A Av013e
A Av013e
A Av013e
Post-harvest Operations
- Post-harvest Compendium
INSECT DAMAGE: Damage on Post-harvest
Organisation: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
Author: Mohamed N. Sallam
Edited by: AGSI/FAO: Danilo Mejia (Technical), Beverly Lewis (Language&Style)
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Magnitude of the problem ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Storage and Losses ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Insect damage............................................................................................................... 8
2. Major insect pests of stored foods ................................................................................... 10
2.1 Coleoptera .................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Lepidoptera ................................................................................................................ 19
2.3 Fungal contamination and production of mycotoxins ............................................... 22
3. References ........................................................................................................................ 26
1. Introduction
Insects are the most diverse species of animals living on earth. Apart from the open ocean,
insects can be found in all habitats; swamps, jungles, deserts, even in highly harsh
environments such as pools of crude petroleum (Imms, 1964). Insects are undoubtedly the
most adaptable form of life as their total numbers far exceed that of any other animal
category. The majority of insects are directly important to humans and the environment. For
example, several insect species are predators or parasitoids on other harmful pests, others are
pollinators, decomposers of organic matter or producers of valuable products such as honey
or silk. Some can be used to produce pharmacologically active compounds such as venoms or
antibodies. Less than 0.5 percentage of the total number of the known insect species are
considered pests, and only a few of these can be a serious menace to people.
Insect pests inflict damage to humans, farm animals and crops. Insect pests have been defined
by Williams (1947) as any insect in the wrong place. Depending on the structure of the
ecosystem in a given area and man's view point, a certain insect might or might not be
considered a pest. Some insects can constitute a major threat to entire countries or a group of
nations. One prominent example is the tsetse fly that puts about 100 million people and 60
million head of cattle at risk in sub-Saharan Africa due to the transmission of trypanosomiasis
(ICIPE, 1997).
Herbivorous insects are said to be responsible for destroying one fifth of the world's total
crop production annually. One major reason why there are pests is the creation of man-
manipulated habitats, that is, agroecosystems that fulfil man's needs, where crops are selected
for their large size, high yield, nutritious value, and clustered in a confined area. This does
not only satisfy man's demand, but provides a highly conducive environment for herbivorous
insects at the same time. In the process of artificially selecting suitable crops for human
consumption, highly susceptible plants for infestation by insects are also selected. Many of
the crop varieties that were developed during the past 30 years produced high yields, but,
they also had poor storage characteristics (Kerin, 1994). Insect pests are capable of evolving
to biotypes that can adapt to new situations, for example, overcome the effect of toxic
materials or bypass natural or artificial plant resistant, which further confounds the problem
(Roush and McKenzie, 1987).
Provision of food has always been a challenge facing mankind. A major cornerstone in this
challenge is the competition from insect pests. Particularly in the tropics and sub-tropics,
where the climate provides a highly favourable environment for a wide range of insects,
massive efforts are required to suppress population densities of the different pests in order to
achieve an adequate supply of food. In the developing countries, the problem of competition
from insect pests is further complicated with a rapid annual increase in the human population
(2.5-3.0 percentage) in comparison to a 1.0 percentage increase in food production. Taking
into consideration sudden problems caused by drought in places such as Africa, considerable
losses of agricultural products add a serious burden to people's daily life.
The introduction of alien pests into new habitats due to the global increase of trade and
transport causes another dilemma. When a pest is carried to a new geographical area, its
natural enemies that keep it in check in its aboriginal home are normally left behind. This
situation, in most cases, may lead to critical complications. One major example is the
introduction of the spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus Swinhoe, into Africa coming from Asia
early this century, that is now responsible for significant losses in maize and sorghum in
many parts of Eastern and Southern Africa. The exotic pest may have also led to partial
displacement of the native African stemborers such as Sesamia calamistis Hampson, Chilo
orichalcociliellus Strand and Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Overholt et al., 1994; Kfir, 1997).
Recent estimates of yield losses due to stemborers alone in sub-Saharan Africa are in the
Figure 1: Traditional maize storage systems in the southern region of Togo (Pantenius, 1988)
(A: noy-heated granary; B: Regularly heated in house storage; C: Irregularly heated granary)
In some parts of Africa, such as Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon and
Somalia, grains are stored underground (see Bartali et al., 1990; Bakhella et al., 1993;
Lemessa & Handreck, 1995), however, it is not as widespread in the African continent as it is
in India. In India, an underground pit, 2-2.5 meters in depth, is dug in soil and a fire may be
lit to dry up the walls. Afterwards, bricks can be used to build a wall or otherwise walls are
1.2.2 Warehouses
Warehouses are practical and appropriate structures for storing and protecting food crops (see
Cabrera & Lansakara, 1995; Gwinner et al., 1996). Stored crops can be easily maintained and
treated, transported to and from the warehouse and regularly checked for insect or fungal
infestation. Good and effective warehouses are simple four-cornered buildings with ample
ventilation. It is always preferable to build a concrete floor one meter above the ground level
to guarantee adequate isolation of ground moisture or water flooding. Concrete walls are the
most suitable if properly built with no cracks or holes to discourage insects. Aluminium
sheets provide adequate roofing and are better used than corrugated iron to avoid raising of
temperature. Appropriate and controlled ventilation is essential for successful storage in
warehouses. Lower and upper ventilation openings for inlet and outlet of air should be fitted
with wire mesh or grids , but with the possibility for sealing to allow for secure pesticide
fumigation. A well designed and maintained drainage system is important for preventing rain
water from affecting the stored produce (For more details on warehouse structures see
Bisbrown, 1992).
