6.nerves of Head and Neck
6.nerves of Head and Neck
6.nerves of Head and Neck
III-XII attach to Brainstem (midbrain, pons, medulla) 3. Spinal from skin) and
myotome: III, IV, VI & XII Special 1. Vestibular nuclei Carry special
2. Nerves which supply muscles derived from Somatic 2. Cochlear nuclei sense of bearing
branchial arches: V, VII, IX, X & XI Afferent and equilibrium
3. Nerves associated with special sense: I, II & VIII (SSA)
Applied Anatomy
When it is transected, ipsilateral blindness and loss
of direct pupillary light reflex results
When subjected to increased intracranial pressure
(e.g., tumor), papilledema, a choked optic disk
When it is constricted, optic atrophy (i.e., axonal
degeneration) results
Oculomotor palsy
Lateral squint
Dilated pupil
Loss of accommodation
Weber’s syndrome
Ipsilateral oculomotor palsy
Contralateral hemiplegia
Applied Anatomy
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Nerves of Head and Neck
Type Origin Function
Medial Pterygoid
Abducent nucleus
Nerve to Medial Tensor Veli GSE Lateral rectus
(caudal pons)
Pterygoid Palatini
Tensor Tympani
Applied Anatomy
Labial surface of
Convergent squint because of the unopposed
Buccal Nerve Gingiva of Molars
activity of medial rectus
and Premolars
Inability to abduct the eye
Masseteric Nerve Masseter
Anterior Trunk Diplopia (double vision) with maximum separation
Deep Temporal
Temporalis of 2 images while looking toward the paralyzed
Nerve to Lateral
Lateral Pterygoid
Anterior 2/3rd of
Lingual Nerve
Floor of the
Posterior Trunk
Branch to
Inferior Alveolar Mylohyoid
Nerve Muscle
Mental Branch to FACIAL NERVE (VII)
Chin, Lower Lip Mixed nerve
Motor root
Applied Anatomy Sensory root / Nervus Intermedius
Referred to as Facial Nerve as it supplies the
muscles of facial expression
It’s the most regularly paralyzed of all the
peripheral nerves of the body
Branches of Communication
Area Communication
Auditory tube
A pure SSA nerve Carotid body
Maintains balance and mediates hearing Inferior (petrosal)
Taste from posterior third
Consists of two functional divisions: Vestibular SVA ganglion (in jugular
of the tongue
Nerve and the Cochlear Nerve foramen)
Applied Anatomy
1. Loss of the gag (pharyngeal) reflex (interruption of
afferent limb)
2. Loss of the carotid sinus reflex (interruption of the
sinus nerve)
3. Loss of taste from the posterior third of the tongue
4. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Branches Distribution
Dura of posterior
cranial fossa
Concha and root of
Posterior half of
Auricular external auditory
Outer surface of
tympanic membrane
Pharyngeal plexus
Muscles of Pharynx
Pharyngeal and Soft Palate
(except Tensor Veli
Entirely motor
Superior Laryngeal
Has 2 roots – Cranial and Spinal
Inferior Cricothyroid
Cranial root is accessory to the Vagus and its fibres
Ganglion External Laryngeal Inferior Constrictor
are dispersed via the Vagus nerve
Pharyngeal Plexus
Spinal root has a separate course and is normally
Mucous membrane of
regarded as Spinal Accessory nerve, or merely as
Internal Laryngeal larynx upto vocal
Accessory nerve
supplies Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius
Carotid body
Carotid muscles
Carotid sinus
A.K Datta vol 4, p254, 258, 259, 262 - Cranial nerves 5 & 6 are related to apex of
petrous bone
- Only 1st & 2nd cranial nerves do not arise from
9. The term “archistriatum” is applied to
brain stem and so do not pass through
A. Caudate nucleus
posterior-cranial fossa. And all other C.N (i.e
B. Putamen
3rd to 12th) pass through posterior cranial fossa.
C. Globus pallidus
- Trochlear (4th) nerve is the only cranial nerve to
D. Amygdaloid nucleus
emerge dorsally from the brain stem and has
Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e,
D longest intra cranial course and most slender
A.K Datta vol 2, p. 78
cranial nerve (in terms of axons it contains).
