News From Slovakia Weekly October 5 2017 October 11 2017
News From Slovakia Weekly October 5 2017 October 11 2017
News From Slovakia Weekly October 5 2017 October 11 2017
Nobody wants to build the Bratislava also be taxed, insurers say they should not
ECONOMIC POLICIES bypass. have to pay for them. Friday, Oct 6, 2017
The consortium Obchvat Nula headed by the
Cartel with meal vouchers confirmed.
Spanish company Cintra was signed a year
The Council of the Antimonopoly Office has
confirmed an aggregate fine amounting to
ago, with a pricetag one-third the expected STATISTICS, POLLS AND
price. Cintra has apparently transferred this
EUR4 million for five meal voucher firms for
fact into lower prices for suppliers in Slovakia.
creating cartels in the distribution of vouchers.
Some of them have refused cheap contracts,
The firms will also be banned from Price of butter exceeded EUR3.
which has translated into delays in building
participating in public procurement once a In some shops in downtown Bratislava, a
the bypass: instead of 2020, the road might
court confirms the sanctions. Wednesday, 250-gram block of butter can cost up to
be completed in 2021. The state is building it
Oct 11, 2017 (Read more) EUR3.19. Yet in August, dairies spoke about
through the public-private partnership (PPP),
setting a EUR3 limit, but only at the end of the
and in 30 years, will pay EUR1.76 billion for
Doctors disagree with the extension of year before Christmas, when people tend to
it. Thursday, Oct 5, 2017
office hours. bake more. Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017
The parliament has passed a change in the
Health Care Act that requires general Slovakia's GDP will further grow.
practitioners to work 35 office hours a week. TAXES AND FEES The International Monetary Fund expects the
They will also be required to work at least two Slovak economy to grow by 3.3 percent of
days a week until 3 pm. Wednesday, Oct 11, The levy to be substituted by a tax GDP this year. Next year, the pace is set to
2017 from insurance. jump to 3.7 percent. The government expects
The Finance Ministry wants to replace the the extra growth will be generated from the
Fourth package of social measures is current 8-percent levy from non-banking start of the production of Porsche in the
to be four times lower than the insurance with a tax from insurance sectors. Bratislava factory of Volkswagen and the
previous ones. According to the documents published by the launch of the Nitra plant of Jaguar Land
The Hospodarske Noviny daily writes that the ministryhe, rates will vary based on the kind of Rover. The IMF also expects lower
draft of the government's social package is insurance. It considers the taxes standard to unemployment and a higher inflation rate.
aimed at pensioners and employees rather those collected in the EU. Tuesday, Oct 10, Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017
than at young people and students. The 2017
package contains several changes to the Bread may get more expensive.
Labor Code, such as bonuses, increases in Private pensions will lose tax relief Bakeries claim their expenses will rise by
state office salaries and guaranteed 13th and after years. EUR18 million if the government-proposed
14th salaries. Friday, Oct 6, 2017 The benefit that was to motivate savers to social package is passed complete with
voluntarily save funds in private pension surcharges for night work, weekends and
Certificates should end. accounts is to be canceled. Last year, an holidays. Night work makes up 43 percent of
Deputy Prime Minister for Investments and average Slovak could send beyond the bakeries operation time. Bakers are the
Informatisation Peter Pellegrini of Smer filed a compulsory levies and the extra EUR218 to lowest paid workers in the food industry,
draft amendment to change the way state his/her saving account in the second pillar. because people are unwilling to accept higher
authorities procure certificates for citizens who The draft state budget, however, no longer prices for such goods and many have shifted
want to be employed in state or public counts on having a similar relief. Monday, towards buying imported bakery products.
services: instead of requiring the most recent Oct 9, 2017 Monday, Oct 9, 2017
certificate of incorporation, criminal record
certificate or property sheet certificate each Effective regret will no longer save tax EU wants to cut prices of calls abroad.
time, citizens will only be forced to do it fraudsters. Clients of mobile operators could pay lower
once. Friday, Oct 6, 2017 Following the General Prosecutor, the ruling prices for international calls or text messages.
coalition also started speaking about MEPs propose that the EU should also
Draft budget is out. restricting active regret, which allows regulate these prices, following the removal of
The Finance Ministry projected the budget businesses to escape being prosecuted for roaming fees in the EU. Slovak politicians
deficit at 0.83 percent, compared to this year's tax avoidance if they pay the sum they owe support the initiative. Monday, Oct 9, 2017
projection at 1.29 percent. The planned debt the state as well as the fine. Monday, Oct 9,
is 49.9 percent. The Slovak economy is 2017 Less Slovaks work abroad.
