Hand Anthropometry

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Ease of Use Information

Hand Anthropometry
The design of products that are intended for individuals with arthritis should be guided by
Roles anthropometric data and by an understanding of the functional limitations associated with
arthritis. Arthritis is a term used to describe painful inflammation of the joint or joints. The
Glossary disability has many causes, and there are over 100 types of arthritis. Inflammation causes a
reduction in tactile sensation and range of movement with a corresponding loss of dexterity
Accessibility Evaluation and mobility. Arthritis is the greatest contributor to mobility and dexterity limitations, the
Facility largest category of functional limitations. As noted by TIA Access (1996), "Individuals have
difficulty reaching things and doing complex or compound manipulations such as pushing
Accessibility and Ease of while turning or pressing several buttons simultaneously. Twisting motions may be especially
Use Library difficult. For individuals with arthritis, controls that require pinching or rotating are difficult
to operate. In addition, individuals who are functionally limited are unable to exert as much
force on controls as individuals without functional limitations. Individuals with poor muscle
control may find it difficult to make fine motor movements with their fingers and may be
restricted to gross movements with their hand(s)."

Anthropometric data might provide useful guidance for the design of containers for users
with arthritis. There exists only a limited amount of anthropometric data on individuals with
arthritis. However, hand dimensions may not differ significantly between individuals with and
without arthritis (Fraser et al, 1999), except for instances in which arthritis causes
deformation of the bones and joints (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis). These deformities may
prevent a user's hand from fully encircling a cap or bottle. The table below shows
anthropometric data for individuals without arthritis. The data were compiled from several
sources (DTI, 2002; Ergonomics for Schools, 2008; RoyMech, 2008). These include
measurements from British adults aged 19-65 years (Ergonomics for Schools, 2008), and
from British adults of unspecified age (DTI, 2002; RoyMech, 2008).

Hand anthropometry of non-disabled individuals.

(Sources: DTI, 2002; Ergonomics for Schools, 2008; RoyMech, 2008)
5th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile
Dimension Gender
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Male 173-175 178-189 205-209
Hand length
Female 159-160 167-174 189-191
Male 98 107 116
Palm length
Female 89 97 105
Male 44 51 58
Thumb length
Female 40 47 53
Male 11-12 23 26-27
Thumb breadth
Female 10-14 20-21 24
Index finger Male 64 72 79
length Female 60 67 74
Male 78 87 95
Hand breadth
Female 69 76 83-85

The table below shows maximum grip diameters for individuals with and without dexterity
disabilities (DTI, 2002). Maximum grip diameter is defined as the maximum diameter of a
cylinder that a person can grasp with contact between the thumb and middle finger.

Maximum grip diameters of individuals with and without dexterity disabilities.

(Source: DTI, 2002)
5th percentile 50th percentile 95th percentile
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Male 45 52 59
Female 43 48 53
Dexterity-disabled Male 34 40 47
Female 34 40 48

Maximum grip diameter is of particular importance for usage of containers. Users with
arthritis may experience considerable pain when forcibly grasping an object with a wide grip,
in great excess of their maximum grip diameter. Hand breadth should also be taken into
consideration when designing the height of a container. If the container spans the entire
breadth of the hand (or more), then the user can distribute gripping force across the whole
palm and all four fingers.

Georgia Tech Research Institute | Georgia Institute of Technology

400 10th Street, N.W. | Atlanta, GA 30332-0801
Phone: 404.407.7400 | Fax: 404.407.9280
Email: usability@gtri.gatech.edu
2007 Georgia Institute of Technology

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