Sanitation in stores is a key factor for preserving products in good condition (see Suss &
Locatelli, 1993; Rotundo et al., 1995). Sanitation is a simple practice that can save the
product from losses due to infestation. Sanitation starts with the removal of any unnecessary
objects from the store. Thorough cleanliness of the store through sweeping, removal of left
overs and prompt burning the trash is essential before receiving in a new lot. Clearing the
2.1 Coleoptera
The order Coleoptera is the largest order of insects and contains the most common and
important stored product pests. Adults have their forewings modified as hard elytra. Beetles
inhabit a wide variety of habitats and can be found almost everywhere. Those associated with
stored products exhibit different behavioural types; some are primary and secondary pests
feeding directly on the product, others are general scavengers, fungus feeders, wood borers or
predators of other insects. arvae lack the presence of prolegs (abdominal legs) and only
possess true legs on the three thoracic segments. Larvae of a few species may also lack true
legs, e.g. Sitophilus spp.
Figure 6:
Rice weevil
The Maize Weevil: Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (=Calandra zeamais Motsch.)
Figure 12:
Maize Weevil
The Granary Weevil: Sitophilus granarius (L.)
The first two species are major primary pests that have a virtually cosmopolitan distribution
throughout the warmer parts of the world. The rice weevil (S. oryzae) mainly attacks rice and
wheat in stores, while S. zeamais is a serious primary pest of stored maize. However, both
species are able to develop on all cereals, dried cassava and other processed food products.
The two species are morphologically identical. In Europe, the two species are replaced by the
granary weevil, S. granarius, which is wingless and can be distinguished by the sculpturing
on the prothorax and elytera.
Natural history:
The life cycle and damage caused by both S. oryzae and S. zeamais are similar. However, S.
zeamais is a little larger (5 mm in length) and a very active flier. Infestation usually starts in
the field and later continues in the store. Both species are capable of inhibiting reserved
breeding grounds near the threshing floors that are normally full of plant residues, where the
population builds up in before moving to granaries. Adult females chew grains creating a
small hole in which they lay eggs and then seal the hole with a secretion. The optimum
temperature for oviposition is around 25oC and at grain moisture contents of over 10
percentage (Brich, 1944). Larvae tunnel in grains and are responsible for most of the damage.
pupation takes place inside the grain and adults chew their way out through the outer layer of
the grain. Adults live for 5-6 months depending on the temperature and humidity of grains
(see Kuschel, 1961; Giles, 1969; Mound, 1989).
S. oryzae adult females can lay more than 500 eggs during their lifetime. The optimal
temperature for development is 300C with maximum oviposition taking place at 18
percentage humidity. The rice weevil can live without food for 6-32 days depending on
temperature. This species is highly affected by changes in temperature; all stages die in about
a week at 00C. On the other hand, S. zeamais tolerates lower temperatures than S. oryzae and
can live for 37 days at 00C (see Floyd, & Newsom, 1959; Stoyanova, 1984; Zewar,1993).
Natural history:
The granary weevil, S. granarius, lives for one full year at 20-250C and a relative humidity of
about 15 percentage. Biology of this species is similar to the other two species, but it is
unable to fly, thus restricted to the store (see Dobie & Kilminster,1978; Stein, 1994). This
species prefers softer grains such as wheat, rye and barley, as food and habitat. In addition, S.
Figure 9:
Red-Rust Flour Beetle
These two species are probably the most common secondary pests of all plant commodities in
store throughout the world. Several other species of Tribolium are occasional minor pests and
can be found in almost every store containing infested cereals or cereal products, specially in
tropical and sub-tropical climates. Both species attack maize, wheat, flour and other
foodstuffs, but T. confusum does not seem to be as common as T. castaneum in tropical
climates (see Hill, 1987; Mills & White, 1994). Members of genus Tribolium are known to
produce toxic quinones which contaminate flour and flour products (Gorham, 1989). Damage
is done by both larvae and adults specially to broken or damaged grains.
Natural history:
T. castaneum adult females lay small, cylindrical, white eggs scattered in the product. At an
optimum temperature of 32.50C, females lay up to 11 eggs daily. Larvae are yellowish with a
pale brown head, and they live inside grains until pupation. Adults are about 3-4 mm long
and can live for a year or more. Females are highly fecund and able to lay a maximum of
1000 eggs during a lifetime, with 400C and 220C as upper and lower limits for development.