- Abducent (6th) is one of the commonest
10. Following are the cranial nerve nuclei in the midbrain involved nerve in raised intracranial tension
EXCEPT because of its long course through the cistern
A. Occulomotor nerve nucleus points and sharp bends of betrous temporal
B. Trochlear nerve nucleus bone.
C. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve - Intracranial aneurysm commonly present with
D. Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve either occulomotor (3rd) or abducent (6th) nerve
C Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 1069 palsy
- Trigeminal (5th) is the largest cranial nerve.
Ans:-A i.e. 3rd to 12th 19. 7th, 9th, 10th cranial nerves ends in
A. Nuclesus tractus solitairius
15. Site of lesion affecting V,VI & VII cranial nerve B. Nucleus ambiguous
A. Midbrain C. Dorsal nucleus of vagus
B. Pons D. Long tract of trigeminal nerve.
C. Medulla
D. C-P angle A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 1251
Ans:-D i.e. C-P angle
Ref:- P.L Dhingra 3/e p-143-45
20. Following cranial nerve nucleus is present at the site
of facial colliculus
- 3rd and 4th cranial nerve attach to mid brain; 5th
A. Facial
c.n to pons; 6th, 7th and 8th to junction between
B. Abducens
pons and medulla; 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th attach
C. Sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
to medulla.
D. Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Acoustic neuroma is most common
Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e,
cerebellopontine angle tumor. 5th nerve is the B
A.K Datta vol 4, p. 132
earliest nerve to be involved. f/b 8th,9th,10th,6th
21. Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei have the
,7th etc.
following functional component
A. Special visceral afferent
16. Auditory transmission is via
B. General visceral afferent
A. Lateral lemniscus
C. Special visceral efferent
B. Medial lemniscus
D. General visceral efferent
C. Lateral geniculate body
Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e,
D. Frontal cortex D
A.K Datta vol 4, p.253
Ans:- A i.e. Lateral leminiscus
4. The ciliary ganglion is present between 2. The occulomotor nerve enters the orbit through
A. The medial rectus and the optic nerve A. Lateral part of superior orbital fissure
B. The lateral rectus and the optic nerve B. Middle part of the superior orbital fissure
C. The optic nerve and ethmoid nerve C. Sheath of optic nerve
D. The medial rectus and the ethmoid plate D. Inferior orbital fissure
B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p . 1226 B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p .1228
5. The optic nerve and the retina are direct extension of 3. The ganglion which is associated with the
the brain and when cut, cannot regenerate occulomotor nerve is
A. Both the statements are false A. Optic ganglion
B. First statement is true and the second is false B. Ciliary ganglion
C. First statement is true but when the cut ends are in C. Superior cervical ganglion
approximation they can regenerate D. None of the above
D. Both the statements are true B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p . 1224
D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p . 1228
B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p 721-22 5. Most common nerve involved in an intracranial
aneurysm is-DNB 04, AI 96
A. Trochlear
7. In cases of the right optic nerve injury, the light reflex
A. Would be present on left side when light is thrown
on left side
D. Oculomotor
B. Would be present on right side when light is
Ans:- D i.e. Occulomotor nerve
thrown on the left side
C. Would be present on left side but absent on right
Intra cranial aneurysm commonly presents with
side when light thrown on right side.
either an occulomotor (IIIrd)or abducent (VIth)
D. A and B
nerve palsy.
Ref: Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy,
5/e, p. 385
6. Most common nerve involved in an intracranial
aneurysm is
A. Trochlear
1. Which of the following nerves pierces the posterior
D. Occulomotor
part of roof of the cavernous sinus?
