Offshore Wind A Changing Sea of Risk
Offshore Wind A Changing Sea of Risk
Offshore Wind A Changing Sea of Risk
Oct. 3, 2017
Luisina Berberian
+34 91-788-7200
Trevor J DOlier-Lees
New York
+1 212-438-7985
Pierre Georges
+33 1-4420-6735
Michael Wilkins
Offshore Wind: A Changing Sea Of Risk
Costs for offshore wind development continue to fall, fueling projects to expand capacity globally. A robust pipeline of
Indeed, the three winning bids of the Sept. 11, 2017, U.K. contracts for difference auction of new projects is
offshore wind projects saw a drop in offered tariff prices of 50% on average since the last
growing to leverage
competitive auction in 2015 1. The maturation of the industry, particularly in Europe, has enabled
the vast untapped
greater transparency and a better understanding of the key risks, especially during the
construction phase, which in turn has supported further cost reductions. We believe investment-
potential of offshore
grade ratings are possible for projects under construction with strong contractors and suitable wind around the
construction schedules, together with appropriate warranties for technologies without a sufficient globe.
track record. A robust pipeline of new projects is growing to leverage the vast untapped potential
of offshore wind around the globe (see "Offshore Wind Projects Take off as Technology Improves
and Costs Fall," published on June 2, 2017). Here, S&P Global Ratings explores some of the key
risks that offshore wind projects face and how we factor them into our ratings analysis. First, we
briefly discuss trends in the types of risk involved in project finance. Then, we delve in depth into
how we assess each kind of risk.
Chart 1
In 2016, operators connected 1.6 gigawatts (GW) of new offshore wind power capacity to the grid
in Europe, representing 70% of global installed capacity. Investment in the offshore wind industry
in the region has grown at an annual average 30% over the past five years. By 2020, WindEurope
estimates that European offshore wind capacity will reach 24.6 GW, based on the high number of
offshore wind projects under construction.
With the trend toward bigger turbines and foundations to increase manufacturing and production
efficiency, combined with greater distances to shore and harsher sea conditions, technology risk
will remain an important factor. This risk is accentuated when a difference exists between the
DONG Energy and the EDP Renovaveis/ENGIE consortium bid a strike price of 57.5/MWh, for delivery in 2022/2023; and 74.75 per MWh for the
joint venture between Innogy and Statkraft offshore wind project, for delivery in 2021/2022. This compares to 114/MWh in previous auctions in the
U.K. only 30 months ago.
technologies proposed at the bidding stage and the ones that are actually feasible at the time of
Offshore wind assets are often financed via project finance on a non-recourse basis, which is As the industry has
critical given the heavy investment requirement and the large quantities of debt needed to finance matured and
such transactions--while offering a decent equity return to the sponsors in a very competitive
participants have a
environment. (Nonrecourse means that the lender is entitled only to repayment from the cash flow
better understanding
available for debt service of the specific project the loan is financing. Even if the borrower
defaults, the issuer cannot seek out the borrower for any further compensation, even if the
of the risks, along
collateral does not cover the full value of the defaulted amount). Such projects face significant with a more robust
construction risk, absent risk transfer and mitigation. Cost and schedule overruns are just two supply chain, we
examples of such risks. For example, in 2011-2013, cracks in the monopiles built by Shanghai believe construction
Zhenhua Heavy Industries Ltd. for the Greater Gabbard project (504 megawatts (MW)) in the U.K. risk is abating.
led to delays and a contractual dispute between the project parties. However, as the industry has
matured and participants have a better understanding of the risks, along with a more robust
supply chain, S&P Global Ratings believes construction risk is abating. For example, the 2015
Westermost Rough (210 MW) in the U.K. was built at a cost 15%-20% below the initially
announced final investment decision budget and in January 2017 Sandbank in the U.K. (288 MW)
was commissioned three months ahead of schedule.
Recent auction bids have ushered in a new era for the sector, after DONG Energy and EnBW bid at
zero, meaning no subsidies, just market prices. Now that the market is moving to pool prices from
contract pricing, merchant risk is increasing. WindMW GmbH, whose debt we rate investment-
grade, has merchant exposure (that is, electricity sold on the spot market, which we deem very
volatile and which can be close to zero in very windy days) during its refinancing phase. However,
we believe this factor is important and could mean the difference between an investment-grade or
speculative-grade rating. Under our operations methodology, we combine exposure to market risk
(which we assess on a scale from '1' to '5') with performance risk ('1' to '12') to determine the
preliminary operations phase business assessment.