This species is also highly tolerable to humidity as low as 11 percentage. Adults are highly
adapted to feed on a very wide range of commodities and perfect colonizers of new habitats.
In tropical conditions, this species is dominant to T. confusum (see Howe, 1962; Dawson,
The confused flour beetle, T. confusum, is often confused with T. castaneum but they can be
separated using the last three segments of the antenna which are much larger than the rest in
T. castaneum and forming a club, while the last five segments in T. confusum gradually
enlarge towards the tip. Just like T. castaneum, the confused flour beetle develops in crushed
Tenebrio beetles are black or dark brown and they feed as larvae and adults on grain
products. T. molitor is an important post-harvest pest and occurs spread all over the world.
Adults are elongate, 16 mm long, and active fliers. Females can lay up to 600 eggs during its
lifetime. Larvae firstly eat the germs of stored grains and can feed on a wide variety of plant
products such as ground grains, flour, tobacco and foodstuffs. Larvae are very voracious and
highly resistant to low temperature; they can remain alive for 80 days at -50C.
Other tenebrionids are less common polyphagous pests around the globe such as T.
destructor, T. madens and Palorus depressus.
Members of this family are elongate with the head bent down ventrally to the thorax. Adults
are characterised by rasp-like hooks on the pronotum. Most of the species are borers in wood
or roots. Wood boring activities of these beetles may weaken timbers or wooden walls of the
stores. This family contains two serious stored grain pests:
The lesser grain borer (R. dominica) attacks a wide range of stored cereals. It can be found
attacking cassava, flour and other cereal products and is also able to attack rough rice grains.
The pest originated from South America, but is now found in all the warmer parts of the
world. This species is a serious pest in Australia, from where it was carried to the USA and
other parts of the world during World War I. Adults of this species are tiny dark beetles, 2-3
mm in length, and are very voracious with a long life span. Females may continue to lay eggs
for four months and are able to lay up to 500 eggs at 340C. They feed externally on grains and
lay eggs on their surface. Larvae feed either externally or inside the grain and pupation takes
place within the eaten grain. Larval development is relatively faster when fed on whole grains
than on flour. Both adults and larvae eat the endosperm leaving powdered grains. This dust
can accumulate on the walls of the warehouses and it is a sign of high infestation. Though are
not common on pulses, adults are able to breed in grains that are too dry for fast development
of Sitophilus. At 340C, development is possible on grains with moisture contents as low as 9
percentage, and they can daily destroy grains equal to their body weight (see Birch, 1945;
Fisher, 1950; Aitken, 1975).
The larger grain borer is a primary pest, often attacking maize in the field towards the end of
the season, then continuing in the store. P. truncatus is a serious pest of maize in Central
America and many parts of Africa. It was first reported in East Africa in 1981 and in 1984 in
West Africa. Since then, it has spread rapidly in the African continent where it has become a
major pest of stored maize and dried cassava. In Togo, soon after the discovery of P.
truncatus, mean losses of 30.2 percentage were reported on stored maize six months after
storage (Pantenius, 1988). Stored dried cassava is also known to become heavily infested by
P. truncatus, which may lead to cross infestation of maize. Hodges et al. (1985) reported 70
percentage loss in dried cassava roots after four months of storage due to this species.
Figure 10:
Larger Grain Borer
Figure 11:
Larger Grain Borer
Adults of P. truncatus bore in maize grains and produce large quantities of dust, in which
their larvae seem to feed and pupate. This species proved to be highly tolerable to low
moisture contents in grains. Field studies in Tanzania recorded heavy infestation in maize at a
moisture content as low as 9 percentage. The introduction of this pest in Africa has
influenced the economy of several countries, specially those depending on exporting of
maize. Many countries now refuse to import maize from areas infested with the larger grain
borer (see Boeye et al., 1992).
Most bruchids are short, stout-bodied beetles with a short forewing not reaching the tip of the
abdomen. Adults are characterised by their compact hairy bodies and relatively long
antennae. Larvae of most species feed inside seeds and some develop in stored dry grains or
legumes. All bruchids are phytophagous with most species able to avoid feeding on seed
covers that contain toxins. This family contains several important field and stored crop pests.