Ans:-D i.e. Occulomotor
A. Optic nerve
B. Trigeminal nerve
7. Superior rectus is supplied by which cranial nerve
C. Occulomotor nerve
A. Superior division of 3rd nerve
D. Olfactory nerve
B. Abducent nerve
C Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p .1228 C. Trochlear nerve
11. Among the following cranial nerves, the pure sensory brain-AI 2000, UP 03
A. I B. IV
B. IV stem
Trigeminal (5th) Largest cranial nerve
A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p, 691
Vagus (10th) Most extensive distribution
Facial (7th) Most commonly paralyzed D. The fibres of both nerves decussate completely,
Facial (7th) Longest intraosseous course anterior to the cerebral aqueduct in the midbrain
Abducent (6th) Most commonly involved in Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy,
raised ICT 3/e, A.K Datta vol 2, p. 240
Occulomotor Commonly involved in
(3rd) & inracranial aneurysm TRIGEMINAL NERVE (V)
Abducent (6th)
6. Trochlear nerve all true except 1. Among the following cranial nerves the pure motor
A. Longest intracranial course nerves include all EXCEPT
B. Arises from dorsum of brainstem A. IV
C. Supply ipsilateral superior oblique muscle B. V
D. Enter orbit through sup.Orbital fissure C. VI
outside annula of Zinn. D. XI
Ans:-C Supply ipsilateral superior oblique Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy,
muscle A.K Datta vol 2, 3/e, p. 172
Ref:-Gray’s 40/e p 275-288
Explanation:- 2. Anterior ethmoidal nerve supplies all except
Trochlear nerve is thinnest nerve. It is the only A. Maxillary sinus
nerve to emerge from dorsum of brain stem B. Infterior of nasal cavity
has longest intracranial course. It enters orbit C. Dural sheath of anterior cranial fossa
through outer part of superior orbital fissure D. Ethmoidal air cells
(ie lateral to annulus of zinn) and supplies A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 685
superior oblique muscle. Because it’s a cranial
nerve (with decussation in mid brain), the 3. Motor division of trigeminal nerve comes out