We assess all of these types of risks to develop our opinion of a project's credit risk, and symbolize
that in terms of ratings. Ratings express our opinion about the ability and willingness of an issuer
to meet its financial obligations in full and on time. Credit ratings on project finance transactions
speak to the credit quality of an individual debt issue, and the relative likelihood that the issue
may default.
To assess these risks in a transparent and comparable way, we rate offshore wind project finance
transactions through a specific methodology ("Project Finance Framework Methodology,"
published on Sept. 16, 2014), also taking into consideration "Key Credit Factors For Power Project
Financings," published on Sept. 16 2014. The first spells out the framework for rating projects,
while the second helps us score specific features within the broad and diverse universe of power
projects. For our construction and operations phase methodologies, see "Project Finance
Construction Methodology," Nov. 15, 2013, and "Project Finance Operations Methodology," Sept.
16, 2014. We also draw on these methodologies: "Project Finance Construction And Operations
Counterparty Methodology," published Dec. 21, 2011; and "Project Finance Transaction Structure
Methodology," published Sept. 16, 2014. First, we establish a project's stand-alone credit profile
(SACP), an assessment of its intrinsic creditworthiness (see chart 2). The project SACP is the lower
of our assessments of the project's construction phase SACP and operations phase SACP. To
arrive at the final rating, we adjust the project SACP for factors related to the transaction
structure, extraordinary government support, the sovereign ratings, and any full credit guarantee.
Chart 2
Such technology typically includes turbines, structures, offshore substations, and possibly Our approach is to
cabling and onshore connections. Our approach is to evaluate the technologies' key features, evaluate the
including any innovations. Our analysis is informed by the findings and opinions in independent
technologies' key
engineer reports.
features, including
Given the limited operational history of some newer turbines, our assessment of them might range any innovations.
from "proven" to "proven but not in this application." Certain turbine and foundation technologies
could be scored "proven" depending on their operational track record and support for reliable
long-term forecast. When scored proven, we view the technology as having a satisfactory
operating record relative to the project and technology life, hence we feel comfortable with the
long-term generation forecast that is expected to be reached by these turbines.
To achieve lower installed costs, manufacturers of turbines have been building larger ones by
leveraging existing technologies and adding new features. Under our criteria, we view
enhancements as more credit supportive than new technologies, depending on the extent of the
changes. In addition, we consider strong testing, verification, and certification vital for new
Importantly, our technology assessment reflects residual risk to the project after mitigants and
after allowing for any conditions attaching to mitigants. Mitigants therefore can offset technology
risk. These include warranties and operation and maintenance contracts that guarantee Our technology
performance such as availability; these can also carry attendant benefits during the operations assessment reflects
phase. We assess the robustness of the risk transfer by evaluating the conditionality of the
residual risk to the
contracts as well as the balance sheet strength of the party supporting this risk transfer.
project after
Assuming robust transfer due to mitigation, we could assess technology risk as proven. In
contrast, a weaker assessment can limit construction phase SACP and consequently the rating.
mitigants and after
allowing for any
attached conditions.
How we assess construction difficulty
We have observed that more difficult construction tasks are more likely to lead to delays and cost
overruns than simpler ones (see chart 3 below and paragraphs 31-33 of the construction phrase
Chart 3
We typically assess as "civil or heavy engineering task" offshore wind and subsea transmission in
benign sea conditions, while offshore wind plants in harsh sea environments are typically
assessed as "heavy engineering-to-industrial task." For this assessment, S&P Global Ratings
takes into consideration not only the wind project size and turbine capacity, but also the distance
to shore, neighboring projects, nearby ports, water depth, and tidal range and soil composition,
which might require focus during the design stage to ensure that foundation design (including
boat landings), installation (piling activity), and operational strategy (including corrosion
protection) are suitable.
Monopile substructures remained by far the most popular substructure type in 2016, representing As sizes, water
88% of all installed foundations. The average water depth of offshore wind projects where work
depths, and
was carried out in 2016 was 29.2 meters, slightly more than in 2015 (27.2 meters). The average
distances to shore
distance to shore for those projects was 43.5 km, a small increase on the previous year (43.3 km).