This is an important pest that mainly attacks beans of various species, and can alternatively
attack other pulse crops (see Lienard & Seck, 1994). This species originated in Africa but is
now found all over the tropics and sub-tropics. Adults are 2-4 mm, brownish with black
markings. They have a short life span of about 12 days and do not feed. Two forms of this
species have been identified; the active (flying) form and the flightless form. The flying form
disperses and colonises cowpea fields. Adult females lay about 100 eggs glued to the seed
surface or to pods. Larvae tunnel inside the seed where the entire development takes place. In
the store, the normal form continues to reproduce until the end of the storage season. The
flying form appears again in response to disperses to new locations. This species causes
major problems in Nigeria and Niger, where most of Africa's cowpeas are produced (see
Alebeek, 1996). Other species such as C. rhodesianus and C. subinnotatus may also be
important in some parts of Eastern and Central Africa (see Gillon et al., 1992; Giga et
2.1.8 The American Bean Weevil: Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Bruchus obtectus Say).
Figure 7:
American Bean Weevil
This species is widely distributed in Africa, Central and South America, New Zealand, USA
and Southern Europe. A. obtectus exhibits high tolerance to varied degrees of temperature,
thus, it is found in cool highland areas as well as the warmer parts of the tropics. It mainly
attacks beans of various types and other pulse crops. Adults are grey and oblong in shape,
with the body covered by yellowish green hairs. Females are almost twice as large as males.
Infestation starts in the field when females lay eggs on the mature beans in plant pods. Larvae
are tiny with strong mandibles and feed inside the seeds where life cycle is completed. Adults
exit the seed through round holes about 2 mm in diameter (see Wendt, 1992).
This species is common in West Africa and parts of South Eastern Asia where it probably
originated. Adults are 4-7 mm in length with distinct serrate antennae. C. serratus attacks
mainly groundnuts and other legumes, pods and seeds of Acacia tress and tamarind. Adult
females glue their eggs on groundnut seeds soon after harvest. Larvae bore inside seeds
making a large hole in the cotyledon. Pupation may take place inside or outside the kernel in
paper-like cocoon attached to the pod. C. serratus is a serious pest of stored groundnuts in
West Africa (see Delobel 1995; Satya et al, 1996).
Several other bruchids are known as post-harvest pests in different geographical areas of the
Species Remarks
Callosobruchus chinensis Originated in tropical Asia, but is currently distributed all over
(Linnaeus) the tropics and sub-tropics. It attacks chickpeas, cowpeas and
green grams. Life cycle and damage is very similar to C.
maculatus (see Parajulee et al., 1989).
Callosobruchus subinnotatus Formerly described as a strain of C. maculatus. It is found in
(Pic) West Africa where it attacks "Bambarra groundnuts" (see
Mbata, 1994).
Callosobruchus theobromae A pest of pigeon pea in India and was recorded in a groundnut
(Linnaeus) field in Nigeria.
Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) Mainly a field pest of cowpeas but eggs and larvae are taken to
storage after harvest (see Monge et al., 1988). (Huignard et al.,
1985) recorded 90% pods infestation from Niger in West
Bruchus atomarius L. Distributed in Europe and parts of Asia. Attacks beans, peas
and lentils.
Bruchus lentis Frol A monophagous species that occurs in some warmer parts of
the world. This species infests lentil seeds in stores (see
Mozos, 1992).
Bruchus pisorum L. Reported from Europe, Canada, South East Asia and former
USSR. A monophagous species that attacks ripe plant pod and
can only develop on peas (see Almasi, 1990).
Bruchus rufipes Herbst Distributed in central and southern Europe, Asia and south
Africa. Attacks vetch seeds in which they develop (see
Bakoyannis, 1988).
Bruchus dentipes Baudi This species occurs in bean cultivating area. Infests seeds of
broad beans and other species of the genus Vicia (see
Bakoyannis, 1988; Wendt, 1992).
Members of this family are small flattened beetles, mostly found under the bark of trees or in
tunnels made by other beetles. This family contains one common pest of stored grains.
Adults of this species are oblong flattened small beetles (1.5-2 mm long), with the head and
prothorax relatively big and conspicuous. C. ferrugineus is a widespread secondary pest of
stored grains, specially in the humid tropics. The genus Cryptolestes was reported to be of
economic importance towards the end of the maize storage season in Togo (Pantenius, 1988).
However, it might not be as serious as other pests in stores, often following an infestation by
other insects. It usually attacks the germs of broken or cracked grains thus reducing
germination. Other species such as C. pusillus (Schonherr) and C. pusilloides (Steel and
Howe) are common in humid areas of the tropics (see Banks, 1979).
This family was formerly included in Cucujidae. It includes two important species:
The Saw-toothed Grain Beetle: Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L), recognized by the toothed
lateral margins of the pronotum.
The Merchant Grain Beetle: Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel), which is found in association
with O. surinamensis.
Both species are virtually cosmopolitan and they infest a wide variety of stored grains,
processed foodstuff and other food products. They are mainly secondary on stored products
following more destructive primary pests. However, O. surinamensis prefers cereal products
while O. mercator is more frequent on oil-seed products and more temperature sensitive.
They enter damaged grains and feed specially on the germ. Optimum conditions for
development are between 30- 350C and 70-90 percentage relative humidity.