expected to grow by 4.1 percent next year. Eurostat data suggests that those who left for
Minimum wage growth is estimated at 4.6 Finance Minister wants a new tax for a short term are now returning and searching
percent. Finance Minister Peter Kazimir said insurers. for jobs in Slovakia. Nearly 150,000 Slovaks
at the public-service RTVS on Sunday that he Insurers disagree on the details of the worked abroad for a short term in the second
does not expect any substantial changes to 8-percent tax they have to pay for non-life quarter of this year. In the final quarter of
the deficit goal in parliament: "I definitely insurance policies based on the amendment 2007, the number was as high as 185,000.
consider the goal of 0.83 percent of GDP to the insurance law that became effective in Since the last quarter of 2016 the number of
unalterable as a limit that has been agreed early 2017. The levy need only be paid for Slovaks working abroad short term has been
upon at the political level," he said. new policies that were signed as of this decreasing in annual terms. Friday, Oct 6,
Thursday, Oct 5, 2017 (Read more) calendar year. While the Finance Ministry 2017 (Read more)
claims that the prolonged old policies should
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News from Slovakia
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 Oct 10, 2017 (Read more)
LABOUR MARKET Bulletin-board tender is waiting for Kovac Jr. investigated again.
court verdict. The abolition of the controversial Meciar
Slovaks earn more than Poles and amnesties enabled the general prosecutor to
On Tuesday, the Specialized Criminal Court
Hungarians. closed the presentation of evidence in the re-investigate the Technopol case, concerning
Eurostat data shows that Slovak salaries also
case of the bulletin-board tender scandal from a fictional 2.3 million-dollar transaction with
caught up with those in the Czech Republic,
the times of the first government of Robert textile. One of the charged is Michal Kovac
mostly thanks to economic growth. At the
Fico. Two ex-ministers for SNS are among the Jr., son of the former president. After the MPs
same time however, the Pravda daily writes
five charged. The prosecutor proposed a abolished his pardon along with the Meciar
that companies complain that more than
prison sentence of 10 to 15 years for ex- amnesties, lawyers expected the case to be
EUR4 out of EUR10 they give for salaries go
minister Marian Janousek and 12 years for his closed quickly, but the prosecutor reopened
to the state as taxes and payroll levies.
successor Igor Stefanov. Wednesday, Oct the investigation. Monday, Oct 9, 2017
Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017
11, 2017
Hidden Kotleba voters are the real
Opposition is concerned about threat.
FINANCES possible victory of far right candidate The main objective in the regional election in
in Nitra. Banska Bystrica is to defeat the extremist
Slovakia plans a 30-year bond. The centre-right parties called on the Marian Kotleba, said director of the Museum
The government prepares the floating of a incumbent Nitra Regional Governor Milan of Slovak National Uprising, Stanislav Micev,
new 30-year government bond. The Debt and Belica to withdraw from the election in favor of who gave up his candidacy in favour of
Liquidity Management Agency, ARDAL, gave their candidate, actor Jan Gresso, to prevent Kotleba's strongest challenger, Jan Lunter.
general information about it on its website the possible election of extremist LSNS MP Micev warns in an interview with Sme that the
without giving more details. Leading Milan Uhrik. The far right candidate is mostly plan may still fail as Kotleba is gaining support
managers of the issue will be Citi, CSOB, popular among young voters. Politicians fear across all social classes. Monday, Oct 9,
HSBC and Natixis. Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 that he could win in the Nitra Region. 2017 (Read more)
Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017
Slovaks get ever more indebted. Police promptly clarified night
Financial houses offer low interest and lend White Night considers not returning murder in Bratislava.
money en masse as they need to cover the to Bratislava. Police have arrested a 37-year-old Slovak
lower incomes from lower interests, The festival organisers claim they do not feel citizen of Indian origin for the murder of a
Hospodarske Noviny writes. The National the support from Bratislava authorities. This Slovak man of the same age from Bratislava
Bank of Slovakia points out in its latest report year, 200,000 people came to the city streets and for serious injuries inflicted on another
on the state of the financial sector, in the first to see the festival, but visitors were crammed man, a Ukrainian national, in downtown
half of 2017, that with the number of loans in the streets together with cars. If the city Bratislava on Saturday. The attack seemed to
increasing, so too is the number of failures, council fails to change its stance, organisers have resulted from a brawl between two
especially in the case of consumer loans. may not organize the festival next year. groups. The first news about the incident
Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017 Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017 (Read more) incited hate reactions towards migrants, as
several web portals informed that the attacker
The Constitutional Court has not was "a foreigner with darker skin". Monday,
POLITICS & SOCIETY decided about the judges yet. Oct 9, 2017 (Read more)
It is still not clear whether President Andrej
Police identified the murderer of Kiska violated the constitutional right of the Dual quality summit to take place in
Ernest Valko. judges whom he had refused to appoint for Bratislava.
