be
logs on any BEMS printer. Logs as a minimum directly related to the monitoring and control
shall include: aspects of the system, it shall continue to
monitor, display and enunciate alarms upon
a) Critical alarm summary log. their occurrence.

b) Critical and general alarm summary log. Once the hard disk unit of an
operators station is 90% full, it shall raise an
c) Summary of all current alarms. alarm to indicate this.

d) Status logs which include a review of 2.7 CONTROLS

selected system points (e.g. graphic display
or logical group). 2.7.1 General

e) Time schedule logs, which print all or Ambient Conditions

selected time schedules. All controls shall be capable of
f) Trend logs, which display real time values operating in ambient conditions varying
of selected points in a graphical format. Up
September 2002 27
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

between 0-45C and 0-95% RH (non-

condensing). 2.7.2 Sensors, Detectors and Switching Devices

Conduit Entry Sensors, detectors and associated All control devices shall, unless meters shall comply with the requirements of
provided with a flying lead, have a 20mm any relevant British Standard, and also have a
conduit knockout. Alternatively they shall be proven record of long term precision and
supplied with adaptors for 20mm conduit. reliability when used with BEMS and with
building services systems.
Ancillary Items All sensor output signals shall be The following ancillary items shall be compatible with interfaces fitted to associated
included when items of equipment are installed controllers.
in the situation listed: Connections to sensors and detectors
a) External Mounting shall be by use of screw down clamp type
terminals or self locking connectors.
All devices mounted externally, or which
due to their location are exposed to the Sensors, detectors and meters shall be
elements, are to be suitably installed in accordance with the manufacturers
weatherproofed to IP65. instructions and recommendations.

b) Pipework Immersion Calibration conditions for meters shall

be fully documented in the BEMS manuals and
Corrosion resisting pockets of a length clearly marked on or adjacent to the meters.
suitable for the complete active length of
the device, screwed or BSPT suitable Accuracy
for the temperature, pressure and medium. Control and measuring devices shall
c) Duct Mounting have the following limits of accuracy:

Mounting flanges, clamping bushes, Temperature : 0.5C

couplings, lock-nuts, gaskets, brackets, Pressure : 0.5% of full scale reading
sealing glands and any special fittings Humidity : 2% RH
necessitated by the device. Air flow : 2% of full scale reading
Water flow : Operating range of 5:1 and Additional Features accuracy of better than
2%of the measured value.
a) Concealed Adjustment To ensure accuracy, all temperature
All two position switching devices shall measuring devices in wells or pockets shall be
have concealed adjustment unless detailed installed using a suitable heat transfer medium.
otherwise in the Particular Specification.
Averaging Elements
b) Hand Reset Feature Shall be used in frost protection and
All two position switching devices requiring mixing applications and where listed in the
a hand reset feature are detailed in the Particular Specification.
Particular Specification. Shall have a minimum capillary length
c) Operating Voltage of 5m.

All two position switching devices shall be The capillary element shall be
capable of switching voltages up to 240V AC serpentined across the whole duct.
and all accessible live parts shall be
shrouded to IP 2X as a minimum. Devices Where the span of the element is less
with metallic cases or exposed metal parts than 1m, it shall be fixed with purpose-made
shall be supplied complete with an earth clips and may be unsupported across the duct.
28 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 Where the span of the element is Rigid Stem

above 1m then it shall be adequately and rigidly
supported. Shall be used on ducts having a cross-
sectional area of up to and including 0.6m.
Room Thermostats They shall be as specified for duct mounted
thermostats. When of the bimetal detector type
they shall be fitted with a shunt accelerator Capillary
heater. Shall be used on ducts having a cross- Shall be suitable for mounting on sectional area exceeding 0.6m. Shall have a
British Standard conduit boxes. minimum capillary length of 5m and shall
operate when any 300mm length of sensing Scale ranges shall cover a band of at element falls below the set point. The capillary
least 5C and no more than 15C on either side element shall be serpentined across the whole
of the set point detailed in the Particular duct. Where the span of the element is less than
Specification. The operating differential shall 1m then it shall be fixed with purpose-made
not exceed 1C, under all load conditions, for clips and may be unsupported across the duct.
rates of temperature rise and fall within the Where the span of the element is above 1m,
controlled space of 3C per hour, and 2C for then it shall be supported adequately and
rates of 14C per hour. rigidly. Where room adjustment is required, Electronic Clamp-on Type

as detailed in the Particular Specification, this
facility shall include mechanical stops to limit Shall be used as an alternative to rigid
the amount of adjustment. stem and capillary types were detailed in the
Particular Specification. The thermistor Manual override shall only be provided element shall be clipped to the heat exchanger
when detailed in the Particular Specification. return tube within the ductwork by means of a
phosphor bronze clip(s). The unit shall be
Duct Mounted and Immersion arranged for automatic reset after power
Thermostats failure. Shall be either of the rigid stem type If the thermostat is located in an area
or else of the capillary terminated in sensing where the ambient temperature outside the
bulb type. Stem lengths shall be selected upon ductwork may fall below the switching point of
the duct or pipe size so that the stem extends the thermostat, then the thermostat housing
half way into the duct or pipe. If this is not shall either be located within the ductwork or
possible then the stem shall have a minimum else insulated against the effects of cold upon its
length of 300mm. Capillary and bulb assemblies switching action.
shall have a minimum length of 1.5m.
Humidistats Scale ranges shall cover a band of at
least 5C and no more than 30C on either side Shall not require regular
of the set point detailed in the Particular maintenance, re-calibration or regeneration.
Specification. Room versions shall be suitable for The operating differential shall not mounting on British Standard conduit boxes.
exceed 3K for all load conditions. Thermostats
do not need to be provided with an adjustable Scale ranges shall cover a band of at
differential unless detailed in the Particular least 10% RH on either side of the set point
Specification. detailed in the Particular Specification.
Operating differentials, under all load
Duct Mounted Frost Protection conditions, shall not exceed 5% RH.
Pressure Switches for Pipework May be of either the rigid stem or
capillary type according to the duct cross- Shall be bellows operated, the bellows
sectional area unless a clamp-on type is being suitable for the medium and the working
specified in the Particular Specification. temperatures and pressures. The pressure
switch shall be capable of withstanding a
September 2002 29
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

hydraulic test pressure of twice the working Shall be selected for the fluid type,
pressure. system pressure and have adjustable
differentials. They may be: Connections shall be suitable for 8mm
() o.d. copper tube. a) Conventional float type Shall be supplied suitable for pipe or b) Capacitance type

wall mounting.
c) Conductivity type. The set point shall fall within 30%-80%
of the scale range. Where conductivity types are offered
they shall include all probes (including earth). Static pressure switches shall have
differentials adjustable over 10%-30% of the Room Temperature Sensors
scale range. Shall have an accuracy of 0. 5C Differential pressure switches shall
have a differential of no more than 0.2 bar Shall operate on extra low voltage and
(20kPa). be suitable for mounting on British Standard
conduit boxes.
Pressure Switches for Air Systems
Room Humidity Sensors Shall be diaphragm operated.
Switches shall be supplied with air connections Shall have an accuracy of 0.2%RH.
permitting their use as either static or
differential pressure switches. Shall operate on extra low voltage and
be suitable for mounting on British Standard Shall be supplied complete with conduit boxes.
brackets suitable for wall mounting or mounting
on ducts in any plane. Shall not require regular
maintenance, re-calibration or regeneration. The setpoint shall fall within 30% -
80% of the scale range. Immersion and Duct Mounted
Temperature Sensors Shall have a switching differential of
not more than 10% of the scale range. Shall have an accuracy of 0. 5C
unless otherwise specified in the Particular
Air Flow Switches Specification. Shall be selected for the correct air Duct mounted averaging element
velocity, duct size and mounting attitude. sensors shall have a minimum sensing length of
5m. Where special atmospheric conditions
are detailed in the Particular Specification the Average elements composed of
exposed parts of the switches shall be suitably multiple thermistor beads are not acceptable.
coated or made to withstand such conditions.
Duct Mounted Humidity Sensors
Water Flow Switches Shall have an accuracy of 2% RH. Shall be selected for the correct water
velocity, pipe size and mounting attitude. Shall operate on extra low voltage. Shall be installed in short branch Shall not require regular
connections only. maintenance, re-calibration or regeneration. Shall be installed in accordance with

appropriate water bylaws.

Level Switches Pressure Sensors

30 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 Shall be suitable for the medium and provided for fail safe conditions, which shall be
the working temperatures and pressures. The rated for a minimum of 1000 operations. The
pressure sensor shall be capable of withstanding spring shall have sufficient torque to open or
a hydraulic test pressure of 1.5 times the close valves and dampers against the maximum
working pressure. out of balance pressure across them. Connections shall be suitable for 8mm 2.7.4 Unitary Controllers

() o.d. copper tube.
General Ductwork versions shall be supplied
with air connections permitting their use as Where a controller is used to monitor
static or differential pressure sensors. and control VAV boxes, FCUs, heat pumps etc.,
they shall be classed as unitary controllers The set point shall fall within 40%-70% (UCs).
of the sensing range of the sensor. UCs shall be either small freely The sensor shall have a sensitivity programmable controllers of firmware or
such that a change of 2% from the stabilised application specific controllers which shall be
condition shall cause modulation of the selected to meet the performance requirements
corrective element. of the Particular Specification.