As sizes, water depths, and distances to shore continue increasing as the industry develops
continue increasing
further, absent mitigants this could introduce additional risk. This might lead to "heavy as the industry
engineering-to-industrial task" assessments of new projects. However, we expect these develops further,
challenges to be met with more robust design, standardization, and increasing vessel and crane absent mitigants this
capacity. could introduce
Current technology requires larger vessels during the construction phase, which only a limited additional risk.
number of players are equipped to handle. Availability of offshore wind purpose-built vessels
could increasingly become a constraint if not contracted well in advance and considering potential
delays during the construction phase. If there is significant risk that a task can become
challenging because of the way the project plans or schedules construction activities, we would
assign a "construction difficulty" assessment representative of a more complex construction task,
notwithstanding a simple design or construction task.
The contractor's technical capacity and experience can be a significant factor in ensuring the The contractor's
project is completed as expected (on time and within budget, among other factors). The technical capacity
assessment also incorporates the contractor's experience and ability in resolving issues between and experience can
various prime or subcontractors (interface risk), which can result in mismatches and disputed
be a significant factor
responsibilities. Liquidity can also be a factor in mitigating interface risk, along with a clear
delineation of responsibilities. The assessment ranges from "very experienced" to
in ensuring the
"inexperienced." project is completed
as expected.
This factor is significant in the offshore wind sector, where we believe only a few players are
capable of delivering a project on time and budget, given the logistics and supply chain
(industrialization and economies of scale) required to conduct the works. Therefore, in most cases
we expect to define contractor experience as either "very experienced" (as defined in the project
finance construction methodology) or "experienced." The second category might involve, for
example, a second-tier construction contractor or multiple contractors with an experienced
project director and well-defined contractor interface issues. Under the "very experienced"
assessment, we expect experience not just with the technology but in local conditions, including
weather, seabed, and distance to shore; this can be increasingly difficult to attain as the industry
Installation planning is often strongly influenced by the requirements of permits and licenses.
Having experienced parties involved at an early stage in the consenting process enables insights
from past projects and feedback from later stages of the process to be incorporated. These
approaches to continuous improvement will help to ensure that future consents are more flexible
and open to the various cable installation techniques that are available.
Studies by the construction industry tie construction performance issues to the quality of project We evaluate project
management expertise in managing construction activities. We evaluate project management management
expertise directly in our methodology both for the contractor (see paragraph 37) and the project's
expertise directly in
management, which has oversight responsibility of the contractor and sometimes other
our methodology both
construction work not covered by the main contractor (see paragraph 44).
for the contractor
The information we use is gathered from meetings with both the contractor and the management and the project's
of the project, site visits, input from the independent engineer, resumes, the experience of
sponsors and the contractor, the transparency and thoroughness of project reporting
mechanisms in place, and other secondary sources. For example, we would likely view more
positively project management that has demonstrated success in the business of building,
operating, and decommissioning of multiple projects than a sponsor that has limited or no track
The project team, separate from the contractor, should have an experienced project director with We have a positive
a track record of delivering similar projects within budget and on schedule under the type of view of project
contract used. However, we would be more confident in management expertise for a project with
sponsors that have
complex construction if the contractor's team has experienced leads in the engineering,
procurement, construction, and commissioning phases, even if the management team has less
input into the
direct experience in developing offshore wind assets. We have a positive view of project sponsors selection and a say in
that have input into the selection and a say in how much time the key leads spend on the project. how much time the
key leads spend on
When counterparty risk is a limiting factor during construction the project.
Counterparty risk will be a limiting factor during construction. At what level will depend on our
view of replace ability. Examples of irreplaceable construction counterparties are:
A head construction contractor that has only a small field of replacement contractors
available, reflecting the nature of the task, and
Contractors performing under a "turn-key construction contract," where the builder
takes design and performance risk, or contracts providing specialist design or
construction skills (because we don't believe that a successor counterparty could replace
the initial engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor on similar terms).
If the counterparty is replaceable, subject to the amount of available liquidity, a project can have a
higher rating than the creditworthiness of the construction and equipment suppliers (see our
counterparty criteria for further details). Contractor credit enhancement is measured against the
estimate of all costs to replace and complete the project, as if the contractor did not fail.
