Politics: Trend - SK
Politics: Trend - SK
Politics: Trend - SK
POLITICS and 1-, 3- and 5-year rates now start at 4.05%. Crowdberry and SIH together provided the
They only apply if clients have a net salary company with €6m. (trend.sk)
EU Czech EU Commissioner Věra Jourová above €1,500 sent to the bank. A new bank
warned that Slovakia could face financial tax will hamper further cuts in mortgage rates. eCommerce One of the biggest Czech online
sanctions from the EU if the Fico government (sme.sk) stores kosik.cz (Daniel Křetínský and Patrik
pushes through changes seen as a threat to Tkáč) is coming to Slovakia and is already hir-
the rule of law. Fico wants to cut penalties for Wages Finance dominates the top earnings ing. It offers home delivery of groceries and
corruption and economic crimes, abolish the category, with 10% of the top male earners in plans to cover Bratislava, Nitra, Žilina, Zvolen
Office of the Special Prosecutor and weaken the sector earning at least €4,736, according and Košice at first. (hnonline.sk)
whistleblower protection. These changes have to ŠÚ data. ŠÚ published a breakdown of wag-
also been criticized by the European Parlia- es by industry, education, and region. Gross Healthcare Medline, a US medical supply
ment, saying they threaten the integrity of ju- wages by region for 2022: firm, plans to build a second plant in the
dicial processes and undermine the EU's fight median TOP10% Partizánske industrial park. The first €24m
against fraud. (barrons.com) plant with 550 employees opened there in
Bratislava €1,497 €3,118
Trnava €1,215 €2,131 early 2022; before that, Medline has been
Government Multiple allied intelligence ser- producing in Bánovce nad Bebravou for seven
vices had stopped sharing sensitive infor- Trenčín €1,190 €2,107
years. The second plant is to employ a further
mation on the war in Ukraine and matters Žilina €1,190 €2,097 580 people. In 2022, the company reported
concerning Russia and China with Slovakia af- B, Bystrica €1,153 €2,004 €43m sales in Slovakia.
ter the Robert Fico government took over, in- Košice €1,188 €2,281 Another medical supply firm Unomedical,
vestigative center ICJK and Vsquare reported. Prešov €1,058 €1,828 part of UK Contatec, employs 900 in
They are uneasy about Fico’s pro-Russian sen- (trend.sk) Michalovce. (dennikN.sk)
timent. If corrupt ex-Police Chief Tibor Gašpar
becomes the head of the intelligence service Budget If the government does not consoli- Machinery Heating and air-conditioning
SIS, Slovakia could find itself even more isolat- date public finances, its default risk will start company Protherm Production, part of Vail-
ed. Slovakia will only be able to exchange in- to rise after 2025, the fiscal responsibility lant Group, has opened a new €2m logistics
formation with other similarly compromised council RRZ warns. After 2030, the state center in its plant in Skalica. (pravda.sk) The
intelligence services. (vsquare.org) would already be at serious risk of default. plant employs 1,000 and reported a net profit
The first budget of the current government of €28m on €433.1m sales in 2022.
Ukraine Compromise with Russia is out of does not consolidate at all, as it has a higher
the question, the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs deficit than last year. RRZ notes that govern- Biotech Evonik Fermas launched production
Ministry responded to Robert Fico's remarks ments have become accustomed to being able in a new €100m facility for sustainable biosur-
that Ukraine should cede territory in exchange to grow out of debt thanks to rapid GDP factants at its site in Slovenská Ľupča.
for peace. It added that Ukraine was trying to growth, but this will gradually cease to be the (chemengonline.com) In 2022, the plant em-
push the Russians out of Crimea so that they case due to an ageing population. (sita.sk) ployed 250 and had €38m sales.
would not move on to Košice. (hnonline.sk) Public debt in the EU fell to 82.6% of GDP in
the third quarter of 2023, from 84.6% a year Insurance Insurer Kooperativa lost a lawsuit
ECONOMY earlier, Eurostat reported. EU countries ran a against 14 clients who bought investment life
Procurement The Investment Ministry is public finance deficit of 2.8% of GDP in 3Q, insurance 20 years ago. The court confirmed
working on a revision to the Public Procure- down from 3.8% in the same period last year. that the insurer had lured them with false
ment Act that should free the hands of Public finance balance and public debt as a promises of 18% state-guaranteed returns and
mayors and speed up the spending of EU share of GDP in 3Q2023: failed to warn them of high fees. The insurer
funds, said Minister Richard Raši. He plans to balance debt must therefore pay compensation of tens of
send the revision to a standard comment pro- Czechia -3.1% 44.5% thousands of euros as it knew about the
cedure soon and wants it to be in line with EU product's flaws. The insurer can appeal the
Poland -5.5% 48.7%
norms. He was responding to the opposition verdict.
Slovakia -7.0% 58.6% Kooperativa was recently fined €60,000 by
PS party, according to which the revision will Hungary -5.7% 75.0%
bring radical changes that will create room for the central bank NBS for failing to report sus-
Austria -3.9% 78.2% picious transactions and insufficient client ver-
cronyism, corruption, and non-transparency. It
will, for example, increase the limits for ten- (Eurostat, Eurostat) ification. (dennikN.sk)
ders where no appeal is possible and radically
reduce fines for breaking the law. (trend.sk) CORPORATE NEWS Housing Patrik Tkáč from the J&T group is
preparing a project with 13 apartments and 13
IT Startup Better Stack (Juraj Masár and Ve- houses in Devín, which can be bought only
Rail Austria’s Porr submitted the lowest bid ronika Kolejáková) raised $10m from Kaya to
of €11m in the tender for the reconstruction with DevX, a cryptocurrency. People can get it
support future growth. It had previously by shopping at the Tkáč grocery store in
of 4.5 km of the rail line between Bratislava raised $18.6m from Creandum, Kaya, Susa
and the border with Austria. Železnice SR ex- Devín. DevX has increased in value by 800% in
Ventures, K5 Global, and Credo Ventures for two years. Tkáč's goal is to develop Devín.
pected a €12.8m price. This is part of a project its solution that facilitates collaboration be-
that should cut travel time between Bratislava (startitup.sk)
tween software development teams. Its solu-
and Vienna to 40 minutes. (hnonline.sk) tion is used by 4,000 customers worldwide, Food Ingrid Parničanová is the new head of
including Time Magazine, Salesforce, Eset, Ac- the Slovak branch of food and medicine com-
EU Funds Slovakia spent €3.5bn of EU funds centure, Decathlon, and Rakuten. (forbes.sk)
last year, the most in its history, the Finance pany Podravka. Until now she has been a sales
Ministry reported. In the final sprint to spend director and after 20 years she replaced Miro-
eCommerce Crowdberry platform investors slav Rybár. (hnonline.sk)
the 2007-13 EU funds, Slovakia spent €3.1bn exercised their option and increased their
in 2015. So far, 90.4% of the 2014-20 EU stake in sportswear and nutrition supplement
funds, €13.1bn, has arrived in Slovakia, with Euribor and ECB exchange rates:
online store GymBeam to 16.73%. They
further payments still under review. (trend.sk) 1M 3M 6M 1Y
bought a 4.57% stake from state-owned Slo-
vak Investment Holding and became the sole 3.854% 3.958% 3.908% 3.655%
Mortgages Following 1.5 years of rising investor in the company. The rest is still USD 1.0890 GBP 0.8558 CHF 0.9458
mortgage rates, the first bank has cut them. owned by founder Dalibor Cicman. In 2020, CZK 24.758 HUF 383.68 PLN 4.3640
365.bank pushed them down by 0.2 of a point
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