trochlear nerve nucleus supplies contralateral from
superior oblique muscle. A. Foramen spinousm
B. Foramen magnum
7. Cranial nerve not carrying parasympathetic fibers C. Foramen ovale
A. Fourth D. Foramen lacerum
B. Seventh C Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 1237
C. Third
D. Ninth
4. Afferent sensation from the lower molar teeth is
Ans:-A i.e. Fourth
carried by
A. Facial nerve
B. Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
8. Cranial nerve not carrying parasympathetic fibres
C. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
A. Fourth
D. Opthalmic branch of the trigeminal
B. Seventh
C. Third
B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 601
D. Ninth
A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 974
5. Masseteric nerve is a branch of
A. Long buccal nerve
9. Following is true about the Trochlear nerve EXCEPT B. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
A. Its nucleus is situated in the midbrain at the level of C. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
inferior colliculus D. Motor branch of the facial nerve
B. It has general somatic efferent component
C. It is motor for superior oblique muscle of eyeball B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 523-24
17. Which of the following is not true regarding Ref: Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy,
trigeminal nerve 5/e, p. 341
A. Roots of trirgeminal nerve are atattached to
B. It has 3 main divisons 23. Which of the following is not a branch of Trigeminal
C. Supplies duramaeter of middle cranial fossa nerve
D. Trigeminal ganglion contributes to the sensory A. Maxillary
root only. B. Mandibular
C. Ophthalmic
C Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 1230-31 D. Carotid
19. Inferior alveolar nerve runs C Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 1237, 806
A. Medial to lateral pterygoid
B. From infra temporal form 25. Maxillary nerve innervates all of the following
C. Lateral to medial pterygoid EXCEPT
D. Lateral to lateral pterygoid E. Ala of nose by lower eyelid
F. Upper cheeks
20. Mylohyoid nerve is a branch of G. Gingivae of maxilla
A. Main trunk of mandibular nerve H. TMJ
B. Ophthalmic nerve
D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p, 1234-36
C. Maxillary nerve
D. Inferior alveolar nerve
26. All are true of mandibular nerve EXCEPT
D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p.601
E. Sensory branch arises from anterior trunk
F. Muscles of mastication are innervated by
21. Following nuclei are associated with trigeminal nerve branches of main trunk
A. Mesencephalic, motor, sensor G. Nerve to medial pterygoid arise from main
B. Mesencephalic, principal sensory, motor and spinal trunk
C. Sensory, motor and spinal H. Buccal nerve innverates buccinator muscle
D. Principal sensory, mesencephalic and spinal.
D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 1237
Ref: Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy,
5/e, p. 341
27. Tumour infiltrating into the foramen ovale will
cause all EXCEPT
22. The fibers from trigeminal principal sensory nucleus
A. Anaesthesia of TMJ
reach the thalamus and form the
B. Paralysis of tensor tympani
A. Medial lemniscus
C. Paresthesia of hlips.
B. Trigeminal lemniscus
D. Paralysis of stylohyoid
C. Neo-trigemino thalamic tract
D. Trigemino-reticulo-thalamic pathway D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 38/e, p. 1237
D. Medial ethmoidal
28. All of the following structures are associcated D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p . 698-99
with branches of the trigeminal nerve EXCEPT the
A. Foramen ovale
33. Which of the following is a branch of ophthalmic
B. Superior orbital fissure
C. Foramen rotundum
A. Nervus tentori
D. Stylomastoid foramen
B. Middle meningeal nerve
D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p, 1230 C. Nerve spinosus
D. Zygomatico facial
A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 523-24 43. Which of the following regarding mandibular nerve is
39. Unilateral trigeminal N.injury is tested by A. Branch of facial nerve
A. Elevation and lowering of jaw B. Purely motor
B. Inability to tense the jaw C. Passes through foramen ovale
C. Blinking of eye D. Related to sphenopalatine ganglion
D. Corneal reflex Ans:- C i.e. Passes through foramen ovale
Ans:- A. i.e. Elevation & Lowering of jaw; D. i.e.
Corneal Reflex 44. Which of the following is not supplied by the anterior
division of mandibular nerve (V3)
40. Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated by A. Temporalis
A. Vagus nerve B. Medial pterygoid
B. Facial nerve C. Lateral pterygoid
C. Trigeminal nerve D. Masseter
D. Glossopharyngeal nerve Ans:-B i.e. Medial pterygoid
Ans:- C i.e. Trigeminal nerve Explanation:-
Explanation:- Temporalis,messeter and lateral pterygoid muscles
The afferent component of corneal reflex is are supplied by anterior division of mandibular
mediated through the ophthalmic. Branch of the nerve whereas medial pterygoid muscle is supplied
trigeminal nerve. (V1 nerve) Infraorbital component by the main trunk of mandibular nerve
is mediate through the facial nerve (Vllth nerve).
45. Which nerve is in close relation with root of the lower
41. Middle superior alveolar nerve is a branch of third molar
A. Mandibular nerve A. Inferior alveolar nerve
B. Maxillary nerve B. Chorda tympanic nerve
C. Lingual nerve C. Lingual nerve
D. Myolohyoid nerve
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Nerves of Head and Neck
55. If an injury occurs to the motor root of the trigeminal ABDUCENT NERVE (VI)
nerve all the following muscle would be affected 1. Medial squint is caused by paralysis of?
EXCEPT A. Trochlear
B. Mylohyoid C. Abducent
C. Buccinators D. Optic
10. The right facial nerve damage 15. Following nuclei are associated with the facial nerve
A. There is paralysis of facial muscles A. Superior salivatory, inferior, salivatory, lacrimatory,
B. There is paralysisof of muscles of mastication motor.
C. Paralysis of vocal cords B. Superior salivatory, tractus solitarius, lacrimatory,
D. A and B motor
A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 506 C. Superior salivatory, inferior salivatory, lacrimatory,