Determining a cost estimate involves interviews with contractors and the independent expert (IE),
any IE analysis on requirements to replace a builder or operator, and analysis of comparable
projects in the jurisdiction; additionally, we must make an assessment of project progress at the
time the EPC contractor fails to fulfill its contractual obligations. We also consider whether
liquidity in the project is sufficient to replace key subcontractors.
Complicating the analysis is the relatively low number of EPC contractors in the offshore wind
sector. Consequently, we consider both replacement time and a potential increase in EPC costs,
both of which could be more burdensome than for conventional projects.
For multiple contracts covering construction tasks (such as installation of foundations, cables,
and turbines), the construction counterparty dependency assessment (CDA) would reflect the CDA
of the weaker contract. For separate contracts covering supply of equipment and installation and
construction of the building, the CDA reflects the weaker of the supplier CDA and constructor CDA
(see tables 5 and 3 in the "Project Finance Construction And Operations Counterparty
Methodology"). Therefore, we view the credit quality of the equipment supplier, such as the
turbines, to be key under the CDA analysis.
For example, we assess the CDA of the contract to build and install equipment as a construction
activity, but the counterparty CDA of the contract to supply equipment as an equipment supplier
activity. Specifically for offshore wind, the turbine manufacturer is a supplier and the building and
associated balance of the plant is civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering. We expect the EPC
contractor, if available, to be responsible for transporting the technology to the site.
The offshore wind industry is trending toward a reduction in the number of construction contracts,
which is beneficial for the overall coordination of tasks and mitigation of execution risk.
Interface management between the main activities, such as foundation installation and cable Interface
installation, has improved in recent years. In earlier offshore wind project developments, cable management
installation would typically wait until the substation foundations or topsides were installed. This
between the main
occasionally led to delays in the cable installation program, as a consequence of delays in the
activities, such as
construction of the offshore substation. In more recent projects, high level construction programs
allow for decoupling of these two activities, which means that the installation of cables can be
scheduled during the most suitable period of the year. installation and cable
installation, has
When a project uses multiple contractors, the definition of responsibilities should be clear and
allow for an integrated delivery to be assessed as "experienced" or, if appropriate, "very
improved in recent
experienced." In this context, the assessment depends on the arrangements among years.
counterparties, and it generally reflects:
The strength of the strongest party within "joint and several arrangements" (see "Project
Finance Construction And Operations Counterparty Methodology," published on Dec. 21,
The weakest link among "several" arrangements with a focus on the materiality of the
task that each party carries out; and
An inexperienced assessment if responsibilities are vaguely defined.
We examine the contract price--if possible in consultation with the independent expert--to
ascertain whether it was fairly priced and whether it includes adequate contingency to cover any
potential cost overruns and variations. Deliberately low-priced, incentive-weak, or poorly priced
contracts indicate an aggressive pricing strategy or inexperience for the type of contract and
associated task. As such, they may be a precursor to variations in the design that will add to the
project's cost and weaken the incentive to perform under the contract or could indicate significant
scope exclusions from the EPC, which may weaken the project's resilience in a downside case.
Additionally, limitations in liquidated damages packages can give the contractor the wrong
incentives, that is, they can potentially push the contractor to walk away from a construction
works that are underperforming. This is identified by an analysis of the contracting culture in the
country, the form of the contract, and comparison with any other known comparable costs.
We expect contingency timeline plans to cover critical paths in the installation process to be
incorporated into the overall execution plan. Contingency measures should also include plans for
approvals of necessary changes to the installation methodology as in the past, projects have
needed to make late changes in response to unforeseen seabed conditions or weather changes
while the vessel is onsite. Standard administrative procedures for cable installation contracts
should be adopted. Document submission and approval sequences should be agreed in advance
and implemented to cover the deliverables needed under the installation contract.
Additionally, in other types of financings, we've seen the use of credit substitution to completely In the case of a
transfer the risk of construction (and often operations) to counterparties. Most notably, this wrapped transaction
approach has been used for the Cameron LNG transaction. Of course, the standard for ensuring
with construction
that no construction risks reside with the project are high. However, if this can be achieved
guaranteed by the
contractually, and we consider the risk fully mitigated, then the project rating will be tied to the
rating of the counterparties. In the case of a wrapped transaction with construction guaranteed by parent, the rating on
the parent, the rating on the parent would likely drive the rating. In contrast, in the case of the parent would
Cameron LNG, the construction is effectively guaranteed by the offtakers, the lowest rated of likely drive the rating.
which (in a several arrangement) is Engie SA. Here, Engie's rating thus drives Cameron's rating.