2.7.3 Actuators UCs shall be of the types detailed in

the Particular Specification. Any necessary
General transformers shall be supplied with controllers. Shall be installed in accordance with Real time clock functions are not
the manufacturers recommendations. essential where these commands are generated
by other controllers, which shall also control the Shall have a sufficient torque to open transfer of information to, from and between
and close valves and dampers against the UCs on the same communications network.
maximum out of balance pressure across them. Each UC shall be capable of being Shall have position indicators unless interrogated and adjusted by an operators
fitted to terminal units. station or portable terminal which may plug
into the network at any point. Shall have a manual override facility
unless fitted to terminal units. Only inputs and outputs points
necessary to meet the functional requirements Shall have a linear stroke/control of this Specification are required to be supplied.
signal characteristic. The spare capacity as detailed under 2.4.14
Controllers - Spare Capacity is not required.
Control Damper Actuators
Electronic/Microprocessor single or Shall be of the type where the damper multi-stage
spindle passes through the actuator and is
secured by a U clamp. Proportional plus integral controllers
for single stage control shall have the two
Actuator Additional Features control adjustments of single stage proportional
controllers, calibrated in the same manner, plus Required when detailed in the one further control adjustment for integral
Particular Specification. Auxiliary switches time. This adjustment shall permit the
shall have contacts suitable for 240V AC 2amp selection of integral times covering the
rating. Modulating motors shall have auxiliary minimum span of 15-40 minutes and the scale
switch packs containing at least two electrically shall be calibrated in minutes.
independent switches, one for each end of the
motor travel, adjustable for operation over at Multi-stage controllers shall be
least half the motor travel. Two position supplied with additional proportional band
motors shall have one electrically independent adjustments for stages after the first.
switch. Feedback potentiometers shall have
resistance varying proportionally with the The middle stage of a three-stage
actuator travel. An auxiliary spring shall be controller shall have an adjustable minimum
September 2002 31
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

limit output. This shall be calibrated. h) Battery reserve to retain the programme
for a period in excess of three months. Microprocessor based multi-loop
controllers shall provide proportional plus i) Password access for parameter adjustment.
integral plus derivative control action. All
adjustments shall be made through an integral j) Integral display/keypad.
keypad complete with a display. Where
standard units do not include an integral
keypad/display a portable unit shall be supplied.
The display/keypad shall enable the operator
to interrogate/adjust all settings and display the Step Controllers
measured values via password access. The
memory shall be backed up for 48 hours by an Step controllers of the electro-
integral battery which shall be trickle charged, mechanical type shall incorporate a recycling
require no maintenance and have a life of at switch in addition to the step switches required
least five years. An integral capacitor shall for the operating functions. All step switches
prevent the loss of memory when the battery is shall have changeover contacts rated for 2A
being replaced. Hardware shall be provided to minimum at 220-250V, 50Hz. If 415V, 50Hz is
enable all software to be uploaded and applied to two adjacent step switches, adequate
downloaded to/from a permanent storage insulation shall be provided between the
medium. switches.

Optimum start/stop All switches, apart from that for

recycling shall be easily adjustable for position Shall be microprocessor based and of of operation over the full span of rotation. The
the self-learning type for both the on and off step controller shall be supplied with a
functions. The optimum off function shall be removable cover which completely shrouds the
enabled or disabled at the controller. terminals on the step and recycling switches. The optimum decisions shall be based Step controllers of the electronic type
on inside and outside air temperatures. shall recycle to zero on interruption of the
power supply. The outputs shall be voltage free
Additional Features changeover contacts rated for 2A minimum at
220-250V, 50Hz. The switching intervals and switching
differentials of the step controller output stages
a) Facility to utilise the room sensor to run should be fully adjustable. Each stage shall
the plant in the boost mode outside have adjustable switch on and off time delay
occupancy hours to maintain a temperature facilities. Non-adjustable switching intervals
of 10C. This temperature shall be site and switching differentials are acceptable on
adjustable. applications involving electric heater batteries
only. Signal lamps shall be incorporated on the
b) Capability for up to three room sensors. front of the step controller to indicate the
number of stages in operation.
c) Termination of the boost mode shall be by
either occupancy temperature being Both types of step controller shall be
achieved or occupancy time being reached, suitable for wall or panel mounting.
whichever is sooner. The boost period
shall only be terminated once per day. Thyristor Controllers

d) Circulating pumps operate on low outside Thyristor controllers for stepless
air temperature. control of electric heater batteries shall be of
the type utilising burst firing, integral cycle
e) Separate programming for each day of the with cut off at zero voltage. Wave chopping
week. types are not acceptable. Single-phase versions
shall be capable of handling up to 20A at 240V,
f) A separate fixed time start/stop facility. 50Hz. Units shall be supplied complete with
quick acting fuses for the specified loadings and
g) Day/week omission facility. live parts shall be shrouded to comply with
classification IP2X BS EN 60529. The thyristor
32 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47

controller shall accept a 0-10V DC or 4-20mA The probes shall have multiple sensing
input signal. points, shall be of stainless steel construction,
shall be of suitable length to suit the duct size
2.7.5 Flow Measurement and be individually adjustable for calibration
Differential Pressure Transmitter/Orifice
Plates The sensor shall provide an output
signal of 0 to 10V DC or 4 to 20mA. Shall include a differential pressure
transducer and orifice plate complete with The accuracy of the measured velocity
carrier ring which shall have pressure tappings shall be 3% of the working range and shall be
and means for local isolation. inclusive of all inaccuracies including the
sensor. The flow measurement device shall be
positioned in accordance with the Solid State Type
manufacturers installation instructions.
Manufacturers calibration test certificate and, Shall include a duct mounting
application data, including pressure drop versus multipoint, solid state, air flow sensor array
flow rate through the complete scale range, complete with signal processing unit.
accuracy and maximum permissible static
pressure shall be provided. The sensor array shall be selected to
suit the application and duct size.
Turbine The signal processing unit shall The flow measurement device shall be provide an output signal of 0 to 10 DC or 4 to
positioned in accordance with the 20mA.
manufacturers installation instructions.
Manufacturers calibration test certificate and The accuracy of the measured velocity
application data, including pressure drop versus shall be 2% for velocities less than 5 m/s and
flow rate through the complete scale range, 4% for velocities of between 5 and 10 m/s.
accuracy and maximum permissible static
pressure shall be provided. Gas Detection

Electromagnetic Flow Meters Gas detection shall be provided as

defined in the Particular Specification for such The flow measurement device shall be gases as Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and
positioned in accordance with the Nitrogen Dioxide.
manufacturers installation instructions.
Manufacturers calibration test certificate and The manufacturer of the required
application data including setpoint scale range, equipment shall provide a test kit for the
accuracy and maximum permissible static commissioning/calibration of the detection
pressure shall be provided. system for use by the specialist Contractor.
Documentary evidence of such testing shall be
Ultrasonic Flow Meters provided. The flow measurement device shall be Natural Gas

positioned in accordance with the
manufacturers installation instructions. Gas sensors shall be arranged for
Manufacturers application data including automatic reset after a power failure.
setpoint scale range, accuracy and maximum
permissible static pressure shall be provided. Gas sensors shall have two volt free
contacts which shall operate to provide the
Air Velocity Sensors following:

Probe Type a) Gas detected. Shall include a sensor complete with a b) Gas sensor fault.

square rooted output and duct mounting probes
selected to suit the application. Sensing lines Volt free contacts shall be suitable for
may be run in PVC or similar tubing. switching 240V AC.

September 2002 33
Building Energy Management Systems Section Two - System
Specification 47 The Manufacturer of the gas sensor

shall provide calibration data for demonstrating
the operation of the gas sensor when using a
suitable test kit.

Refrigerant (CFC or HCFC) A Manufacturers calibration test

certificate shall be provided for the detection

Weather Station This shall provide information on

temperature, humidity, wind, rain, pressure,
solar and fog. A manufacturers calibration test
certificate shall be provided for the weather

2.7.6 Light Sensors Light sensors shall use

photoconductive or photovoltaic cells. The operating range of light sensors,

unless otherwise specified, shall be as follows:

Internal sensors 0 - 1,000 lux

External daylight sensors 1,000 30,000 lux
External security sensors 0 100 lux External enclosures shall be

waterproof to IP55. Any power supply required by the

sensor should be provided by the controller.