tractus solitaries
D. Inferior salivatory and motor
11. Smiling and frowning are actions produced by the
Ref: Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy,
following nerves B
5/e, p. 345
A. Mastication trigeminal (V cranial)
B. Mastication facial (VII cranial)
C. Facial expression trigeminal (V cranial) 16. Facial nerve has
A. Motor root only
D. Facial expression facial (VII cranial)
B. Motor and sensory root
C. Motor and sympathetic root
D Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 1246
D. Motor, sympathetic and parasympathetic
40. Facial N. stimulation during testing of nerve indicated nerve - Geniculate ganglion - Nucleus of
by contraction of muscle solitary tract
A. Temporalis - Sensory innervation of face &
B. Masseter anterosuperior part of scalp is provided
C. Sternoleidomastoid mainly by trigeminal nerve, whereas
D. Orbiculatri oris motor innervation of facial muscles
Ans:- D i.e. Orbicularis oris (including muscles of scalp, eyelids, nose,
lip except levator palpebrae superioris
41. All the following muscles are innervated by the facial which is supplied by 3rd nerve) is
nerve except provided by nerve of IInd pharyngeal arch
A. Occipito- frontalis i.e. facial nerve (CN VII). Muscles of
B. Anterior belly of digastrics masseter, temporalis, lateral & medial
C. Risorius pterygoid) are supplied by mandibular
D. Procerus division of trigeminal nerve.
Ans:- B. i.e. Anterior belly of digastrics - Facial nerve supplies muscle of Ilnd
42. Nerve supply of stapedius is pharyngeal arch; Mn- "Stupid Style Has
A. 2nd nerve Dipped - Scalp, Ear, Eye lid, Nose, Lip and
B. 3 nerve
rd Neck Expression"
C. 5th nerve
D. 7th nerve 43. Sensory fibres from the taste buds in the bard and soft
Ans:- . D. i.e. 7th nerve palate travel along
Ref:- Gray's 40/e p 495-94, 629-30, 295, 234, 543; A. Trigeminal nerve
BDC 5/e vol-111 p 354-58; Keith Moore 6/e p 853- B. Facial nerve
54,1056-57, 1068-70; Snell 9/e p 612/e p 493-98; BRS- C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Neuroanatomy 4/e p 183-85; Fuller's neurological D. Vagus nerve
examination made easy 2/e p-85 Ans:- B i.e. Facial nerve
- Before exiting cranium, through 44. Absence of lacrimation is seen in which nerve injury
stylomastoid foramen, all parasympathetic A. Nasociliary nerve
secretomotor fibers leave facial nerve.So B. Greater petrosal nerve
facial lesion in face would result only in C. Supraorbital nerve
motor involvement of terminal branches. – D. Infraorbital/ Ethmoidal nerve
- Greater superficial petrosal nerve is 1st Ans:- B i.e. Greater petrosal
branch of facial nerve, it arises from
geniculate ganglion. Nerve to stapedius 45. Sphenopalatine ganglion is associated with
and chorda tympani braces also arise in A. Great superficial petrosal nerve
facial canal. B. Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by C. Deep petrosal nerve
mylohyoid nerve (br. of trigeminal n.) and D. Vagus nerve
posterior belly of digastric is supplied by A Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p . 574
facial nerve.
- Stapedius muscle is supplied by 7th cranial
46. The parasympathetic secretomotor fibres for
nerve & tensor tympani muscle is supplied
submandibular and sublingual gland originate in
by mandibular (5th C.N.)Nerve both are
nuclei of
muscles of middle ear.
A. Facial nerve
- Gustatory nerve supply of soft palate
B. Trigeminal nerve
travels along facial nerve. The pathway is
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Lesser palatine nerve Greater petrosal
D. Hypoglossal nerve
Ref:- Snell 7/e P-779: 841: Keith Moore 4/e P-870, Ref: Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy,
948,1100 5/e, p. 360
Chorda tympai nerve contains preganglionic 62. In facial palsy the muscle which is paralysed is
secretomotor parasympathetic fibres that synapse A. Levator palpebrae superioris
on cell bodies in the submandibular ganglion. It B. Orbicularis oculi
does not contain post ganglionic parasympathetic C. Constrictor pupil
fibres. D. Dilator pupil
1. External laryngeal nerve supplies following muscle in thoracic and abdominal autonomic plexus, close
3. All the cranial nerves provide innervations 5. Recurrent laryngeal nerve had following course in
for the structures in the head and neck except one, that neck
additionally supplies the thorax and abdomen A. It passes anterior to inferior thyroid artery
A. Glossopharyngeal B. It passes through sternomastoid
B. Spinal accessory
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Nerves of Head and Neck
Ans:- A. i.e. Recurrent laryngeal nerve A. Carotid, superior laryngeal, internal laryngeal and
Ref:- BDC Vol III P-243-4 left recurrent laryngeal
Explanation:- B. Auricular, carotid, superior laryngeal, right
All muscles of vocal cord (larynx) except recurrent, cardia
cricothyroid are supplied by recurrent laryngeal C. Sup laryngeal, internal laryngeal, left recurrent
nerve. laryngeal, cardia
Nerve supply of Larynx (Vocal cord) D. Meningeal, auricular, left recurrent laryngeal
Motor Sensory B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p 557
Cricothyroid muscle by Mucous membrane
external laryngeal n. (br. of upto vocal folds by
14. Stimulations of which branch of vagus produces
superior laryngeal n.) internal laryngeal n.