Natural history:
Adults are 3 mm flattened narrow winged beetles but they rarely fly. Females lay their eggs
loosely within the stored products. Larvae are free living and start by feeding on the embryo
and the endosperm. They require 60-90 percentage humidity for optimal development, and
neither species cannot develop or breed at temperatures less than 190C. All stages die in ten
minutes if exposed to 550C (see Howe, 1956; Halstead, 1980).
Members of this family are ovoid in shape with hairy or sometimes scaly bodies. Larvae are
very hairy. When stores are infested, these setae may be seriously hazardous if inhaled by
workers. This family contains a number of very destructive and economically important
species. One of the most serious stored product pests that belongs to this family is the Khapra
Beetle: Trogoderma granarium Everts. Apparently the only phytophagous species in the
genus Trogoderma. A native of India, the Khapra beetle is now found in most parts of the
world specially hot and dry areas. Adults are oval, red brown insects with a dark thorax.
Adult females may lay up to 120 eggs within the stored products. Larvae are considered
primary pests as they attack undamaged grains and seeds and bore into stored pulses. They
are highly mobile, and in the absence of food they enter a diapause that might last for more
than two years, in which they can be highly resistant to the application of pesticides or
fumigation. Adults are 3-4 mm long, dark wingless beetles that do not feed. Populations of
2.1.13 Anobiidae
Anobiids are cylindrical pubescent beetles, 1-9 mm in length. The head is usually concealed
from above by the hoodlike pronotum. Most anobiids live in dry vegetable materials or bore
in wood, while others are fungus feeders. About 1000 species of Anobiidae are known, most
of which are found in the tropics. The following are two widespread storage pests belonging
to this family.
The Cigarette Beetle: Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) is a common pest of stored cereals,
cocoa beans, tobacco, ground nut, peas, beans, flours and other foodstuffs. Originally from
South America, it is now found in most of the warmer parts of the world. This species is
notorious for attacking a wide range of intact cereal grains, pulse seeds and food stuffs.
Natural History:
Adults can breed anywhere at optimum temperatures of around 28-320C and a relative
humidity of 75 percentage. Newly hatched larvae are very active and responsible for most of
the damage. Adults are small brown beetles and the only damage they cause is due to their
emergence holes. This pest can be controlled if exposed to temperatures below 180C. At
550C, all stages die in two hours (see Howe, 1957; Lefkovitch & Currie, 1967).
The Drug Store Beetle: Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus) Another widespread pest that infests
several cereals, but less common than L. serricorne in the tropics.
Natural history:
Adults are 3.5-4 mm in length, brown hairy beetles, and they do not feed. Females lay about
75 eggs and optimum conditions are 300C with 60-90 percentage relative humidity. Larvae
are active feeders and they can be indiscriminate in their food choice, biscuits, macaroni, dry
fruits and other products. This species is commonly found in the temperate areas of the world
(see Lefovitch, 1967; Haines, 1991).
Trogosittids are brownish beetles. The Caddle (Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.)) is a common
pest in granaries. Observed for the first time in Mauritius, it is now considered a
cosmopolitan pest associated with a wide variety of commodities. T. mauritanicus attacks
mainly cereals, oilseeds and their products. Both adults and larvae are highly tolerant to very
cold conditions. Though larvae are known to predate upon other insects, both adults and
larvae feed directly on stored food and larvae are able to tunnel in wooden walls of the store
to create a pupation chamber (see Girish & Pingale, 1968; Aitken, 1975).
Lepidoptera is the second most important order of insects pests of stored products. Adults are
active flyers with two pairs of scaly wings. Mouthparts of the adults are modified to suck
plant nectar or other fluids and are not able to chew, while those of the larvae possess well-
developed mandibles. Larvae are distinguished from beetle larvae by their pseudopods (false
legs) on some of the abdominal segments. Lepidoptera larvae occur frequently in a wide
range of habitats and are known for their silk-spinning activities that result in the additional
loss of quality of stored products. Some species attack the product in both the field and store.
Several moths are pests of the ripening crop and their larvae can be found in recently
harvested stored grains. They either continue their attack for a short time in the store or form
an entry point for further attack by true storage pests. The following families contain the most
economically important lepidoptera post-harvest pests.
2.2.1 Pyralidae
Pyralidae is a large family, of which only a few species are stored product pests. Most
pyralids are small and delicate moths. Members of this family exhibit a great deal of variation
in appearance and habits. Larvae of all species possess glands which secrete silk with which
they interlink food products as they move. This family is divided into a number of
subfamilies, with the subfamily Phycitinae containing some of the most important stored
grain pests. The best-known species in this subfamily are the following:
The Tropical Warehouse Moth: Ephestia cautella (Walker) = Cadra cautella Hb.
A very serious cosmopolitan stored product pest infesting a wide variety of hosts such as
maize, wheat, and other grains in stores. It can also feed on dried fruits, beans, nuts, bananas
and groundnuts.