34 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

3 Section Three - Installation

3.1 SCOPE The Contractor shall ensure adequate

protection of the equipment on site and will
3.1.1 This part of the specification advise the PM of any damage that occurs to
covers the installation and commissioning of the equipment including finishes, and carry out
BEMS and the features that can subsequently repairs as directed by the PM.
be evaluated and tested prior to handover. The combined system comprising
3.1.2 It describes the functional buildings, plant and BEMS shall be capable of
requirements for the installation of a new or being tuned.
modified BEMS, including detailed design,
supplying, assembling, fixing in position,
connecting, inspecting, testing and leaving in 3.2.2 Levels of software
working order. The BEMS equipment must
also conform to Section 2 System. The system shall be defined with 5
levels of software:
3.1.3 The words complete installation
shall mean not only items of mechanical and Operating system - As supplied with the
electrical equipment covered by this computer equipment
specification, but all incidental sundry BEMS Programme - Supplied by the BEMS
components, computer programs, data and manufacturer
documentation necessary for the complete Configuration - Created by the
execution of the Works and for the proper Contractor
operation of the installation, whether or not Graphic pages - Created by the
these sundry components are mentioned in Contractor
detail in the tender documents issued in Parameters - Commissioned by the
connection with the contract. Contractor and modified
by the user.
In the following clauses, software shall be taken
to include operating systems and programmes
3.2.1 Requirements
which are present in volatile and/or non-volatile
memory i.e. firmware. The Contractor shall provide a
schedule of site conditions including security,
cleanliness, weather protection etc. which must 3.2.3 Software
be met and maintained before equipment is
delivered. Warranties The BEMS shall be configured and The operating system shall be
commissioned according to the requirements of warranted error free within the system
the Specification and Schedules. warranty. It shall not be possible to invalidate
this warranty. The BEMS programme shall be The procedures defined as being set up warranted error free within the system
by the operator will be set initially by the warranty. It shall not be possible to invalidate
Contractor. The operator shall have the facility this warranty.
to make future adjustments to suit the needs
arising from use of the BEMS. The vendor shall undertake to inform
the user of any defects which may become

September 2002 35
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47

apparent through the use of this software in that in the event of a subsequent software
other systems. failure it shall be possible to reload the software
in the as commissioned form. The configuration shall be warranted
error free as commissioned. It shall not be The Contractor shall ensure that a
possible to invalidate this warranty through backup copy of all software items is obtained
modification of parameters. prior to any software changes made by him
during the warranty period such that in the The graphic pages shall be warranted event of a subsequent software failure it shall be
error free as commissioned. It shall not be possible to reload the software in the previous
possible to invalidate this warranty through form. This backup copy shall be lodged with the
addition of further pages or modifications of PM.
parameters. Provisions for backup copies of
Software Development firmware will be as detailed in the Particular
Specification. The revision and issue number of
operating systems and package software The Tender shall contain details of the
included in the Tender shall be submitted in software support service offered, where the
writing with the Tender. The availability and software will be written and how it will be
cost of any further packaged software not charged for.
specifically called for in this specification shall
also be indicated. When existing software is replaced, a
copy of the superseded software shall be The functional description and details retained for one year or as detailed in the
of any software that will need to be written Particular Specification.
especially for these Works shall be submitted in
writing with the Tender. The procedure for
preparing this software and the development 3.2.4 Proven Performance
period allowed for in the Tender for this purpose
shall also be indicated. Tenderers shall provide Systems and equipment selected by
a summary of their previous experience in the Contractor shall have a successful proven
having similar software written. performance for not less than 2 years under
equivalent conditions to those required by the The Tenderer shall demonstrate that tender documents. Systems and equipment that
the operation of all software conforms to the do not comply with the forgoing proven
specification. performance period may be considered provided
full technical details and evidence of suitability The BEMS documentation shall are given at the time of tendering.
include the procedures which enable the
operating systems and BEMS programme to be 3.3 FIXING AND CONNECTION
updated. The procedures for modifying the 3.3.1 Stand Alone Operation
configuration, graphics pages and parameters
shall allow alterations and additions to be made Sensors and actuators associated with
systematically without necessitating total shut primary control loops for any one item of plant
down of the BEMS or the building services. should be connected to a single controller such
that a communication failure between All the software included in the controllers does not adversely affect the
Tender shall support, without modification, the operation of the plant.
future addition or removal of controllers or
points up to the practical limit of the installed On failure of the controller, or loss of
system hardware. its power supply, plant or devices under the
control of that controller shall be set to a
Software Support safe/pre-determined condition as specified in the
Schedule of Actions on BEMS Failure. The Contractor shall ensure that two
backup copies of all software items, as Plant shall be started and stopped in
commissioned, are provided at handover such normal operation according to the sequences
36 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47

detailed in the Schedules including any specific The types of cable installed must in no
requirements for off position of status of plant way prejudice satisfactory operation of the
items, valves and dampers etc. BEMS. Where no sequences are specifically The cables, installation and jointing
detailed plant shall be started and stopped in a shall comply with the BEMS manufacturers
safe manner with due regard to electrical and recommendations and the project Electrical
mechanical constraints. Specification. Unless otherwise recommended by the

BEMS manufacturer or specified, data
transmission and analogue sensor cables must
be screened. The cross sectional area of cables shall

3.3.2 Data Communication be sufficient to ensure that sensor circuit
resistance limits are not exceeded. BEMS installation shall allow data
communication between controllers and The method of installation and routing
operator facilities of at least: of cables shall not prejudice the satisfactory
operation of the BEMS.
a) a speed of 1,000 logged values and
associated data per minute. Data transmission cables shall not be
installed within the same conduit or trunking as
b) transparent error checking and correction power cables.
such that complete conversations are error
free. Mechanical Protection The mechanical protection of the

3.3.3 Cabling Installed as part of the BEMS BEMS wiring shall comply with the project
Contract Electrical Specification.

General Identification The specification covers electrical All cables shall have identification
cabling below 110V i.e. signal and data sleeves at their terminations which combine the
communications wiring and optical fibres. requirements of BS 7671 Requirements for
Electrical Installations with those for specific Power cabling, including power circuit identification. Ensure that the
supplies to BEMS equipment, will be installed identification is consistent with the relevant
according to the project Electrical Specification. wiring diagrams. Mark cross over or null
modem cables for communication between All cabling must be adequately processors and terminal devices with an X at
protected from the environment through which both ends.
it passes to avoid the possibility of mechanical
damage or electromagnetic interference. 3.3.4 Cabling and Associated Data Distribution
Equipment Installed by Others Cabling and conduits associated with
sensors shall be installed in a manner that
prevents spurious transfer of moisture and heat General
etc. from external sources to sensing devices. This sub-section refers to the Avoid running trays, trunking, connections of the BEMS to cabling systems
conduits and cables horizontally at floor or provided by others.
pedestal level. Confirm by testing or obtain
Cable Types and Application appropriate certificates from original suppliers
that any existing means of communication
provided between controllers or between

September 2002 37
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47

controllers and operator facilities is of suitable Any connection between the BEMS
standard for satisfactory operation of the BEMS. and foreign (outside the UK) public telephone
systems, shall comply with their relevant Where the existing means of standards.
communication is found to be unsuitable for
satisfactory operation of the BEMS, advise the Mains Borne Signalling
PM at the time of tender. Where mains borne signalling is used,
Local Telephone Systems it shall comply with the recommendations of BS
EN 50065 Part 1. Local telephone systems are defined as
private telephone networks on one or more All necessary equipment to ensure
sites maintained by the user and independent that there is no mutual interference between
from the public telephone system. the signalling system of the electricity utility
and mains borne signalling of the BEMS shall be Where an existing telephone system is provided.
to be used, confirm prior to tendering that the
BEMS can operate satisfactorily on this system. Use of Existing Cabling and Wire Ways
The primary system requirements are: This refers to existing cabling systems
a) The internal telephone line is suitable for other than telephones.
the speed and mode of data transmission
required by the BEMS. Where existing cabling is to be used,
undertake the tests necessary to ensure that
b) The extent of data loss or corruption on the the cabling is satisfactory for the BEMS
internal telephone system is tolerable with purposes.
respect to the data transmission techniques
used by the BEMS. Where multi-core cables are to be
used, those available for use by the BEMS will If the existing local telephone system be identified by the PM.
is considered to be unsuitable, state this in
writing at the time of Tender and indicate the Ensure that the potential corruption of
features which make it unacceptable. data cannot arise from the following: Connections to the local telephone a) Other installations not connected to, but in
system are to be dedicated to the BEMS close proximity to the route of existing
equipment. cabling.

