Acronyms & Abbreviations
Acronyms & Abbreviations
Acronyms & Abbreviations
AAMOF as a matter of fact
ABFL a big fat lady
ABT about
ADN any day now
AFAIC as far as I’m concerned
AFAICT as far as I can tell
AFAICS as far as I can see
AFAIK as far as I know
AFAYC as far as you’re concerned
AFK away from keyboard
AH asshole
AISI as I see it
AIUI as I understand it
AKA also known as
AML all my love
and now for something completely
ASAP as soon as possible
ASL assistant section leader
ASL age, sex, location
ASLP age, sex, location, picture
A/S/L age/sex/location
ASOP assistant system operator
ATM at this moment
AWA as well as
AWHFY are we having fun yet?
are we going to have to go trough this
AWOL absent without leave
AWOL away without leave
AYOR at your own risk
AYPI? and your point is?
B4 before
B4N bye for now
M male
MB maybe
MYOB mind your own business
M8 mate
N in
N2M not too much
N/C not cool
NE1 anyone
NETUA nobody ever tells us anything
NFI no f***ing idea
NL not likely
NM never mind / nothing much
N/M never mind / nothing much
NMH not much here
NMJC nothing much, just chillin’
NOM no offense meant
NOTTOMH not of the top of my mind
NOYB none of your business
NOYFB none of your f***ing business
NP no problem
NPS no problem sweet(ie)
NTA non-technical acronym
N/S no shit
NVM nevermind
OBTW oh, by the way
OIC oh, I see
OF on fire
OFIS on floor with stitches
OK abbreviation of oll korrect (all correct)
OL old lady (wife, girlfriend)
OM old man (husband, boyfriend)
OMG oh my god / gosh / goodness
OOC out of character
OT Off topic / other topic
OTOH on the other hand
OTTOMH off the top of my head
P@H parents at home
PAH parents at home
W8 wait
W8AM wait a minute
WAY what about you
WAY who are you
WB welcome back
WBS write back soon
WDHLM why doesn’t he love me
WDYWTTA What Do You Want To Talk About
WE whatever
W/E whatever
WFM works for me
WNDITWB we never did it this way before
WP wrong person
WRT with respect to
WTF what/who the F***?
WTG way to go
WTGP want to go private?
WTH what/who the heck?
WTMI way to much information
WU what’s up?
WUD what’s up dog?
WUF where are you from?
WUWT whats up with that
WYMM will you marry me?
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
XTLA extended three letter acronym
Y why?
Y2K you’re too kind
YATB you are the best
YBS you’ll be sorry
YG young gentleman
you’d have better bet your bottom
YKYWTKM you know you want to kiss me
YL young lady
YL you ’ll live
YM you mean
YM young man
YMMD you’ve made my day
YMMV your mileage may vary
YVM you’re very welcom
YW you’re welcome
YWIA you’re welcome in advance
YWTHM you want to hug me
YWTLM you want to love me
YWTKM you want to kiss me
YOYO you’re on your own
YY4U two wise for you
? huh?
?4U question for you
>U screw you!
/myB kick my boobs
2U2 to you too
2MFM to much for me
4AYN for all you know
4COL for crying out loud
4SALE for sale
4U for you
=w= whatever
*G* giggle or grin
*H* hug
*K* kiss
*S* smile
*T* tickle
*W* wink