For projects that, on their own merits, we might consider investment grade, the reliance on a
higher-rated entity's credit quality can be a boon for the transaction and alleviate the need for
excess liquidity at the project level. However, this could, in turn, weigh on the credit quality of the
parent or counterparty.
Table 1
Criteria We expect resource and raw materials Our assessment of moderate typically applies Same as moderate (+2), except if the
availability and quality to be high. We when there is some uncertainty that resource long-term variation is higher, generally
typically assess a wind resource as and raw material will be available at all times in between 20%-30% from a baseline
modest when we have a high level of the quantity and quality expected. This amount, in our view, or if the short-
confidence in the resource estimation, assessment typically applies to natural term variation is greater, generally
based on reliable analysis from resources that exhibit significant variability or 30%-40%, we typically assess the
multiyear data at the site that supports that are not well characterized, in our opinion. resource as moderate and apply a '+3'
a long-term view of resource availability. Generally, if the resource is likely to vary from a adjustment to the asset class
High confidence in resource estimation baseline amount by 10%-20% over the long term operations stability assessment.
over the debt tenor. or 20%-30% in the short term, in our view, we
typically assess the resource as moderate and
apply a '+2' adjustment to asset class operations
stability assessment.
Relevant example Not typically used for single-site wind Single-site wind project where resource Single-site wind project where
projects; we have assessed some availability is based on strong wind data; data is resource availability is based on
regionally diverse wind portfolio ratings likely for a long period of time, shows less limited wind data; data may be for a
that have about 10 years of operations seasonal variability, is captured in close short period of time, show higher-than-
as modest. For example, FPL Energy proximity to the project site and mast height, and average seasonal variability, or have
American Wind and FPL Energy National is corroborated by multiple sources. For example, been collected at some distance from
Wind. Alta Wind Holdings. project site.
We make estimates about the future variability of wind resources when scoring for resource risk,
for which we typically rely on historical data. The quality of that data is key, and a number of
factors influence their credibility. We consider the proximity of the data to the proposed site, the
altitude of the wind in the recorded data compared with the height of the turbines in question, and
the duration of data, as well as any seasonal variability. Of course, no set of data is perfect, and we
use corroborating sources of data to supplement the primary data source when available. We
would generally come to understand the methodology used to estimate wind resources through
discussions with a resource consultant.
contracts may be lucrative in the project's early years, they may not cover the entire life of the
asset or even the debt tenor.
While there is inherently little to no market risk during the contracted phase, there could be during
the subsequent merchant phase. Our assessment first determines how significantly cash flow
would decline in a once-in-20-year market stress to power prices. Generally, we classify the
project as having moderate or high market exposure during this period, depending on the
historical and forward-looking stability of the market where it would sell power. For example, in
Meerwind the initial feed-in tariff provides for the robust contract rate only through 2027 at which
point more than 100 million is outstanding. We assessed market risk as moderate, based on
discussions with market consultants and our understanding of publicly available reports on
expected power prices. We also attempted to ascertain the effects of persistently low prices for
gas and weak demand growth to assess a downside case, as prescribed under our Key Credit
Factors article. Because pricing dynamics change, we update such assessments.
Table 2
15%-30% reduction in cash flow 30%-50% reduction in cash flow based More than 50% reduction in cash flow based on
Criteria description based on once-in-20-year on once-in-20-year market stresses once-in-20-year market stresses.
market stresses.
Typical features Portfolio is partially hedged or Portfolio may not be contracted, but Portfolio is not contracted, may not participate in
contracted enjoys protection of a stable capacity capacity auctions or have a weak capacity market,
market and faces highly volatile energy revenues
Examples Heat rate call options, PPAs with PJM, ISO-NE (regional markets with ERCOT, AESO (regional markets without capacity
some basis mismatch capacity payments) payments)
We also assess the asset's competitive position if it has market exposure. In this respect,
renewable projects can typically fare well, and in the case of Meerwind the competitive position
falls into the satisfactory category. There is usually a strong regulatory preference for renewable
assets, which typically compete for dispatch (the provision of electricity) with a lower variable cost
structure, and we generally assess fuel supply risk as positive. (We assess the risk of resources
adequacy separately).