Public Telephone Systems b) Other electrical services using existing

cabling. Public telephone systems are Public
Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) and c) Other adjacent cabling.
private circuits supplied and maintained by
public telecommunication organisations. State in writing at the time of tender
whether existing cabling is suitable or not. Obtain certification from the network
operator prior to tendering confirming that the
BEMS is able to operate satisfactorily on the 3.3.5 Connections to Plant and Controls
proposed public telephone system. Equipment Any connection between the BEMS

and British Telecom PSTN shall comply with BS
EN 41003, BS 6305 and BS 6789, Part 1, where All devices and terminals necessary to
relevant. Modems shall carry the green
connect the BEMS to items of plant and control
Approved for Use sticker issued by British
equipment shall be provided.
Telecom. Connections between the BEMS and
private circuits run by public telecommunication Take account of any existing services
operators in the UK, shall where relevant,
that have to remain in continuous operation.
comply with BS 6328.
Agree with the PM the method by which the

38 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47

BEMS equipment can be installed without to enable the user to operate essential plant in
disrupting the operation of the connected the event of a failure of the BEMS. These
building services. facilities shall include: Where plant and control equipment a) Start/stop operation of the plant.
are supplied by others, provide the PM with
adequate details of installation requirements. b) Hand setting of motorised control devices
This information shall be provided in time and such as valves, dampers etc.
sufficient detail to enable any other Contractors
and their suppliers to incorporate the BEMS c) Override reset signals to discrete
connection facilities before delivering their controllers.
equipment to site. Ensure that the manual control Where plant is subject to warranty by facilities do not override safety devices or
others, obtain clearances in writing from those interlocks.
concerned that the proposed modifications do
not invalidate the warranties. Volt Free Contacts Ensure that modifications carried out The contact materials shall be suitable
as a result of this contract are fully documented for use in the installation and at the expected
and do not affect the satisfactory operation of voltages and currents. Use screw down or
safety devices connected to any plant or system locking spade terminals for electrical
affected directly or indirectly by the BEMS connections to volt free contacts.
Works. Carry out proving tests on safety
devices to the satisfaction of the PM. Relays Ensure that the use of existing relays, Use demountable relays of the totally
contactors, starters and switches as part of the enclosed type having at least one spare set of
BEMS installation is fully documented. changeover contacts. Use terminals which are
shrouded and of a screw down clamp or locking All wiring under this contract shall be spade terminal type.
carried out in a neat manner by skilled
operatives. Clip wiring to form a loom and route Actuators
to avoid interference with the correct operation
or maintenance of other components. Actuators for air volume control
together with linkages shall operate smoothly
Safety Interlocks from fully open to fully closed without binding,
and with adequate torque to overcome the Scheduled interlocks to establish and resistances of bearings and airflow.
maintain safe/pre-determined plant conditions
under all modes of operation including loss, Linkages shall be clearly marked with
reduction and restoration of power shall be the clamping position such that after
provided. maintenance or replacement the mechanism is
able to operate correctly. Physical interlocks shall be hard wired
and tested to ensure safe and/or sequenced Actuators should be fitted with visual
operation of the plant before the BEMS is set to position indication.
work. Interlocks shall be arranged to prevent
unsafe or out of sequence operation of the plant Where specified, actuators shall
by the BEMS. include a position feedback device suitable for
connection to the BEMS. The plant must not be operated using
the BEMS under any circumstances until all Actuators should be electrically and
interlocks have been tested to the satisfaction of mechanically protected from the effects of valve
the PM. or damper seizure.

Manual Control Actuators shall incorporate a

disconnection device to allow manual operation Manual control facilities shall be of the valve or damper in the event of actuator
provided as listed in the Particular Specification
September 2002 39
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47

failure. schedule for the necessary work.

Signalling from Starters Where details of existing plant are not
available from the original supplier or from Additional contacts for signalling and record documents, provide a specialist
remote operation purposes shall be provided as conversant with the particular type of plant to
specified in the points schedule. carry out any necessary modifications. Provide
the specialist with the details of the BEMS The operation of the starter in either connections required. State the name of the
AUTO or HAND mode shall be signalled to the specialist in the Tender together with a priced
BEMS using auxiliary volt free contacts built schedule for this work. Advise the PM of any
into the contactor. A signal derived directly difficulties with connections.
from the digital output at the outstation is not
acceptable. Provide a separate run signal for Advise in writing at the time of tender
each speed of a multi-speed starter/controller. any potential delay to the contract arising from
the difficulty of providing the necessary BEMS Alarms for a trip or fault condition connections to the plant.
shall be signalled to the BEMS using auxiliary
volt free contacts built into the contactor. The Use existing relays and volt free
trip or fault alarms shall be signalled in both contacts where feasible.
AUTO and HAND modes. Fit auxiliary contacts to contactors etc. Indication of HAND, OFF and AUTO where adequate space is available. If the space
mode shall be signalled using auxiliary volt free is not adequate then install additional relays.
contacts fitted to the selector switch. Obtain advice from the original
Control Equipment supplier when additional facilities are to be
fitted to existing control equipment. Obtain advice from the relevant
supplier when additional facilities are to be Use the control manufacturers
fitted to control equipment supplied by others. standard accessories to provide any additional
contacts, limit switches, potentiometers etc. Use the control manufacturers
standard accessories to provide any additional Use the knockouts, cable routes and
contacts, limit switches, potentiometers etc. terminals etc. incorporated into the design of
control devices wherever possible. Obtain Use the knockouts, cable routes and approval from the PM for ad hoc fixings and
terminals etc. incorporated into the design of modifications to control devices before action is
control devices. taken on site.

3.3.7 Enclosures for BEMS Equipment

Packaged Plant Connections to packaged plant shall be The degree of protection afforded by
made within the plant control panel. Where the BEMS equipment enclosure may be reduced
there is insufficient space for this, then a to category IP41 in accordance with BS5490
further enclosure to the plant to accommodate Specification for classification of degrees of
the connections shall be fitted. protection of enclosures, where the enclosure is
fitted inside another panel e.g. a motor control
centre. Otherwise enclosures shall be
3.3.6 Additional Provisions for Retrofit constructed to give the minimum degree of
Installations protection to IP54 in accordance with BS5490. Doors shall be 700mm maximum Arrange for any necessary control
width, mild steel with folded edges and welded
modifications to existing plant to be carried out
corners suitable for eliminating distortion and
by the original supplier. Give the supplier
whip, to a minimum thickness of 2mm. They
details of the requirements for connection of
shall have hinges of a type which permit
equipment to the BEMS. State the name of
removal of the door stays and which prevent
supplier in the Tender together with a priced

40 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47

them opening more than 90 degrees. trunking intended for termination within the
panel. Where the BEMS equipment is
incorporated into another control panel, safe All wiring within the panel shall be
access to the BEMS equipment must be possible arranged in looms and/or perforated trunking.
without isolating the control panel. All cables shall be run continuously from
terminal to terminal without intervening joints.

3.3.8 Control Panels All terminations shall be fully

shrouded, recessed or otherwise protected
Control Panel Design against accidental contact to comply with
classification IP2X of BS EN 60259. The layout of control panels should
reflect the layout of the plant being served. Where live equipment cannot be
Indicators and controls for associated plant isolated then it shall be covered with a Perspex
should be grouped together. shield carrying appropriate warning labels in
addition to specified shrouding to comply with All doors on any panel containing classification IP2X of BS EN 60529.
exposed dangerous voltages shall be provided
with interlocked isolators such that the door Wiring looms, cable ways and trunking
cannot be opened except with the isolator in the should be sized to allow for 20% expansion or
off position. Isolation shall comply with addition.
BS7671 Requirements for Electrical
Installations. Flexible looms shall connect door
mounted to interior mounted components such Equipment which requires on-line that wires shall not weaken or break with
adjustment and testing by non-electrically repeated door opening. The loom shall be
qualified personnel must be accessible and arranged to avoid pinching or looping as the
usable without interrupting the supply or door is closed and be fully supported at each
overriding safety interlocks. In general end.
controllers should not be located within control
panels where isolation is necessary to gain All components shall be IP2X finger
access. protected in accordance with BSEN 60529
Specification for degrees of protection provided The panel shall be designed to by enclosures, such that live parts cannot be
maintain all components within their accidentally touched.
environmental temperature tolerance limits,
having regard to the likely conditions in the Control Panel Labelling
area of installation. Where this can only be
achieved with mechanical ventilation, incoming All panels and individual panel
air shall be filtered. Filters should be of a sections shall be provided with exterior labels to
replaceable, disposable type. BS5378 Safety Signs and Colours Part 1
Specification for colour and design (ISO 3864),
Control Panel Construction indicating voltage within the panel section, clear
warnings of risk and instructions for isolation. The doors and casing shall be of rigid Requirements for informing the BEMS
self supporting structure. Bracing and stiffening supervisor and/or disabling alarms prior to
shall be used as necessary to take the weight of isolation of control circuits should also be
internal components and control assemblies. displayed.
No sharp edges or corners shall be accepted. All switches, controls and indicators on Control panels weighing more than control panels and cubicles shall be clearly
50kg including installed components shall have labelled as to function and associated plant.
lifting eyes fitted to facilitate delivery and
installation. If the panel does not totally control the
supply or electricity to associated plant then a All panels shall be provided with notice affixed to the front of the panel shall
adequate undrilled and/or detachable gland warn of the need for isolation elsewhere.
plates of sufficient size and strength to accept
glands for all types of cable conduits and cable
September 2002 41
Building Energy Management Systems Section Three - Installation
Specification 47 All cables shall be identified with be not less than 12 months.
permanently fixed number ferrules. The
numbering shall correspond to the numbers Lead acid cells are not acceptable for
affixed to the terminals. Identification and batteries mounted on or adjacent to electronic
coding should be that used on the design
circuit boards.
drawings, schematics and schedules.

3.3.10 Expansion
3.3.9 Power Supplies and Batteries The installation features of the system
Power Supply shall be arranged to allow for at least 20%
expansion without redundancy i.e. by addition Any additional equipment necessary to rather than replacement of hardware.
ensure that the BEMS is adequately protected
against disturbances on the incoming mains and
on any standby power supply shall be provided.
Carry out all necessary tests to ascertain the
quality of all the power supply sources.

