Aspects of Shiva - SivaSakti
Aspects of Shiva - SivaSakti
Aspects of Shiva - SivaSakti
Aspects of Shiva
Bhairava or
Paramashiva are
names given to
the Supreme
Absolute, the
One without the
Second in the
Shivaic tradition.
Nevertheless, this
Consciousness can be perceived and conceived by the
common human mind only by means of a personalized
form, capable to be addressed to by the human
understanding. This aspect of the Divine Supreme 1/7
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8/7/2017 Aspects of Shiva SivaSakti
Shiva is a perfect magician, who creates the
phenomenal world by means of his Cosmic spell. He is
the perfect painter as he puts on the wall of his own
consciousness, without instruments and materials, the
fresco of the universe. Through his hand gesture
(mudra), he impresses upon the whole world the
di erentiation between masculine and feminine. As an
actor, he plays alone in the theatre play of the three
worlds, identifying Him
Pashupati, the good Shepherd or The keeper of the
Shiva is also the deity of compassion and in nite grace.
As Pashupati, he is adored as the shepherd of the souls
subdued by ignorance, which he protects and
constantly impels towards reaching the supreme
Umapati, Umas lover
This aspect of Shiva portrays the Deity of Love, the
beloved husband of the essential creative divine
energy/ cosmic mother, named Shakti, Uma or Parvati,
whom he eternally embraces. To this universal love 3/7
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