Blood Supply

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Anterior to the Anterior Ciliary Anterior (2) Long Ciliary Nerve

insertions of the recti Arteries branches of the
muscles Nasociliary Nerve
SCLERA (sensory)

Posterior to the Posterior Ciliary Posterior Short Ciliary nerves

insertions of the recti Arteries(small
muscle branches)

Avascular (but
Central Cornea sensation is quite corneal nerves sending afferent
high) Cranial nerve impulses through long ciliary nerves
CORNEA Limbus (where the anterior conjunctival *Cranial nerve testing by wisp of cotton
cornea meets the branches of the (test the sensation of the
sclera) anterior ciliary arteries cornea)
Superior palpebral Frontal nerve medially
conjunctiva (sensory) and lacrimal
(Superior Eyelid) nerve
Peripheral & Inferior palpebral Lateral palpebral
CONJUNCTIVA Palpebral conjunctiva Marginal arterial conjunctiva branch of the lacrimal
arcades of the eyelids (Inferior Eyelid) nerve laterally and
infraorbital nerve
Bulbar & Forniceal Peripheral arterial Conjunctiva at branches of the long
conjunctiva arcade of the eyelid the limbus ciliary nerves
Short & (2) long posterior ciliary arteries
(7) anterior ciliary arteries innervated mainly by sympathetic nerves
synapsing in the superior cervical ganglion
*Short posterior ciliary arteries originate from 2
or 3 branches of the ophthalmic artery
comes from the
PARASYMPATHETIC nucleus of cranial
major arterial circle of the iris formed nerve III or oculomotor
by (2) long ciliary arteries and penetrating nerve
CILIARY BODY branches comes from the
of the (7) anterior ciliary arteries inferior branch of the
cranial nerve III or
SYMPATHETIC oculomotor nerve to
the short (motor) root
of the ciliary ganglion
short ciliary & (2) long cilliary nerves,
Provided by the radial vessels in the stromal sympathetic nerves
layer extending from the major arterial circle of SPHINCTER cholinergic fibers of
IRIS iris which is PUPILLAE MUSCLES the Edinger-Westphal
located in the ciliary body nucleus of the
oculomotor nerve
OUTER PORTION choriocapillaris layer
of the choroid
supplies by the
branches of central
retinal artery (CRA)
*a branch of the
artery given off by the
internal carotid artery
emerging from
cavernous sinus

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