Internal Battery Power Supplies This section refers to small

rechargeable batteries up to 5Ah rating of the
type normally fitted on or adjacent to electronic
circuit boards. The tender shall state in writing at the

time of tender:

a) which batteries require regular inspection

and how the battery condition shall be

b) the maximum service life of the batteries

supplied with each item of equipment. The interval between maintenance

inspections for each battery power supply shall

42 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Section Four - Training

4.1.1 Provide the training stated in the AND ACTUATORS
Particular Specification in the operation and use
of the BEMS.
4.3.1 Training is to include instruction
4.1.2 Where possible, provide training on the procedures for testing and routine
at the suppliers works including hands on inspection of sensors and actuators so that
experience of equipment and software similar to operators remote from the site can more readily
the BEMS installation. State the venue for assess the nature of a fault and the extent of
training in writing at the time of tender. Do not remedial work required.
include staff accommodation and travelling

4.2 DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD 4.4.1 In addition to the above operator

training syllabus, an intensive course in
4.2.1 During the Defects Liability software programming and maintenance shall
Period, the Contractor shall provide personnel be conducted to enable the site personnel to
skilled in all aspects of the operation of the undertake software development and
BEMS for a period of six (6) weeks, to maintenance. It is envisaged that this will be
competently and thoroughly instruct the site completed within the above 6 weeks time frame.
personnel (as detailed in the Particular
Specification) in all aspects of operation, 4.5 MANUALS
maintenance and trouble shooting techniques
associated with the installation. 4.5.1 Appropriate reference and
training manuals shall be provided for the staff
as part of the training course.

September 2002 43
Building Energy Management Systems Section Four - Training
Specification 47

44 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Section Five Testing and Commissioning

5.1 GENERAL 5.1.9 Indelibly mark all physical

adjustments to the BEMS field devices so that
5.1.1 Commissioning shall involve any movement from the commissioned setting
carrying out all the tests necessary to ensure is immediately apparent.
the correct operational state of the installation.
All software shall be loaded and proved. All 5.1.10 The Contractor shall ensure that
variable parameters and switches shall be set to engineers conversant with the BEMS are in full
appropriate values and settings to ensure time attendance on site to supervise all stages
compliance with the specification. of commissioning and performance testing.

5.1.2 Control panels should be checked 5.1.11 The Contractor shall inform the PM in
and rectified off-site at the manufacturers advance and obtain agreement for the
factory. commissioning procedures and proposed
timetable for commissioning.
5.1.3 The application software should
be tested off-site on a software simulation test 5.1.12 Where tests are carried out on an
rig by the manufacturer. operational BEMS, ensure that those personnel
required to respond to alarms are aware of start
5.1.4 The Contractor shall carry out and finish times of the testing.
the commissioning process which shall, as far as
possible, be carried out off site. 5.2 OPERATION OF BUILDING SERVICES
5.1.5 On site commissioning should
start only after pre-commissioning checks of 5.2.1 Those responsible for the
associated building services plant as defined in operation of the plant will be available to make
the relevant CIBSE Commissioning Code and any adjustments required for commissioning
BSRIA Application Handbook 2/92 and testing purposes and to ensure safe
Commissioning of BEMS a Code of Practice. operation of the plant.

5.1.6 The Contractor shall provide all 5.2.2 Where the operation of
the necessary test equipment and instruments unserviceable or seasonally disused plant could
to carry out the commissioning process. preclude complete commissioning of the BEMS,
the PM shall be informed in sufficient time to
5.1.7 Prior to activating the BEMS allow alternative arrangements for
control of the plant it shall be demonstrated to commissioning the BEMS to be made.
the PM that all the safety interlocks and fail
safe conditions are implemented and 5.3 WORKS STANDARDS
5.3.1 All wiring within control MCCs
5.1.8 A complete record shall be made shall be checked at the manufacturers works,
of all the values of the variable parameters and prior to despatch, for loose connections, correct
switches which have been set as a result of the terminations and compliance with wiring
commissioning process. This record shall be diagrams. In addition, functional checks shall be
included with the documents handed over on carried out in the manufacturers works to
completion. ensure that all interlocking and sequencing is in
accordance with the performance requirements
September 2002 45
Building Energy Management Systems Section Five - Testing and Commissioning
Specification 47

of the Specification. The PM or his simulation of plant operating conditions.

representative shall be given seven days written
notice of such tests so that they may attend if 5.5.2 The Contractor shall give the PM
they so desire. seven working days notice of software test
dates. The PM may decline to test software off-
5.3.2 This shall be followed by an site. Testing and witnessing of software off-site
insulation resistance test with a testing is additional to the demonstrations detailed
instrument which meets the requirements of BS under Acceptance Testing and Handover of the
7671. Installed System in this Specification.

5.3.3 With all live control circuits and 5.5.3 The Contractor shall produce a
neutrals disconnected but with all switch written report for all tests listing all noted
disconnectors closed and power fuses fitted, the defects, detailing which defects were rectified
MCCs shall be subjected to a pressure test of during the test and which items remained
2.0kV for one minute, across the following outstanding. Should a significant number of
points: defects remain outstanding at the termination
of a test then the entire associated
a) Phase to phase
system/controller software shall be re-tested.
b) Phase to neutral
c) Phase to earth.
5.3.4 With all electronic components
5.6.1 The installation shall be
and time switches removed and with all switch
thoroughly tested by the Contractor to ensure
disconnectors closed and power fuses fitted, an
every point and item of plant is being controlled
insulation resistance of not less than 20
and/or monitored correctly.
Megohms shall be obtained between each of the
following points.
5.6.2 It is a requirement that the
system is tested and commissioned by personnel
a) Phase to phase
who have gained an intimate understanding of
b) Phase to neutral
the project throughout its design stages. These
c) Phase to earth
personnel must also have had at least three
d) Neutral to earth.
years experience in the controls field.
Exceptionally should any commissioning
5.3.5 Certified schedules detailing all
personnel not meet these requirements the
tests and their results in accordance with BS
Contractor must apply to the PM for approval
7671 shall be submitted to the PM within
prior to allowing the said commissioning
fourteen days of the tests.
person(s) on site. The PM reserves the right to
refuse such commissioning personnel from
working on site.
5.4.1 The standard of workmanship
5.6.3 All testing and commissioning
shall comply with the requirements of the PM
shall be preplanned and scheduled in order that
who shall carry out periodic inspections of
it is fully co-ordinated with other relevant
completed work and work in progress.
trades and shall be carried out in a safe and
efficient manner with a minimum of
5.4.2 Any work not to the satisfaction
inconvenience to all concerned.
of the PM during such inspection shall be
replaced to a standard satisfactory to the Project
5.6.4 A method statement and
Manager at no cost to the Contract for the
programme shall be prepared and agreed with
subsequent inspection.
the PM.
5.6.5 The installation shall be tested
progressively as construction progresses and
5.5.1 When the Contractor has written
then finally on completion to ensure that the
and tested the software and prior to loading
installation complies with the Specification and
software onto controllers on site, the Contractor
operates correctly under normal, emergency
shall demonstrate to the PM or their
and fault conditions. Control, protection and
Representative that the software functions in
operative devices shall be checked for correct
accordance with the Specification by in-house
46 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

adjustment and rating. Records of testing shall

be kept and submitted to the PM for their

5.6.6 All equipment or materials found

to be faulty during testing shall either be
replaced or repaired free of charge.

5.6.7 Where work is being carried out in an

occupied building, the management of the
building shall be kept fully informed regarding
the nature of the testing and commissioning.
Steps shall be taken to ensure that any possible
hazards or inconvenience that may arise due to
the testing and commissioning shall be

September 2002 47
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

6 Section Six - Acceptance Testing and Handover

of the Installed System

6.1 CONTRACTOR TESTS g) Verification of specified graphics.

6.1.1 The Contractor shall test the h) Verification of specified training

system and be confident that it meets the requirements.
requirements of the intent of the Specification,
is fully operational, commissioned and all i) Verification of handover of all specified
deliverables have been handed over. Then the operating manuals, documentation and
Contractor shall demonstrate the system to the drawings.
satisfaction of the PM.
j) Verification of handover of backup copies of
6.1.2 The PM may invite an software.
independent witness to observe the completion
tests. k) Verification of handover of consumable
6.1.3 All the tests shall be documented
and signed by the testers and the witnesses. 6.2 RADIO TRANSMITTERS

6.1.4 Before the PM attends any 6.2.1 The Contractor shall make
demonstrations, the Contractor shall issue a available a minimum of three hand held radio
signed document stating that the system has transmitters (complete with chargers etc.) to be
been fully tested and commissioned and used by the PM during the period of acceptance
complies fully with the Specification. demonstration. Any such devices must be
approved for use on the site prior to the
6.1.5 The tests and verifications shall acceptance demonstration and should not
at least include the following: interfere with the installation or operation of
the site.
a) Audit on the cabling and hardware

b) Demonstration of the physical and logical 6.3.1 Calibration of all devices shall be
integrity of the system. This shall include demonstrated using currently certified
demonstrating that sensors and actuators instruments. It will be the responsibility of the
are correctly connected and addressed. Contractor to ensure all instruments and their
calibration certificates are available for
c) Demonstration of all control actions, inspection prior to the demonstration. The
including stroking of actuators. instruments and certificates shall remain the
property of the Contractor.
d) Demonstration of sensor calibrations.
e) Demonstration of successful system
software commissioning. This should 6.4.1 Acceptance of the system does not
include loading software and documented absolve the Contractor from his responsibility to
commissioning data from media and provide a fully operational system, should any
subsequent operation. defects appear during the warranty period,
notwithstanding that a fault is not apparent at
f) Demonstration that all safety interlocks the time of commissioning.
and fail safe conditions are implemented
and operational.

