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Dual VCO based on the

Moog Rogue oscillators.

Two wide range VCOs

Saw and Varable PW
On board chip heater
may be disabled in
favor or 1K tempcos
+/-12 or +/- 15V

The VCO3d is supplied with tempco resistors however there is a chip-heater option on
the board.


To use the chip-heater option the three spaces on the board marked for TC , TC and TC-
R are not used. All parts and jumpers are installed. Turn the unit on. After about five
minutes warmup adjust trimmer R7 until U5 pins 5 and 6 are equal. About +0.67VDC.

Tempco Resistors
To use the tempco option the three spaces on the board marked for TC , TC and TC-R
are used.

Unused or changed parts

Install (2) 1K tempco resistors for the spaces marked TC. Leave enough slack on
the leads so that they can be placed in contact with the top U1. Use a little heat sink
compound to insure good thermal contact.
Install a 1K resistor for TC-R
Omit R6, R40, R41, R42, R43, T-7
Change R44 from 33-ohm to 10K
Remove the tiny jumper to the left of TC-R that connects U1 pin-14 to +V
Jump C8 (.01uF)


You will need a way to generate keyboard control voltage, a tuning refernace, monitor
amplifier and a way to mix the vco outputs into the amp.

Hook the saw output of VCO1 up to the monitor amplifier

Hook your 1v/Oct controller to KCV-VCO1 and KCV-VCO2
Turn on the amp and make sure that it's turned down
Apply power to the vco board
Turn the amp up to a reasonable level
Turn Freq and Fine controls for both VCOs to 12 o'clock.
Play the middle octave on your controller. Usually C4-C5.
Adjust T2 until the VCO's middle C is close to the frequency of your referance
Play the C4-C5 octave and adjust T1 until the octave is correct.
Play the higest octave on your keyboard and adjust T3 until the octave is correct
Turn up the level on VCO2's output
Play middle C and adjust T5 until the VCO's are close to the same frequency
Turn the level on VCO1 down
Play the C4-C5 octave and adjust T4 until the octave is correct.
Play the higest octave on your keyboard and adjust T6 until the octave is correct
Turn up the level on VCO1 to balance the ocillators outputs adjust VCO2 to match
VCO1 as close as possable while checking your tuning referance.
Wait for a while and do it all again to tighten thing up.
Full Parts Kit
C1,C2, 0.1 2
C3,C5,C7,C8 0.01 4
C4,C6 100p 2
R1,R20 22K 2
R18,R21,R32,R33,R35,R37,R40 100K 14
R3,R22 330K 2
R5,R24,R42 47K 3
R6,R25 1K 3
R,R267 1K 2
R8,R27,R43 4.7K 3
R9,R11,R12,R15,R28,R30,R31,R34 10K 8
R10,R29 20K 2
R17,R36 2.2K 2
R4,R23,R39 1M 3
R41 3K 1
R42 51K 1
R44 33 1
D1 1N914 1
Q1,Q2 2N3906 2
U1 LM3046 1
U2,U3,U4,U5 TLO72 4
PC-Board 1
Small Parts Kit
P1,P3 50K 6
Knobs 6
T4,T6 10K 4
T1,T3,T2,T5 50K 2
1/8 PHONE 12
L-Bracket 2
Power Connector 1
8 pin 4
14 pin 2
Panel 1
Overlay Overlay 1

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