The murder of the prominent lawyer seven empty posts at the Constitutional Court. The Prime Minister Robert Fico expects Friday's
years ago was the result of an armed robbery, court postponed the proceeding following the summit "For equal quality of products for all",
Dennik N wrote citing two sources from the objections of president's lawyer, Jan Mazak. to come up with concrete steps the European
law enforcement bodies. Two accomplices Kiska refuses to appoint the candidates Commission intends to take in the coming
allegedly decided to testify against the selected by the parliament, explaining they fail months regarding the dual quality of products
murderer. The lawyer was shot dead in his to meet the requirements for the posts. in EU countries. Otherwise, Fico's government
house in Limbach near Bratislava on Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017 will consider "unilateral moves" in Slovakia.
November 8, 2010. Wednesday, Oct 11, The summit will be attended by the Visegrad
2017 (Read more) Kotleba provoked with 1488 again. Group prime ministers, EC Commissioner
A few months after the far-right LSNS Viera Jourova, representatives of
Meciar the movie goes to theatres on chairman Marian Kotleba handed out cheques governments of EU member states, MEPs,
Thursday. of EUR1,488 to the disabled, he used the Neo- and representatives of consumer
The leader of the November 1989 student Nazi symbol again. This time on cheques for associations. Monday, Oct 9, 2017 (Read
movement, Zuzana Mistrikova, is the producer young ice hockey players from Velky Krtis. more)
of the movie. She was among the first people Kotleba is being charged with extremism due
who stood up against the former prime to the first set of cheques. The ice-hockey Extremism in Slovakia is on the rise.
minister, Vladimir Meciar. The movie, directed club president said he asked the office for Over the last three quarters of this year
by Tereza Nvotova, is also a portrait of society EUR1,500 to support its young members. extremism in Slovakia recorded a sharp
and of what we allowed to happen. "It makes Instead, he said he received a contract with a upsurge. As many as 130 criminal
me shiver as I'm watching it," Mistrikova said. proposed subsidy of EUR1,488. Tuesday, prosecutions have been started in the matters
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News from Slovakia
of extremism. Two people have been Erste Group. Current engines can ride at should be complete in 2018 Tuesday, Oct
charged, while others made a plea bargain. maximum speed of 120 km/hour; while the 10, 2017 (Read more)
One person was sentenced, according to the new, Vectron ones, will be able to ride at up to
Special Prosecutors Office. Monday, Oct 9, 160 km/hour. Friday, Oct 6, 2017 Regional elections will be a power test
2017 for the far right
What are the prospects of extremists around
Prominent opposition politician MORE FROM Kotleba in the upcoming vote? Monday, Oct
charged with slander. 9, 2017 (Read more)
Opposition Ordinary People party leader Igor SPECTATOR.SK
Matovic faces slander charges over his How IT teacher brought extremists to
statements from mid-August 2015, when he
What to do in Bratislava this parliament
said that PM Robert Fico and his wife had two weekend? Marian Kotleba criticised parliamentary
Tips for the top 10 events in the capital democracy ten years ago. Now he has
accounts in Belize. He was referring to
between October 13 and October 22, plus
anonymous information he found in his become a part of it. Monday, Oct 9,
regular services in different languages,
mailbox. Matovic considers the lawsuit a 2017 (Read more)
training, temporary exhibitions and highlights
raised finger against anyone who wants to
of the year. Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 (Read Astronaut from NASA: We know
point at illegal practices. Friday, Oct 6,
2017 (Read more) things will not work
Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger tells
President will publish the Work to live or live to work? of training with NASA and how astronauts
IBM ISC managing director Paul Burt writes
controversial documents. how to make the most out of the time you
prepare for failures. Monday, Oct 9,
President Andrej Kiska told the Trend weekly 2017 (Read more)
have to spend at work. Wednesday, Oct 11,
that he is ready to publish the controversial
2017 (Read more)
agreement between him and his company Bratislava White Night both
KTAG. Based on the deal, the company
Slovakia is 30th in quality of life enchanted and annoyed people.