48 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

September 2002 49
Building Energy Management Systems Section Six - Acceptance Testing and Handover of the Installed System
Specification 47

Section Seven - Performance Tests


7.1.1 Performance tests are carried out 7.2 DEFECTS AND WARRANTIES
after practical completion to demonstrate that
the system functions according to specification. 7.2.1 Should any defects become apparent
during the defects liability or warranty periods,
7.1.2 Any specified characteristic or then the Contractor shall rectify those defects
function of the system can be subject to a at no cost according to the Conditions of
performance test. Contract.

7.1.3 Performance tests may be carried 7.2.2 The warranty for any items replaced
out during the defects liability period at the under warranty will begin at the time of
instigation of either the PM or Contractor. replacement, extending to the period defined in
Both parties shall witness the tests. the conditions of contract.

7.1.4 Where the performance test is

instigated by the PM and carried out by the 7.3 PROCEDURE
Contractor, the Contractor will bear the cost of
the performance test if a defect in performance 7.3.1 Performance tests shall be carried out
is found to exist. in general accordance with BSRIA Application
Guide 2/94 BEMS Performance Testing, using
personnel with skill levels 2 and 3 as defined in
Section 2 of the Application Guide.

50 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

September 2002 51
Building Energy Management Systems Section Seven - Performance Tests
Specification 47

Section Eight - Maintenance and Spares


8.1.1 The Contractor shall submit an

additional offer at the time of Tender 8.2.5 Normal working hours are
comprising a comprehensive priced list of defined as 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday,
consumable items and recommended equipment excluding Bank Holidays unless otherwise
spares. indicated.

8.1.2 The list shall be prepared having 8.2.6 Unless otherwise agreed,
due regard to the use and extent of the BEMS emergency call out shall be charged extra to the
supplied. base contract.

8.1.3 The Contractor shall keep a 8.2.7 The minimum service for each of
record of all items replaced during the defects the three levels of maintenance contract shall
liability period, including the date and reason be as detailed below.
for replacement.
8.2.8 Indicative minimum maintenance
8.1.4 An undertaking shall be provided service
from the equipment supplier that all necessary
spares will be available for a minimum period of The number of visits and callout response times
ten years from the date of completion of the are indicative only. They should be selected to
defects liability period. achieve the desired reliability and service level.


8.2.1 Where indicated in the Particular

Specification, the Contractor shall submit an
additional offer at time of tender for three levels a) Preventive maintenance on a 2 visits per
of maintenance contract for the system offered year basis. Duties shall include items a) to
i.e. basic, intermediate and comprehensive, for g), i) to n) and p) to u), from the list in
periods of one, three or five years. Item u) shall be attended to
outside of normal working hours at a time
8.2.2 The quotation for each level of agreed with the Property Manager or
maintenance contract shall be based on a firm appropriate Authorised Officer.
price contract, which is paid monthly and
indexed (as per a formula supplied by the b) Report and record faults and calibration of
Contractor) annually. sensors/instrumentation.

8.2.3 Variations throughout the c) Rectify faults, excluding main plant faults
contract period will increase the maintenance and recalibrate sensors and
contract price on a pro rata basis that is instrumentation. Cost of labour and parts
dependent upon the ratio of variations to the to be agreed with the Property Manager or
original contract price. appropriate Authorised Officer.

8.2.4 The maintenance prices quoted d) Telephone support during normal working
will be based on costs at the time of Tender. day.
The Tender date maintenance price will then be
indexed until the system is out of warranty, at e) On site response to emergency call out
which time the first years maintenance costs within 8 working hours.
will be calculated.

52 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Eight - Maintenance and Spares
Specification 47

f) Essential site specific spares held in stock, repair.

off site, by the Contractor for use in an
emergency call out. Essential site specific Comprehensive
spares shall include but not be limited to
BEMS controller hardware e.g.
input/output modules, communications
board (where separate), power supply etc. a) Preventive maintenance on an 8 hour, 6
Spares used shall be chargeable to the days per week (Monday to Saturday) basis
client. Stock shall be replenished as used. excluding Bank Holidays. Duties shall
include items a) to x) from the list in
g) Loan of BEMS operators station hardware
e.g. PC, monitor, keyboard, printer etc. if b) Report and record faults.
original equipment removed from site for
repair. c) Rectify faults, excluding main plant faults,
the cost of labour to be inclusive, the cost
Intermediate of replacement parts, excluding frequency
converters, to be inclusive when they have become faulty through normal wear and
a) Preventive maintenance on a 12 visits per
year basis. Duties shall include items a) to d) Report and record calibration of sensors
u) from the list in below. Item u) and instrumentation.
shall be attended to outside of normal
working hours at a time agreed with the e) Recalibrate sensors and instrumentation
Property Manager or appropriate where required, cost to be inclusive.
Authorised Officer.
f) Telephone support 24 hours per day.
b) Report and record faults.
g) On site response to emergency call out
c) Rectify faults, excluding main plant faults. within 2 hours of call on a 24 hours, 365
Cost of labour and parts to be agreed with days per year basis.
the Property Manager or appropriate
Authorised Officer. h) Essential site specific spares held in stock,
on site, by the Contractor for use in an
d) Report and record calibration of sensors emergency call out. Essential site specific
and instrumentation. spares shall include but not be limited to
BEMS controller hardware e.g.
e) Recalibrate sensors and instrumentation input/output modules, communications
where required, cost to be inclusive. board (where separate), power supply etc.
Spares used shall only be chargeable to the
f) Telephone support during normal working client if they become faulty through
day. reasons other than normal wear and tear.

g) On site response to emergency call out i) Loan of BEMS operators station hardware
within 4 working hours. e.g. PC, monitor, keyboard, printer etc. if
original equipment removed from site for
h) Essential site specific spares held in stock, repair.
off site, by the Contractor for use in an
emergency call out. Essential site specific Preventive Maintenance Duties
spares shall be included but not be limited
to BEMS controller hardware e.g.
input/output modules, communications
board (where separate), power supply etc. BEMS
Spares used shall be chargeable to the
client. Stock shall be replenished as used. a) Clean operators station(s) e.g. monitor
screen, housings etc. Clean and check
i) Loan of BEMS operators station hardware operation of printer(s).
e.g. PC, monitor, keyboard, printer etc. if
original equipment removed from site for b) Carry out manufacturers maintenance
procedures i.e. perform diagnostic tasks

September 2002 53
Building Energy Management Systems Section Eight - Maintenance and Spares
Specification 47

where appropriate, clean filters, clean disc manufacturer.

and tape drives etc.
o) Check generation of alarms associated with
c) Check all cables and connectors. digital inputs by operating field equipment.

d) Check integrity of communications network p) Visual inspection of condition of main plant

between the operators station(s), controllers i.e. typically pulley belt failure etc.
and where applicable, unitary controllers.
e) Check standby battery reserves/operation of
UPS system. q) Clean exterior/interior of all MCCs.

f) Check from the operators station the r) Check condition of wiring, check electrical
operation of all plant e.g. boilers, chillers, terminations are tight.
pumps, fans, electric heaters, batteries,
humidifiers, terminal units, valves and s) Visual and functional inspection of all
dampers in conjunction with associated components e.g. switch disconnectors,
safety devices by overriding the auto switches, indicator lamps, fuses, contactors,
condition and forcing plant on/off, overloads, frequency converters etc. Ensure
open/closed etc. overloads are set correctly for the connected
load. Carry out functional checks and
g) Software changes to be fully backed-up if any diagnostic routines as recommended by the
are made e.g. sensor calibration, off-sets etc. manufacturer.

h) Check from the operators station all t) Check operation of local switch
controller and PC based software disconnectors/stop locks.
programmes including control loops,
rotational points, control strategies, global u) Check and re-torque busbar nuts and bolts
information etc. (once per year).

Field Equipment/Plant Building Performance

i) Check overall condition of all automatic v) Check space temperatures at start of

control valves, i.e. check for correct occupancy and time setpoints achieved.
stroke/travel, check that valve is not letting Adjust parameters if necessary following
by excessively, check for gland leakage etc. consultation and agreement with the
Lubricate in accordance with the Property Manager or appropriate Authorised
manufacturers requirements. Officer.

j) Check overall condition of all damper w) Check space temperature/humidity during

actuators i.e. check for correct stroke/travel, occupation. Adjust parameters if necessary
check auxiliary switches and potentiometers, following consultation and agreement with
check spring return if applicable etc. the Property Manager or appropriate
Lubricate in accordance with the Authorised Officer.
manufacturers requirements.
x) Submit monthly report of building
k) Inspect, clean and check calibration of all performance to the Property Manager or
sensors and instruments. appropriate Authorised Officer.

l) Check power and control wiring connections Note:

at plant and control devices.
(1) When working on or testing MCCs it is
m) Check condition and operation of all on/off essential that all local and national statutory
control devices e.g. thermostats, regulations are observed at all times.
humidistats, differential pressure switches,
flow switches, level switches etc. (2) Operation of plant under fire and firemans
override conditions is covered by the building
n) Check operation of all unitary controllers statutory fire alarm/evacuation tests, it is
including speed controllers where field not included under Preventive Maintenance.
mounted. Carry out functional checks and
diagnostic routines, as recommended by the

54 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Section Eight - Maintenance and Spares
Specification 47

September 2002 55
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Annex A Escrow Agreement


The Client agreeing under the terms of his Agreement with the Main Contractor to the engagement of
The BEMS Contractor and his associated Controls Supplier.