Natural history:
Adult females lay up to 300 small round sticky eggs within the substrate and through holes in
bags. Optimum conditions for larval development are 32-330C and 70 percentage relative
humidity. Larvae feed on the seed germ and are fairly mobile within the produce. A
considerable amount of damage results from webbing in the grain and on the surface of bags
forming large lumps, therefore food is no longer fit for consumption once infested. Pupation
takes place in crevices or between bags. Adult moths spread the infestation in the warehouse
through egg laying. This pest is cosmopolitan in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world
(see Burges & Haskins, 1965; Hill, 1987; Mound, 1989; Bowditch & Madden, 1996).
This species is a polyphagous pest that feeds on a vast variety of stored products such as
dried cocoa beans, dried grains, pulses, nuts, tobacco, coconut and dried fruits. Infestation is
mainly post-harvest.
Natural history:
The whole life cycle takes about 30 days at 300C and 70 percentage relative humidity. Most
of the damage is due to contamination of food with exuviae, dead bodies and frass. Silk
Adults are similar to E. cautella but the body is relatively longer. A major pest of flour mills,
its main habitats are flour and grout mills, corn milling plants, bakeries and any other place
used for processing grains or preparing flour products. E. kuehniella occurs in most of the
temperate and sub-tropical parts of the world, where average temperatures are around 200C-
250C. Complete development requires about 74 days at 250C and 75 percentage relative
humidity. Larvae entwine all the material on which they feed resulting in solid lumps of food
particles, faeces and larval exuviae (see Jacob & Cox, 1977; Locatelli & Biglia, 1995).
This insect feeds mainly on meals and flours but can attack raisins, nuts and some pulses and
whole cereals. The Indian meal moth is distributed all over the tropics and sub-tropics and in
some parts of the temperate regions, specially in heated buildings. In the hot tropics, it is
more abundant in cooler highland areas. Most of the damage occurs due to larval feeding on
the germinal part of the grains. Damage also occurs through the contamination of foodstuff
with dead larvae, frass and silk webbing.
Natural history:
Larvae feed in tubes they weave from silk secretions. Adult females stick about 200-400 eggs
to the substrate or to the storage walls. Larvae develop and feed within the substrate and are
sensitive to changes in temperature. The number of generations may be only two per year in
Europe, but increases in the tropics to eight generations. Complete development takes about
27 days at 300C and 70 percentage relative humidity. Development ceases below 150C. All
stages die at 550C in five hours (see Bell, 1975; Aitken, 1984; Locatelli & Biglia, 1995).
2.2.2 Gelechiidae
Gelechiidae is a large family of lepidoptera. All moths are small in size and several species
are important plant pests. This family contains two serious post-harvest pests:
Figure 13:
Angoumois Grain Moth
This species is a cosmopolitan pest of potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants. It attacks plants
mainly in the field, but continues to feed on tubers in storage. Larvae mine in the leaves and
stems and later bore into the tubers. Damage can be seen on leaves as silver spots due to the
tunnelling larvae, or as tunnels in the plant stem.
Natural history:
Each female lays about 150-200 eggs and larvae tunnel through leaves and stem down to the
tuber where pupation may take place. In the store, eggs are laid individually on the tubers
near the eyes or on sprouts. P. operculella is an important pest in traditional potato stores in
North Africa (Arx et al., 1987; Lagnaoui et al., 1996. See also Haines, 1977). High
infestations of up to 50 percentage of tubers can take place in Yemen due to this pest
(Kroschel, 1994).
2.2.3 Acaridae
Mites are widely distributed tiny arthropods. They can live and develop on various plant in
the field or indoors. Mites can be found in granaries, feed mixing plants, threshing floors,
stacks of hay and straw, dead organic matter, soil or plant residues. Several species are
predacious on other mites or insects. Mites are easily transmitted by virtue of their tiny size
which allows them to be carried with dust, winds, insects, birds or rodents. About 30 mite
species are known to be associated with stored products. Family Acaridae contains some
damaging species, in which Acarus siro is probably the most important and commonly
encountered mite in granaries. This mite is about 0.7 mm in length with an oval body. A. siro
is a widely distributed polyphagous species that can be found on almost all products of plant
or animal origin. It requires relatively high humidity (70 percentage), with humidities below
11 percentage being lethal to the mite. Temperatures below -150C for 24 hours kill all stages.
At 600C, all stages die in 5 minutes.
Attacked grains lose nutrients and the ability to germinate due to feeding on the germ.
Crushed bodies of Acarus cause coloration in flour that reduces the products value. Under
normal conditions, this mite develops according to the following pattern: egg, larva, nymph I,
Another important cause of grain deterioration is infection by fungal diseases. Just like
infestation by insect pests, fungal infection mainly starts in the field and is later carried to the
store. High relative humidity is a crucial factor for encouraging fungal infestation. Factors
influencing the degree of humidity in the store can be a high moisture content in the product
if it has not sufficiently dried after harvest, infestation with insect pests that results in hot
spots and increased humidity, or improper storing technique that allows for contact with rain
water or humidity condensation (see Ayertey & Ibitoye, 1987; Gwinner et al., 1996). Fungal
infestation results in reduction of grain quality, change in colour, taste, smell, reduction in
nutritional value, increase in free fatty acids (FFA) and reduction of germination ability
(Dutta & Roy, 1987; Prasad et al., 1987; White & Jayas, 1993; Dharmaputra, 1997).
