Din 33402 Ergonomia
Din 33402 Ergonomia
Din 33402 Ergonomia
sources of data for body dimensions
Ergonomic requirement
characteristics for the user-
oriented dimensional design
Body height classes of products and workplaces
and body Field of fixation
Geometric design of
Body height
Working height
the variance in body Depth of reach consideration for the
dimensions widest anthropometric
variance within the
Operator operator population
Females Males
1535 1855
90% of females
Nach DIN 33402-2: 2005-12 Perzentile 2
(unbekleidete Personen, 18 –65 Jahre) männlich weiblich
Abmessungen (in cm) 5. 50. 95. 5. 50. 95.
1 Reichweite nach vorn 68,5 74,0 81,5 62,5 69,0 75,0
2 Körpertiefe 26,0 28,5 38,0 24,5 29,0 34,5
3 Reichweite nach oben (beidarmig) 197,5 207,5 220,5 184,0 194,5 202,5
4 Körperhöhe 165,0 175,0 185,5 153,5 162,5 172,0 3
5 Augenhöhe 153,0 163,0 173,5 143,5 151,5 160,5 4
6 Schulterhöhe 134,5 145,0 155,0 126,0 134,5 142,5 5
7 Ellbogenhöhe über der Standfläche 102,5 110,0 117,5 96,0 102,0 108,0 7
8 Höhe der Hand über der Standfläche 73,0 76,5 82,5 67,0 71,5 76,0 8
11 Körpersitzhöhe (Stammlänge) 85,5 91,0 96,5 81,0 86,0 91,0
12 Augenhöhe im Sitzen 74,0 79,5 85,5 70,5 75,5 80,5
13 Ellbogenhöhe über der Sitzfläche 21,0 24,0 28,5 18,5 23,0 27,5
14 Länge d. Untersch. m. Fuß 41,0 45,0 49,0 37,5 41,5 45,0
15 Ellbogen-Griffachsen-Abstand 32,5 35,0 39,0 29,5 31,5 35,0
16 Sitztiefe 45,0 49,5 54,0 43,5 48,5 53,0 1112
17 Gesäß-Knie-Länge 56,5 61,0 65,5 54,5 59,0 64,0
13 19
18 Gesäß-Bein-Länge 96,5 104,5 114,0 92,5 99,0 105,5
14 15
19 Oberschenkelhöhe 13,0 15,0 18,0 12,5 14,5 17,5
Based upon: Arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse Nr. 108, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Dortmund 1998
Differences in proportions
South-east Africa
South-east Europe
North America
N. Europe
Module 2-1 V 1.2-2011 7 of 16
___________– proportion
M: male
F: female
Length dimensions:
Short, corpulent, short-legged female Tall, long-legged, slim male
Breadth, depth, circumferential dimensions:
Short, corpulent, short-legged male Tall, slim, long-legged female
EN 547-1:2009 Safety of machinery – Human body measurements – Part 1: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for openings for whole body access into machinery
EN 547-2:2009 Safety of machinery – Human body measurements – Part 2: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for access openings
EN 614-2:2008 Safety of machinery – Ergonomic design principles – Part 2: Interactions between the design of
machinery and work tasks
EN ISO 7250-1:2010 Basic human body measurements for technological design – Part 1: Body measurement
definitions and landmarks
DIN 33402-1:2008 Ergonomics – Body dimensions of people – Part 1: Terms and definitions, measuring procedures
DIN 33402-2 Supplement 1:2006 Human body dimensions – Part2: Values; Supplement 1: Application of body
dimensions in practice
DIN 33402-3:1984 Human body dimensions – Part 3: movement room at different normal positions and movements
DIN 5566-2:2006 Railway vehicles – Driver cabs – Part 2: Additional requirements for standards gauge railway
EN ISO 3411:2009 Earth-moving machinery – Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space
EN ISO 15537:2005 Principles for selecting and using test persons for testing
anthropometric aspects of industrial products and designs
Anthropologischer Datenatlas (1986) in:
Flügel B., Greil H., Sommer K. (1986): Anthropologischer Atlas. Grundlagen u. Daten