Brand Identity: July 18, 2007 at 1:02 PM - in

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July 18, 2007 at 1:02 pm | In Articles - Business | No Comments

A famous example is Sachin Tendulkar’s association with Visa card. The Punchline was ‘Go get
it". As Sachin is a ‘go getter’, never afraid of any circumstances and gives 100% performance, so
the Brand image of Visa card was totally in tandem with the image of Sachin and the Punch line
depicts the same thing. Thus we can safely conclude that Punch line is the Bridge between
Positioning and Brand image.

One of the things worth noting in US business culture is the significance of branding. A brand is
not just a company name, logo and slogan. If you can familiarize a product just by hearing the
name of a brand then the company that markets the product has succeeded on branding. One of
the companies that come to mind who has succeeded on branding is Xerox. In India we hear
the phrase “make a Xerox copy” instead of “make a photo copy”. There are
several companies that manufacture photo copying machines but Xerox has
conquered the minds of consumers to the extend that we say “make a Xerox
copy or just Xerox it” for the task of photo copying.

If you start thinking of McDonalds for a burger and Starbucks for a coffee
that means these companies have achieved their goal on branding their
product. Home Depot is another home improvement retailer in US who is successful with their
brand image.

IT companies are also following the method of Individual branding especially product
companies. This helps on giving an unique identity for the product among its competitors and
positions the product well in the market. There are many Silicon Valley companies following
this model in the products space.

Overall an image or identity plays a great deal in the functioning of a company. Read more about
branding at Wikipedia.

Watch below video that captures Cricket-loving Nation(India), put out by NIKE Inc for
advertising their most popular brand “NIKE”.

Xerox new shiny look

March 3, 2008
The Xerox Company has decided that it’s time for
a new identity, as so that happens. The new shiny look can make the new name of the company
as The Shiny Xerox Company.

The slogan with “The Document Company” has been dropped. The X red spot icon is quite not
very common foe the company but is clear that that Xerox is announcing a new era for the

The design was made by Interbrand and below you can find some pieces of Xerox press release:

The new Xerox logo is now a lowercase treatment of the Xerox name — in a vibrant red —
alongside a sphere-shaped symbol sketched with lines that link to form an illustrative “X,”
representing Xerox’s connections to its customers, partners, industry and innovation, and
designed to be more effectively animated for use in multi-media platforms.
— Official press release

Signaling a clear change and evoking a dramatic shift in the world’s perception of this iconic
brand, the visual and verbal identity system for Xerox has undergone a massive redesign. The
new signature incorporates a lowercase treatment of the Xerox name — in a vivid red Pantone
1797 — alongside a sphere sketched with lines, called “connectors,” that link to form an “X”,
representing the company’s connections to its customers, employees, partners, industry and
innovation. The “connectors” are super-graphics that appear as reoccurring design elements.
— Interbrand project description

“The Internet, sponsorships, all kinds of 3D icons — none of that existed when Xerox adopted its
old logo,” said Maryann J. Stump, senior director of brand strategy for Interbrand. “And you can
do animation with a symbol that you just can’t do with a wordmark.”

Source: Xerox Historical Logos

Xerox Corporation can trace its lineage back almost 100 years ago to the Haloid Company,
which was founded in 1906 to manufacture photographic paper and equipment.

In 1938, Chester Carlson invented a photocopying technique called electrophotography, which

he later renamed xerography (Carlson was famous for his persistence: he experimented for 15
years and through debilitating back pain while going to law school and working his regular job).
Like many inventions ahead of its time, it wasn’t well received at all. Carlson spent years trying
to convince General Electric, IBM, RCA, and other companies to invest in his invention but no
one was interested.

Until, that is, he went to the Haloid company, who helped him develop the world’s first
photocopier, the Haloid Xerox 914. The copier were so successful that in 1961, Xerox dropped
the Haloid from its name.

In 2004, fresh from a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission for cooking the
books, Xerox tried to re-invent itself (complete with a new logo). Four years later in 2008, it
tried to get away from the image that it’s only a copier company and adopted a new logo. The
good news is people don’t think of copier when they see the new logo. The bad news is, they
think of a beach ball.

Update 2/7/08: And yes, I missed the “Digital X” logo of Xerox. Check out Brand New blog for
the entire scoop.

Animal Planet gone Wild new

March 3, 2008
Animals could not be forgotten too! The Animal
Planet channel decided to rebrand it’s logo as the new shows are quite very (Wild) oriented.

The new design style, “jungle like” fits better if we consider the type of the new series that run
on Animal Planet now.

Not much to say about a “Wild” logo, it speaks for itself.

The new logo has been designed by the London based design firm, Dunning Eley Jones which
has plenty experience in TV branding.

Not much to say about a “Wild” logo, it speaks for itself, further comments upon you will see the
print campaign AND any sort of motion graphics in the movie below:

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