Fungal diseases may be highly hazardous as certain species of fungus produce mycotoxins
(Christensen, 1975; Reddy & Nusrath, 1988; Latus et al., 1995; Miller, 1995), which are
poisonous substances produced by moulds during their growth and development. Mycotoxins
are highly stable compounds that cannot be destroyed through food processing, and the only
way to avoid them is to prevent the fungal growth. The first recorded case of poisoning due to
food contamination with fungal infestation was in the early 1930s, when 5000 farm horses
died in Illinois, USA, due to a disease that was called the "mouldy corn disease". It occurred
among farm animals that fed on maize left in the field after harvest (see Christensen &
Kaufmann, 1969). Later in the mid 1930s, a plant pathologist in Minnesota, USA, isolated
Fusarium sp. from maize infected by ear rot, and the extract gave similar disease symptoms
on swine. A few years later in the former USSR, hundreds of people were affected by what
was later described as "alimentary toxic aleukia" (see Taylor et al., 1996; Wild et al., 1996).
People had eaten millet from plants overwintered in the field and gathered later in the spring.
The grains were infected by different species of fungi, some of which produced potent toxins.
In 1960, about 100,000 turkeys died in England of an unknown disease. Later a fungus
identified as Aspergillus flavus was isolated from a suspected groundnut meal that was
imported from Brazil. Extracts from this fungus confirmed the presence of a toxic substance
that was given the name "aflatoxin" (see Christensen & Meronuck, 1986). This material has
been extensively studied and proved to be highly toxic to man and farm animals. It is a liver
toxin which can induce cancer in susceptible animals. Fungal growth can be very rapid as
well as the production of aflatoxin, specially in tropical and sub-tropical countries, where
environmental conditions are highly conducive (see Highley et al., 1994; Hennigen & Dick,
1995, Scudamore & Hetmanski,1995).
The fungus is widely distributed all over the world and has been found on all foodstuff and
their products (Christensen & Kaufmann, 1969; Wareing, 1997). Several strains of A. flavus
produce aflatoxin and can contaminate grains, pulses, cassava, oilseeds and other foodstuff.
Factors during cereal storage can favour the development of the fungus and the production of
aflatoxin (Cloud & Morey, 1980; Christensen & Sauer, 1982; Bhatti et al., 1990). A moisture
content that is slightly above 9 percentage in groundnuts or around 16 percentage in cereals is
Aflatoxin has been found in sausages in Germany and other meat products. In the Philippines,
aflatoxin was found in the majority of the samples of peanut butter in stores. Moreover,
aflatoxin consumed by dairy cattle, though altered in their body, still remains toxic and shows
up in the milk (see Christensen & Meronuck, 1986; Gwinner et al.,1996).
A. flavus can grow and produce aflatoxin in many kinds of plants and plant products.
However, major agricultural crops in which aflatoxins can create a serious problem are
groundnut, maize and cottonseeds, specially where crops are grown in warm and humid
conditions (see Awuah & Kpodo, 1996; Bankole et al., 1996; Fufa & Urga, 1996). On the
other hand, not all strains of A. flavus produce aflatoxins, some can even be used in the
preparation of foods for human consumption. Several other Aspergillus species and other
fungi in different genera are associated with stored products, some of which may produce
other important mycotoxins (Jacobsen et al., 1995; Bottalico, 1997; Cvetnic & Pepeljnjak,
1997). The following is a list of the most common stored product fungus species.
Aspergillus candidus
This fungus is common in stored grains and their products where moisture content is at least
15-16 percentage. It is known to cause preliminary heating of stored grains. Its presence is an
indication that a stored lot is contaminated with spoiled grains (see Jevtic et al., 1990; Bujari
& Ershad, 1993; Awuah & Kpodo, 1996).
Aspergillus clavatus
This fungus is commonly found in soil and decaying plant materials. It requires a moisture
contents of 23-25 percentage in cereal seeds and can grow at lower relative humidities on
groundnut meal or copra (see Adisa, 1994; Famurewa et al., 1994; Lopez-Diaz & Flannigan,
Aspergillus fumigatus
This fungus occurs in decaying plant materials and requires relatively high temperature to
develop (400C). It was reported to result in a high level of abortion in cattle feeding on
contaminated food. A. fumigatus may also infect human lungs. However, this species requires
a high relative humidity of 95-100 percentage to grow (see Darwish et al., 1991; Pandey &
Prasad, 1993; Abdu et al., 1995).
Aspergillus parasiticus
An aflatoxin producing fungus which attacks maize, groundnuts and oilseeds (see
Christensen & Meronuck, 1986; Le et al.,1995).