1. The BEMS Contractor will deposit a copy of the source code for all of his software related to the
package with a third party to be nominated by the Client.

2. If the BEMS Contractor or Controls Supplier shall at any time make any change to the source
code, the BEMS Contractor shall immediately deposit a revised copy with the said third party.

3. The BEMS Contractor will pay all costs and charges including those of the said third party
incurred in connection with this Escrow Agreement.

4. In the event that the BEMS Contractor or his appointed agent or the associated Controls
Supplier cease to be in the business of maintaining the program product, the Client may invoke this
Escrow Agreement to obtain access to the source code and supplementary documentation which is held
in Escrow.

5. In the event that the BEMS Contractor or his appointed agent default or fail to undertake
maintenance or the program product the Client may invoke this Escrow Agreement to obtain access to
the source code and supplementary documentation which is held in Escrow.

SIGNED on behalf of the said

BEMS Controls Contractor



in the presence of:


the day of 20...

September 2002 A1
Building Energy Management Systems Annex A - Escrow Agreement
Specification 47

A2 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Annex B Glossary of Terms

Buffer Semi-conductor memory (RAM) used for temporary storage of

I/O communications data.

Communications Channel Intelligent device which arbitrates one or more

communications channel.

Controller Standalone intelligent control device, fully programmable, with

peer to peer communications capability, capable of DDC control
of plant. Usually with a capacity of more than 16 input/output
points. Also referred to as an outstation.

Controller Network Second highest data communications level associated with a

BEMS. Allows the transfer of information between controllers
and/or communications controllers.

EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.

Escrow Agreement Software source code held by a third party nominated by the

Event Record Stored historical information detailing a particular alarm

event, control parameter change, database change, or operator
logging action.

Forced Point The overriding of any input or output to a specific value.

Forcing is applicable to both digital and analogue points.

Gateway Device which allows communications between two separate

communications channels.

Global Communication The transfer of information between devices on a

communications network.

I/O Module Printed circuit board which plugs into a controller to provide
the required BEMS inputs and outputs.

Input Power Supply Source of electrical power to controllers, computers, peripheral

equipment and communications equipment.

Intelligent Device Processor based device including controllers, unitary

controllers, communications controllers and operators

September 2002 B1
Building Energy Management Systems Annex B - Glossary of Terms
Specification 47

Logical Groups Sensors and other sources of performance data that have been
grouped together to provide operational information for a
specific plant item, system or area.

On Line State when a controller on a network is ready to receive and

transmit data.

Operators Station Computer based colour graphics terminal. Connected to the

BEMS network and capable of receiving and displaying real
time plant information.

Outstation See Controller

Real Time Relating to current information obtained from inputs, outputs

and virtual points or programmes. It does not relate to stored
or historical data.

ROM Read Only Memory.

Scan Time I/O The time taken by a BEMS controller to read all its inputs,
process them, send output signals and be ready to read input
signals again.

Scan Time - Alarms The time taken between the occurrence of the alarm and for it
to be reported and displayed at the BEMS operators station or
nominated output device e.g. a remote printer.

Schematics Graphical representation of plant layout, complete with real

time point information displayed on the operators station.

Software licence Includes any form of document or agreement which may limit
the Clients use of the software resident in the BEMS.

Supervisory Network Highest data communications level associated with a BEMS.

Allows transfer of information between outstations and
operators stations.

Token Communications flag passed between intelligent devices on a

common communications channel. An intelligent device is
only allowed to initiate communications when it has the token.

Trend Log A collection of stored data samples relating to either physical

I/O or virtual points. Each sample is collected at a fixed time
interval from the previous sample collected.

Unitary Controller Applications specific controller usually with a capacity of less

than 16 input/output points.

Unitary Lowest data communications level associated with a Controller

Network BEMS. Allows the transfer of information between
unitary controllers and/or their associated communications

Universal Point A physical input/output point which may be used for either
analogue or digital purposes.

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply.

B2 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Annex B - Glossary of Terms
Specification 47

Virtual Point Software point, which may or may not be linked to a physical
I/O point, used for the internal transfer of information by a

Wild Card Character Specific alphanumeric character in a point identifier which

substitutes for any other alphanumeric character when a
search of points is conducted.

September 2002 B3
Building Energy Management Systems Annex B - Glossary of Terms
Specification 47

B4 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Annex C - Mnemonic Tags for Plant Equipment

and Identification

The following mnemonic equipment identification scheme shall be used throughout the Building Energy
Management System specification.

1 / SFC / 001

Device Number

Device Type

System Number

Each plant is to have a system number, each item of equipment of the plant a device type, each device
type a device number.

The following is a list of device types and their associated mnemonics:


SFx Supply Fan

EFx Extract Fan
RFx Return Fan
PPx Primary Pump
SPx Secondary Pump

The characters C, V, 2 or 3 will be substituted for the x notation to indicate constant, variable volume,
or multi-speed fans or pumps.


AFS Air Flow Switch

DPS Differential Pressure Switch

September 2002 C1
Building Energy Management Systems Annex C - Mnemonic Tags
Specification 47

DPX Differential Pressure Sensor

SPX Static Pressure Sensor
HPS High Pressure Switch
LPS Low Pressure Switch
OPX Oil Pressure Switch.


TAS Thermostat with Averaging Element

TDS Thermostat Stem Type
TIS Immersion Thermostat
TCS Thermostat Clamp-on Type
TWS Thermostat Wall Mounting Type
THL Temperature High Limit
TAX Temperature Sensor with Averaging Element
TSX Temperature Sensor Stem Type
TIX Immersion Temperature Sensor
TCX Temperature Sensor Clamp-on Type
TWX Temperature Sensor Wall Mounting Type
TGX Glass Surface Temperature Sensor
TOX Outside Temperature Sensor


HDS Humidistat Duct Mounted

HDX Humidity Sensor Duct Mounted
HWX Humidity Sensor Wall Mounted
HOX Outside Humidity Sensor


EOX Outside Enthalpy Sensor

EWX Wall Mounted Enthalpy Sensor
EDX Duct Mounted Enthalpy Sensor
THX Combined Temperature and Humidity Sensor


QDX Volume Flow Measuring Station Duct Mounted

QPX Volume Flow Measuring Station Pipe Mounted
QDS Volume Flow Switch (Air) Duct Mounted
QPS Volume Flow Switch (Water) Pipe Mounted
VDX Velocity Measuring Station Duct Mounted

C2 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Annex C - Mnemonic Tags
Specification 47

MDX Mass Flow Measuring Station Duct Mounted

MPX Mass Flow Measuring Station Pipe Mounted
FDS Flow Switch Paddle Type Duct Mounted
FPS Flow Switch Paddle Type Pipe Mounted


CDM Modulating Control Damper

CDO On/Off Control Damper
CDR Raise/Lower Control Damper
SDO On/Off Smoke Damper


CVM Modulating Control Valve

CVO On/Off Control Valve
CVR Raise/Lower Control Valve
GVS Gas Solenoid Valve
OVS Oil Solenoid Valve


HLS High Level Switch

LLS Low Level Switch


HMS Humidifier Step Control

HMM Humidifier Modulating Control
HMO Humidifier On/Off Control


RAP Run Around Pump


FCU Fan Coil Unit


HBM Heater Battery Modulating Control

HBS Heater Battery Stepped Control
HBO Heater Battery On/Off Control

September 2002 C3
Building Energy Management Systems Annex C - Mnemonic Tags
Specification 47


BRM Boiler Modulating Control

BRS Boiler Stepped Control
BRO Boiler On/Off Control
BHL Boiler High/Low Control


CHM Chiller Modulating Control

CHS Chiller Step Control
CHO Chiller On/Off Control
CHQ Chillers Sequence Controller


VFC Volt Free Contact

FLT Fault
SEC Security Input
LIT Lighting
FIR Fire Detection System & Firemans Override Switches


PBS Push-button Switch

POT Potentiometer
SSW Selector Switch


GSX Gas Sensor

LCS Local Control Switch
GBS Gas Booster Set
PRU Pressurisation Unit
FSC Frost Safety Command
ESB Emergency Stop Buttons
FCH Fan Convector Heater
IMH Immersion Heater
TRH Trace Heating
CCH Crank Case Heater
SDO Safety Digital Output
HEP Heat Pump Interfaces
SDX Duct Mounted Smoke Sensor

C4 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Annex C - Mnemonic Tags
Specification 47

WLX Water Leakage Sensor

CIN Contents Indicator
HAS High Level Alarm Sounder
PRS Proximity Switch
HCG Hydrostatic Contents Gauge (with capillary tubing and transmitter)
ACU Air Conditioning Unit
SOX Outside Solar Sensor
LOX Outside Light Sensor.