increase in appetite
A. Meningeal
All others Mucous membrane
B. Auricular
(oblique/transverse/thyro- below vocal folds by
C. Pharyngeal
arytenoid; lateral/posterior- recurrent
D. Cardiac
cricoarytenoid & thyro-
Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy,
epiglottic) by recurrent
B A.K Datta vol 2, 3/e, Head and Neck,
laryngeal .n
p. 183
12. The nerve which transverse the head, neck throat and
abdomen; 17. Following are the functional components of vagus
A. IX nerve EXCEPT
B. X A. General visceral efferent
C. XI B. Special visceral efferent
D. Phrenic nerve C. General somatic efferent
D. Special visceral efferent
B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p .556-57
Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy,
3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 258-59
13. Following are the direct branches of the vagus nerve;
Ans:- C i.e. Cut to spinal part of accessory nerve D. Fibres of the nerve derived from nucleus
Ref:- BDC 111/4 th /71,72,198&; BDC 1/4 /76;
th ambiguous innervate the palatal muscles except
Surgical anatomy by Lee MC Gregor 12th/439,438 tensor veli palatini
Explanation:- Essentials of Human Anatomy, 3/e,
Inability 'to raise arm above the level of head A.K Datta vol 4, p. 262
following surgical procedure or the posterior
triangle suggests the diagnosis of injury to spinal HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE (XII)
part of accessory nerve.
Over head abduction i.e. abduction in the range of 120° to 1. Hypoglossal nerve is
180° (above head to brush hair) Occurs at the Scapulo
thoracic linkage and is aided by upward rotation of Scapulae A. Purely sensory
by the action of trapezius and serratus anterior. Trapezius is B. Purely motor
supplied by the spinal part of the accessory nerve which C. Mixed
runs in the middle of the roof of the posterior triangle D. Spinal nerve
Ans: B
10. Wry neck or torticollis is caused by Ref: Cunningham’s Manual of Practical
A. Irritation of vagus Anatomy, Vol. III, 15/E, p. 86
B. Irritation of spinal accessory 2. Hypoglossal nerve supplies all the
C. Irritation of cranial accessory muscles EXCEPT
D. Irritation of recurrent laryngeal A. Styloglossus
B Ref: Gray’s Anatomy 39/e, p. 558 B. Stylopharyngeus
C. Palatoglossus
D. Genioglossus
11. Following is true about the spinal root of
Ans: C
accessory nerve EXCEPT
Ref: BD Chaursia, 1/E, p. 297
A. It is formed by fibres from cell bodies in the anterior
horn of upper six segments of cervical part of spinal
3. The sensory supply of the palate is through all of
the following, except
B. They emerge as series of roots from the lateral
A. Facial nerve
surface of spinal cord posterior to the denticulate
B. Hypoglossal nerve
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
C. A single nerve formed enters through the jugular
D. Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
foramen into the cranial cavity to join with the
Ans:- B i.e. Hypoglossal nerve
cranial root of accessory nerve
D. It supplies sternocleidomastoid and trapezium
Palate is supplied by trigeminal (maxillary,
mandibular), facial & glossopharyngeal nerves.
Ref: Essentials of Human Anatomy,
3/e, A.K Datta vol 4, p. 263
4. All are supplied by Ansa cervicalis except
A. Thyrohyoid
12. Following is true about cranial root of accessory nerve
B. Sternothyroid
C. Sternohyoid
A. It joins the vagus nerve superior to the inferior
D. Inferior belly of omohyoid
vagal ganglion
Ans:-A i.e. Thyrohyoid
B. It contains special visceral efferent and general
visceral efferent components
Thyrohyoid and Geniohyoid are supplied by first
C. It joins with spinal root of accessory nerve after
cervical nerve through hypoglossal nerve.
emerging through the jugular foramen
A. Superior
B. Latero inferior 1. Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated
C. Deep by