Aspergillus restrictus
This species is known to have a "restricted" growth. It is able to kill and discolour wheat
germ at a narrow range of relative humidity of 13.8-14.3 percentage. A. restrictus is usually
associated with rice weevils, but even when the insect pest is eliminated, the fungus will
Alternaria alternata
An important mycotoxin producing fungus that attacks rice, sorghum and soybeans (see
Jevtic et al.,1990; Jacobsen et al., 1995; Hasan, 1996).
Fusarium graminearum
This species produces deoxynivalenol, which is a serious and acute human toxin. It also
produces zearalenone. Both toxins are produced on maize, wheat and barley (see Wang et al.,
1990; Sidorov et al., 1996; El-Sayed, 1997).
Fusarium moniliforme
This species commonly invades stems of maize plants and it is known to produce the
mycotoxin, fumonisin. In high moisture conditions, F. moniliforme may be involved in
rotting of the kernel. However, it requires a 22 percentage moisture contents to grow, thus, it
does not cause serious problems in stores (see Lee et al., 1994; Tavares et al., 1995; Bacon &
Hinton, 1996; Jin & Qiu, 1996).
Fusarium roseum
This species causes scab of wheat, barley and oats. Symptoms are the discoloration of seeds.
It also causes "ear rot" in maize and may continue developing on maize left on the plants
after harvest (see Biswal & Narain, 1991; Assemat et al., 1995; Adam, 1996).
Fusarium tricinctum
A mycotoxin producing fungus. Heavy infestations are common when maize is stored on the
cobs in cribs (see Bao & Wang, 1991; Roinestad et al., 1994; Lin et al., 1994).
Helminthosporium spp.
Fungi belonging to this genus may cause seed infections in different cereals such as maize
and rice (see Kedera et al., 1994).
Scopulariopsis spp.
A predominant fungus associated with black and white pepper, soybean flour and powdered
milk (see Jevtic et al., 1990; El-kady & Youssef; 1993).
Penicillium verrucosum
This fungus infects barley and wheat. It produces ochratoxin, a mycotoxin that may lead to
kidney damage in farm animals. Other certain species of Penicillium produce citrinin, an
important mycotoxin that may lead to kidney damage in humans and farm animals. (see
Skrinjar & Dimic, 1992; Mantle & McHugh, 1993).
Improper handling of crops during post-harvest processes can cause fungal infestation. Any
damage to stored products increases their susceptibility to fungal contamination (see
Tagliaferri et al., 1993). More importantly, insects activity can have a profound effect on the
spread of fungal diseases through transmitting the spores and increasing the surface area
susceptible to fungal infection, which eventually increases the production of mycotoxins.
Dunkel (1988) indicated that some storage insect species are disseminators of storage fungi
while others are exterminators; some storage fungi attract storage insects and promote their
population increases while others repel and secrete toxins harmful to insects. Therefore,
knowledge of basic biological relationships between insects and fungi in the stored grain
ecosystem is crucial for their management. Several studies demonstrate the importance of
insect pests as promoters or facilitators of fungal infection. In Nigeria, for example, Acholo et
al. (1997) showed that the yam beetle, Heteroligus meles, which was the largest cause of
damage to tubers, facilitated the spread of different Fusarium species and other less abundant
fungi. None of the fungi was able to infect undamaged yams in the laboratory. In India,
Pande & Mehrotra (1988) sampled wheat grains for Sitophilus oryzae and found that A.
flavus was the most frequent species in their alimentary canals, followed by A. candidus, A.
sojae, A. fumigatus, Penicillium rugulosum and Cladosporium cladosporioides. This
indicates the possibility that S. oryzae transmits fungus spores from infested to healthy grains.
In the USA, Beti et al. (1995) showed that maize kernels infested with A. flavus-
contaminated Sitophilus zeamais weevils had higher levels of aflatoxin than A. flavus-
inoculated maize without weevils. The presence of S. zeamais resulted in increased kernel
moisture content which was positively correlated with aflatoxin contents. In addition,
aflatoxin levels in infested maize increased with increasing numbers of A. flavus-
contaminated S. zeamais, as S. zeamais carried spores both internally and externally on their
In some crops, efforts to remove broken and discoloured seeds can effectively reduce the
production of mycotoxins. However, this may not be practical for many products, especially
when the fungal growth is internal and difficult to detect. In Thailand, an in-store drying
system to control aflatoxin contamination in maize was developed. High moisture maize is
dried to 18 or 19 percentage moisture content within 2 days and continuously dried to 14
percentage within 14 days. An airflow rate of 3.6-4.6 m3/min per m3 of maize is required to
decrease moisture content from 19 to 12 percentage (Prachayawarakorn et al., 1996). In an
experiment in India, cinnamon oil treatment of maize, in combination with sodium chloride,
synergistically inhibited fungal infection, growth and aflatoxin production (Chatterjee, 1989).