September 2002 C5
Building Energy Management Systems Annex C - Mnemonic Tags
Specification 47

C6 September 2002
Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 1
Specification 47

Schedule No. 1: Information for the Tenderer

This first page of Schedule No. 1 gives an overall indication of the scope of the proposed installation.
The following pages give more detailed information of the requirements.

Project location

Primary site use

Buildings to be served by BEMS

Gross area of buildings to be served by BEMS ..m
Gross cube of buildings to be served by BEMS ..m

September 2002 Schedule 1, 1 of 6

Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 1
Specification 47

Clause *Item *Options/Requirements

General Requirements

1.1.3 Plant and system functions see Particular Specification

1.1.5 Scope of work see Particular Specification

1.1.6 Comprehensive planned preventive *not required/see Particular Specification


1.1.7 All equipment and materials shall be new *all new/see Particular Specification

1.4.2 Specifier to list excluded clauses *all included/see Particular Specification

1.5.2 Systems not of proven performance *will be considered/will NOT be considered
1.6.4 Confirm to relevant British Standards and *as Clause 1.6.4/see Particular Specification
Codes of Practice current 3 months before date
of return of tender

1.6.5 Compliance with relevant MOD Standards and *as Clause 1.6.5/see Particular Specification

1.8 Electromagnetic compatibility *as Clause 1.8/see Particular Specification Working drawings for comment *as Clause required Contractor shall provide four sets of as *as Clause1.9.3.1/see Particular Specification
installed drawings Draft copies of as installed drawings shall be *not required/as Clause
submitted to the PM

1.10.1 Contractor shall provide two copies of the *as Clause 1.10.1/see Particular Specification
approved Health and Safety File

1.10.2 Draft copy of document *as Clause 1.10.2/not required

1.15 Provide samples for inspection by PM *not required/see Particular Specification

System Standard Specification clauses not required *not applicable/see Particular Specification
2.2.2 Power failure restoration or normal mode *as Clause 2.2.2/see Particular Specification
following a fire No. of operator stations, peripherals etc. *not required/ No. required Functions of Operator Stations detailed as *not specified/see Particular

Specification/Tenderer to specify Operator station configured to attain full *not required/required

functional status following switch-on or
restoration of power supply Nominated operator station for real time clock *see Particular Specification

Schedule 1, 2 of 6 September 2002

Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 1
Specification 47

Clause *Item *Options/Requirements

General Requirements

synchronisation Operator station hard disk capacity *as Clause Particular Specification Lap top computer *not required/required/.No required Operator actions *see Particular Specification Facility to extract data and export to other *as Clause required

2.3.6 Colour graphic displays *as Clause 2.3.6/not required Positive feedback of desired effect *as Clause required/see

Particular Specification Frequency of visible reminder message of *not required/see Particular Specification

alarm disabled Analogue alarms inhibited when plant *as Clause Particular Specification
commanded off

2.3.9 Information redirection and alarm transfer *not required/as Clause 2.3.9/see Particular
Specification Alternative operator station designated as . Alarms to be transferred to alternative *not required/see Particular Specification

operator station

2.3.11 Monitoring and Targeting *not required/see Clause 2.3.11/see Particular

Specification Dimensions of monitor visible viewing area *Diagonal dimension to be not less than 17
(430mm)/see Particular Specification Dot matrix *not required/ No. required/

location Laser *not required/ No. required/

location Inkjet *not required/ No. required/

location Number of general purpose and unitary *see Particular Specification/

controllers Tenderer to state in Schedule 2 Accuracy of displayed value at the operators *see Particular Specification

station Controller shall automatically return to *see Particular Specification

normal action

*Delete or complete as necessary

September 2002 Schedule 1, 3 of 6

Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 1
Specification 47

Clause *Item *Options/Requirements

General Requirements On detecting a fault controller set to pre- *established by the Contractor/see Particular
determined condition Specification. Controller interfaces *as Clause Particular Specification Interface characteristics *as Clause Particular


2.4.15 Remote portable terminals *not required/as Clause 2.4.15/see Particular

Specification Laptop computer *not required/see Particular Specification

2.4.17 Uninterruptable power supply *not required/as Clause 2.4.17/see Particular

specification. Totalisation program for meters *not required/

*shall be provided for
electricity meters no. & ref
gas meters no. & ref
fuel oil meters no. & ref
water meters no. & ref Meter reading information used for validation *not required/as Clause
or recharge Particular Specification Optimum start boost *as Clause required/ see

Particular Specification Building/plant protection routine shall override *not required/see Particular Specification
other operating programmes Load shedding *not required/see Particular Specification and

associated Schedule Fresh air control proportions *not required/based upon enthalpy/based on

dry bulb temperature Enthalpy control *not required/see Particular Specification

Minimum time dampers in minimum fresh
air position shall be minutes Air quality control *not required/see Particular Specification Lighting control *not required/see Particular Specification Emergency lighting *not required/see Particular Specification Occupancy Control *not required/see Particular Specification Fire and Security control *not required/see Particular Specification Pre-determined number of unauthorised *not required/three/see Particular
attempts to access via the modem Specification

Schedule 1, 4 of 6 September 2002

Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 1
Specification 47

Clause *Item *Options/Requirements

General Requirements (a) Two position switching devices shall have *not required/required
concealed adjustment (b) Two position switching devices hand reset *not required/required
feature Averaging elements *not required/see Particular Specification Room thermostats set point *see Particular Specification Room Adjustment *not required/see Particular Specification Manual override *not required/see Particular Specification Duct mounted & immersion thermostat set *see Particular Specification
point Duct mounted & immersion thermostats, *not required/see Particular Specification
adjustable differential Duct mounted frost protection thermostat *not required/see Particular Specification
clamp-on type
Duct mounted frost protection thermostat *not required/see Particular Specification
electronic clamp-on style Humidistat set point *see Particular Specification Airflow switches special atmospheric *not applicable/see Particular Specification

conditions Immersion & duct mounted temperature *as clause Particular
sensor accuracy Specification Actuator additional features *not required/see Particular Specification Unitary controller *not required/see Particular Specification Gas detection *not required/see Particular Specification

Installation Provisions for back up copies of firmware *not required/..No. required

To be submitted to Superseded software *as Clause Particular

Specification Schedule of Actions on BEMS failure *not required/see Particular Specification Plant start/stop sequence *not required/see Particular Specification Data transmission and analogue sensor cables *not required/see Particular Specification
must be screened Manual control facilities *as Clause Particular

September 2002 Schedule 1, 5 of 6

Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 1
Specification 47

Clause *Item *Options/Requirements

General Requirements

Specification Actuators shall include a position feedback *not required/see Particular Specification
device Additional contacts for signalling and remote *not required/see Particular Specification

3.3.6 Additional provision for retrofit installations *not required/see Particular Specification

Training *not required/see Particular Specification.

4.1.1 Site personnel to be trained *see Particular Specification

8.1.1 Spares comprehensive priced list of *as Clause 8.1.1/not required
consumable items

8.2.1 Maintenance additional offer for three levels *as Clause 8.2.1/not required
of maintenance

*Delete or complete as necessary

Schedule 1, 6 of 6 September 2002

Building Energy Management Systems
Specification 47

Schedule No. 2: Information to be Supplied by


Clause *Item Requirements


1.8.4 Methods intended for the

elimination of interference with
signal and data transmission. Functions of Operator Stations Tenderer to specify (where

detailed as required under Schedule 1) Ownership of application confirmed/not confirmed

software retained by Client;
Tender price includes all
royalties and ownership fees;
client can modify programmes Specification of components for Tenderer to provide

each Operator Station Number of general purpose and Tenderer to provide

unitary controllers (where
required under Schedule 1) Controller spare capacity Tenderer to provide

3 Installation Availability and cost of further Tenderer to provide

packaged software Functional description and Tenderer to provide

details of software to be written

Procedure for providing software Tenderer to provide

Previous experience of having Tenderer to provide

similar software written Software support service Tenderer to provide

September 2002 Schedule 2, 1 of 2

Building Energy Management Systems Schedule No. 2
Specification 47

Clause *Item Requirements

System Any existing means of *Confirmed/*not confirmed

communication between *by test
controllers and operator facilities *by certificate
is of suitable standard Existing local telephone system *suitable/*not suitable

If not suitable, Tenderer to state
reasons Certification from network *provided/*not provided

operator that BEMS is able to
operate satisfactorily Existing cable is suitable *confirmed/*not confirmed Plant and control equipment Tenderer to provide details of

supplied by others installation requirements Plant subject to warranty by Tenderer to obtain clearance in

others writing that proposed
modifications do not invalidate
warranties Additional provision for retrofit Tenderer to state name of

installations - use of original supplier and provide priced
supplier schedule Additional provision for retrofit Tenderer to state name of

installations - use of a specialist specialist and provide priced
schedule Potential delay in contract due to Tenderer to advise

providing BEMS connections to
plant Internal battery power supplies Tenderer to state which batteries

require regular inspection, how
batteries shall be monitored,
maximum service life of batteries

4 Training

4.1.2 Venue for training Tenderer to state

Schedule 2, 2 of 2 September 2002

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