included his presidential campaign spending Among the hits were the artificial Moon, and
The country moved one place up in the chart
into its expenditures. The president said he the installation in Freedom Square. Monday,
comparing social progress. Wednesday, Oct
will do so only after the inspections of tax Oct 9, 2017 (Read more)
11, 2017 (Read more)
officers, who are checking the invoices from
2013, are finished. Friday, Oct 6, 2017 Team Slovakia will be absent from the New project to boost learning German
There is a shortage of German speakers on
World Cup
New education minister hired a The development in other groups was not
the Slovak labour market. Sunday, Oct 8,
conspirator. 2017 (Read more)
positive for Slovakia. Wednesday, Oct 11,
Lukas Machala serves as the Education
2017 (Read more)
Ministry's service office secretary general. He Waste container resists bears
has worked as a media adviser of Andrej Bears did not manage to break into the
Gun amnesty turns up a rifle like that special container. Saturday, Oct 7,
Danko the leader of SNS who nominated
of T. Roosevelt. 2017 (Read more)
Education Minister Martina Lubyova. Machala The value of similar, new, rifles is between
has been known to share conspiracy articles $80,000-$140,000. Tuesday, Oct 10,
on his Facebook page, and an anti-migrant Jockeying for position: but which
2017 (Read more)
video that he himself made. The minister said position?
that "he is not my advisor, he is there to deal Who will benefit from the Fico-Kiska conflict?
Last summer was tropical Neither of the men involved. Thursday, Oct
with personnel and administrative agenda". Mateorologists recorded 62 tropical days and
Thursday, Oct 5, 2017 5, 2017 (Read more)
29 tropical nights. Tuesday, Oct 10,
2017 (Read more)
Education Ministry announced a new Slovaks look at what they eat
call to support R&D. Several farmers in Slovakia produce BIO
Bureaucracy crushes small and quality food, but there is space for
Education Minister Martina Lubyova medium companies
announced on Wednesday a new call of the improvement. Thursday, Oct 5, 2017 (Read
Small businessmen spend about one month
Agency for Research and Development more)
per year on red tape. This costs them
Support for 2017 with the allocation of EUR33 EUR1,651. Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017 (Read
million. Lubyova did so during the agency's more)
annual conference. Thursday, Oct 5, 2017
Bring your own package? A new kind
of shopping comes to Slovakia too
CORPORATE Zero-waste shopping is not an easy
undertaking in Slovakia, but shops following
Railways will get better engines. the idea have recently emerged and are
The state passenger railway company ZSSK slowly gaining popularity. Tuesday, Oct 10,
will get 10 new electric Vectron engines from 2017 (Read more)
the German company Siemens. It will lease
them for 10 years from the S Rail Lease, who Construction of the national football
won the huge tender - worth EUR58.7 million - stadium continues
and which is part of the Austrian banking The stadium with a price tag of EUR75 million
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News from Slovakia
GDP* 2Q_2017 1Q_2016 2016 2015
y/y in % 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.8
Unemployment* 2Q_2017 1Q_2017 2016 2015
in % 8.1 8.7 9.7 11.5
Unemployment (registered)** 08_2017 07_2017 2016 2015
in % 6.5 6.7 9.48 11.50
Inflation (consumer prices)* 08_2017 07_2017 2016 2015
Total inflation (y/y in %) 1.5 1.4 -0.5 -0.3
Core inflation (y/y in %) 2.2 2.1 0.1 0.2
Net inflation (y/y in %) 1.6 1.4 0.3 0.4
Industrial producers prices* 08_2017 07_2017 2016 2015
Domestic (y/y in %) 2.1 0.7 -4.3 -4.2
Foreign trade* 08_2017 07_2017 2016 2015
Balance (EUR mil.) -50.7 66.9 3 646 3,303
Industry* 07_2017 06_2017 2016 2015
Industrial production (y/y in %) 9.2 1.8 3.3 5.9
New orders (y/y in %) 14.5 -3.5 6.1 7
Economic sentiment indicator* 09_2017 08_2017 12_2016 12_2013
Three-month moving average in % 104.8 102.4 102.7 95.4
* Source: Statistical Office of the SR; ** Source: Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family
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