Because of the difference in cash flow volatility during different periods, we may consider such
projects to be two-phase projects. Thus, we calculate a preliminary operations phase SACP for
both the contracted and merchant phases by using the debt service coverage ratios calculated
below. The issue credit rating on the project would therefore reflect the lowest of either phase.
First, we assess the adequacy of operating costs and maturity of the operations and maintenance
(O&M) environment. One of our important observations from rating renewable projects is that,
when markets open up, initial O&M expenses are usually estimated with limited comparable
benchmarks. As the industry grows, which can be rapid, demand for specialist labor and crane
hire can significantly push O&M expenses upward. This was the case in the U.S. wind industry,
where O&M expenses increased by about 30% to 40%, resulting in downgrades of the two FPL
Energy wind projects we rate. However, as a region starts to mature in terms of the number of
operating assets and sufficient capacity to service the projects, costs start to stabilize. As a
result, we will likely adjust the underlying issuer forecast, especially if we have limited familiarity
with the O&M contractor and management team. In the case of WindMW, we formed the view that
the O&M environment was sufficiently mature in the North Sea such that the adjustment was
rather modest. Furthermore, as we mentioned earlier, a high degree of performance redundancy is
desirable for offshore projects, and operating budgets are usually larger in such cases.
Downside resilience
In general, contracted plants, including renewable assets, fare well in a combined downside
scenario where operational, market, and financial stresses occur simultaneously. Often, we
assess these in the 'bbb' or 'a' stress resilience categories, providing a notch or two of uplift
depending on the preliminary operations score. But there are several stresses that we might apply
differently for offshore wind projects than for other renewable assets.
While the typical stress for availability of an onshore wind asset is around 6%, it might be higher
for an offshore wind asset. Our thinking is that outages might be more protracted for offshore
projects because of relative inaccessibility. Of course, guarantees from service providers could
mitigate this stress to some extent.
Additionally, we may stress an offshore project's operating costs, both fixed and variable, to a
greater degree. Given that these are contracted assets, availability is paramount. For that reason,
we expect management to spend significantly more than budgeted under stressed conditions to
ensure availability. And given the more limited track record of these assets, it's hard to estimate
how significant cost overruns could be. The typical stress for power projects is usually 12%; for an
offshore project, we may assume as much as 20%.
Finally, we stress wind resources. For projects with a limited operating history, we use a one-year
P99 scenario (that is, we assume an electricity production amount with a 99% probability of being
exceeded in a given year). While this is ostensibly more severe than the standard once-in-20-year
stress, our recent experience with onshore projects has been that this is in fact more realistic.
We may also consider the effects of performance degradation over time such as observed for solar
projects, or we may consider the impacts of weaker operational efficiency if our discussions with
technical experts lead us to conclude this is likely.
First, under the purchase price agreement we have observed for this type of project, we generally
consider the revenue counterparty or "offtaker" to be irreplaceable. These contracts often feature
prices well above market rates, which are frequently the rationale for developing the project. The
absence of the revenue counterparty generally means selling power at market rates, which could
materially weaken the project's credit quality.
Further, the O&M counterparty may also be important for offshore wind projects. While we
generally consider the O&M counterparty for a conventional gas-fired or onshore renewable power
plant as replaceable because it provides a relatively standard service at a competitive rate, the
services rendered to an offshore wind project may be more bespoke and therefore more difficult to
Related Criteria
Key Credit Factors for Power Project Financings, Sept. 16, 2014
Project Finance Framework Methodology, Sept. 16, 2014
Project Finance Operations Methodology, Sept. 16, 2014
Project Finance Transaction Structure Methodology, Sept. 16, 2014
Project Finance Construction Methodology, Nov. 15, 2013
Project Finance Construction And Operations Counterparty Methodology, Dec. 21, 2011
Related Research
Transaction Update: WindMW GmbH, March 27, 2017
Offshore Wind Projects Take Off As Technology Improves And Costs Fall, June 2, 2017
With Offshore Wind Projects Set To Take Flight, What Factors Will Move Ratings? Feb 12,
Presale Report: WindMW GmbH, Nov. 11, 2015
Standard & Poor's Approach To Rating Renewable Energy Project Finance Transactions,
April 20, 2015
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